', iin 111 ii mm 1 1 u 'yLAw.jiw in- ii,M..Mrfl.fjM mniiiwwim umiiMaww -' ' i. i i . . VOL.. O. DAIXKS, OTJ1' GON, TItTTTfcS'O A"V. FEBRUAnY IS. 180. NO. 1. "5 iS. V Pl'BLlSlIEl) EVERY UOKXLNG, , MONDAYS KXCKl'TKU.) UV E. . lO,K is. J. iatL.i-OK.0, ' KUI I'OKS ANU PuolMIIICTIlK. Trims Tmnty-fietctntt per week, payable to the carrier per moiiiti, by mail. 1; three months, eix ' mouths, to; oue your. $S. Advertioeiueuia inserted at luw rates. Job Printing. Kvery description of plain ami fancy Job Printing exe tiled Willi neatness mill despatch, mid forwarded as per on'sr tunny purl "I liio country. I'aymtnt lorJnti i'rmi iny miut be made on Unlivery ,y' viort,'. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLAS, OSECOr. THIS PiPULtR HOUSE, I ITUI.LI LOCATED. Hoar the Sto.imboac Landing & Kailroad Dopot, t Has been recently enlarged and improved, uud'will now AucoiuiiKHliiie . ii O O Gr I J E S X H . ST WILL II i-i CONDUCTED as horetolure. ns a FIRST CLAi.i II.HJ.K. mi l the (i itiiuitigu in the traveling liublic i re.ei i Hilly eolicitu . ilai$,ta-o taken to the Hmse free .of charge House epou .ill niht. LARGE fllU-PR'JOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Diiies. Oct. 4-tr. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN STREET, DALLES, URKUO.X, TB20.11.1S SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IX TIIK CENTRE OF BUSIXUIS, Hoar the Steamboat and Eailroid Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and cun AO eommudite One Hundred mid Kilty Guests. Ileal 50 cat. Lodging SO eta. Fire Proof Safe for depositee! valuables. ' llouae opeu all night. Baggage taken to the Houaa troeol charge. THOMAS SMITH, mhb-tf Proprietor. X II E WALLA WALLA & BOI&E LINE OK CONCOUU STAGKS, CARRYING , N THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS ANtf - Wei!-, Fargo & Co. 'a UxprewN, In now making Roirulur Trips from Walla Will I a to PI cerville, (Home Mines.) Thruu in Two and a Half Days Comiectiii with the Wallula Line of ittugoa, and til Uwitaol the o. s. q. Uouipnuy ap27-tf ill.u. K. THOMAS t CO., Proprietor AH3 SUMMER GOODS. HUtHJSH s4rrojict UnlldH and Walla Wnlln, DKALCKIt IX Staplo and Fancy Dry Goods Bll'iiers' OutlilN. Itoottt ami Shoes, Clolliiiiff, Hutu and Cap, GroccrlcM, Anil a full aaiortment of Oeneral Merchnmliae. Iliiylii) our Gooila exuliKively In ttie San Fran.'iaco market, mm niAkliii; noiiu but c.iriki iiuri:hanea. we are ennlileil to ae 1 80 per cent, ch'japer than any other limine at the Dull- llll-tf IWIn ami V, ullii U'xllii 1141 V TO " I V . imtX ii V ! CALL AT in t NEW Family Grocery and Fruit Store? T .Curuer of Wualilngtuii ami fiecond St rue is. nM UNDKKSIGNKD WlftUKS TO IXKOlOf TIIK iiHunlu id' Vm DjiI leu. Miiil tliu imbllc ifouorttlly. that ho luw a I u'tfo ami wtill w; leu to J Httujk of FAMILY GltOCEltlEaS, CANDIES, A'UTS, &c, Which he will aell Wholeaale and Rotall at Raluetd frier for CASH, ANo. cunntuutly on hand the Choiceat Article or KilKSU UUTTKU and KBIJS. Ala every variety of FltUll'S and VKUKTAUI.KS in their aeaaon Perauua from up the country, wiahinir qiiantitlea of jsinciaiiu Mil l, uy aen'iinx in incir oruora. will receive tlio atrlcteat iittontfoii. and have them flllod at tiie Lowut Market friers. ' Jyll-tl 0, I. JKWKI.b, 0. W. ARM83. , ARMES & DALLAM, Iuifdrters and Jobbers ul WOOD AXO WILLOW WARE, U11USUB5, TWINES, COHDAQH. o. . And Mannfacturera of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, &c. '. 217 ft 'il9 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davit, tan Krauciaco. - oclLUiniitw, F . TILLMA 2ST7- I0L1 AGIST IN OAliroBNIA FOE : TILTON & MoFARLAND'S Fire A: llurgtar 1'roof Mal'cs. . STEEL USED VAULTS, I WITH Combination Lock. JKay-Oonatantly on hand a full aaanrtment of BAFKS. 318 BATTKUY 8TUKKT, JyB-Om San Francinco. . 0ATI9. ' 1. 1. BAFT. GATES &c HAFT,1 attorneys & Counsellors at Law, NOTICE. THE riOXiiEU STAGE COHPANT Will carry FAST FREIGHTS FltuM - ' UBIATILLA, AFT1SIITIIK FIltsT OF h:C litrilt. AT THU FOLLOW- HiiUUChli KAI'Kst To Hoist C ity la l'eut per ponuil " Iilm.o CKy Hit " " Owyhee t..!0 Fur lea uiiiounia than one hundred n, Hindu au addition of Five Cuuta pt.r pound will be charged: XlSlliJ LfMtOM UMATILLiAi T Itoisc 1 It.V, ...3 li.VN. I'o la.iiio city 3 t- nays. i'O Owyuee, -1 EtajH. JOSKl'll l'lNHIIAM, Atent. Uniatlllalct 1. 1865. oclbrtf. HV'AltTZ MILLS! Aud all kiua ol iftacliiuery Miinuractuiud ut the OREGON IRON WORKS UOll.MSlt OF MOHItlSON uud 7TU aiteeta, ruiil'LiMf. A.. 0. 01UUS 4 CO., Succeaaora to Portland, Dec. 6tli '64. deOtf E. 1.. Jo.a A Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND ISILIl.IA.ltI ROOM, F. M. IllhNT, Proprietor, C01lNK.lt or Main and Court StrcetH, ap'21-tf Dalles, Oregon. GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT ISXOIRE, Washlntton Stroet. opposite Froncli ft Gllman'm Dalles, II t w ou hand a largo and woll-aauorted nttyck of GROCERIES & PROVISIOXS, Fresh Untlei At XCfx&JH, nereived daily. A large lot of CfllCKKNS alwaya on hanih FHUITS of all kinds. FltKll VEUKTAULE3 every morntnir. All artlclea warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody ! PUICK.-1 L.I w. Mlfctf 1 - F. LIKUB. EMtaim&lietl Ii-Gr. BALDWIN BRO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES! COIlNKll OF Irlalnand Union Streets, Dalles. J.O. BAr.DWIX m'i21-tf F. W. nAI.DWIN. WD, HuAlllIb. U. U. ILUtUKL. WM. MOABUS &CO., CITY BAKERY, A1D rB 0 VISION STORE, Corner of Flrat and B Ftroeta. WIIOLES.VLB AND ItETAIL DBAI.KKS In BREAD, CKACKEltBand Family OHOCKIUKS. tf)OrderB from a diatauce oarefully filled and promptl lapatched. 1-lfy ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, corner of Court. OLD MACK, TUB PTONKWl -COOK, would reapect fully inform the public that he hat fitted up the above Chop House, and la prepared to aerveup MKAL3 and LUNOIl in the host atyle and at the ajiorteat nutlce. BALLS and PAKTIKS furnished w til suppers, In the best atyle and on the moat reaaonahle terms. ' OYSTBHS In every atyle. Private Rooms fV.I.iulloa. HOUS n: OPEN ALL NIOHT ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WWILL PRACTICB IN T1IH 8UPRKMM AND OIK onlt Courta of Oregon, and the Diatrict Court o ashlngton Territory. rarticuiar attention paid to tne collection 01 ciaima. I'ULUCEfl A: (alliJIAII, IMPORTIRa AND WUOLUALI Dealers in Wines, Liquors' GrlfcOC!EltIEs, miners' oods. ISoat stores, &c, ' HAVI HKMOVID TO TUMI NEW STONE BUILDING, CORNER OF i Second and Wsit(iton Streets, DAL E3 CITY. NOW IN STORK A LA ROB AND COMl'LETB AS aortmcut of the very beat brauda of WINKS AND LlQUOHs.' AIho. a mil rtMSortment of . GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. -Coiirituiitl rucelvliin our nuppllnn dtrmit rrin New York and 81111 t runcieco, we lire able and willing to deli utavury small uttvauce on Stin PranulHco pricu. The) hope by adopting a Mtrictly vorruut and prompt m)thnl o rit nn,; lusiuaM. thoy will ruueive the patronage cf the pub lic. . M'10-tf CO UljOjXlTMINESr J . R. BOOTH, WII1TB ni.UFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AXL OENERAL DEALER 1.1 M Elt C II A N D I 8 E . AND .TI 1 ft fi El S ' SI! E E la I K 8 . PACK ANfO 3 VODLS emiE3 23& SALK. .IIKIUIITS CONrilONFD t, my cam for Colvllln Kaitenai, or the Uppur Columbia Minea, will re oc 2tf coive prompt nttontlon. While Ulull's. Oct. 1st, 180. AND PROVISION STORE. 'I Mitt U.NbKKSIONKD INFORMS HIS FRIKNDS and 1 the public iceneraliy, that he haa Just estaliliabud on Main afreet, uext door to j. juker, loiiacuoiust, A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly ou hand a I true npnortmmit o selected KltUIT. Aliwi, lu store a complete ntiFck ot'ehoke u tiULc. n tr.is, j'ttutJSIUiVit, VHUal A olVft.i, C. All of which will be sold, wholeKulo and retnil, at UK DUCKD Come aud fee and natltiry youraelf, atdO-tf JOHN 81'OalTO. ' DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, Au Expoditluuit Cure for all diseuBou of the SEXUAL ORGANS. f BtlllS prompt and efflcatlous Remedy for the cure M. Ohonorroai, Oleet, Siricturea, and Diseasea of the Urinary Oigaria. uitiKea a aely cure without tho least restriction to tliet, exposure or chanire in aniilication business; H will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disease It removes as speedily aa la con. aisient with the production or a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease-can not be contracted if the bl'KCIFIC 0 IMPOUND is taken when exposed,' its ingredients aro eutlrel v vogotii'ile.aud no Injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, cau bo caused by its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Bent by Expreaa carefully packod. HjSTKTTi.U, SMITH A DEAN. Afrontv 4ul ajid 403 Battery atreet. cur Ciay, . Jy22-0in. 8an Francisco. Umatilla, Boise, AJVlitAlIO Express and Fast Freight Line. fMIia LINK 13 NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING A - order Irum Umaiilia to Idaho City, via Uoise City, and preisireil to carry Fruliiht and Valuub.e PackAKea between these and all luteimvuiate poiuta wnuceriaiuiy and despatch. The Line is Stocked with the Best Teams ' the country affords and entirely , . New Thorough-Brace ' a. H. HILL. A. J, KAMI. HILL & KANE, tCHOLESALB AND RETAIL DEALERS III Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors HID AGRICXJLTURAI. implements. STORAUH AND FOItWAItDINU. Goods conaiKned to ua will meet with proper attention Ueferencea t PORTLAND. DALLES. ' , IT. W. Corbet, ' - Rohhlna A Co., Hlcharda k McCracken, W. 0. Moody A Co., II. Law, 0. Ilumason. ' Umatilla Landing, Sept. Otli, 1863. i. i. kti:bbibiOi1i DENTIST, HAS KEMOVRD HIS OFFICE 0PP0- , site Uloch, Miller k Co., where he E5?;S Is prepared to do all kinds of . Qjj i Vf'Vj DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnlslud manner. TKKTII Inserter from one to an entiro sat, on Oold or Rubber "late. Prices ranite for Rublier. Plate, from lib to $36: Foi Oold Plate, from $76 to $12J - Persons havinir work done by me not provlnu aal Isfactory will not be roqulred to receive or pay for tin same. aul.' BOOKS! BOOKS! WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL. . SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONRRY, rS Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS', 7 Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAl'BR8,-TSEWJrr Ac, Ac. by every Stoamor. Poat-OiHce nhlffiwr Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. . . mal-tf II. J. WALDRON A 00. WAV FED. fjintt tJNDKIlSIQNBD WILL PCROIIASB SECOND JL hand Furniture, Beds, Beddinir. Carpets,. Stoves, and Household Furniture of every description. Parties wishing to tell will do.well to calf. ' , , . JOHN WILLIASfS, : Mb ' 1 ' 100 MalniHrett, Dalles.'. ..: ::n i.!ij.i::ii'..' 'if. iv ! i : Which ensures Speed i.nd Safety In the transmla-ton of FrolKht, never before otlered to Iduho. We ullor Supe rior liiilucementa for tfliippinx Oooda trum Sian Francisco mid Portland to Idaho, aa our arraniiementa with the Ocean 8teaiuship Company and the iireon bleaiu NavL. gallon are suoh that all tiouds shipped by tiiia Line wfU not be subject to the usual delays, but paaa through aa 1 East Eroljylt. " Ooeds shinned from mn Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid and Goods shipped to dcatin tion. . . , . 000DS fHOULDBB MARKED: CARB B. SI. D. A CO., V, LIN K, anil Shipping Receipts sent to our Agcukt at Portland and Umatilla, Advance Charges for Transportation Paid It the Line and Collected ut Destination. Good will be forwarded with Dispatch to ow) liee nud Souih Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GRKATLY REDUCE RATK:. Families will be lurnislied with Superior Ac-' couimiHtatioii in New and Easy liiilinic 'lliorou li brace nations on the Alost Liberal letma, We lay dvor-maca niglit on the Hoad at Uood and Convonlent BtntloiisW1 ium t,Muuc.n mi. uu. im ,,vj,,,uu v. icumi tail, RICHARDS A McCRAKKN San Francisce lllCIUKDd A McCUAli EN Portland" JO.-IH'U 1'EAL Dalles PoWi.LL A C 'K Umalllla J. B. WILKINSON LeOisn. B. M. Dullr.LL A CO Boise City II. M. DulthLL A CO ...Idaho City .MAJOR bPbER Rocky liar (S. ulh IMse) DuUELL A MOOltB Kuby and eilver Cities B, M. DuUBLL A CO,, n28tf Proprielors. i, A C4HU I'Oll THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Aloe. 411, 413 and 413 Ualterjr Mirtict, Cor. Merchant, Han Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ESTIJ3E NEW AND FRESH STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Conntry Hsp chants to out usually large stock ofUooda Our 'stock compr.ses every arth-le In tie Clothing; and Fur- nisiniig line, ne navu cuiistauiiy on Hand the limiest I and greatest variety of Caasimere and Vo5lirATS-Bt--l any house in Ban Francisco, and our prl es for these Mood are It-sa than thoae of any house, aa we .receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our atock of nmmer uud Fall Hoops la particularly attract ive, and the ureal feature to the country merchaut Is the uuusnally low prices Less Than the Cost or Importation I We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Good line, which Goods we have purchased in this market uu-ae-' the hammer, and are oilering theui at New Voik Coat, and less. . . ' We publish tills card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who have not liuretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. Good Articled and Low Prices t Are the greateat Inducements to all who purchase te sell again. 3lerchant who buy of us can uinku a gooA profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. We remain, respectfully. Your Obedient servants, 1 BAD.) Kit A LINDENBKRGBR, Wholesale ClothliiKaiid lint Warehouse,! No. 411. 413 and 416 Batlory atreet, Bon Francisco, February 0, 1800. W iui , 110 1 FOlt THE SUJIJIEU 1I01SB ON TIIK SEA BEAOFT. fl'Mlla DELIGHTFUL AND CKI.KIIItATKU SUMMER JL Iteaort, si mined ut Clatsop Plain, a abort diatauce from the Ocean, is now re-opeued aud ready to receive guests. This rosort possesses attractions nnaurpaaaed on the Paclltc Coast. It has a splendid beach for riding, walk' Ing and bathing; beautiful scenery and surrouiKlinast berries of All kinds abouud; a beautiful trout stream andubundance of game. : ' TUlfl TADtB Is eonstantly snpplled with salt and Iresh Water iltk clam, and crabs, elk, bear and feathered gamaaiia th4 freshest of country produce. The climate Is seliibrlosji This Hotel offers every thing that could l.e desired for the .comfort of guestS both well and sick. . The Proprielors respectfully ask the Health and Pleas ure Seeking Public for partronajre,,that they may , enabled to make the " Summer, llousd 11 a pennrnent In stilution of the oountry. , LOWELL A KIPPiiN Iay UIU, m. ' - myOti 1R. JJ. W. MIXClIE.Lt,. Offiob WAllDRON'S BUILDING. ttEanEM0-Corner of" Third and W:aahlngten Utreeset. DR. A. II. STEEjLsIj:, ; ACTING ASSISTANT SURGEON, V. 8. A." , . OFFICIAL , 1 1 .. I ,., . f WALD R3N BR08. DRTJO ' BTpRB DALLES, OREQJNi 0. UUMASOM Ballot, Ota: J, A. ODKIX