V ailjj Honr.taiuccr. TUB MONTANA THADK. Wo have udvicoo to t ho. 12i h (il Jans uary, 1800, frpm Virginia City, at which lime thu Block of (lour who con ridered su(ii:ient lor the winter de mand. Notwithstanding this, the priieBa lad considerably advapoed, and ly at, Diamond City 40 a hundred wits t oadily obtainable; Ilolona,DeerLtdu and JLWackf'oot, prices are aomovvhat iu advance of thu Virginia City quota tion given belo'v. ""Tobacco has declined at Virginia, but in the northern section of thu Ter, ritory goods brands are selling al irom $ij to $3 a i) u n d. d'oods continued to arrive at Virgi nia until Now Year's Day mostly Jrom tori Union, but the quantities were linvited. There is a uroat scarcity of mining tools at Bldckfoot City and Ilelena, und high prices are ruling; particular ly for pick-handles and superior picks Irom llift Pacific- side. Secrecy is tbo paltry resourco of a' narrow mind to'givo itself conse quence; and itgenorally happens that 'whero much is pretended, tbcro is little. to conceal; for men of open minds are freo and unreserved. The necessity for being secrot implies Homo vico in the act, or somo error in 1 tho reasoning which leads to relf'jus tification. A. SERIES . OF Literary an&Sclentific Lectures ll'SrillCH has beoh In contemplation for some time, w Is now offered to the people of tho Dallol. The ret Lecture or the SeriM mil be gioo TUESDAY.rEB. 13tlt, and one e'aoh Tuesday Evening thereafter, throiffli tho ferlesof Viuht Locturos. Thu proceeds will bo divided between the Congregational awl Molbodist Sabbath K1IOOIS, Tickets for tlio Course : : ONK DOLLAR Slnirlo-Admlssiom Fifty cents. . 'I'IiIm lepiiii.,. ti'UI l.a .li.lU-ni.al h TilfV T KWMH in the Congregational Church lecture will commence at 7 ii-ciock. Subject: TUB M1UUT AND THE DAWN UF lllBTOlll. The following gentlemen are expected to- deliver eack ene ijecturoi Rov. Dr. Benson, Portland;. Rev. Dr. Atkinson,.. ' . Rev. Mr. Cnflroy,. Judge Hill, Canyon City;. Judge Wilson. Dntles? Rov. Mr. Driver, Pror. Roland, " J. A. Odoll, Esq., " Ruv.T.C'oudoii, " . -. COAL OIL! COAL OIL! mrALDRON BROS, have list received a in. W voice or. COAL OIL, whlcli they offer at greatly .v. . . ' NOTICE. ' MR. BTGMUND BOHWABAOHBR l,a, lit mulnal consent, withdrawn from our Arm. . JMilei, reb'y Bta, ISW. DLCH, MILL'R CO, FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OK SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLAS, OI.'EGON, , JOHN F.riMNOEU Proprietor flllUK UNDERSIGNED ' H hnvlng fitted up the shore. .Market In the lit! T STY LE, will keep constant uu IkiiiiI nil sorts nf i i resii ana curea mcam, Oftlie bust quality furnished nt tlie LOWEST KATE (1 y motto la to PLEASE A 1,1" , ATtTIKS HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOK SALK will du well tu cull nt till) Franklin Market. JOHN EPl'lNOER. Dulles, Fchrunry lOtli. 1805 U ASSJ IX WTO ft . ilS Aii EifeI ' C0P.NBR 0 COURT .AND SECOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Pioprietor. rv Wlbl. KKF.P JiJciintmill.v un hand nil the varle- (Mi feataUjiwiiBH uiui uie uiaiKeican pnssiuiy nnont, oi FMIESH & CUTtlCr) MEATS, nnil nhvnys of tlie b tt quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAM30ATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbc utidcrsliiiieii Ih always prcnni'cd to pay the high out cash price fr FAT CATTLE. Parties hnvitig stock in good condition, are requested to cull on li I tit before going elsewhere. JOHN MICHISLIIACH. Dulles. March lat,18M. lliliSllf . REMOVAL. J. GOETZ, llnllos. F. KOKNIGSnKUaHU. Hun FmucUco. J. GOETZ Sc. CO., TOBACCONISTS, II live rr moved to Rudio's New Stone Building, Washington 8troet, near Fronch A Oilman's, end have opened n well-assorted stock of HA V . . A linil LILM1 KM' 1 1; S I'iU Allfl, VIIM11N1A and. WESTERN TOIIACCD, FRENCH unit SCOTCH SNUFF. MEERSCHAUM and other PIPES, PLWINU CARDS, SPORTING GOODS, INDIAN nnil FA vCY GOODS. c, Ac. The trade supplied lit LOW EST MARKET PRICES. KOOT AiBI ft 19 4) B: ST4)U. TP. WYCttMAJN, HAS REMOVED III8 BOOT AND PHOH db StOKE to tho biiililinir on Main' struct, 3nl nearly opposite Moody's Hall, whero ho has f r&J just roneivett. direct from Sail Fraiielnco. an un- w'1" Visual fine aud well selected stock of BOOTS SHOES, of theyory beat qimllty and latest styles EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, iicluillnir the celebrntod ENGLISH HUNTING SHOE nnniirictnred by Uenkert. Also, a large ussortinent of f.jnlles' and Children's Callers, Of the latost Slylos, Just received from tho best Phil doll Ilia makers. - Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. WGentloinen who prefer to have thoir Hoots or Shoes naile to order, can rely upon ohtniiiing a neat nud easy it. F. WYCKMA.N, Main street, el6-tf. Opposite Moody's Hall NOTICE TO FARMERS. IMIFj DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY has recently attached a FLOURING to their Steam Sash and D6or Factory. In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UflJND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant t give the best suliafactioot On hand constantly and for sale FXTIIA FAMILY FLOUR, SKCllNDSOll MIDDMNOS, BRAN AND SHORT, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Sunerlor artlole of CORN MEAL, from new Corn. The hMiest market urlce paid for WHEAT. CORN a BARLEY. ' U-. A. HOG UK. Agent. Dalles, Nov. 2, 1805. . n3tf, AUCTION AND CUUMISSION. JOHN VV I 1. L I A M S . AUCTIONEER, !Vo. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLINO AT AUCTION oi General Merchandise. Real Estate Oroeerb s. Horses, New and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, Ac., Ac. Regular Sales DaySaturday. Out-door and Special Sales attended to in anv nart of I vne uiy. Liberal Advances made on Consignments, nl0:3m. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctlonoer. JV. G. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines s&c Iiquors, FRONT STREET, Portland, - - - - Oregon. SkFPEHS FOR SALE A VERY LARGiS ASSORT F meut of randies, Tlnes Liquors, . Case Goods, Ac-., ' &c, &c. XV Tlio Trade ft narMDularly Invited to oxamlne my st ck heforo purchasing elsewjiere.. au21-tf JOSEP.H ELFELT, WHOIKSALS AND ItlTAIL SIAUB IX Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CL THING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HA TS AND CAPS, AND J Gentlemen's Furnlshliitr CondM. Fire-proof Stone Store, coruer of Main and. Court eireeis, - ect-tf O.S. MlLLtH, ' Dalles. Bloch, Miller &; Co., wholesale GR O O ERS , AND DEALERS IN Wines fc Iiqriors, And Importers ami Jobbers or CLOTHING Stools & Shoes, Under Clothing, . ISlankefs, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. irs HATE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wiii our business, under tlie entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We mnke returns In liars ill six lionrs We ennrantoe all our Assnvs nnil pay tlie IIIUHhSI CASH I'UICW for Bars. We also pny the lllghosi Cash Prico for Gold Dust. BLOCH, MILLER A DJ., niyCtf Cor. Main nd Washington streets. Dulles. ."J. A. lOJlllKS' FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AND Provision Store, CORNER. OF WASHINGTON 4 SECOND STREETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND tlie choicest articles of FltESlt BUTTER, EOGS.ntid every variety or FAMILY GUOCKUIES, ' If UTS, CAN DIES, fjV, ic, Wholesale ami Retail, at Roducod I'rlcoj FOR CASH. Also, dealer In GKAIi, F.LOITR A.VD FEED, of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Business. Xo rlnrgetj for 8twino on Onoii;! ttold on Commllon. I'rucueUB n Stuea remit e.i promptly. - .jniutr MILLINERY AND DKESS J1AKING." mISS O'ROURKE DESIHESTO INFORM Hie Iv.B. Ladles of Dalles and vicinity, that shu hue Just received a fresh supply of Eafslilonal)lo Goods, The latest I'nrls, New York and San Francisco styles of BONNETS. 1UTS, 111 I1II0NS, LACKS, FEATHERS, FbUWEits, c. a lull anil well-selected assoi tiiioiit or Ladles' Heady-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of i DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery and Braldfng. PINKING donont short notice. BONNETS. Blenched and Pressed iu the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Rcady-Ma'lo Clothing Constantly on hand. Havint secured the servlcos of a First Class Dress Maker, I am prepared to cut and. nt Ladles' and Children's DllESSKS and CLOAKS. 'I-11 1 it D STREET, one eiin iro oast of the Catholic Church. ocUl.Sni. MllS. LEESER'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND- Dress 9&sUliisr ENtabllshnicnt, Opposite Cohn it, Bolim's,. TWOULD CALL THE TTBNTION of the Ladles- Jk the Dallos to.iuy lar.e lunlllne stock of . FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, nOIVIVETS, HITS, FEATHERS, Dross Tri imi i 11 , &c Ilavlnsr secured the services of MRS. FRARY, In the 'Dress Making apaitmcut, wc will do all wuik In that Hue and Rtinrantco poriect satisincttoti, 11 Y l:Odniie lii all colors. Give mo an early oall itnd T will endeavor to suit everybody In TASl'rl and nt REASONABLE PiUCES. I'arttculnr nttentloii paid to Embroidery aud Braiding Stamping, TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN ! FEED! FEED!! AND OP ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY II. II. LAW, 96 Front Street. Portlnnd. nI0:tr. Opposite 0. S. N. Warehouse. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES I A. . BOOTH n.lRBT MIYISOX, BOOTH & NEVISON, Forwarding and Cotnmlsblon MeroUants- AND DELKRS IN GENERAT MERCHANDISE, White UlnllH, . W. T, FREIGHT FOR COLVILLK. UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLAtiKFOOT MINES promptly ii'iwnruen. Mark Ooods B. 4 N., Wh Its BtuflY, W. T, - ncroixcEa : " '. ' Pobtlamd Blclinrds k MeCraken, Allea t Lewis, and iionge c i;aie. Dauis Bloch, Miller A Ca French k Oilman... JuTl coai on i t ani oil i . i . 1AAC F. Bt.OCH, - San Francisco. !j VSt RECEIVED AND FOR 8A LI ''"( by Unioill U KJV.f k CuAPIZt. UALDIION ItROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Malm street, Dalles, Oregon.. WB NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRS V liroitf Stone JinMiilnix, opiNwite Rlocli. Miller A Co and offer to the pnlillc n fuU unil complete stork of Drugs, Medicines aud Chemicals, consisting iu part of KEROSENE. LAJIP WICS t CHIMNEY TURPKNTTNK, UOFS. ALCOHOL, BACK. ACIDS, , SFONOr.S. LINSEED, v A.EKCnU9V LA It 1), COHKS, CAT0R AND l.NDIOO AND NKATSF00T Oil, J.ANPDLAl'E TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. AND PATENT MKDICI1SKS. Our stock of FANCY GOODS I s of the finest and httt quality; new style ond Urge nssortuieute, iiicli ua LUIIIN'S PEHFUKKItY, IIAIIt, LUUIN'BTiilLbTSuAP, FI.K!-H, POMADES. SIIAVINO, COSMETICS, UAT, HAlltOll.S, CLOTHVS", ' COLIIONK, TOOTH ANTf FAN(!V 80APS AND KAIL BUU8HE TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMUS- PUHB WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our (Hrllltles for buying Roods are second to none In tho State, ami wo shall at alb nines sell at a small ail. vuiuo from cost. Ready sales and siniill prollts. rnrsici.ss rufiscnipnoNS Carefully compounded at all lioois of Uie day and nlchl. Vanes, Bept.u, itniD. "'o- GATES Ac, CIIAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Have itemovca to , RUDIO'S STOKE HUILDIXG, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. MTKTHERE we will continue to eejt articles usually V T kept In a Mr-t-Claxs limit store, nt LESS THAN ANY STORE IN THE CITY. ug Store, nt '0 per rem, Our siuek consists in part of Patent Modlclnes, Pure Wln-s and Brandy, Fancy A Common Soup, Ilair Brushes . Corks, Acids. Tooth Powdor, Alci.ho), Extract!, epongos, Trusses, uraces, Paints. Varnlsbes, . Oils, Hops, Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, As, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Cnrefullv Compnunded. Give us a call and satisfy your selves belire piinchueing elsewhere. II. L. CHAt'lN, tlllUtlJ JUSTIN UATK8. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANCEMENT. 3tSSSSSSZS3 ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMDKR 13tli null further notice, ' 1 ' Tlio la.!sscii6j?i Train . . to connect with stoamors 1 ' FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, oil MoiMlnys, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4i30 A. Al. THE STEAMERS "ONEONTA" or "IDAII0,M CAPT. J. McNCLTY, .' Comnmnder, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays e copter!) al o'clock. A. H..conmictlii, by tho CASCADE RAILROAD, wltli lite stonme r " NEW WORLD " or " CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF, Commander, f.i Portlan.'.. W. B. BRADFORD, Dullos. Nov. l.l.JSf.5. nU'trK Agent 0.8.N. Co. VEBY IMPORTAJil TO Merchants, rninUics, Ilolels an . .' BAU-IiOOMH. JULIUS KHAKMEI1 HAVING BOUGHT THE T tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of t lute Ann ot M . Seller A Co.. in this city, to which he I added of hie own Importation (while doing business Portland) an Inimeneo ttoca ol tlie best roanuiucturea ' Crockery, Glassware. Plated Wans, l amps, C handeliers, Table Cutler.: Looklng-Glasscs and All Kinds of Oils. All of which ho offers nt reduced rates.. Persons wis' lug to buy-any of the nbnve-mentloncd article", will i well to give mc n can ncinre purcuasing uisewiierv, Orders from too interior promptly ntienacn to, at. ' goods packed to go secure. Don't fall to call nu uie. JKUOIO SritoueiJIIlllling, nnsuinKlori.Bireet. imiir. JULIUS KRAEMER. Dalles. Mnrch l'lli, 18fi5. mhlTtf Dissolution Notice T IFB FIRM OP J W. MILLER k CO. Imve this day ilistiosed oi thalr entlrestock.ln this city to Messrs. BunnrlrA Miller, whe will onntluue the business at tlie same tand.. Mr. Tliomns Miller Is nulhorlr.nl rn settle all liabilities- and onllei t nil riehts duo, All persons knowing themselves liiiltbtcd,wlll.pleima come lorwsia and settle and snve costs. . J W.AllLhER k Co. . Dalles City, Nov. 2M, mr.. , lHMSolution Kotlce. THKOO-PAUT.NKRSHIP heretofore exIsHngbelwKsa. At I.AUEll and B. BCIIUT,. under tlie name o 'tiu,.r a Rebuilt. In the Jark"on Saloon, Is this day 'solved bv run mil consent, Mr. Lruer having sold out hie 'Interest to B. Schuts. wlro srilProntlnne the buslnean on ,hls own acoonnti All debts due tho into mm win ue paid toE.Soliuts, whowlll setlrSall liabilities. ' 1 A. LATTER. Dnlles.-Koo.lst.,lRO. . - K.SCI1UT7.. Thankful for past patronnge, the nnderslgned weiiM hresfMGttuiiy iiiroriii ins ineiuw mat r wu- .,.r w at the old stand reiuir to insponse uis enmeo mw v them. , ' - ' K. SCHIIW. TOYS I XOYSIJOYS ! TOYS, fc FOR TOYS AND FA1VCY GOODS For. the Holldavs. we recommend all denlers In ttiae. Hue to the BASKET AND TOY EMPORIUM ot . i . , i. i Tllliw mirk .inn, r 8-JU sad !H Battery 2S:ia aan Fraswisoii