WKOAESDAy MORNING, "FEB. 14, 18CC KKWS OP TIIK I.N'TEHIOH l. DETAIL, A hook and ludder company lins been orgnnized and equipped at Hel ena, Jlontann Territory. Good gold washings have been found on Uio east sido of the Missouri Iliver, just above tho "Gate of the Moun tains," which uro distant Bixtuon milco from Helena. Several creeks coming into the river on tho east sido can be tonvoniontly turned on tho river bars. A man named Smith, who was en. gaged in teaming from Fort Union to' tho Montana minos, recently .killed two jnen, ono of whom wus named Frank Crabtreo, and the other a Mox i'jun. lie gave himself up to the au. thoritioB for trial. Notwithstanding the intense cold in the Rocky Mountains, tho travel through tho Hellgato or Mullan Pass has not been stopped at any tirao this winter: Tho Montana Post and tho Radiator ngreo that there should be no mint cs tubliahcd on this sido ot tho Rocky Mountains, but that there is a press-, ing necessity for ono in Montana. A mining bureau has been organ ized in Montana. Tho Idaho World snys that tho no torious Wm. Wells, who murdered the shoriff of Sacramento jcounty, Califor nia, was arrested at Centorvillo on tho 14 lb of January. At different times, ovor ono hundred different men have been arrested on tho belief that each was-the veritable Wells, bus this time it soems to bo certain tLat tho right man haB bocn captured. JMghum Young claims a part of Oneida County, Idaho Territory, as belonging, to his dominions. The pooplo of that soction protest against being included with the'Saints. Mrs.. Ellen II. Young, ono of the wivo- of' Brigham Young, recently diodi Sho Teaves a small family of her own, and twa hundred and eighty step ehildron to mourn her untimely decease On the 28lh of Docember tho twelve stamp milt of tho Idaho Mining Com- pany was put in motion in the Sum mit District, fifteen miles up Alder Galon from Virginia City. This is the .first stoam quartz mill erected in Moo' tana Territory,, but there aro mates rials for sovernl others which will bo put up early in thr spring. L. D. Davenport was poisoned at a rancho-fourteen miles from Helena, in the month of Decern bor. It is sup. posod ,that the poison was adminis tered by a' man whoso wifo had been seduced by Davenport. - A pack. train of ono hundred and two animals arrived at Holena in Do comber, from this side, with three thousand gallons of liquor, and a largo assortment of goods.' Tho whisky was particularly welcome, as the ar- ticlo was searco in that country. Gov. Durkee, of Utah, has found k necessary to put down the executive brake on some of the aetof the Ter ritorial Legislature, and has vetoed sovcral bills. .t The Idaho Statesman announces that " Caleb of Xiyonsdale is Governor, but without u' party." Everybody ap pears to be turniug against the Gov ror ' ' ' ;' - ' ' Slocom; the defaulter! Is confinod in Boise county jail..- writ'-i " Epitome of Telegraphic News! f con wi.kd mom the oitranxicr. DATES TO FEBRUARY 7. Viuhinylnn, Feb. 8. Iu tho Semite, Mr. Clay ih'roduced I. ill to amend .tlie judicial system oi the United Suites. It provides tor ten cireuii judges lis now authorized on ap peal in ciisc-s involving, lil'ty dollurs, from the Uistiii t Court, or without icgnrd 10 ninouut in controversy, where the question involved is of general importance.' Mr. Doolittlo pteseu ed the credentials of 11 on John Po.., Senator elect Irom North ( urolinii- It is generally understood that Mr Pool always bus been true to the Union and the Constitution. The credentials were ordered to lie on tho table. Mr. Stewart olfcred a resolution instruct ing the judiciary committee to inquire what legislation is necessary to piotect citizens ol the United S ates in a territory, in their civil rights, witch was adopted. Mr. Lano moved that the fena'ors elect from Colorado be ndiuitted to the privilege of the floor, which was adopted. Ob motion of Mr. Nye, ihe bill for the re lief ol paymaster niticnhouso, of the Pacific squadron, for amount of money stolen, was taken up and pnssnd. The House joint res olution tame up, and Mr. Lane addressed the Senate at length in favor of it. The House passed the important homestead bill introduced by Mr. Rice of Massncliusi tts, disposing of public lands to actual settler regardless of race or color, in Alabama, Mis sissippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Florida. It gives 80 ai res to actual settle' s, and cm braces 4G,0U0,0l)0 lures, ni.ueral lands ex cepted. Aew York. Feb. 8. The steamer I'ulton, Jlccla and Jlavaiia, Irom Europe, arrived to day, but most of their liens lias been untici paied. ' A Madrid dispatch of January 2J snys, it is officially confirmed that the revolutionary General Pitin entered Portugal on Ihe 'iOth He was delivering the horses und equipments ot his lolloners to Ihe Government, in i-on-sequence of the disturbance nt Valencia, t hut province bus been proclaimed in a slate of tiepe. I'.vgtnt City, Eeb, 11. Riley Deadmond, a citizen of the town, was shot last evening in a saloon and instantly killed ty a saloon keeper, Sieve Gardiner. Au inquest was held over the bony this morning. Gardiner is un der arirsl and will be examined to-morrow. .'l is generally believed that the homicide was justifiable. This Deadmond was a brother of Henry Deadmond who was banged lor murder at the Dalle's n year ago. .Retorts from Internal Itovcnuo Collectors in Georgia, pivo evidenc s of tho abundance of money in tho South, notwithstanding the exhaust ing procoss of ite lato war. Tho Col lector nt Ai'gusta reports having col' lected $200,000 tho lust three months and the collectors at Macon report $100,000 in tho sanio period, all of which is from taxes on cotton. The anniversary of the triumphant entry of tho Emperor Iturbide into the City of Mexico, on the 30th of Seps tcmber, 1821, was celebrated with groat pomp in that capital, and a mon ument was dedicated to Moralos, the Mexican patriot in the wur of inde pendence, on tho samo day. Ono, to perpetuato tha memory of Iturbide, is about to bo placed in tho cathcdrul. Ma. Brooks, the United Slates Fob- tal Agent, arrived in town last nighi. llo will remain over to-morrow,. and during his stay is anxious to ac quaint himself with the postal needs of this section; nnd particularly fn're gard to the lack of mail facilities to the south-oast of us. Wo very gladly bear tostimony to his desire to ad vanco the public interest in this quar ter; The sales of postage stamps and stamped envelopes at the postofflca in .Now" York city, for tbo year ending Sept. SO, 1865, amounts to $1,465,032, an increase of 8260,800- over the pre vious year. . The tax list shows that there is ovor four million dollars invested in Newport by persons from abroad, who usually reside. there but a portion of tho year. This consulates nearly ono fourth the entire property of tho city. The Secretary of the Treasury hns directed that no more of the old fifty cent currency shall bo ismied, and is about to siibriiitiito in its stead, n new note, somewhat similar, bearing the vignette'of tho United Slates Treas urer, lion. F: E Spinner. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I- O. O. Meets every Friday evening at yt o'clock, In Gntes' Hall, corner of Second null Court Streets, brothers lu Hood standing are luvileil to attend, liy order. N. Gv Wnsco Lodge, No. 10, V. A. & A. HI. Holds its staled Communications on the Kiret und Third Mondays of oich n'ontli, at their hull, in Dalles City, llretla ea in good standing are Invited to attend. Fktii L. Pops, Src'y. By order of the V. M. SELLING OIPJP AT COST! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. BVIE CNDKItPIONKO WIIL 9V.U, TTITC HKHATX ilur of their stale at SAN KUANClSCa CHI'. without rtH?rvo. ifi order to rinse out linslni hi this twii. Our BttK-k cuitisin of tho folluwiiifc mHtdii: All indu of CLOTHING1 SUCU AS COATS, PANTS, HOOTS SIOKS, HATS .j- C M'S, , And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing Woods. AlBot a fine lot of HAVANA AMD DOMESTIC SEGARS! TOI1ACC , l'll'KS, 4 YANKEE NOTIONS. Tha whole stock limn bo closed out la FOlt'l Y-F1VK DAYS, without tail. r All por-oiis indebted to tuo Arm. mut piiv un within T.lllltTY DAYS, or Ural proceedings will he hau. HUM. A1IKAUAM30.N & KUIIMIl'RU. NOTICE. GRAM) CLOSHG 01T SALE, AT ON Thursday, Feb. 15tli, nt 10 a. m., And on each succeeding day until tho entiro stock Is dis owned of All tho splendid goods leuailiiiujf iu in sturo, coneisiin); 01 Hatches, IMiimoiiflN, Jewelry, docks. ' Plated Ware, Lamp, C'Mllei-y, . IMstoIs, Field Classes. Fancy (oodd, Gold Stales, etc. I have dicnnFpd of my Iron safe, show ensert and store nxiui-04 to Mr. Douius ami as l have to pvo him po-Ft'9-sioii ol'the'store at nn early liny, this wilt he the lat on portnnity that the public will Imre to nurclp-ao Ihcro H. ions iu nuciiitii prices. Timnitiui to the fceuermiH .alj lie that have so lllierally lmtroniled me heretofore. 1 re spectfully Invite them tu ho present at this my closing uotr WM. Jilll.NUAUM Maiu Street, Dalles. Admliiisttratur'M Notice. 1VTOT1CK 19 IIKRIIY GIVKX THAT I HAVK, OS JSt thieOih day of Fohrnary. 186(1, heen dalyniinnlnleil adminlHtnitor ot the esiati, of K. O. Cowne, deueioied. i nerciore, an persona indented to said estate am noli, flou to make immediate niiviuent : and nil oersous liav- iuir claims nKainst said estate aru notilled to resent them to me. at mrolllce. in Dal.es Cltv. Waxen county. Oregon, w ithin six mouths fioni the dale hen-of. fur pay- mem. , II. A. IKIUUK. February OHi, 1800. Administrator. Notice of Final Settlcmeut. "JM"OTICE OF FINAL FKTTLK.MENT OF TIIK KS I'l tsta of T. M. C. Moad. deceased. In ihe Oaintv Court ol Wasco county, o egon, in Prohme. Notice Is nerroy given, taut J. N. Mond. admlnistrafor of tho aiiovo, llled In-the County Court of Uasio county, at the February Term. IKI',6. his accounts for. and nrn'vs a set. tlementof said estale; It Is therefore nrdorod that said application he hoard on Tuesday, the fllh day of. March, inoo. ai ineuouri iiu. in nniius (Jiry, nrsald county, and that notice thereof ho published for four weeks In lll UALLII MOUNTAINBKR. O. N. DKNN Y, February 6t.li, 18W). fe0-tw County Judge. Desirable Eesidence For Sale. Ivtu.urr.i.ijAT i i iii.h; auctiuji (iinlesi soouor disposed of at prlvato 8 le,) on Thursday, February 20, at 11 a. m., the Klegant DWELLING IIOUSB. the residence of T. B. Kelly, F.sq., with the UuildhuHniid Land oil hicen t IIiapa. to. This iironertY consists of the dwulllnir .t.. crlbed, and nn aero of Land with fence, and Two Lots of j.iiiiu won mo uuiioinga inereon. Tins properly Is beautifully situated on tho KlnlT ovortookimr ti.nf'h. and Is In every way well calculated for. .Gentleman's nrsincuce, jnero is a nne spring or water on the di- JOHN WILLIAMS. Aartloneer. ft!'" . 100 Main Street. PAYNE'S AUCTION ROOM ! (ONK DOOR ABOVE TUB.P0ST-0FBICK,), MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY X Will ! flit ii in an lasa Real Estate, , General Merchandise, Furniture, And Stocks. 1 REGULAR SALR DAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. I J k4ppw Jv;-r.pw' AUCTION 1KD COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MM STREET, DALLES. TUB UNDKHSIOXKD THANKFUL FOH PAST FaVnr8. rebtu-ctlullv ittfoiuifl the citi7cnn of th Ditlltm, antl Ibe public geueiullj', that Lo cuiitinues W Bull nt PUBLIC AUCTION OH fltlVATE SAI.R, Real r.state, Ciencral Nerclianulsc, UiuceileN, SluleN, Ful'iilture. tockN, &c. &c. KEODLAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and' Saturdays. N" Cash Advances made on Consigmncnls, And PROMPT KKTUHN m de or sales. Out ilixir ami Special Sales attended to in on; purl nf the ciiy. Tariff cf Charges Until Further Xotkc: For Selling Verrhnndlse, Groceries, Furiiiliire. Stocks. Ac. &o H e per eeutV Far Selling lloui-cx and lied Kstate S " llurees. Mules, M'oi k ( nit le, each $a NO. CUAItOK FOR STOItAUK. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J . J IT K E "R, Slain Street. IaUes. WnOLESALI ASD KETAIL DCALKR IX CIGAKS. TOBACCO, SKUFP, PIPES, ALWAYS IN 8TORI THS DEBT DllANDS OT tigars, Tobacco, Matches, &cf fiLAYlNO CAltDS. I'OCKKT CUTUIUY, TOliT MONIKS. COM US nml HRUSlIES.o' all kinds, PBUFUMKItY. ot every description, CHINA OKNAMKNTS TOYS. DOI.I.S, etc. FISH IIOUK!and FfSHISO TACKLK, MUSICAL INfeTKUMKMS, FANCY OOUUS. c. f Also I'owder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other arUclcs too numerous to mention. 4L Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tohacco.i W. at luss than 1'ortland prices, with freight added, oc-t AT COST, FOS THIRTY DAIS LONGER ! ! LtVSJT CHANCE! KSSRS. COH k IlOmf would hcrchy' lnirm tludr customers ami the public at largo, that thcr w ill coulliiue to sell AT COST, for thirty days longer In order to give one A chance to make presents fur th Holidays. We will sell the balance of our stock, uuu BistliiK of 111. h mark Silks, Gents' Clonks, men fopiins, iieavrr Cois, Cloi-ks, J)i ess Coats, Shawls. Innts, lfry Goons, Kmhroldcrfes, llaia t Caps, Hoots 3i tints, ic, lc, Ac , ic, AT SAW FKAKC1SCO COST, Without Frelpl-t and Kxp-ns.s. This will he the last chauce to get bricalns. prior H closing the concern. ' COH'.V A 1I011M. N il.- All Illlls mnst be nnld bv th '' First of .laiuuiVv 1800. If not settled within that time, Mie same will t placed in legal hands. deltC J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Alalu St., Dalles, Oregon. WTOULD HHSPKCTFULLY INFORM ths citlKniis of this nlaco and vi cinity, that having returned from a pro fessional tour through the mines, he has aguln resumed tho practice of IIKNTISI'RY, in the room loriuerly occupied by him. In the building occupied t'T Wood & llntler, I'll itouriiDh Artists, and mliolninir WaV- dron l)ro.' Iirug Store. He takes this method of ex- tonuing iiiaiiks, lor tho lluornl patronage heretoloro e tended tu hiui, and solicits a continuance op the sume. list of ruicua. Entire Denture on Gold Dase $1S0 lo $iM t'pper Uonture, Gold Iinso. U0 i ) J " Denture. Vulcanite Dase 7U " lift " Upper Denture, Vulcanlto Pase " C Gold Fillings Inserted from one dollar upward. Chlldrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. sel3-tf M. BROWN & BROs. WUOLESAU AMD EITAIt DEALERS lit FANCY AND SXAXIjEI DEY GhO OX) S I GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. W. BROWN, belnc a- resident of SamFranclsco. we sre enabled to offer groat Indcementi to purchasers. We respeciiiiny mriie iiio pnunc lo examine our stock nororrj purchasing elsewhere. mlb-tt r- atone titoro, north side-Main stroet, Dalles, "uju TVlAV !S.AT,rii-TiTV NEW STONE STORK, WASHINGTON STREET.. nnilE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully anuouu . that he will nncn e flrst-elium Kni..,.,, i.. v. c & Oilman's New Stone Bnlldlng, MIS EVENING, and timiini'Mli tn Ini'Vu inisti.ninH atlh I a ..r ' Wines, Liquors, ami Cigars.. ' ALSO). A ' - viiiivMifcia " ii 1,11 v urav ui K It li LTJ3V C II Kv"T a"y "Diil I JOHN RINDCAVD. ESTRAY NOTICE. fVlAKEN TJP BY THE UNDKIIHinxn 11-1 . M. Mile Creek, ten mllos South ol Dalles City, Oreroe on December 18th. 1806, ouBAT HORSE, 14 lS high, white U on note, tome saddle marks, whlte-hl.a feet, some black spots .bore th. hoof, . tew while bah "-. ra iuw u on the left shoulder. aU seven lean old. and ..i..j iuA,wl, - R.F.CUKK