1 cj ta i nu n 'k E3VOL. o." 13 VIXKS, OREGON, WKDNKSDAY, irERRUA-RY 14, WOO. ISO. 151 i'lBLISHEl) EVERY MOUSING, (MONDAYS KXOEPTKD,) Br C.' i COVJ .K & J. IIALI-ORAX, KUIT01IS Al) PltOPHIKTOkH. Tbiims Tinf ill 'j-lire milt per week, payable to the carrier pur nioiiili, tiy mail. i three mouth, $2iiU; nix iiiimiiIih. i&; oun year, i$. Adverthnuneuu Inserted at low rutus. Job Printing, livery description of plain and fancy .Job Printing exe tiled Willi iifiitiioiM niul dcspitcli, nuil forwarded u per oii'-ir tmiiiy part "I rhu country, mail jot Jub I'rint my mitxt it iti'itlr. on delivery oj work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OBclOQN. la.AKWMCtf iiSIVJOri', I'rop'rs. Tltld P H-l.HU HOUSE, C".NTPA1,ir LflC.lTED, Near tho Stoamiioat Landing & Eailroad Dopot, Hi been rocnutly enlarged ami iiuiiruved, ami will uow accommodate WT WILL It!'. COSnUCTKO ns heretofore, as a Fill ST 1 m.144 II11IMK. iiii.I thn liatrniiaire of the traveling 2,1'ilblic i respectfully soliclte '. Ub" Baggage takcu totlio House free of chnrge. House open nil night. LARGE Firt!: -PROOF SAFE9JQ DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dillcs, Oct. 4 tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN DTKEET, DALLES, OBtBOX, TI30.11 AS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOtfSE. in res oentkb ot numSKSsf Kenr the Steamboat and Eailrmd Landing! Superior Accommodations for Families aud can Ac commodate Olio Uuudrod aed Fifty Guests. Mollis '. 60 cut. Lodging 50 eta. Fire Proof Safe for doposltoof valuables. tyi. House open all night. Baggage taken to tlie IIuusj . r l nlT.lllJ UMl l'II It-ee ii cnniae. v J na w.m k i 11, inli8-tf , Proprietor, SPPiINu AND SUMMER GOODS. FREHH STOCK! . DI7SI2.UElKlr & IIEIOS., Dalles and Walla Walla, DEALERS IK Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Miners' Outllts, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise, nuyhu nur Goods exclusively In tho Ban Francisco market, and making noue but cash purciiascs, we aro euauieii to se I SU per cent, cheaper than any other limine at the Dalle 1 DUSKNRKRY 11110.4., tnl-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. UOW TO SM'ti MONEY! CALL AT TH NEW Family- Grocery and Fruit Store, Corn or of Wsshlngtou and Second Streets. THK tJNDWtSiaXED WISHES TO INFORM TltK people of tho Dulles, am) the public geuerully, that liu luu u targe and well selected stock of XA-MIIXT GKOCEHIES, . CANDIES, NUTS. &c, Which ho will sell Wholesale and Retail at Reduced tricr for CASIf. Also, conatantly on liiind the Choicest Article of FUHSil HUTTEIt ami KQUS. Ali, every vnrlotyof 1'RUITS and VliUUTADLliS in their season Persons from up the country, wishing iuantitfes of Kggs and Fruit, by sending In their orders, will receive the strictest attention, and have thorn tilled at the lowest M.trket Price: Jyll-tfJ C. h. JKWKI.I.. FOU IIOISE IllMiS BHilKCT. Qgfeg THE WALLA WALLA h BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAG10S, CAK11V1NU THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS ' AND Well;, Farffo 4t Co.' Express, Ik nV nialilni: Kou'ul.ir Tring from Walla Walla to PI cervillo, iboise Mines.) Throagli la Two and a Half Days Connectluu with the Wallula Line of Stages, aud th lioatsol the U.S. Coin). my. iiiiO. F. XU0MA3 4 CO., ap'J'-tf Proprietor B. B1LLAU. 0. W. ARIIJS. 0. V. ARMIES ARMES & DALLAM, foiporters and Jobbers of WOOD AXB WILLOW WlRE, mtUSIIES, TWIXRi, CUUDA01S, to. . Aud Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs Brooms, &c. 217 ft 210 SacrainoiitoStreet, between Front and Davis, fcan Fruirt.ftco. ocll:3md4kw. IVti llma n SOLI AOINT IN CALIFORNIA FOR tlLTON & MoPARLAND'S Fire fc Ilurglar .-Proof Safes; STEEL-LINED ' VA ULTS, WITH Combination Lock. JKaTCunstantly on band a full assortment of 8AFK8. 318 DATfEUY STIIKET, , JyO-flm - ' Ifan Francisco. . h.Satei. ' 1. 1. uaft. GATES . &, HAFT, ' Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, v . DALLES, OREGONi W o rr ij li: . THE PiOXEEK STAGE C03IPANY Will carry F.AST FREIGHTS FKOM XJ 3IATILLA, A FT rill T1IK FIltST OF OCTOHHIl, AT THB FOLLOW 1NU UliDUUKD RA'l'KS: To Rnlsc City 15 Cents per pound ' Idaho t'Hy !4l) " OivyUce 0 " For leis amounts than oire hundred pounds an addition of Five Cents per pound will bo charged. TIME lVliQM UMATlLLAi To Bols City 3 Mays. To li.tho city 3 Days. TO Ov.yl.ee, 4 Days. ;J03EPI1 1'INKIIAM, Acent. CnmtillivOct. MSC5. oclfttf. CiliAilT 'MILLS! And all kinds of Machinery Miuiufauturud at the OREGON IRON WORKS COKNKll OF MOllltlSON and 7IU streets, POKTLAIVn. A.. G. GIBBS CO., Huccessors to Portland, Dec. Otli '61. deOtf E. L. Jo.NEa Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND B ILLIAU JL ROOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Main and Court Street, ap21-tf Dalles, Oregon. HKO. LIEBE GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Wasliinpton Stroot, opposite French A Gllmnn'fl, Dalles. Had on hand a large and wellassorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ITa-csIi 13uttci &. E$jj, Received dally. A largo lot of CHICKENS always on hand. Fill ITS of nil kinds. FIIKSII VEGETABLES every morning. Allarticles warranted. Give Me a Call Everybody! I'lllClCS LOW. . ul8:tf F. L1EBR. I3LIW1IV 13XtO., DEALERS IN CORNER OF Slain and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN m'i21-tf F. W. BALDWIN. WU. uoauuu. 0. B. KOCQHI,. WM. MOABUS &. CO., CITY BAKERY, AND ritO VISION STORE, Oorner of First and 11 Streets. W HOLES ALK AND RKTAILDKALIillS in BREAD, CRACKEItSand Family GIlOOKItl E3. f.0rdera from a distauco carefully filled und prompll Ispatched. 1-tfy ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Blaln Street, corner of Court. OLD MACK, THB PIONEER COOK, would respect fully Inform the public that ha haa fitted up the above Chop House, and Is prepared to serve up HEALS and LUNCH in the best style and at the shortest notice. BALLS and PA,ltTIES furnished w th suppers, In the best style and on the most reasonable terms. OYSTERS In every style. Private Rooms for Ladies. HOU8 K OVKN ALL, NIGHT ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN MB SUPRKUH AND 0111 cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o Washington Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of elatms. ' Oi UUUA80N . Dalles, Ogn; i. A.ODHi l V IZ. 12 j 11 & U 1 li H A IV, 1UP0HTIRS AXB WHOLESALE Dealers in VVines, Liquor? GUOCEUIES, Miners' Goods, Itoat Stores, &e.. HAVE REMOVES TO TllCIR ' NW STONE BUILDING, CORNER OP " Second and Washington street, DALLES CITY. NOW IN 8T0IIK A LAUGH AND 'COMPLETE AS sortmciit of Uii very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a full assortment of GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. t?Coii8tnutly receiving our suppl.ee direct frm New York and San Frauuisco, we are ublo and willing toM at a very smtill udvanco on San Fmnthco prli'en. The) hope by adopting a strictly torrect and prompt method o doing busiuetiH.tuey will rucoive the patronage cf the puU lie. it'll) tf CO UMBIA RIVJiR MINES. A.. R. BOOTH, , WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, i AND OEXERAL DEALER IN MERCHANDISE AND MlilIKRS' SDPPLIKS. PACX MHO 8A.DDLE II325E3 SALE. S.lllKIUIITS CONSIGNFD to my care fur Colvllle ' Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Miuvs, will re ceive prompt attention. White Bluue, Oct. let, 1804. OC.Stf NKW PttlJIT, dEtOt'liUl AND PROVISION STORE. riMIH CNDEUSIONED INFORMS HIS FRIHNDS and I the public generally, that he has Jiut established on Main street, noxt door to 4 . Juker, Tubuccuuist, A NEW STORE I where he keeps conHtantly on hand a large assortment o selected FKUIT. Also, In store acomoletoHtock o I choice GJiOVEItlKS, PROVISIONS VEGETABLES tCc. All of which will be sold. wholesalesand retail, at KM DUCKD P KICKS. Come aud see aadHatiflfy yourself. olU-tf JOHN KP0S1T0. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIcT COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL' organs. FflIIIS prompt nnd eiHcatlous Remedy for the cure JL Okouorroe-i, Oleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, mukos a speedy cure wilhuut the leant restriction to diet, exposure or change in application bitslnesa; it will radically cure any case which cau be proilucod. The dUense it remove a speclily as Is con sirttent with the production of a thorough aud permanent cure. Further, the illrtuase cannot bo con true tod if the ai'KCmeCDMlMUNH istiikeu when exposed, Its hinrodlents are eutlrel t vcgoUMe, aud no injurious eiTuct. either constitutionally or locally, cau be caused by its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle Sent by Express carefully packed. HOd'i'tiTl'i'.K, SMITH k DKAN. Agent, 4ol nnd 403 Battery street, cor Clay Jy22-0m. ttan Fruucitwo. H. U. HILL. A. J. Hank. HILL & K A. NE, WH0LE8ALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AMD AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STORAGE AND FORWAIIDING. Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attention Reference t PORTLAND. DALLES. II. W. Corbet, , Bobbins Co., Richarda t McCracken, W. 0. Moody A Co, U. Law, 0. Humason. Umatilla LamBng, Sept. 6th, 1803. D. I. STEPHEASOM DENTIST, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE 0PP0 site Bloch, Miller Co., whero lis is prepured to do an kinds of DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnlahtd manner. TKKTn Insertet from one to an entire act, on Gold or Rubber Plate. Prices range for Rubber Piute, from tii to tii ; Foi Gold Plato, frum $76 to $125. Persons having work done by me not proving sat isfactory will not be roquired to recoive or pay lor tin same. aul3ti BOOKS! BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' CIIOOI, BOOKS, STATIONERY, 9 Btandaid and Mlscellanooua WORKS, Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES. PAPKII3. sc., Ac. by every Steamer. Post-Oince'- oooKsiore, juain street, Dallel. ' "'" II. J. WALDRON k 00. WAVTEtt. Tn UNDERSIONKD WILL PURCHASE SKdttb hand Furniture, Beds, Bedding. Carpets, Stoves, and Hon,hoM Vnrnltiir. ..r ..... wishing to Mil will dy.wellto call. JOHN WILLIAMS, 7."', . , 100 Malu.flr,rl,Ditll,i. Umatilla, 13 o i cy AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Lints THIS LINK 13 NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING order frum Umatilla to ldiilm City, via Bnle City, and prepared to carry Freight nnd Yaluabie Piickuywi botweeu tlicso and all luteruivdialepuiuts wlthcerlaiuty and despatch. . . The Line is Stocked wilh the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace -yr CONCORD SR WAG ON S, Trfvfgg Which ensnres Spred end Safitty In the transmia-lon uf Freight, nuvnr beforo otlered to Idxhu. Wo oher bupv rior inducements for Shipping GnoJs from an Franctwe and Portland to Idaho, us our iirrniigements with tlte Ocean Steaniahlp Compnny und the Oregon Steiini Navi gation are such that all Goods shipped liy this Line will uot be subject to the usual delays, but puas tliruugh as Fust ITrolffltt. Goods shipped from nn Frnnciscu to our cure nt Port land, Charges will be puid and Goods shipped to destina tion. s . GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARB B. M. D. Jk CO.. F. LINE, and Slilppiug Receipts sunt to our Agcute at Portland and Uwatilln. "- Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Llue nnd Colloctol at Destination. Good, will 1 forwarded with Dispiitcli to QWhoe and South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT OI1EATLV RP.DUCKB 11ATKS. families will be Inrnlshed with Superior Ai ciimiiiuilntions in New and Easy Riding Tuoruuih I'rtii-. Wagons on tho Most LNrerul Terms, Wo lay over each night ou the Road at Good atrd Convenient Stations, se that pansengera wilt not be deprived of regular lest. RICHARDS k McCllAKKN.... ....San Frnnclsc RltMl ARDS McCRAKKN Portland JOSKI'H TEAL .' Dalles POWELL & 0"E Umutilla J. B. WILKINSON Le Grand B. M. HultW.L CO .'. ; Boise City B. M. DuRKLL 4 CO Idaho City MAJOR SPEElt Rocky liar (South Buievl DuKKLL A MOORE Hiiuy and Silver Citiint B.M.DuRELLACO., n2fitf . , Proprietor. - A CARD FOIt TIIU ; Fall & Whiter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. . BADGER & LINDENBERGER, No. 411,13ntlia Knttery Street, Cor. Merchant, Ban Frapicitco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH STOCK, WE WOULD CALI4 ATTENTION of Country M.n chants to our Usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every artlcla In It Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Cassiinere and Wool IIATSot any honso in San Francisco, and our prl es for then. Uoodi are less than those of any house, we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our stock of Summer aud Fall Goopa Is particularly attract ive, end the great foaturo to the country merchant Is the unusually low prices. Less Than tbe Cost of Importation! We also keep the 8TAPLE ARTICLES in the Dry Good . line, which Goods we have purchased In this market un der the hammer, and are ottering them at New Yoik Cost, nnd lose. Wo publish thlicard In order tint we may make new ' acquaintances, and Induce those who have not lioretofor. purchased of ua, to call and exnmine our stock. . , Good Articles mid Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to all whd purchase te sell ngain. Merchants who buy of Uf can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low Ugure. We remain, respectfully, . Your Obedient servants, BADGER A LINDRNBERGER, Wkolo-inle Clutliiiigand Hat Wnrehuuse. Nos. 411. 413 nnd 16 Buttery street Son Francisco, February 9, ISiW. ft iimw. 110 ! FOIt T1IE SUSIMEtt UOISE ON TUB SEA. BEACH1. fflMUS DELIGHTFUL aND CHLKBUATED SUMMER JL Resort, situated or Clatsop Plains, a short distanoe frum the Ocean, is uow VO'opeued aud ready to receive guoits. ' ' v This resort possesses attractions unsurpassed on the Paciho Count. It has a sploirlid beach for riding, walk' ....... ...tf.. ...... ...iivi; nn.i BiiM.tf,iiMKa, berries of all kinds abound; a beautiful trout stream audabundanco of game. THE TABLB! . Is constantly supplied with salt and fresh water flitt clunu and crabs, elk, beilr and feathered gumo, aud the freshest of uumitry produce. - The climate Is suiiibriuus This Hotot offers eT.ry thing that cciihl be desired for tho comfort of guests, both well and sick. Tho Proprietor, respectfully ask the Health and Pice ure Seeking Public for partronage, that they may enabled to make the " Summer House " a perinment Id stittitlon or the oouutry. LOWELL K IPPEN May Utti, 1806. myDti WR. JL. VV. MIXO'HEJLali. . ; OrrioB WALDRON'S BUILDING; x REstDENOE Corner of Third? and Washlngten Btrent. 13 It. JL. II. STEELE. AVnrfATiT A OdTnUI a VTt nnnn nnu n . AVllflU iLODlDlAlll OVnUAVfli U B A ' ; ornoi at . WaAIiDRbH EROS, DRXJO fiTORS