on ma Bails HUurttaiiucL ! Call You," Not long since, fin eminent divine in iho State of Illi nois, (it won't do to mention dates, places or names,) visited a distant town tor tlio purposo oi preaching the dedi catory sermon in u now church. Court was in session, and on Saturday evorii ing the judge und lawyers congregated I0"olhor in ft room, nnd amused themselves by card playing and story telling. The divine, at the request of F., a lavj'cr, visited Iho room. Com ing upon the ground so suddenly, they woro unublo ,o hide ihoir cards and whisky. Tho divino looked on awhile and then, raising his hat, invited tho gentlemen present to attend church next day and hear him preach. This they agrood In do, and Sunday found the judge and lawyers in the "amen Corner." Tho sermon over, the min. inter announced, ' friends, the citizens or this town have built a fine church, ihero is still 1,500 duo. Wo propose to raiso tho money by subscription to. day, and eyeing tho judge, " I go one hundred dollars, who goes belter?" Tho judgo, glancing at tho lawyers, slowly responded, "I see your hun dred." "Thank you,' brother," s:iys the divine, " will, any ono raise it?" looking at tho same timo at lawyer No. 1. Tho lawyer saw that ho was in for it, and quietly responded., " I go a hundred better," nnd bo on through tho list. Tho divino rakod down tho bar and their money, until iho sceno closed by a sharp shrill voico announcing. I seo tho lust hundred and oill voul" Our readers can im agine the astonishment of that con gregation. Wo venture, however, that those lawyers will not invito tho divino to witness a " Bocial game of rhrst," whero mijn "eeo" each other, "go it bliud," and "call " the hund. 13. L. Bridoes, formerly a momber of tho Washington Territory Legisla. ture, from Walla Walla county, wus recently shot and eovoroly wounded at Seattle, by the mother of a girl to wards whom Bridges was "Bweet." Tho mother forbade tho house to " Nod," but ho would oomo and see tho girl conscquoncos aa stated. Those NEW, GOODS! nllVINU JUST AUR1VKD FWOMTHE f AN FRAN ciMu Market, we would invite 'the attention f vnr friends mid tliu eumniuuityut l uge, tu our well-eel xled Block of ' Dry Goods, . , ' ciotiiingr. Hoots & Shoes, Which re are railing nt the molt reasonable rates. We cannot fell our iruods AT COST, but assure tlic cmniui! oily that it pleiiac. us to Bell goods at S.MALI. PROFITS, del)!', ; II. HERMAN CO. . 8i:lli.; ovv at cost! M. Wunscli 8c Co., WILL CLOSE OUT TIIKIlt STOCK OF MERCHAN DISE, at t liuir place of business, utthe Dulles, ill order to jo the Mines. Their stock embraces Uryliooils, L'lotliiii?, Boots, Hals AND " - GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be sold at CilST, for CASH only. . is-d- All who know themselves Indebted to our Ann nt the Dalles will please call and settle as soon iib possible. TIiiim wlin have been accommodated we mist will not ileliiy us unnecessarily, but bo prompt ill squaring up ac counts. Call ami see us, all aud everybody 1 nll-tf - M. H UMJt'll cu. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIKULAM fc WENTZ, , tj A N ITUeJ OI.OHH IIOTKL 11UII.DIXO, V fS53rfiffwo nullfM (Illv. Iihvu on band a variety ;fl.feS? Household Furniture, fjVjL embracing Tabloa, Chairs, Hiireaus ue.ls uud lieilritcails, Bedding, Carpeta eic, etc., all ot wnich w ill be sold at low rates. Fiirnituie ltepaireil, alio tpiioiBicring utuie iuuiuvi. . HuUitbsos aud Pillows, gpriug Beds made to older, aula DALLES CITY DRUG STOKU. P. CRAIG, WUOLKHALI AND KITAIL ' DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumerv, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MKDIC1NKS. Ac. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDIClXES .'! DRUGS AND r A TENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! r j. . BROtn WARNER. M. D- OFFICE 71 fcECOND fc'fltEET, between Washington ami Court. OnicE UoinE 0 tol2 .M.;2to4p .;aiidOtolO, P.M US. MATT1E HOLBUOOK would respcctiuiiy in r,.mtin, LmiiKH of the Dalles and vicinity, that she low opened a shop lucunnooiioii with Miss O'lluurlte, wln re she Is prepared to do all kinds of work with noat ncBsantl dispatch, Havinu Just arrived lioni the hast, blie hopes to be able to please all as to Form and Fadiluu Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to urucr. THREE BUCKS West ot the Comer of THIRD and UN ION Streets. nc.i.nu THE HIGHEST MARKET l'RICE PAID IN CASH FOR Beaver, Otter Mink and coon oKins, Hv RICHARDS 4 McCRAKKN, Portland Sept. 27, lWiS. !S3& S. 3L.-EMON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DUUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. ATJ l.KMON Is able to supply parties In want of Druus, r Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other urticio enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. ir physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In irroat variety. S. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adu Second. 1 4) K T!j A K 1$ I W 13 E& V AND ma. chin is shop, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. 5 oil i mil 4 to 4ll horse. ' "JwU power.titlier Portable or stationary. Also. i;in- yrj;;: Sf V (.UI.AR saw Mii.1.- 7iJ8hMtei cVFl " COMPLETE, coustimily -(tfty;y, ouhaiid. Also, Hay I'res- iimMAtli, " si's i.l' all 8i7.es; Plaiilnir uFH'X C'f 1- 3 wf (.j? un.; , .' " oc4:3ui DLA1K LIST. OHN II. WARD, OFOKOS3 HOLLOW, lias this day n.liini. Tin- Hundred and Forty-oue Dollani lu UltEhNllACKS AT PAR, lor a debt due in Gold Coin. Dee. HO. 1805. Ulnil'l J. 0. UIFFLE. Sheiitt's Sale Of Mining Ground. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk of tho Circuit Court, and to me directed. In invor of Charles Castle and U. riutuueiaii, piainuiis, mm nitalnat Michael Donahue, defendant, for the sum of sity- llvo 6U-10U 100 OU) dollars, priucinii. in bkiii wuiu ... ... United States, and eight U4-1UU (8 H4) d.iliars, cost nnd Machines.t Woodwortli'a pattern.) Wrought and tiist iron woi-k inr ver tical gawnnilUrist mills; llrassaud Iron Castings uud WROUGEIT IROX WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & moat Improved .Patterns. TheBe Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 00(1 pounds. Horse Powors & Agricultural Iuililements manuiactured tu order at the very I.UW ES1' CASH I'll ICE N. 1J. Particular attention paid to REP A I US. fctl-Tl EWLLUtWOfV AT COST! My entire stuck of STOVES AJM TO WARE, ALSO, TI NMA. JN S TO OLS, ri,IK WHOLE embracing a line stock, ever- article X of which will he sold ut CO.sT. us I desire to rloBe out bueiness. Also, one URAND PIANO, ill (coud order. Also, lor Bale, the HOUHK AND LOT. on Second St. eet. next to the corner of Washington. The House is two stories, with a bnsenietit, and lswell adapted to the hotel business. Alto a lot of IIIWDINU, coiunrlsiuii iiliuut twentv-nve Reds. The whole will be closed out cheap. Tor further particulars apply on Hie premises. Ailv:om Ai4i1r.n1 eauiflur.n old dames aro doucodlj euapicioua at 'SKSt'SS'I timod. Tui adoption of the greenback currency la Nevada threatens the moneyed men. of San 'Prapcisco, with conslilcrablo loss, by being compelled to rcceivo the depreciated paper. Treasurer's Notice. IIS lOLLOWINd COUNTY ORDERS will be paid In favor of. . L. McAu.lin. 3. 11. Unrlord. ' L. McAuslin. L. McAuslin, L. McAuslin. . K. H. Reed. C. H. Meigs. John Cates. C. R. MeiirB. 13. W.MItclielL II. W. Mitcholl. C. White. Coin ot tho UlllteU Stales, oil nuorousi, " dav of FKURUAIlY, lbUB, between the Iioum or 12 and J. . . I P ..... 1 II. ...a .I....P 1,. P.l.IVI.I. i o clocK, P. .. oeiure ino ijuui Clty.Orant County, the following described proiierty, to wit: A ono nun imeresi in sumo imu.u b.wm ... ,i. Min,.,. I'liiims. Imiiiided on the North by McKeau & Co.'s Claims, and running up Canyon Creek to the Old He lor claims. It being 40U loei more or . ' M. P. ilERRY, Sheriff. Ily Wm. W. WiitPPU, Deputy. Canyon City, January 18, Mod. Jan26w5 W1 R. upon prosentution at my office t When VenitUrat, March 15, 18tl6 .., April T, " - " 10 ' ! 10 10 ' M My I ; . June! ' i. e -" a " 9 " it 9 m , ii 9 ,, "i . ' I ' 1 10 10 - u-10 ii 10 ' ' 10 . "10 1 12 : "it j. . 28 . "28 JelyT . rbddilw . Clau. irt b An. 8T2 874 . 8Ht) 8ST 8K8 Vol OUT 027 . V.H8 (i3 91) I t 82. . (13 12 7 06 08 09 45 . 67 68 23 700 0l 73 7 T6 R. W. Crandall. J. D. Harford: . ii -O. N. Denny.' X. MoAuslln. ii P.T. Tuthlll. T. MoAuslln. Isaao Kvaai. Cha. Iloltmrn. U. ll.Steuer. O. W. Lawson. 0. R. Melpl. Siimnrons. .T v fliimo nlnlntiff. vs. Isaac Jenninns, defendant. Action to recover uionoy, In County Cuurt of the State ..f llr.tir.tn f..l llllllltl ClllllltV. rlio ISAAC J f.3 ..1.U?, ueionuann hi mu inmi.u ui tin, Mtiitn nl tli-eiron vou aro iiereuv omiiiuiui.vi nnd renuiieil In appear anu niiBwer lialniilT complaint .,u. ,, tin. In tlm ( urk's o lice In said Court, inter bit- vice hereor 11111 you by publication lor si weens, in me v eeklt Moumainkkr. as by ooler of said Court, or Judiruieiit fur want thereof will be taken against you, . t I.l .l..lnl II. a n.ni iiiiiris t un sii nn.m ir nnu uusivt.r biii.i uuiiii,i..i..., v..v Plalut IT will tuke Judgment onanist you lor uiesoui oi $35U, togotbor with the costs ami disbursements ot tins action. Jiy oruor oi j. r. Aigfi-snigwi-, vihuvj nnu. Unlor. Comity. ,51. 1IAKER, Att'y for plttlutlff. U. S. Rev. Stampl i ouceuts. j jiiim-uw IV OTIC 11 IS nK.REHY tllVEN that the uo-partnersnip noreto fore existing between K. C. IUUUV, C. L. M1TCI1 KLLaed V. W. TILIMI'.SJN, doing a mercantile busi ness In tills place, under the name of JS. 0. Hardy Jt Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and herealter the business of said ilrin will be conducted by E. C, Hardy, who alone is authorized to collect nun seti'o me accounts of Said firm. E. 0. HARDY. C. L. MITCHELL, Busanvlllo, Grant Co., Oregon, V. W. THOMPSON Nov. lU, 1865. n29:lin DAILY MOUNTAINEER at Mil J7 ' 1! 1 Aw a ' WaMlilngton Wagon Road. rpnK UNDERS10SED WOULD I FORM THE J Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the llppor Cascades is well being kept in good travellug order lor wagons and stock, - . H.C.IIAHDY, Dalles Jan. lltli 186ft. Jaulltf Sole Proprietor. , , INOT1CE. BT HEREBY WARN ALL PERSONS from contracting I orbuviiiE auytliing whatever from r. i. -ui., whereby 1 will have boojri thought by the public respou- Bible, us I nni not, nor win j noiu uiys n ioj.ihi.i.'.d iui any of ealu Jf. M. Knnt7.'s acts. W. P. ilOl'FAT. HiiBanvllle, Orant Co., Nuv. 28, lboa. BOOK Sl JOB PRSHTING OFFICE. First Street, between Maiu and 11 DALLES OREGON. JOS PRINTINC-OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatcii . If A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE KAV0RAIILT Willi the very bent, and AT HATES AS CHEAP AS IKE CHEAPEST to ohhkr: ' C a v ii n i i ii I-BI e :j l ? , CHECKS, DRAFTS, UKCE I I'TS, 1-0STEUS AND TUOGEAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS iCc dc. rfc, PKINTEH IS TUB HOST ATTRACTIVE KASM.B. ALSO, WAY-HILLS. HILLS OF FA HE.. LE'lTKK It FADS. HEC11'T BOOKS. HILLS LAD1HG, tariffs ami Pamitiilvt risrriKG, wfvdjko jad "at iioue"'cahd In short, everything that can be done in a Rook and J' Printing Olllee. from the Mealiest and niost delirate Card or Circular, to the largest si7.e and most thowy Pi-sting Hill and which will he tinned out in a Btyle that eansVt fail to insure entire satislaction. I . 0UH P.V0IUTIE8 fOlt Till EXECUTION 'F JECO R ATI VE PRINTING III the most beuuttful Colors, Shades and Tints. SucL s Fancy Posting Eills! From a single Sheet to the Largest Mumn.oth, OKNAilKJSTAL S110W CAltDS. 1'VJii VMEKS' LABELS. tv Are unsurpaHBed by those ol any other establishment ie Oregon. Wo devote special attention to this brunch of the business, and are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed uBtortiueut of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock oi ' FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of the finest quality, and for richneaB of color end durability, cauuut be equaled In the State. The principle upon which busineflB Is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that oO'.ce in which their money can be expended to tho best advantage, im this end we solicit all in want of Kood Printing' at very reasonable charges, tu call and examine specimens, anal Judgo for yourselveB. t Urdei-H lioni the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the interior may roiy upon having tueiroruere uueu prouipny, HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oreeonl Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dalles. Oregon. U. i. WALDRO.N, TrcHurer. ri Private KeUlence For Sale. k HI0B RESIDENCE, located In the best part of A. town, will be' sold cheap VOU CAU. Inquire at the more of untutij .Summons. it.,- Tunr .T,ilm llnlev. nlnintifTa. v. Isaac "ten iiluga. Action to recover uionoy. in County Court of the Bta'o ofOrogon, fo.- Vuiou Oouuty. TW0 ISAAO JENNIXUS, DEfBNDANT: In the name JL of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answor the Conitlu!ut of the Plaintiffs, now ou tile in thoClerk-s olllee. in said Court, KrUP...ri immiiv unon vou bv uublication fur six weeks lu the W keklt movxtainekr. s uy omer ui sum Court, orjndginout for wantthereof will betaken against you : nnd unless you sonppo.ir and answer Buld complaint, the l'luijitlffs will take judrraoiit agiist you for the sum ofla'iO, together with the costs and disbursements of this action. II oi'dor oi J. r. argoniugci, u.i.t Judgo of Union County. ., U. O. Rev. stamp I at. uaciin., ah y ir piuiunu.. . DO cents. J ' - - inio-o r - . C01IN ft 1IU11M. Vatchmaker and Jeivelei. "m'mAIN STREET, DALLES, fVUS". tit WKH WATCHES, IWKtiIiT,'( . J CLOCKS, gold Pens, Silver and Plated ware, aeeuolee, cauery, ate, lUssoliitlon Notice. " TIIECO-PA ItTNERSHIPheretotore existing oeiwoon UEORUB McLKAN ft UAVIB bOllNIiNO, In the EcUpss Chop House, is this day dliwolvefl by mutnal cou sent, David Dernlng haying sold out his Interest to Geo. NeLeaii. who ti alone aumoriaea 10 imiimu "nj uiwr ness In the nutne of said house. O. MoLEAN. Halles, Jan'r. 12. itHtS. u. uumuo, W. r. BIGELdW, Receiving, Storing, Foi-wardlhgr AND LINCOLN HOUSE,. ; Corner Waehtngtou and Front Streets, . .( ... ,,. . PORTLAND, 0KKC10.N. ' 1-IRSTLASS II0TKL. LAR0KST IN THE STATU i PIiili'itms Hi'iisnnable. AN OM.MBDS will attend all the Boats nnd convey Passengers and their baggage to the House Free ol Charlie, or to any oiuor iiouso in tue n-y jor wo cuiuh, 8. COmN, Proprietor, - P SIinT AND COLD BATHS In the House.' All the Steamers fur Orogou City. Vancouver, Monti cello aial Astoria land at the Lincoln House n nun. sopliiliu , . .. J ' MRS. L. WHITE'S HEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS Washington Street. n A VINO NKW LV FITTED DP TUB O ALL"ERY over Deguar's Storo, would respectfully announce to all those wishing i Photographs, Carts do Ylsltc, etc., tlmt the will do well to ttlve hor a call . Parllcnlar ut- I tentlnn paid to taking Ladies and Chl'dren't Pcturus. oczitii. . sr- Commission . , Mercliant ! M. B All orders fro Hi the upper eeuntry. by Express I er i ui, fietpwy hmh to. kArhncp niadfi on ConslenmcnUw UKlif STREET, Oppoilte the tuiallllf nout , DlRHOlutlon of o-lartiieislili. TlIK CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing nnder the name and Btvlo of ROUBINS, UcfAKLAKD ft CO., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All lia bilities of ald firm to be paid by Kobblns ft Weaver, aud ell debte due said firm to be paid fo and collected by them. v, . , . U -i. J.M. ROBB1NS, C. McFAHLAND. .. 'I)llM.J!..IL1Hfl:CT'T'I r Oi W. WKAVEB.t ' All persons Indebted to fa, will please tall.and v Vnn- gle".BjUU save costs. - iM JACKOJS SALOON ! COUNER CODRT AND SECOND STREETS, UALLES, OREGON. TnE UNPEHSIONKD, HAVING REMOVED FROM THE '-BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO GateN Nov Uuildiiigr, Bog to Inform the public that they ure prepared to eeree their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Ijiincli I Every day nnd ovenlng. 1 T decf-lf ' Proprietor. Ilai-d. Wood Lumbei'. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATER'ALS WE IIKO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage JlunJ iifacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com. plete assortment of CARRIAGE and WAUUN SlATElcl ALS we m o constantly receiving from tho East. poclnlly selected for the California uiorketj comprising, Oak, Hickorv. nnd Second Growtlf AbIi Plank, Hickory Axle, W agAuVoleB.HnbB, SpokVs, Felloes, lUuis, ShaltB, fto. lu.. which we offer at the lowest Caeh Prices. Ordol'B addressed to our house will recelvo promp nttentlmi. ! , N. W. BRAGU ft CO., Jel5:3isi. 20 ft 31 Battery Street, Ban tranciM, and 17 ft IV Buveutii Btreei sacruiueuiv. C. Watehiioote, U.W. Bii.voo ft Co., . J. W.Liotm Bau KranciBco. Sacramento. . New York NBW HEARSE! milK UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM THE C1T JL I'.uns of the Dalles and viaiulty thuthe has received NEW HEARSE, and will Attend Iixnerals on short nottco. This ui tu ar.-,t, and at present, aeAy Hearse lu (be city. ti.:i'c, May 10,1806. I, M. EVANS my.-ZO-tf. C. XI. UltOOKS, m. r. OiHoo-At Dry Craifi:' Drnff StJ