jBatlg" . .'oniitaraccr. Epitome or Telegraphic News. COMHLBO FlIOJI Tilt OKMIilIIIA.f. , . DATES TO FEBRUARY Vi New i'ork, Feb. 7. The folio ng is a por tion of Napoleon's speech, to tlie Corps Ltg UUltf on the i'id of J.muury ; As I expredi)oMbe dope lust year that our rxpeUitiou to Mexico was approuuuiutf a lur luiniuiou, I ttui coining to .11 uniler.t .ruling wiib Miiximiliau to fix tlia cpot'b tor the ru vrtll of our trooj without compromising French interests which we have been de .I'eudiiijj iu i but remote couutry. The Uuited a ates of North Ame ic, i suing victo iously fro ji ber lute struggle, bus re estublisbed the U.iou of tbe otttles, uud proclaimed eiuvery deud. France, which forgets no page ot her history, oilers up her siDecre wishes for iha prosper! y ol the American Kep.blic, and for the muiateuance of ami cable relations which soon will have calmer direction. Tbe emotion produced in the Uuited Su es by the presouce of our troops on Muxicuu soil, will be paciticd by toe Irunkii' bs of .our dec aiuiicus. The Ameri cm people w II comprehend that our expe dition to which we invite them was uot op po ed to their interests. Two unlions, equal and jealous of iheir independence, ought to avoid every step which might affect tbeir dignity and honor. li'athtntian, Feb. 5. Ia the Senate, Wil son, of Massachusetts, presented the petition of Uen. Sheridan aud other otneers tor aa iucreuse of pay. Referred. Ohuudler, of Micbigau, from ibe committee 0:1 commerce, reported the House bill to prevent the issue 01 American registersto ve.sels whose owne.s carried toreigu regis ters during ibe war. In tne House,, Blair, of Peensylvania, in troduced a bill, whiuu was leterred to the ' comiliittfo on reconstruction, providing for taking tbe cen-.us prior to the 1st of October next. liriggs offered a resolution, ' which was adopted, iustructing the' commit ee on le vonstruction o consider tbe eubject ol re moving the National Capital in order that its site may be an accommodation to the population. Washington, Feb. 5. The Senate took up House resolution for amending thr Constitu tion. Doolittle, of Wiscousiu, off. red tbe following substitute : " After 'the census to be taken in 1870, and each succeeding ceu sus, representation tuull' tie apportioned among tbe several States witnin the United States, according to tbe number in each .of men over tweiity-one years of ag-, quali fied by tbe laws thereof to choose members of the most numerous brancu of tbe legisla ture, and direct tax. s shall be apportioned among the scveial States according to tbe real antper.-onal taxable property s tuated ia each Sta e, not belonging to the State or the United States. Tbe following nominations were confirmed by the Senate: S. Garfield, of Washineto , Territory, Surveyor General for said Terri tory ; John Wilson, of Peoria, Illinois, Un sul at Antwerp; Nathaniel Spear, of Indiana, ' District Attorney, Florida j Fitz Henry War ren, of Iowa, Minister residentat Guatemala. Washington, Feb 7. In the House, to-day, tbe following senate bills were passed : ex tending the time for tbe comple ion of the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad from July to December ; giving the franking pnv ilege'to Mr?. Lincoln during her life, and i joint resolution appropriat ng $10,0 ,6 to pay tne expense ot tbe reconstruction committee San Francitco, Feb. 11. Mr. Adams, Col lecior of Customs for the District of Oregon who arrived by the steamer Oregon v ester day, was robbed of $20,000. The detectives bare found no clue whatever to tbe singular robbery, . , ' A. SCRIES Ol? Literary and Scientific Lectures "Yf-TIUCH has been In contemplation for some time, w v is now offered to the people of the Dalles. Tbe first Lecture or the Beries will De given TUESDAY, ITjao. 13th, and one each Tuesday Evening thereafter, through the Tories of V.iulit Lectures. The proceeds will be divided between the Congregational aud Methodist 8ubbath schools. Tickets for the Coarse s : ONE DOLLAR Slnile Admission Fifty erntl. This lecture will be delivered bv REV. T. CONDON. in tho Congrefratioual Church lecture will commence t 7 O'CIOCK. Buoject: XUJt KIUUX AND TUB DAWN W H1BTUHX. The following gentlemen are expected'to dollver each one lecture Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; Rev. Dr. Atkinson. 11 Rev. Mr. CafTrey, " Judge Hill, Canyon City; Judge Wilson, Dalles; Rev. Mr. Driver, ' Prof. Roland, " i. A. Odell, Esq., " ' Rev. T. Condon, C04L OILt COAL Oil.! Y1TALDRON RR08. have lust received a lun In. VV voice of COAL OIL, which they offer at (really IWIKUraHli' I III .! -K .'- NOTICE. 1 .' MR. 81GMUND "CHWABACHKR haa, by mnttnl consent, withdrawn from our Arm. vauei, nary otn, lew.- . UMNJU, AllLLLR I CO, FRANKLIN : M ARRET.' CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, ' ' JOHlEl?PlNOKR Proprietor nriiiK UNDERSIGNED having ntted up the above Market in tit UK T. STYLE, will keep couetant- ly ou liuntl Nil sorts of rrexli and Cured Meat, Of the bent quality furnished at the LuWEST RATE My motto to PLEASE ALL" TTJART1K8 HAVING SUI'KILIOIl 8TOCK FOR 8ALV. JL will oo well to cull ut the Frankllu Market. JOHN fcl'HINOKR. Pallet, Fetirunry 10th. 1865. HAS!II,TO jOAIHili'l' ooKKiaor - COURT AND 8KCOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. tyr. Willi KEEP fraJfrconstantly on hand all the varle- ( UMUgMStios mm me uiarketcun possibly allonl, of FltKSII & CURED MBATS, and always of the Ix at quality, -FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe uiidcrsliineo, Is alaays prepared to pav the high estcush price for FAT CATTI.K. Parties having stock In good couilltlon, are requested to cull on biiii before going elsewhere. JOHN MlClU'.l.llACIl. Dulles. March SlBt, 1866. nihRltf itEMOVAL J. G0ET7,, Dalles. F. KORNIGSRKRGRR, Pun Francisco. J. GOETZ & CO., TOBACCONISTS, lliiv removed to Eudio's New Stone Building, Washington Street, near French A Gilmau's, end have opened a well-assorted stock uf HAVANA and DUMKUTIO SKUA It 8, V 1 IIO I N I A ah-l W KSTE UN TOBACCO, FRENCH and 8C0TCI1 SNUFF. MEERSCHAUM and other PIPES, PLAYING CARDS, BPORT1NU OUODS. INDIAN and FA CY GOODS. Ac. Ac. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. IOUT A:D SHOU MO It II TP. WYCKIA . HAS RKMOVED 1118 BOOT AND SHOE ST. IKK to the buildinir on Main street. nearly ounoalte Moody's Hall, whore be han Just reoeived, dlreot from San Francisco, an un usually one and well selected stock of BOOTS A.N13 SHOES, of thevery best quality and latest styles EVER BROUGHT TOTHIS MARKET. Including the celebrated ENGI.I8H HUNTING 8IIOB mauufactnred by Benkert. Also, a large assortment of Ladies' and tlhildrcn'M Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, just received from the lu..t Phil adelphia makers. Also, a very large assortment of , FINE DRESS BOOTS. ja-Gentlemen who prefer to have their nuots nr mn made to order, can rely upon obtaining a neat aud easy Ol. F. WXCKMAN. Main street. Opposite Moody's Hall. NOTICE TO FARMERS.' 'AHE DALLE8 LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING M. COMPANY has receutly attached a FLOTJIHINGr MILL to their Steam 8ash and Door Factory. In this Cltv. and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UIUND WUKAT aud CORN, and warrant 1 1 give the best sutlslaotion. On uanu constantly aud for sale FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, bu.au and hiiukt.. CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior article of RDltv MRU. fr.n .i vurn. The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLEY. . II. A. HUG UK. Airent. Dalles, Nov. J, 1864. n3tf. AUCTION AMD COMMISSION. T n TT TV VV 1 T . T T a n.r cj AUCTION EER, HTo. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO TUB SELLING AT AUCTION ol General Merchandise. Real K.tate. llr.u-arl. Horses, New and Second Ilaud Furniture, Stocks, Ac, o. Regular Sales DaySaturday. Out-door and Sueclal Bales attended to In ...V n&rt Af the City. ' " Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nifl:3m. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. Gr. BRADFO It iy , IMPORTER AND JOBDER OF Wines Ac Liquors, FRONT 8TREET, Portland, ' - . Oregan. OFFERS F0B SALE A VERY LARA! ASSORT meat of Brandies, Wlnen, Liquors, v Case Goods, Jtc, ' JbC., ' ' . &c. : The Trade la partlcalarly Invited to examine my st ick before purchasing elsewhere. auM-tf JOSEPH ELFELT, WHOIUiU AND KSTUl Mill! I Fancy & Staple. Dry Goods, CL THING. BOOT8 AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AND . Gentlemen's Furnlshlnf Goods. . Fire-proof 8ton Store, corner of Mala and Ctmrt BtrasA. , ..... ka-u' O.8. MlLUK, DallM. BlocSi, Miller & Co., VHOLESALE v . O JEL O O ERS, AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors, And ImportiTjand Jobbers of CLOTHING Boots &, .Shoes, Vn tier Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSA.YOFFICE. V17B HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION ' with, our hnslnexs, under tbe entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We ninke returns In llara In .ly hmira. We guarantee all our Assure and pay tbe HIGHEST vncu riuus tor mirs. . e also pay the Highest i vmu rim itir uuiu uuiti RLOCII, MILLER A C).j U.y6tf Cor, Main and Washington streets. Dalles. J. A.. FOUUES' FAMILY GROCERY: FRUIT ' AND Provision Storia, CORNER OF WASHINGTON t SECOND ETRRF.TS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND tbe choicest articles of FltKSIl BUTTER, EGGS, and every variety of FAMILY UBOCEUIES, NUTS, CANDIES, $e , c, Wholesale and Rotull, at Reduced Prices FOR CASH. Also, dealer In ... CiKAI.V, FLOUR AD FEED, of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Business. No charges for 8torKe on Goods sold on Comml.slon. Proceeds of Sales remit ed promptly. Jnietf MILLINERY AND DUESS-MAKINQ." Mf 188 O'ROURKB DESIRES TO INFORM the ili uuues ot Dalles and vicinity, that sho has Just received a fresh supply of .ITnslilonablo Goods, The latest Paris, New York and 8an Francisco styles oi iiii.eio, ii.via, hiiiuiims, LACKS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, 0. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladles' Ready-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of A DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery and Draldfna-. ' PINKING done at short notice. RON NETS Uleached and Pressed u iuo latest style, a targe assortiueut or Children's Bendy. Mafle Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the service of riret uian uress Maner, i am prepared to cut and fit Ladles' aud Children's DRESSES aud CLOAK K. THIRD STREET, one square east of tbe Catholic vuureu. ....... oc21:3m. MRS, .LTCttHUll'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND Dress Mailing; Establishment, Opposite Cohn St Bohm's, WOULU CALL THE TTENTION of the Ladies o jsl me wanes to my iar(e ami nne stock or FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BONNETS, HITS, FEATHERS, .uress Trimmings, &o. Having secured the services of MRS. FRARY, In the Dross nuking apartmeut, we will do all wotk in that line auu guarantee periect satlslnctlon. . DYING done in all colors. Olve me an early call . and I will endeavor to suit veryoouy in tascb and at IIKASJ.NAULE PRICES. Particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED I FEED ! I SHORTS, AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, FOB SAB BY II. H. LAW, So Front Street, Portland, Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. 19: te COLUMBIA RIVER MIlfESl . i A. A. 00t8.......,............. B.AUT WTISolt. BOOTH Sc NEVISON, Forwarding and Cemmistlen Merehanti AMD DELRR8 IN OBNERAT MER0IIANDI8B, Wliito Bluffs, W. X. VTlREIOHT FOR COLVILLK. UPPER flni.nMBI. M KOOTENAI and BL AUK FOOT MINES nromutl Mark Goods B. AN., White Bluffs, W.T, urnnoii . " .if Poirus-Richards MeCrakea. Allen A) Lewis, tad iiouge u vaieu DilM-Bloch, Killer A fX, Trench A Oilman. jaTtf Tonl mil ' AT 'na l mi - " - tiat ICK1VD AND FOB SALE' 1 ; " ' . ' y ' . UnWtfJ OATH A CHAPLW. lSAio F. Ruxrn, San Francisco. r ! Wholesale' & Retail Druggists, Slain Street, Dalles, Oregon. - fEN0W OCCUPY fUR NEW TWO STORY FIRM ww tu-onf Stone biiildlua. niuioslte Illoch. Miller A Co.. and offer to tbe publlo a full and complete stork of Drugs, Mediciues and Chemicals, consisting lu part uf , KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS TURPENTINE, HOPS, . ALCOHOL, . SACK. ACIDS, Bl'ONOFS. L1NSKED, LEKCHES, . LARD, .CORK.". CAeTOR AND I.NDIGO AND NKATSFOOT Oil, LANPDLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS,' ANU PATKNT MKDICINBM. Our ettifk of FANCY GOODS I of the Aajftet 'and beat quality; new styles ond large assortments, such a LUUIN'S PERFUKHRY, HAIR, LUUIN'S TOILET 8UAP. FLESH, POMADES, SHAVING, COSMETICS, UAT, 'I1A1ROII.S, , CLOTH'S, COLOUNB, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL llltU8HKB TUOTU POW DERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQXTOBS, Tor Medicinal purposes. - . Our fnriiitlvs for buying goods are second to none In the State, and we .hull at all time sell at a small ad-' vante from cost. Ready sales and small pmdlts. physicians' riticscmrnoNs Carefully contponniled at all hours of the day aud night. mines, ovpt.e, loop. SelU-tl GATES c CIIA.PIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Have Removed to RVDIO'S STONE MOLDING, . WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. WHERE we will continue to tell articles asuell kept In a Firt-Class Drug; Store, at 20 per cent. LESS THAN ANY STORK IN THE CITY. Our stock eousists in part ol , Patent Medlolnes, Pure Win. and Brandy, extracts, Fancy A Common Soap, SjiongM, , Ualr Brushes Trusses, Braces, Corks, Acids, Paints. . Tooth Powder, Varnishes, , Ale. hoi, ' "Oils, Hope, Bohemian Toilet Sets, - Supporters, to, rilXSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. ' Olve us a call and satisfy yar selves befnre purchasing elsewhere. 11. L. CHAPIN, nlUli JC8TIN 0ATE8. Oregon Stcanijavigatioii Co. WINTER ARRANCEMENT. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th nnU further notice, . ... ., ; Xlio Fassenffoi' Xrasjn .,, to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will itart from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, ok Monday, Wednesday!, and Fridays, at fltluu At Mt , , . THE STEAMERS ' " " "0NE0NTA" op 4fIDAII0,! CAPT.J. MoNDLTY, ............Conimnd, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted) at I o'clock, a. ..coi,nectlu, by the CASCADE RAILROAD. . with the steamer ' " NEW WORLD w op " CASCADES,?, CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, S Tortland. W. B. BRADFORD, DaUee. Nov. 13, 1888. n!2tf Agent 0. 8. N. Oo; , VJiitY impo iiriTjC?jri: . . '' TO . ' ., Merchants, Families, Hotels and DAR.ROOM8. ;. - JULIUS KRAEMEK HAVING BOUGHT THI Brf tlre Stock of Merchandise and Book Acconnte of the lute Brin ol M. teller A Co.. In this cltv. inwHiK l,.t.u added of his own ImporUtlon (while doing business ia rurwnuu; nn immense hock ol tue osst manuwotarM Crockery, , Glassware, ' Plated Ware, Lamps, . Chandeliers, Table Cutlerf jLooklng-Glasscs and All Kinds of Oils, . ( All Of which ha offers at redneMl C . nK iu ouy euy oi tne aoove-mentloned articles, will Aa well to give me a call before Durchulnr elsawhara. - Urders Budi Jm.Tiin BrnivuBSF Dalles. March 17th, 1868. mMTtf Dissolution notice. THE FIRM OF J. W. MILLER A CO. have thh eW disposed of their entire stock, in this city to Messrs. Bunnell A Miller, who will oontiime ilia bnalniaa at tha tame Hand. Mr. Thomas Miller la authorised to eatUe all liabilities and collect all debts due, All neraesn iii.ni.oiTo. inutoteawiii piease come Ibrwas4 and settle and save costs. ' A, W. MILLER A Oe. Dalles City, Nov. 83d, 1868. -w , Dissolution Kotlce. THE0O-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between A. LAUjtR and B. BOHUTZ, under the name W Lauer A Bohnti. In the Jackson Balean. la Uila aVa -w. solved by mu.ua! consent, Mr. Lroer having sold eat kla iiivere, hi s. dcouib. wno wui eontmne ins rtnslnssa en. his own account. All debta due the late firm vrttt las paid to B. Bchata, who wUl settls ell liabilities. 3 ' . j A. LAThrt." Dalles. Dee. lat, 1808. . B.80UVTS, - Thankful for past patronage, the undersigned weeM respecttully Infarm hie friends thai be will ever be n4 at the old stand ready to dispense his choice Hawass to t''m. . ' I'll- i , a, SCHUTS. TOYS I TOYS TOYS I TOYt FOR TOTS AND FAKCT GOOCj For the Holiaaye, we reooenmend all deal ere til HtM line te the BA8EKT AMD TOY EMPORIUM of . 77 r.v, ,d,t:3V : THUMATJEE EUIH . a .ul 1 12 aeat W BaUary aiassfc m tit lm s. trtm 1 WALDKON I1ROS. from the interior oroinntlv euiwii t. packed to go secure. Don't (all to call on m7 - -. io's Btone Building, Waihlmrtoa street, Dallen."