Sails il oittttantccr. v TUESDAY MORNING, FEB. 13, 1800. Tinnysos lately cleared $1,700 by two pri Tte readings nt a guinea n ticket. The Boston Traveller state that the mem bership of tlfe Methodist and Congregationnl denominations is actually decreasiag in New Kngland. ' It is reported that the Fenian Head Centre of Quebec , has absconded with the money of the Fenian Fund in his possession. We bare to note the arrival of many per sons by the land route from Umatilla. There is now no serious impediment to travel by land from this point to the interior. The closing sale of Mr. Birnbnum't fine stock of watches, jewelry, &c, will take place tomorrow. Persons desiring to purchase articles in Mr. B's line should be on band. Thi steamer Irit has been relieved from her perilous position at the mouth of Cheno weth Greek and towed up to town, and is now lying at the steamer berth by Steamboat Point. ' Tug number of deaths in San Francisco during the month of December, 1865, was 257, nt the rate of one in 37 of the inbab- Merely A Spectator. J. Stewart Lewis at one time, not long since, lived about the Dalles. He was charged wih l.eing in the horse-stealing business, and notwithstanding an urgent request for him to remain here, his feelings were so deeply wounded by this stain upon bis reputation that be left thia s de of the Cascades Range nnd'took up his residence in the Willame'te Valley. In that country he maintained the strictest seclusion, avoiding the public gaze, and pnr'iculaily declining to put himself in the way of re newing the acquaintance of Charles White, Esq., the sheriff of Wasco county, who had a document Inviting Mr. Lewis to re visit the Dalles. .Presuming, doubtless, ibat time had mellowed the prejudices against him in, this community, Lewis returned to town the other day and took lodgings at a hotel, registering himself by the royal name of Stewart. -Upon the arrival of the murdorer Lewis, bis namesake, actuated by cnriosiiy, he went up to see him, merely as a spectator cn AUCTION 1KB COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MIS STREET, DALLES. TUB UNDKIt SldNtfF TftAKfffUf.. OR PAT 'Furor, renpurilttHy frifurms the citixeim of 'th Drill?, and t.i pnbtii generally, that be continue fa tell at m AUCTION SALE, puulicauction Columbia Lodge, No. 8, I. O. O. F.--Meets every Friday evening at 6J o'clock, lu Gates' Hall, corner f fecund and Court Street. Brothers in good tuuiling are invited to attend. By order. N.G. Wasco Lodge, No. IS, F. A. &..A. HI.... Holds it. stilled Communication- on Hie Flirt and Tliird Mondays or each month, at their hall, in Dalles City. Brethren In (rood standing are Invited to attend. Sots L. Pops, Sec'y. By order of the w. M. I will sell at Pnbllo Auction TItIS DAY (Tuesday) at 10 a. m. ft Urge neflortment of Hon -eh old t uritlture, Fancy Guodi TuIihcco. Ac, At?., Including ' Ptilu Mattresses, (Miiftle Hiid double BerfsteadrJ, Chairs, TiitfJra, Paintings HlHnketa HheetN. Pillow., Hiirpin, Sof.uv Marble Tup Table, Ac. Ac. Cutlery. Spoons, Tobacco, PliirtH, Drawerd, Ac. Ac. TV ill bo sold without Unnerve for Cnnh. v JOHN WILLIAM., Anctlonecr. AT COST! TO CLOSE BUSINESS. Oil PIUVATB SALE, Real Estate,. Cieneral niercliandlse, UioceileM) IIOI'NCN, Mill os, Furniture, MocltN, &c. &.C. EEGULAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN m de of sales. Outdoor and gnccial Sales attended to in any Dart of the city. Is now confined. He will probably return to tbe Willamette country to take up bis resi dence for a term of years after the next term of court. Ex-Oov. Corby in Boston. Ex-flor. Curry of tbis Slate, delivered a short, but very itants perannrtm a larger per centage than compact, suggestive and lucid address at tbe Merchant Exchange, in Boston, on tbe 14tb of November lad, on th subject of the North ern Pacific Ralliotid, Several of the urinci- of tbe Eat'ern cities. Josiar B. Johkston of Blackfoot City, Montana Territory, has been appointed by Gov. Gibbs Commissioner of Deeds, for tbe State of Oregon. Commission dates from the 20th of January. dal movers of this graM enterprise were pre sent, and birremarks elicited a great expres sion of Interest on tbe subject.. Mr. Curry set forth tbe facts in relation to tbe resources WAnnitn & Co, of White Salmon, are 0f this country, and tbe practicability of at- manufncturlog brooms of great excellence, trading tbe trade of Iudia and Cbina by the He was recognized by deputy-sheriff Cran- nrvrE undersigned will sell the remain- Tariff1 Of Charges Until Further Notice i j.n . . .. j .1 i.. ij. A der of their stodt at SAN FRANCISCO C8T. unn, nuu iiivueu lu uiinugu uia luugiugs i. I. t i H . 1. 1 .. : I ... I. I. OLOTHINGI 8UCU AS COATS, PANTS, BOOTS $ SHOES, HATS $ Ctrs, And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Also, a line lot of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGARSl TOBACC ', PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS. which tbey will offer for sale in tbis market. We recommend to persons in need of the article to enquire for jhese brooms, nnd thus encourage a laudable attempt at home pro duction. northern route. lie estimated the annual yield of treasure of tbe Columbia Basin at $16,000,000, which must be allowed to be very 'moderate, and enlarged upon the rapid advance which we have made in material pros- Somb of the boys in blue took three pairs peril in tbe last five years. In the evening of pants from among the show goods in front of tbe day upon which tbe address was deli v- The whole stork must be closed out lu FORTY-FIV DAYS, without fail. 4-All permits Indebted to the firm must py wp wnimi imitii jsaib.ov legal proccemngs in ie nau. ntf. AlillAllAMjQN KOIll.liKKO. NOTICE. GRAND CL0SIXG 01T SALE, AT I3nllie Auction, HSr' for Selling Merehttml.te, Groceries. Furniture. b.ocks, ao. ie... 6 per rcurv Fur Stilling Houses iiml Hrl Kritute :( " Horses. aiiiles, v ork Came, each 2 ISO CIMUOK FOR STORAGE. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anctloneer- J. JUKE K, nam street. Danes. WMULI8ALI AMD KKTA1L DEAUtB IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Sc . ... I ALWATB IK STORB THE DEBT BRANM OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &e. 1JLAYINO CARDS. POCKET CUTLERY, OX of a store on Main strtet. The goods were recovered but the tbieves were allowed logo free, as tbe cost of conviction and confine ment would not justify a prosecution. We again urjje upon tbe City Council the estab- ered, Mr, Curry was entertained by tbe civic authorities at a banquet given at the Parker House, and among tbe invited guests were Gen. Banks, Judge Dow, of Kansas, Mayor Lincoln, Ex-Congressmen Gouch and Good- llsbment ot a cbain-gang. so that petty depre- rich and many olber eraineet persons in pub- dators can be made to do tbe city some ser vice to compensate for tbe expense incurred in convicting them. ' SiiKRfrr Berry arrived in this place on Sunday, the li b Inst., from Walla Walla, having in charge Michael H. Lewis, who is charged with tbe murder of David Peevie at Olive C.eek, North John Day mines, on the 33a ot Uctober. 18C& The pursuit and ar rest of tbis man reflects great i redit on Maj Berry, and goes to show that when we have good officers the law is all sufficient for the apprehension and punishment of law-break ers. With such men in office there is no need, and there need be no fear, of vlgildnce committees. Tbe arrest of tbi man is an other warning to evil-ioers, and another evidence that the times are past jn which rhon's lives can be taken with impunity in this country. he and private life. The whole affair shows tbe interest felt at ibe east in tbe construction ol the Northern Pacific Railroad, and is very encoutaiting to those who feel an interest in tbe undertaking. Too Small to .be Noticed. Heretofore certain predatory members of tbe Bloody Fourteenth have confined tbem-elvcs to petty thefts, too small to entitle them to. more than three months in the county jail. The other day, howeverone of them ventured over the niaik, and stole an eigbt-day clock, valued at $40. He is now in confinement at Fort Dulles, and will shortly be turned over to the civil authorities for trial. He ought to be sent down for a year, and each day ought to be as longt as an eight-day clock can measure it Time, in such matters, is a val uable consideration. Thursday, Feb. 15tli, at 10 a. m., Ami on each succeeding Any until the entire atot-li In dis. prised of AH the uplondid goods remuiuiug in 1117 store, I consisting ui Watches, Diamond, Jewelry, Clocks. ' Plated Ware, Lamp, Cutlery, ristols, Field Glasses. Fancy Goods Gold Scales, etc. I have dlspnprtl of my Iron snfe, sliow cases and stors fixture to Mr. DiiiikIks nuit its 1 huvs to Rive him posra sioii or the'storc nt nn early ilnv. OiU will be the laHl on nurtunily that the iiuhlic will have to iiurch se' thene goods at auction prices. Thankful to lli geuernns- Hob lie that have so liberally patrt'iiir.e me heretofore, 1 re spectfully Invite them to be prevent at this my closing POUT MON1KH, COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PKHFUMEIIY, ot evory description, CHINA OltNAMfiNTB. TOYS, DOLLS, etc. HOOKS and PISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. c. Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many ether articles too numerous to mention. air Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco, etc at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 SELLING OIPF AT COST, FOR THIRTY DAIS LONGER I! tiotr Main Street, Dalles. Tin Cask or Hknhy Tkicklu. Efforts are being made to procure tbe pardon or partial reprieve of Henry Tiicklc, laiely convicted in this county of the robbery of a Mr. Alby, on tbe toad from Granite Creek to Umatilla. Hia confession of the crime and his deep British poss'ssions there dwells neither man, contrition entitled him to the merciful con- woman or child whose entire fortune will not aiderationof be more or lecs affectfd or jeopardized by !.',,, . ,l , tbis seemingly just yet most' unrighteous to confinement for the shortest term allowed mntnn, tfeV. no grumblers at taxation, by law. He was then detained in jail here we believe in rendering " unto Caeaar tbe SlNaTOB SUKRHAN'S BlLL IN MONTANA .The MontaHa people are exercised over Senator Sherman's proposition to sell the mineral lands. The Virginia City Pott denounces it as an an attempt to rob miners, and says : We hope that tbe news will not be too late to be of service to u. Fiom Arizona to tbe Administrator's Notice. NOTICR IB IIKRBY QIVKS THAT I HAVE, ON this 9th day of February. 1800, been duly appointed auminisirumr oi ine eatatu ol K, u. I'owne. deceased. Ihererore, all persons indebted to said estate aro noti fleu to make immediate payment ; and nil persons hav ing claims ogainst said estate are notified to urcsent them to me. at my ofllce, in Dal m City, Wasco couutv, Oregon, withlu six mouths floni the date horenf. fur pay- mem, u, A. JtUUUiS, February 9lh, 1860. Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICB OF FINAL 8ETTLKMBNT OK TUB Es tate of T. M. C. Moail, deceased, in ihe County Court ol Wasco county, O egou, In Probate. Notice is hereby given, that J. N. Moad. administrator of the above, Died in the County Court of Wat,o count;, at the ruoruury lerni, ieoo, ins acrunms lor, ana prnys a set tlement of said estate; it is therefore ordered that said application be heard on Tuesday, the 6th day of March, lotto, at the Court House, in Dalles City, in said county, and that notice thereof be published for four weeks in Me 1MI.LEI MOUNTAINEER. u. N. DKNNY, February Ith, 1806. fe9 4w County Judge. LAST CHANCE! MKSBP.8. COHN k nOHM would hereby Inform' their enstomers and the public at Inrge, that they will continue to sell AT COST, fur thirty days lunger lu order to give one a chance to make presents for the Holidays. V'e will sell the balance of our stock, con sisting of Kb it Ulaca silks, Gents' Cloaks. men v opuus, jieavur t;oais, Clwks, Dress Coats, Shawls, Pants, Dry Goods, Embroideries, Hats A Caps, Boots k Shoeij. Ac, c, Ac, Ac, AT SAN FKANC1SCO COST, Without Frelgl-t and Exp-nse. i ins win ue the last cuance to get Dirgains. prior to closing the couceru. COUN A 1)0 II M. N.D. All mils mnst be paid by th ' First of January 1806. If not settled within that time, 'lie sume will Un placed in legal hands, deltf.- J. W. GUR.LEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. WWTOCLD RESPECTFULLY INFOIIM Y the citizens of this place and vi cinity, that haviug returned from a pro lessiuiial tour through the mines, he has agnin resnvned the practice of DENTISTHY, In the room formerly occupied oy iitni, lu tne building occupied hf Wood k Butler, Photograph Artists, and adjoining W'aN dron Brort.' Drug Store. He takes this method of ex tending thnnks, for the liberal patronage heretofore ex teoueu to jiiui, and solicits a eontinuauee oi tue same. LIST OF PHIC'IS. Entire Denture on Gold Base. .,. $1) lo 22 ' tipper Deal are, Gold Base DO" J J) Dentore, Vnlcanlte Base 70 " 12$ " Vpiier Denture, Vulcanite Base 86 0 Gold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. Chlldrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. se!8-W 01. BROWN & BRO., WUOLUAU AMI KITAIL DSALIRS HV FANCY AND STAPLE Desirable Residence For Sale. DRY OrO OBSI GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o, l . Thursday, February 20, at 11 a. m., the Elegant DWELLING HOUSE, the residence of T. B. Mr. M. IIIIOWN, being a resident of San Francisco, w ire enabled to offer great Indcements to purchasers. Wv respectfully invite the public to examine onr stock hefotfl miD-ti , . trset, Dalles. S for something over a month, by the river things "which are Cassar's," but we deny, In Kelly, Esq., with the Buildings and Land adjacent then. 5Xi beini frozen np so tbathecould notb. take, toto'.ba, there is policy or c.mmon honesty M.'Arr.V,nl' stou. store, north ..d. Mai, to the Penltentiarr As his r,nnilment in fobbing Peter lo pay Paul. The Senators, iZud wlib the buildings thereon. This property is TVITJ'W " (luunnuicui nunr, ullvaa and Tlalsffataa nf tka Waat beautifully situated on the Bluff nverloukl Mir tl.A I dates from tbe day be was delivered to tbe officers of the Stale, he loses all tbe time la . which he was confined in Wasco county jail . Upon tbis point, If his conduct in prison is exemplary, we respectfully submit that be hat an equitable claim on the clemency of the Governor ; but as to pardoning him, or " otherwise shortening his term of imprison ment, we ; earnestly protest against it. Trickle hat received all tbe kindness and 'consideration which hit penitence entitles him to, nd from this time Ee should be 'made to earn whatever of confidence it re Cawed InW.1 - "-Aii must'bt up and stirring, if tbey would pre vent tbe otter ruin of their constituents' pros pects, together with tbe depopulation of tbe mountains and of tbe adjacent couutry. It is the old and abominable theory of tbe aristoc racy of capital that is again sought to be en forced ; tbe miner to toil on in hardship, iso lation, perils of all kinds, sickness, massacre by savages; and then wnemna nas demon strated tbe fact of bis country's rlcbet and has rendered tbem available for tbe use ot tbe people some political (not "read-ageut") mine agent rises in Congress 1 and de mands that tbe fruitl ot bit loll tball be banded over lo the capitalist, for, o case of a tale of tbe mineral lands, not one miner iff a hundred could boy; - " it well calculated fin: a ll-nl.n.n.f: Residence. There is a Bne Spring of Water on the pre mises, xor inrtuer particulars inqnire of ' . JilllN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. 100 Main Street. ocS8tr. PAYNE'S AUCTION ROOM! (ONR DOOR ABOVE TUB POST-OFFICF.,) MAIN STREET, DALLES CITT. Atf w"1 Zrmiat 1 will attend U salsa of Real Estate, ; r General Merchandise, Furniture, . - Ana Stocks. RKGCLAR BALI DAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. - eioca ana special gale any day, gandaya ejeepted. W.JLQ. FAYN t, Aactbaeer, saloon; NEW STONE STORK, WASHINGTON STREET. HK UNDERSIGNED would respectfully annoua that ha will nncn a flrat-elaiu Salnnn in Vriik ' Oilman's New Stone Bnlldfng, THIS EVENING, sod prepared to serve cuitomers with the best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A . EBKK LUNCH JOHN HINDI. Alt B. ESTRAY NOTICE. TAKRN VV BY TI1R TJNDER8IGNB, living ea Bight Mile Greek, ten miles South ot Dalles City, Oregon, On December lHib. 186i, ou, BAY IIORSE, 14 hand high, white saip on noe, some saddle marks, whit hlaa foe, torae black spots above the hoof, a tew white halia on forehead, branded Inn: G on the left shoulder, abeal even sears eld, and appraised at tto. ' s"wie ' B.r.CUM