f VOL. o. DALLKS, OBI GON, TUSDAT, FEBKUART; 13. 1t0. N0.1C3. 1 ' . f mtmm 311 , 1 -m rr 1, . flmrtahuer, l'UBLISlIKI) EVERY HOMING, (MONDAYS ' KXUtiPTJtDj flV W 'f KlUTOltS ASU I'ltOPUIKTOft?. ' 1 XmTiondij-jivtcrtt pur week, puyaula to the carder per iiHinlti. liy mail. L; tliioe months $2 60; six iimiiilitif $ j ; otiu year, Ailvm tiuiueuU Inserted tit low rat us. t . , . ' Job Printing. 15 Kvcry description of plain and tancy .Tub Printing oxe , ulud wltlKiieiUiK'nn ami .leap;it(;ti.-aiid tui wanlud us pur oii'r tunny part ot tha cum.try. i'aymentjorJvbVrtnt inff mutt it made on delivery uj work. UMATILLA HO USE, DALLES, OREXON. 1 . IIAXDLKY JiSH.V1"JlT, irop'i- Ylllil P.Pi;LAll I10U3K, d"'TltAl.LY LOCATED, Near tho Steamboat Landing & ffUilroad Depot, i Has bemi recently enlarged AiX huprovLd, and will now .$0 0 0 U.K HTS. 2T WIXL 111, CONDUCT KD iu heretofore, as u FIltST Ci.A&i I10US.$, mi l tho p.itionage of thu traveling . jitiblic iit ru)u:it'ully Milic(tu . . . ,..: Mh-j-lx'-c tt!ieu ttbe lluuso free of o barge. Ilunse open nil night. , LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dillfs. OiH. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, . UAI DALLES, OkKUUM, , . , 'FlIOM.tS SWaTJB, Proprietor. A FIRST-GLASS HOUSE. , , I.V TUB OF DUSIXESS, Konr the Steamboat and Railroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Fuinilk'd mid cau Ao cummuUntu One lluudcca Bud Filty UiiiuU. t . r llouis 50 est. . , LihIkIuu; 50 eta. Fire Proof Safo for dcposltoof vuluublca. Uoubb opea all uight, ituggae taken to tlio Housd irou oi ciinrge, ; 'riiuAa b,ni iti, DiliS-tf .' .. , , , ,,, frupriutor. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FBKSH STOCK! Dalles and "Walla Walla, , UKALKU8 IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' Outllts, Boots anil Shoes, , Clothing, , ' Hats and Caps, Groceries, And k lull assortmunt or uenerai MerciiaiuiiNe. uuyliia our Qooda oxclurfivuly In tlio San Francisco market, ana makina' noue but casli nurchasvs, we are enabled to ae I SO per ceut. cheaper than any ottter House at tlie Dalle ... VUSKftUKHI IIHU3., ml-tf t :- ' -. Dalles and Walla Walla, HOW TO SYV SlOMVYl .J CALL AI till mw Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Washington and Socond Strueta, . TnK DNDMItSIQNKD WISHES TO INFORM TUB peoplo of tlio Dallus, and the publlo gouerally, that lie naa a large and well soiecieu stocK 01 IT-A-MILY GROCEUIES, ,' CAXDTES, A' UTS, Ac, Which ho will sell Wholesale and Retail at Reduced rnat fur CASH, Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article or KH KII UUTTKIt and K0U8. Ala, every variety of FRUlTd and VKOETAULKS lu their season l'ursous from up the country, wishing quantities of , uggs ana rrun, uy atmiiiug in ineir orders, will, receive tht atrlctoHt attuutfou, and have thuiu filled at the Lowat Market Trial. Jvll-tf 0. L. JKWKhL. 1). PAUAM. 0. W. AHUI3. 0. W. AttUIUI, " AFIMES & DALLAM, . , Importers a ud Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, URUSHBi, TWINHd, CORDAGE. o. And Manufucturors of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 317 HV Sacrauonto Street, between Front nud Davis, fcan Fraucisiio. ' . 'ocll:ouidw. TIJL,X,MA.Sr, . OLX AUIXT IX CALIFORNIA I0R TILTON & MoFARLAND'S Fire A: Iturlar i'root Sales. ' ' STEEL USED VAULTS, Combination. Lock. 49-Censtantly on hand a full assortment of BAFKS. ill 9 UAITKKY 8TRKET, Jyo-dm H - Han Francisco. K.n.a.Ktu. '.. H.BAW. ... GATES 'Sc IIAFT,'; ; J ! Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGONv iatliri 1U11 1101SI2 MINES OlUttT. T H E WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINt OF- i CONCORD STAGKS, , ' . . CARRYING .. THE U. S. "OVERLAND MAILS : ''''.:: L '.' ' ' J f Wcl'li, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Ih now making Rogular Trips from Walla Walla tu PI cervine, (Uoiso Alines. Through lu Two and a Half Days Cuniitictlii with tlm Witlluln Line of gtugua, anil tU liuuttfo! tue w. a. tou)i)!iuy. . - Uta. F. THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf Troprietur . NOTICE. THE riONEElt STME COMPANY Will carry FAST FREIGHTS ' ' FROM UBIATILLA, AliTBUTHB FlIlSTOFOCTOIimt, AT THIS FOLLOW. l.U RJiDUCKU RATKs: To !tula City 13 Cents per pound lilauo Jlly u " " Owylice i40" ' Fur lens uiuouiits than one hundred pounds an addltiou of five Ueuttt per poaud will be charged. TlMlfl FltOM UMATlLLAi To Eioise City, ... ..... ...3 ti;ijs. To ldauo City ......... ...S l-'i Days TOOivyiiee, ...ifiiajs. JOSEPH PINKUAM, Aiient. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1805,' , . . oclS:tf. QJLTAKTZ MIIiLS! And uii uiiiu oi lUaciiiuery OREGON IRON WORKS . ' CUKNtlt OF MORRISON and 7TU streets, PORTLAND, r a., c. aiuus t co., Successora to Portland, Doc. Oth '01. doOtf E. L. Jo.Niis t Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND IlILLIAUD ROOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, . CORNER OF- Main aid Court Streets, ap21-tf . , Dalles, Oregon. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, I, - AND IT It TJ 1 T STORE, Washltifiton Street, opposite Frencli A Oilman'ri, Dalles. liurf oa liauu n itu go aim weU-asaorteu sttKk of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ITrcsh Butter Sc. ISTKTS, Received .lull v. A largo lot of CII1CKKNS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRtiSU VUUETAULKS every morning. All articles warranted.. Give Me a Call, Everybody I anl8:t F. LIEDR. lHtabliistliea 1857. BALDWIN BRO,, SCALERS in GROCERIES ! 0ORNKR OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J.C. BALDWIN m'i21-tf F. W. BALDWIN. WK. MUAUUb. . . 0. U. KUtUslb. WM. MOABUS & CO.V ' O I TY BAKERY, ril 0 VISION STORE, ; Corner of First and B Streets. WII0LF.SA t,K AND RUTAIL DKALKRS in BREAD, CRACKKItSand Family UROCKItlKS. -O.Orders from a distance carefully filled and Dromptl ispatchod. , 1-tty ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Alain streei. corner oi Court. OLD MACK, THU PI0NBKR COOK, would respect fully iDtbrui tlio-publlo that lie has littod uu the above Chop House, and is prepared to serve Ut MKALS rid LUNCH In the bunt stylo and at the shortest notice. UAi.bSaud fAiti'iKS trnihod w:th suppers, la the bent style aiid on the most reasonable terms. -, 0Ytii'lU in every style. - Private Hoodis for Ladles. kous ; opkN all night 11111 A OA Ac OIIUIiL, i ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT CAW TILL 1'IIACTICK IN THK 8UPRKMK AND CIR WW m Jinlt Courts of Oregon, aud th. District Court, o Washington Territory, . i.-. - . .i- ,. , I rarticuiar attention paid to in. collection or Claim., lit O.UUMABON UolUhOnu - . i. A.OBKLtl OfiJtU ..l ji: rill 1 ' EC U IV II & H 1 1 .11 A .T, IMP0RTIB8 AND WUOLtHAU Dealers in Wines, Liquors GKOCKHIES, Miners' Goods, 15oat Stores, &c BAVI REMOVED TO THK1R ' ' NtW STONE BUILDING, ' oosuwi or ' Second and Wasiiington Streets, DALf.ES CITY. ; NOW IN STORK A LAItUti AND COMl'LETB A3 sortmcnt of the very best brands of WINllSS AND LIQUORS. Also, ft lull ansortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS Constantly rucolvlni!: our supplies direct fn'm Nov York aiid Sun Francisco, we ttre uutu nud williu, to Bel) at a very small miviuice on Sun Francisco priced. They hope by adopting a utrictly curruct tmtl prompt method oi nuing DU91HU8H, Uiuy will receive the putroimgu ci Uio ptiu 11c. ' . - mlo-tf COLUMBIA RIVER MINEb. A.R. BOOTH, . .... WU1TB BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND QBNEHAL DKALCU IN m 13 n c ii. a. n jyi HE- AND - SI 1 1 K IIS' M t P.P l.J 12 S. PACK AND SA0DLE HJUSE FOE SALE. ITItHIOHTS CONSIUNFD t,i my care for Colvllle IL? 1 Kootenai, or the .Upper Columbia Minus, will, re cure prompt attention. White Blulls, oot. 1st, 1804.': ; .. . , oc.2tf j' I'UIJIT. koi:euv ' ' and"' ..; ' ..- ' ' ' PROVISION STORE, 'PHH UNDERSIONKD INFORMS HIS FRIKND3 and J. tho public guuerally, that lie lias JUHt established ou Main streot, next door to J. Juker, Tobaccoulst, - A NEW STORE! where he keeps coustautly on hand a large assortment o selected FRUIT. Also, in storo a complete stock ol'choice UKUVEKlCa, riCUVlSlUMri, tCUETAHLES, PC. All of which will be sold, wliolesalo aud retail, at UK uuuhd 1'lllOKS. tome uuu see aud satlsry yoursi-lt. aeia-tr . john spoarxo. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, ; Au Kxpuditious Cure for all diseases jl tho , SEXUAL OHGANS. 1II1S prompt and efflcatlous Hem oily for the cure Olionorrtoj. ttleot. Strictures, and Uiseosefl of the Urinary Organs, inukes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change in application burlnss; It will radically cure any case which cau be produced. The dlneiwe It removed as speedily as Is con sistent with tlie production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the dittease cannot uu contracted if the Sl'HUIFIO CUMl'OUMU is taken when uxposud, Its InjrreUlonts are entirel 9 vegetable, and no injurious eflecteithor constitutionally or locally, cau be caused by Us UM). ' . . Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. UUDT1STTK11. BMITIl S DKA.N. Agents, . 4ul and 403 Battery street, enr Ciay, , -Jy226nl. 8au Francisco. H. H. HILL. A. J KANB HILL & KA.1STE, WnOLKSALI AMD KXTAIi. DKALKHB IK Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. Gooda couslgned to us will meet with proper attention ' References i PORTLAND, DALLM. II. W. Corbet, Rohhlns A Co., Richards McCrackeo, . W. 0. Slowly Co., . H. Law, O. Iluuiaspn. Umatilla Landing, Sept. Oth, 1803. ' i. i. sri:i'iii:so. DENTIST, WW AS RRMffVED 1118 OFFICE OPl'O- , Ja site Bloch, Miller It Co, where be , is prepared to do all kinds of , DENTAL WORK, n a skillful and well nnisluri.mauuer. TKKTH insoitec rum one to an entire set, mi Hold or Rubber Plate. Prices ratute for Rubber Plate, from in to JS6 : Foi Oold Plate, from $7li to 1120 AaT Persons having work don. hy me not proving sat Isfactory will Dot be required to receive ox pay for tin same. aul3-ti 1JOOK8! ' WHOLESALE BOOKS! AND RETAIL. ' aOl'HUUJLi 11UUH.8, STATIONERY, C7 Standard and Miscellaneoua WORKS. Late NOVELS. MAUAZINKS: PAPKIIH. Ac, Ac. by ever Steamer. Poet-Ottlc. BooKatore, Main atreet. Dalle. . BUH-tl - . U. J. WALDRON 00. . WASTED. ; ,; v;. : ffIIK UNDERSIONKD WILL PrnCIIASE SECOND JL hand Furniture, Beds, Uoddlng. CarpeU, Stoves, aud Household Furniture of every uescrlptiou. . Partita wlsl ilng to tell will do-well to call. - iii., .-. ii ' jdiik wn.i.TAua ' ' .100 Maiu ti.ct.DaUofc! Umatill a," 33 jt i s ANIJ 113.V1IO Express and Fast Freight Line njIlis LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNlNtl. JL mMer from Umaiilla to ldnhoClty, via Boise Uit.v, and prepared to carry Freight and Valuah'o Package between these aud all iutoi-inudiatu puiuts with ctrlamty and despatch.. . . . - . The Line is Stocked wllh the Beat Teams tho country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace -. ; rirfc CONCORD m. Which onsuros Speed and Safety In the transmission ot Froiglit, never before offered to Idaho. We offer Bripe riur iitdiicements IbrShippiug Uoods from fan Francine and Portland to Idaho, us our arrangements with tho Oeeaii Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Navi gation nro such that nil Uimds shipped, by tlds Llue will not bo subject to the usual delays, but pass through as Fast ITroigjlit; ' " Goods shippril from San Francisco to oftr cure at Port land, Charges wilt be paid and Uoods shipped to destina tion. - - ' - O00DS SHOULD BE MARKED -CARK If. M. IK k CO., F. LINK, and Shipping Keceipta sept to our Agent ut Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Lino and Collected at Destination. Uoials will La forwarded with Dispatch tu 0"'hce and South Koine, PASSENOERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCkl UATE4. Families will be furnished witli Superior Ac commodations In New and Easy Riding Thorough Uriu-o vtagons on too Most Liberal Terms, wo lay over eacii night on the Koad at UimhI and Convenient Stations, sa that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. AGKNTt) I ' '.... RICHARDS A McCKAKKN M..San Franciecu RICHARDS ft McCUAKEN Portlnud J0HKP1I TEAL ;..i....allea POWKLL C"K Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON........ ,.LoaiHud B. M. DultKLL i. t)0.., Boise Citv 1). M. DuRELL A C0... ....Idaho City MAJOR SPliElt llocky Bar (Siaith Uaixr) DuKELL & M00R...n Ruby aud Silver Cillcs B.M.DullKLLtCO., tMtt - ,ai i -i . Proprietors. A CARD FOR THE ' ' Fall & Winter Clothinsr Trade OF SAM FRANCISCO, j.,., , BADGER &LINDENBERGER, No.. 41 1,413 and 415 llattery Slre.t, , Cor. JUerouaut, tjau t-'ranclsoo. . , Importers and Wholesale Dealers. entibe ne'w AND FItESa stock, WIS WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually large stock of Uoods. Our stock comprises every article in ti e Clothing aud Fur nishing lino. We have constantly on hand the Inrgest and greatest variety of Casslmer. and Wool HATS tit any home in San Francisco, and our pri es for those Uoodi are less than tlloe or any house, as we rocvtvti them direct from tlie manufacturer', consignment . Our stock of Summer and Fall Coops Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to thu country merchuut la tho unusually low prices. Less Than the Cost or Importation! W. also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Good. ' line, which Uoods w. have purchased in this market un der the hammer, and are ullerlng them at .Now Volk Coat, and less. t We" publish this cord In order that w. may make now acquaintances, and induce those who hare not heretofore) purchased of us, to cull and exmuinu our stock. -. Good Articles and Low. Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Merchants who buy of ua can make a good profit, and aell to their customers at a low Bguru. W remain, respectfully, Your Obedient aervanta, ' , UADUKR LINPENDKROER, - Wholesale Clothing ami Hat Warehouse, ' Nus. 411. 413 aud 414 Dattcry street, Son Francisco, February 0, 1806. r0 3mw. 110 1 FOR TIIE SUSIJIKR 110 1 SE ON TUB , , SEA. BEAO FT. rrtHIS DKLiailTFUL AND CELEBRATED 8UMJIKU JL Resort, situated on Ciatsol, Plains, a sliurt ill.tn,if-M from tlie Ocean. 1. now ro-opeued aud ready tu rocotve guosts. i Tliia resort possesses attraction, unsurpassed on tho Pacific Comt. It has splendid beach for riding,' walk ing and bathing; beautiful scenery and snrrouudinga; berriea of all kinds abound: a beautiful trout stream aud abundance of gome, ,y -"-; (r, . THK TA.I1LB3, Is constantly supplied with salt and fresh water fish olam. and crabs, elk, bear and feathered gunio,aud th. iiunuus. ui couutry prouiico. -. - The climate Is salubrious Till. Hotel offer a every thing that could be desired for th. comfort of ' Knots both well and sick. ' - The Proprietors respectfully oak the Health and Plea., are Seeklug Publio for partrouagu, that they mar euablod to twake tlie " Summer Houso " pormrnent'la- . etitution of th. country,. , , LOWELL KIPPMN may vtu, leuo, , myQU JLXt. ii. W. MITCHKLTl : Offich WALDItON'yS BUILDIXO rt, Rtsipanoi Corner of Third and Washington StroMa. ili.' -A-.'' H. STEEtiTS J' -ACTING ASSISTANT SURGEON, TJ. S.' A.' li'.i'i:'' ' ".? rn-i ( I ;nrm WALDftON BROS. DRUG STOR3