G30 Eyltojac Cf Telegraphic Kcws. . . . ... ...... . . , CilMl'lLttU lltOH TIIK UHKQ-jMAN. U A TICS TO FKHIll AU 4. WiMli'tiytou. Pub. 4. - Tlic House o .mmittrc iiuu iidmcu) (i.iiijr the bnsA ul representation will be ptissvil by H e Sun te, n ml Ti-ii id tilt's eivil rights bill. y tbe lluiiso. JJotli prubu lily ill i-- w eek. The Conressionnl plun of i econjtmction X) fur as any majority cut) effect it, will Ik completed. Numerous amendments will continue to lie u Here 1 and di cussed, but toe great work . tunds upon tno above two nuuieJ propositions. Mr. Sumner's demonstration in the Scnntc Inst Friilny, offering ueo;ro sulfnige us .it t'Utiutcr p oposition to the IIou-c ft mend luent, brings hiui no applause uud will uinouut to nothing. ; .. . . Mr. Tessendcn liiuing the bns'ncss of the I'oiniileliini of the conslitii iomil iiinendiueut in the Senate, luiuor.nce-i that he will urgo IVnin day to day, beginning to-inorrutr in urder to reach the Ijegislatnre uhiv in .-ession, l!ie passage of Mr. TruinbuU's bill. It will (hen only roiu iin to settle the test oath ami adjust t'C personal qualifications, ol I c H uthern members- These two measures arc . ns follows : , Trumbull's bill enacts thai n T persons 'born on American soil, except Indians sub ject to tribute iiulliorily nul children tf transient residents subject to any foreign power, arc citizens, and that no discriiuina Uou in their rights pliull bo made of met or color, or condition; that I hey cim,miike nnd enforce contracts, sun nnd be rued, buy ,sell,, lease, bol I an I convey proper y; to Lc sub ject to the same laws nnd punishments 119 1 ho most favored class under the present Ihws. This bill extends every right of citi nenship except suffrage. ' v TI10 House constitutional amendment pro vides th at the representation sliull bo appor tioned nniciig the several States which muy be included within this Union according o Iheir respective number, counting the whole 'ii umber of persons in caeli tnte, excluding Indi ins: provided that whenever tbe elect ive franchise shall be demad or ubridged in any Stuto 011 account of race or color, all pcivous therein of stt'h race or color shall be exempt from the basis of repre-cntntion. I'pon this amendment, Gen. Bidwcll, of Cal- ilormii, voted -against Messrs. lltgbv, Ale Huer, Henderson, and Ashley, nf the Pncllie eonst. Not votiuc amoint thoso votinct NO. were Raymond, of. New York, and Jcuks, of lihode Island. ......... , . . The Wnllft Wall Statesman snys tlmt nt ano liouue on tlio (Junius Prairie, between soutli Boise dud itoiue City, there were sev enteen men laid up whit frozen feet duriuj; ihe late grent storm. Of tlic.-c, several would havo to Buffer amputation. ' .. . . Tiik elder Dumas was married nt one period of his life to. a shrew,. ' Quo day,, in company with n friend, he 'delected a'gcntle tiian kisjintt, Madame Dumas. 'My God," Kaid the grca.1 roiuanccr, " he kisses her, nd yet he is not compelled to do it 1'' Tub operation of casting a cubic block ol Itel, of the enormous weight of one hundred ions,' was successfully accomplished recently nt a Inundry at E'ist Greenwich, near London. It was a starving corsel-nmkor who. thus veiiieii hid miaerublo complaint : "6hnniv, tlmt I should be without brend-t'bave stayed the stoinnehs of llioiisiuuls." , TfiB Collector ol Iniennil Revenue fjr Mon In (la i'9limnles the gold. product of that terri tory for tlie; past year at $!G,0O0,OflO. This is probably in excels of the truth, but not far from it. ' A. HlSltUCH OlJ?.-ff Lit erary and Scientific Lectures ftVIIICll has been In contemplation fur some time,. w is iii'w uuercii to iiiu peoiue 01. lliu lMllus Ilia nrst Lecturu of the Scries w-ill be given ami ono'carli Tuenlny Kvcnlng therenfter. through the r'erles of t.luht Lectures. Tho proceeds will be divided between the Congregational und Methodist Subbiitli Schools. Tichcts for tlic Coarse : : OJf B DOLLAR. Slncle Admission. Flftv omls. TJils lecture will be llelivaresl liv REV.. T. OfinoN. In the Congregational Church lecture will commence t o'clock, bubjuct: TUK-JN 1U.1U' AND-TUB KH- OF lliMUKY. . The fulluM ing gcutlotnen arc expected to dullver each 11110 Jjccture: Itev. Dr. Uensnn, Portland; Iter. Dr. Atkinson, ' ' Itev. Mr. Caflrey. " Ju.lyo Hill, Canyon City; Jnl(ta Wilson, Dallesj Kuv. Mr. Driver, Prof, ltolan.l. I. A. Oilell, Esq., Itev. T. Condon, " CO AL OIL! COAL OIL J BTALDRON UTt'lS. bare Just received n larxo In- . w aj vinco HI IAIA ' COAL OIL, whicli they oiler ul ereatly reducnl rated, 1. II "J 1 FRANKLIN ; M ARRET. COltNKIl OFSIiCOND AND WASHINGTON 8TRKETS I DALLES, OHF.OON, - ' " JOHN KTUMNOISR. Proprietor SrpA 73 having niter- p tim SU&Ju 1"V Minuet ill tile UK T X -1 8TYLK,will keep constant- 1y iui huitil ml sorts of e rcKis aim t uicd Meals." Of tho bent quality furnished lit llio LoWKST It AIR My motto is to 't'LKASI-: ALL" ' Fmitiks irAvixo sui'uiiion stock roit salk V ill lo woll to cull nt thu Franklin Murket. . , JOAN Ll'HN'JKIl. Dalles, Folirusry 10th. 1865. ' WAssai a ton n a ti ti ut n. ;"" fti'M'J -coai-ia ' ' v. ,.' CO'JP.T AND SKCOND STHKKT8. DALLES, OHKQ0N JOHN MICHELBACH, Pioprietor. RtTA. 11a li UK VIP W? t cimstnllv i linnd nil the vnrlii- kVS! kiS4licn timt tliu uiui kit cuu ji.nslbljr , . niiurii, ui ' " , FI1ESII Sc. CXJliKD IttHJ-A-TS. nnd nhiiiys uf tlio but qnnlliy. ' -FAMILIES, HOTELS AND 'STEAMBOATS Kt chhIi prictt tr i'AT (I.V'ITI.K. I'Hvllitrt ltnviii rtock hi cnmHtton. tiro n-iiUculetl to nil I on liiin lielore oinc fUi-wln'ic. JOHN M-IUlIhl.UACU. HhIIih, Mm-cH ait.isnft.: inhSltf J. (10KT7:. Jih1Ui. . f. KOKNios-iiKiiunn, I ,r . j Vmi Fikucisca. .7. GOE1Z & co., :,, TOBACCONISTS, Have rt'iiutvetl to Rudio's New Stone Building, Wn.lilnutou Street, near French A ailiniiii'a, mil laive ojiciii'il 11 vcli.iiHnorteil stuck of - llAVANAillul l)OMK.-il(; 8KOAI1S, VIlir.lMA ui.'l WKST KKN TOIIAIJUO, HSI1XCII mul SCOTCH SNUKK MKKIISCIt AUM 1111U other I'il'ES, ' I'LAVINU CAIIDS,. tii'iiai.'ii umiuti, - - - V' '. . ' Indian mi.) va -cy nontis. c, Ac. Tlie trmle eiimtiol ut LOM KSr M AKlt KT TltlCKS. BOOT. AAW SlZOli STWill AS HKMOVED 1118 1I0OT AND M10H ST.HtE to tlie biilliliu ...i Mali. .Ireet SH?. in atrcet, M fro lie lias AJ isco. unun- s'8 nearly upposite Moialy's llnll, whe Just re'ielved. direct from San Krancli usually nne and well selected stuck of . I300TS "and 'siioiGs;'1 of the Terj'bost quulitj nud ltitust fityloa EVER BROUCHTTOTrilS MARKET, Including tlie celelirntml KNOUSII HUNTING StlilK Dianiiluctiiioil liy lluiikert. Also, n lai'me uf irtiiieiit of , , I.jidieK tinrt ClsIIdi cii'M (.'alters; 1 Of tlio latest Styles. Just received from tlio best l'Ull. adel(iia makers. Also, a Tory large ussortmvu. of J , FINE DRESS BOOTS. i iraciitleint.ii n lio prefer to have their lli.nts or Shoes made to order, cuti rely iism olitnlning a neat and easy uv. -r. 11 siijvMAA. mui 1 street. eltt-tf Opposite Mmiily's Hall. " NOTICE TO FARMERS. fnMUi DALt.KS LUMBKIt AND M ANUe'ACTUItl.NO JL COMPANY has recently attached . . . .- h' to llielr Stenm gash and Door Kactorv. In this City, and are niliT prepilrcd to L'lIOf I'KHU. tliiINU V 11 K AT mid UOltN. and warrant ti give the bust satislitctiou. Ou lituid coiistiintly and fur sale , 1 FXTltA FAMILY rUiUlt, . , . ' .. f . , B1.C0NDS0K MIDDLINOS, I ' , , BltAN ANJ SIIOIl'M, - - CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. i Also, a Superior article of CJUN, MEAL, from pew Corn. . . i?i ?; t . ' i - - . - The highest market price paid for WHEAT. CORN a ' , BAULKY. 11, A. IIOUUE, Agimt. Ualles, Nov. 2, 1805. , . . ",Kif. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. J O II IV fflL LIl BI .S A.TJCTIONTTCR,, Ko."SO, Main Street, Uailcs City. WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION ot Oeiierid Merchnnilise, Hon Estate. (Irorerbs, Uorses,Nev and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, Ac, Ac. Itcfrular atcij nay Saturday. Ont-iloor uud Spaelal Sales attended to In 1111 y part of I tli mtn.. - . .. ...-.- I Liberal Advances made on Consignments. .nlfWJin. JOHN WILLIAMS. Aiicttoiieer. IMPOI!Tlt AND JODDKU OF FRONT STREET, Porllnnd, - - "'- . Oregon. OFFI51IS FOR SA'LU i A , VEIIY I.AItQli AS3011T inent . ' ; ; , ; . - . 1 ih-aiidieW, ; - ' T . lVJncK . ' ,., Liquors,.. Case Goods, - &c, &c'., , &c., . 07r The Tmilc Is particularly Invited lo exasiine my St ctt befiffe prrrcliiHing elsewliere. nli'il tl JOSEPH JELIlLT, " ' f VfllOIKSALB AD IlCtXlI. KSAI.HR K Fancy & Staple Dry Goods,' CL THING, BOOTS AND SHOES, '-. 11 ATS AND OA PS, AXD Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Fire-proof Stone Btoro, corner t Uaiu and Court gtrceta. . ;.roc4-W 0.$.?Mtu.ir.f Dallea. Blocli, Miller Co'j", 'WHOLESALE O 1 O. O S , Wines Sc" I.iq.iibrs, And Importers nnd JuLbora of , . CLOTHING, Boots & Shoes, -, . . .i Under C'lo!!iiii?r I ' : v Blaulicfs . etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. SDtrK IIAVB AN ASSAY 0KF1CK IN CONNECTION VW wlihoiir tniKi nuiis. under the entire aniiet-Ttainn ol'.Mr. Millt-r. We niiike retuniH in Hiirs in "ix Iiimits- i Kiiiiriintco till nnr AlWAvt mul liny the ILIUHKST CASH PltlCii fur Dura. v iiIho imy the llii;lieal L'nslr t'neo fur yuia Dunt, .HLWII, JIII.l.Kll k O.. a il.j'Otr Cor. Main and WiiahliiKtiin strui-tK. DuIIck. .1. V. K 0 1 1 li FAMILY GROCERY,' FBUIT - ... r AND ., .,-1 ' -' -, v Provision Store, , COItNEll 01? WASHINGTON A SBCOND ETltKETS. j JMONSTANTI.Y ON HAND tlio clmlcust articles ul L- i'UKSU BUTTKIt, K0U8, Hud every ynrluty of ' liVLailLY CiliOOKItlES, A UTS, CANDIES, $t WholeiAle mul Kctnil, at lluducej 1'rlcM FOlt CA6II,' Also, dealer in , , , f ' GUAI.V, FLOltR AXU FEE!,,, of uU kin lis, and will do a Cicuenil Commission Business. ' No clrirucs fur Stunue on Quods sold uu Cuiniiilwlon. Proceeds of Sitlel remit oil promptly. ' ' jnlotf MILLINERY AND DltESS-MAKINQ itwKan)iinniiirvtii.'uf iva.rivuiini .1.-' XSL Ladies of Unites mid vicinity, thut blio I I'll" Just received a fresh supply M' X7'slilonallo Goortg,' Tli Infest l'ri.. k.ito v.,rt nt.,1 o, p,.,i... I ?' "'I.NWKIS, U ITS, IIIIIU.I.NS, LACKS, FKATlIlillS, FLOWEIIS, c. A lull and ell-selwrd assortment of Lndics'. ncaily.iiimle Gariucntt.. i Also, a Faslilon ililo iissorlment 0f( 1.: 1 DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPINQ forKmhroMoryaiidDialiiriicr. riNKINfl done at. short notice. 11 U.N.N K'1.4 llleacheit and Pressed lu the latest style. A iari;e assortuieiit of Children's. Ueittjy-Jlarte Clothlns Constanlly on 1snri.lt ' Having secured the se'rvices nf a rirst ClitH Dress Maker, I am prepared to rut and lit Lames' anil viiiiuren s dkkssks nnd CLOAKS.' 1 TlllilO STltKliT, out sqnaro oist -of the Cnthbllc Cliurcli. . 1 '. . . oc21:8m. FUENCH MILLINERY STOKE, v and ;. Dress Slaklns JUstalriiNliment, 0)iposll Cnliu . Dohm', ' TTWOUHU CALL TIIK TTRNTION of Hie Ladles- i JL tho-Dallosto my lar.e and 1I110 st.ick of -- FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY. IlOSHVfers, II ATS, FE ITIIKUS, Dress Xriuiiniii-gp, llavini; secured the servievs nf'MltS. KltAllV, In the Dress Uukine aua luicut, c-ivill do all woik hi that lino anil mtarantee perfect fatislnclioA, DV1X0 ibuie In all colors. '' : (live mo an parly call and I will tn.le.ivnr to suit everyho.IT liM'ASru au.l at HKA3JNADLtS PillCES.i t Particular atteutior paid to ,, , Jtimoroiaery aud Braiding Stamping, TO TEAMSTERS ASD DAIUUIENI FEED! ' ITJEEI) '- ... AND V. OP ALL KINDS, FOR SAE DY It. II. JJA.XV, 35 Front Street. Portland. nlOilf. ' OpHislte Oi 8. K. Warehouse. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! . r. booth ...H...-...n.pr.r xcvisox BOOTII & NEViSON, Foi-ivoitllng and Coinmliklon Merchants AND DKLKKS IN 0 K.N Kit AT MKItCHANDIBKr FRUKIHT'FOrt C0LV1I.LK. CPPKIt MLCmHIA, KOirTKNAI and HLACKFOOT MINES promptly Miirk OoodsD. 4 N., White UltilTs, IV. T, .MTMUHICUt Poutmxd Richards A McCraken, Alloa A Lewis, anil limine Calef. D.MLrj-Blocli, Miller A Ca., French I Oilman. JnTtl ' Coal Oil! Coal Oil! TCSIRKCKIVKD AND FOR SALK ' I LP ly - Onlotl UATK 4 CUAPilf." Isuo"F. hiflrn, , m San Francisco. Wholekle Ketail" Druggists, Slain. Street) Ditllei, Oregon,"'" WE NOW OCCVPY rtirt NKW TWO STOIiYVlItH ir.wr Clime Imilillni;, jippusile nticli. Miller A Co.. nnd oiler to tlrt-imltlic n full itml' ninuletjtiM-k iif Drills, Meilinnea and Cluinlcals, consisting In part of g KK1IOSKNR. LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS TDItl-KNTINlt;. llol'S. ' ALCOHOL : . 8AIIH. " - ' ' 1 ACIDS. , SI'ONCKS. .!-,. , -' 1.INSHKD, ' ' LKKCHKS,',' v, , 1 v.- ,.-,J,ARI, ',' . COKKS. ! H' 1 ' . . . CAi-TOIt AND 1MJIO0 AND , M KATSfOOT Oir, . ' ; LAN I'll l.ACIT TRUSSES, SHOULDER ' BRACES, SUPPORTERS' ' ; ' AN1) - PATENT MICDICIiyiEs;! ' Oiir stock (if FANCY OOOW I s nf tlio finest nd liest iiilityi new stylm ..nil large iwuitiiimii, such ' ., LUlllN'Sl'KUKUKKItY, HAIIt, , , 1 Ll)lllN'8T01LliT8uAP,' VI.KStl,'- ''"! . l'OMAUK.S , . . BilAVlNfl, , ' ' COS.MKTIC9, 1 - 11 AT, ,,. 11A1H01I.S, '- : i .. oi.0TnflJ"' l-ui: V0MH1MC .XOtiTllAXD , - : I " JANCY SOAPS AND NAILlllttlSltra ,,-J, TiJO'l'll I'OWJJKltS.-i :i .-AND COMBtM , PURE "WINES' AND- LIQUORS, " ' For Medicinal purposes. ! !' ' 1' ' 'I ' ' . Our facilities lor buying, penods are second to none Iw tbe Stnto. antrwo sliull nt all times sell at a siniiU ad- itiuie limn cost. , Iteiuly Fitlenil small prutitsj .. yilYSICIAXSM'KKSCUlIfTIOXS 1 wrtmmy ci)iii)ouniieu ut an noun ci uto tiivy aim nitxnt' H E M o Y AETT- ,GATES ,& CIIAPIN, ' i ,j WU01.E8ALB41lliTAlL. ' 1,1 " ". DRuaaisTS.- . ,1, I,!.- lDvo Itemoved to . J i I RUDIO'S STOiE ffll ILDIG, ! WASmXOTON t-THEKT; 'Dallks. ' ' 1 ' KrHKRE vlll'xmitlmio to Ml articles iisnM'y ? kept In a Kir.t-Clsss OniK Storii. nt 20 per cenr, Lliss THAN ANY STOltK IN THE CITY. Our snick. . consists in part of -1 . . . 1 . . . l'titeiit Modicluri, - i Par Wln'tand Bnmdjs' ' ' extracts, raucy A Coltimoli Suag, . ttpuiiges, llair Uruslies - - Trusses, Braces, Cork. Adds. . J'aliits. -...'.! Tonih F.iwdcr, i ' I 1 V-arnlst.es, " Ale. b..l, .... I Oil".- - Il.i f-i..' -"' Uolieni!anTo!letSet, tu purler., if, , THISHIAXS', PCESCSIPIIOXS It Cnrcfullv Coiuiwiindei!. (lire us a call and snt;Tr t aiv-. 1 mT. v S,V.; t.-t, II. U-CIIAI'IN. ., lufJtlJ JLaTtN Q.Tg UregOll SlCiim AaTlatlOIl t'O- "f ;v;nter Arhancement. r VBsM&gb sc!3J2--3 rifssgisSi! ' ON AND AF'I Ml MTJXDAY, NOVUM DliU 13tli uiit's " furthar uotice, ,-; . (l -1 : . I -i.-;.ri -.it f'JL'laeiX'.assentxei' .Tralixl ; ; tocimim-twltii ttonmen ''1!;' H 'Oi TOR UMATILLA & WALLULA' Will Mart fwm'the 11." It. DEPOT DALLK3 CITV, mm Slondtya, Wedutidayi, and Ffldayt, a 4i30 A. M, .,,. ai - . TIJK STEAMEUS . ; .. '.. "0 N E 0 N T A," or "I D All 0,M . C.U-r. J. 'McSCtTY,:..,.: ;.......;.....V.Cuiumandciv V'lM leava DALLKS. 01 LY. ( undavs .-cepteilUt L.' o'clock. A. K..eoniioctiiii liy IheCAWADK H41UI0AD,,' "NEW WO BLR" or "CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF,.. ! Commander, - fti- PoftlanO. ', W. D. BltADKOUD.. i Diillrs. Niiv.l3;18f5, ni:tf,. AKent 0. 8. N. On. V li li Y.. I M V Oil TANT I' - -.-to-;. . Mcrcliaiits,. Families, Ilotels and HAn.TtOOMH. FfLIl'9 K1IAKMKH 1IAVIN0 11OT1GIIT TIIK TV. Sf lire Mmk ot,Merchandlr.e and Hook Accnnnts of II. a Isle Ann ot M. teller A Co., In this city, In which helms mhled of his own Importation (vthllo dnlHg liiiKlniin I'ortianit; an immense Mock pi the host manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated. Ware, Lamps, . t Iiantlellcrs, Table Cutlery 'LootifnpT-Glasscs and 'All Kinds of Oils, .. , All of which he nflbrs nt rcdnaed rates. IVrMM iii. Inn to buy any or Ihe nhove-inenlloned articles, will do well to nive nie a call luilore purihasinir elsewhnra. ; " urui rs ii.iin u.e iiiterior promptly attended to, anil goods packed to (rn serine. Don't lail to call 011 me. Kudio'a Stone Uiilldlng, ashinprton street. Dalh. ' . . . JULIL'8 K11AKM12R.. DnlUn. March 17 111. 1806, mlilTtf , Ulssoiutionlotice 1 THR FIRM OF J. W. MI LLF.lt Gflt linri Hiia (Inf disposed of their eitiro stork. In this city to, Messrs. Bunnell Miller, who win cnntliiM Via Unsinrsa'at II. siiiiin itauil. Mr. Thomas' Miller Is aiithorlrcd tosetlla all liakilitiea nud .'cnllwt all richts Hnev All pirs.nis ki.i.wliiR themselves inilibtcd will please mine Ierwai4. " mul seiile and save co.ts. J, V. MILLIllt b Co. ' Dalles City, Nov. 2.'ld, 1806, n'jarf UiNNOIntion Notice. . raIIF.CO-l'.tliTNKllSIUPIieTetofnreeiElatlnRlictwpen' JH. A. LAUKU and li. 80IIUTX. under the li.iino ut ' Isiuer t Suhata, In the .laek'-iin ealoop, Is this day Is soiled hv mu ual consent. Mr. Lrlier liavinir selil mil LliitefeHt to K. Brliulii. who will continue tho hnsi.-imi tier i his own n fc.u nt. All l.ts ilno tho hits linn will ho isiid to K. Schuta, who will setltu all llahilitlea. ... , A. LAUF.IT. i Dalles, Doit. 1st, 1805. . K. Bull VTA. Thankful for past patronage, the undcrslKiicd wni-hfr , re.'pecttully lufoi n his friends that he wil ever lo fontnt at the old stand ready to dlsjaniM his choice liquors t them. - t . ; t ? j j fnncumr.. TOYS t 'IOYS ! TOYS i TOYST . FOH TOYS AJKU AlVCY COOTS. For the Holidays, 'w rwnmmehd aft dritli'ta Id .tiesi ,j line lu mu llA?lttl- AAU IUI r.,1l I'imi UM of , , .-i in - TIHIMAUKlt A V.WHt,' " I . ..i .- I-- - ' J fm and itU Halterr Wreet. ' , 8au Francisoa.