The daily mountaineer. (Dalles, Or.) 1861-1866, February 11, 1866, Image 2

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A letter from Salt Lako Ciiy lo the Spt'ng
iieW. HrjmSlicatig ditled Oi'totcr 1st, conliiins
"vom notei about men ami thing, of cousid
iTiihle interest to I lie public; in lliiii (timr'tr.
Tim nuilior of it is understood to he tho I'nr
rner editor of the Statesman, A h 1 B h.
V.'u liitve'onfyVnoiii to emmet a f . v hiornph.
"leal notices, which are iriitten a-la-modc de
Pfadi. J'ne firsujf. our. esterq Celebrities
who full j iifliicr obsei ymion U Geo. F. Thomas,
of JVlii.Vullii, who is ".noticed " lliui: ,;
' ' 6eo.. P. Tliortiau is of It i mIi extraction, if not
O. birth, lie limy not know whether the lat
ter or not ;, certainly ho itoejti't cure. For
merly he was (Vknifrht of the whip in Georgin.
D-ullirgto California, with the curly uJvi n-tu-eu
to that country, niter the discuicry ol
Cold,' he became 11 lure siotJi holder in the
California siHjje company, and wng 'for some
years its vice president. In llnit cnpncily he
alRulisued I hu line fromSaciaiiienlo to l'oit
)nd in. ..Orofron, residif.K in the lallcr Slate
the while.. Upon the discovery of gold ii
Idaho in 1SU2, lid sold his interest mid re
eigncd his (.osidon in the company, mid re
luoVed to VI" vIU Wul'tt, tio:u wheuce he ran
stages, us the constantly shilling travel de
manded. Alterwiirds, Col. Iluvklu i'trniniz
Mm, they entended .their liim to Boise Oily,
cousiriicliu,', lit a heavy outlay, tho liluu
Mountain road.. Ha is a sensible, wbolu
souled, hospitable " Iri.h gentlem m," fond of
11 quiet glass, n' good story or i-'ke, and said
, to be the best judge of the horse ou tho IV
ciliq coast. . , .. ,,r . . ,
Col. J. S. Uucklc is next on the list. His
acquaintances hereabouts will perceive that
Mr. D li has happily slrnck upon the leading
trait in llio Colonel's character:
Col. J. 8. Ruckle enmo early from New
York to California, nnd thence to 0 Qiioti,
w ithout mentis, hut with great re-ourccs in
liusiness. ability and energy Alone, unaided,
lie co'istrncted the first railroad in the terri
tory, ryid built the Mountain Buck, which was
iimon' the first steamers lo navigate the
Columbia. Afterwards, lie merged railroad
nnd steamboat In the Oregon Steam Naviga
tion Company, n corporate body with two
million! .capital stock, ami owning all the
r!e.iiurs and controling all the business of
tho Columbia river. He became n promi--nent
ro raben of the company,- for sometime
in superintendent bV la-t'ly its prvsiilcnt.
Hi'is Intelligent and cordial, loves u bottle
of good-wino.i - - ' -
.ljcnry, Grcathouse comes iu for a pnrsw
grph':'.'.-a ''." ','," ' " '.' , ''
Idaho City is some35-m 'lea south of Boise
Ci-y, nnd j-ou. ate taken there in the
of Henry Circathouse, n brother of Hidgley
(iionthouiewho was convicted at San Fran
cisco of attempting to fit out n pirate vcs-cl,
discharged utidonlic nmivcsty proclamatioB
of Mr. Lincoln, nfte-w irdu ?c nrrcsted, takcu
tu New York and confined iii Fort Lafayette,
iVom which ho made bis cscapo nnd lied to
; Hurope, where he dow is. His brother,
Henry, is undcr-tood to posses southern
ivmpathics, but never talks of public nffiirrs.
' .Ho is a quiet, hard-worldng twin, diivcs a
coacn nimscil, when necessary, nud Das ac
tiitanla4eia good-deal of nioev. "
good -deal of money.
B h visited the Ruckle mill, on
IVffdor River, where he met Capt. L. Coffin,.
cf whom and the mine lie s ys
In this valley, yet In 0 Cffon, wo stopped
uoy m usii uie hock cilow p;old uiiua,
owned by Col. Ruckle, ft is seven miles
from tho s'ngo road, ft quartz, mine, exclu
sively gold bearing, and of iv very high grade
of fincne-8. The product coins over $13 per
puiice. i.i is apparently a very rich mine
nnd, so fame Indications point! of nrobnbli
permanency. It is prot .y well opened, and
is being successfully worked under the super-
inlindenee of Capt. I.aban Collin, nn old
Massitch isctts skipper, from Nantucket, I
brieve; at any rate, from some bleaU country
dowti that ay ' l!v stndv and pxneriotwo.
btf sboms to have made of himself u thorough.
tlilUlUlll Ulllll . , ,
A young-enllomaQ from the land of steady
Habits, luring in state of sin nt B dso City
callj out tbe following :
The son of'n New Knglnnd deacon, and
graduate of a Jtow BneJund orthodox Snh.
bath fcho; I,- was keying a styli-h drinking
n:nunii, nun j;viug wr;tt a commercial Miss
wi h whom, owing to tho scarcity of clcrirv
men or other poisoos cjunliQcd- to perform the
icrviccn, ho had never m.nried. Wheu I
rar-et hts relatives thev Innniro nfter bis wel
fare, and, anxiously, if "he continues to
iovo tue i.ora nnd grow in grace.
Tho next pnrngrapli nppar3 to linre refer
onco-to the Rev. C. S. K v. it nmiulnr
i t rtw
divine, who, it appiars, has nt length Boived
t':e problem, how to servo God nnd Mammon:
A lively clergyman of a popular denomina-
,t a, a cnurcli nt Idaho Cry, and occa
tionV1." l'roi.elcalii it on Sunday ; and civ
gnged rn -incrchandiRing,' lev was-naid ' his
clerks kept his sto e open, the whi.e. Al the
time we were there, pi caching bad been sus
pended and the church rented to. the United
States for a court-room ; and. tho only lime
we veiled it, Chief Justice llclirldo was try
ing a ihur iercr then in. ''
'Vfbe'nuiiru luterests of JIcssr llnrauson,
Jackson & lilbb, callj out the following t
; In and around the Boise Iiasiu arc many
gold beariug'quui'l leads, some thought to
lie rich' and extensive, but few, if any, yet
fully roved to be to. Several mills meat
work upon some of them, but none that we
saw are so far developed as to satisfactorily
Uc'hionstra'e their richness.' -Among the ap
parently promising' leads we visked were
three laying near together .in. the Summit
Flat d strict, ilinaitt some fifteen or eighteen'
miles from Idaho City. They me called the
.Man moth, King, ai d Specimen ledge-,' and
lire owned by Messrs. Juckpon, Humnson
nndI5iu. "They arc gold (nines only, nnd
not extensively developed yet reasonably
promising so fur as they have been wi.rked.
There ,hns boon nn eight stamj) wn'er mill
running uon the ore of ono of them for a
year,, nnd from the proceeds . .of it, they
had purchased and wcro erecting a ten
stamp mill, expecting to have it running by
the beginuiuii of 'Winter. They were without
capital, except ns they dug it from the mi; c,
and were therefore compelled to vOrli s'owly.
'I he couutry around the Flat is liberal y sup
plied with water and timber, which make
wording tho mines easier and cheaper.
I.MinoiUNT Voteus. In speaking of the Inst
year's iiumigraiion, the Stalcmnn thinks there
re no' over eight' hundred voteis comprised
in the arm us.- In-this particular o think
the Mat rMiijsin, 3 iu error, us is witnessed by
l lie number ol luituigmnts pkriug toll nt the
Harlow Oate wagon rood alone. While we
do not dislincily remember the figures, which
were published in the valley papers, our re
collection is that about live thousand five
Mildred persons passed the Cascades Range
by that route; not le.-s than two thousand
went down the Columbia River, and many
others went in by the way of the Upper Wil
lamette pass. In all, these. immigrants must
have deluded over two thousand voters, if
we allow that two thousand more (topped iu
Ea.lern Oregon. In relation to ihose who
have participated iu the rebellion, that is to
say six hundred, tbe Statesman is nbont light.
01 the balance, tho major part is comprised
ol elements who may be -easily attracted to
the support of Ihe Union cause, if they are
approached in that spiiil of kindness' which
should characterize the ditc:.ssion of the pub
lic questions now nt issue lliroughonl the
nattou. But in order to rench this Drofoundlv
HsiILVet 'd class of our population we should
relrain from dilating upon tho "unspeakable
calamity'1 of "allowing' locni to vote..' We
should keep in miud the fact that these men
uro uur iciiuw counirymen. aua now are
about lo take a part in the direction of the
affairs of this.Slate, and in the relation they
hold' to the community are potent both for
good and evil, it will depend hugely on the
discretion of ihe Union press whether these
people shall have- their ancient prejudices re-
newed and re-h forced, or whether with tfieir
change of location, they shll imbibe ' those
libcrnl ideas in keoping with the progressive
spirit ol the itipe.'..
'Moumln DisSKNiiioiis. TheM irmons do not
seem to agree among llvcmselves.. Tho 'Union
suites 1 1111 one 01 ineir HVerends iu Sucra
nu-trto, ihe-ether diy.'chairenged' one'of the
piophit-s lo a discussion, ki the following
words: t ..-- - i ' '
Whereas, The Mprrisiles, under their nrctend
ed prophet, Cainilnj-have claimed t4ie high aud
and exclusive prerogative of presiding over
tho Kingdom ol lion ou Ihe earth. Na, be
it ktioVii the said Cainan, or any man who
believes in his. cvelnHons, thatl herebvchal
lunge any of you to meet me in publtj discus'
sion, iu any part of tho Slate ol California- or
tho western portion., of iiavada, and nt any
time witliin Ihe next three months. And I
pledge myself .then, ahd theMTto proVe your
revea-ious are from Salnn nnd will lead lo
perdiiion all who follow them, the Holy Set iii
lures being received ns proof, Now Cuiiiiui
(or any man that believes in you) pleiue accept
this challenge, or by your non. acceptance let
all the world know that you dure not."
Tim Sacramento UnioA thinks, after the
Central Pacific Railroad has surmounted the
Sierra -Nevada, that freight fjr Owyheo,"
Uoise, and evea Montnfia, can be tout from
its terminus, wherever that mny happen tem
porarily to be, cheaper than by the Columbia
River ro i e. The Union manifests its entire
Ignoraure of the mountain country, by estl
mntine tb distance from Sacntneoto to tha
- J otia; of Uontvltfikt eight hundred mllei.
Knoxville, Tennessee, that npinefty to the
rebel ", itf' like " throwing pearls before
Bwine.' '
. t
Thk Cherokees hnve deposed Cliiff John
Ross, t and proclaimed Downing ptincipal
chief, with the approtratiou of the Govern
ment. 4 '
Columltla Ijodge, Nr. 0, I. O. O. P.--
51et every Kihloy ereiitng nt 1: o'clock, hi '(Jiitm'
Hall, rorniT f Secoml nml Court Street. Ilrotliers in
giwil sMHillug are iuviteil toattend. II)' order. N.U.
Wnsco Lodge, No. 15, P.. A. A. HI.
JTotils In staled Cuiiinniiilciitinii" on the Firrt nml Third
Mondays of Bucli nuinth, nt their Imll. in Dulles City,
llrethren In (.-ooil stimdlugiiro Invited" to attend. '
Sktii j. Pom. Sec'y. Ity onler of I lie w. M.
jaWIt. FIOMUXn SCUWAllACHBtl Inn, by mutual
Xj it riMHent, witliitmivi n from our lirni.
UiilhM. l'ub'y Slli, 1800. lil.iilill, MII.1,1 t 4 CO.,
I3nlIio -Anctioii,
Tlmrsday, Feb. 15th, at 10 a. ni.,
And on e:rh micceedtni; day until the entire fttnek in dis
imMed of All Hie Knlendid auudd reuuiiu.u in mv ttturo.
COIllrttlllK of
Din in unrig, f i : ;
Jewelry, '
Clocks. , . ,
l'l;H d War, '
. tulleiy, ' '.'',
I'h'hl Classes.
, . Fancy OootN, i
' ;ltl Scales, etc.
1 liuvp dlennurd of my Iron wife, ahow rase nnd ntoro
flxtun- lo .Mr. Il'iiurhin and as I Juire to jrive iiim io-t.e
(ion ol' the Hi ore lit an euvly dity, thift will he liie lut op
portunity Unit the piihiic will lmvo to piin-li -tu tlieiro
iroodi. ut iiiii-tiou irirei. 'nuinkfal to Iho urenHionri i nb-
Ii.. ,1... l....-U U.. UI.A...II.. ,.l-.l I.. ..... ....... .. .
IV ...... IHMrm, l,.tll.ll.t'l HUT lt'I t'l.ll'lll', i IU.
epectlully invite Ihuni to be iiment nt tills mv eliminit
ll . . W.M.. JtlKNBAUM..
IlOtf . Jlain Street, iMlles.
Adui I si it i a lti ,!4 IVol ice
tliis 9ih day nf 1'Vhi imry. lS6H.liui n dulvanludiited
iiduiiniKtiiitor ut I ho extnti. of K. U. Cowne, ilecoiu'eil.
I'lieretori'. nil perrions indehted to stiid elale ftie unti
tle., to ninki- iiKineiliiite payment ; nnd nil persons bav
ins; ehilnm niniinpt vaid fsime are notified to imNint
thuu to me. nt .my olnee. in Hal en f iry, Wascn -enmitr,
Ori'-011, witliin six uiuuths 1 10111 tlioihite here it. for puy-lneiKt-
. , 11.. A. HOtifJK, .
JJebnmry Dili, 1806. - Adiniiiisliiiior.
1 will sell on ' 15 '-:i'
ETonday, Feb. I2th, at.lOaxa.,
nt Uie nuiih-ncc nt Mr. A. t.niin-.nn KOlIltTI! STltKKT,
heiwecii Miuihini.-tnn nud Ouui t Streets, nil the i'ltilo'.
Itoiisehold noil KiMhun i'uiiiitun euntuined u suid'
dt'elliiic. roiiHirttini; of ,
AlulioKiiny. bonis,, ( hairs, Tab'ns. , . . , -JMsieads.
Puln mid Feiilher Mit tresses,' '
hooking Uhutes, Crockery and, Uhiaa Waio,
('ookiiig Stoves. Parlor etoves, and
A I.iu'ku variety of Kitchen Furniture.
And nt 12 o'clock on the nnuie dav. I will tMl nn thi
nCorcusii! premiia-s, and nt tho same sale ns tho
suid mVILUMi lloliRKaud LOT OF LAM). Iho pro
Jicrty if A-. I.niler, Esq., lieing one of tlie most deHlruhlr
reMdences in the city. The said iiou-ie couinins Five
Itoouui. nnd is in nood order and condition. Lot IWxino,
llnusB 24x10. Terms, ivliicli will ho reasonable, uiudo
known at time of sale. . i .
mw - , . - i sioiIS WILLIAMS. Auctioneer.
! Notice of Final Settlement.'1"
tate of T. M. C. Moad, deceai.ed. in Uie Comity
Court ol Wasco county, 0 ckuii, iu Prohuio. KotieoriH
lierehy tlveu, that J. N. .Moad. ivlinlinsliiiti.r of tho
tthore, tiled in tho County Court of Wa.o eount nt the
Fehniary Toi in, lsno, hia ai couuts fm, ami pra'vs a set
tlement of said cttiito; it is therefore ordered that said
application be heard on Tnmilay. llie GUi -day of Mnrcli,
1S60, at the Court ll-iu-o. in Unlles City, hi eaid comity,
ami that notice thereof bo published for ur weeks iu
the Daluus MouST.UXKtll. ., i O.N. HEN-NY,'
February 6th, 1S(,II. fc9 4e . County JiuIlo
Desirable ReEicfence For Sale
5Y1LLSF.LLAT I'l'Bl.lC. ADCTION (uuioss sooner
disposed of ut private 8 le,) on
Tharsday, February 20, at 11 q. m.,
tiie Kleuant KWKLLl.Nd HllUSI!. tha mal.lcora. nfe i
Kelly. JCm., with the Hull. lilies and Land udjateli 1 1 hiiro
to. This l.roi.lTIV rotialHlM i.l' tha ilwalli.... ul i...
cribo.l, and an aero of Laud with fence, iunWwn Lots of
j. i nun inn ooiiuiugs iiiereou, ilns property is
.n.-.Ht.,iuifjr rituivivu. uil ..111. II OVeri OOH I ll Iliet itV
nud is iu every way well mlculatcd for n Uenllimm,:',
:esldeiiee. 'i'hero is a lino Mprinir of Water on .tho uie-
.uIhi.R. t'llP flirll,..,- l,n-.t.iln. I I '
' JJ"N W1LL1A.MS. Aiictloiicer,
.M2 i 100 Main street
I will"ntoml to BitM of s-
Renl EKt.itc.
Ocacral Mercliandlse,
V' 1 f, , . Furniture, . . "Ii
. 'And StockN.
' dock and Special Sales any day, SiuulKys txceptrd. .
I .!t? i .'. f. I.O. PV s' ' Auct.'vicar.
li. J-'itffdin. rttnicctrull. I ii t'i r ii iu the citiziut of
I'iilli-S uiiil thu jjiibllc geiw rally, that Le cunthiuvs tif
,eiut , . . (. , . v - ;
i?ui3il;ic auction
Ileal rac.
Cieiici-al merchandise,
Ciiucei ie, .-.
. . , .11oi'mm,
, , -, , Furniture,
t ; 1 . I I i. ii U 4 StockH, &.c. &.C.
' Tuesdays and Saturdays. .
Cask Advances . made on Conslgnmcntf ,
And 1'ROMl'? KKTU'S'in dNof saleK.
Out door and fpitial Jules attended to in any part of
tlieelly. : . , .
Tariff cf Charges Until Fartlicr Xotlcc :
Fur Sclliiipr Mt'iTlinmliHi1, Cn-ccrfcir, Ftirnitiin.
jrc!ft. Ao. Ac..,.v. h fi jior c
For Polling Id iim nml Keil Kftiitr :i -
lluidfa, Mtilt'H, Work CiHtk. wit h $'1
JO 1 1 XV I L 1. 1 A M 8, Ait 1 1 1 s n o c r ,
J . J-xf xT?
, Jlalti Street. Ialls, r ?
I 1 1 E S , Ac j .
; t t ;",
Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c.
POIt'if M0NIK8. ' "" - -
COM1I8 nml niiCSlIRS, o' nil kinds,
I'KRFUMKKY, nt every description,
CHINA OltNAMKMS t. . . , ,
TOVa, 1)014. etc. ' f Vl ' '
Fisir iim)K.u'i.ii FT.iiTj:a tacki.k,
M V H I C A M N ST It D 31 U.M'S,
VAKCV UOODr). , f , .- -
Also I'owder.Sliot. Lend. Towder TlnRks. Baskets, nnt
iiiiiuyeUiernrtictes too niinieruiis to mention.
' KS" InteriordmleM supplied villi Cipus. T ohncen. etc ,
at lens thnu I'orUnnd prices, with freight ndded. oe-li
s islL lTn o o
at cos rc,
LAST 'chance: '
MKSSHS. COtI ' llOItJI (vmOd lieieby in(r.ri
llielr en, turners nml tli piihlie nt lai re. tliat thi T
willrfoutinue to sell.AT COST, for thirty dis limner lit
order to givo one a etrnnce to nmtci iircsents fur thtr
Holidirj's, Wa jill jiejl tb balance ul our stock, cmu
Bistins;of -Iti.
h illack 8llks," n.'l-. '.' Oents' Clonk,' 1
lilch Poplins, Denver Coats,
r Clerks, ,ft Dress Coats,: .-, , ;'
! - - 1biw1s,, U vi-iU i. 'pniitH,'"'. '
Dry OoMn. J.j r J.j:iulrtiVrtt
llais&Cnps, llouts i tlKios,-
, :. '"ic.i' in. 4ct c' Vi
W'lllioiit FmIkM and Exp-nsLs.
Tills will tie the last" clianco to got lurpiins. prior to
closing Uiofonooru.') COllN & UOIIM..
N.H.- All Hills must ho paid by th ' Hist of Janusu T
1800, If not settled within that time, '.he same will
placed in lepvl liauds. . deltf, -
' , Main St.f Ovllca, Oregon.
.O-STOCLl) KL'Sl,E( "l'Ki:iJ.Y!)il''OltM
: 1 . tii cilizona of this plnco' and tl
cinity, tliat having rotunied froni tepco-
leiisiotnll tnlir I liri.inrli II... i.,l... l, l,,.D
ni;nln resumed the luiicilco uf liKNTlSTtlV.'ln thu
lormorly occupied by him. In the lnilldini; occupied l.y
Wood & lluiler, I'lititoimiph Artists, nml mijolidng WnU
drun Kro.1 Drug Store,, lie -takes tills inxthnd of et t
ti-nding thanks, for Uie liberal piitrmine;o lieretolovw vx
tunded to him, nnd solicits a of the-same.
... l-IS.T. !i f U1LE8. " f - f f '
Entire Denture oivOold Hiise.?..';...'. ....!.isn to'JIil
" Vpper Dentine, Oold llnse (10 " li!il
I " Denture. YVIrnnitc Pnsoi 70 " Vli
, " - tipper Deuliire, Vulcsuito ltsjsu....w !I5 ' tii .
Oold l illinirs in-ei'lecl from one dollar u wmil.
Clilldrena' Teeth extracled free nf cliarga. selWf '
hi . B 0 W N BXO"
Mr. M. DISOWN,, bolnirn resident of Ban Frn((elsco;.
sro enabled to ofler (,-reat iiidrements to pufhssors. W a
respectfully lnvite tho publle to examine our stock hofdri
pnichiislug elsewhcm. . . ; . ,-. inlS-tt
ttSr. atone Sloro. nurth side Slain stroot, Tlnllss. ri
rBIIHUNDKHRlONKD woiild rcspotfullv nmioo.A.
iS. tknflis-witl open n flfst'clAss Siiloon in French
iiiiiuau s new Mime iinlhllinr, THIS KVKN1SU, uud I
pfepnied to serve oiHtonnrs with the hstuf , '-.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars,
i v ALSO, A . , , , , ,
K'cry day andilveuing,. . :,i T.
nc23rf. ' - 'JOHTf mivni,ATin.
T,Pr.l)P,n1 TIIK "J")KHSJOND. living oirHlsnfr
Mile Creek, ten miles South ni Dulles Chy-Oren"
ni December lKth. lsi',5, one DAY. II01ISK, 14 litSi
Mgli, whltesnlp mi hum-, some sh.WIo murks, white l.luii
ieet. some blivck spots nbove Uie hoof, b-,,- white luit loreliend, bmnded tliii-i ft n t, k., shoulder,
seven enr old, and appraised ut 10.',' ; ; '
1 i J-f l '.? F. CUKK