A Daily Mail to Boise City. The following is House Joint Resolution, No, 0, paased at tbo late Speoial Session of tbe Legislature ; Whereas, Tbe people residing in the county of Grant, and a large por tion of Wasco, in the State of Oregon, ns well as a largo district of country in the Territory of Idaho, on the line of the wagon road between Dalles City, Oregon, via Canyon City to Boise City, Idaho, a distance of over three hundrod miles, through a district of country thickly inhabited and en tirely destitute of mail facilities J and especially the people of Grant county are depx-ivod of any kind of postal ad vantages,. it being distant from the county seat of said county to the Dearest post offico, one hundred and eighty milos, thoro not being a mail rout'o established in said county of Grant'; therefore bo it jcesoivea by the Jjegislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, That our sena tors and representatives in Oongress, aro.hereby requested to uee their influ ence and best efforts to have daily mall sorvico established between the points named, with intermediate post offices established at such points, Canyon City And others, a tbe wants of the people may demand. Adopted December 9, 1865. Machine for Registering Musical Isotes. One Ilerr Andres, of May ence, has invented a machine which will write down music as fast as it k played; tbe inward organization of which is still a secret. It is said, bow. ever, to be very simple, and cheap, und may be readily adapted as an at tachment to any instrument, such as a piano, organ, etc. Tbe visible prooess outside consists in inserting at one end of the machine an endless strip cf paper, which comes out at the other end ruled with red' lines, while tho musio is printed in black. It prints the notes, marks the pauses, and forte on the piano, and notes when tbe em ployment of tbe pedal commences and Btop3, etc. The invention may be en tirely concealed under or behind the instrument. If it will accomplish all this, it must be really a wonderful in vention. . Treasurer's Notice. rTVIS FOLLOWING COUNTY ORDERS will be pld rvien ujgitttrea. vuiu. No. 873 874 8H8 8S7 8N8 051 9N7 an 988 m 9111 39 4 6 S-J 63 12 T OA 68 69 47 61 48 87 88 23 7(10 901 78 74 hfatrof. L. McAcsiln. J. B. Harford. Ii. McAuslln. L. McAuslln, L. McAuslln. R. n. Km!. 0. K. Meigs. John Cates. 0. K. Melgf. D. W. Mitchell. II. W. Mitchell 0. Whit. XOU9 ' 4 ...... 4 - .4 .4 " .4 4 '.... .4 4 4 .... . 5 6 ... 6 .. ....... fiM " s 6 .6 "....t..i.lll...6 "....u u..6 14 ...6 " 6 S " A -.8 ' 4 .......ilk. 4 April T 10 " 10 " 10 May U June t " D 9 9 " 9 " 9 "9 9 ii 9 10 10 10 ' 10 " 10 10 ' 10 . ." 10 ' 10 ' 10 " 11 20 al n. W. Cmndalt. J. B. Harford: u - 0. N. Dennjr. T. MoAuilla. i P.T. Talhlll. T. McAuslln. Isaao Evans. Chas. Ilolborn. ' 28 " 28 Jul? 7 fOdOtlw " i.-4 ' .4 O. II. Staner. O. W. lAwtun 78 C. R. Melge, II. J. WALDRON.-Treasarer. Private Residence For Sale A NICE nCSlDKNCX, located In the beet part of -m.lowo, will oe sum cneap ruu uapii. inquire at the Store of UnlStfJ OOUN BOUM, F . D E II M , Watchmaker and Jeweler MAIN STREET, DALLES, DHALKR IS FINB WAT0IIKS. JRWRT.RT, CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Stiver and Plated Wan, Spectacles, Cutlery, to. -Particular attention paid to renalrlnc fine 'Watohea, Clocks, Jewelry, ate. All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve months. N. B. All orders from the upper oountry, by Express r owerwisa, promptly attended to. DIsNoliitlon Notice. mH R 0O-PA RTN KKSIII P heretnlbi'e exlitlnr between ai!f)KOR MoLKAN DAVID D0RNINO, In the Hclipse Oliop Uouse, Is tnii day dissolved by mutual eo (.at. David Dernlni havlnx sold out his Interest id God; MeLeaa, who Is alone authorised to trausaet any Nut- sm tn tne name ot sata nauMt u. nounan. , tallet, Jan'. 13, 1800. . . . . D.DOU.NlM(l, NEW GOODS! HIIVINO JU87 ARRIVED FROM TUB BAN FRAN Cisco Market, we would invite theatUntlon of onr friends end the community at l.irge, to our woll-selicted tuck of . Dry Goods, - Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Which we are selling at the most reasonable rates. Wo cannot sell our goods AT COST, but assure the commu nity that it pleases us to sell goods at SMALL I'ltUKlTS. deOtf. U. HERMAN A CO. SELLING OFF AT COST! M. "Wtxnscli & Co., VflLL CLOSE OUT THEIR STOCK OF MEltCIIAN- - - vauu. m .noir UM3 Ul UUMIieBS, Ul UIO UUIlbS. in order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces- Dry Goods, Clothing, Uoots, Hats GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be sold at COST,' for CASH only. All who knuw themselves inilnlitnil tn mir firm .f the Dalles will nleasecall and settle as aomi hji himhIM,,. Those who have been accommodated we trust will not delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt in squaring up ac counts. Cull and see us, all and everybud y I nll.tr M. WUNSCIIA CO. TJRNITURE! FURNITURE DIERLAM && WENTZ, tlHNlTD GI.0DK HOTKL BUILDINO. -rfSEB3E5Plfi Dalles City, have on hand a variety W$0mj " "ouscbold Furniture, amurncinfr rnoieii, vimirs. iiurtm.iB Hod a and BedBtuada, Beddinir, Garnets etc.. etc., all of which will bo sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, ou hand UattnwsHsauiirillowB. Spring llode made to order. ul2 74. 74. UM. BROWN WARNER. M. D OFFICE 74 SECOND: STREET, between Washington and Court. Ornci IIoukb 0 toll, a. 2 to 1 p. it.; and 6 tolO, p. u MANTUA MAKER. MBS. MATT IK 110LBROOK would respectfully In. form tho Ladies of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened shop In connection with MissO'llourke, where she IB prepared to Uo all kinds oi work wttn neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from the East, she hopes to be able to please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TURKU DOOUS West ot the Corner of THIRD and UNION Street. oc21;m3 Furs I ( ' Furs ! . TUB HIGHEST MARKET l'HICE PAID IN CASH Beaver, Otter Mluk and Coon slilns. By RICHAUDS 4 McCIlAKKfl. Portland Sept. 27, 1808. " oc4:8m'. II LACK LIST. J011V n. WARD, OF CROSS HOLLOW, lias this day pnld me Throe Hundred and Forty-one Dollars In URRK3UACKS AT PAR, for a dekt due In Oo'.d Coin. uoc. au, lout. ijiiuim J. u. iiirrLB. SherllT's Sale'ot Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY THE Clerk of the Circuit Court uf Grant Couuty. aud to me directed, lu favor of Mary A. Sinclair, plaintiff, and against J. A. Lockwood, defendant, for the sum of Sev enty-one Dollars and ritty Uents, (971 00,) pntiof pal, and even dollars and eighty cents, ($7 80,) costs and disburs- nwuta, I have levied upon and will sell at public 'ruction. to the highest bidder tor cash in hand, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1800, between the hours of 12 aud i o'clock p. M , before the Court Uoiiso door In Canyon Oity, the following described property, to-witt una Home anu mi, situated hi tne town oi susanvme. Suite of Oregon, Couuty ot Grant, oonuuonly known as tne LocKwood saloon. .it. if. iibilUK, BherlD. By W. W. Wuipfli, Deputy " Canyon City, Dec. lJtli, 1805. dc22-w gliei ll's Sale Of mining Ground. TOY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk JL2 of the Circuit Court, aud to mo directed, in favor of Charloe Castle and D. Saltoustall, plaintliTs, and against Michael Donahue, defendant, for the suui of slty flve 60-100 ($06 60) dollars, irincii)al, in gold coin of the United States, ami eight M-10U ($8 84) dollars, coal and dhrbursuients, 1 have levie'd rpnn and will sell at publie auction to tho highest bidder fur cash tn baud, of gold coin of tho United States, on WEDNESDAY, the 28th day of FEUIIUARY, 1800, between the hours of 12 an 1 2 o'clock, p. M., before the Court Houso door til Cauyoa City, Urunt County, the following described property, to it: A one nttn luterest In some mining ground known i tho Miller Claims, bounded on the North by McKeau A Co.'s Claims, and running up Canyon Creek to the Old lienor claims, It being 400 leet more or loss. ju. r. iiuiuix, Enorirr. By Wk. W. Wiupplk, Deputy. Cauyon City, January 18, 1806. Jan26w6 Summons. J. F. OrlfTtn plaintiff, vs. Iaaao Jennings, defendant. Action to recover money, In County Court of the State of Oreston. for Union County. FM'VJISAAUJKNNinus, uerendant : in me name oi JL the State of Oregon yon are heroby summoned and ronulred to nnneer and answer Plaintiff ooinnlaint now on Hie In the Clerk's otttce in said Court, alter ser vice horeorupon you bv publication for six weeks In the Wisilt MouxTuxua. as by onler of said Court; or judgment lor want tnereot will be taken against you, anu unless you so appear and answer said comniuinu the Plaint ff will take judgment against you for the sum of 1360, together with the costs and disbursements of this action, uy order oi J. r. Argerslnger, County Judge of uuioi. uouniy. ,iu. u&iiBU, All y lor pialuuii. U. 8. Rev. Stamp! eOceuts. Jan6-6w SummouSi Henry Toxer A John Haley, plaintiffs, ts. Isaae Jen nlugs. Action to recover money, in County Court of the State oiurogon, lor uuion fjounty. TO ISA AO JRNNINOS, DEFENDANT: In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answor the complaint of the Plaintiffs, now ou Ale Ilk the Clerk's office, in said Court, after service1 hereby upon yon by publication for six weeks In the Wiiri.t Moustaimisr, as by order uf said Court, or Judgment for want thereof will be taken against you ; and unless you fdappoar and answer said oom plaint, the Plaintiffs will take Judament anal nut vou for the urn of $260, together with the costs and dlsbnrsemonts or tnis action, m orner oi 4. r. argersiuger, county Sttdge oi union uouuiy. 0. B. Rev. Stamp M. BAKER, Att'y for. plaintiffs, WeeuUi I .. . .'anMWj . : . UALLtS C1I UltllU STORE. P. CBAI0, WBOLK8AL1 AND RITAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MKDTC1WKS. Ac. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WII0LI8AU AND BIT All, DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. CJ LEMON is able to supply parties in want of DriiRS, Patent Medicines. Chumicals, AchU, Purfumery, and every otlier article enumerated with tho WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. S Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Minus, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE3 In great variety. . . 8. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St.. between Main ailn Second. roiiTLANi rouMbsty AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam bnguiei offrom 4 to 40 horse power,either Portableor pmttonnry. Also, uut- y; CULAK SAW MILLS fl CO.Ml'LETB, constantly S ou hand. Also, liny Pros- ftf fes sesof all sizes; Planing Machines,! nood worth s pattern,) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Orist mills; Brass and Iron Casting ana WROUGHT IRON WORK. , of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & v most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to anv part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, OUOtwunds. Horse rowori Airriaultnra.1 Implements manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH l'lUCE K. B. 1'artlculor attention paid to REPAIRS, ft AMI SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of STOVES AND TINWARE, . ALSO, ' " TINMAN'S TO OIL S. THE WHOLE embracing a fine stock, ever article of which will be sold at COST, as I desire to close out business. " Also, one ORAND PIANO, in good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second Stieet, next to the corner of Washington. The House is two stories, with a basement, and is well adapted to the hotel businoss. Also a lot of UEDUINO, comprising about twenty-five Beds. The whole will be closed out cheap. For farther particulars apply on the premises. auwain . awiEiu' ukltinukn. NOTICE IS nKRKDY GIVEN that the Co-partnership hereto fore existing between H. 0. HARDY. C. L. MITCH ELL and F. W. THOMPSON, doing a mercantile busi noss in this place, under the mime of fi. G. Hardy A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and hereafter mo business ot said nrm will be conducted by K. C. Hardy, who alone Is authorised to collect aud settle the accounts of euld Arm. X. C. HARUY, C. L. MITCHELL, Busanvllle, Grant Oo, Oregon, V. W. THOMPSON. Nov. 13, 1866. n20:lm Washington Wagon Road. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM , THE Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Read from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades is well belug kept in good-traveling order tor wagons and stock. - K. 0. 11AKDV, Dalles Jan. 11th 1866. janlltf Bole Proprietor. (IVOTECE. ' 1 HEREBY WARN ALL PERSONS from contracting or buying anything whatever from F. M. KUNTZ, whereby I will have been thought by the public respon sible, os I am not, nor will 1 hold myst-lf responsible for auy oi sniu r. u. Aunii's acts. vt.jr. aiutrAi nnsauviue, urunt uo., nov. a), ioo. LINCOLN HOUSE, Curner AVasUlngton and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. ITVRST-CLASS HOTEL. LAIUIESI IN TUB Bf ATE, ? Charges Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey Passengers and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other House In the Ciry for 60 cents. S. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. S HOT AND COLD BATHS In the House. All the Steamors for Orttgon City, Vancouver, Monti eollo and Astoria laud at the Lincoln House Wharf. eepl:8m MRS. L. WHITE'S 1MEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY over Degnar's Store, would respectfully announce to all those wishing . Photographs, Carts de Tislte, etc., that they will do well to give her a call . Particular at tentinn paid to frklog Ladles and Children's Pctures. . . ocUttf. Dissolution of Colartnershlp THB0O-PARTNER8IIIP heretofore existing andor the name and style of KOUUINS, McFARLAND k (JO., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All lia bilities of said Arm to be paid by Hobbins A Weaver, and all debt due said Arm to be paid to and collected ky them. J. K. K01I1I1N8, C. McFARLAND. Dalles, Jan. 5, IBM 0. W. WBAVKK. All persons indebted to tu will please calljand " Pna lt" aud save eosta. Ja7ml DAILY MOUNTAINEER B&J0B PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, betweoh Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. JKA STYLE THAT WILL C0M5ARE FAVORABLY 1th the very best, and AT HATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST TO ORIIEB: Cards and IS i I I-I3 e a d s . CHECKS, DRAFTS, XECErTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS cCc, tfc, u?c, PRI-ITEP H TBI MODI 4TTRACT1VI MaMlaB. AUO, WAT-BILLS, HILLS OF FAKE. LETTER HEADS, HECEU'T BOOKS. BILLS LADING, Uriels and rampSilcCSj, VISITING, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" jfXDM Drixcjfists Labels, Tn short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Ofnco, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largost site and most showy Posting Dill and which will lie turned out in a style mat cannot fall to insure entire satisfaction. our rAoiUTiES roa fits ixncuTioif of DECORATIVE PRINTING In tho moat beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth., ORNAMENTAL SHOW CAE DS, FUKFUMERS1 LABELS. 5 Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment In Oregon. We devote special attention to this brnnch of thw business, and are continually adding to our alroady exten sive and well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. etc., oSc., ' eh'., Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock Qa FANCY INKS. TINTS, AC, Are or the finest quality,-and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which business is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office in wbicb tneir money can be expended to tne nest advantage. io this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call aud examine specimens, and Judge for yourselves. - . Orders from the Upper Country Will have onr special care, and friends from the Interior may rely upon Laving tneir oruers nueo proiupuy, as w HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In tbe Htate of Oregon I Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE nilS-tf Hill II Uiilles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON I CORNER C0DRT AND SECOND STREETS, I3ALLES, OREGON. T1! MIR UNDERSIGNED, HAVING REMOVED FROM ill IS "UELLA UNlOri" UfcLLAK, lftTU Gntetd' Nov Buildlngr, Deg to Inform the piiblic that they ure prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS., ALSO, A Free Lxincli I Every day and evening. EM II. BCIITJTZ, dec7-ir . Proprietor. Hard. Wood Lxiirib er. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE'IIKQ TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com. plete assortment of CAR1I1 AUE nud WAUON MATF.HI AL8 we are constantly receiving from the East, specially selected for 'the California markot, comprising, Oak, Hlckorr. and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Voleet Hubs, t pokes, Felloes, ltlnn, Blunts, Ac. Ao.t which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. W Orders addressed to our house will receive promp attention. ' N. W. URAQO k CO., Jelo:om. 29 k 31 Battery Streot, San Francisco, and 17 k 19 Seventh Street Bacrnmento. 0. WATranousiy II. W. Uraoo k Co., 1. W. Lute Ban Francisco. Bacramento, New York NEW HEARSE! riHH UNDEKSIONKD BEOS TO INFORM THE CIT JL Ir.on of the Dalles and vicinity that he has received a NEW IlEAHbE, and will : Vttencl Funerals on short notice. This la the first, and at present, oory Hearse In the city. I. M. EVANS twllee, May 19,1806. my:2U-tf. C. 13. UllOOltS, X. X. Offloe-At Xr. Crais's Drug Stpvejj DALLES, OREGON