V K Epitome oi the Doinos of the Bloody .Kourteentii.-v Ono of the boys from this riotecfregiment is to be cent to tho penitentiary from San .Francisco, .for robbery. The press ocngratuliitos him upon his social ad tansoment. Mark Twaiu calls on the Koverr.mentlo prevent the boys of the , .bloody fourteenth from pocketing ib,e parallels of latitude and tho meridians of longitude in Arizona, as it will be impossible to map that country after tbcso soldiers have had a few weeks run in that section. One of the men from the reimont desertod lrora Fort Vancouver few days since. Tho uregoiaan tlnnks that the act of de Koiaion entitled tho man to-his free dom from military restraint, as any man who has pluck enough to desert irora sucn associations must have some elements of good in him. The rtei ment has been in twent.y.eight battles, md all attempts to exterminate it nave so far failed. Artemus Ward not Dead. The Territorial Enterprise thinks that tho atory about the death of Artemus Ward and his wifo at Worcester, does not apply to the humorist of that name, but to some one of tho numer ous family of Wards living in that part of Massachusetts. The reasons are thus stated: First. Artemus Ward does not live in Worcester j second, nls wife never travels with him, for the reason that Artemus is not a mar Jf riod map, and third, if he had actually died in .the way stated in the dispatoh, it would have been reportedjwith his true name, Chas. F. Browne. Tho probabilities are that we shall often onjoy the pleasure of laughing at now compositions of the renowned show man for years tn cqme ' - At the time of the robbery ot the etage, and murder of several Dasson gers, in Port'Nouf Canon last .Tnltr suspicion fell upon Frank Williams, loo driver, and circumstances have . since proved that he was an accessory ot the bandits. His motions we-re watched, and ho was lately arrested near jutosburg, Colorado, when ho confessed his complicity in, the crime Aia was nung. The Albany Journal, of a late date, says : ". The Mountaineer urges the neces. pitV for tho eStabliRhmnni. nt n .i.,.. line through from California to the The statement is incorrect, and con. sequently the remarks of the Jourpal bused upon it, need no further answer of our hands. A. SERIES OIT Literary and Scientific Lectures W1?1011 h"i b,en ln contemplation for lome time. w la Dow offered to tlie people of the Bailee. The k first Lecture of the Series will be given THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, !l?.0I,eJ?h.TIl("d"y tvenng thereafter, through the fcorlesof Ugh ; Loctures. Tho procosds w II he divided tkhoof.? Cu"8"Kol iud Methodist Sabbatl! Tickets for the Course : : e.B DOLLAR. glngle Admission. Fifty cents. The lecture this evening will be delivered bv Judge G. I.. Woods, In the Congregational Church-lecture wil commcncet 7 o'clock. Subject: MENTAL BULTURB one Lecture" g 80n,"!mi'n ' deliver each llnv Sr?,Hn,PortI.?l"Ii ,Jd8 Wilson, Dalles; Itey. Mr. Cnffref, Prof. Roland, ' Judge Hill, Canyon City; J. A. Odoll, Esq., , ' Rev. T. Condou, " COAL OIL! COAL OIL! ' Y'AI,P110? B. Just rocelved a large in- FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHNKPPlNGElt Proprietor ffMUi UNDERSIGNED M. having fitted up the above Market In the DR-T STYLE, will koon mnitui. lv i.n tiiiiui ull ui't. frresh and Cured Meats, Of the beat quality furnished at tho LOWEST HATE ... My motto fs to '-PLEASE ALL." PiTi'f 8 nVIJto,8WKKIOU STOCK FOR SALE will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JJaUes.FehruaryJloth.ms. MB fflHSm Aiai;iO. ill A fit K 1ST OOIVNCR t9 COURT AND SKCOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON ittK-tiiiiiBACH, Proprietor. constantly on hand all the varle-TF?v7 atlurd, of . v"u YfgM FBKSH & CURED MEATS, and always of the but quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS on rparinnnlilA tnrma- Tslfl ntiltfipaltrnon tm n1, i . . . y..lf...v4 in uiniH prcuitreH 10 pity til 6 hi en In Rood condition, are requested to cull on him before lm nirii NAivliiii.ii iw. ....... . Dalles. March 31at,1865. nih81tf JlJEMOVAJL. J. OOETZ. Dalles. F. KOENIGSRERGER, Fan Fnuicisco. J. GOETZ & CO,, TOBACCONISTS, Ilnve removed to Rudio's New Stone BuiHins' Washington Street, near French 4 Oilman's, end have opened a well-assorted tn, k f ' HAVANA and DOMESTIC SEGARS, VlUOlNIAand WESTERN T0I1ACO0, ' FRENCH nnd SCOTCH SNDt'F, MEERSCHAUM and other l'IPES. . PLAYING CARDS, . SPORTING GOODS, ' Tvnuv i . . .... ...... . The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES'. boot Ann snom stoud. IT. AVYCIt3XA.J . . Uas kkmoved HIS BOOT AND SHOE fc STORE to the building on Main -street, nearly opposite Moody's Hall, where he has til Just received, dlreot from 8an Francisco, annn- usuany nneaivi well selected stocb of ' ' - BOOTS AND SHOES, , - r of th;vrybBst quality and latest sfvr. S EVER BROUCHTTOTH1S MARKET S'SSL'Z "f.SL"8.?- 3. SB? j targe assonuient or Ladles' and Children's) Gaiters' Oftlin lntjkii fit..l. ... ' . . ... 1 .Alt.t ""V ; ju"jeceiven irora the best Phil delphla makers. Also, a. very large ssortiu" uk of FINE DRFSfi RnnTt mr.a8nt.lenlen w,10Preftr o have their Boots or Shoes made to order, nan rAlv imnH at. - -' ;r selS-tf . .. vi.nn i mnii lin, Opposite Muody'a Hall. NOTICE TO FARMERS. frPLiv8hI,DMI"!.R AND MANUFACTDRINO M. COMPANY has recently attached a FLOU1MNG s-t.1i hi j . '""fi iwnu ii KAt and FXTRA FAMTLY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, ' i. BRAN AND SUORTi, . , - CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Corn'. Buporl0'' rilcli " C0K! "JSAt, from new n t.tehMt market Price Pail1 WHEAT, CORN a AUCTION AM) (jOMMissmiv; J O II V W I L . X A. lS , AUCTIONEER, IVo. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILT, ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION ii ?' Oeno,ral Merchandise, Real Estate, OrocerUs. Horses,New and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, 4c "e! Regular Sales Day Satm-iinv th?culr M SpeCi4' Sal'" a,tend"1 ,0 ! Prt of Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nlO.-3m. JOHN wir.i.iMa O. 13 ItV D 1 0 12,1 , IMPORTER AND JORRRR ow : FRONT STREET, Portland. ... n OSIW011 SAItB A YKliY 1An3 ASSORT ' Brandies, V.';',.:'. . ;'. Wines, . ' . , Liquors, . Case Goods, The Ti-OilM la nartti...l.rf1 t-ii. j ... . k -. -, ...,,,, aui!4-tf J OSEPH ELPELT, . WHOIMAU ANB RITalL DIALXB lit' Fancy & Staple Drv Goods. OL THINC, BOOTS AND SHOES, UA.T8 J.ND CAPS. AND Streets' '"'uer oi uaio ana court ' 0. 8: MlLLXR, SlO. ScaaWBACRllt, BlocSi, Miller &; Co., WHOLESALE ' AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liqxiors, And Importers and Jobbers of clothing; Hoots Jt SJioes,- - Under Clotliing, vanes. Blankets, etc., etc., etc. -ASSA.Y OFFICE. WM wAVB AK AS8AY 0FFICE IN CONNECTION - iviuiii. in jmrs m six nonrs- CASM irjiVrMs ? rVr Aamv." an(1 'iay ,h 1II0"KST Cash Price fir Qoid Bust. " "ay ",e "lg"e" BIXKJrT, MILLER It Oi., myetf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. FAMILY GROCERY, TRUIT . . and .'. v Provision Stoye, OORNER OF WASHINGTON t SKfifiNn otducto T10,?T'Ei'I,()K 1IAND th t,l0l' "rt'oles of imou ouum, cAjtua, ana every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, NUTS, VANDES, , .j e, , . " Wholesale and Retail, at Reduced Trices FOR CASH. Also, dealor In ' u . GRAI, FLOUR ASD FEED, of all kinds, and will do a ' General Commission Business. P?JnlJr Btl"',,?. .n aooi' ,oW 00 ConmiLslon. Proceeds of Sales remit od promptly. . ju!6tf MILLINER Y AND DRESS-MAKING. MISS O'ROIJRKE DESIRES TO INFORM the I.HfllM. ... Il.llna ..1-1. .1. .1 . . ... uMim nuu viciiiiiy, mat ,ne has Just received a fresh suddIv of ' ' Fasiilonable Gool. .l?J!?,tMt-Pr," Now Yorlt on Ssn Francisco stvles FLOWERS1i,nUAATrS'nK1B.UfJ,8' ACE8' "ATll"? ; i-LOWERS, o. A full and well-selected assortment or Ladles' Ready-made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of , ' ' v JOrt'E 6 S .TRIM M I N Q SI 1 j j STAMPING for Embroidery and Braldfns. PINKING donjwrt short notice. BONNETS Bleached and Pressed iu the latest style. , A large assortineut of i Chlldren's Beadj-Ma4e Clothing; ; FlrMt0innJ.'aM-kIIft,Tll,g Mcared 4h " tf First Cla Dress Maker, i am prerod to cut and fit nm.h . BrUfclsr.one 10M8 east of the Cnthollo ':!;.;mrs, Xsjesenioii'n ; FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, ' ' ' AND Dress DIaklnsr Establishment, ' Opposite Cohu St Dehm'i, . I WOULD CALL TUB ATTENTION of the Ladle, V the Dalles to my lare and Hue stock of " FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BOIV1VETS, II ITS, FEATHERS, Dress Trhnmings, &o. HavlniT Rlinilrail tliA m'l .Minn . n .. . .'. ' and (Tunrantee perfect satisfaction. ue f.i uoue in an colors. " 'i w ii endeavor to snlt sveryWSy In TASTH and at REASONABLE PRIOES. Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I FEED! PEED!! : ' ' ' AND . FEED OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY . . . H. LAW, nl9:(f. 35 Front Street, Portland, Opposite 0. S. N. Warehouse.' COLUMBIA RIVER MINES ! A. . BOOTH.... ........HaBRT Kinsox. ' BOOTH & NEVISOivr Forwarding and Commls.ion Merchant! AND DELERS IN GENERAT MERCHANDISE, Wlilte Bluffis, W. T, P Krffi 1?.?57I" COLUMBIA, ioFwarded. M,"uwt WIES promptly . Mark OoodaB. A N., White Bluffs, W. T, '. , . ' uronNat . ; . . Pomu.tD-Rlch.rdsAMcCraken.All., 4 LeWl Hodge k Calef. ' DAiLM-Bloch, Miller k Ca., French Oilman. . JnTtf r . Coal OH I Coal OH! rUST RECEIVED AND FOB SALE 1 " UuWtl 04TE3 k CHAPIN. . Isaio F. Dloor, San Francisco. -! WALDRON imOS., ' , Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dulles, Oregon; -vm VK NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORYFIRR n P'"f Stone bnlldlnK, opposite Bloch, Miller 1 Co., and offer to the public a full and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting lu psrt of KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS k CHIMNEYS TURPENTINE. HOPS. ALCOHOL, - . 8A0E. ' ,'i VXfA Bl'ONOKS. . LINSEED, LEKCHES, H'!? CORKS, CASTOR AND INDIGO ANU NEAT3FO0T Oil, ftUCK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES- SUPPORTERS, AND " . PATKNT MKDICINE8. ' ?,lri.ft0 CY ??0M ' of flnM' ul beet quality; new etylfe ond large assortments, such aa LUUIN'S PERFUEKRY, HAIR, ' LU BIN'S TOILET SOAP, FLESH, POMADES. .' 8IIAVIN0, COSMETICS, HAT .- , HAIR OILS, CLOTHPS, COLOGNE, TOOTH AND . FANCY SOAPS AND KaIl BliUsrfFS TOOTH POWDERS, ; AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Mediciual purposes. .k0uLf''.ci"",if fur yJto f "ocond to nona la the State, and we shall at ull times sell at a small ad vance from cost. Ready sales and small pivlltsT , riimciANS' ritKscEirnoifs ii, e m o v a l . ; GATES Jto CHAPIN,j . : S ... r WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL .:';( DBUGGI8TS, ! ' Have Removed.to . RADIO'S STONE liiriLDIIVG, ; WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. ' W . : " 7,: " articles nsnaiir LESS TUA'N aSy 8T.H nSf.S'f.1 y pr cunt. Our b.w( ' consists in part of - - UU Vlll Patent Medicines, Extracts, . Spongev' ' ' . Trusses, Braces, ' Paints. . Varnishes,.' Ture Wines and Brandy, " . Fancy A Common Soap. , Hair Brushes . Corks, Acids,' ,. Tooth Powder1, . : . Albi hol, . v , .' ... Oils, Bohemian Tnllnf SAf. . . .a.....'.. - uops, - ".iwiers, KO. rniSICIANS' PKESCRlPTIOIfS Careftilly Compoundetl. Give ns axull and satisfy yoni. lelves bufuro purohaslug elsewhere. , usiy yonr .... v...i.i.i., inieiu JUSTIN nTB- Oregon ,StcamJavigatioinio, i WiNltH ARRANGEMENT. O to. AJSE! MNDf Y' N?B MtU; Tlio Passeiigoi- Train ' u ii." to connect with steamors FOR UMATILLA & WALLXftA Will start from the R..R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on 4.30 A,'J11. " "ay " OSKONTA" or "IDAitO," ""t"B"U11' '"'..........-.......-...Commander. WH1 lmv 1..T.T I'd nist . "NEW WORLD or TASr inw CAKT.JOLF,..;... ; Ci, for Portland. . W. R. ntiAnpnTm - v Dalles. Nov. 13, 1865. fniatfl Wn m. . very i m i? o it xSTih Merchants, Families, Hotels-ana ' BAR-ROOMS. JULIUS KRAEMEK HAV1N0 BOUGHT THE VV Mrettock of Merchandize and BopkAoout. "f h." late firm ot M . Seller k Co., In this cltv to h M, i Rddedof hi. own importation (wl I , d'o ng bu.i.ln Portland) an nimeu.a fctncir nr i,. " "?..7U"1",,,! ' - .--... uvov uiauuiacnirea wuiKery, Iass,Tare, Plated Ware, 7 Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Gla8cs and ' All Kinds of Oils, 111 1.1.1. u. . . . . . .... uo uuers at reaucod rates. Person. ii. Ing to buy any of the above-mentioned artlclS l?u t well to gfye me a call before purchasing Elsewhere Order, from the Interior promptly .tteSded I to id goods i packl to go secure. Don't fkil tc Teal 1 on ml' . KudUstono Building, Washington rtrlet. DaRe, MretKlSlf""8 KBAEMEB. . Dissolution Aotlce. " THE FIRM OF J. W. MILLER k Pfl l,.T. .) i. a d..pod f their BtlSihlAffiJi'y Bunnell k Miller, who will continue the busljess utbl Dalles City, Nov. g)d, 1806 , W. MILLER k Co. Dissolution' Notice. - 4r TnE CO-PA RTNERSIIIP heretofore exUtlnc bVtirem A. LAUER and E. 8C11UTZ, under t i. m. !3 LauorASchutaln the Jack'on Saloon, it 1 1,1s dlycla jolvod by mu nal conseut, Mr. Lruer havlna sold hE. uterost to E. Schut. who will continue ?,! buslnJi ot his own account. All debts due the late Arm -in ? ' paid to E. Bchut,, who will settle l'l.blllt? " ' Bftlles, Dee'. 1st., 1885. . .'. ,. & 'i$S&- . Ti,invf,.i r. ..;. .... .. . OUUTZ. Wuliy at the old stand ruululn .11... . "".P 'nt"t them. ' ,TT """'CO lliguors to "TOYS ! TOYS jJOYSTTOYST FOR T6S AND FANCY GOODS TUUMAURR A zurtf. B38 Ja 2a.d 422 Battery Stmt. 39 SMFiaaeisVa. .1 OlIIUXB.