I,r SATEK9AY MORNIXCI, FEB. 10,1860. ' A mint is to bo erocted and put in operation at Carson City, Nevada, 'immediately. U - The movement to have Eight Hoars declared a legal day's work is very popular in California. It ought to be eo every whore, A cotempokauy says that when a man drinks he grows reckless. We puppose he means the more drams, the fewer scruples. The Democratic Jtcvieio will hereaftor bo published by, A. Noltner, the co partnership of Noltner, Hicks & Bol linger being dissolved. ' We are under obligations to Sena tor Williams, and, E. D. Ilolbrook, Congressional Delegate from Idaho, for valuable pi'blio documents. Meredith Brien committed suicide at Portland, by taking poison, on the let inBt. Ho was formerly purser on a steamship in the Oregon and Call" iomia trado. . en. Miller, tho Collector of Cus toms at San Francisco, has turned out of office some twenty civilians, and replaced them with veterans from the armies at the east. " A California paper, alluding to a I Cotemporary, says that "be presides over the destinies of that town with a leonl(isa evo. and a mm -blossomed 1 r -y i nose I" Headlet and other biographers of the flowory inexact school, are writing the life of Gen. Grant. It would be a good idea for Grant to " move on their works," capture and destroy them. It is reported that on the night of tho ?lh of January, the peaks of the Cascades' Range known as tho Three Sisters, Wore seen emitting smoko and flames. ' ' '. The Southern States jointly, sev erally and every other way, owe debts to England, to the amount or $128, 000,000, upon which no interest has been paid for many years. The Cincinnati Enquirer says para lysis has mado sad havoc with General Joe Hooker, and that ono side of bis body has lost vitality and hangs flabby and loose. : Controller Clarko of the Currency , Bureau has decided that ladies cannot l act as directors of National banks, as the laws do not recognize them us citizens. It is Btatod by tho Astoria Marine Oaxette that Alexander Campbell is not dead, but ..Duncan Campbell, of .Kentucky, who is also a theologian of note. Alexander Campbell is still living in Western Virginia. The recent cold weather on the Pacific coast, may be termed moderate compared with the severity of the : season on the Atlantic side. The tber mometer one day, recently, at St, Pan), Minnesota, stood 80 degrees be' low zero. '.' "v. -, A mountain of salt has boen dis coverod about thirty miles west of Austin, Nevada, and north of the New Pass Station. The. salt is foand in roins varying in thickness, and it la pronounced by thoso .who have seen it., quite pure. The Northern Pacific Railroad Mr. S. G. Reed, Vice President of he Oregon Steam Navigation Company, will proceed to the East upon the next steamer to represent to the di' rectors of the Northern Pacific Railt road tho proprioty of commencing the construction of the lino from this side, as well as from the east. This pro jeot commends itself to the intelli gence of all who will carefully exam ino tho subject ; but we totally dissent from the initial point designated White Bluffs on this side. It roust appearplain, however liberal the terms of transportation on the river may be, that tho freight on rails, machinery, rolling-stock, and ten thousand ar ticles of necessity, will go a long ways towards constructing tho road from s&tne point below the Cascades on tho navigable waters of the Colum bia River to White Bluffs. Tho road, in fact, should begin on this side where ships can land the materials aboard of the cars. The economy of this plan will at onoo be Been. Wo say this with reluctance,, as we know that local and personal interests would be better Bubserved by starting from White Bluffs j but wo are equally certain that if tliat point is urged it will create a profound ioeling of distrust in the minds of the leading spirits at tho east connected with this great enter- prise : they will certainly soe in the proposition evidence of a desire to reap a temporary local advantsgo by the injudicious .expenditure of money in transporting materials far inland to commence a railroad which is started with a view to span the continent. Having thus exposed ourselves, by ll-considered representations, to the charge of selfishness, we will see the ovil fruits of it in the lack of that con fidence so necessary to the vigorous prosecution of tho work. It is true that if the road is built mainly from the eastern sido, we shall for a time feel the loss of the Montana trade; but that contingency is years ahead, by which time we shall hare reaped the principal advantages of the development of-that section. On the other band, when the road is com p.leted, the richly laden ships, coming from China and India, will bring to the mouth of the Columbia the trade for which the nations of the world have struggled for thirty centuries. In this we shall find abundant indemnity for the temporary lack of railroad facilities on the Pen d'Oreille Route to Montana. As to White Bluffs, the enterprising inhabitants ot that embryo city, will yet be compensated, fer hope long do forred, in the eventual completion of the road, by which the trado ol both hemispheres will be brought past their doors. Internal Revenue. Aocording to the report of Commissioner Rollins lately made to Congross, the total re ceipts of internal revenue for the fisca year ending June 30tb,18G3,were (111 003,192 83; for 18G4, 8110,850,672 44 for 1865, 8209,991,835 91. These amounts aro exclusive of the direct tax of twenty, millions, levied in 1861, and the doposrts and circulation of the .National Banks. Mr. Brooks, the Postal Agent, is "working" to ascertain tbo cauao of irregularities between Portland an Vancouver. When be Rets through with that Herculean task, we invite bis attention to postal affairs in .this direction. ' . , ; ;i Meets every Friday freuing nt o'clock, iu Oaten llnll. corner of Second and Court 8treets.' Brothers in good standing are invited tonttend. By order. N.G. . . Wasco Lodge, So. 15, P. A. fc A. SI. Holds Ita stated Communication" on the Flret and Third Mondaya of each month, at their hall. In Dalles City. Brethren In (rood standing are Invited to attend. Beth I.. rora, secy, jiy order or the w. M. AUCTION SALE. I will soil on Saturday, Feb. 10th,at 10 a. nt., at my Store. 10O MAIN STIIEB. a general assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, c. 4c. consisting of Rosewood Parlor pot, Mahogany Iledstcade, Wnslutands marble top, Puln Mattresses. Bedsteads, , Looking Olnsses. Conk and Parlor Stoves, Pillows, Sheets, Blankets, Tobacco. Dried Apples. Syrnp, Collee Mill. Axes, Laws, Ac, Ae., and One Portrait of l'residint Lincoln. In flue illt fOtd JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. NOTICE. GRAND CLOSING 01T SALE, AT Jrullio -A-ixctioii, ON Thursday, Feb. 15th, at 10 a. m., And on each succeeding day until the entire stock Is dia pssed of All the splendid goods remaining In my store, consisting of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks, l'latcd Ware, Lamp, Cutlery, riMtoiN, Field Classes. Fancy Cioods, -Gold Scales, etc. I havo disposed of my iron safe, show coses and storo flxtures to Mr. Douglas and as 1 have to give him powieay sion of filestore nt an early day, this will Le the last op poriuimy mm me public win nave to pnrcli tse theno goods at auction prices. Thankful to the generous pub lic that have so liberally patronized me heretofore, 1 re spectfully invlle them to be present nt this my riming eaio. , . WM. BTBNBAUM. notr Main Street, Dulles. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE 19 IIERBT GIVEN THAT I nAVB, ON tliis 9lh day of February, 1808, been duly appointed administrator ot the esttte of E. CI Cowue, deceased. Therefore, all persons indebted to said estate are nott- flea to make tmuiedliue payment : and all persons hav ing claims against snldestate are notified to uresent them to me, at my ofllce, in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, wiintn six nioutns lluiu the elate herenr, tor pay meni. ii. a. ituuuii. Febniary9th,186; , ; Admiulslrator. AUCTION SALE ... ov DESIRABLE RESIDENCE AND HOUSEHOLD rURXITURE. 1 will sM on . . . Monday, Feb. 12th, at 10 a. mi, at the residence of SJr. A. Latter, on FOURTH STREET, between Washington and Court Streets, nil the Parlor Household nnd Kitchen Furniture, contained m said dwelling, consisting of Mahogany. Boras, (Jiairs, Tables, Dednteads, Pulu auojFeathor Mattresses, . Looking Olnsses, Crockery and mass Ware, Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, nnd A Large variety of Kitchen Fnrulture. And at VI o'clock on the same dav. I will sell on the aforesaid premises, and nt the same snio as above, the said DWELLING HOUSE and LOT OF LAND, tho pro perty 01 a. utuer, uq., neing one 01 tire most ilesirablt, residences hi the city. The said house contains Five Rooms, and Is in good order and condition. Lot 68x100, House 24x10. Terms, which will be reasonable, made Known at time 01 sate. fwtd JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF TUB Es tate of T. M. C. Moad. deceased. In the Hountv Court oL Wasco county, O.egon, in Probate. Notice is lioreby given, that J. N. Moad, administrator of the above, tiled In the County Court of Wasu county, at the ruu.ui.ij xerm, jaw, jms accounts tor, ana pruys a set tlement of said estate; It is therefore ordered that said application De nearu on Tuesday, the Bth day of March, ISO", at the Court House, in Dalles Citv. In said muni,. and that notice thereof be published for four weeks iu me vallbi DIOUNTAIXIER. ' O.N. DENNY, February Stli, 1866. fe9 4w County Judge. Desirable Residence For Sale I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION (unless sooner disposed of at private S le,) on Tlmrsdaj-, February 20, at 11 a. m., the Elegant DWELLING HOUSE.' the reside ofT. n Kolly, Esq., with the Unlldlugsand Land adjacent there to. This nrnnertv consists of the itwaiiim. i...v a.. erIVed, and an aero of Land with feuco, and Two Lots of ijihu wmi mo uuiiumga tneroon. This property is beautifully situated on the Bluff overlooking the City and la in every way well calculated for a Gentleman'! Itesidence. There Is a fine Spring of Water on the ore- In I .us Vnr fi.i.tl.av .... - .... 1 , 1 r For further particulars Inquire of ntn ii OUN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer, 100 Main Stieot. mm.m tionrooh: (ONE DOOR ABOVE TUB POST-OFFICE,) MAIJV STREET. DALLES CITY, I will attend to sales or Real Estate, General merchandise, .Furniture, And Stocks. REOtUn SALS DATS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS Stock and Special Sulos any day, fnudayi excepted. Columbia Lodge," Jio. 5, I. O. O. F. AUCTION AND MISSION H O TJ S E ! No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. TUB UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL FOll PAST Favors, respectfully Informs the citizens of the Dalles, aud the public generally, that he continues to II at PUBLIC AUCTION OIV PRIVATE -SALE, Real Estate, " General Merchandise, Groceries, Horses, v Mules. : , . Furniture, Stocks, &c. &c. CEGULAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays Cash Advances mado on Consignments, And PROMPT RETUI'N m de of sales. Out door and Snoclal Sulci attended to In anv nart of tho city. Tariff of Charges tntll Further Notice: or Selling Merchandise, Groceries, Furniture. Stocks. Ac. At 6 oer ceut. ' For Selling Houses and lleil F.stato !.... 3 " norscs, amies, M orK tattle, eocii w NO CUAltOB FOR STORAGE. . joiin avilliams; Auctioneer. J . JUKE . jiain street, iaues, WHOLESALE AKH RElIlL DEALER IX CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, See. ALWAYS IX STORE THE BEST BRAMDB OT igars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1JLAYINO CARDS, . TOCKKT CUTLKRT, PORT MONIES. COM US nnd BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS, i TOVS, DOLLS, etc. "FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY OOODS, 4c. Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Caskets, ani many other articles .too numerous to mention. u 4T Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 SELLING OFF "' A T CO S T, FOR THIRTY DAIS LONGER ! ! , LAST. CHANCE! MESSRS.' C0IIN nOHM would hereby tnrorn their customers and the public nt large, that they will continue to sell AT COST, for thirty days longer iu order to give one a chance to make presents for th Holidays. We will sell the balance of our stock, con sisting of lllch BlacTt Silks, Gents' Clonks, Kith Poplins, , j Heaver Gouts, J . Cloeka, " " , Drees Coats, Shawls, , .: Pants, Dry Goods, Embroideries, HnlsA Caps, ' " ' 1 Boots 4 Shoe, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, AT SAN Fit ANC1SCO COST. ' Without Frelgl-f and Exp-iK.s. This will be the lost chance to get tnrgnins, prior to' closing the coucern, . . C0HN k 11011 M. N.B.- All Bills must be nsld lv th ' First of Jannnrv 1800. If not settled within that time, "lie same will bo placed in legur hands. ' .- deltf, J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, , Main St., Dallea, Oregon. WOULD KE8PECTFULLY INFORM . ,LI. t the citizens of thisnlnco and vl- KiK"? cluity, that having returned from a pro- fffif t'j'Tf lesstoual tour through tho mines, he has - I I ' agnln resumed tho practice of DENTISTHY. in the room formerly occupied by him, In the building occupied by Wood A Butler, Photograph Artists, and adjoining WaU dron Unit.' Drug Store. He takes this method of ex tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to biui, and solicits a continuance of the same. LIST OF PBIOES. ' ' Entire Dentnre on Gold Base ...tl80 to $225 " upper venture, uolu Hose 00 " lliis " Denture, Vulcanite Base 70 " 125 " Upper Deature,,Vnlcanlte Baso 35 " ti& Gold Fillings iBserted from one dollar upward. Chlldrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. s13-tf M. BROWN & BR0.a wbolisau ana axiaa dialirs v FANCY AND STAPLE DETGOODS! GROCEREES, PHOVISaONS, ftp.; j Mr. M. BROWN, being a' resident of San Francisco, w are enabled to oiler great indcenienta to purchasers. Wo respectfully Invite the poblle to examine our stock befor) purchasing elsewhere. ml5-ti 49" Stone Store, north side, Main street, Dalles. -Ml NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. rfHE UNDERSIONED wonld respectfully announ A that he will open A first class Saloon In Freuch Qllnian's New Stoue Building, THIS EVEN1NU, and in prepared to sure cuitomors with the best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ' ALSO, A ' E It "E E L TJNCH . Every day and Evealhg. "M"1- JOHN BHIDLAHB. ESTKAY NOTICE. ' T,PBPtBT THK NDF.RSIGND, living on Eight Mile Creek, ten miles South ol Dalles City, Oregon, on December Wtlu 1805, one BAY HOUSE, 14 high, white snip on nwe, some saddle niarks, white hind foot, some black spots above the hoof, a tew whlto haira on forehead, branded thin: G on the left shoulder, abeut Seven B.nra nl.l n iw( ... I 1 -. I . ' seven sears old, and appraised at $40 V" . . jr. A. O. PAY., si. Auctioneer, R. F. CLARK