A a Stautwnq Tho incetious loon! of tin Iowa ptipor go(s otf tho following goodthini;: Tlie oihiT night whilo we lay musing, and our weary bruin con fusing o'er the topics of the day, rsud ' ilenly wo heard a railing,. as ol serried hoslaa bnttliiig.ns they inirgled in the Jray: -Wl)iit is lUaxf'i -Wo cruidLOp. starting, and into tho darknosa dart ; ing, Blnp ! :ww ran' against tho door. "Oh, 'lis nothing," El ward grumbled, as o'er a huge arm chair wo siombled, "'tis a bug, and nothing more" Then euid we, our angor rising, (for wo tho't it so suprising that a bug should thus offend) " you think,7 a small insect, rir.thua all the air would effect nil ?.Io, 'lis not a bug, my friend." Now bo coining sorely frightened ronncl our wajst our pants wo tightened, and put on our coat and hat when, into the darkness peering, saw with trembling and much fearing, the glaring eyes of Thomas Gal, Eq. With astonishment and wonder wo gazed upon this son of thunder, ns ho sat upon the floor when a resolution taking and n rapid movement making, lo ! wo opened wide the door. "Now clear out!' wo hoarse ly shouted, as o'erhead our bools we tloutcd, "lake your presenco from our floor." Then will) air and mcin majes tic, this dear creature, called domestic, wado his exit through tho door. Mado his exit without growling, neither' was his voice heaid howling, not a tangle word ho said. And with fepliugs much elated to escape a doom so fated, slow ly wo went back lo bed. Young Gkimes.- Old Grimes is dead, that good old man, wo ne'er shall see him more; but he has left a son, who bears tbo name that old Grimes bore, lie wears a cdut of latest cut, his hat is now and gay; he cannot boar to view distress, so turns from it away. .Ilia pants are gai.ers, filling snug o'er pal" ent leather shoes; his hair is by a barber curled, ho smokes cigars and chews, a chain of massive gold is horno abovo his flashy vest, his clothes aro belter every day than wero old Grimes' best. In fashion's courts he constant walks, where ho delight doth shed; his hands aro while und very soft but softer is his head. He's six foot tall no post moro straight, his tocth aro pearly whito, in habits ho is sometimes loose, and somolinios very tight. His manners aro of sweetest grace, voieo cf softest tone; his dia mond, 'lis tho very one that old Grimes nsoto own. A dickey tall adorns his i'neo, his neck a scarf of blue; ho some times goos to church for change, i nd sleeps in Grimes' pow. He sports the fastest "crab" in town, is always quick to bet; ho never k no "s who's President but thinks "Old Tip's" in yet. llo has drank wines of overy kind, and liquors cold and hot; young Grimes' in short is just that son, of man old Grimes Vus Tub number ot printed volumes in the English language, in tho Stato of California, was in 1847, scarculy throe hundred. - At tho present timo tho number is estimated at two millions of volumes. . . A Western debating society lately discussed the question, whether a i-ODS tor's knowledge of daylight was the result Of observation or instinct. . Private llesldence For Hale. A NICK rSESlDKNCK, located In tho tort part of town, will be sold cheap run cami. inquire at theSlur. of . ,, . .. COIW . IKUIM.... -:-; 1 1 !? .: deiim", ' ' Wa t chiua kcr -a nd J c nc 1 c r. , MAIN STREET, DALLES; J"'";'' D' ItALKU I.N flNK WATOHKS, JKVYKLKY, , CLUCK CK8. Uoldl'ens.gilver aud l'latedWaro, Spectacles, Cutlery, to. . . ... iwPartlcular attention nald to repairing Duo Vetches, Clocks, Jewelry, ate. All Wabibea repaired ly sue. warranted for twelve months. K. 1). All orderi from the upper wrantry, by Express, or otherwise, promptly attended tor . ' f)n - C ' VlNtolntion Notice. rVniCO-PAttTJKUSIUlMiereiubraixiHiiiVItveir JL. UrfOllUK MoLKA.1 D.U'lU DOU.NLVi, ill the KrMps Chop llimie, la this day dlssolrod by mutual cou swit, IMvld Uerulug having sold out his Interest tu Urn). McLean', w'io Is alone authorised lo transact any hall uces In thennihe of said house.' 0. MoLKAN,. . . X'nllcs, Ju';, 13, .DvD. p. DOUSINO. NEW GOODS! If J IIVINO JUST AKRIVKD KltOM THE FAN FRAN JL ft :cico Market, we wonld Invito tleattcntion of our Irieuds and the community nt 1 true, to i ur well-selected stock of Iiry Goods, : ' . v-; ciothio?, f . - ' Jiools & Shoes, He, ., . ?ic.,-f, Which we are rclHmr nt the mill rentonaldi rales. Wo c.uiuut sell our goods AT COs-T, hut assure tho eoniinr. nity tlmt it plun.es us to soil goods at SMALL I'ltOFI'lS. dvfltf. i .,. . , . Hi 11KUMAN: CO. w SHLM.W Ol-'i'. AT COST ! M. "ViTnscl 4&! Co., f ir.i. ;losk out tiikiii stock of jikkciian- DIK. nt thoir nlitceitl'hiiHinoM. at tho Dtillea. in order to fo the Milieu. Their stock enihracer , Iiry Goods, Clotliing, Hoots, Hats -- 'OEXERAL MUHCIIAXDISE, ' All which will he sold nt COST, for CASH only. " 92r All who know theiuselvoii hidHhtud to our firm nt the Dillon will pleaHectill A id eottlo im eoon us poHKildo. Thuflowho hnvu Im'cii nccomiiMdatud we iriHt will not dulny n uunucertsaril-y. l-nt he prollkpt hi Rqu trlng up ev couutii. Cull mid eee us, ull and everylHly I unll-tf M. WU.SBCH t CO. FURNITURE! FURNITURE IIE11ILM & WENTZ, -J tN ITU ai.OBK HOTEL HVILDINO, Jmm m?m n.itt.. .... ........ tuu Household Furniture, eiiilinicitiK Tublea, Chttirs, lltirfiius lU'tl-miid ItetlMteiulri, luililiiir,Cirircia e c tftc.RH ot which will bo twhl itt luw rut us. Fmnitmo Kfpuirfil. ii nd Upliuldterintc lme tu order, Aluo.on I mi id i!iittrrBrHtnimd Pillow. IJddd made to order. atil2 Z, WM, BROWJV WARXEIl. M. I OFFICK 74 SECOSD ITHF.I.T, between Wiiahiugton nod Court. Ornct IloiBe 0tol2 A.M.;2to4r u.;end6tol0, p.m MANTUA MAKEK. PS. IIATTIS IlOLniiOOK would roipoctftilly In-ful-iu thO Ladled oi the Divlhte Hud vicinity, that alio hud opened a ehop In couuooiion with MUi O'Hourke, where Hhe ie prepared to d all kiudd ot work with neat nesw and dispatch. laviii jimt nri'ived IVoui the Kant, felto liupeii to ho able to please ull ltd tu Form and FiMhiull Cloaks, Cunts and Dresses Cut to Order. 'TIIIIF.K DOOltS Heat ot the Coruer of THIltD and UNION Street. nc21;iu3. " Furs! Furs I TUB IIIOIIEST MAltKKT l'UICK PAID IN CASH FOB Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, lly KICUAltDS t McCKAKKN. Portland Sept. 27, lboi. , oc4:3m BLACK LIST. JOHN II.WAHD, OFCUOSjl HOLLOW, lias this day pai i uio Throe Hundred und Forty-oue Uollara In UilEbMIACKS AT PAH, hir a debt due lu Quid Coin. -Doo. 30, I860. IJ4iii1J J. 0. BIFr'LK. SlierlflT's Sale ol Real Estate. BY VIIITUE OF AN EXKCUTION ISSUED BI TUB Clerk of the Circuit Coutt of Uiaiit Couiity.aud to no directed, In luvor of Mury A. Sinclair, plnlutih, and ngaiuet J. A . Lock wood, defendant, fir the mim of Seventy-one Dollars and Fifty Ceut, (f 7 1 50,) principal, und even dollar, and eighty couts. ($7 HU,) cost. and diKburs menu, 1 hnva levied upou and will sell at public -inctlun, to the highest bidder lor cash hi hand, on SATURDAY, JAN UAH Ullli, 1800, between the hours or 1'i and J o'clock p. ft , before tho Court llon.e door In Canyon City, the feliowinx described property, to-wlt i One Ihiu e aud Lot, situated in the town of Susan' Hie, State uf Oregon, Couutyol Urant, coimiionly known as tho Lockwool Saloon. M. 1. UEltUY, BI.eruT. Uy W. IV. Whipm., Deputy." . Canyon City, Dec. Will, 18oo. de22-4w . Slieria'a Sale Of Mining Ground. BY VIIITUE OF AN EXECU T10N Issned by the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and to nie directed, in favor of Charlos Castlo und D. Fajtonstall, plnlotlfti, and against Michael Donahue, delvndaiit, for the sum of sity tl &0-1U0 ($06 60) dollars, princiisil, in gold coiu of the United Stat.-s, and eight 3H00 (fei ,14) dollars, co.t and dishiiiinieuts, 1 have levied upon and will sell at public auction tu the hitrhest b-ddur for cash hi hand, of gold coiu of tho United States, on WEDNESDAY, the U8th day of FEUItUAKY, 1800, botweon the hours of 12 aud i o'clock, r. M., beloro the Court House door In Canyoa City,Onint Ctoiuty, the following described property, to wit : A one filth Interest lu some mining ground known as the Sillier Claims, bounded on the North by McKeau Co.'a Claims, and running up Canyon Creek to the Old Heller claims, it being 450 feet more or Iras. ' M. P. UKltllY, Sheriff. By Wm. W. Whippls, Depnty. , t . , v Canyon City, January 18, 180ii v :i : jan20wi Suninions. J. F. Orlllln plalntltT, vs. Iaanc Jennings, defendant. Action to recover money, in Coimty Oourt of the State of Oregon, for Union County. u 1.AA0 JKNMNU.-t, Dufendiiit: In tho name ol JL the Statu of Oregon you are hereby -summoned and required to appear ana answer MalnttlT coiuplnlut now on die lu the Clerk's otn :e In said Court, utter ser vice hereof upon you by publication for sit weeks in the Ws.Kt.ur .Mouvr.uxtKa, as by order of said Court,' or Judgment lor wunt thereof will be takeu against you, aud uolws you so uupe ir a id answer said ouniilarnt, the Plaibt (Twill take judgment auuhnt ym for the sum of &i&0, togethor with the cost, an I diiibursumeiits of this action, lly o;dur of J. P. Argersiogor, County Judge of Unioi. County. .... 11. U.Uiiilt. Att'y lor plalulitf. U. S. lte. Stamp) . ,.'...'-- ...i.?0.9!""- : , f J-U1B-6W. . ,,,. . .-v;. , '. Summons. - i.iita uz. Henry Tnisert John Udoy, ,plahtllTi, vs. aa!ie Jen. niiigS. Action to recover money in County Cuurt of the tute.af Oregon, for Uuiou Cuunfy.. , ...... r rVi ISAAC JENNINOS, DEFENDANT: In the name JL of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appuar. and answer the oumphilut of tho Phiintilfs now ou hie in tliuCie.k's oiltcii, in eaid Court, after service hereby upon yon by publication for six weeks la the Wutu MouxTitwrji. as by order of said '.Court, or judgment for want thereof w.ll be taken against yoa : and unlussyoii soappair and answer dd coiu plaint, the Plaintllfs will take jnli;ni.-ut ag iinst you for the sum' of $J'iO, together with tha oosls nnddishiirsemonts of tlilsactliMi.'-ll ordoV dt J. P. Argersingerr. Couutv Judge or Union County. . " ' , . . !M.'' , U. S. Ber.. Stamp I si. BAKER. Att'y f.rfplejutiffs.'t tOceuU. nSilw uall.es citw; nuuo si out. P. CRAIG, '" WnoLKMALS AND KBTAIL ' DEALER IN DRUSS, - , "Sf 't .'t .: Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES. e.- n-tf DRUOS AND VATEXT MEVIVtSES:! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICJXEsk DRUOS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S..XiEMOV,:- . . . VHOUSAU AND RETAIL , DKUGGI8T, v Washington Street, betwoen Main and Secontf Streets DAI.I.KS, OKi:r.OX. CJ I.KMON l ahlc to supply parties in wuut of Drugs, r' Patent Slcllclnes. Cheinicnls, Aclila, Perfunierv, and every other article enumerated wilh the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest innrket rates. . . .5" Physicians anil Merchant intending to pnrchuso for the Mine., will do well lo give It I in a call, TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES " In great variety. S. LEMON, np.3:tf. Washington St., between Mainadn Second. P O U T LA IV I V ) I A I iTv AND MACHINE SHOP, FIltST STREET, between Yamhlll and Morrison. DAILY MOUNTAIHEER .. v ... . ... . ....... (rtt?Tr - sttiam K.nginsi offroni4tn4ii hor IHtwer.tither Portuhleor Mationary. Also, Ul 11 CULAIl SAW MILLi COMPLETE, constantly otihand. Also, Hay Pres- jj ses ot nil sir.es; flamr Macliines.tWoodwortli pattoru.) Wrought and Cast Iron work lor or tlctil Sawninl Orlst mills; Iliass and Irou Custiugs -'Si . .1 '. v and ' MUOIGIIT IROW WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwanlcd to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery wM ant exceed 3, 000 pounds. "... ... . ii Horae Powers. & Agrieultnral Implement manutactiired toordernl ihe very LOWEST CASH PRICE N. B. Particulur attention paid to UEPA1KS. fe'20-tf SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stork of STOVES AND TINWARE, ALSO, '; T I N M A.' N ' S TOOLS. THE WHOLE embracing a fine stock, ever- article of which will be sold nt COST, as I desire to rlose out business. Also, one O It AND PIANO, hi good order. Also, for sale,' the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second ft eet, next to the cornor of Washington.' The House Is two stories, tilth ft basement, and is well adapted to Ihe hotel busluoss. Also a lot of UEDD1NQ, c prlslne. alsiut twenty-five Beds. Tho whole will he closed out cheap. Fur rurther particulars apply on the premises. u9:3iu . ALUEIIT BKCTINOEN. 1 notici: ' IS nKREBT niVEN that the Cr-pnrtnershlp hereto fore existing belweeu E. C. HAItDY.C. L. MITCH ELL aid F. W. TII IMMJ.N, duinga mercantile busi ness in this place, intder the name of E. C. Hardy k Co., Is this day dissolved by mutual eousent, aud horeat'ter the Lusiiiecs of snid Arm will be conducted by K. C. Uurdy, who alone Is authorlxed to collect and selt'e the accounts of said Arm. E C. HA KDV, C. L. MITCHELL, BusanTlllo. Grant Co., Oregon, F. W. THOMPSON Nov. U. 18L6. - ii20:lm Wasblngtoii Wagou'Road. - TUB UNDKItSlONKD WOULD I FORM THE J Traveling Puldlc that the Washington Wagon Koad from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades Is well being kept lu good traveling order ior wagons aud stock. E. C. I1AKDV, . Dalles Jan. 11th 1886. - janlltf Sole Proprietor. .: notice:'' .-' ' I. HEREBY WARN ALL PERSONS from Contracting or buying anything whatevor from F. M. HUNT., whersby I will huve been thought by the public respon sible, as I am not, nor will 1 hold mys If resiHinsilde for any of said F. M. Knots', nets. W.F. MOFFAT. - SnsuuvjjleOraut Co., Nov. 'J8, . ., .. LINCOLN HOUSE, .. Cvriser WasUluglou u4 out Street,' . . rpitTLAN'D, OltEQON. .. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LAROKSi IN TIIH STATE. Charges Iteasorinhlo1: " v ' - ' AN OMNIBUS will attend ull the Boats and convey Passengers and their baggage to the House f roe, ol Charge, or to any-other House In tho Ciry fur 60 conis . 8. CJFF1.1, I'mpriotor. P. 8 II IT AND COLD-BATIIS in the House. All the Steamors ror Oregon City, Vanuouverj Montl ecllO and Astoria laud at the Liiwulu House. Wharf. eepl:3m -i ' . ' ' MRS. L. WHITE'S i' HEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP THE OALLERYover Dcguar's Store, would respectfully announce to all those wishing ' ' . " Photographs, Carts dc Tls'ltc, ttc, v that they will do woll to give her a call. - Particular st- tenthm paid I J klng Lad s and Clii'druu's PctiiroS, J Dissolution of Co-l'artnersiin. ri'V!K-0J-PAR'.VKIl3lirp borot.ifi.ro sxlating under M. ..the name aud stvle of. BOBBINS.- McFAitLAND. ft C-lls'this-diy dlss.ilved hy niutn tl eohsent.' All !!-' unities of sal. l nrm to be paid by Koublns e eaver, and all debts due said flrni to be nald to and collected or .thess..j ,;,..cji. J J-..H. 11DBB1NS n,;. . ..-T. ., '''' O.McFAKLAND. i 'Ball', Jan. , 18M ' O. W. WKAVKII. ah persons indebted te k-, will plesse call and "rtia lt" aud save cost. ' Jaiwl POWER PRESS BOOK & JOS PRINTING OFFICE, First Streot, between Main and B DAIJ.ES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY . Executed with accuracy and dispatch II A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE' FAVORABLY :' I. with the very host, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST TO 0Rnr.it : C a r I s n n d It i I I-IS e :i d s . CHECKS. DRAFTS, XKCEIJ'TS. POSTERS AND FK0GBAMHE8 FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS VRtNTrn IN THE HOST ATTBACT1TK K4NN11I. ALSO, WAi-jiu.r.s. . , BILLS 0F FAKK. LETTER UFA BX , ' ..',i,r REVEJI'TROOKX . BILLS LA DlNef 'i" ' Fricfs -and Pninphlfls, riSITIXG, WEDD1KG AK1 "AT HOME" CARDM DrutreiHls' Lnbels, In short, everything tiiat can be done In a Book and J' b Printing Oflice. fri.m the siuatlest and most delicate Caid or Circular, to the largest size and most idinwy roslli; Hill anil which will he turned out in a ttyle tlmt cauaet fall to Insure entire satisfaction. . ' . OUR rAOIMTlF.8 F0K Till tXCCVTIOIt Of LjECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! Prom a hIdkU Sheet totlie lniget ilnuiuiotli.- ' ORNAMMXTAL SHOW CAliOS. 1 " .iWMflMKXS! LA DELS, it 9 Alt nniarpriucil by tliose ul uny utlivr ntaliIitliRienl in Oregon. We devote special Htt-ntion to tlifi brunch of tl buni nogs, anil are coutinnally aildini; to bar Hlrvmly exlen ive and well appointed ueortuivut of nint rial, ' NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS tfc tc itc Of the moat modern and elaborate deiigni. Our stock o FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color ana durability, cannot beequaled in the State. The principle upon w hich business is asked for this es tablishment is, that persona will eonralt their uwu inter ests, by awarding their custom to that oltice in which their money cnu be espended to the best advantage. Te this end we solicit all la-want or good l'rlntinii, avvsry reasonable charges, tu call aud Manilas specimens, aud Judge lor yourselves. t Orders from the I'pper Country Wiljhave onr special care, and friends from the interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRES? In the State of Oregon ! Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf l)allcs. uregos. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, ORKOON. THE UNDKKSIGNKt), IIAVINO RKMUVKD FRO) TUK "BULLA UMON" CKBLAli, INTO , i.GJntes isjesjr , Uuiiainff, Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to setra their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars TIIK MAKKET .AVVOUDS. . AL80, A Free, Lunch !, . '.. .. Every day aud eveulng. ' ...' i !::.. J , 1 BUIls'ilClItTZ, ,.docJ-lf ' . i. ,'. . . , '. I'rouiietor. IJarcl Vt'ood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS'' WK BKU TO CALL ATTKNTION or Carriage MauJ llfactu'rers aud Dcalora Ul the Urge anil Com. plete assortment or CAB1UAUB and WAUU.N MATH 1111 A 1.8 weareeoiistnntly leceivlng fi-ortt the Knst,epeciulls) selected for the California market, comprising, Oak,. Itlekor.v. and Second Hrowth Ash I'lank, Hickory Axles, WagonVoles. Hubs, Hpokcs, relloes lllm., Bha:ts, Au. f ., whlcli we offer rtt the lowest Cash Prices. - ' sT Orders addressed to our house villi receive pro rap , attention. , ' N. W. BIIAUU A CO.,' Jol5:aui. ., a 29 1 81 Battery Htreet, esu nuicico, ., aud 17 A 19 lie ven Ih Mreet Buerauieiitu. ie, WATSBnouer. U. S. Boo A Co., J. W. Lmraa i geu Fraiiclscoi ' - ' Bncraniet,i',,; V w-Kork 1ST' E' wiie 'jLH! & iE x rMK U.IDKItSiaNUU BKU8 TO 1NV0KM TI1K C1T JL Ixens or the Dalles aud riciuity tlmt he has received MSW lIKAI(8H,kndvIU ') .;t-t.l fa ' : .-. f ,:7.A.ttend Piinerals.';? - on short notice. This Is the &(,, aud. at rjTesoat,Mly llearse lu the city. '. ' ... .,- '-"' I, M. EVANS ' .MiM,Mhy lg,i805.' :, .(' .;0i T . myiao-tf.i u ci 'ii: BUOOKS. Mi 1.' li Offlce-At Dr. r-raiK Drus r5tjf DALLES, OREGON.