C3J X Mail to Canyon City By private nilviccn from Wuajiington we Ii'uti that Col. Neiinith lutu succeedml in lndugijifr iho Si-eond Aswaiiiut Post- tnus'er Gonural to ndveriiso for niiill 'servieo botwcin tho DhIIcs nnd Cun. yon City.v Otters Iiiiyo nlso gone for ' ward to temponirity render tho se; vice for Iho minimum pnid per mile on uny miiil ronto in Oregon. Wo oongrutiiluto our Cunyon Ciiyirfeiids on the probability of having mail com rnnfuctuioii tit an early diiy. - Tub steamer Pacific on her last downward trip only took 588,000 from P irtland, which indicates that when ' 'communication is broken off' with the Columbia interior, tho shipments of treuHtiro ore merely nominal. This alone, should interest the pcoplo'bclow tho Cusciides in the construction of a road from Tho Emporium and Van oouver through tho Culdmbia River Wk -observe w it'll ploahuro that one 'Sun l'VuneittCO paper appears disposed . to fairly represent the mining inter ests of tho Columbia Busin. Wo refer to the 'Mining and Scientific Press; a weekly paper mado up of valuable original and selected articles rc luting to tho sciences In general, and parties ularly to those connected with tho mining interests. JonN Bell, of Tonnusce, says that his. position has been 'misunderstood in his relation to llie Bouthcrn rebel. . Hon. He propo8es.to writo a justifi cation of his courso," which will necos warily prove- a lengthy and laborious "tabic. :; : The placablo and docile disposition of tho nogrocs at tho South speaks si lently but forcibly in favor of that race. . It may als ) be taken as a proof that" tho stories of outrageous oppres -ion, by the 'whiles, arc- the infrequent , exceptions and not tho rulo. ".''' ".' John .Collins, tho vocalist, adver tised to sing in London Lover's song tf lie Widow McChrce, "with addi tional verses." .... Lover, who is yet livs ing, protested energetically against - any. "changes, additions or interpola- lions in or to mo song. . ? . . - , ' ' V . Lord' Palmerston wns Iho 'first to Introduce tho waltz iii England. Ilia dancing at Almiick's fifty years ago, with tho Princess of Loiveny the feirt- iniiV Itdssi'kn diplomatist, and faithful friend. 'of M.:Guiaot,.,wa3,' much ad Several of tho ministers of Don - Pedro, empoVdf Brazil aie either black, oi ..partially blenched. This alarming fact has cast a cloud over i' ilie prospects "of cmfgrdn Is ff ora the' 8)uth to i that country. ;lr:,Vr,-A - " Mr. Louis MoLane lias p'roposod'td the Govbrnmont io '.'carry tho Overs land Mail from tho , Mia96uri River to Si'ill Lfige "in eight days, instead of the thirteen or .Ibttrtoen now occupied by - , Uolladay in 'performing tho samo u ... FRANKLIN MARKETS CORNER OK SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS I DALLES, JOJtEOOK,) ',',-, JOHNKPPlNGEn Proprietor rjVIR UNDERSIGNED . I having- ntted up thn ,a BiHive. luai-Kei h me iik t . J 1 i STYLE, will keep crastnnt- ly on hand all sorts of . -' ' . 'Vi' , FrcMh and Cured Meals, ,. Of tlie best quality famished at the LOWEST RATE My-motto Is to "PLEASE ALL." . ARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALK JL. . will .10 well tv cull m tliu Franklin Market, r ' ' JOHN EPPJNGEK. . MIm, rrimnrjr 19th, 1806. -t . .. . . 1sac T. BLOCIt, Shu rrmiciaco. C. S. MiLLm, Eia. Ecuawuacitiii, Dnllim. w a s Ei i a t o . m a n u arr COUKT AND SECOND STnETS. DAI.I.RS, OREOON -JOHN MICHELBACH, PiQprletor. jgp&fr. Will KEEP fomtiiiiilT mi Iinnd ill the mrle- i llUIUwIn tliut the nmrk.-tciin nalbl U'onl.ar , . FltKSH &; CUUKI) MEATS, and nlnnva of the b at qnnlltv. ' FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS iiiiliei ou reanniiablo twins.-' Tbo ntidt'raiuncq la nl-A-nyH.itrciinreil to rav the hitch eat ciuh i.rhe for FAT CATTLE. I'artlea liavinn t'.k In ftniHl ciimlltlon, are requested to cull on him In-fore goliiirt-l.iuwl.i-re. JOHN MlCllKLUACII. llullus, March 31t,1868. mliSltf It, fiMO V-A, 1a . 1 TrD TRW ill ' ff-r- jn . VHOLESALE. . Gc TL O.C E R S . ' ,':'' AXDf DKAI.RUS IX "VVines Iianors. . And IniporttTA nnrt JuWr of ; CLOTHING Hoots V Shots. . " Under Clotliin, .-'-'; 'Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASS . OFFICE. WE IUVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IX CONNECTION . wl-li onr liuine.a, under rlie entire aniwrviidnii of sir. Miller. Vtvi make relume in llara In eix hour Wo miarttntce ull onr Aaaava nnd pny the 111(311 EST CASH 1'IUCH for liars. . Wo ulau iay the Uighesi Cash 1'rlco for Gold Duat. BI.0CH, JIIM.EK C)., n.yOtf Cor. Slain and Waliluut..ii atreela. Dull... J. GOETZ, . . Mies. YS. KOENIQSBEnOEn. i'an Frniiciaco. J. GOETZ c CO., TOBACCONISTS, lluve rcniuveit to. Rudio's New Stone Buildinff. WanhitiKton Street, Hoar Frouch k Oilmau's. rnd have queued a well-naHortou stock of ' VlimiNIA u.,. WESTKHN TOUACCO, FUENCII and SCOTCH SNUFF. ' .1 ,. MEKUCHAUM and other TU'ES, ' 1'tAYINU CAltDS, . , ,''.-.. EroltTlNUG.KJDS, : INDIAN and F A v CY GOODS. c, Ac, :- The trade auppllod at LOWEST MAItKET PIIICES. ' At the commencomont of. tho war, VViTaH, callod. tbe gojernment the onchorso - power - at Wa8bin(rtop,'1,, Wigfall's opinion oii the power of the government -would" 'tie particularly val ulablo aooai this time. ";: Tin total aroa of tho United States na.M. lfpnyrmJ??YiV4fWr Centlehieh'a Furnishing T. A. -VOlHSiaS'-. FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AND Provision Store, COllNEJt OF WASIIINOT.IN k SECOND STREETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND tho uholcoat articles of FKESIl UUl'TElt, EUU.'i.aiid every variety of - FAMILY OltOCKUIES, A-U'fS, CAA'VfES, .c, c, Wholesale and lletall, at lleduoed I'rlcej FOll CASH. Alao. dealer In CatAI, FLOUR ASO FCEII, of all kinds, and will do ft General Commission Business. No i h irgoa fur St.ir i.-e on 0io-N auU on Coniiiiialim. Pruceeihiiif Silea remit ed prtiniptly. Ji.letf MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING MISS O'llOIIRKEDESIItESTOINFOltM the Ladles of Dalles and vicinity, that lie U AI.DKOHi'lJKOS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Malu Street, Dalle, Oregon. - WriEKow ocrcrvrtR new two sToitYrrriB V ir.mf Stono l.ulldliiK, oniHislte llhich. Millnr Co.. and offer to the (inldlo a full and cnmpleto stork of Drum, Medicines nnd Clu inlrals, conslatinit in part of. . KE110SENR. LAMP WICKS A CUlilNEYS TUnPEVTINt!, HOPS, ,. ALCOII0U ,. iy SAGE. ACIDS.' , BI'ONGES. . L1NREED, ' ' i LKKCIIES, LARD. ,. i,.COUKS.v ' ...:' CATOIt AVI IND1O0 AND V KEATSFOOT OII.' H - LANrBLAPK; TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTtRS. ! ANO1 HOOT AXD SHOE rOU has just received a f.e.h.iply of ITaslilonaUlo Goods, The latest I'arls. New York and San Francisco styles IT. WYCltMA. m MAS REMOVED 1118 BOOT AND CHOE 8Ti)HE to the bnlldlni; on M.iin street, nearly npposito Moialy's Hall, where he has lust reiieived, direct from San Fianrisco, an uo- usually Due and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, or tne very Dost quality end latest styles EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. Including: the. eolel.rntod ENGMBII HUNTING SHOE inanntvcinred Dy UenKert, Also, a Ini'Ke asaorttiient of nflMNNBTS. IHTH, IIIIIB1N.-1, IACES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, ate. A full and well-selectod assortment of Ladies' Kesuiy-Made Garnicntei. Alao..a Faahleuable assortment of ' DRESS TRIMMINGS! " STAMPING for Embroidery anil Draiilfni. PINK1NI1 done at l.ort imtlce. IIONN ETS llleiiclied and Pressed iu the latest style. A lin go assortment of Children's Ready.!Hale Clothing Ladles', aild CIllldrClt'N GallcrM, Constantly on hand., llavlnrsornre.1 the servlsos of a Ofthe latest Stiles, lust rccelveil from the boat Phil. aaeipiua majors. . Also, ft very large aasortmeu.of . ' FINE DRESS BOOTS, YaT-Oentlenien wlio uirefer to have their Hoots or Shoes made to order, cuu rely upon nl. mining a neat ami easy i- ... . .. . i &wiv.uai. 3inill sirens. First Cla-s Dress Maker. I ant in-pared to nit and flt uiokw ami i.nii.irf irs uiiKHSS ami CLOAKS. Till it I) STREET, una snnara cant of ihn rH...II Church. . ocai:3m. aelS-tf , OppositB Moody's Hull. FRENCH MILLINERY ST01E, NOTICE TO FARMERS. 1MIE DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY has recently attached a . ITLOTJ11ING MILL AND V to their Steam Sauli anil Door Factory. In this City, and are now prepared to CHOI' FEED, GRIND WHEAT and aim warrant t nive the beat satisfactiou. hand constantly and for stilo VXTttA' FAMILY Jf.OUR. , ,. SECONDS OR MIDDI.ING8, ':'',, . . . BRAN AND SHORT.' CIWP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Dress Maliinx UNtnbliNliment, ; ,' Opposite Colin A Bolim'i, , 1 WOULD CALL TUB TTRNTION uf the Ladloi o the Dalles to my lar, 0 ait I nno stock uf ' - .; A No. a 8unerior article of O.inv uitit. fr, , ' ". a.vn voro. - The highest market price paid for 1VIISAT. COftN a UAiu.r.1. i ...... II. A. IIOUUE, Agent. , Uallcs,Nojf.2,lo05. ; . .uStf.j FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, on noivisjcrs, 11 vts, fi:.4tiicrs, Di'csti.Trimuiincsi, &o. llavlnir seruroil tho services of .MRS. FRAtiV. In t,- Dns Milking apa tmoiit, wc will do all woik Iii that Hue ami Enaraniue pertect sutisractlou. v iau Uoi.o In ail colors. Uive- me no early call awl I will endeavor tn tnir sveryoo-iy in i astk and at R K.3N ABLtj PRICKS, Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN:. V I J j L I ,V M S , -A.TJCTI01SJ ETCR, Ifo. 100, Main St reet, Dalles City',; MriLl ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION a v oi uenerai .uerci aii'iiao. Heiu KstMin.tir.irnH Horses, New nnd Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, Ac, Ac : Regular Salen Day Saturday. i Out-door-and Special Sales attended te lo any part of I liberal Advances made on Consignments. I Bl0:3m. . JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. -A.. CJ-; BRADFORDi ..- i ! - IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF ' : FRONT STREET.' ! 1' l Porlland, -- Oreffon. OFFERS FOB SALE A VERY LARGE ASSORT meut of llraudle, J 4 .i . r.7:iii-;r-,c-i : -Case Goods.' AtaTThe Trade Is particularly Invited to axjuulne my t ck before purchasing elsewhere.' ' ' -. o2i-'tr TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I FEED ! , FEED! ! " "i .si- ; Mf --.l; 1 . - I ft ('. - 1 ' " " 'siioixrr,Hi.;.rr' - . '1 . . OF ALL KINDS, FOR 8AB EY ',; .'"'. '. ' '., '.'.: ,.v.;. v itvii.'.t,A"vv;": PATKNT MKDICIN'ES. Our stock of FANCY GOOD" I s of tho lines and beat I qunlity; new stylt-s oud lariie assortments, stieft as MINN'S PKNFUKKKY. II AIR, .. .' -LUlllN'STillLETSUAP, FI.EEH, , ,. , i'' . l'OMADES 8IIAVIN0, ' . i ' C.iSMKTins, - s ; hat, . 1m -. ., . IIAIIIOII.S, . C1.0TH-S, . COIKINH, ., TOOTH AND - FANCY SOAPS AND KAILURUSHES TvK)TH POWDERS, AND COM US. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. , Our rai'llitlt-s for huylng (roods are aecond to none In the Statu, and we shall at ull times sell at a small ad van. e from cost. Ready sales and small profits. PIIYSICIAN8' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and nlslit. ,.u.p, oi-pt.v, io-iit. .aeiu-tl Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. , K , F4-SW" . 1 ON AND AFIEU MONDAY, NOVEMBER Uth untl further notice, ' , '-TIao Pussenjror Xrnlu to connect with toaniets . - . FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the n. 11. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on i.5I!d y!.' Wiidoya, ana Fridays, at iu c (STJ5AMKH8 -. i (" "ONEONT A" or "IDAno,w CAPT.J.McNUt.TY):..'...'..........V...;;......;.Con1n.nd.r. Will leava DALLES, DAILY. (Sund'avs e.cepte.H al I 0 clock, l. ..connecting hy the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the stoimier . .' ' NEW WORLD " or CASCADES." CA1T. J. WOLF, ...... ......Commander. . "t,1!?111"- ',;. , ' ' w- BRADFORD. 1 Dal les. N ov 13,lnf6. fnltfl Jlgent 0. S.N. Co. H E M OVA iu . GATES Ac. CFIA17I1V, .'jl WHOLESALE A RETAIL' I d etj a a i s t s Have neinoved to 1 RUDIO'S STOiVi; III H,DIfi, WHERE ws will -nntlmm to sell articles qsnallr LESS THAN ANY STORK IN THE CITY. Our s.Jtk consists Iii part o( ... 4n.,,. - Patciit Medicines, , rre Wltifnnd nrandr,:. r-nnicia, . . , , Fancy A Common Sonu. ',SlwngM, Uanrnnushes - .. Trnssim Traces, Corks. Acids. ; . ,- l'aliits , T..th Powder, ' .... . at nlsre,. iAIeihm,- ,. i; Oils, . i c Hops, ."'i.' ' Bohemian Toilet Sets, gupporters, 4e A PnYSKIAXS' PRESCRIPTIONS'"-'' Carcrully Compounded, (live ns a call and sutlsly y nr. selves la-fore i.nrchasiu-olacwhera. i t rJ'VA'zt. J!!!?'.'! JCstin qates. V 10 It Y IJXPOKT A J -TO ' ' " Merchants, , Families, Hotels and UIt.I(OOMH TUL1U8 KRAKMER HAVING 1IOUG1IT TItE Vtf. tire H.s-k of Merchandise .n.l li.u .s..it. A lute nrm ol M . feller A Co.. iu this city, to which helms added of his own hnHirtntlon (while doing business to . .v lav L ha. ui his uesi DQaniiiactiu-eil; Crockery,,, Glassware, i, , ,A..Ilaled Hare, lamps, , : , i T; Uiandcllcm, Table Cullerj, LooklET-Gla8cs nnd " 'All Kinds of Oils, -' "All of which he offers at reduced rntos.' Persona wlsti. Ins: to hny any of the above-mentioned articles, will da well to ifho me n call hefore purchasing elsewhere . Orders from tha lAni-ini. nm.,Mi...,. . j . ' . i i i - w,riium io. ana R0O.U parhed to ao scfura, Don't fall to call on me. liu.iios stone Building, Waehlnirtnn street. Dalles; Dalles. March 17,1,, lRC8.-a,.,lJ7tIUl;8 KK""; . alfctr. 85 Front Street. Portland, ' Opposite 0. 8. K. irarrhonse.' u21-tf JOSEPH ELPELT, ." wi'otmtx sxd T.iiL Duua ix si-s i. - , - 'i xjicy czoiapie vxy lioois, CL JHINO. ; BOOTS ', AND SHOES, - JJATS Alfl CAPS. AND Goods. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES i I. A.a.B0OtO - -,.,..,.,...tlAIT SCTI80S;. v Forwarding aknd Comralsslen Merchant AND DELKII8 IX 08NXRAT MKROIIANDISK, KlREiailT FOR COLVILLK. UPPER' rtftlJfjMfllA JL' KOilTSNAI ana ULAI.'KFOOT JUNKS nromntlv'1 torwardi-iL Murk 0 owls B. A N. Wl It BlufTs, MT. T rostusn nidutrxls A McCmlien, Alle A Lswls, and 1 lh' i i -.ir i IHMNolutlon li'otlce. ' rVIECOAllTNERSlIIPhorefororxl.Hiutl,etwe; JLAtttT1. :". under tl!?P,To. Lsuer A St.iUi,n lliei Jackim Saloon, Is this day . Is-' jo ved by mu nal content, lr. Lruer Imvlns sold out hit Interest In ,. Si liutj. who will rontlnno the l.nsln-M oh his own acconnt. All debts due the late Km will u, paid t,gchw,wlKm settle all liabilities. . ,i Ja'leaiWWi'lStt: '. 1 . '. " 1)iniikfiil for past patronsfe, the andersls-ned wwild rtwiweitiilly Infi.rni his friends that he will ever he found" at the old stand ready to dispense tils choice. Iluoralu "M". , t i. w i . K. aCIlUlT. . .DlMMolallon otlte- .' n K,PTr?J,f ,hf"";lr"hx'l lnthlscltrtolewr nimnell A Miller, who will contlnu the btNliifrg7iL same .tandi-' Mr.Vlinniss Mill.,-. .....1 seme all llahllltles and rollw-t all riehts due. All WlliMrlnv . I. ..... ..... .. . nVi....i..;j -""Msin msn come forwari Dallej City, Not. 23d, Io6, II persor J. W. Mil I V'U 1 .... ' , aStttf Diuo Block, Miller A Ca., French Oilman."" JnT'-f ii..' ' , .-,i - i.lU -ui-- vil. i A .;'n, . ra-Kof, Stone $tm, corner qf.,Vaia and Court TfCST R.KCK1VED AND F Coal Ollt on Ollf ,'i A FOR SALE- I ',I..L TOYS! T0YST0YS! TOYS! : FOR TOYS AN!) FAWC fiOOng For ill. llnlMuva 1 -Wa MoltMshaVsi l .i- llM..l.lh.BASkKTANDTOY KMWItlUM, H i '. '. 'i.. ,.,. ;' ,. , - tiii'mavrh a kui,; J ,?i I ,H ' tea'swHSaS '' OATES ACHAPiy.