llloiuttraccr. THtrUSDVT MOUSING, FEB. S, 1866. llvts. Stephen A. Douglas wasla.tcly married fit Washington City, to Brig; (ion. Wiltiaras, whoever ho' may hnp ' j.cn" to bo. " 1 "'" ' v ' '' f Judge J. E. Wycho, of Washington Territory, has again been nominated as an Associate Justipq of tho Supromo Court of tho Territory. ', " Tnz Democratic Review gives notice that Knowlton, an advertising ng'nt in San Francisco, is not on tho square There aro several of that kind there that will boar watching. The chief of the bureau of Arts and Sciences at Pekin, has mado a favor ablo report on tho question of rail roads, and decides that the nso of steam is not dangerous to tho people. A Saratoga fashion gossipcr says: Girls none too joung to bo in tho nur sory, make thoir three and f nr toilets per day. To which the Boston Post odds, The little babies change oftoncr. A touno man named Granville Dailcy was drowned at Oregon City on tho 25th of January, wEile working to clear the Basin at the Falls of drift wood. ' ! A lawyer of Sacramento paid a fine f of ono cent in United States coin. lie was too honorable to pay it in frac tional currency or postage Btamps, ho said. ," . ',' '. Mu. Duncannon. a colored citizen of Cincinnati, ia mooting with fuvor in England as a . painter. A picture nf Tennyson's Lotus Eaters, painted before he loft Ohio, .is much admired. . ! Amos Kendall is building in Wash ington, a honse of worship, the Cav. nlry Baptist Church, at a . cost of $75,- 000 which ho proposes to give to tho society of tbo church. ' "" ,!.;...; -.. . - . . "','!!' Tub phrenologists say that thero is craniolbgical protuberance called the 'bump of constructiveness." ' The bump of ro-cons'.ructivoness is most needed by the public men at this timo. It is reported that Brigbam Young is one of tho heaviest depositors in tho Blink of England. He wil need all ' his cash to provide for his largo and rapidly growing family " A man in Newport, Ky., who had Lis bam burned by mischievous bojs, offers twenty five dollars to start a fund for the ,croc.ion of cheap barns expressly for juvenilo incendiaries to got on nro. jAttjlH' J. BjjVrt, tho man who was nvlxed'np 'in the Sullivan-Dennison tragedy;ftt tbe.Cascades, escaped, from the jnH'af'Porlland a few days since A man named Wright got out at the same time.' ' Nkit Steamer Line. It U under-j "There is some "talk' of'tlie British stood, says tho AcTada (Cul.) Gazette, government demanding of the Ui itod that i new lino of steamers to Oregon Stales tho suppression of Fenian dem is in contemplation, to bo composed onstrations in pnblio. Of cmirst it of the Montana, recently arrived from will be impossible . for the United. ACCTICN AND COMMISSION HOUSE! IVo. 100 MAIS STREET, DALLES. New York, v tho Lookout, now about due from Bath, Maine, and other vest sola riot named. vTho owners of these ships aro tho Mossers. I'utten, of Bath, the wealthy ship owners, who, we are informed, are to bo among tho princi pal controllers of tbo new lino.. . The Montana is a fine now steamer of 1,000 tons, with accommodations for ubout 130 passengers. Her running timo from Now York to San Francisco was seventy six days. The Lookout is about tho samo dimensions, and both vessels are said to bo well adapt." cd to tho Oregon triido. The River and the Comnunication. It is now so 'far advanced towards spring that wo may reasonably hope that our communications -with tho lower Columbia will not bo again cut offj or ut most for two or three days. '1 be railroad at tho Cascades is open for traffic, and between here and Celilo tho road is in repair! It is now only necessary that tho ico ubovo Des Chutes should break up, and the busi. ncsB campaign of 1806 will bo fairly inaugurated. The melting mood which nature nt present wears will soon break the barrier with which winter has bound up the river, so that it is full timo for those who bavo anything to do to be getting ready for an early start. x " - States to comply, and it Y probable that tho British government will not make any such demand; nniiK bxdkhsionkd-1 thankful .B JACK ALLPHIN (!! open hla New Snftnmr. ay Main Street, (I lie Olil Express ORlce) THIS KVKMXO, o which occasion lie would ItiTlto bis frionds ami th ptrtdie generally to call nud portnke of a F1HST CLASS LUNCH. , . . .,. . , Alteiitlou Relief Hose C'cmiia.uy.'peclnl Mooting THIS (Thursday) EVENING, fur the election of officers. Kscry member Is requested to attend , - - - lly order of the President. Columbia Lodge, No. 0, I. O. O. F.-- Meets every Fridny evening nt f-J o'clock, in Gates' Hall, corner of Second and Court 'Streets. Bi good standing are ItrYiied to attend. By-order. ' I f ;'," 3pME 'J of ;tbe ,; Bloody Fourteenth while on, thoir march to Arizona passed ' through a town in Southern California. Tho editorof a local, paper there thanks tho-soldiers, on tho part of t6frommoaUiv'tbt -they- did not .O'jtllmHI ttUin-J v. ' . ' carry off rany-'lrouetOTS 4roi that viciuity. ' .. . , .. President Johnson, as a reward to two Blackfeot Indians, who rescuod two whito women, from the savages lms directed'to bo' presented' to-tfifSh' Of the "rescuers a eilvorfttTe'dni, vuhiod - ntSlol), ntl an official document witlt UitfiuwUufo'.iinrrt'aUn'g tRe t-irou'm etaaccs ortbort tioweCdndtict J ..... '.".''' FOR PAST Furors. renicctriilW Informs the citizens of the Dulles, anil the labile, generally, Hint ke continues to sell ut . 1 . : PUBOCAUCTION . on rnivATE salj?, Reul Esae, General Merchandise, Giocerlets, " llurxeM, SliileN. . ruiiiKnrr, : x , : ;. ..' ,- fttOCliN, A.C. &.C. BEGULAR SALE t)AY3, Tuesdays and Saturdays. llall. corner of Sccml and Curt Streets. Brothers in f'aah AtTrnrtPAS Tnailfl nn riniitrnnifn' .p HQ I UUU ilf UllWkl HIUUV VI. I, VNUIQMIUVM.U, y i attended to iu ny furrt of BnttUren In eoofl stnniliugiire invtte.I to attend. Scth L. 1'ope, Sec'y. liy orilor of the ' . M. Waaco l.d. No. 13. K. A. Jr. A. Itf ... 1 PROHITBEIBtR m de of sales. Holds its stated.Coiiiiimnlwtlon- on tho Flirt anil Third 1 .. lor Spectal Sale tne city. Mondays of eiich month, nt their hall. In Dalles City. ' Tarirr or Charges intu Furtner notice: For Sel!itii Morclintidine, Groceries, Furniture. Stuclis. &c. &c A ier cm. For Sidling llnnnes and lleil Kstnte 3 - Homes, Milieu, Work Cattle, enidi ti NO CHAItOK FOlt STOHAOH. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. tOU. OI!.t COlI. OIL! WAf.DKON BRns. Iistb nl received it Urg in voice of CUAI, OIL. n liicti they olfer ut unattr reduced rates. fTtf AUCTION SALE. 1 will sell on Friday, Feb. 9(H, at lO a. m.. at my Koom on MAIN STltEKT, Ono Splendid Parlor Pet or ForJilhire, - One (ileltdid llotl Itooin Pet innrtiiB top, One piece Tniwatry Carpet, 4fi yard.,. One piece Throe plr Cnrpot, 2-V yards, . fiU Votntnes of lliHdtn, - -F.iglit Fine Kngrarings, among them tho Voyage of Life. Orie Pnrlnr Stnvo, ne lee Chest. . Two Dnren Hoxes Yost l''iwiU'r(Vre8tonX Mcrril) Two Dejson Boxes Fancy Soup, COO Cigars, ect , etc. " V. A. 0. TAYXB, AVictfoneer. Tub VVeatheii towabds John Day Mikes. Along tho canyon of John Day Eiver, and from the Dos Chutes to tho south-east, tho winter appears to bavo ended. At Alkali Flut, half way from boro to Cunyon City, pro parations aro being mado for Bowing grain, and , much ground is already plowod. At Canyon Qity the snow has entirely disappeared, und tho weatuer is warm and spring like, xsiu for tho loss of bridges, and tho muddy and cut-up condition of the roads, thero is ncthing now to prevent the resump tion of tho usual spring traffic with tho John Diy mt.ies. Arrested Michael II Lowis.'who murdcrod David Pcovioi on ' Olive Creek, North John Day mines, on tho 23d of last October, has been arrestod on tho Walla Walla Itiver, near tho Washington Territory lino, lie is, for tho present', confinod In the Walla Walla jail, and will bo takon back to Canyon City for' .trial. 1 Tho circum. stances attending the murder, it will bo remembered, were singularly atro cious, an J the -arrest of Lewis is ani other proof that such as ho have but a limited timo to run in this country. Judge Mpnson, of tfttt-Third : Judi cial .District. ; Montana r iomtory, charged tho Grand Jury ),bat it was thoir duty to tako cognizanco of the secret miarught executions ot tho Y ig ilantos, and, in effect, declared that tho timo had come to put a stop to the illegal, punishment of iwrong-docrs, however much they might deserve it Desirable Residence For Sale. S W1I.I,SKI.Ii AT ITM.IG AUCTION (unless sooner disponed of at private S le,) on Thursday, February 20. at 11 a. m., the Kleirant DWF.M.INO IIOUSB. the residence ofT. B. Kelly. Kki., with the Hnildinimnnd Land luijaceni there to. This property consiHts of the dwelling Hboro tl(s crilHvl, ami an aero of Lnnd nriili fonce. and Two Lots of Ijinil Mini tho buildings thereon. This properly is bvuTitlritlly Hitnaied on the RlmT orerM.king tho City, and is in every -ay well calcillateil r n Uentlenmn's llesiileix e. There is fluo Spriiiie of Water on the pro mises. For further particulars ininfr of ? . , 3 JUN WILLIAMS. Anctloncor, " Oltai " 100 Main Street. J . J IT K E n, 3Ialn Street. Dalles, WH0LB8A1.K Al MTAIL DKALfiU IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. " A1W1T3 UI STORI TBI BX8T BRANDS OT , Dlgars, Tobacco, Hatches,' &c. SJLAYINO CAKOS. l-OCKKT CUTLERY, POUT MONIES,. COMBS and BltUSHKS. H all kinds,' - ' PKHFUMKKY. ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS ? TOVS. DOLLS, etc. . , . FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLB, J nCSlCAL 1NSTKUMK.NTS, FANCY GOODS. c. Also Powder. Shot. Lead, Powder Flasks. Baskets, And many ether sirtlcUs too numerous to mention.: A, . .r- Interior dealers nrpptled with Cipars. Toliacro. efe. at less than Portlaud prices, with freight added, 'oc-8 S EL TallS Gr OFF A T COST, FOR TII1RTI DAYS LONGER ! ! last chance: A. SKItllCS oir Literary and Scientific Lectures arHICIl has lieen In contemplation for some time, ww is new offered to the people of (he Dulles. The Heat Lecture of the t'erlts will bo Riren THIS (Tuesday)., EVEMSt!, nnd ono cncii Tuesday Kvenlnif therenfter. throouli ilio Pu les of V.hilit LeotnroJ. Tile proceeds will be divided between the Congregational id Motliodlat Sabbath Schools. . . v , . . - r. Tickets for the Course s : OJiB DOLLAR. Sinv-le Ailaili-siou. Fifty c- nts. lue lecture this evening will lie delivered by .Tudge O. L. Woods, In tho roiigrenntloiml Chnixh hcliire will coniinracelat T o'clock ' rul.jtct : MK.NTAClVl.TUKK The follewiiig Ketitlenu n aro cxi cctod to deliver null oire ueciure: Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; Ju 'go Wilson, Dalles; Iter. Ir. Atkliuon, Hov. Mr. Driver, " Rov. Mr. Caffrev. " , . l'r,,r li,.lu..,i . i i .' Judge Hill, Canyon City; " , J. A. Odoll, Ksq., "' ' PILE'S AUCTION ROOM! 1 (ONKDOOP. ABOVBTUE l'JST.OFFICE,) i MAISI STUEET,' OALLKS. CTr. " , I w ill attend to sales of ; . ', ; Real Estate. Cieneral Slerchandlse, Furniture, .- j 1 . 5 ,Ad StOCk3. i nF.aiTLArt SALE DAYS, MONDATS AND FRIDAYS. Stock' and Special Sales any day, Sundays excepted, fylte . F. . 0. 1'AJ.N J, Auctl wear. MKSSRS. COnV BOIIM wonld liereky lnr..rm their customers nnd the pnhlicnt larrfe. that they will mntlnne to sell AT COST, for thirty days longer in order to give ono a chance, to make presents for the Holidays. V'e will sell the balance of our stock, coif slating of l(i h Black Silks, ' Cents' Cloaks. ltich Poplins, . Beaver Coats, Ch"-ks, .. ; , , .,n- Bra's Coats, . " Shawls.- ' ' Pants,- - iv ItrjfioM,' ,fi- Kuibroiderics, Huts i CaiW, ' "' ' Boole A Shoes, ., C.,..( C, .1 AT SAS FltANUSC'O COST, Without Freight and Exp-us.s. Tliis will be the last chance to get hirgalns. prior to closing the concern. COI1.N A UOI1M. N.B.- All Uills mnst be nald bv th ' First of Jnnir-rv 18fl. If uot settled within that time, 'he snme will ke placed in legal hands, : ' - de 111, , Treasurer's Notice. THR FOLT.WH'INa COUNTY OBDEllS will tie paid npon presentation nt ih office: , , MnrrU 15, 1866 1 April 7, .4 r - 4 t 111 . .u,:..,. . A ;) -v rtunr , An. dSO" May 13 Jnne'i 6 ' 8 ' ...i A,...... ..' 4 ...4 In furor nf. I-Mc.nnn..? J, It. llarlord. " I.. McAnslln. I. Mn.Vn.lin, 1.. McAiihIIii. ' OS I It. II. Reed. IWrlCrlCMoigs. 0i7 John Giles. S1:: C.X., Meigs, . .'W;Mltc),4l Mi hell. : ynjt J)iorier.stQ(im0r oltbo lino TJom The Eihporifjm. to San Francisco, to be owned -.Sh'd ;' coii trblie$ 'fnf liit!! rrijr' place, is npvt; on' thS, stopk'it' New, York.'' She will register 'two thousnrid tony but being built "cxr nressly for the .tratje,:'. will be abio.la . -.( J .. tasb tlitj Af illamett1 'nj Sfflh laod ars at all aeasobs'of tbo e&e-. .'.'lAJ.'Jlir 'i.i.. .-.jk .J ....4 T'.)! ' ll'MI,,.Y.i " 9 ........4 ' ' sol ' -n.'vr. Vi tcfii -. v : , .. 3 C. V hlte. 4 u ...,.m. ... 12 1 J.B. Ilnrfords V. ,..Ji , .i.. 7..!i . Ui 1 ? l'"etl 1 ' 11 '"til. H. DentlVi i(.-"r"r . 'UuSS .1 , T. MoAuslinW-u ttm us4. yi.ui i 1 w 1 n 1 t.. 11 '-11 ..) 1 im 41 . P. T. TarMP . I ... .-.') yiiw- v.i ' :-;' I ft !' u 9 ' ' tis-i 0 " " 0 k "10 ". 10 . "' 10,. ". 10 in ' 10 ' ID July 7 " - rcdoaw v l.iaao. . M.,ia.fc, ...Ujj4 '-"ta..ri7 73 ?".' Itotsileir; : niif-n .-.- vi"1'"' " "Mrwson . ,. 7,V, ..2i K. MV. .11 ..,11. iI.,J.iy, ALDJtON, Trnmmmr.'l J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, ' Alitln St., Dalles. Oregon. WOULD ltESPF.CTFUl.LY INFORM the' citizens of this nbictl and vi. clnlty, that having returned from a pr 1 lesslounl tonrthrongh the mines. holms again resttined the nrnetlee-of UKXTISI'IIY, In the room lorinerly occupied by liiln. in the building occupied ty WwmI A llnller. PlKtogmpb Aitinls, nnd luljoiuitig Will dnin Bn.' Drug Store. He lakes this methisl of e teiiding thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore x- reuueuio nun, unit solicits 'Continuance of the sane. M8T or PUICB3. Entire Pentnre onOohl Rnse.n..t ,M..,180 to $25 " Upper Denture, Oold Base...... 90 la " Denture, Vulcanite Bne.... 70 " 2 ". Upper Denture, Vnlcanlto Base S5 " dj t Oolil Fillings lniorted from onedollar upward. Children,' Teeth extracted Tree nf charge. sel3-tf '' M . BROWN &BiU)M WUOMSlia Km MTArl, DIAUItS in1 ' ; : '; FANCY AND - STAPLE 'V. DRYGOP.RSl PROCERlES, PROVISIONS, &c. Mr. M. BROWS, being ft resident of Ssa Francisco w irexnahied o otter great la.kemeiits to pnrchmern V -espectfully invite the public to exaoiineour .lock befor-, inirchuslng elsewhere. nil.Vtt S-Stone Store, nortlk aide Main street. Dalles. " KETT 8T0NE' STORK, WASHINGTON STRKKT.'r,,' fTnilByNDKItSlOSKD would respeotfiilly annonn nir I V If ' ciiiss saiooti injfirw h Oilman's New' Stone Bnlldlnit, THIS KVF.NliNa.uud m prepared to serre cu.toniere with the best or , Ell T3'E N CSII ' Every day and Evouinf. V.-r.- oc38tfi ' -KSTK AY. SrOTICRi-.W.:;-3. T .? , PwOT WSW1810SD. living on Hlght iMito Greek, ten nillos South 01 Dnlle.Clt5.Orwo! on December 1Mb. I8CS, oue BAY HOII8t7iv Unds bllrii,' 'liHeMln on jo.,, ,ou w,bn, marks, ihlte hind feet, some-braci sV.fc:i,borVi. fcow; a Wwibki u, ""-i''S'1' """! 0 on "'' slwnUrTJIwu .erfiA.ild UBI upprrfnrJfO) lr?MTT " .sl'Jtl'HJH .'.i.i.l. f.F. CLARK : jna . -woi jaw