"Tj " : TJ 'O M; . : r u i I i 1 1 II I ri i ii r r i VOL.. . -,-?, 13 VIXKS, OUKGON, THURSDAY, iriiJlSRljAltV 4,''lHttS. NO.UO. i'l'IlLlSIIEl) EVEI1Y MOIiNLYG, ' ' . (Mondays' kxoeptkd,) ar E. G. COW.MJ it J. UALI.OBAS, KUITOHS AND FlioPiUIETOR. TiK3 r?Mty-licf.ixnit ier weak. payable) to the carrier Iter mouth, hy mail. $1; three mouths. 2 60; six aiwutl, $. ; umu year. $8. Advertisement, ittserted at IwW rnfces. Job Printing, i;ery ile-wi-Iption of tluin ufi iiiey Job PrlntitiR?xe uHmI with iifutiK'ttf til hi ilerttut 4 nl forwurJml as pur eiA'si tunny ptu't-nf the country. J'ttymtnt JorJob lrint ttty must 6e made oh delivery uj work UMATILLA HOUSE, .. - DALLES, ORECON. CIAXIiI.UY &Sl.orr, lronrj. run y irix n hocus, o .Tn.nir locitcd, . Kear the Stoamboat Lauding ft Eailroai Depot, Has been recently enlarged aal improved, aud will uuw (uctNunivdiae , l J$ O GUESTS. BT WILL 11 K CONDDCtKD a Iwretafore! in n FIRST CLASS lUUSK. H u I tlio ltrougo f tho trilvWiii); iublic 1h renecl'tll5' Hilfcft'i: - OtP" llmsiie Ukmi tulhe II inwfrM afchnrgo. 4ipn all uilit. ' i LAR3E F1RE-PR30F SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES EMPIRE, HOTEL, MAIN BTRIilT, IAU.18, ORMOX, " THOMAS SMITH. Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. ix ru mxB or nuaisrtu, Hear tha Steamboat and EallroaJ landings Superior AcconiiiiKl'itloii fur FniuHli) nd cnn Ao suuiiuuilutu One liunilrvd.auu rllljr UuU. ltwil........50ct. ' ' Lodging.'...... CO eta : Fire ProufSiUe for pailtcof valnuUe. K. Uouae npeii all aiglit. BggtiKe tnkon tn the IToma nv hi cimige. tiiuhassmiiii, li8-tf yruprlelur. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. . KIllCSH STOCK! GM Si:Ili:iiY die IHIOS., Dalles and Wnlla Walla. DHALEK8 IK . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods UlnerN' Outlits, Jlootxand Shoes, CUtktng, " ' t Iats and Caps, 'Groceries, Anil full Mwirtment nf QenerM MerelmnJIie. Buyln. nr Uuuili exclnjlTely In the 8n FrxQciKu market, an manias naife but eiuli purchaiwi, we are enableil to le I XU per cent, cheaper thau aujr other House at the Dull.' DUSKNUKKY A HI108., ml-tr . , ,.,,-PallM aa.l Walla Walla- HOW TO HAVE iTIOilIUV! call at rni iinr , . Family Grocery and Frnlt Store, Corner of Wmlilugton and Second Unela. TUK O.NDKIISIONKD WISIIB8 Ti) INVORV TUK MH:iIe o' the Dillea, nud the public gnaaraUy, that lie luia a Urge nn I well Klected (tuck f FAMILY GIIOCEHIES, CjUtDtBSi- SfUTS'ke., ' Which he will tell VhoteiAle and Itefcill at Kvlmui I'ricu far CA Sir. Aim.. eonntantly on hand the Choicest Article f CIlKCIl llUTFKIt atnl KOG8. All., etery vnrMyof FKUIXS an I VKUKTAItliKS 4a thair aenaon I'eriwue from up tha couutryi '.-wlauins; quantities of Khk ami Fruit, hy lenillnt In tlteir.orilura, will rucoive tlir atricteat atteutfoii. and hare tbeni lllleilat the Lnmttl H.irM J"rtx:' j JvU-tr A. 45. I. wKWtJkL. ARMES & DALLAM . Importers and Jobber of . WOOD A,SU WILLOW WARE, - DltUailUS TWINm, COllDAQK. ,, , . ',',',. And Manufacturer! of .hi.'" . ' California Palls, Tubs Croom, 4c. 217 I '210 iicramoiito Street, between Frout and Darla, bau Frauciscu. ' - uclkSHidaw. . X;JL IuM:A.iST . ' ioii aocxt ,u CAuroasu roa i TILT.ON-(t& - Mo.IJARf.AlD'S Fire '& Kurslai ,lroof Sails. iBTML.LLSED VAULTS, i Tun t !' ' t-. CttiUlrfation Locki S-0jOitaitly iiTliiwil fnlf aMAiaentW 8AFK8. 3IJ19 UAirKUlf gTHKKT.r lyMin ,,,,,; . , St,Fnnc1co.r ' . II. OATH." . .,i,aAn. ; " GA.TI3S '& J1A.1PT, ' AttorueysA t'ouusellors at Law, ' my ' " : .MIXES, OREGON, v , I'ozt uoisl: mines imiuCi'. , WALLA WALLA & BOIS'LfNE OF CONCOBD SXAGtKS, CAItttKlNtf ... ,.. THE U. VS. OVERLAND MAILS . AND .. ' Wll, Fargo & o.' Express, Ja now making Itoiilnr Trips from Wullu WhIU to PI ccrvlllo, (lloiae Milieu.) Throngii In Two and a Half Days Comioi'tlim with the Wtillula Lino of Stagw, and th UoiiUol' Hie U. Ii. N. Coiiiniuy. UXO. S. THOMAS A CO., ap'27-tf . . proprietor NOTICE. THE PiOXEEU STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST. FREIGHTS FltOJI TJ 1V A. rJL? I L Tj9 AFrKUTUUFJIWTOF'HTTOIIKH. AT TUK FOLLOW l.U liKUUCKU ItATKS: To noise City la Ccnti nor pound Idaho UUjr...... itti t " Owyhee. 0 ' For lew anioauta tlmu one liundri'il puniuM an addition of Fivo Ct'UM per poaud will uo charged. TIM UJ V1COJV1 UilATlLLAt TollolscC Uy ....3 Uavii. To Idaho City 3 1-2 Days. tw un jiiee, 4 ua) . JOSKPII MNKIlAJI, Ainnt. Dmatllla, Oct. 1,1806. ocl:tf. aUAUTZ MILLS! And all kind! of Machinery ' Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS COItMKU OF MOltltlSON and 7T1I si roe Is, I'ORTLANU. A.. 0. 0IUU9 st CO., Suoceefton to ' Portland, Dec. Ctli '04. doOtf B. L. Jo.is A Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND " HILLIA11D B003I, F. H. HINT, Proprietor, coitNKU or Mala and Court StrootH, apll-tf- Dalles, Oregon. FRED. LllSUL:, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND - FRUIT STORE, Waslilntton Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Diillea. Hhs on hand a large and well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, . Frcsli Ilutlox &. Effn-, lUcWred dally. A lars tot of CK ICKKMS alwayl on band. FKUITH of all kinds. FKKdll VKUKTAULF.8 every Moruiag. All articles warrautod. Give Me a Call, Everybody 1 v FRicra LOW. JMlMt . '- T. MBBK. iMtablislaed It ST. J i i -ii i BALDWIN, I3ItO DKALKB8 IS GROCERIES ! Main and Union Streets, Dalles: J. 0. BALDWIN) nih tf fF. W. flALDWIN. WH. MUABUS. 0. D. KQCUKb, ' WM. MOABUS 4VCO.. CITY BAKERY, . , AND i ,., mo vis io ir store, ', ' ' . ' (inner of First and 0 Streeta! ' ' ' ' ' WnOT.KHALK AND ItKTAIL DKALKItS In BREAD, CKACKsiKSand Family. UU0CKUIK8. .0rdera from a distance carefully filled and prompt I lapatched. . .... '1-tfy ECUPSE CHOPliOUSE, Main Street, corner ofCourt. OLD MACK, TlfK PIOVKKIt OMK, would respect. fully Inr.irni the public that he has lilted up Ilia kImitc Chop House, and la prepared to serve up MVAL9 and LUNCH In the boat style and at the shortest mil Ice. 1 UA I.L8 and PA UTI 83 rurulshed w th' suppers, iu! tu. te.t style and on the u)Mt reasonahle terms. ' OYSTERS In every atyle. Private Hnomi for Lailles. -, III.U.SO. & OUSUv ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL -PUACTICK IN TlfH 8UPKKMK ANfj CIU cult Courts of Oregon, and til. District Courts o t H'Msliitu;toii Territory, , ' Particular attention 'pAlil to th, collection of etalma.' 0. UUMA30N Dalles, Ogn. J. A.ODKLt. V It Ii i C II & Hi 1 I, .71 A .1, rMPORTini AND YttOLSBALK Dealers In Wines, Liquors ; GsltOCKltUCS, Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c, HAVC ICHOVID TO Tiiua NW STONE BUILDING, i CORNER Of' Second and WaNhlndrlon Streets, DAL! ES CITY. NOW IN 8T0HK A LAHGK AND COMPLKTB AS sortmcnt of the very bust brauda of WINKS AN1 LIQUORS. Also, ft lull ttssorlinent o( GROCERIES &. STAPLE GOODS". Cmnt;uitly receiving our autipltes illrvct frinn Ne York aint Sun FrtincUco, we tire tiblo miit willing (until at a wry sjimll udvauce on 81111 Fi-hiicUco prlccn. Tlmy hope by adopt i ml' a strictly urrct tuid ftrompt metliot) 01 doing buaiuow, thoy will reccivo Wa patroimge ci tiie puU Jic. , solU-tf COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A. R. BOOTH, WHITE BLUFFS, V. TM FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,; AND GENERAL DEALER IK SI E R C II A IS D I 8 JS,': ANB 1". M 1 HH E RS S D P P L I E S i . PACK AND SADDLE Hja3E3 FOR SALK. FltBIUIITS CO.VIONFD to my cure for Culvlll Kootenai, or the Upper Ooluiubla Minus, will re coive prompt attention. White muffs, Oct. 1st, 1861. ' v. ' ' . oc.?tf ill e v f u u 1 r, it o t: e 11 1' '' : and .: '-' .'"'. PROVISION STORE. 'IUIR UNDKKMONKD INFOItMS HIS PHI K.N Dg anl X the public Keuerally, that he bus Jmt e.ilnblisbed on Alain street, uext sbnc to J. Jukor, Tottaccunist, A NEW STORE! where lie keens constantly on hand a Inrire assortment o selected FIIUIT. Also, In store a compline stock olcholce i((,fwc.s, i-ttunaiUi yue.TAULK. c. All of which will be sold, wholesnlo un.l retail, ut UK DUCKD PHlCKd. Couieaudaueandwttlsryyounieir. seio-ii JOUM bfUbiru. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditions Cure for all diseases of the S 13 X UA L ORGANS. FI1III8 prauifit and eBcallbaa Beniedy for the care JL Ohonorrosa, Uleet, Strictures, mad DlsmiaM of the Urinary Oignna. uuikes a speedy cur, without the leas! restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business; it will radically cure any case which cuu be produced. TI.e disease it romitve as aueedllv na la con- istont with the production of a thorough aud pernianeut cure. Further, the disease canuot bo contracted If the 8PKCIF1C COMPOUND la tuken when exposed, Its Ingredients are eatirel y vegetable, and no Injurious eueci, euuer coiisiitatiosiaiiy r Locally, can ae caused by hs sjsa. Price 0u Dollar and Flftv cehti Der bottle. Bant bv r.anresscareiHiiy pacjtea. , U JSIKI L11H, SMITH C UKAH. Agents, Aul ami 4U3 Uuttery streel, cur Clay, JyWDm. Bau Frauciaco. Umatilla, BoisCj 1 , , AND IDAHO ':, Express ami Fast Freight Line. THIS LINK 13 NOW IN COMPLKTB T1CNNINO under from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Ilolee City, aud prepared to curry Freight nud Valuub!e Piickiiea between theso and iill InUusuediate poluta with certainty and dcupatch. . The Line Is Stocked with the Best Teams '. the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace rv-X CONCORD Afm&cfou WAGONS.llffi Which ensurea Speed and Safety In the transmla-lim of Freight, never before offered to lduhu. Wo offer Supe rior iniliicementa for Shipping QiMida from San Fmuci.ci aetd Portlitml to Iduiio, aa our arratigonienta with the Oonau SteaniHlilp Company and the Oregon Steam Nnvl fition Ave such that all Ooods shipped by this Liue will uot bo subject to tho unual delays, but puss through as Oofida shipped Iroui Snn Francisco to onr cure nt Port land, Charges U'ili ro paid and Uovds ahlpiied to destine. tluo. . O00DS SHOULD RK MAIIKKD: CACK II. HL D. A CO.. F. LINK, and Shipping lieceipta scut to our Agents at Portland aud Utautilln. .1 , Adrancct'liarges Tor Transportation Paid by the Liue nud Collected nt Destination, floods will b forwarded with Dispatch to oK'yl uud South lloise, PASSKNOKIIS CARK1KD AT QHEATLY IIEDUCKD UA'l'KS. Fiunllios will be liiruislied with Superior Ac cietimoilatioiis iu New mid Kasy III. Hug Thoruuiu Lruee Wagons on tlio Most Llbernl Terms, W lay ovor oacii night on the Hood at Uood and CouMHieiit Stations, ao tlitit ptissengera will hot be dcprlvod or regular rest. .-' AG-iCJSXWt UTCIIAltDSA McCUAKKN ..........San Frnncisca UlClUUDd A McOltAKKN.. ... Purtlnnd JOSKPU TKAL Dalles POWhLI. A 0"K UnmtilU J. U. WllJtlNSON . UUninl D. M. DullliLL CO........... J)oiw City 1J. M. UuKKLL A CO. liliihoCitr MAJiilter-KKit ...,llo.jky Unr (South lloiwi DlllELL A iWOUti Kuby and Silver Citwa U. AI. DallBLL ok CO., n25tf Fruprietore. n. u. nab. A. J. KAIIS. H I LL & K A. N E, WIOLUALI AID IITAIL BUUU II Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors ASD AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 8T0HA0K AND F0HWAHD1NU. Goods consigned to us will meet sritts proper attentloa . ri' ' Ttef erence 4 i . ' roattAico. uun. ' ,. II. W.Corbet, , . Robblnt A 0o, '. ' Ilichards A McCracken, W. C. Moody A Co., 11. law, . r r l. Uumaaon. : Umatilla Landing, Sept. fltli. IS (IS. D. D.'- STEPIIEISOrV DENTIST, v : "V ! - -,.. .1.; ' HAS P.KM0VKD HIS 0FFICK 0PP0 sho lllotta, Millor A Co , whora Uo la prepared to do all kinds of . . - hPMTAi "binn'ii''" li a skillful and well flui.lu it manar.. TKP.TII InserteC from ouo to an entire set, op Uold or Hubbor Plata. ' Prices range for llwtfier Plate, from tol4: Fot Gold Plate, from 7 to tVJti, . . . . . . .. . . Persons having work done'b me not proving sal i Islactor will not be required to ruoelv, or nay, for turf nme.' ' , w,ia t, iil) iBOOKSI' BOOKS ! ,WlIQL.e3 ALB'. AKDilT4lLl 'y'T OCHOOL BOOKS, STATIOJfKRT, Suinrtmil and Miscellaneous WOIIKS. Late KOVKIJ. UAUAZ1NKJL PAPKII8. Ac., Ac. by every Steamer. Pojt-Ofllce Uookatore, Alain street, Dalles. . i .' - maJ-tf If. J. WALDR0N A 00. nrr ilB fiNDrill'siaNKD WILLCKCIIASK WOND M- ""iu rurnitura, Mods. He. Id log. UarHits, HUures, and ILmseUold Furniture of ivory description. Parties wishing to sell will do well to call. -i.'" i : J UW) '0IIN WILLIAMS, de9:2w aisvrSll.ai.kCa IU0 Main Im I Dalles. A CARD FOR TIIE Fall & Winter Clothin? Trade OF SAN FItAKClSC'O. BADGER &LINDENBERGER, ass, All, 13 aud 419 Mattery Street, Cir.llercliaat, Saa Franelsea. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. EXTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK WIS WOULD CALL ATTKNTI0N t Country Mer chants to our usually l irire stock of Uuods. (tor stock comprises every article tn tl.e Clothing and Fur nishing liuo. We have constantly oa hand tlie largest and greatest variety of Caaalmare and Wool HATS ot any house in San Francisco, ant oar prl ee for these Uuodi are leas than those of any bouse, as we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our lock of Summer and Fall Uoopa Is particularly attract- no, anu uie great leaiur, io sue couutry merctiaut Is tin uuuaually low prioea. Less Than the Cost of Importation! W, also keep the STAPLK ARTICLES In th. Dry Ootak line, which Uoods w, have purchased In this market un der the hammer, and are ottering them at New Voile Coat, and less. . i . - ' We publish this card In order that w, may make new acquaintances, and induce those ho have not IteretofuM purchased of ns, to call and exuuiiue our slock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Ar, the greatest Inducements t all who Hsrchaaa t sell agalu. Mercbant who buy ef tu can make a good profit, and sell to their customers nt a low tlgur. W, remain, respectfully, Your Obodleut servant, . .. lIADolKIt L1NDKJIDKIIOKR, ' ' Wholesale Clothing aud' Hat Wareln.u.a,' K). 41 L 413 aud IU Battery street. . ' Pon Francisco, April 1,1806. 1 JelW-Sniw. ' UOI FOli TIIE SL'JIMKH 'UOISk' ' " ' W TUK ' SEA: BE'C fMU8 DKL1UIITFUL aND CKLKBIIATKD 8UMMKU M. Ileaort, situated oa Clatsop Plains, a short dlatamv from the Ocean, u now ru-opcued and ready to recall, tMti. . ,,.-,, ,i .. Tlila reaort Fotsessei attractions Uiimtrpaaaad en tlx Pacillo Coast. It has a splotulid beach for riding, walk. higand bathing; beautiful scoi.cry and iiirrouudlina; borrlei of all kinds abound; a beautiful trout itrttaia audabundunce of game. ' '" " '' ' THUS TABLE..'!;w;- Is constantly snpplied with salt and Iresh water flk dam. and craltt, lk, !lrtacapd fealkerwi (ante, aud tlte) freshest of eotihtry produce, . . Il'lw cllfratrasissMiiWujIs Jilils-JIlVcl offers evlryl thing that could Le desired for th, comfort of-gurau. both well aud sick. The Proprietors respectfully ask the Health and Pleas. ' are Seeklnit 1'ubll, for vartronaxe. that titer ma ouahlod to makefile u Summer lloitw" a pormnient lu ' atitutlonoftheeoantry." ... LoWKLL A KIPPKM May wtti, ii. , , . mUli , PR, , R,J(1V, MI'JJVHiajLXa, I i 0rricBJ-WAI.mi0S'S.BCILDINO:i "i Ktaimjics .itnar of Third and H aalnngum Btm.it XR. A.. JUL, STJEEtAE; ACTI.NU ASfdSIANT SUROKO. V' 8. A. orrtci at , WAIsnROii ' BR0S. DRTJO STORE