i -i-VYr i 7iu anvccL A Fi.oweu Stout. Wo nro told that the Duko of Tuscany waa the first possessor of a pretty shrub of jas mine, and lio was bo jealously fearful loHt oLliera ; should enjoy what lio nlono wished to possess, that strict ii'junc. lions wcro given to his gardener not 'o give u fclip, not bo much as u single flower, to tiny person. To ihis com' nuind the gardener would have b'juti Juilliful had not love wounded him by i he 'opurkling t-yes of u (air but por tionless peasant, whoso want of a dowry and his own poverty alono kept i hem" from tho hy menial nllar- On tho birthday of his mistress ho present- d her with n nosegay, und to rentier it tnoro acceptable, onuimerilnd it wiih ii jasiniin. Tne poor gii l, wishing to preserve the bloom ol thin now flower, jnit it tnlo tho earth, and tho bj'ach icmair.ed ureen all the year. In the JollowingSpriiigitgivw and was cov ered with 11 iwers.' It flourished and inullplied so under tho fair nymph's cultivitlioti thatsho was able lo amass u liilo forluno from the sale of l ho pro i ious gift which lovo had made her, .vhcn with a Pprig of jasumi..e in her breast, b!io gave her hand and wealth io tho hnppv gardener. And Hie Tus. an girls' lo this time preserve i he remembrance of this day by wear in;' a nosegay of jasmine on iheir wed ding day; and they have a proverb, -which says u young g'.il weariu Uiis nosegay Is rich enough to muko the for tune of njmrrjiliinid. Ammonia as a Substitute foh Stbam. Quite a inu'roel exists at, iiviispiiL umonir tho French eiieineers, growing out of tho late discovery cf , ihe proposition lor mo empi mun ui ammoiiiacal gas lor propelling car jia.'es, and a patent for an ammonia cii-'ino has been taken out in tho Umled States. Tho g u is condensed by cold, and tho liquid ammonia thus prepared is put in u reservoir, con., nccled by n pipe and stop cock with a working cylinder. At tho ordinary temperature of tho atmosphere, tho liquid expands -into gas with great loice, iu.d when the cock is opened tho gas rushes into tho cylinder and "works tho piston in the samo manner us t-tvam. it is then condensed by water, for which it has n strong ntlinity. Tho quantity oi itquiu aim. monia used in an hour as'an equiva. lent to tho power of one horse, does not exceed three gallons, weighing twenty-two pounds. Tho water used 10 absorb it is saved und the ammonia recovered and utcd over again.. It has long been u f'uvorito purpose ol inventors to compress nir so as to ttoto up power in ii f..nn capablo of easy trnr.sporiation. This problem is holved by tho iipplicalion of liquid ammonia. A man in London 1ms patented nn illum'n-t-ted lint to pro ect tho wonrcr tVotii 1) ing run over by cubs ftt niilit. NEW GOODS! Mil VINO JUST AliniVKD FROM TUB FAN FRAN-cli-eo Mm klt, we would, itrvllu t!:u attention of elir friend nfid Slock ui' I tlto cuilimtinity lit I .lje, to iur v. cll-sclccle d Wry Goods, Clothing, Hoots & Mines, Wlilcli we are selling nt the m-mt reniioniibli rates. tVc cuinnt sell niir (tooils AT t'th-T. tint awt'tire. tho conimr, n II y that It jileuees us tu (oil goods at S.M ALI. I'HOl'Tl'S. llcUlIt ii. 1IKUMAN CO. SEJiLOW AT COST! TV.I. "Wvmseh 8c Co., m'tt'll.l, CLOSK OUT TIIKIII STOCK OF mkiiciian- VrSK, lit their (Unci nt' b'l.-ineSH, lit Ilie Dalles, ill order to co the Mines. Their Block embraces Dry .oiis, lo(hiii, IJoola.EJalS AM) G EX Ell .1 , M Eli CllA XI) I St.', AH which will he sold lit C ISP. for 'CASH only. i-AII wltokuo tlu'iii.-tulvtn liiiliilito.1 tooui' 11 rm nt Die Dulled Mitt plL':ie cull it .l fcttln uh hoii:i uti p iMiilili. 'J'Iiuhu who Invo lii-cii iici'o!iili.ii:iltnl ivu irtliit will not tli'luy iih iiiiniii'i.iinly. I nl In prompt in iojii triii u uc counl.i. Cull Hint doe tin, ull und I'Vli'.vIioiI i ! j iinll-tl' . M. U.SCIIJE CO. fil.CIlH I10TKI, V.CII.IlINO, D;itlon City, liiivo on liiiiol ;i viirit-ty Houseliolil t'uriiiture, iiiilii'l.ililt Tiitilo. (lini!H, llnroiiiia ili-iUmnl Dii.ImIi'iuIm. lleililii.K.CiiriMia n i... t'tc. nil ol hicii will lio solil ut low rutii. l-innitiiiu Ui..ii:ri'il. iitol iiiiliiilnli'i iiiif ilono loorilcr. Aino.im limol ViitlrcsatoiiHHl I'll lows, ifplin llcld niiulo to older, mil- r t . " 7 i. V'.J. KbIOWM WA5Jr.:S-:El. 31. Jt- i tliCOND iTl:j:i-.T, tclwcoll Wiitl.ingtoii ornc::- linil Court. 0'il('2 It BVPE- IJAS.l.CCS C1TV UKVU VlOltK. P. CEAIG, WUOI.BHALR ANU RKTA1I ias&J nrAipn i ii n n fi n f utnttn in unuud. W-J NF.D1C1XES, Perfumery, Fancy Knars. I'ATKN'T MKUIOINKS. Ac. (1-tf VllUUS AXD PATEXT JlEJl VISES.'! DRUGS AX) J'. IT EX 1' MKDIGIXKS:! VliUGS AXD PATEXT MEDWISKSU W VII01.i:8AI.I: AXD EETAII. a r u cj o i s t , Wosliiiiijloii Struct, bctwct'ii Mniii unit EccnnJ Streets nti,i.K!i, oau:o. 1 I.KMO.N U ulilo lomipply p-uiion In wntit of Hni, lO l:ili.'iit Mi'iiicinoii. Clifinii-tilii, Aciilrt, L'l'rUMuiry, ami ovory otliyr m't!ci I'lniiiiorulcil wiili I lie . WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At tilt! l')W(,'t UlUlkL't IMtCH. Hi)" I'liysitiiiiH iiixl Mcrt'lutiits hiteiulttin ti ptirclmse for tin Miiut will lu wull to Ive liiin n vail. TRUSSES & SHOULDER In nvf.-.t viU k'ty. np.H:tr. AVit"!iinmton Pt., liotwrn Main mln Funint. 11 T L A IV fi 6 vxd h V AND MACIII1NE HIIOF, PIliST KTItUET. In-! ween Vniiiliill and Jlorrisou. ol front I to4 ' liorne -OlolJ a.m.;2Iu4p w.;ni!i! 0 tolo, p. M ,i-i .. v . Niwcr.!thr I'oitniilcor "(p4;v fWKift- -V-."tiitioniirv. AIM. OIIU v'T "- Ki .'"jM f. rm.Ait saw MU.M Xi&M.'wf.-: u n hull il . Al mi, 1 ! ,iy I' res- r ' '; $ . i VlitK Hf fJVV, MANTUA JIAlClili. TiailR. MATTIK llJl.tUIO'lii w.on'.il rn.-.pe;trnly in JvH i.. I,., i.n.io... ..I Hi., linlli'ii no. I vi.-iuhv. tlmt tlui litl-s opelU'il it iill.ii in coniieclioll Willi Ali.intl'l.toiu'ile, W llclll llo lit p! l'p:lll-0 IO II i .III Kltnn Ol woiik n .i.i iv;.i,- lienii noil ilinpiilcli. llitvint; jil-l ntriviil IVoin lliu file liopen to be utile In ple.1,1' nil lu to Fol in noil F.lallU tl Cloaks, taats and Bressrs Cut to Order. TIllIKH IMIUIIS Wea ol Ihu Collier uriTIIIMl mid UMON SireeU. ncJIlma ltirsi! Furm! THE llfCill KST MAISKKT 1'IUt'K PAID IX CASH roH Boavsr, Otter Mink and Coon Sklti3, lly KlL'lIAIlIWi McCaAKKN. Porlliiinl Seit. 27, lMo'i. ockoin . . IS LACK IAST. g-O'IN' H.WAIII), 01' ('It ISA UOf.t.OAV, lian tliliiliiy tjp pit mo Tli'oe Ilnntlreii nml Forty-one Oolliirn in OllKlvMIAl KS AT I'AH. lor n iMil duo ill (loll l oin. Dee. 3t, ltiiiu. J l;nlJ . J. 0, 111FFI.H. f. it -i ttii!leico B'or Sale. A NI'-K 11KS11IHNCK, lii ilid l tlio lieft p.l't (if A ... . ' ,. i.io rM II Iniinii i. nt a.i,ni.. ni no :": v-,. v i. tho Storo of IJn lit: 1 . UEUM, WrtlcSiHiaKo' ntul Jouclti- WAIN STREET, DALLSS, -vVA!.KH IN KINH WATCtlKS. JKWKUIV, 5 . ) OliOOKS. Gold l'e,i,Sllvor and Blaa " pL Biiei-McliM, CitLuy. c. A-Iiirlicnliir Hlle limn I . , . , v'tl.e", Clilck., Jewelry, lc. All W-it.-.l.e repnlred l.y . !.. ..I tmiil.tit til. of otnerwiso, pruii'j . .... .,.1 f i.t (..r..-viMt.f-liatwoon rSS d.N OaV U V : iiNYM. Ii. the tt. tK'.O.WB Mt,'?-V i..,.! i,e mntiinl eiin- Ml..,i,.. win. lu iiloif) uutl.oriiJjd to ' J1'1.. In tho me uf iil lw ie. U. 'JVf, . . T. 11IGEL.C VV, nccelvlns. Storing .forwarding .5 .u 1 .. - AND (Jominission , Mexcliant ! . .'....Jin in I'AlwinrillllpntS. A Hl,S STIUBT, )i"lt HnvUinuldii . Il.iaw . ATCTO KNEY AT Hi A. W, SSncii2H 'rji Ssile ol ECcul Estate. ffjY VlilTUIUH? AN KXKUUTIQN IS.'JKU HV TUB CliM-lt ot tlm Circuit Con t -!' Uiiint Cutiuty. ami tu nui iliructi-il, in luvor ul' M-iry A. .Sinchfi-, ijiiutill, tin I iipUiist J. A. Iiuckwoo-l, ilui'oii'latit. fir thu itiini ul Sev enty -in if Dili litis mill Kii'iy LVntn, ($71 60.) prLuci juvl. iiiul KUViUt Uill:il'rt itll'l tiitfllt.V CO II 1 8 ( -t7 HO, ) Cdiit.4 ill! I tlUlltll'if ItK'llt.H, ; lltlVO IfVlt ll HpOU llll'l Will 8 -II lit plllllH' IllctlJII, tu Hie hi-u-rt- biiU.T i.ir cis 1 1 in iiiimi, 0:1 AlUlll)Y, JA.MIAKV l:it!t, ISO'.!, liotwwn tho lumrd tif il ami 'J tiL-lurk l m , hull. re tlieOmi-t lloti-o iluor in lutiyou Ciiy, thp t'.;llmviiitf il-Mct ibtsl iiMpcrty, tu-wit : uuo ii-n e iiiitl Lit.Hitii uud in the town ui Miatr kip, Piute ot'Orctftm, CjuiiIj ol tii'ant, u.uinnouly kiunvii in thu l.ockwDu-i Sii!u''ii. M. P. ItEKKV, SliuriJT. Jlv W. W. Winmt, Deputy. Canyon City, Dec. 12th, 1S06. ilf'22-4v Hen ol lull ; L'i!iMiir u'K-t.p:v -7 ;s. i 5 L"i ilittt'JiintrH.I OOtlWDVIII H -.tfZ1... 'J ,T- ; patturi..) AVi-iXi-ht im-l VK 'kvf$J$&3 Cast Iron work for Vtr- -Oj v'iT'i ttctilSiHvniMH.i(tt tnltlfi; ' -ZD Id ivb mill Irou dialings -VrjC iiiul 'KOUCillT SitOX WORK of every defirription. I nut nl pr.epured in I'lirnisti Quartz Riilla complete?, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. Tlierte Mills run lioforwiirileil nny pnrt of llm liiinen (is ;lie weight ol' tlie eulire iniieliinery w ill not exceed 3, UOU ponntln. llorso Powers & Aprioaltur.".l Iirllsnpnts llliinillnclnleil toonlefiil i?,e verv l,i)Vi:S T CASH PitiCK N. 11. 1'nitlcitlor'Htii'iitlon paid to KKI'AIKS. IcJu-tf SELLING OF!1 AT CS! Sly entire wtock of ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. rHVIK WttOI.t't eniliriicln n duo Htork, ever- nrilcto H f wlilc.li will 1m kIiI :it 00T. un 1 ilr-dre to cl.He out limine;-. Also, one 01IAND I'lAN'O. in itood order. Also, lor sale, the IIHUSK AXI) LOT. mi t-'ecotnl St cet. next to the cornur of Wm!iiin;to!i. Tho llotisu in iwn Ktoricn, vtilh a biineinent, mid It well adnpted io ilie hotel lmsi:ies.ii. Alio il lot of lUODiNO. comprint!;; nliotit twenty-ilvo lle.H. 'I'll o vim;o will lm cloned out cheap. I'or lu'i tlier piirticlltura apply on tile premium. iiiiU::ini AMIKUT limTINOl'.N. SJici'KI'N S:;lc Ol' .lliisiiis (iruund. 5Y VIltTCH OK AN 13XKCUT10.N ismied l.y the Cloilt of tho Circuit Court, mid to nie directed, in luvor ol Cloirl'M Canlle mid 0. ;llloiiAtall, plaint. If. Hod liptlnat M;cti.lel Doinllilte. dcicliiliint, for the Kil'ii nl'il ty- hve li'l-lllil lio 00) ilollal'H. principal. In e,o.d e iill ol thu Unite. I Matin, und eicjil :U-UiU ti III) il iII.ii'h, co'l nnd ilinliilinieiit.s 1 have lovied upon und will Hell at public iiu.-tioii to the ldih:'Ht bolder for eiwli In hand, of gold eolmif tlio United Stated, on WKUNKSUAY, tlio isili il.iy of FtlUItU 11 V. (Soli, Ii tweon thu Innirj ol 12 ami '2 o'clock, p. M.. tiloiv tl.e Court lloii.io door In Canyon Cily.Orniit County, tho tol lowing dencrilied ploi eily, to wil : A one (i.'tn intereKt in floiuu niiuiiiir ground known us tho Mil It r ';liiiini, hounded on Ihu Ninth by .McKeail Ss Co.'d Clainni, mid running tip Canyon Creuk to tho Old Heller cl.diun. It being lo!) let luoru or lean. M. I'. UKltllV, Ehcr:n'. By tl'u. W. Wiiir.'i,K, Tioputv. Cany in Cily, Janiiaiy IS, ISM. J-ni20w3 WS IIKKKIIY OlVilN' that tho C. -partnership hereto X lore cumins bitwneii l. 0. UUIDY.O. I,. .Mll'Oli Jil.t.a.d f. W. I'll I li'SI.V. dolnja iimrcaiiitld bmi netis ill tlii.i pla.-e, und :r the name of il. il. Hardy A Co., N thin diy d:c"iitvcd by luututi cument. arid hareafter the titisinei'rt ol dai I hrnt will lo con lueted bv K. t'. llai-dy, wlm iiloui; U iiuthorizud to collect find potfe tliu uccoDiitu of mid linn. K. 0. HAIinV, 0. I,. MIT.illHIX, Susa iviMu, (Irani Co., Ores m, Y. W. TUOMI'SOa' . Nov. 13. 1K'i5 iri.l:l,:l :istil!JStH -Wagon Kloiiit. riMIU UMiKIiSIUNK'J WOULD I KOIIM T1IK J Travelini; I'nhlic tint the Wnahiiuton W.-..m Uoftd lium I'oi'lliiuil and Vancouver ttr the Upper Cascaded in well belnj; kept in good traveling order lor wnitoint unit stock. " . ' K. O. I1AKUV, Dillen.Ian.lltli 1806. janlltf Sole i'lopi.ul.ir- StKtlltJWISS. J. V. firilUn plainlltr, vj. Iiiac Jeiiiiluc, defendant. Action to recover tnJi oy, in Oouuty Court of the Stato of Oregon for Union Coiiuly. fgO ISAAC J.:N1N0S, Defu i.l.mt : In llio naiiio n( JL the Stale ol'Uio rou you uro hereby nuuiln iiietl mid lt'iiiiied to tippcar una nntv.cr 1 Ininliir complaint now on ti:e la the Clerk's -nlH :e Li nil 1 Court, altur aer viee liereoT upon yon by pnh.lc illou tor ai weekd III the Wkkki.it M'juntu.vkkh, lis by order of paid Court, or Jiidin!it for want thereof will Ik' tik.ni it;; it u.-d you, und llula-a .toil a i ai,ieir and uitawer aai I c hiil tiiU, the IMuiiit If will take ju lament iijiiiuat y.m for thu anni of f lo'J, tOi.:ethor Willi tho oo.it ua I didbnr.-oiiicut of thU action. Hv o. dor of J. I. Ar-rni'uer County Jud:e of Jiulor. Oou iiy. M. UAKIiit, A'.l'y for p'.aiutilf. U. S. Kev. Sianp) bOcontit. j J in5 0v SauinioiiS. , , , Ilmsry Tor.er ,1 .1 ilin II tley, platnlllfi, v. Iaic Jen nioKi.Wclloti to ree iwtr jn ouuy in County Court uf thu St Mo uf Oregon, lit U.iiou Oouuty. 1 015 ISA 10 .! UNNIXHB, DiiKbtNDANT: tu lite niimo M. uf tho StMoof Orein. you uro hereby mihinoiieil nnd reqalred to appear nn.l aaiwor tlio c iinplaint of ttiti l'lalntiilvno.- on rilotli tlioUle-k-a nlDun. In aaid Court, iillur aervicj horoby upon, yon hy iubllc.illoti for nix week In Ilia Wkkxi.y V"UNr,ikVKisii. in by order of paid Court, orjudnniuiit for want tliereiif w.U be taken nitainiit you : and linlea i volt ao'apne ir aiid atiawrar aaid ooinplaltit, tlio MlalnMlfa wlll talto n l ment naliiat you fir Ilie anal uliJii). t iBTetlier with t lie c;wt. and diibiiracinoms or this action ' H W'dfVi of . V. AWWii'S?!', Uuuiily Jiidiie of Union Cuialy. ' ...... U. 8. Hov. St.iuip " M. ll.tK.Hn. Att'y fir (iMutllui.j 111 i ;,'" SIIK.ltnnY WAUN ALL PKflSONS from contracting ol'ttiiyiiiKunytldii wbatever fro ii r. M. KU.Vi"., i hereby I will havu beuu tltotiht hv Itie iiuliliu renpon Hible. at I inn not, nor will 1 hold mya If rcHpniHtdu for liny of eah! It. l. Hnnt'a ac-a. W. K. JiOI'l'AT. SiiHauvillu, Orant Co., Nov. US, 1SG3. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington a-.itl Front Slrtn, POltTLAN'l), 01IKUOX. W-.VIST-rLASS IIOTBL. LAltUUSl' l. T1I3 STATU. J.1 Cliaixeii Hoaonablu, AN O.Y1MHUS will ailonil all tlio rtoata and convey PitB.ienitora nnd their hauro to tho IIouho Vrm ul Charge, ur to any other Uouu iu the Ciry I'm- oil eenia. ' . ' OOfVlH. I'raprirtur, P.S IDT ANT) COr.l) IIATIIS In thu House. All the Stinmiji-i fir Oroon Oity. Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria laud at tho Lincoln llouae U lilrf. ' Bepl:ll:u , MRS. L. WHITE'S NEW PHOTO GPwAPII ROOMS, Wnslilnglon Mi-cel. ffTAVIxa NfiWI.Y HITI'KDUl' TIIK OALLKIlYovor KSl Peimr'a Stuio, would ruapectlullyniiiioiiuco tunH thouu Wlalljug ' t - . ,.: . Thotosraplis, Carts do Visits, ic, tint (hoy will tin well tn'givo hor a call. Parlteular at teiition paid to tuUinj Lad. and ClilHlreu's PcturoB. wiui r.v f-i $ ' j r " Dlssolulion ol' Co-raj'tiiei'rf.iip. niUR.O-PARTVGIISKIV lioretororo xUll m U'.iIeV .0. -tin, iinmo and stylo ul UOtliHNS, JlclARLvNO AOJta thU tlay fttadvd by mtitii.il cutiseut. All 1 la billtlcH u'f aahl Hem to he paid by KohbitlA ft Weaver, and all debt dm mud ti.in tu be paid lo nud tiiilb eted by them. .1. It. IIOIIIIINS, PutlrB, an. 5, taw .. 0. W. U KVUII. All iiaraons Indebtril to' nt will pleimo call nnd 0,1111; Ji'iCii1" ii V? einla. ' ' Jli7 ml DAILY MOUNTAINEER IBM BOOK & JOB PRINTING CFFiCE. Firnt btrect, between Main ml II DALLES oukgox. JOB PR1KTIKC OF EVERY VARIETY Kxee.ued with aecniacy and i!;."iatch II A STYI.K THAT WILL riiMPAItK A 01! A ltl.T with tho vety lient. and AT EATIS AS CHEAP AS THE CKEAIEJI TO CRDMi: a r'! s ti ! E! i ! E-ES v a ti . CHECKS. DH.FTS. EKCKIrTS. POSTE U S A K I) P U 0 ii V. A M M E S For. (fC. (t-C, iC, rillNTiai IV TIIK MOST A1TR.UTIVR KA'L1. AtilO, n-AV-jju.LS. JJiJ.LS Of FA UK. , hmrm jihads. Kixtirr hocks. BJI.J.X i.Amsa, riSinXG, WKDDIKG AKD " AT lloitZ" CAKl'X lru;Ki.st' Isabels, In abort, everything that can l.-o done in a Itcd. nrit.!- h 1'rintintt OUice. I'Towt the pmnlh fft ului lnnHt ilclicaie I in d or Circular, to tho lareeft eie and moal tlu.wy I'istlh; Jhll n:id which will be ttiincl out 111 atyle tnat tntbot. fail to itintire entire aatiafaction. oun rAviLiriui roa diE EXKcunostr UECORATIVE PRINTING In the moat beautiful Colors, t'hadua-find Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a sinurlo Sheet to the I.argwt Munmiolh, OKKAMHSTAL SHOW VAN US. l iju ju Kits' i ai:j:if. it Aic uiisii rpanHed hy those ol any uther ehtaldishmtiit in Oregon. Wo devule special atlt nlion tu toiBbriinch ol tl o litlbiueNS. and are continually adol'ie; to unr alriady extili- sive and well aji.ointed Haeortuteni uf itiatcriul, WEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. f-c, -de. ifv., 01 the moHt modern luid olabornto dusitiuB. Our stock ui FANCY INKS, TINTS. AC, Arc of the finest natality, and for richness of color ami durability, cannot beciiualetl in the Slate. The in iucipb upon which biisimw t asked for tl le es tnhlishnieiit iB, ILat iernoli will conflilt their own itilt r eBta. bv av.aidiiiL' their cnsioin to that uilice in vblib their money can be exptndeil lo tho best advalitnirc. Jo this eiul we solicit all In want of good Printing, at vwy rei:soiiabl.cbarKeB, tu cull and examine sjiociinoLB, aud juilijo for yourselves. ' OrdviM CVcai tlic tripcr t'ointry Will have our special care, nnd fliendB ftoin the Interior may rely upon hitvint; tboir oruurs lilled proittptly. in HAVE THE CNLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Hlalo of Ort coji! Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf - DUcB.oiei;cii. JACKSON SALOON CUIINEM COURT AND SKCOND STPvKETS, rntiiK uxdkiisiox'kd, havino rkmoykd fiiom ' J. 'iHW-UliLLAU.'IO.N"CW,LAH, 1XTU CSatCf ISv llniltllnj;, Hejr tu Inform tho public that tliey ure ureparud toavrvo their cuatuluers with thu boat Wines, Liiiuors ami Cigars, TUB MAHlilVC AH'OIIDS. ALSO, A - Free launch I Kvory day anil ovcnluj. JSMIL SCIltTZ. decMf " ' L!"1" ''.'-. IIarx"tTVoocl Lumber. CARRIAGE AMD WAGON MATER'AIS' WI'. 1SKU TO CALL ATTKST10X ut CarriaRo Man itliu-.iuror. and Oealei'a to the Lare and Com. plete nwurUHPUt of CAKKlAOBiliul WAOON MAT Kit I J A LS wo uro c .iistantly leceivlng from the Jaud. specially aeh'cted for the California market, comprising. Oik, Hickory, and Second Urowth Ash l'lnuk. Hickory Aslen, Wni;onVoh.8. Hubs. Spokes, Felloes, l;im,Sha.ta,c.&c. M bicli we oiler al tho lowest Cash 1'ilces. ttgr urdera iiddrossod cu our honso w ill rccelvo proQip attention. N. W. 1IIIA00 t CO.. jel6:oin. 29 k 31 Battery Street, ban Francisco, nnd 17 H 10 Seveiilh Street fiilcfautonlo. C. Watomiooiw, 11. W. llBiuii i Co., . J, W . Lisikii San Frauciaeo.. - Sicraaioutui -"Ktw Yuik i- . i i 1Z AV II 1Z V fJAilK UXDUKSiaXED BelOSTO INFUKll TUB CIT JL i.ooi ol the Dalles und vicinity thatho liu locencd am- IISAUSK, sad will ' . : ' wiVtleni x'nnern.iii on short notice. This I. Ilie fli.t, and ut present) pury lluuriio lu tho city. - ..'...' "r ' . . . I. M. KVAN'S j.l!cs, May 10,1805. ' ' ... . iny:ai-tf. o. in. iiuooiceT, m. i; nmM.AI.'l)r. rVulu'a XJruur Store.