C30 ihiln lllonriaraccr. , Til IS WA1.1..V W'Al.LA I'.iAU TilO fotiilii.ioii ill tlio rojuJ lienco U Wullit ! Wiiltn, h depWa'nU', There is no lirittgo on tho riiruc.t, lino ol lr:ivj( .mm the JDjr Chutes to tho 'Walla Walla Jlircr; tlm rimd, whoro it runs in ravines, is niUiod out bo tis to ren tier the iti.a:iifo vehicles iiiipo-Mblr; the crock ami river bottoms s.re every where, miry; tho hills li:iv.-, save in'n few places, no irncii'oublu graiJus, and there n but limited provision niiuio for the nubtisteneo of men and horses on the road. Tho interests of tho into Vior require .tht Eoino measures be taken to restore this once great thor onirhhirn to a nsriuMo uondiiion. Walla Walla is ini:lieularly interfiled in attracting tho laiwl travel to Mon tana by this road, und unless it is placed in repair oilrcr lines of travel will derive tiro txsiiefil of tlio Uctu:i( t-pring movon .cut of population. lr .nvgii 11 a ins uur it Pours. Tho iiueiimulaU'd mail ma tier of fix weeks whs brought from tho Cascades yestcr A ly morning by lh steamer lihiho' Tlier. were two tmra of letters and papers, and tho letters could not be distributed until ono o'chuk, p. M. Tlve "distribution of the paper mail was not lininheil until lalo at night. Whetlwr wo liavo received all or only it nrt wf tho deferred mails i's not "yet dolvr mined. Among tho papers were Bomo whlfch left San Francisco orutho 21st of September,-1865, which speaks vo lumes for tho speed, certainty and con sequent uselulness of tho mail lino from Sacramento to Portland. It also .indicates a vigor in tho management oT tho lino wUch should entitle the toritractors to extra compensation. Firemen's Elixiion. Tho follow, gent'omen wcro last evening elected oTi.'Ors of Grant Hook Si Ladder Com pany, No. 1 for tho onsuing j-car : l' W. Ayers, Prosident; II L Cliapin, sSocrelary ; 13. It. Welch, Trensarerj H. A. Ilogue, Foreman; It. Grant, First, Assistant ; It. 'II. Wood, Second Assistant. II. L.'Chapni, II. A. llogue, nnd G. Jt. Smith, wcro elected icpro Hcntatives to tlio board of delegnles. ' Jnckson Jiigino Company elected O. S. Savo-ge, fresidont; 13 Sehutz Foreman; A. Frank, First- Assistant; E G. Mills, Second Assistant; F. Behm Treasurer; F. M. Hunt, Secrotary A W. Ferguson, J. M. P. Cook and Thos. Smith, wcro elected to tho board Ol delegates. Colurn"bra Lodge, No. 9, I. G. O. F.. li'ots tyerv Friday i-venins at cl? o'clock. .In dittes' 'Jl:tll. corner of i?c:inu1 itntl Court Streets, llrothcrs in g.iiHl standing lire invited to attoud. Ily order. N.'tl, Treasurer's fiolicv. 4. upon preneiitiitloii et myollleo: W'iii KtgUlartd. Clua. Ao. 7n avnr of. 1 vri-h 15, 1SH& 4 87J L. .MeAii-llii. April 7, " B74 J. II. Ilnrtord. " in . 4 8S4 I. McAiwItn. 19 4 8S7 L. HlrA'iiUu, ID 4 8RK 1,. McAu.lln. fUy 1 ' 3 Ml H. II. Ileod. June 'J . ' 4 1 C. It. MeiM. A . " 4 II2T .Tulm Ciilea. h -" 4 m c. it. l (1 4 tlM II. W.Jhlrhell. ! i' 4 001 11. W. M tthvll " J'.; 0 a C. White. u ; ii 5 4 ' . 5 " p ft 22 11. W. Craniliill 0 6 8 ' J- ' M " " ' 10 6 . Ti X 11. Harford: "10 ' 5 7 " . in J Ci 0. N. Dennr. " -t- la . ' -ft U . Mc.AtHllu. ' 10 6 (W ' " 10 .. 47 l'.T.Tulhll'. m . ,Ji 2 ' ' II) '' 8 4i " ' 10 .,.. ..5 ' 67 " " 4. io ' 6 M " " .?2 -1 ! T. McAudlB. . 4 ' 7tl0 luaao Kvniu. 21 " i VOX Chiw. Ilulborn. 'an .4 .' 73 O. ll.Slciicr. ' 2n ' .4 Ti O W. Uwnoii. ttT ' t ' C. II. M.lir.- ' iM.l H r,J.t'ALD!lON1Tre.vBr. FRANKLIN MARKET. COIINKK OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHN KV PI NGK1 1 Proprietor riVIR UNDEUSHSNKD 7i-ik" Imvluc- Atted nil tho ob.ivo Market in Mve ItK T STYLE, will koevtoualant- t' on hand nil sort's of Fresh and Cured Meats, Ofrtw best quality furnished nt IhcL'lWKST 11ATK !y motto Is tu I'l.HASK ALL." FMtTIF.8 1IAYINO SUI'LltlOR STOCK KOK SALf will do weU to call ut io Franklin Market. JOJI.N JiW'l.NlIKR. uauea, renrtiar) ivtn. ism. YV A S IS I ft T . SI 11 li NT COHNRROF OO'JWT AND SKCOND STItKf.TS. DM.l.KS, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Tioprtetor. 0i" comtniiily "ii Imiul nil tlie vni lo- UAvutiuH Hint the inaik.-tcHu piwuibly UIHil'il, HI - uml iilwiiva or tlm b et ijimlli)'. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS Bui,,lii'd on rciidoimblo Ichm The titnU'riiii;neil Im nlwuyM itri'iinroil to luw- the lilirli est (null in ill' IT FAT CATTLE. I'urtfei liuviuu' rtork in noo.l condition, lire rcquualed to cull on him hoii-t goliiKi'l-ewlirrn. JOU.N .MICUr.LII AOll. liiillt's, March Glut, 1SC5. niliSlll j. cot:-?,. .KOKMdSlll'.ltQKR. nn FiuiicisL-o. iJlllli'S. T. GOETZ & CO., TOBACCONISTS, llnve I'ciuuvuii to Uudio's New Stone Building, WHiOiiiiL'ton Strret, niwr Kroiuli A Ollinnii'a. rnd have oiieiieil n uell-iiiiFiortiMt Htoi-K of I1A NAnud UiJ.Mi;.rTIC SKOA1IS. VIIMIXIAni.d WKSTHH.N TiMUUC), H- KNCII mid SCOTCH S.NUKK. MKERsCIIAUM nnd other l'll'US. I'LAYINll OAUDS, SI'OHTIMI lii laLS. INDIAN mid KA CY OODliS. tr.., He. The tindo npillfd at LOWEST M A It K ET PIUOES, esoot Aft si snom ,'roiii;, m RraovEB nrs 1100T AND CIIOK MB an STiiUK to the building in .Mutt) Klvuet. tfuntiy (ipM(lti! MutHv'e liiill, yyIilto lio hit just ro iuivoil, ilirui't tVum Suit Kmiii'lnfu. unun- iirtunlly nne und well ac lee tea stock uf Hoots aivd shoes, ol' tlio very liwt quality itthl Intuit otyle EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, Inclliilini! (lit- coleliriitnil KNOI.ISII HUNTING SII.IH mitiiiifyi! nreil by lltinkiirt. Ainu, nlift-fe imtfortmeiit of !.:! Ion' anil Itil3rca'.t Gaiters, Of tlio latest Slylea. Inn! rocciveil frolil I1e bi't 1'hil- ndcltdila mivki.M'fi. A'lfo, h very lure firtNortmeu. of FINE DRESS BOOTS. Jilt Gentlemen whotirefer to have their Hi.oU or Shoe niailu to order, cau rely iihiii olitaiiiin); n neat mid ea.t lit. - if. WYUKMA.V, Main ntleet. ' aotr UJHi-M!te .M.ioilj'a Hull. NOTICE TO FARMERS. rIIH DALI.KS l,UMUB!l AND M VNL'l'ACTDItl.NQ Jt CO.vlLANY h:n roceatly attached n ' to lludr f team Smli nn'l Btior Factory. In tiii Cilv. a-nil lire now prepared tu OitOP t'iiKD. II 1(1 Nil WflKAT Had CUII N. mill warrant t L'fVe tho be.U n;itifiu;ln.ii. On hand coniftntitly und Tor ttalo F.YTIIA FAMILY VLfiUH. SI.CJNDS OK MIDDUNT.S. llilAN AND SHOUT-. 011 )!' f KKD, CIIICKKN KKliD. Al-o, a Snnorior artiolo of CJItX MUAL. fioln ur'nr Corn. The hlahe.n niavltct mico nnl.l fur WHKAT. COltN a BAULKY. U. A. IIOUL'K. Airent. lJul lei, Nov. 1SG5. u:!t f. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. J O II IV WILLIAMS. jVTJ OTI.0 1ST 111 ID R IVo. 100, Main Street, UaUcs City. WILL ATTKND Til THK 8KL1.INO AT AUCTION ol Uuneral Merehtimliie, Ileal tiatute. (li-nreri m. Horaes,New an. I iucoml Hand Furniture. Stocks, c., Ac. Regular Snles Day Saturday. Out-door and Spwial Billet utteullei'to In any part of the City. Liberal Advances made on Conslgiiinonts. nl'.l:3ni. JMIM WILLTAMS. Auctioneer. a., a. i3njviioii,i), IMI'Olll'KIl AND JOWIWl Of FRONT STREET, Portland, - Oregon. OKJ'KIIS FOa BALE A VF.UY LAltQU ASSOilT moot ot Brandies, ' , M lues, Liquors, La.se Goo4s, , I' &.C., &.C., liC. Tin Tnule U partloilnfly'InvMed to examine iny H ck Iwfore piirchalnj elewher. au'ii-if JTOSISI3!! ELFELT, VIlDltDAU AND RKTAM. IKLI IX r--cy.& Staple Drj Goods, fHINC, BOOTS AND SHOES, JJ.ITS AX I) CAPS, AX2 CenIcmcn,i I'arnlsblHir Cloods. " Fire proof Ktvmn Slow, crM. UT W.n and Court la.uc K. Iliocit, C. S. Millkh, San KrantiHCO. iu. ScitAWiiAriiKR. Dallet. Bloch, MiSIer &i Co., VHOLESALE GROCERS, AND OKALKIIS IN Wines & Iiiiors, Afid Importer,! nnd JoblierA of CLOTHING Roots & Shoes. Under Clothing, nianhcts. etc., etc., etc. ASSA.Y OFFICE. r U.WK AN ASSAY OKFfCE 1XC0NNKCTI0N w wi It onr ImnlnfriH. uiiiIhi Mie entire HiiiKTvlsiot f Mr. MiWiT. We mr&e ruturim In Hhib in Mix limirs We iruiuimtpe nil onr Afuvn ami my tlie llldllKS'l CASH I'KIC.: fur IhvH, We uUu .:iy the Ili-bes CaaliA Ico fur Oull Dut. M Itlt'Pt II, IMllJl'Iflt K 1', tnyfltf r Tor. Mnln mid Wtiliitiutm trtM't. Diillpa. .1. V. FOHHKS' FAMILY GROCERY, FEUIT AND Provision Store, coitNiiti of Washington a skcond etiihf.tsT fON-STANTLY ON HAND tho choicest articieii ol L FHHSIl llUlTKIt, EdOS.aiid every variety of ITAaillsiV (iUOCEUIKS, A UTS, CANUES, tj-c , Wlinlomlo and Hetall, nt Ujdnce.l Trlcoj FOR CASH. Also, dealer in of uli klu 1.1, nnd will il a General Commission Business. No hirt;oa for at'Mo on ll jo I mU on Cuiuml-tiiun, I'rocirotlii tf 8ilt rymit I rm;itly. JulOlf niLLINEKY AND DKESS-MAKLNQ. mVIO'HOUIlKKDKSIItKS TO INFORM lite IVjB. Lidiei ot Dalles and vicinity, that klio has just received a fresh suppiy of The latest I'arls. New York and San Franciscn ntvlos of IIINNKTS. HITS, KIWI INS, LICKS, FKA I'll IlltS. i'LuU'EHS. ie. A full and well seleeid aswutineiit of Ladles' Eieatly-.IIade Garments. A hto, a Fashionable assortment of . DRESS TRIMMINGS! BTAMIMNO for KmliroMory mitt Tli ahiritfr. 1MNKIX0 dim twit rlHiit notice. iiON'MOit lilfiictitul tuitl TiotideiJ in tliu lutust tity.tf, A iure iHHuj-tiiMjnt ol ChlUraRV Rendy-JIaflc tUotlilng rnnstatitlynn hand. Ilavhnr ftecttred the services of n First Cln-a Divss .Maker. I am prepared to cut and lit Ladles' and Children's DIIF.SSHS and CLOAKS. TtllitD STRICT, one enuaro east of the Cutholic Church. oc'J!::tin. 5xi 4. s. JL-idL:!?. limit's ' FRENCH MILLINERY STOUE, AND Dress llakiiix Establishment, Opposite Colin it Ushm', "K" WOULD CALL THK TTKNTION of the Udles o' M. the Dailot to my lar, e an I liiu HtiH'k of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, n&XXBTS, II VTS, FEATHERS, Dress Trimming, t . llarlnit secured the Fervicosof MRS. FRAItY. In the Press Milking apa luieiit, we will do nil tvoik hUhut line luifl jjiinranlee im'Uih;! eatKtactioiu J) i i.Mi dono in all colors. tiive me nn early call and T will endeavor to uit everybody in T AS l'H an 1 at 11 HAS J.N A11LK 1'iilCKS. Particular mteatior iiald t Embroidery aud Braiding Stamping, FJEED! FEED!! SHORTS, GRAIN, -" AND OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE I1Y It. II. LAW, M Front Street, I'orlland, Opposite 0. S. N. Warehouse. nl9:tr. COLUMBIA 2UVER MINES! A. S. C KITII , IIAHIIT SiA-WoM. BOOTII & NEVISON, Foi'wardliigml Commltklon Merchant! AND DKLKItS IN OKNERAT MERCHANDI8K, AVliito .jUliifl'H, tv. T, FRKIOHT FOR t'OLVILLK. ilIUPF.n OaLUMHIA, KOuTKNAI und 11LACKF0GT 11INK8 iirouiutly lurword.-d. Murk OoodsB. t X., WI.Ke llliiffs, W.T, ' r HENCW1 ' - I'OMUXB Rlclmrds A McCrnken, Allei A Ltwb, ui llodti A Csluf. Dailw Bloch, Miller A Ci., French Oil uua. . Jk7I Coal Oil I Coal OiiJ XCSTRKCUTED AND FOR SI.B VALDRO UROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. ttSrENOW occtn-Yfun kf.W two story ftiik V itriMtf stone liuihlinir. oiiiuisito llliKh. Miller A Co.. and offer to the public n full and complete stock n Piuits. Medicines ck1 Chemicals. consistiiiK in iart uf KKKOPKNK. LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS TUI!PI!MiNI llol'S. ALCOHOL, 8AOW ACIDS. . BI'ONOKS. LIXSKUD, LKKCHKS, LA III. t'OUK". CA?T011 AND 1M)100 AND NK AT? FOOT Oil. l.ANI'lll.ACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATENT MKDICINKS. Our stock of FANCY OD IIi? 1 a of tho finest nnd best quality; new styh-e rtnd larue aHsortuumts. such U4 lAHHN'S I'KIIFUF.HKY. IIAIIt. I.HItl N'S Till I.KT.SuAl', FI.KSIt, l'OMADKS. 8IIAVINQ, C 'S.MliTlCS, HAT, IIAIIt OILS, CLOTIfS. COLOONK, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAl'S AND NA:L lll:liSlli:S T lOTH l'OM DKII3, AND CO.M11S. PUHE "WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities lor buying Roods are soeond to none lit the State, iviel He shall at all limes sell at a small a.1 van from cost. Jtea.ly snlea and small profits. IrllYSICIANS' rUKSCUll'TIOS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and ulcht. Italics, Soin.U, 181,5. eelo-tl Orcgflu Steam Kavitioir Co. WINTER ARRAMCEMENT. t cijwa K ON AND AFT Kit MONDAT, NOYLHBF.lt Kill uml furihei- notice, rX'Io l'uessciitfox' Train to connect with stenmera FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Wili slart from tho It. It. DKl'OT DALLES CITY, oil Mnmliiyji, U'etlnenlays, and Fildayi, at t'WB STEAXKia "ONEONT A", or "IDAHO, CAl'T. J. McSULTY, .....ComtunneVr. Will leave DALLES, DAILY'. (Sunday eeepted)al a o'clock, a. M..couneeliii, by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer " NEW .WORLD or " CASCADES," CA IT. .1. WOLF Commander, fo Portion.:. . W. 11. 11RADF0V.D, Dalles. Nov 1.1, 18f6. fnltTI Auent 0. S. N. C. ii is m"ov a i7."" GATKS Jit OIIA.PIIST, WIIOI.ESALKS I'.F.TAIL DRUGGISTS, IIuvc Itt'inorcil to riijio's ro.E in ir.i.r.', WAflUNQTON STISKKT, DALLES. WIIKIIK we will eontlunn to sell nrtlelos nsunliy kept In a r ir-t-riass Dnrr Store, at 20 per rent LlS THAN ANY BTORH IS THE CITY. Our neck eoiisisls in part of I'ateut Medicines, Tnre Wln and Itrandy. Fa,ie A Common Soan, llurr llruslieii C'iM'ks, AchU. TtMith l'owdcr. Alci hid. r.xiracts, Spoil fft'S, Trusses. Rraces, I'ainls. Varnishes, Oils. Hops, Unlyniian Todet fets. Fupiinrtcrs, le. riiYsin.txs' PKESCRIPTIOXS Carefully Oinipnnnded. (live us a call and natlary y ur-selviv-bi-fi re puichaslnelsowiiero. 1I11-HAI''N. jiilOifJ JDST1N0ATKS. v iz it y i ax r o iix X ' n 'r to Mcrcbants, Families, Hotels and BAIl-liOOMS. WULIUS KR.VKMUIt HAVING 110L01IT THK I N. 9 tiro Stock (,rMerchaud:.e end Uoiik Acroniitsof tba bite Hi in ol M . teller A Co.. in this city, to which he l.s added ol his otwu hiipnrtiitlnu (while dullif; business In I'orUsnfO an hnniciife ttock ol the best maiitifnctuied Crockery, f.Iassviarc, l'luted Wxire, l.amiis, Jiain'.ellers, Tnblo Cutlery Lcckiii-ClInrjNcs nnd Ail Kinds of Oils, All of wlildli ho nlTcrs at reiluccd tntmi. Persons wHi. lug to buy liny of the abuve-lnentiolicd nrtlcles, will do well In ciro mo a call before purchasing elsewlierr- Orders froiu Mm Interior promptly attended to. nail Itoods parki il to uo secure. Iinn't lull io rail on me. Rudlo's Stone lluildliig, Washii,i.'toii street. Dulles. Dalles. March 17..,. 18C5.,nl,u!fUL'8 K1!AKM"- Dissolution Kotico. rHKCO-l'ALT.VKllf HIP hereloforeex1.l1nB ltswe. A A. LALLR aud K. eXIfUTZ. under the i inne ,d Ijiuer A Si'lrutx. hi the .lark-on Saloon, Is this ily u. ruhedby imnu.il eniisent, Mr. I.iuer Imviiift sold wit bis Interest to K. Scliutx. who will continue the bnrlnm oit his own accMiint. A)l debts due Hie lute Dim Mill bu aiid to E. tcl.f.li, who will bottle aU liublllllcs. A. J.AUFTt. Dalles. Deo. IfiCS. K. ECIIL'IT.. Thanklol Tor In-1 palronnRe, the iiuderslencd wn'.ht rcpecthilly liif.nin his fi lends that he wiM ever I fiamd ut the old stand lemly to uj,cum) his choice llnuo, tu ' E. SCUL'TT.. Dissolution AolJce rtMlK FIRM OVJI. W. MULIdMt ATOMurw this Cr l dlsH,sed of thoir n.llsestiM'k,tn Mils city 4n.irni Runnell A Miller, who will coiitlmix ihe buslneM mt b "?.m,'! .'?.'"! wr. Thomas Miller Is i,iiil,ori,d tnstt.A all llnblltliea mid eollcrt nil debts r,n, All mi., JtiiTOlnj; themaelves bubbled will -),lesc error An.mil ml seille and save eol J, y Mil.LKR A IV Dalles City, Nov. i3d,HC5. , J,!3iC TOYS rWiYsTrOYS! TOYsf FOR TO IS AKD FAWCY GOOVg hat Hie Holidays, we recommend all dealer la lht . like U Ike ItASKET AND TOY MIM) ilcS 7 . TIIUMAUKIt A F.llS. - CIIWII. . OCA-U jH.'iiTrUf;