1 tin tT rnnrtftrn rn A;. WEDNK5D.IY MOUSING, FEB. 7, 1808. Epitome of Telegraphic Nctfs. (K-oa-il-ci) mom tiir omtcoM.ix. DATES TO F 15 Hit UAIIY . HWi',', Jan. 22 la llie Semite, S im er, of M tisriif.lm Jt li, prnseiiie I n monioriiil Inim (he Rojlun Unnrii of Triliie Asking lor I lie pn4 -ntrc of a law to exempt iiortimrn cred' Hum Front the Dpeniiion ol Southern Sinlej limitation law. Helir.-uJ lo the judiciary I'liiniiiiiter. fjl.ult, ot S'ew Hampshire, culled Hp the hill in relniinn to the q'lahfii: lion of jurors. I wns mu le tlie special orJir for Thursday. I'esscnden, of Maine, from t in ri c nislrnc ti in conunitleo, reported HK'''nsl ''ib resolu tions lo nnu'iid the Constitution, liy declining i hut lepresontittion nnd direct tnxntion sltnll lie Apportioned nming the feVenil S'ftlea which maybe ineliided withi'i this Union, nrconlinu; t'l their respective numbers, count ing the whole number of persons in cadi suite, nnd excluding Indians hot Inxod : Provided, That whenever tho elective fran ihiie alinll be denied or Abridged in A ly S Hi t p , on account of race or color, nil persons f such race or colrxrV elml I be excluded Iroin the basis of representation. 1 1 the House, Stevens, of Pennsylvania, in tt'jthtcoil , resolution to instruct the commit tee on judici iry, to inquire vrhethtr nny f'ur Iher legislation is necessary to vompel com pliance with the law requiring All olliocrs to lake the test oath. Adopted. WilliuiH, of Penn.-ylvanhi, introduced a resolution which was referred to the commit lee on reconstruction, declaring lhal the lead ers of the rebellion ought t ) be tried by n euui't.mnriiiil or a military court, nnd that il would bo inexpedient to iry them hy n civil I'oiiit, where the jurtus in ic South would lie the equals of ttirso accused of crime. Steven?, of Pennsylvania, from the commit tee on reconstruction, repotted nn amendment la the Constitution, providing Hint represen tation nnd luxation shall be based on the whole numberof persons in the several States, 1 nd that whero- the elective franchise is de nied or abridged on account of race or color, 11 1 such persons shall be excluded from the bnsi ol repicsetunlion. In tho Situate, llu enlargement of the lrreedman's IJur n u was talica op. The qu'3 lion win upon (iowan's nmendinent. After debate the ntnen Iment was rejected ayes, 7; Hays, 33 Dun i, of k 'litucl.y, moved to Hlrike out llie provi.-iou extending military jurisdiction nnd protection lo the agent nnd "niployees ot llie B irii.iu. Il'jcted ayes, 8; n lys, 31. An amendment was. adopted re stricting the military jurisdiction to the exer cise of tho functions pertaining to the Bureau Several other amendments were offered and i ejected. Anthony, of Rhode l.-lnnd, -called up his I c solution to refer nil the i npers nnd n t 'imients ou the suhjrcl ol Hid la'o'y r.-bel-lions Suites lo llie special committee, on re-tonstrtii-tion j pusrol. After ua executive cession, the Senate n Ijourned. In the House, n tomlution was adnjited in t 'rurlirg the eouimi'teo on nianulaetures lo inquire into llie exiclieney of ic,io:ting n bill for graduating the t ix on cigars manu factured within the United States according to quality. Ashley, of Ohio, introduced mi iiineiidiiient to the Constitution, providing that in the event of tlu death or disability of both the President nnd Vice President of llie I'nited S'ntes, the Chief Jintice or oldest As sociate Justice shall net A3 President until lhera shall be n new election. Also, that n h en there shall be no elc.-tion by thepeopl choice shall bf rrn.dj in Congress by Sena tors nnd U 'prescntativ s ; relerred to the coin- lac on Ju licinry. Alj.mriieJ. Washington, Jan. 25 The Freedmen's Bu reau bill pmsi'd lh Senate w hunt Amend nent ; nyes, 37 J najs. 10. Cmneu, of Cull' loruin, said he should move n reconsideration Trumba'.l, of Illinois, said the bill could still be 'amended in the House, nod if the letter of the Coventor of South Carolina contained finy good relfson why the section filling the Seu islands lo the frceduicn should b sliick vii out, it could I e done by the House and eent unck to tho Senate The IIouso spent tl.o entire d.'-y in consid Vringlhe proposed constitutional iimen'liueut ud ended where it begun iu the morning. The mania for speech making seems just ns siring now as four days ngo. Washington, Jan. 28 la tho House to-day Tplon, from the roinmitlee on elections, re riuTt d that Alex. II. ColiYolu has a prima fach right lo the sent from the 16th District of refehsjlt ftnia. Paine made a minority rrput lo the effect that Win. II. KoonU lis a right to lire seal. J-ioih repoits provide lor taking testimony ty each allowing six y days for innt purpose. The lloiise agreed to tako a rote on the 'constitutional amendment fixing tho basis of representation, on Tuesday next, January 30, ne oamucooi lire -flay m the House was con . tumeu oy fpeeclies. The ways Wnfl ute-nns commiUes liave luduf- lt.K;lr poitponed'SecretHry lleCiilloch'iBnim c'xl bill, after striVrng ut the 'foieign loni rrn, ii is priKioie mat Uhairmiin Slorrill u;"l luiroduce an entire new bill wuru the fcu..jiv l, broacheJ lu luu uml.tee naia ConnosF, of California, in Jiccardntico ' wiili tlio notico given yenlcr.1y, t moved n recotisiderutiofv of tlio voto ' on tlio bill to cnl.-irgo tho ymivrrii ot'pbo tho Frcedmeii's BnrcnU. '.Tlio liill linn : born sent to the llouso'und bo movi-d ibut iho Sccr'otiiry of the Senulo bo rcqueulcd to wiibdruw it from that body. The motion wua voted down; uycH, 18; Hoys, 22 Sti wuri, of'ioviida, inquired of tho IIouhu tor whitt length ol limo we would bold tho Southern Siutes iih territories. llowo replied that ho would keep them in a terr'uorinl eon diikiii until a Congress composed of loyhl men vhoou lo iidmil tbetn into the Union. Sicwtirt sttid that hu belt! that tho oppression of tho Southern freed men and loyalists, was no runson for keeping tho Southern Slates out of the Union, breuttao Congress hod full power lo protect these people, and thcio is a bill now pending for this purpose, llo was in favor of tho measure, and hu was in favor of tho freedmen's bill passed yesterday, llo would say to tho .Democrats that the wero retarding reconstruction by their opposition to such measures as Hint passed yesterday. ) Httsltuiqton, Jan. 2-1 . benntor Trumbull did not press action on tho bill guaranteeing civil rights without distinction of color to-day liecauso Senafcor llowo wanted iho floor to ro ply to tlio speech made lust week by Uoolttllo It will lio called tip on Monday. January 20ih. Tho discus sion promises to bo ublo, lengthy and interesting. Washington, Jan. 24 Tho Senate is not in Session to-day. Tho Itouso is in committee of the wholo hearing speeches, Colfax has gone north to lectures on tho PucUio Railroad, and Washburn, of Illinois, is Speaker pro tern. W ashington, Jan. 29. In thc'Senr.to Grimes, ol Iowa, offered a joint reso lution tendering tho thanks of Con gress to Kotir Admiral i' nrngut and iho ollicers anil men under htm, lor gallant conduct in iho engagement in Mohilo Hay on tho oih ol August, 18ui Interred lo tho Commilteo on r.uval affairs Sherman, of Ohio, offered biil Wl tch whs referred lo the military committee, authorizing iho President to appoint, at the request of any cop lego capublo of educating 151) young men, military ollieers to act as 1. rest1 lent or superintendent and riislruc tors in military mutters. Sherman from iho cnmtnilleo on iiiblic lands, reported a bill to grant a million acres of public lands lor the u-io'of public schools in the District ol Culu mli in. Wilson, of Massachusetts, called up the bill to restrict the amount of fees for tho collection of soldiers claims, lo ten dollars. Clark, of Now Hampshire, offered an (intendment which was adopted, it voimiI i n ir eiflofl in wlii!i ibn m-ttntr olficor bIihU cerliiy the servicis ren dered to bo worth more. liaymonii, oi jew 1 orK, mado a speech denying tho position heretofore assumed by bievcns and olbers, that tho Southern States tiro out ot Iho Union, and argued that Congress is particularly rcslramod by tho Consti lulion from poing anything to those States which wo may not do to others In tho Senulo, Trumbull, of Illinois called up live bill for the protection of all persons in theircivil rights. Trumi bull ofTorod an nmendmctit, to insert after I'he following words ufter iho on- acting clauso, that nil persons of AC' rican descent born in the United Stales are declared to bo citizens. Generals Meudo and Thomas wero formally Introduced in iho Ifouso to day. A ppcoch was made by tho Speaker, and tlio Generals made lively responses, amid tlio waving ol hand kerohteK Tho Suprome Court lias granted a potilion lor mandamus, nMowing an nnpoullrnm Judgo neins decision in lite San Francisco Pueblo rnso. Tho Chief Jastico and Justices (Grier anel Miller) fiuUbiing i'i.lds, a bo gave tho iiiBRcntinir opinion. Contiess' li.l confirming ilio orijjinul derision, niid convey ii.ij Ilio Iti ml lo tlio eitv. vi'l r'ported favorably tliis week, unci may pass, in is would jirevent lun iher liiigntion. ATcw York, Feb. 2 Tho market continued lo gain strength and aetiv it'. Foieign exchange is weaker tin der an increised Hipp y of bills, and limited demand, closing at ICS J for bankers' sterling. A r-pecinl 'riispalch (mm Washing ton says: The q ,esi n us to the Con slilti.lioniil light of tho Secretary of tho Treasury lo'dcal in fnrvign eS than ire has been raised. Gold is weak atl3S. Foreign merchandise, owing to the high cost, oT importal inn, is held with much firmness. Wool more active and firm. Fleeces are in good do mn nil nt full prices. Ciilitoriiia w n I dull sale; l.!4 hales full clips wero sold at 30C-'!7o, mi l 150 hales of fino at 42'. Hides dull, holders hcintr niuvil. ling to make concessions in oilier to effect sales. Prices unehanved. Oils are in better demand. Bieached win ter sperm atf2G5; bleached winter whalo at 1 05. Skins hnv.o given away a litllo in prices, and have been more in demand. Stiles liirgo. Deer skins quiet. Freights to California dull. We quote S9(rt.-$15 for clippers The boot nnd t-line initio is quiet for California. There is littlo inquiry nnd no shipments wero made tiom Hosion or New Vnrk during tho past week. Tho Pacific mail stuck litis du .'lined to 82U0 a falling off of 830 in a monl'i. Tho steamer JVcw Yuri; Vitlwthe California passengers bailed todny. fiinnt Hook it l.nilder ( )iii;;niy, Xo 1 Itemiliir .Mceiing THIS (IVvUnes.liiyj M'KM.tU, at 7 a clucK. liy order nf tho 1'reniiJciit. H'nsco Lodge, Xo. 13, V. A. & . 51. irnlils it; stuleil Ceintinuile itinn-' on llie Firi't unit Tliinl Fntnr.lii.rri of nu-li montli. nt llielr lnill. In Dulles City. Iti't'llireti in oiiil hlm.iliu me invitdt to nitioiil. f Kill I.. I'ovb, Si c'y. II y or.ler ol' the '", M. OU. Oil! (mIL! VB Al.l'llO.N )!!'?. I.nve nt lereived n l.,r In- W v .Mi of (,'OAI. Oil., nliirli th.-y o(!cr kI vivnil U'tllicnl lilt OS, AUCTION SAL'fi. 1 jviU Bfil Mil Friday, Feb, mu. at 10 a. in.. nt Wiy Uu.nn ii MAIN SVllliMT, One Hplen lid I'nrlor f el of Furniture, One Sp'emliil Keil Hoom Set itinH.le lop, One pieco 'J'upeAlry I'ltrpet, 4.i ynnls, I'm" p'ei-e 1 liroe ptv Cnrpet, 2Hy.trile, 80 Yotiiine:! of lioi-lii. J.ijjlil Fine KngniviiiH, nm.iiig llicm Ilio Voyage of Life. One Piulor Sl.ivc, nne Tre Cln-fit. Two llr-,en fliixi'ri Y 'iitit P.twiU-r tPrceton & 5t'n-il) Two lli.,en lloxtv. Fr.nry Sonp, OOil CU' ilri.ect ,etc. F. A. 0. PAYXK, Auctioneer. Desirable Residence For Sale. "IT WIl.l, PI'.I.I. AT I lilil.10 AUCTION (unless oonor jh. niitpoiH'ii oi ui .i-ivaie is lo.; on T5iursd;iy, Fcfcruary 20. at 11 a. m loo F.IithiiI DWF.I.MXfl 1IOUSU. the mlil.-nce ofT. II. Kelly. K-'ii,, with tlie llniMiiiirHiiinl L'inil titll icenl llifre- iii. torn prnpeiiy enllriltilH ot uiu owelllni; -ilinvn ei ilie I, iiinl nn nrro of l.iiml with fence, nml Tim ;, it of l.miil with the liuiMhi4 tliero in. Thin n'opertr Is lieiiulilnllr i-il nn'i il on llie Klull uvei-'ookiinr tin. on nun in every w.iy wen ciiiinnited lor n Uimleinn's. iiitniuii-e. ! neiu i. n tl io Spring of ntvr on the pro- uiirL-n. iui uit-i . in irnoii I. inoilil e oi JJIIN VULMA-MS. AnHloiieer, f'a 10') Mnln Street WlItllOH Oil' Literary and Scientific Lectures w' llllil liim in In eonteiniiliitlon for some liioe. is hew efferid to ti e eeolilo of lliu n.illea. Tin. iiib' Lecture ol llie rerun will Le Riven TUBS (Tiesilay) CVKSIVU, nnd one encli Tn iiilny KvciiIiik thereniter, tlironli tl Feriesof Kiulit l.enlnres. The proceeds will bo divldi lieiu'cen llie Congrigiitiiniiil nnd Methodist Suulmth ccliools. . Tickets for the Course : : OSK DOLLAR. Sin -to Admission. Fifty cmtn. '1 lie lueiiiro this evening n ill ho (lelirenul 1v .Tndce 0 I,. Woods. In Iho CoiiKnviitloiml Chiueli lie-line will eoniiiieiiiojit J uVttn-k fsiVjeef: MliNTAI. (I'l.TUIlK 11 riidiHrliic BontKiimi mre cxroclod to deliver eiieh one iji.-eiiiro: llev. Ir. Hons m, Portmnilj Ji '(( 1ft'llsnii, P.iIIm; Hev. Dr. Atkinson, ' ltr.' Mr. Iiriver, llev. Mr. CnfTrev. " Prof. Holmirl. t Judge Ulll, Canyon City; , J. A. Odell, Ksq., , itey. T. Ooua .n, " FiTKB'8 MICTION ROOM! (OSK DOOll AUOVB THE roST-OFFICK.) MAI.M STREET, MAEEES ClTV I will utletid U sales of . . Real Estate. Cioneral .llcrclinndlse, . r Ftiiuitiiro, And Stock. ItKOllUU SAI.K DATS, MONDAYS AND FII1DAY9. Htock unit ?ps.;l ivilas nny dsy, gauds ,s eiceplrd. fjrlt .... V, A I). I"T 11(1 KN m COMMISSION HOUSE! U. 1C0 MX STREET, DALLES. fgVIK UNDKltSKlNKI) THANK PUL VOlt VAST O. Kiivont. vi'Miiirt fully liirni Hip ciliy.i'ii" uf U 1 1 ti, nnd tlio itiblU. gtiiurttllj', tlmt l.u cuniimu . rvHnt v PUBLICAUCTION OU IMilVATK SALK, Kc;;l Ifnc. ;eiicrnl Merchandise, (aiifnics, IIOI'NCM, Dill I CM. Fiii'iiiluro. (ok!, &.C. ltKGULAH SAt.K DAYS, Tuesdays and, Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignment, Ami I'liOMI'T KKTU"X m dewr mleK. I nt iluor ami Sifinl Siilei nttemleil to In nny jinrt uf tlie eity. Tariff tf Charges fnlll Further Xollcc For t'cllinjr 'tM,clminUrtf, (Iincrr't-s, i'urnitun, rm k &c &c ii per r'U Fur Sflliiiis Hi uch nii-1 'vi V.Uiiv il Jlornjt. Mulctt M'oi k ( mile, ciu li ?'2 NO CHAlHiK fcfTOUAOK. JOII7II WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J J TJKEE, WiiutvjiAl.K am) hi:t.mi. w:ai,i;i: ix CIGArwS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, 1? IPKS, & . always w dtokj: the nrr.r ceantih or Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. I.AVlXO CAItPS. IIH-KKT CUTI.IiltV, POUT MOM KS. COMI1S mill llllUKIIKS. o nil liimln, l'Klit'CMKaV. ol cvry ilosci ii.tion, CHINA OlIXAMKNTS TOYS. IiDMA.irtc. " FISH HOOKS nnd FTSIITNG TACEI.K, M US1CA L 1 NSTII IJ.M K.NTS, FANCY GOODS. c. Almi I'uwilcr.Shot. Lcml. Powder FliiRk". Ensketit.'nnd ninny oilier nrtictes ton nuiiiero'tm to iiienrioii.- - Interior ilriili.ra liilitl nilli Cinsirn. Tntacro ete. at lugs tliuii Portliiml prict-H. ivilli freight uiltltd. or-K is l. ii i iv a o io AT C T, FOR TIIIItTY DAIS LONGER ! ! LAST CUANCE! X.S al tlielr eii-noniiTi iilnLtlieitiihlie ne'liiltie. Ihnt l.i- Ii eoiithiuu to null AT fllST. I'oV thirty ilnyn-l.n:-'er in ler to cive one it.i-hnero to nmke prehent for tl."9 lloliiluyri. Wv M'ilt wll tlie Lnliiiiee. of our Ktock. cuu- tlii;or Iti Ii Jilnck Silks, Genu- fluilin. itieh Poplins, lleiirrr routs. Clonics, lire: Cti.-lls, SliiiwlA. I'niils. . lily OihxIs. iiinhio'iteiles. llum 4 Cii)s, Ikwta ii tlu.i-.i, i'C, Ac., Jte , tc, AT SAN FRlStlSCO COST, Without FreUJ-t nlnl Ki ns... 1 liis will he tlie Inst chiince to iret lurnins. prh'l t rlucing llm conccni. COUN & ItOIIM. N.H.- AH PHls must he pniil liv th ' First of .Tamim ? 18011. If not settled within tlmt time, '.he rnnie will l ilueetl in legnl hands. i!e lti.- J. V. GURLEY, DENTIST, HI alii St., Unites, Oregon. ; WSrOl.l.D I1FSPKCTFUI.I.Y IXFilltM Ii tho citixetia of this idoco nnd vl- inlly, Unit Inivinir retnrnud Iroin tt lri- l nrV'rtSAl et-sionnl torn throilirli the iniiies. hu lets I I I t J inln resumed tlio priu-llce of OKNTISTUY. in the i-tstm - lorinorly occupied hy him. in Ilio ImiltlhtK i.-ecniiied hy Wood & Under. Ph ojrruph Aitists. nnd ndjoinin Wul droii llro.' Iiinz Stoeo. lie liil.s tills method ol ex- leudiiii; tltnuks, for the lihernl )i ilroiiii:e heretolore ex luiided to liim, untl solicits ii contimtmrcv of tho fiiiine. 1 1ST UK 1MIICK3. Knllre Denture on 3old llnse lo - l'pper Denture, (lohl ltitnc. AO l'j " Denture. Yult-niiltc llne.. ,0 12 IIppiT lieuture. Yiilcnufte Pnso CO tit ' Hold Fiilinjrs In-crted from onedollnr upwnrd. Cliildrelis' Teelli Ktriicteil In o uf ehnixe. lelli-lf WUOLKSALK AND RKTA1L StXLmB 11, DEY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. M. 1IMOWN, l)flnK resident of 8nn Frnnciscn. ire molded to oiler itrent Indceiucnts to purclmsoi s. W -cspoetfully Invite tho public to oxMirinc vnr stock hoC r finrclinsiiii; elsewhere. mlo-tl eT" Stone Store, nortli tide Mnin streot, Dallgs. -&t ' NEW SALOOX. NKY STONE STOIIK, YASUINCTON 8TIIKKT. TVVIK VNDKIIS10NKD would rospectrully nun,, n,o 4 4 hat ha will open a Drat clmw 8nlooii in Fiiuch A Oiliimn'a New tllone Uiiildinit, THIS KVKMMi. mill u prepured lu servo ituiluuiers nilli llm beat of - -.' Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALM, A Id It H: K LUNCH F.vtry duy and r.vcnln-. wiOt, . JO 111 Kl KDLAVfl, ESTRAY NOTICE" f V.? "Y T"K "NDKIISIOXD. liTlnK on Kit, fi. Mile Creek, ten niftoi South ol Dnllet die, Oroni. on December ISili. 11IC4, ouu HAY IIOHSK, U l,n3i hili, wlitie snip ou ,,, ,me ,aj ,,,,, Millt fost. oiiir bluok spots nboTc llm huul, a h w while hrtrt an h.ivliesd, brawled tlm-i 0 on Iho loft ilmuldcr, Uvt vtli aenrs old, 3 a, J pprlnl at $10. JJ.CU.r.K