mm V6L. . I VT.TICS, OUKGON, WEDNESDAY, rKBKUAUY 7, WOO. ISO. 1 18. 6' Ulfiuutaiiucr, I'UBLISIIED EVERY HORNING, (MONDAYS KXCSl'THU,) HV E. ti. tO IV K & J. 18 iS4I OU.IV, KUITOUS A.NI PHOIMtlKTOKi'. Tbiims TmHtly-Uvtcrnti per wttok, payable to the currier per month, hy miiil. ti throe mouths, i'oU; Nix mouths. o j one year, id. Advertisements luaurteil Kt low rales. Job Printing. Kvery description ail" plain uud fancy Job Printing exo iitcd with neatness und despatch, and forwarded as per or.'er tunny parte! the oniiatcy. Iay mtutjir Job Vrtut my uuutt tm made on uWit'y uj work1. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLt3, GFIECON. THIS 1" 'PIXVR HOUSSO-MIUI.LY L "CITED, Hear tlio Stenialioat Landing & Railroad Dopqt, Has been recently enlarged and improved, and will uow u.-commd ito ') GUESTS. ST UK CONDUCTED as heretofore, as n FIRST CLASS HO'JH. nil I the pitrouago uf tlio trovclin,; public is respectfully H-.licito '. HiT Rajritaso titke.i t tlio Houso free of charge II -use -, open all night. LARGE FIRt-PiUOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES 'liilliu.Ool.4-tf. ' EMPIRE HOTEL, ' MAIN STBBET, DALLES, 0UEC10N, THOMAS SMITH, I'roju-letor. A FIRST-CLAS5 HOUSE. . ix tue centre or iiusiness, Near tie Btaaxnboat and Railroad Landi'.i.i Superior Accommodations fur Families and ciui Ac Minuiodatu Due Hundred and Filty Uuosts. Meals...! 0ct Lodging..:... 6i)cts. Fire Proof Safe fur depositee? valuables. v. House open All night. Dogg-age taken to the Housj fi cool charge. THOMAS SMITH, inli8-tr . Proprietor. SPR1NB AND SUMMER GOODS. DUSK.-vfiiaiuv Ac kkos.,- JJnUert nnd WtUltt Wullci, 11KA.1.11HH lit Staple and Fancy Dry Good3 MlneiN' OutlitN, IJooIm and Shoes, ( C;iotlilng, t&atM ant! Cps, Groceries, And a fnHnnnrtmsnt of Uenernl Merchimdlse. Ilnyln nnr Goods oxclmlvely In tho Sun Kranoinco market, nil making none hnt c:vh purcleiiieH, wu are ouahled ti ie I 2 j per cent, eli'japer thau any other IImio at the D ilh-i' DUSriNIUillY t 1IU0S.. lul-tf Dalle and Walla Walla. Eitnv TO MO.imiM , ,. CALL At III8 KW ... Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Washington and Second f treots. TUK UNDHltSIONBD WISHES T:) IXKJUH TIIK people of the Dilles, nul the pnbllc generally, that lie hail a luo and well velocted tock uf FAMILY GBOOEUIES, CANDIES, CUTS, ke., VMeM lie will Mil Wlnloiile ari l Uotall at lleilueeil l'. ia:i far CA.SIf. Also, constantly mi hand Hie C'hoicent -Article of KKKSH IIUTI'KII ai.l KUU3. . At , every variety of KlilllTj and VtiiiKTAIII.KS lu. their ne lson i'oritoiis from up tlio c-ittntry, wUhinir qii'inthies nf lssand Krnit. by neii-liiiir In their ordem, will roeoivo the strictest attuotfon. and have thorn llllednt tho Iawe$l . Market Vrien. .. . Livll-tf J, , .0.1. JKWm.h, 0. II. A11M7.S. r a. W. AHHES. ARMES & DALLAM, ' ' lUipuiLerBiiiKiuuuuuraui ' - WtoOD AXI WILLOW WARE, llitUSUSJ, TWI.Nli.VCOltDAaa 4c. , . And Manufacturers uf '' - , Ciil'.fjrnla Palis, Tubs, BrQ!):a?, &c. 217 t 319 Sncratiionto Street, between Front and Davis, J1-. liUIH.M. 1. Kin l'ia icisco. J?- TIJL.LMA.ISf, . , " ')LII AOKir lT CUirOBXIA FOB ' ' TILTON. & MpIARLAIfjyS fire Sc. Iturgliir I'roof ShJ'ts. 8TJ$E, LIXEPVAVLTS,.. ! f. ... -- -itb-. : ' : Comliination. Locli.. A? j-Cjostautly on himd afull usunmi'iit of 8AKK8. ' - 318-UATTK.nY STItKKT, JyMni - , . ' t.y - V i Han Francisco. ' i-. GA.TE9 Ac; II '.':".' Atloruej's & Coiuiseilors at Mnv, .;. . dalles; onfi'SON. roil tUISC MJLMUS IIIli:CT. Z&fzm T II E sy.g VVALUA WALLA So BOISE LINE: OF CONCOHD STAGKS, C.VItliyi.NQ t TMF. Lf. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Well , Fargo & C'o.'i ICxiueMt, is uo'.v iiiakini; Iteuhtr Tripufriuu Walla Walla to PI Cerviile, (Ihiise .Mines.) Through la Two and a .Half Days Coiine.'titu with the Waltula l.iuo of Stages, and th li.atsol' the O. S. N. Culilmny. UKO. F. THOMAS k CO., ap27-tf ' Proprietor 1T i..) 'It? i CJ 12 THE TiOiMiEit STAGE COMPANY Will curry FAST IT It EIGHTS FltOM TJ 31 a. rr I JL, A-, AiTUit THIS FIIIST OF )0T )lllt, AT THK FJLL,JW". I.NU UKUliUKU KATKa: To tlolge City 15 Cents jicr pouuil " Illlltlll Oily.,,. an t " Otv-yin-e ; sio ' ' ." For les amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of l-'lvu tV'iits p.-r poun I will lie i-haruJ. TIM IiJ l.MIOJM Ul.V'X'IL.l.Vt To SJoixcC ity, IS Uajx. To lil.iho Cily ii l-- Hays. TO Okj tkte, 1 Days. .lOSEl'H I'ISICIIAM, Auont. Uinaiiiia, Oct. i, lsna. . ueitittr. QiVAUTT MILLS! Ami uii KlndM ol .iac2iineiy Munufiictmi'd ut tho OREGON IRON WORKS UOIt.NKlt OF M011H130N nnd 7 T II streets, A.. C. G111U3 A CO., Successors to Portland, Dec. fitli '(14. dull If K. I,. June-, 4 Co. MO U" N tH OO DSALO N A.VD UILITAlJIi" ROOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, COltNKlX OF , Main niitl Court Streets, p21-tf " Dallos, Oregon. GROCERY, PROVISION, AND PUTJ1T .ST.OliE, WaBhhieton Street, opposite Frendi A Oilnmn'a. Dillet. lias on hand a large and well-assorted stock of GSOCERIES & PHO VISIONS, Xresli llutlei & Efjf-yj nereived .hilly. A lariro lot of fHIICKKNS always on hand. FUU1TS1 of nil kin Is. FitliSH VKOliTABLES svery morning. All articlo wnrrauiial. Give Me a Call, Everybody! 1'IilCIfisl LOW. nnl8:tf L1KI1B. E&4tullielel I85?7 BALDWIN 13 rtO., . DH.U.KltS IN ClUtNKll OF Main nnd Uniou Streets, Dalles. J.C. DAI.DWIM mV.'l-tr F. W. 11AI.DW1N. 1VM. MUAUDB. 0. B. KlKUKb. WM. MOABUS &, CO., O I.TY- : BAitEKYi AND , r It 0 VISION STORE, . ; ' Corner of First nn.l B Streets. WIIOT.KSAI.H AND KCTAI I. DKAI.KUS In BnS-VD, OKACKKltS and Family OUOUKHIM. 1kH.0rdersfroui a distance carefully llllod and prompt! Ispatched. ' ' 1-tly ecupseIJhpo . Main Street.' corner of Court. OM MAClf, TILll'MNBRP. COOlt. wonW' ci-ct-Fiilly liif tr.n tin piillb'o ijtliat he has tttcil. up Mia HlHireOlu.p n iuso, and Is prepared I.) soiwo up IHBAIS null l.UNCH hi the host style and at the shortest notice. llAI.LSnnd 1'AltTIMS furulslio I w tli suppers, lu the best stylo and on tho xii wt reasonable terms. . . - OYSTlillS in reryityle.- Private ltoonis foi" Iulles. HOU.S n: OHMN AtuXJ JJIQ-tlT IIIJ.TB.1I. -&i.OSSri!7, ATTORfiEYSACOUMSELLORSATLAW Wlf.l, PltACTTDk IN TIIK 8UPIIUMK AND Gilt cult Courts of Oregon) cud tlio District Courts o Washington Territory.' . t. . Parrlenlnr nttonllon paid to tile collection of claims. 0, llWil.ibO.N .. DiUles, O.i, J, A. OVBi.1 V IC U IV C 11 U i li n A N, mroHTEEa and huolesals Dealers in Wines, Liquor. GltOCEHIKsi, Jlliters' Good, Uoat Stores, &c, Have removed to theiu NEW... STONE BUILDING, COUNEU or Se-nd and Vasiiiagton Streets, DAL'.ES CITY. NOW IN STOItH A LAIIOK AND COMPLKTK AS 'sortmcnt of the very best brands ol -r WINES ,Vr 1) LIQUOllS. Also, a lull HH8or tin uut of ( GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. && CoiiHtiintly receiving our snpjilioa ilirect fr'Mi Nf , Vuik aiid Kruiiciitjo, wo me i.Ule iitul willlas C sl i nt very kiiiiiII mlv.tfico uii Sjhii Kraiicirtuo priocri. Tliej lii)(te by ai)iptii) u ntrictly oriect itiul prmtipt nu'thml tti tUung UuaiiieeK.tliby will ruceivu tiie patronage cMlioiul. He. R'lU-lt'. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. JL. Jl. 15 O O Til, W111TK HI.UFFS, W. T., FORWARDING ANO COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND UCNKRU. DEALER IX MEBC1IAJNDISE . AND MISERS' 5) P I Ss 1 & S . PACK A5I0 3D3LS H)a3E3 F3H SALE. J.IUIIOIITS ONSUINFD to my mire for Oolvlll.. ffj Ko-iteuat. or tho Upper Columbia Mines, will ru ceivo prompt llltentiou. W illie Wull'j, Oct. 1st, 1804. oc.'Jtf AND PKOVISIOiV STOKE. 'IMIK UNDKUSIGNKD INFOitMS IIIS FRIKND3 an I X the public generally, tliat lie has Just established ou Main street, uexc door lo J. Joker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE! where lie keeps constant iy on liano ft-large assortment o selected FltUIT. Also lu store a complete stock otcboiie Uii OCX It MS. J'HOriSIOXS, VKUIilAllLKX, tie. . All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, Ht HK DliCICD 1'UICKS. Coiuo aud see and sat Isfy yourself, seia-jf john srosi'ro. "DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC" COMPOUND, An Expeditions Curo for all diseases of the S 13 XU AL OUG'ANS. FBHIS prompt nu.l ellicalluus Beuio ly for the curo JL Uhouorruia, (lleet, Stricturos, mi l Diseases of the Urinary ihgaus. makes a spee-ly curo without the lea! restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business; it will radically cure any case which can bo produced. The disease It removes as speedily as Is con islout with tlio production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, tho diseaso cannot be cotttr.tctod if the tSI'HCIHC C IMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients arc eutirel f veguta'ilo.aud no injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can bo caused by Its ue. ... Price Ono D .llar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Kxpross carolullv packed. - UjS'i'ni'l'clll, SMITH 4 DEAN. Agents, 4'Jl and 4Jd U ittery street, c.r Clay, Jy2'2 Om. , . 8an Francisco, II. II. llll.L. A.J KAN K. HIL'L & KA'NiE, WHOLEDALt AND KKTAII. DEALERS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liqtior3 AND AGRICTJLTTJRAIi IMPLEMENTS. 8'1'OltAOHi AND FOHWAKDINO. : doodi consigned to us will meet with, proper attentio lieferoncos t PORTLAND. DALLES. IT. W. Corbet, Ilobhlus A Co., ltlchards A McCrncken, W. C. Moody A Co., - U. I.nw, - 0. Hiiiuasoiu Uinatllla I.atplini, Sept. Oris. 1SU3. DENTIST, ... 1 1 AS r.BMOVHD HIS OFFICB Ol'I'O- A site liloch, Miller A Co, whero lie Is prcpiuc-d to do nil kinds of . DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flrilslu rl m l iner. TKTII Inseitoc from one to an entire sat, on Oold or ltuhhur Plate, - Prices rango for Itiiblwr Plate, from tii to it& Fm Oold PI ito, l'rom$?5toil'23.. ; - . - , e , 4fir Persons having work d ino by mo nit proving sal Isfactory will not bo required to receive or piy for lb. same. . aula ti COO KS! .BOOKS! ,,!? WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. KCHOOI. HOOKS, STATION Hit V, sT9 Statiilardan l Miscellaiimius W'OHKS, Ute NOVKI.S. MAUAZINKH. PAPrlli.S. . Ac. Ac., by every Steamor. Post-Otllce A Bookstore, Main street, Dallos. ui7-tf ... if. J. WAIiDItON k CO. , ririR CNDHrt-faNKD wir.r, pi'itaii vSB bkoxd . JL hand Furniture, llsJ-v, UoJUng. Oarii-H,-Stovos, 1 nu.l II iriirt.ltiire or every, -Jejcripttoai ramus Uma'tilln, Bois e, . , AND IUVIIO Express ami Fast Freight Line. rMIIS LINK 13 NOW IN COMPLETE Itl'N.VlXll JL order from Uinaiiiia to Idaho City, via Motto City, nnd prepared to carry Freight mid Yujuahie Packages between thesu uud all lutci mediate points villi eel tumty liliddcspatcli: "" Tlio Line is Stocked with the Boct Teams the country affords aud entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD iSJs3bx hlcli ensures Fpced iti.1 Pu'Ryt'y' lu Uio transnrsdon of Fieiglit, never beforo ollWr4 to Idaho. We oiler Supe rior inducements for Shipping Goods from e'au FranciM-o and Portland to Idaho, us our urrai.feiueuts with the Ocean Steamship Company and tho Oregon Sleaiu Navi gation aro such that all Hood .-hipped by this Line wi.l not bo i-til.Jcct to tlio usual delnys, but pass through us irust iri-oijrjiit. OiK-tls shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid and tioods shipped to destiua lion. - - (100DS SHOULD I1K MAHKKD: CARK II. M. D. CO.. F. LINK, and Shipping Kcccipts sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla. Advance lliargcs for Transportation Paid by the l.iuo and td!cctcj at Destination. Gootli will bo forwarded with Disitili to pwyhee and South Doisu. PASSEN0igi9 CAltRIKD AT OltKATLY IlUDDCHIi HATH4. Families will bo furnished with Superior Ac-c.iiuiuod-ilions lu New and Easy Ui.liux 'Htoruii.h liraio Wagons on tho Most Liberal 'lei'lns, W'e lay over eaen lliht oil tiie itou I at (i.K.d and Courouieiit Stations, so p issL-ngers wll not bo deprived ol regular test. AGICJSiai HICIJAllDS McCIIAKHN u San Francisco ItlCH.IIDS A McCllAKIi.'i Portland JOSEPH l'KAL. Dalle.; POWr.LI, A U '111 n .Umatilla .1. II. WILKINSON .'. l.oUrntu 11. M. DultKLL A CO llolee City D. M. DcltELJ. it CO Idaho Ci!y MA.I,)K SPLEIt l(o:ky liar (South Doisej DultELL A -U001IK .Itul.y uud Silver Lilies U. SI. I) u U ELL, &. CO., u25tf - 4 c.iiin rou TIKE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAX FUA.MISCO. EA.DGER & LINDENBERGER,. So. l I, 413 nud 413 linttery stieet, Cor, JUjCrcliu.m, feuu i raticlsoo. - Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK B WOULD CAM, ATTENTION of Country Mor- ' thauts to our usually l-irze stock of Uoods. Our - stock comprises every article in tie Clothing and Fur nishing line, We have constantly ou baud the largest aud cru.ttcst variety of Casilmure aud Wool ' any ltouso in hail Francisco, and our pri cs for thesu,.' uooitt aro less than nioso oi auy House, us we ruceivo ' them direct from the in luufacturur's cousitrumuut - Our sttH.-k of Snmtimr and Fall Hoops Is particularly atti-ucl. ivo, and the ureal fe ituro to tho country iiierchuut is tho liuusii'illy low prices. . , Less Than the Cost of Importation! We nlso keep the STAPLE- ARTICLES In the Dry Uih.iU line, which Ootids wo liavo purchased In this market tin de , tho hammer, und are olleriiig them ut tuw Voik Cost, and less. .Vu publish tills card In ordor that wo may make new nc'iu-iiniatioos, und In.luco whohavo not heretofore ' parchiised of us, to call und examine our stock. Good Articles and I.oh I'rlccs! , Are tlio greatest inducements to nil who purchase t.i sell again. Merchants who buy of u can make a good profit, .tii.l soil to I heir customers ut a low tluro. We ronmln, rospcctinlly, Your Obedient servants, - - . MAIM Kit MNDRNDEROEIt, -Wholesale Clolliliigand Hat Wareliouse. . No... 411. 413 and 415 battery street, Son Francisco, April 1, IStiS. jej'J-Umw. llO 1 1'Oil THE suujieB ho IsF ON TUB SEA. BBAOFT. fBMUS DULIOIITFUL aSD CELKIJKATED SUMMER JL Itesurt, situated or. Clatsop Plains, a short distunee from tla Ocean, Is now re-ojieiied and ready tu receive guests. This rosort possesses attractions unsurpassed on the Paclilc Coast. It has n splendid Loach for riding, walk Ingaiid uuIIiIiik; beautiful suui.ery and surr.iuiidlnn.: tierrles of all kinds abound it beautiful trout stieum - nnd ahundanco ot game. t . "l'ltM TAHLT5 ' Is constantly supplied Willi salt and Iresli water 11 h eluni and crabs, elk, boar and foutherod gunie,! tue ' IVeshest of country produce, ... The clim iie is seluhrlons This Ilo'el offers every thing that celild be desired for the comfort of guests, bolli well and sick, , : Tlio Proprietors respectfully ask the Health and Plias-m-o Seukiiij Public tor partrouagc, that they limy,. . enabled to make the "Summer House" A purinrneiii la stitution of tho country. , I LOWELL A KIPl'tN May Dtn, lSdS. . , " uiyllti DU. U. W. i;MIXOII13LXs. Officb WALDllo'3 BUILDl'yOi.iT RmtnsxoE Corner .Tlmi aii.i' it'es'lmmtuu j.rm...r wishing tu sell will dl well lo call. ' t't do3;2vTj ')' i mi willia JJaliifl:'.,I WII.T.JAM3; i , Dulles. AWIM: ASSISTANT. BURGEON,, U, 8,' A, i'" - . . ornoi at , , ., .. WiliROSJ'' EROS. . DRXTO BTORB