4 - a . cm Satin Blountaittccr. I3ultSl'IXO OF AN ICKBKKG A i'liW yours iig', u French man-of-war was lying ul uiichor in Toinjilo .Bay. Tito younger oWicers ronolvuii on musing thuniHclvca w'uh tin icubci'iu milu or no disiunl in Iho .SiraiiH. Thoy Hindu cuniptuou.t propti rations for u pic-niu upon tho very top of it,llio mysteries of which Uiey were anxi ns to sue. All warning of Iho brown and Mmplo fishermen in Iho cars of iho smartly dtvhsed gentlemen who had een the world were quiio idlo. It w'iis a bright b -.miner niorni'ig, and the jolly'boat with ti uliowy fl.ig, went olf lo the berg. By 5 oY-loei, the colors wore Hying from iho lui relt, and t ho wild midshipmen were shouting from its walls. For two h"iirs or ho, they h.ickeJ and clambered up;)n tho crys. tal palace, frolicked and feasted, drank wine to t It o King ai d ladies, and .laughed at, iho thought of pofii, where all was fixed and so, id. As if in nmaaement at such raslniess, the grim Alp of the sea made neither sound nor motion. A profound stilinoss wntclud on his shining pinnacles, and darkened in tho bluo shadorts wf Iho coves When, li'.co lliongluless children, tlu-y played themselves weary, the old ului liaslcr of (Jroenlatid mercifully ' Puf l'ercd them to gather up their toys und l'o down to their cockle ot n boat and fleo away. As if tho limo und ilislanco wero : moasured ho wailed until thoy coi'ld soo it and live, when, us if his heart had been a volcanic fire, ho bust with awful thunders, and filled iho surrounding waters with his ruins. A moro astonished little party seldom camo homo to tell tho story of their nio'iiic. It was their first and last d:iy of HTiusomenl with an iceberg. 'Exchange' Tub Cleveland (Ohio) Union gives tho details of a. case of reckless tr' flint, lesuhing in tho piidde.n death of a youth named Theodore Rod, of that place, und showing a most revolting Hlato of morals on tho parts of several individuals. Thedoro was a '.lad of Tiinoteon yours, who had contracted vicious associations and evil habits. Uo was in Iho Star Saloon, and was bantered and Imdorod into drinking twontyoi-iht ounces of bad whisky; from tho effects of which ho died. Tho Corner's jury say that " this 'vhisky was drunk at. tho insiane.o of J.GobharJl.T. W. lle'dgosjind JJenry Cook, and on a banter made by them " After having for moro fun dronched . thoir victim with poisonous whisky lil ho fell, tiny bocuma iilitrmcil and iidministorod salt and walor. and tobacco tea, lo produco vomiting, but thev had carried their fun loo far. Tho b.iy, tho only win of his molhor," died ii tho wroudieu don. Ir ro'la nbotit ono hunilrcil and fifty do' - 1 ii-s to'.tlinro'.iglily dust tho grout or'iu at ttio Ii33taii Music H ill . ' ' -. IV13W GOODS!, MIIYINII JUST AllllIVKD 1'ltO.M TUB? AN FHAX cieo Mnikct. vc would invito t: o ntlcutinu ol' our fiifijdrf mill the rominuuitv ut 1 .rye, tu vur wcll-sclcclcd stolli of Dry GootJn, Lloihing, lioots & Fijocfi, &.C., fc, Which ve tiro ellitiK ut the nnst rta-cri:ilil l-:ttf. Uo cannot, noli our Kooils ATl'O.-T, but u.Mirc tin' cuiuiui: llity that It "leases us tu evil Koudsat .-MALI, I'illllTlS. P K T Bi A'K 8) l I' i ii li A.XD 3IACHIM: SHOP, FIltST STI'.UUT. between Ynnililll und JIurriaon. T" ol from 4 tn 4-1 horse n.iver.i it her I'ortal.loor Mntlonary. Ainu. tilt r " rr J.. iii-oir. II. IlIiltMAN & CO. .SS, Is 3,014 (r ft' .AT UOVl'! "Wim'wcii At Co., WILL CI,'1SK ()t!TTIir.r:t STfirK OF MKKCI1AX 1J 1 at llieir il ii'i' of biisiuen. tit l!iu Dulles, in order to ,:ii llie Milium. Tiicir ut ock embraces Wry tiooifH, I'SothUm, EJoofs.IS.its ' A.U GF.XICUAL JlliUC II AS DISK, . All v!iic!i will ho miM nt C 1ST. I'm- (' ASH onlr. ftrr All wii.t kn.iw llii'miL-lvcH hidi'Moil tu mir llrm fit 1 1 It I):Uil -Milt IlkrHUlMll a xl fi'ttll! :ii SuliII IIS ll irt!illi'. Tli'i-o rt liu li ivo hi oii n.'Ciimin iililtK'l u rint will n.tt ilniiiy Hff uiiiH'res'itrily, I tit In pr-iunit In !iitl triii up tu--. li -li ti t. Call iiml huh in, nil ului cvi.tvIhi'Ii 1 ' linll-tf M. 'Vlj.,SJII 4 CO. iozmmzi ": Fusnituse tIl3I8L.3Jl. cSc WliiXXiX. 4V)f,,,TU,'- (ll.OBM II0Ti:l, V.UIT.I.'INO, ,'jpa5 D.illi'ii.Cit.v, hitra iui Imii.l u vnriuly ;S,:f.kvf'1 llausfliuld Furnlturis ' fif X'SS'n-L, "MilniK itii; Tiilili's, Ohnlra, Iturenna f;--''---i!iiaiii',i-!iiiii iiviiHtPit'i. nHittinir.iuniB- o c, etc., nil ot which w ill ho sum .it h.w mtim. Hlnutine llcpiiii-cii. inn! ljihtiliU'i'il;y iltnif tiiorilcr. Al.iu.oli liiunl I'lmt-i iisi'Hiiiiil 'iliowa. priii: lii'ilu maiio tooiiicr.-iiulM S '.' ...'I y. .U.'.JT',-: COMI'I.KTH. cuiistiinlly G-44tei-&--i$3iA ikr? illhmul. Also, llnylTiu- Whi VfCy JIclin.o.(WtRMl..rtir V :.J:'X'i,i--,,i -V pattern.) Wrowtlil mul zJJK&& :'i Vml Iron work for V,.r- raiaK?0' tii'iilSawniitllli Ut iiiIIIk;. Ill itsi and lion L'aatiiij;s aiui . . - WSiOttTGMT CHIOS TCRIi of every ilenriipilon. I mn hIho iirpare:l to luiiilsli Quartz Milla complsle, of the Latest &. most Improved Patterns Tliwio Milln can lierorvaiiliil to nny p.irt of tlis niliiM iik the weight of the entire m.u-liiiiery will not exi-eeu ;l, tun pmiinlK. liana Fnvora-ft AgrioulVLirtil Tmilemnnti lliiuiutai lined toonier at llie very 1, IW H. I I. ASH I'll IP;-: -N. U. I'artlllllol'Uttelillon pnidto UKl'AIUS. rv'2U-tr p. geaigV . WIIIII.KSAI.S AND ItHTAIb DEALER Ifi DRUGS. " .: MKDICIXKS, .Perfiimr.ry, Ftncu Roups, " ' I'ATK'NT SlKIHCIXMS. Ac. fl-"' ViM. mWTS'n W.iSliSER 1J . W. ' OinCi:--74 fcKC'OM) HilUl.T, beteeii Wilmington ftiul Coir. t. Oritii: llciT.y-O to!2 .M.;Sto4f ii.;ni;l G tolO. r. si MANTUA MAiilSII. TO'SKS- SI ATT I H IIOLllllOO'.i would rospci tlully In i fl. ronnthe LailieH ul the Ualle mi l vicinity, that Him lint opi'iii'il ii rihoji inconiiyoiloii willi .Ml.iHiJ'lUiiirke, where .iie ii prepared to d Mill ItiniUor work wiUi neat ni'H.s and dliipiilch. II ivinjr just lu-rived Ironi thirl.rt.it, tho liopen lo be ablo lo ile.i e nil nn to Form and Filahbai Cloaks, -Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. Till! KB DiiOIia Vet ot llie Corner ofTIIIIi'iJ uiid DM'J.V .Stieetj. ni-Jd-.n.a JJHL'CS AA'U I'ATIiM' Mi:i)lCl. I.SH DUUtlS A XI) PATENT SI KMC! X X DRUGS AXD PATENT MEDICINES!! 9 'ADl DRUGGIST, Private tlesidenco Vote " Sale A NIOii IIKSIDKXOM. located In (lid ' bept1 urt of yQ.tnwii, will bo aol l elieup FOIL UA.-U theatoruof IJalCtl Jitnuirt ut ip . jy is ii , Watchmaker auil JcnTltr, MAIN STREET, DALLES, Dnif.KH IS FINK WAT0IIK9. JK'.VKI.HY, CI. JOlt.H. Ould lm, Silver nud I'U'cd Wutt, U;inct'iclost vaiiiury, o. 1 - i v "Vv.-ihai, Chi3k. Jcwjlry, tu. All Witt'-Iio ropnlred l.y ui) warriiatuil fir twulvo m ttitlia. N; It, All or.loM from tha nppnr iniutry, l.jr F-xprcM orur.ierw iiiu, proinjiiiy uiieuuv.1 .u. lluanlu litll fIfli:. rai l -in) : a rxmisn i r heiotoiiro nxintiiiKtiotwonn Q. 0 4)W UU'iH 4 01VID DXtStNil, 111 th n Upts Oil ip l .mo. Is llila d if in 'Ivo.l Uy minimi con lit, Uivil LK-iiiax huiiij jl I o.itliij Intoreiit to (ion M-.Ii.vi. win l al-iO'i ifttliarltM lo ti-.tmnit nny buil n u in tin nil im of m il Ii i (I. MuLHAN'. tmlluj, Jjn y. 12. ii. D- UOIIMNO. W. i. 13 IG E LuG WV llcccivlngr, Storla? . forwarding. and -: Ci)minis3ioii Merchant! Advances made on Consignments. MUS 8Ci;BL Opjinlto tlw Uinnilbt llntia. , . W 11.- " - am mm. m. sm. "-5.- ATTOKNEY AT LA.W, lnrsil Furs I TUB HIGHEST MAKKK'l' 1'ltICi: PAID IX CASH nut Baaver, Otter Mliili and Coon skins, Ity KlL-lIAIIUSi McCUAK KN. Portland Sept. 27. lts. ne4:aui ISS.Al'Bi B.I-iT. trnilN II.WAI'.n. OFntiiiss HOLLOW, ltai tiiisdnv qJ9 pii me Three llnii.lrud and Fotir-one botlar.i In IIIIK.-.MIA('KS AT P.Mt for a debt duo in Hold I'nln. . !;) M, Wti6. Jlin'.J. J O. BIFKJ.U. S!uv-lCi''s MiJe ul ECc.tt Innitv BY VIlllUHOF AS JiXW;Ulll)N lri.SUt.l) IIY TI1K Clerk 01 flu! Circuit (Niti t - f (lninl Cu'iniy. mid to tne dii-iHted. In Itivor ut' Mary A fcim'liilr. pltiintill, und tiaiiiHt J, AhLoekwuoil, dereiidiiiit. lor tlm-mim ul' cev enty-onc DollaiH and t'ilty Ceiitn. $7 I GO.) principal, n ml Koven iloIlai'H an I eighty cell 4 (i't SU. j contxand tlii bniil llientii, : liavo levieil upuii una will i-ll at p'.iu.r im-lioti, to the hilii'!t -btddoi- tor cinh in, hand, on ATUItlJA Y, JA.NUAItY Ulh, lSiilt. between tne hours id li mill j o-cloi-k p. i , 'In-lorn 'the i.'oni t llon-e ilo.ir In Canyon Ony, the ti'llowltu do4cnhed properly, to-wii : Olio l!n e aii'l u it.Mitu iled tn tho town ot .'man- tile, State ol' Oi'i!;oi!, County ot Oram, eotninotily knoivn tin tho Liicliiv I fiiloi.n. M. 1. HliilHY, Klietill. lly W. W. WHI1-PI.X, Dopntv. Caaynii Cily, Uec. IJ1I1, ItdiD. ; ile2itiv SlsoriflJ'M S'.ilc 01' .Iining round. HBY VIUTI'K OF AN KXHCU I'lOX li-neil by tho Cleik felJO of thu Circuit Court. nd tu lite directed, ill Itivor ul I'harloA Catlu mid l. .-;:i!toiiriliill, pl.iiutiltx, und iiicalimt Michael Donahue, tlclcndaut, for the hU'ii of ,t'y live 5J-l!)i iio 0.1) tlollnri4, prlucipal. In :o:iI coin ot thu Unite I Miiti K, nil I elht UldllU ii'Mj dollar, eu-t und diMhiiit-itiuntii, I have levied upon and will Hell tit public iiiif-tion to the liicli-Rt b.ildur for cn.ili In lmnd, of :oKI U.dtl of Iho II iltcd StiitfR. nil WKUNKSD.lY, the 'JStll day or FKIIKU M'.Y. IliW, Ii.dweun thu li nirn ol VI und 1! o'clock, i" u., li.Torn t 0 Court Home door lit Caujou Clly.Orimt County, the lollovviujydcHmbed piopeity, to wit: A one fl th lutcrcHt in Home iiiiniti.j; ground kn.iwit lis the Mlil.-r 'Jln.iiiu, bounded on thu Ninth by McKemi & Co.'d CI aitn.1, und rilniiio) up Canyon Creek to thu Old Heller claim, It liuinit 45J tuet uiure or lesn. M. P. UtKitY, Shcriir. Ity Wit. W . Wntppi.it, Depitt! , "J Canyon City, January 13, lsiitf. ' jii2Civ'i Witnhiii-lon ftrect, between Main nin! Fecoml Strceto (CJ I.UMON In able to mipply pai tlin III wturt orHru's, K Patent .Meillcinu.4. Clieiuical.i, Acitl-i, Perfumery, and every otluir article entltneriited Willi tho WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowent iiinrket rAten. if ?y PliyHii.'iaii.i mid .Merclialits Intpniliui; to pu'rclintle for tlie Mine.!, will do well to give liiln 11 call. TRUFJ3E3 & ETiACB -i In xreilt variety. ' s. r.KJiov, ap.,1:tr. AY.tnliliiRton St.. between Main iidii Hecond. My entire stuck of ALSO, TIKMA AT ' (S TOOLfcs. rEI'H WIIOlH cinbraciui? a fine stock, ever- article JL of which will be mild at CiM'. an I dcire to clo. nut blHitic.-'S. AIo, one till AM) PIANO. ii irood order Aim. lor nalr, the lUiUSU AND LOT. oil M-cml M cet next to. the coruor of AYa-thiir;ton, Tlui fluiiiti iii wo Htories, with a hatieiueut, mid I.swell aihiile,l to the bote, buslneii'. Also a lot of UKDIlI NO. coiiipi N uu "bout twenty-llvo Uedo. "1 lie wlnco w ill bo closed out rhunp. For further particulars apply on the prctulw. untWin AhitiiliT Itlil'TlXfiK.N. ;.";!.' . k otic 1-4 -'.':ri' .... SS IIKIIHIIY C.1VHS that the (.' -partnerslilp Iierct tore evimlm botwojii K. C. llVitUY, 0. L. MUCIN 1.1,1. n il F. W. I'll i-li'.O.N, dolus 11 nmrciiiiir busi liesn in thN phue, liniljr the liatue ol VI. 0. II inly & Co., Iii this d iy. iliiioii'ed by inutti il causent, mid hereu:ler thu LiMiueta m H.11.I ttrui will bo coiuiuclod br K. I'. Ilanly, who alone is uiithorir.ud to Rolled mnl sett'c the accounts of tuid linn. . K. C. ll.MtUY. C. 1.. MIIOIIKIX, Eiisa ivlllo. Oram. Co., Oreg 11, F. W. XUu.M I'f'ON huvlS. IW.6 iiiclni i ;siJjiisl'E WsioiTBlottTr."- 'I'llH UMllCllf IU.SKD WOUI.U I FOIt.M TIIK I 'I'l'iiveliuil 'Public tlml thu Wniliiiijtln V.vsojl Itoad fruin Poi-tlttud noil Vancouver to the Upper Ciucmlos is well beiny kept In good tiavuling order lor whjiis mid stock. " K. C. II thltv, llallw Jnn. Uth 1SC5: . JanlUC ' Cole Propriclor r . : KOTICK. ' .-" -TT' TJ- I1KHF.I1Y AY A UN AIX I'KIISO.N'S from contrnrtlng JL r iiu.vinir uiiytiuinnviimcvcr 110,11 r . M (iU.TS, whereby 1 will have been thonzht bv the luiblic resnoie sihlu, at rem not, nnii will 1 hold mys If respoimiblu for nny-111 hhiii r. ji. iviiiiix s iurs. . 11 . r . Ator FAX VtwativllK (iRint.Co.. Nov. 8. iM. ftiiii-nMt) . - .1. F. ClrlUlll plaintiff, vs. I-aae .IrlliiiiiRi. ilef. lnlant. Action to rvcovcr in ney, hi County. Court uf the .Statu of Oi'eiroti I'oi Union C.uintv. rrpi) ISAAC JilNNINllVDcTenUntt Tn tho naino ol jd. the .-stiita 01 Oregon you ar.i nercnv siiiuniuiieu und rciiuiitd to upiicnr nun uiu-wcr I lalniifT eo-uplaint now on ll e In the Clerk's uill -u In sil I Court, altur ser vice hereof iiuon you by pub icttion for sii weelt-i In the Vi:KKi.y,M')tXtij.-i:na, tin by order of Mid Court, or ju ltiieu't f.ir.w.iit thuruof will hi tilten iriiuit you, uad imI-ii.1 von a 1 an oar 1111I answer s ii I c i.iipl.ilut, the Plaint IT wilt taks Jiil jmoiit ii:tiiiiHt you for the sum of $15). toeilioi-with iho eoit an I dUburii3mt.ut.4 of this Milan. Hy n.der uf J. P. Aravrsliigar .County JuTe of liuini. county, M. u.vivtu, All y lr p:aiutiir. U. 8.. Ilev. Stamp) uOcouts. JaiiSOw huuiitiuuS. Ilwirv Tiv-ter A John lliley, lilaintifT-i, vsi TsAao Jen riliix-i. Action to reeovur mniioy in dimly C uu t ot Iho Statu of Oregon, fo Union County. piM) 13AA0 JKNNIX'JS, DKKKNDANT: In thouamo . JJ. uf tne ntutu 01 urujfon, you ir.rn uuruuy suiniiioiie,i and required tu appear and answer the 0 iiuplntut of tin l'l iiutilfi, nor 011 Hlulii thuClo.-k a olllo'e. in said Court, lillor service horo'.iy up in you by publication for alx weeks In tho Vsaait Mn.-NTVtsar.il. ni by order of snbl Court, or Jndti inont for want tboreor will be taken against you : and unless you aonppu ir mid uniwur a-ild coiiitilniut, tho Plaintiffa will tak ju b-mont agilnut you (tr tha auai of$i'iO, tognthor with tha costs and dishurscnionta of this action. It- ardor of J.' i. ArijeiMlngcr, County JiH'o or Union County. .. " i 1 ,nmm , . 11 ,i,ir 1111 I n',. f .-nluintifTj,.. .. LINCOLN HOUSE, .. Corner Washington and Front Streets, ' ' V JUTLAND, OllEUO.N. ' 5,TTtST-CI..RS IIOTHf,. Chinees lteasouabh. 1 LAitnesriN TIIK STATU AN OMMIIII will atteii.l nil tho Dual and conrov PasRentferii mid their balo to tho llousa Fruu ol Ltiargu, or to nny other House in tho Cirv tor M) coins. , CJFFIN', Proprietor. P. S II IT AM) C3LT) BATHS In tlio.ll .ine. 1 All tha Htui'ilors fir Oroiroil City. Vniic-onvor, Moutl cello and Astirla l.m I at thu L!uculn I'louso Wliarf. repliym' - - - IA RST: LW H it E'S 7 UEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, V:ss5iIit?ton street. HAVING KKWr.Y FITTED UP TflKOAI.r.KRYoror Ili'tnar's Store,, would rcspectlully nnnouiice to nil thuso w ishing l'liotosrnplis, Carts do VIsltc, Ac, that thoy will do ivoll tojrlro hor a call. Purtlcnhir ai tcnllon paid tu ia'iing Lai as and Chl'dron'a 1'uturoa, i oc!l:tf,: . ... Dissolution of o-lartiierii3i. rwllr! 0 Vl'AnTVKUSIIIP hornt.ir.irH .xlstlm under il the 11,'imo mnl style of ItOUIllMS, McFAIU.AND h CO., Is this day diss lived by iiiutiiil consent. All lia. billtles of said Arm to t paid hy llobhlna A Weaver, uid all debts duo said ftrip to ba paid o and collected by thoni. .. .... '.' J, Hi K0II1IINS. . I (, V ' 11': C.McFAUI.ANU. Dallra, Jnn. 5, 18tW - ' 0. W-VkAVFJI. -ill '"s.o,,yirM--.) tttl'i ylll I'l'-nie call und " Pnn- r.K.i tBj.jpu.mrTtt DAILY MOUNTAIHEEli 3:. nh ;--'''-:-' ' I'OVVEU PH1CKB BOOK & JOB PRINTING GFF.uE. Fiit Ktreet, bctv.cn Jluiu ami H PALL ES OH ICO OX. JOB PRINT! NO OF ETVFHY VARIETY l'..xt'tutMl with ticcurary atnl d;pui:i?h . II A S'lYlsK THAT M IM, CuM K F A VOlt AHI.T 1 . with tlie very Iu-hC nn AT HAIIS A3 CHEAP AS IKS CHEAPEST TO Cl.JUH : V a v ! h pi si ! ES i ! js (i i . CHUCKS. DRAFTS. lLVKU'TS, .OSTKUS AKD rROGKsUISlES ' FiP. ' ' :" THEATRES CCNCERTS EXHI3!T!0fv3 fc.'. rfr.,- k ' itc. pa:NTi:n i. tub most atthactive va.m.h. ai.!;o, WAr-uiii.s. HiLlJoF FA h' K. . .-' . ! - -. LKTIKU HFAflX. HtCMWTVOOKS. ' - BILLS LADKiO, STrscfs aEnJ IP.tiEspIiU'i!!, . riSlTISe, WKDMKQ AND "AT UOUK" CAJtOM In short, everything that can be done in 11 Pool; nnd.ToH I'rlntiiit! oriiris from tlio tnmllest mid most !tlii'iiieC:n.t or Ci.vulnr. to the Inieest s ale is 1: si lnu6t ihowy 1'i.slint- Ittll iiml which will be tinned 11M ill 11 t.tyle tlial iiii.aot fail to iriMiro entire ciitisfnctien. Ota rACILITItS ll'll TIIK HJECtJTKI.V IT JECOFIATIVE PRINTING 1.. .t 4 v. :..! n. .1.. ci. ...1,.. 1 tl.ii Such as Fancy Posticff ' Eills! Jtoiii ft Pintle PMfft to Hie l.tuueul iiHiiiiin.Di, OA'AvUAiVVviA SHOW CAliUS. 11 lih L MLJiH1 LA: LLP. ti Aic tmsufpused liy tliore ot hiiv i1)ht eFtnl lifiiii.ci.l i.H UlCKOO. W C (lUYOlO SpOCilil llttt lttloit tu til IB Il 4a uf iivQ and well uptiuintt'il tidi-ortiiiciil ul n.Httii.ti, . NEW TYPES, BJRDEP.S, GRW AMENTS. d.c. (Ce O.Y., ' Ot tlio moflt modorn inil elnlmrute tleitins. Our stock u FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC-, Aru of the ilneht minUty. ntitl fur richncHS of color hi d iluniliility. VKuuut bi- eipinttt In the Stule. The iiimciiil j t;i uii whwtt bimm tw i neitej i:r tiii ck- iiiiuitShinuiit is, una jirrHuiiR uiii conum inrir own mifi m uy luviirdiiii; tieir crelt in to .mm ou.cu iii uithii. tliuir tnutit!)' c;iti lie uxptinled to tho Ik at ai.vtitKtifiCa 'i" LIMK tMU WU PHIivIl IUI III WlalK til Uil J I IK 1 nip , UV.VIT rtnisijiiiililu cimrK n, to call and exmuiuo Hi eciiiiCLS, tti.d jude for yuiii:'elve. wiMleiM (10 m t Sic apper ( ounlry h ill litive our stieriul cure, una irtcrus irotn tne iiueru r amy rcty upon Imvin thoir urdern tilled promptly, iui v. t HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED hORDOM POWtRfRESS In the Kttite of Ormori ! . Address: 1 . . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE nilS-tf - Jinlles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOONl COUXfilt VAtV.TtT AND SECOND STIIEKTS, DALLlCSOUliOON.- npiIB USUBKFKINRU, HAvT.Nri IlKMOVKD FllOM il 'iin;"UI.I.I.A UMO.N" tiKI,i,AlU INTO,- CJtitt; JSuw . lJuiUlIiig1,, ... IleK to Inform the public thii.t the- ure prepared to serve Iheir custoluers with the best .' Wines, Liquors ami Cigrar, THU MAllKi:l' At'l'OltDS. ALSO, A Every day mid cvoun. . - -EMtli 8CIH"TZ,' dcc?-lf . ... l'ri.Hii;tor. l'Iaicl V001l laimbei. CARRIAGE HMD VAS3M MATER'ALS WK mil TO CALL ATTftNTION of (.'nn injto 31 nil uliiclurcM iiml Ucitler-0 to the Lavo und Cuut pletu iMfftHUiifUtot OAltltlAUKniid M AdON MATK1U AL8 vb iiio.c t.Htiiiitly lwelving from tho Kuft, nijoctiilly wlcctod fur the Cilitiuiita inttrltot. coinjifirtiii, 0;iUt Hickory, mid Second t.i'nwtli AhIi riimk, llickmy AxlitM, Wkhii INdci. Hubs, .iiuUc,h, Jr'clluin, l..m, y Im.U, ic. A wliiili- wp other iM tl:e lowest O1M1 I'llfs H. Crdei-ri nddiOHBed to oui'Iiouki will rocolve pro nip attention. ... N. W. ltUA(K) & CO.. JuXo:uUi. 20 it 31 Ruttcrv Street. Kan Kruticico, - Rud 17 li) aSuvuntli S'troct titicrainciitu. C. Watrtuiocsk, 11. W. Uraou A Co., J. W. IiVjfTi: Sun Franc iik-o. 8;vcnvnioiito. - Now York 3NT 13 W IT 133 VRSE! 'UIK UNDmiSIGNliD UKUSTO 1NKUIIM THE CIT ii. Ikciis of the Dalles und vicinity that he has received riX.iT unAiiari, unu win , t on abort notice. This la thu tlr .t, und ut present, only, lieurau In the city. ' ' '.. " I. M. RVAN8 Kkliea, Muy 19, 18U. , .1 j m 1 iiy:20,tl. ' , 1 , ; c.. is. uiiocjitw, jx. v Offlcc-At X)r.. CralaV Drug f?to-. ' ' ntTT.vg nrtrnnv