4" itccr. -4 ' i I.' n i Twn 1'riiiiys in t;ik Fi ict.u. - ...... I'isoo. Prinnali" (7ir.;iV sa)-! tlint liy n. iri- ; vnte lciler from Now York we Km n tli:it oil I c npiioiun-i'o of our ( timurniii Mrs II. A. IVrry on tSR' Mage sli o rJH-ivcd it ii tiiiinia limi from the oilier Mrs II. A. Perry, wlio t-iaim to lie Hie oulv lino a nil original .Mr II. A. Perry nud t uses hi-r right tollml title ! on tlie assertion Unit II. A. Perry was nulled ti her in tlie holy liomlj of wedlock before he I ft for -California, to the effect III t if lisa Allies Lai d per'sUted in using t lie ti me of " Mr-. II. A. Perry,", r In-, the only orig- i ial Mr. . II. A. PlT y, would serve nil in junction on her to restrain her from thus ns DiiniitiL' u lillc which ln-1 -Hired to I. it alone. A kcmsrr of persons arrived in this lace, from Umatilla yesterday, I'oniinir 'hronirli in l!irc-e days. Most ol llieni crnie down to the i.'f-lmrricr, thirty miles 'In-low" U nnli la, in a f c!r ouor, mid from theve m do their jvay down overland. 1 he imprc3-ion exists ntming tliesc t nvele s iliat the i e will not po out of the upper section of the river until there i) n great rise of water. At the hea l of the liarr'u-r the water's bneke I up some 111 rty fi-ct in perpendicular heights, ami there is omo speculation upon the probable result tl" tho ieo suddenly breaking a way, nnd the rush of this vast volume of water t'oiinqtieul uoii it. Tiik Gold Hill Kiwi s y3 that ti run 1 1t e i:i 11 o' lhe Gould k Cur y Company, it re ( iir.es 3 J eords of" wood per day, and for the Machinery of tha company nt tho Banner huft, six coids, making 30 cords, or about 3,0110 cords per yen-. It estimates tho nv. -ragc cost to bo $15 making a consumption I'jr tlii- company of $.'(10,00(1 worth of fuel in each yenr. Ppon ill s basis i' estimates the q utility of fuel consumed by tho mines Hud mills at 200,(11111 cords per iiuuum, (.re nting an expense of $3,01)0,000. . . A mnv nnoul four weeks old was found on n door-." if p In Wuterport, Conn., recently. The followtun; directions were found pinned lo ilin child'! clothing : "Give him. cow's milk oiie-linl' water, mil n ka'poniifu! of lirnndy lo one gill of food." . A bottle of lirn ii-l v, h qninlily of medicine, nnd n pail of R'igflr ni left with ihis youngster In bis Hist tcp in lire. Tim celebrate mcehanicHl duck of Van p.tnami is now b -ing exhibited in tlie Rue de 1'arU, at Il4v're, in a. small musemn wliicli (.ikes its n une from tlint i'liisirious mechnn- ieim. Tne bird, standing on' n sort ol box, rlinkei its wings, eats, drinks. And imitates nature so ticeum'ely Unit one day n dog flew nl it, wiihiiut, however, doing any mUchR'f. Gbauga county, Ol lo, is probably t'ie greatest c!ices emporium in tbo world. Tlie Olnirdon Dnnociat says thnt the factory of Messrs. Dii'ilong & Stolios, at thnt place, re epives tha mi k of one thousand cqivs, nnd manufactures .from it a' toil of ihecso pc-r (lay. r .1'oa the week ending the Otli of December 1805, $1,500,01)0 of treasu c whs received nt L'. 17 -t r ... ii' i . 17,1111 r nunriseo; uvrr one. in iiion oi MS ntniiiiit was from the " Nor liern Con t,' which incaiia from this par of tho country. 'The returned profits of the national batiks fur tbo quarter end-ng the first of October Tub damage to tho Five Mile Creek bridge by the lto froslict, is thoroughly repaired Important Ixvbntiuv. The Western Mor ninj Keic-i, of Plymouth, Englan l, states that Mr. Gil c, electrician lias discovered a pro cess by which powder can I o rendered noTn ' t'xpln ive, nnd its combust ble properties ri- toreU when rcniiircd. llio discovery no . testes every clement i f an important and jir.Mieal invention. Tho process is simple una eitucnve. it cannot nil ire tuc nowdu Tho ' Osl is very small, and it Ims t'o ndvan t.ige oi being rcH'ii y nnp icd.' In Cvc min tites ii barrel of powder can be made non eiplos ve, nud in another five minutes it can be r - torcd to its or g nnl condition. We . Imve seen powder subjected to this process and stirred with n red lint poker without explosion. If a shell burst in n store filled ' with th- preparod powder, it would not fi o it, - The process can be readily implied to 1'iroro or em ll qnntititie , and 1 Uocj not rc - q ure any eninUersomo apparatus. I ho in yention will tolve the sorinus diilicu tr which has b--'cn felt ns tu the t-tnrage of powder in time 6f reace, and in w;ir' f will overt the d tigt-r' wh eh e-ilso-' from 'lie' ne' ' cessiiy nl '''iuYT J'liJiIir. nrlfl' ' 1 -c- FRANKLIN MAHXET. CDllXKll 0FSKC0ND AND WASHINGTON STIIEET.3 t'AU-ES, -01! EG OK, rOIIN KPP1NGF.I. Iroprii-tor rSVIR IlNDnllfiriNBD Imv'ne tilted up tlio -"'v-Sb nl.-ve Market in I lie UK T rf(-lf STY LB, will keep tonal. mt- vh mi l.v un Intitd till S'Jl'tO of I'i-ckEi anl Cured Me;ls. Of tlie b.n.1 quality furnished :it the LOWEST 1IATK molto Is tit ' PLKASB AM'-" . JP'V ill do well tu call :n thu Franklin Market. JOHN KITINUKR. - Iliilk'n, Fulira iry 13t!i. 18(13. li A I J B X ti T X If I A SS ii HT cnr.xr.it or CO'Jr.T AD HKCOMI ST II RKTS. TtAI.I.KS, ORKGO.N JOHN MICnSLBACH, Piopriotor. rnnHinilll.v nil liniul llll lid rario- jwvHMuliun that the iimi k-t cuu iiiusiuly nlliir'l. uf . nml alwii.vK uf tin b st qitatltv. - FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAM30ATS eiiiplb'- on rt-anumiMo termt. The tnnli'1'fili.'iieii In iiIwiivm iiri'imri'il to rnv tlie liisrli cut I'liuli piiii' In- FAT (1.1'lTI.K. I'lirtli'M linvinu ft.irk in ictio'l I'uiiillilou. uitt rt'iuodti'il to cull on htm U-'m-r Soln;i'l-Al,iri?. JOHN J11C1II.I.I1AOII. HiiUm, M:ucli.Hst.tSr.S. lllllUltl' JZITm vX"I77 J. GOK'!".. Diillis. v. KOx.Niosiinr.nr.R. " fan Fiillicitfeo. T. GOIQTZ Ac CO., TOBACCONISTS, . Have rriaoved to " Rudio's New Stono Building, WinihiiiKtoii fitrotit. Hour l-'retii'li A Giiiiiturs. ruJ have opuiir-il a ivoll-nsnurritil Htork ol' 1 1 A A A nml nmiKTn; KUAira, VIlllilNIA ni.il HKC'i'KU.V T IUAUCJ, HIKNOII m l SVOt'Ull bNL'Vl'. MKKI1.-CIIAUM nud other l'tl'KS, l'blVIMI CAIIIIS, fil'llltTINIl 0 nUf, INDIAN llll'l t'A CY GOODS, to., 4i Tho tnulo mtpplii-il at I.UWKSI' J1AKKKT PRICKS. boot AMt aa t&aa mtouk AS ni-IOVKD INS KOOT AM) I &1MKP. tn thu btiililinir n M.ilti street. Hourly omiut'iio nitMix h ihul wiiero lit h:n just ruiteivuil, tltrect fruHi Nu KriitfiHi'ti. an uu nsuiilly tinu im J wull st-lectea tch of HOOTS ANO SHOES, of tho very liest quality nmi Intent ntylen EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET tiiclwlliiR th- ili'hrnti!il KNOI.lail IIUNTINO 8IMH miiiili'liiri,il lij- Ihaikcrl. Alno. n lurfcc niunrtinenl of I.a!los' and ( hil4lrcsiH CaiicrN, Or the Inloiit Slylcn. Iimt recrlvoil frum the beat Phil adelphia maker. Also, n very lari;o nanurt men. of . FINE DRESS BOOTS. fk'iitlnmeii ho prefi-r to have their I..ot or Slmm mnde to onler, vau rely iipua olitnlnini; a neat nml eaj ui. c. i, iiii.,iA.. niniii sirofi. netotl Ulipoiito MooJy'a Uall. ' NOTICE TO FARMERS. HvHK ntlit.HS LUllllHIt AND M-VNUKACTUUINO X . UJitrA.n v luw I'oix'atlyiliiclicd - li'LOUlUNG MILL lo llielr Sti-nm Simli nml Dunr Vnpturr. In tlil. Pilv. nml me now pruparud toCUDl" IfBBO. GlIIN D WIIKATiuid CORN, nail wmniiit t - irive tlio best atinl'actioti. On hnnil constantly nnd fornule FXTKA FAMILY VIlIJR, BI.Ca.NDSOIt MIDDLINGS, lilt A N AND SU(.)IIT-4, CH IP KKUD, CUICKKN rutin. Also, a Suporlor article of CJIIN Mti.lL, from new uorn. The hlahcst niAikot prico pnlj for WIIKAT. COUNa BAULKY. ,. , II. A, JIOUUK, Am-it. Dulles, Nov. 2, 18(15. . ,; , i,atl'. AUCTIOX AND COMMISSION. JOHN V I I A SI S , A.XJOTIOTSIEKR, Xo. lOO.MaiiiSlreet, Dalles (i(y n-HriLl ATTBXD TO TUB SKLLIXO AT AUCTION S V ol (leiiernl MerchainliHo; Heal Kstnto. Grorerl , iioi-uvi-,now nnu seuiaui tutu c urniiuro. SftocKn, Ac, Ae. SU'gular SaJen Day Saturday. - Ont-ilnor and Sparinl Sales attendel to In any part of uiu v,n,v. Liberal Advances made on Conslgumoiits niacin. J-IIIN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer, - I.UPORTBIt AND JOBIir.Il OK FRONT STREET. Portlnud, - - - -Oregon "HFPKItS fOlt SALE A VKItT LA HQ K ASSORT incut 01 , ' . Ilraixtiea, ' Liquors,' . . J. Case Goods, . &c, &c, &c. r Tha Tra-lo lit pirtlrnlnrly Invited lo examine my i-h oeuirv purenaaniK eisewillTl. 11 J OSEPII 12 LI? 12LT, i .! ' - Knmi'JIAU t!(D MTAlt DIAU1 I.V r-icy & Staple Drj Goods, CL THING. BOOTS AND SHOES JtWlf 1 I .! ! Isaac K. Ili.orn. C. ?. Muxkr. Siiu l-'riiiic'.iico. f tu. ScUAMiiAcitF.n, Hullo. y; HOLES ALE GJ- 1 O o ij: 15.. AND DKAI.KKS IN Wines fc 1 jiquors, Anl Iinportcr.-i nml Jol.ltpr. of CLOTPIING ISoots A; Shoes. - . miunhcls. etc., etc., etc. ASSiVY OlICTC. WK II .WE AN' ASSAY OFK10K INfONNKCTtON wl'lioiir liii4inc!4H. muter the entire iiurvhloi ot'Mr. Milli'r. Wi- make ivttinn tn ltitm in n'x lumr-j Wc irniiriuiti'O u 11 our ' AumivH ii'tul ,n v thu 1 1 TO I i KS'I CAPII l'KIO;'. far Burn. Wo illlii iity the UilloH Cusli Trice fur Gobi bust. dwii, Mii.i.nn r y, ni.vdtf Cor. Main nnil W-o-liiii.'l.ili Mi t IVillpa, .T. V. FOIMJES' FAMILY GROCIDRY, FRUIT AND Ti'oviion Store. couxmt ok WAsiiisor in a shciind ethit?. CONSTANTLY ON II WD the rliolvent aitlea'S ol FKKSIl llJlTMIt, KtfU-Lna.l every vniiety of 1? A3IILY C i I J. C) C 1'Z It I ICS, KUTS, C.IKOJKS, (5c, .Jr., M liolesalo a-i.l ltotuil, iU KeJncol Pi'lcos FJll CASH. Also, ilealer In of all kla Is, n-ul will di a General (lommhslon Business. Nil tliM'guii fur St-irur" o:i ll tut nuU ou Cuintni-finn, rucfi'd!" of iJtia nmit c I prun.itly. JulGil' MILLINERY AN!) DlUi JS MAKING. IHSO'ItOIIIIKKDKSIltKSTOINKGIIM the L'lilies of Dnlles anil vicinity, tint hhe hiui jasi recciveil a IVu-sli nupply of lii3li!onallo Goods, The Intent I Kris. Now York anil San Frnneisro stvlei nr IMNNKTS. II IT.-t. Illltll IN-, LAGI, FKATII BUS. FLOW KUS. Ac. A fall nil'l u ell-si'lecte I iissin tnlcnl of Ladies' Heady-Hade (narmctils. Also, a FiuliUiuiihle nssortment of DflESS TRIM MINGS!' STAMPING fur HinhroMervnml Rralilfnti. PINKING ddiii' nt rliort tiotlie. IIONN KI'S llleneliiil un I I'ressi-J in the latest style. A iaro iissoitnient of CUHilrcirsN KcaJy-Maito Clothing. Constantly on liand. Ilnviiii fccnroil tlio urrleca of n First CJn-s Dvnss Mnker. I inn pri'imreil to rut ami lit Ladle' nml (Hill'lion's DIIKriSKS nml CLOAKS. TlllilD STIIBBl', one snuiro cast of tho Cntliolle Cluireh. oc'Jli.'liu. M1JS-S. JLilClSSlilK'!" FRENCH MILLINERY ST035E, AND ; Dress Haltii,? ItnbllKJinicnt, Opposite Coliu fc Ilolim's, . 5 WOULD CVI.I. TUB f Tf BNTION of tlio Lnilles 0 the Dnllei to my lur e na I flu; stuck of FLOWERS, EM30li)ERY, noruiVErs, n its, fimtiiurs, Dress Ti-I ni in 1111. &o. Ilnvlna secured lhe soi-vlcm of MIIP. FltAItV. In tlie Dress xakiiurnni tmeut, we will I'onll ivoik in thnt line ami i;ii--irantee perfect sntisfnctlun. in i.mj none in nil Cillers. Give mo nn early call nml I will enilenvor 10 suit everyholy In TASTM an-l at tlBASON AULB 1MICK3. r ii'iicuiar atieatioi.' pant to Embroidery aud Braiding Stamping, - TO TEAMSTERS AND.. DAIRYMEN! FJSED! irjIsJTir)!! BRAN,. ; .-'SHORTS,'', ; GRAIN, AND OF ALL KINDS, FOU SAB BY It. II. LAW 95 Front Street, Porllnml, Opposite O. B. N. Wiireliuusc. n19:lf. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. X. BOOTH.... ..IIAIIHT X-VISON. UOOTII & IV UVISON, Forwarding ami Commission MeVcIiauta AND DELBI1S IN OBNEItAT lIlilibllAN'DISB, ' White UIuIIh, W. T, FJlRKKillT FOrt rOLVII.LH. TPPKIt OH.UM11IA. IP KO ITKNAI and BLAUKFOOT MINKS promptly torwardi'il. . ' Mark O jodjll. N White Dliiffs, W. T, - ' ' 1 . n'Wcsdt. ' ' ' '. '.'.'' rorntxn niclianln A MeCmkrn, Alios' A Lewi, nd . " ' llnde k t'alilf, . ........... . DilLsj Dlocli, Mliler 4 C Vroncli e.ilinnn, JnJ'.l WALBROS nUOS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Plain Street, linuec, uitfron. ;n; now orrppT rtjn nky two ptoky fikii r uronf Stiine Imihlliii:. onniistto Dloeli. Miller ft- Co.. ami nfTer to the pnhlic n full nml eiiliiitlete slm'k of I.iiui:r. Uleiliciuos ami t'lu-ntirnlc. coiirL-Iiii Hi pnrt ol Kl'llOPKNK. LAMP WI0K3 A CU1-MNKYS XUlt PF.NTINK, 110PP. ' AI.IXHIDL, SACK.- ATI DP, - . SI'IINOFS. LINPt-'V.D, LHITIIKP, LA II I). L'OKKP. i ' CA-TOIt AND INDKIO AND NKATS100T Oil, I.ANI'HLACK. .TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. AXD PAT1CNT MKniCIJCS. Our stock of FANCY G011) 1 a of tlio flnest ami tiesl qunlity; new styh k i-iul large iissortnie'nls, such an LUIIIN'IS PBIIFUKKIIY. II A I It. H'HIN-STiiILLT8jAP, KLKFH, POMADKS. UIIAVINO, 0 IPM H'l'ICS, II A T. , IIAIU 011.8. - CL0TH"S. C'OLI GNU, TOOTH AND FASMFOAPSAND , NA'L HI;L'S1IFS T lOTII l'jWDKUS, . AND COMUP. PTJan WITTF1F1 A-MTl T.TnTTftR.e: For Mi-tlii'iunl pui'iioses. Our fnrllltles fur hn.vlnp: (roods ore sernnrl to nene In tho Flute, nml uo shall nt all tlmeasell ut a small ad vnu o from cost . liendv sales nml small prollts. l'HYSIt'I.iS' niESCUUTIOxXS Carefully cninpimmU-d nt all hours of lhe Uuy and nicht. WINTER ARW A-NCEMENT. ' 'Jfem& iSSi LfK i'SiSKr?.--' E52cai5sJ3 rJssniszlit , - ON AND AF1 EU MONDAY, K0VEMI1KH 13tli nnli ' further notice, ; . ' . .; ' Tho Passoiigcr Train to connect Willi Bteamers ' FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA : Will Hart from lira It. P.. DEPOT DAI.LKS CITY, om 4iaodAyw VVt1""a,J "" Fiiai,.t TUB STEAMKK3 ' ' "ONEONTA" or "IDAHO,"' ; CAPT. J. MoNULTY M..CoininnnOer, Will leave DALLUS, DAILY. (Snmliiv. ceptnllnl i oVIm-k. A. M..counociii. by the CASCADE 1IAIL110AD. wllh the stennier . " NEW WORLD ' cr " CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF ..Conimnnder, ' fi.Pnrtlan... M H. BIIADFOIID. . "alien. Nov 13. TSr6. fnl.'tf JA:eiiU). S. N. Co. i i E m ova GATES Ac OITAPIIV, WHOLES.! LB 4 II F.TA II, . DRUGGISTS, lluvo llentoreJ to RiDin'.s s io t: HMLnivG WASHINGTON ST ll BET, DALLKS. WIJEUI! ! will oontlnne to sell articles tmmllr kept ill n FlM-nlnss Dm-.' Store, nt !i) ear cent tVM Til AS ANY StpilE IN TUB CITY. Our ..i.atd. 1.. ....... ..f. v Pntent Meillclnes, ' ' KMrncts, Sponues, Trusses, r.r.ieei", , rnlnts. Ynrnlbl-es, '.' i(0il. :. Turo Witi-n nml Drnnily, I'nncy A Coiiiiu.iu Soan. llnlr Ilrnshen (.'oi ks. Ai lils. ' : Tontli Powder, ': .I,-. Ii'.l, Hops, llnliemlnn Toilet Sets, tupnnrltrs. c PHTSKIAXS' l'UESGRIPTIOXS Cnrefully Compniinileil. Clvo ns n cull nml atlsty y or. elves lior.'ro purchasing clBi'whcio. ' "-.L,".y-5j JnlBiJJUSTUf 0ATK8: S V ii It Y IMPO 11 T A. rs X ' Merchants, Famines, Hotels and . JJA.lt.lJOOM::-!. ' DLlUS.KltAKMKIl I1AYIN0 IIOUOIIT TIIK YK. tire Stock of MorchniiHiie m,.l n..,.i. .. Inle llrm ol M . Seller t t'o.. I,. ii,l- -i V.T f9 aildeilofhls mm Importation (while "doing Imsineiw iu Porlluiiill mi Inimeiirin l.trlt n. !!..,-. .. uvbi iiiiiiiuiHciureu ,, Crocker, , GIaimare, I'laled Ware, l.nmps, C liandcllcrs, ' Tabic Cutlery -. LooJtf iig-f,lafleii and All lillldi, of Oils, All oTwliieli lie olTers nt reduced rnlcs. fcrsnns SsV. Ing to hny nnr of the nhove-nientlened articles Twill Id. wel OKle.cnll before pnrel,si,1)r ,,, vTerc. Order, from the Interior promptly attended I to aa -tpsnl. pa. ked to go teciue. Don't tall to cnll on ,n Kudlu'a Stone Building. W.sl,li,Btnii street, r.llc. Dalle.. March 17U,. IBCn.l.m' - ' lUssoiiifloii'iVotice. 'J' rjHBCO-PAItTNF.IIPIlIPI,oreiof,reevI.tlntletefi. 1 A. J.A11KH and B. SCIIUTZ. i.mh r Z fm no , Lnner A Schllt. In the J,rk.wl I. this ,1," , ,. mi veil hy nm n il con-ent. Mr. I.run- linvlnR n,d lit l.in Merest to B. fjehnti who f. Ill enntlnne the , ' his . nwu iioconnt. Ail del,is due the Into fl-ra ivIIIJm paid to J3. cl,ul!, who will eeltlc Ml UnUlltlm Pnlles. Deiv 1st., im, ' y'gcHUTT at the old stand ready to dit,,ou 1,1. "Choe. VCZl " ' ' ' ,B. ECI1UTF.. OJssoitjilon Aoticc- rmm fiiim of j. w. JMi.i.KRtcn.lcn.iAi'. Dalle. Cit-v. Ko. ?.i,i it .. ' . J'll'lrll'n. J . TOYS LTOYSTQYS! TOYS T FOIl TOTS ANi tf ivr v