V jpailg Jttoutttahiccr. JIESD.VY MORNING, FEB. 0, 1S30. "'iik number of driiikinjf liuii.-.es in the cily nf San Frnnclscn H placed m three tiiousnnd t till ixlreil n lid twelve, A i.aoy in Cunneeticut Mi i' ilie triUer nnd rune nnr beinz d.owni-d. Wit'i (rt-ent pres. i nce of mind, her first iiiij'iiry wns: "Will l!t water hurt my witerfull ?" (ii!N. r.lnir t lnt (it'n. Cirar.t captured i ne hundred thotjanud bales of cotton nt Vn'ksliiK(r, or Ui -!i not nns tlious.nd were ivcr nccouiited tr.r b Hie Trm-ury ngetils. Majoi G.-nerul Tliun.m, A'ljutniit Omcral ifihe U. S. Army, will shortly r si;n, it is mill, in order to ii'tire to n cotton plantation 1 urehiised by li tin in l.mii.-i ma. A rt!XE of lUinnel shirt wn3 taken from the lungs of n mini, iu Portland, Me., where it hud lieen driven ly ft bullet fit the sccoud t.ntttu of Hull Hun. Tub br djics on the Uuckle & Thoniiu TJond ilown the Umatilla, are nil safe j the fres ft li ivin.' done that valuable publiccoiiveiiiciico i;0 injury n hntevcr. NuT single jhtsoii , it is siat' d, bus brcn Killed by n rnilnad accident in the 0 'rrnnn Unites iinre the origin of that niodii of tim-t-1 itifr. Poor country Hint for coroners und i.tidertnlu'rs. Xkw 0 ILK4S papers enj" that never before v.is' there so heavy a demand in that city ni i.ow for all kinds of mechanics; many rnr I enters can earn eight dollars a day as journeymen. Tiik Clii'niro nnd K ick Island railroad ling r.ilVred $j fi(M 000 for Iho Mis.M.-s'ppi and Jfi-fouri ruilroid, which is Hie extension of t lie P.ut'k Inland, road west of the Mississippi liver. To comniii tiiuider quiet')', till n lrtdy that (he his a pretty foot. She will I lieu wear n mull, thin shoe, go out in the wet, cnUh cold. e.nd i o'd will bring on a fever, and she will nie ih a very short lime. TltttiiB were 23 U0 I persons on tho scales at the It istnn Mcelmnical Fair. Tho average VeUht of men was 14lJ pounds; the avenge weight of women wm pouuds. Tim 1 irgest man weighed ahoul 293. pouls. The largest woman 274 jniunds. A CGXTLF.si.vN just down from White lllu(Ts states that the Columb a Rhcr it frozen ncross nt that point. Tho we a her ha been i older there during ths winter than nt Iho I'aliea, but the f.ill of snow considerably le'ss. : . ' . ( CoN?tntnAiiL(! excitement exists at Danvere M iss,, o mm quenl upon tho discovery in their ronl bins, by i number of Inmilies, of several torpedoes, A Mrs. Lord discovered tho first i no, by its explosion in her range, which burst with t rrific fnrve. IIuw they got inio the bins Is lht pn SfBt misterr. A fit '1ST in Rouen has 'nlely been sen tenced to three months imprisonment " f ir i itrodueinp polili -al sentiments in one of his i i rmo'is." In f omo portions of the United Sillies he jronld be in bad intor fur preaching t t doctrines of the Christian religiou, j ure rnrt simple. ,Tvlll C. Fiikh INT, In speaking of Iho facility with which fortunes are m ido. remarked thai vhen lie bought the grant of Las Maripo.-ns 1 e was not worth n dollar.' Since then he bad managed to get two millions of dulbtis ' i't d bt, thus raaking thrvl much money while ia California. Miss Adah Isaacs .Mention wns recently thrown from (1 Uorae (it Asllcy's Amphithea tre; in liOtiioa, nnd severely hurt. .In spile M'lur gnfforingA, slio re npn-nred ill half nn I cur after, the nco dent, nud completed her are of U performance.' thS sr-rr'rt i 1 nigrr1 TIIK EAST SIDF, OK TIIK .11 0 1 N T A I N S I Til FIKI.U. 'lhe meeting of tho Uniu-n k'tatc Centra! ("oniinitlce is to take place in a few days nt Salem. Ti is occurn ncc may I e considered the first sle;i in opening the politiinl euro- paigti for 1BCG, nud it has cvok'eJ ronie dis cussion on the probable appnr liniment nf tje leaves and fishes, nnd the honors anil dir. tiilies'of oflico to ihe two great sections of the Stae. It is veyy reasonably u gul that tho candidate for Congress shall conic from this side of the mountains. In putting in n claim of this character, we do not tu:o the argunu nt of a friend of a rominent Oregon polilii inn in 1SG0, who insisted Oregon was. cuti led to tho next President because b 1 1 o had not. yet had one chosen from her con fines. It is upon higher grounds that we rest our da m to the candidate for the honor of representing the State in Congres -. ' Tho legislation necessary to the devo'op mi'iii of our mining resources; the initiation of new mail nnd commercial f.ieili ics nnd the iccngnition of our iclative importance to the balance of the Stte, nil require that we thould share somewh t mure largely ihan heretofore in the spoils of office and the gen eral direction of u Hairs. The Great Willi'. m ettc already has the two Senators, nnd as ons of them is to have n successor i lec ed nc.t fall, we concede that he 6hall come from H e same section. Iu fact, tve I nvc no senatorial stock on hand in this direction; or, if ihere are nny among m calculated to fill n place in the hall made illustrious be having been filled with the utterances of Clay, Calhoun, Webster and that s ylc ol 111 c n , tl.cy nro tit this present writing care fully concealing their lights under n bit3l,tl. It is true that we have some who could cope with the littlo white eye t Sprngtic, of Rhode Island, ruiikcn ilcUougull, of California, or "peanut John Contiess,'1 but they lack the essential impudence to offer themselves for senatorial honors at this time Wb are then for the lack of senatorial material, compelled to be more modest nnd offer ourselves as Congressmen, being con leut to bide our time for the big' or place In L'ongreSfiounl aspirants wc are a treat ninny. Some ure just old enough to be qual ify; others arc too old o be qualified fo anything else, nnd while there is n diversi'y of tnleuts a va iety of measure- of ability several marked distinctions ot 01 iuiou, ihe e is a grout unanimity on the main point the dciiiro to make the tac ' next June. Some one ot the many worthy gentlemen who aro aspiring to the position in question, ou this side of the mountain , should be the nominee of the Union party. Otherwise it would seem ns if .ho Western di irict wns soinewlint voracious, not to say very boggi h about he matter. For the benefit of the uninstrticted in the western section, wc will stute Unit tho tc 1 inj of sectionality up hero is not as strong as'somc of our co-laborers in the Willamette have thought it to be. It ixtcnds, for the present, not far her than a pardonable joil- oitsy ol 0 c gobbling up . stylo of arrange ment which has so far chiinulcrizod Oregon politics. Cntil two years past, it must be allowed that Oregon nud Marion County were almost convertible terms; then the im perial pnrplo fell upon Multnomah County, nnd now we'waut to have a rlired of the sacred gnrmin' given to one of our youthful geniuses It cannot be, In the nature of tlii g?, that there is no genius :;tant except In Marion nnd Aiiiltnomnli; it is pas ing strange I nt tho PiX'otinn mists of tho western d strict are nlonc mado luminous by t ie cor uaca tions of Congressional abilities; it is re markir Ic that such traits should far the first lime bo Iu nliiied in n boundless mtid-holo oveihnng by n vaporous canopy; it is above nil leinarkulilo that there should bo material for eighteen l.'ni ed Sta es Senators i" The Kiupprittm alone, and not even enough for one It lie Con Tessnian oast nr the Cascades It 'tige. In short, wc llinj our banner to thn brcer.o on. this question, nnd uatl it to tho must head lit taking tho candidate from H i' sid.i of It is snid in Sonoma i u the TilR Nevada Trnr.rcript Ey3: thai the Ilnena Vista Yineyard conntv. California, is the largest world. It con is s of tt,0 U acres, with 272, 0 0 vines planted previous to lfl ;5, nnd 700,000 1 1. inted or to lie p nntel this year. Last year th- yield was 42,0 0 pallo sU' s ill wine, C0,t'00 g lions of sparkling wine, an I 12,500 givl ons of brandy. One hundred men nre constantly employed fud rouble that number during t'.e vintage, 1 line nre 8 Out) fruit I fees, and large varieties of grapes. MAR K.ED. In Uiih Cliy, on 'tui'Hit'iy evening, .'ainrtry II Hi, lv HrV.T. l'iillll"l. Sill ltellliKT UlulillVO t" .Ml8 M.llll.'lA. t'AMl hum., till ol IiaHi'H t'ily. ,lniluiii I. n (; I nc omimiiy No. 1 . -- Ki'i:lliiir int'otlnjx 'i ll IS ('fin mIiij ) t.VKMMI. nt u'clvek. i lnw'littll ol iltlucrs la .en ihv:e llii- I'Veuai;. K. M. MOW, fre. Grnnt Hook fit I. nil tier COinpnii', Ko. 1 in. mil X.tIiiii; THIS (illiKilujr) MisMMI. lit V o'clui k, at Ctiajiiii'ii Hull, lor llti' i-ierliim ul ofil.:-i. lly iiiilt'r if tliu I'l-uniilcht. Wnsco Loiter, . 15, t'. A- A. PI IIoliU ils fitniu.t t'laii'iiiinie 'lion- on thii t-'iivt ivml 'tliirit Faliirilayn nf pi:1i nmtitli. nt tlii'ir Inll. ia Dalles City. Jfri-llire'ii in i;im il r-1 iil.ilin ul u ii T.t.'il to atletrrt. t'ETil li. l'oi'E, See'y. Hy onlwr of ilio M. Colnmlila I.r,i1j5r, Ko. 5, I. O. O. F Mppis ivery Frl.Iuy evt'iiin Kt iji nMuek. i.i finlP!.' Hull, riirncr of Srculnl unit INilllt reets. ItriillirlH III muni HtainliiiK are itiTltcil liiiilieinl. liyunter. N. 11. AUCTION SAL.E. I will nt Public Aiicltui) nt lhe CAI.n'OltNlA IIOTKI., nil (be coatints f tl.e eititl liiniro. c jnir-tiuu' nf riiiiilu'iu. MlCICl.f, lU'll-lt'Udrl iubli rtiLglo, l'i:i Mttttin-w, Ctmk Mt.vm. I'avlt luUM, lKkinn (tliw-ca. (Vocheiy. i'.wr liotiiu Fui'tiitiLiu mnl fixtures, I'ill.iWrl, Mhn ili', Lump-, At . Ar Aa tliii ill i r lito I.OI.NO SALE nf thii Ilutel, tmr- .l iHN Wtl.UAM.?. Ancti,.iic-iT. Desirable Keciclence Tor bale. tVI!.I.M;LI- AT ' I'MIi! AUCTION (ukh Subuer (iiapti'il ul' at priruld & le,; mi Tinirs(3;i), Fcbriiiiry 20 at 11 a. m., fun hli-pmt nw r.I.I.IMI IIlt;.-i:. tin- rrolilrnc iiff. 11. Kelly. tiMi., wlli thv llHililiu;aiil Itml iuJ kciii tlipin ti. 'i'tiU .riiiM'ty 1'i.n-mH nf tlie liivi'Uini; -iIkivii (!- rrile I. uatl :tn new ul I.11111I Willi leace. 11ml Tw.i Lots nf l.utiil ivtili Dm liaililiii(;.i tlieruiin. 'iluH niit'rly Is I'l'iiulilully (.liuti'i'il mi ihu Mliill nvpr oukiiin iliucitv, unit In in every way well inltiiliiliil f ir 11 lii iiCi iii ul'i ulileli r. 'i In it? l. h H ivspvl ii; nt Waler ull tliei.ru- iiuaia. i vi III! llll'r I irili u.:u It lanilll I ill J illN WILLIAMS. Aii-tNilirof. f t-1 101 Muin Sli.t. OSK DOLLAR. v ssiJKii'-ts 0x1 Literary and Scientific Lectures &rIrCII law lea iii ciiiiiuiaiiliitina fur nine time. I" Ill'W I'fliillll til II I' l l'l'lilc nf Ihu ILillim. Tin. uibi lici'iare ui nn bmiiH will iu )-iv'jii T4IIS t'S';icsla.v) KVKIfi, nud nne enrli TiiPMlay livening HivrcnftiT. Il'rnu;)! Ilie ri'liesoi 'lulil l.l".:illui. Jlie irncliilH will tie 1 v 1I11I I'l'iwcia iiu' i.uii;ii'i;.'iiniiai uiu iMmlioilist SuUIkii fchnnlH. Tickets for tlic fcurse : Sini;li' Aiitnl-ulnii. I'i!ty ci nls. 1 he ii-ctwv I l.n won K will lie ilellvcreil Ly JaaVo O. li Win U, in 11 ( . riric L'iilii..l ( ii m ti 1.- li'cl m- will Ciimtiii iii o ut i u'el. c k Milit. ct : Mli.VI'AL 1 1'l.'l UltK Tin' I.. Hi wine uentlciiii n urn ixi vciul Iu iIi-IIvlt 1. une iii-ciiiri': lti'v. Dr. lli'iisim. 1'ortliin.lj Jtt't:e Wilnnii, Dallej Hi'V. Iir. All-in. on, ;,v. Mr. Uriter. ' Iti v. Mr. t iiffiey, " l'mf. ltnliiu.l. i Ju lap Hid, L'linyoii City; J. A. I!i!p:, !'hl, Jtcv.l. L'mid 11, " TWMIK I'OLL'.WJNQ COUNTY OltDEIIS will t, paid Hma rriieiiUtion nt inyultleet HViftl Vrnhtered Maivli la, l(ii5 .... April 7, ' 10 in " iu May l:t Juno 'i 11 0 " " 8 " ' tt ' 0 " " 0 0 1 9 " pi ,. V O 4i. , 0 i " 10 '...... 10 ' 10 " " 10 ' " 10 ' 19 1 11 '10 1 ' 10 10 " 1J n m " 21 V !fS . ' 2.1 ' July T rcilfl'lw C'Ium. 4 .4 t 4 ,4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 .; i) fl 6 .0 ft 5 0 & ' & I 5 6 ft II ft 6 6 4 4 4 4 ft A". 873 f54 ft8 ti7 tr.'T 08 to pat SJ '. 4 ft 24 S Ci li 7 Cu ts t 47 a 45 67 on SI WO tltll 78 ' !! 71 In favnr ot, I. Mc Au II11. J. II. Ilarlnril. L. McAtHlin. I.. M. Au.liu, I. . McAu.liu. It. II. U..01I. -C. It. .Vel.-d. .Inlin Calcn. C. II. Mult., II. W. MiU'.ell It. W. ,M tiLell, v. " 11110, It. tV. Cranjall J, 11. Kiirjunl: O. N. TVnn. T. McAiialin. 11 P.T. Tutlill'. T. Me A ml In. )iHait f:vnn4. Clmf. Iliiltiurn. (1. II. Sluncr. 0 W. LttwMin. I'. II. IIKIlh. hUlM AND COMMISSION IT O USE! U. ICO SIAH STREET, D.tU.iX rHM rxi)K!:PTui:r) thankful fok past cell lit PUBLIC AUCTION - OU litlVATE SALK, Rrtil Dlate, General Biroic bundhe, Ciiorci ion, lioi'NOm, I" iirnKsaro. Mofrkx., i-.c. &e. r.EOULAIl SALK DAIS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignment, Anil I'UOMI'Tlttil'U 'Nm d or union. I'nt iloor unit Speri tl Sail ntti nileil to In any iiart t,r Iheeiiy. Titriir cf !iitr?;t's Until Furdicr Notice: lor tfrillnjt Miinlnimliini. tin iter rs, lurnliuro. uvk. i. ft per em'. Fur Spiling It u ci n ml ltril Kulnti' :i ' IIiiimm. Sinll'li. Win k Call In. eiu'li $'' - ' jo rnAiuii; nut PTOitAiit'.. .70ilSI WILLIAMS, A net lamer. 3Ialn zceet. ViMles. Wiiair.i.ti.K in m:TAil di ai.i.ii m CIGARS. TOBACCO, GEUFF. PIPES, &. Aiw.ivs i. svons ins dust diia.vus t T Jgars,. Tobacco, Matchfs, &c. EJI.ATIXfl CAULS. . . , IWKCT C'UTLKilY, I'OUT MilNIK?. CO.MIIS iiml llttU.-II K3. o' nil klnili, , rKM''i;MKllY. nt cvury dudcriiilinii, CHINA OIINAMKNTS TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH IIOilKS anil riSUlN'O TACK LB, MtiSlCAL INS'l'ltL.VUiVIS, FANCY UOilLS. tr. AIkh I'nu ili r.Sliiit. Liail. I'owilpr Klanlin. mkptr. ni ninny citieriuiirles tiH nnineruiis tn mnntinn. fi- InteriiirileilliTK aUKlilli'tl Willi ficinn. TiiLnrrn !- at l8 tliuii I'liiilniiil ericH. witli fielirlit nililid. oc-8 IT. J. T' AI DllON, Ti-eiwnrcr. Tim Chinook wind vvlilelt swelled 1 reeks miiulnir out of Iho northern flotie of Ibo moitntnins t. 6 Uninn lint'.y will null. n .1.0 nine Mottntniut with the writer Trom the '' Kooi nt rM"n,0i,r?eV ho . 1 11 o' iililr hut tin Mf. Fuy, nf Jaeksiirt Ttira .ncltoa fnos two weoks njn, nuo citusca a fl!n Jimao Is souietliing morctlinn he lender f e3h' it. tho Grand I to tide River, which has of the Oregon Pemorrnry ho ia tho r Idirl, -4.nRformfd ''the vnllcy into n lake of- wntcr. nndid e, will bo n tongh tpuo. Vith Uic fKCptlonoflhollo dslntboGmn'l "'n,-l ,f V'.,ion. ' '" ."'" , , ,.. , side, he will l leist enable the party to on- Konrla, the mad to flone In mid- to be -iu-- tri j,3 vn, r lvlilrh l niVIn" yrc ilea li'S !l('FI0, RflOJH (ONK DO.lIt AD3V1S TIIK PJST-OFFICK.) ' 5I.II.V strckt, iiAi i,:;s citi- ., : , , ; t itUUtlcuitlo.mlMof V" 1 ' Real Ene; v:-"1, v-.5. ! i .V..i.-.:. "a fumlliire, ...... Ami Slorlm " Mi..ni.,i.,..,i f....!.... SELLING O IP 1? A T V, OUT. . FOR THIRTY DAYS I.OKGER ! I last oiiArcii:: . MI.FSr.S. TOIIV A Holm wonlil licnliv Infnim tliclr ilMiniinrK nmt Ilie nnblin at Ion, ilinl tlir will eniiilnni' tn Ml AT ('(1ST. fur llilify il-iyn I1.11..T in nnn r in give imp n riinnro to muni) priviiilK r.ir lli llnliitnyn. V'o will mil tliu luilnncu of oar Ktitl: tuh- BlstlliKiif l.i li lllurk Silks, Oenti' Clnnr.. I'.ich l'l'iiliiiB, ' lieivi r Cimtii, Cln-ki. Jjrera fimts, - flniwl. 1'niiin, luy (Kiolii. l inlirnMeiic!"." tluii A f j,. : ltontsi SfluiM. it , Ar., Ac , Ac, . AT SAN rAtlS O COST, Vlllniiit Fri-it nml Exp-ns . 'J'litM will he the Inai cIiiiikv to got Wgnhm. t:-. t cliwtKKlt.coneerii. COHX ft IIOltM. N.ll. All Itlllii miiit be mM hr tk ' First nf .Tmm .r. ISfid. If not wttlnl nilliiu Hint time. Mh- an:e will . piiu'cd iu legal haiuLi. ' ttc lit. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Naln St., Dalles, Oregon. irOUI.D ItKSl'KCTKUI.LY INFilltM II10 clltjons td thin iilntai ami vl- ri" sr. i..nv 11 t rc.? ....,,, in... n.i . iii 1 .mui nrtr irnni pro- leminiail tniir IlirnurJi the uilim lip him nunln renmnel llm pnif-tico of IH'.NTI.S I'ltY. in Die room nn iiKM .i nixniinn ny 111111. m iihi blliilini neriliieil r. ' Wuoil A llalliT. I'll itnciBjib. Aitlttn. nml wljnhilni; Wuf dmn llrn'.' Drop Sinrn. lit tnku thin un tliml ol' li lulini: thiiaka. ror tlic liberal pilromiee liiretntnie pv lululc J to li ni, ami noticiu a cuiiiliiiiniiei- or tlio Biime. 1. 1ST OK Plllt'ltd. . Knllrc Tli'ntiire on Gtolil Itnse fisn (, " I'ppi r Uenlure, (Inlil liuae qo lau " Di'ulurn. Vuli nitlle Ita'e v 70 ( ij' . " I'piii-r lii-lltlire. Viileiiiiile t!iie 35 . t' (tol.l Filllnm in-crti'il rrmn nncihillnr arwnril. Clillilreiw' Tci'tli extmcleil fri'e af rsharui'. nl3-tr M. BROWN &BE0".V WUCiUAlt AXB niETAll BKALKIIS IX FANCY AND KTVA I'lMiJ DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVlJ3iON3. &e, Sir. 5T. ItltOtVN, bloit a resident ol 811 n Frnnetuco. ire ciiihIiIfiI to nfk-r irrent liiUiicnt to purclnui rc. V enperl fully Invite lli public to examine our stork lieK.irt tttirclntflliix iMew liore. tnlu-rr 0-Stoni) Store. nortlrMo Main strnet. Dnllos. -59 NEW SALOOX. KRW 8TOXK STOItE. WASHINCT.IN fSTUEKT. rBIIKUNDKRRlGNHD wrnilil re.piii-trullv nnimu::. H . that ho will open a Arnt cIiikh Siilnnn in F.ruih nilinan'H New Btnno llni 1 .1 1 nn. Til 1 8 KVKMNti, il pmpnrod to aerve eui lumen ulili the Lentof . ViUm, Liquors ami Cigars AW0, A ' .12 IU2 E. XT JS C II !' Krtry day and Evonlug, , ; ; ocistr. . , :.,.-,., jous niyrjLAra!' ' . KSTHAY rVtTItET " I'iWj17-TUB UNOI'I'StOND, livhls'on llgH 4 Mil Oieek. leu Jnllui Siwth o-Dall8 CUy. OrfKcik f Pfr-.m-.i BAYIIOIIBK, 14 1iuk, . hmli, Wliha aAln nn no-ir, (nine milille riinA. white briJT ,fot. Home blm-k apnM nbott ihoonf, t. white lti oil Inrnlii-nil. tirunlrj thn-: O nil M r li fl nlmllliliT. uWti