r 1 3 mm mmh : VOL . o stoics, ortrcciof. TiiKn vy. it::sutjVW v ;. lwou. FliliLiS.-lEl) KVI511Y MORNING, MONDAYS KXCKPTKO,) UV K. Ci. tOW.VE JS. .1. BHlM-Oi&.ilV, KOI lOUS AXU PIlorilJRTIJtt". Tkiims Tivr.nttftli'f.cft:U per week, payable to the carrier per iitout!i. by 'iuail, SI;' throe months. $2 50; six iiiuiitli.t, i ; ) tr, $i, Advoiliaoinouu inserted at luw rates. Job Printing, livery do-crlptinn of plain and i'auoy Job Printing exe Mteil with neatness u:nl despatch,, awl forwarded ud per eoi'ir loimy put ill the co'.utt' jv 1'iymeiti loi Job I 'it nt i7 m'.isl'lf utnile on delivery nj vjurl:. . , ; - UMATILLA HOUSi, DALL.EC, OREGO.'d. El AS LEY feSniXOl'l', ITop'rw. this I" r;;i.tn Haus'c, o nth.ii.lv locatkb, , Near tho S:o.imboat Landiig ft Uritroad Dopot, H.ts bee i recently enlarged am! improved, nud will nuiv licoumijiod.ito' . ' "'. , " li O O Ci TJTE WTS. ' BT WILL OON'DtlCl'KD lu liui otiil'i.io.n a FIKST CoASS JtOU.li. mi 1 (Ihi patronage ol tho t r.kvcl itt iiltili Is roopeelllllly Holirllc . I. . r- , Utf ll-Vi:;; taitou t:ho 11 iUJO free. of charge.. IIjU.'O opcni'l ni,;lit, , . .-'-. ' ' LARG: FIR:-PR10F SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dillm. 0.1. 4 tf. ' ": ' ' . ,. ' " ' ' ' EMPIRE MOTEL, UALX 8TUHBT, DALLES, 0RE00X, TS30.1I AS. S,iraa, Irtrlctor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. I.N th mcmis of nusi.vc.43, Noar tlio Steamboat ,aud .Eailroal LauSinga Superior Aocoiiuuod itlons lor Families and can Ao commodate Oue Hundred and Fiify Uuoats. ' Moubi........i..5U est, . i LoOgtKj;.' ...-.50ctrt. Kiio I'ruyfSiifo forili'iHisltoot valuilbln. f,-iv. Hiinso ;iuu iill aiglil, U isfiS'iBo t iki'n tn thdllouaj fieoirt elwrge.- .'.'' X. 'I'HOil AS UMITU. HlllS-tl . .- - IVupilulu mm AH3 SUMMER 'GOODS. Dalles and Wulln Wnlhv, . DKlHB IN Staple and Fancy Dry Good3 BlinerH'.OvtUls,: '.'.',7'. liooiH and Sliocs, . ' - ClotCiiitK, - j , .Uasi:ul (Japs, Ail full iw'ortmnt of Gonirnl Merclmmliiio.' Iliiyln, our Uooils oxcliuivoly in tlio Sim Fr.maiHco nutrient, mi i lunKiiiif nono but c.iiili puruliitwa, to uiu ounljlnl to I SJ uorcout.cb'jttpor Unumiy utlier Ilimso lit the UnlliV - . OtiHKNUKKY UltOS., . ml-tf U.tllmiuiiil Wnllii Willlit. MOW TO'SAVi-l JflUA'BiV! . CALL AT Tim HEW , . , -. FAiulIy Grocery ftad fru!t Store, ' '- Cunior of Wiwlilusttm ami Scc'nntl Strcoti. ' . fflHB UNDWltSldXBD WI3HK3 TO INFORM TUB A piMplo of tiio U.illud, nuJ tljo public gonemlly, 4lmt liu luw u i.u t(o hiiU wull noloctt'U stock of F4.MIliY GUQCERIES, CAX1MES, A' UTS, ic, Wlilcli hp will sell U'lioluulv anTT ltotail at lMnccil l't'iati for G A XI f. 'AUo. coiuMut'ly olvliitiid tho OlioictMt Articlu or VilKHlI 'IIUTCKli a nl KU'JS. AU etury v.uidly of I'llUlXJ uu I .VHJLVL'.vllLUS lu their sounon l'tirtfns from up the c.uiutry, t'ieliin iii't:itli i ot Ka ami Fruit, by aiui-iln in tlioir. orilera, .will recfivo I u' strictest atteiillbu.aiiil llttvu (liontHUviiiit the L'mctl JUrkel l'ricft. jvlt-trj' 0. f. JBWKI.l.. u. D.iLna . 0. W. .tJtMJS, o. w. a:i3u:b. , AR.MES & DALLAM, lmporter iiitJ JublJore ol WOOD AXO WILLOW WARE, llitUillB?, TKlMt-i, CJitDACIB. la, . , , , .... ' lail Uaiiuhctunm of ' Calif jrnU Pails, Tabs, Brooms, &c. 217 It 219 S icrainuutotree:, botwucu Front ami Davis, fjiin fmiciaco. f , ucll:3Miiltw. JLiVT I LTti M A N"7 ... . L AOEW IN OALirollNIA FO , TILTON & McFARLAND'3, Fire !k Ourglar irooi' Siklcs. y.STEKLLlXHD VAULTS,: . ', WITH . ' - Oom"binticmr ILocl. . S-Cjuluntly ou lnwul a full iwsortinent dr SAKK3. ' ; , ; ..i ,.318.UATTlSltY 8TRKKT, - X. 1. IIAIT, M. B..0ATM. . . . ., JGATES So" .IIAPT Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, . ::. PAI.LKS, OREGON. , ( the -ffafett f WALLA WALLA & DOISE LINE . C.VItllYI.NU THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS - . ANO Wcllf, Faro C'o.'s KxpreKS, Is now unking i'.vnlnr T ri prf from W.'iUit Walla bo IM rurviili.', (Uoino .tiiiK'5.) , Thronli lit T;.v: and n Hair Days Omtiivtui with ttiw Wiillnlu l.tuo uf Stuge.t, mill tit lijutdui' LUe u. ri. IN. Cuiiip'iuy. UK J. l THOMAS A CD., "-"" V'7rToi57; THE PiQNKEU ST A 0 E COMPANY U IU carry , - FAST FK 1 LG I-ITS UMATILt. A. V' AKTKil TllK laitjT Olf .KrlMlllOU; AT TilK i'OLI.JW l.0 UKbUCtiO UAl'Ke: To Itolue Cliy ...15 Ccuts ier iiountl I.l.tim Cliy a J " t. Owylsei! .'.(! ' ' For Ju-m itni'jtiuts tlitu otic liuiulrril poitiuls nn ailitiuu oT i-'ivo Cents pLr poniiil will m L-liiu-uii. TIM lij t'ltOJl U1MATILLA1 To HoiNoOl.y, isayn. To Idaho City ii l-'i SJnys. To ovj io, ft unj'N. IJOSKP.II ri.NlillAJI, A cut. ' Unnnilliu Oct. 1. 1805. oclsitf. And all kiiidi ol iHijtiilnoay ManiiftctuifJ lit Uia OREGON IRON WORKS CUUNhK UV MJlti;lSu. unJ 7'1'tl struuls, l'j)U'rij.(.Vi). " . A.. C. OlliUS 1 CO., Suci oHsors to Porllund, Doe. Oth'Ol. ik-Otf K. L. .Io.ie, A Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND ' 1HLLIAUD KOOM, F. M. HUM, - Proprietor, , , 4 . CORNER OK ; Mktlw und Court Stvots, ap21-tf i Dalles, Oregon. FI1EI), GR.OCER.Y, , ILil 12 13 13,' provision; AND . FliUlT STOItK, Valiin?tnn gtroct, opposito Krcuch ,t (llltiian's. D illcs. 1 Hn.'' on ban I n laro and Wi'll-ttHorttMl stork of GROCERIES .& PROVISIONS, r.OJclveil itnliy. A lurno lot of OIlk'lvl'.N.S alwiiys nn liitii.l. I'RUI W of nil kin Is. 1'KHSH VlSUliTAilUtS oviiry morning. All articles uiiriaiitnl. ;. Give Ho a Call, Everybody I KUlCKsi LOW. . n18:tf J. . , . F. LIKDK. ' BRO., BALDWIN Slain aistl Vnioii Streets, Dalles. J. C. BALDWIN' ' mVJl-tr ' V. V. BALDWIN. va. moaiius. - c. b. umasb. WM, MOABUS &. CO., CITY BAKERY, '. AMD ... r It 0 VIS 1 ON STORE, Oornor of first anil II S'trct. WIIOf.KSAl.K AND I1KTAI I, OKA I.KItS In DRKAD, CRACK BUS ami Kmiilly URDOHItlKS. t)L.Orilersfroiiiaillstaucocarirully lilled nndproniplly iltspatcbeil. l-tl ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, ' Main Street, corner of (Jonrt. OLD MACK. TItH PIOVKBIl 000!t. woul.l nupoct. fully inroriu tlio liublio that he h:n mtvil up tho itbovo Chop House, unit Is pi uparoil to sorvo up MKAL3 anil LUNCH in the lt tj le ami at tho shortest notice. HALLS uii'l rAllTlBSfurulliol w tlr suppers, in Hi bof stylo ami on tho nust re isnualilo terms, OYdTHllS III overy etjlo. l'rivuto ltooins for Lmllos. HOUM n:(hwvr ALL NtGHT , EUJU & UDELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WITX l'lUCTlCK lN'TnK'SUPllKMK ANDOIll cult Courts of Orogou.aml tho District Courts o Wnahiugtou I'orritoty. . ... 1 Particular attouiiou paid to the collodion of claims, ,K I10MA30N ' ' Dallcsj Ojn-. " 4. ItOAKU. Mi liu 4.; fiS ,i 1 ia M A. n , lMI'OHTKr.S AND WIIOLUJALK Dealers in Wines, Liquors .JIucin' CuixIm, float Mores, &c, ' uavk iuoYUD to Tur,ia ' N'tiW STONE BUILDING, ' . coiutER or .... Second and Washiislon StrcetN. DAL E3 CITY, i. TVTOW IN mHK A LAIIOli AND C0MP1.KTK AS xl sortmciit ol the very bcht bruiuis of WIINliiM AND LKJUOUS. Alsi), Mill iiHmirtifitiit of GROCERJES & STAPLE GOODS. ' r Constantly ruceivim: our itipjilies illrtact rr.n New Vutii tit ul Htn Krunebco. wo nru uliiu uml wiIIIiil to mil utHVury snutll mlvunctj mi Sun I'n.iK'hco priros. Tiiey luipo by AKptiii(c h Htrictly ui rtu t uml pnnuiit met Inn) ol iluiujj ljiwiiiL'a,thcy will ruuoivu thepiurmmgu el the pnl.- ItC. . . El'lll tf COLUMBIA EIVERllmEs7 A . It .'booth, WI1ITB DI.UCK8, W. T., ' FORWARDING ANO COMMISSION MERCHAMT, AD UaiBtl PRALKIl 1.1 JIUUC H A-JN D I S E and ; . .. M a E EX N ?. li V V Si B Ei S . PACS AMD 8AB0I.2 E)S3Ei 8A1.K. a.lUKWiri'S .CJN.SUINPD t. my cara for Colvlllo ' liootcuul. or the Upper Coluiubia Aliiies, will ro ci'irc proiupt nituntion, . , , White Ulutrs, uct. 1st, 180 1. oc2tf AND ' ' PltOVISlOIV STORE. 'fill-: ONDKKftlflXVO IX FORMS 1118 FUIKSDS aul 1 Ihu public Keiiei'iii:y, thst ho has Jil't ostiiblisbed ou Main siiuct, next doot to J. J uker. Tobacconist, , A NEW STORE! whero ho kects coimtniitly on hand a hirire nssortment o selected Kit U 1 1. Also, lu store a complete stock olelioke (iltOVKIUE.S. I'liO VISIONS, VUUETMILKSy yCc. All ol' which will be sold, wholesale mid retail, at 111' liUCKD I'ltlOl'.d. Come and see and satisfy yourself. soia-tr John sposri'o. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, All J'.xpctlitiuiirt Cure fur till dlao.isoa uf t ho f4 la x u v l ougans. ailUS pnmipt ami i-ldr,all'.ui Kume.ly fur thd curu IL Olioii u'ius if Ulutit, tfirii'litnii, itiul hirtdiuoa uf the Uintiry PiKiiiH m.nu': li spouly euro iviihuut ttieli'n rt'Htiiciioii to illiM, exp'inui'u or clnuiKu in application biiHlnvrfit; It will ruilicully euro tiny C;u which can be pruilncoJ. Thy ilirto wo li lunmvu-) m Hpuuillly u.i It con ijto:it M'Eth thu prixlitctitiiiit. il llioi-onli uiu) puriimitinit cnt-c. KurihtT. tho iIim';hu eminut bu eotitr icio.1 if tho til'KCIFIC C iMIMUM) iaMkuti wbun uxponuJ, It limrcdiontd ure fniii'l ' vuotuSlo, iuul no injiii'hnis effect, eitlior constitutionally 04- local 13, can bo cuuiiod hy lU use. l'riro Oho I) 'Miir ami Fifty cents per bottle. Seat ly Kx press ciii-oi'iillv p'ickoil. , . II i'iiPL'.OU. SMITH A DI3AM. Acnt. - 4 )1 and 4JJ Bjtu-ry Ktiffl. tor l inv, Jy220m. , n:i fnuioi-eo. U. .U. I! at. i ' ' ' . A, J KAKtt. HILTi' tfe K AN"E; ' WtlOLiSAH A BETAIL DBALB118 IX Groceries, Dry Good3, Liquors I AMD ACrRICULTUllAIi IMPLEMENTS. ' 8T0R.M1H AND r'ORWAHDlNO. 6ooda consigned to us will meet with proper attention ji : - ' ' lfcef eroncoM t ". :i -.i . PORTltND. ' DALLES, . II, W. 'Curlier," RobblusiOo., Ilichiirds h .VIcCrnclcon, W. C. Moody 1 Co., ' . II. Law, 0. Iltiinasou. . Umntill t Landing. Sopt. eth.lSi:). II 'DENTIST, A3 r.BMOVHD HIS OFFICP. OPPO- slto Rlocli, Miller A Ol , whoro he . Is prepared to do all kiuds of DENTAL WORK, In a sldllful and well nnlilii.il m vinor, TMKTII Inserter li'oni ouo to an entire set, ou (l.ild or Rubber Plate. . Prices raiiKO for Rublnr Plato, tiont $ii to $JS J I'oi' Gold Plato, from $75 to l2i KIT Persons bavin Work dono by nio not proving sat isfactory will not bo roquirud to receive or p-iy lor tin laino, ' ntilSti ; O OO IiS !I3 QO KT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. oCHOOL noOKS.STATIONKHY, MoTSTtrt iJ Standard and Miscellaneous WORK, tl''l3fifL Lato N0VKL8, MAOA.INK.S, PAPKItS, SW'dJ &o: le,: by every Stoainor. PosrAOlMce H Widr Boukstore, JIulu street, Dalla .,. . ' " . i Ma7-tf ,i , , II. J. .WALDROX 1 01. , WAVl'fiD., . " .... TUB DNDEUSIONKD VIM Pl'rtCIIASB Srt"0ND had Vrtrnlture, Uod.,, iteddlnn. Carpets, Htoves, and Ilou.oHold Furniture of orory descriptluu. Parties wlshluis to lell frill dj wall to Calf. ' 'i- . ' ' JOHN WILLIAMS, oO:S 100 Mnlti tin'. I:illts HJ m a t i 1 1 ft,- U o i s os AND IDAHO Express anil Fast Freight Line, rjJMllS LINK "IS NOW IN COMPLKTB ltrNNlNIt m. order from tiuaijlia to Id.dio City, tin llobu City, nud prepared lo cuny ProlKhr and Yuliiab u Package., between these uud all iutviiuediutupoiuts Willi certainly unit despatch. . ' . " , Tiie Linsia Stocked wKli tho Best Teams the couut.ry affcids and cutlteiy . Wev TJiorcxigh-Brace jrq?- CONCORD SJfe- 'VhK-h ennros Speed c ttl Sul'ety In the tiimpints-ton of Freight, never beloro ollereil to Id.iho. Wo oiler Fnpe vior IndoeenientB for .Shipping Uoods Iroin irnu Fraucie4 and Portland to Idaho, us our tirrfioc.cuicnt .with tint Oi-eau Steamship Con.psiiy und tho Oregon Steam Knvi Kutlon are siieli that all tlood.vshiiped by ibis Llno-will uot be sulject to tlio unal itelays, but pass through us Goirids shipped froiu.Kau Piaucli'co to our euro at Port laud, Charges will be paid uud (Jtotts shipped to destina tion. '" (I00DS SHOULD UK MAHKHD:' CAIIB It. M. D.: & , CO., P. LIN ti, and Sblppinij; Ueceijits sout to our Agents nt Portland and Umatilla. 1 ' '" ' " Advance t'Iiargt'8 for Tpansportatlon Puld by the Lino and cVllf.'leJ at llestiunlion. Hoods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee nud Sumh Boise. p.vssKxamia cariuf.d at oiikatly hkduckd ItATl-.. i'tunilius will uo litruished Willi rtlperior Ac- ' coinm.Mlatious In New und &i.-y llilln lhoriry.li Craeu Wn;;nns ou tho Most Liberal 'luliu-t, Wio lay over Ciien nllit ou Iho Itoa.l at. Good and Convenient Stations, to that passengers will not be deprived ol regular lust. AOliiW'iSl - ' : : ItlCHARDS JlcCIIAKi N....;. Sm Francieco RICH ULH McCRAliKN ..Portliiuit JUSKPIl THAI. Olallis l'OWe.LL&C il CuiiitllU J. U. WILKINSON l.eUnuii II. M. DulCl.LI, St CO Boise t'itv . B. M. -DuHkl.l. A CO Idaho Cll V MAJOR SPIiHR v....l!ojky liar (South llolx-; . DvltlXL st .vlUOIlii: iliiby and silver C'llits U, il. DuttliLL. &. LO.,, n2otf , Proprietors, a ;.iit ir'ou inn Fail & Winter Clothing Trade or i'UAJVtlSCO. .". BADGER & LI?DENBERGEa, , Aion 41 1 1 41 U ami 413 Unitery Sirttt. ' i Cor, Jirtiluui. butt Fruiivliuu. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ESTIBE NEW AND F&ESII STOCK . . :. t ,: ' WE WOULD CALL ATTKNTIOX of Country Mor thantrj to our usual I y Livgo stuck ufUuotli. Onr BtieK compnacti ovovyarth lo In u e Clothing tun! Fur niHhing line. We huvo uunHtimtly on. Imml iho larcsi, ami u rout est Ynrioty of tliiniiinuro iinU '6ol ll.VTbot ' any hoiirto tn Fmncco. tin our prl ca tot .tin.' Uouiliuru It thii-ii lho.40 any huiiso, na wo rut'eivu ilicm ill roc t fnmrtho nriunUctiuor h coiuitrtiuiflnt . Our utock ot uuiiuerauit F.ill iJoopti is partieulaily attract,'1 Ivo, anl tho ntuat ftrattuo to tho couulry merchant ii tlio uuuHiially low priced. Less Than tho Cost or Importation! Wo nUo keep tho STAPLM AltTtCLKS in tho Dry llooto line, which Utxiilu wo liavo puichtisuil in tUU niuvkot un do thu trimmer, and aro otter. lij; thorn ut fsow I'uu: Ctrnt. iuul Uvsj. . - , We pultlbh this cnrl In pnlur .tlrnt wo mny mnkt now ur'iUHiniau. untl Imtuco thuso uliohavo lint here tot oru p jiuhauuU of lid, to call am exatmuoour Htock, , Good ArMclen and Low 1'ricest Aro tho Kreatctit Inducomonti to alt who pureliaflo tn sell ii;:uii, Morchantrf who buy of u tan maku a too-l prollt, ami h1I to thoir euitomors ut alow llUiu. W R'lnuln, ri-Hp.-ctiiilly, - Your Obedient sorvanti, - BADJ tilt A L I N D 1! V B R It 0 K It , .. t'j Wholomlo Clottiinrund Hat Warnhmuo, ' , Kim. 411. 41U and 415 llatlory stroet, Son Frnclco, April 1, 1805. . ' i -t: JeAJ-UmwV lioTYo uiiksu ON TUB - - . , SEA. BEACH. fBMUS DKLIUUTIX'L, aND CiJLIillllATKU SU.MMKIt JL Resort, situated on Clatsop Plains, u short distauco from the Uceau, Is now reopened und ready lo recoils, guests. ' , ' ' . . This resort possesses nttrnctlolis unsurpassed on tlio Pacillc Coast. It has a splendid beach for rldiug, walk tug nud batltitiK; beaittilul sojoery nud siiriuuiidiiu,; berries of all kinds nbouud j a bciiutltul trout stream audabunduueo of game. THlfl Tunisia Is constantly supplied with salt And Iresli water flsli clam, and crabs, elk, bear and fou'.uerod giirae, and the Iroshest of country produco. , 'itio cllmatu is selubrlont This lTo'el olferi every., thing that could bo tljslf-'d r Ah comfort of guest's, both well and sick, , ' . Tho Prcsjnietors roBpeotfuily nk tlio Iloaltlt anil Ploss ' tire Seeking Publlo lor panroiiae. that they inuy ' . en.tblod to inalto tho "Stituiuer Uouso" a perinrneiit In'. ' titntlon ol tho country, ltOWKLL At KIPL'KN May Uth, 1804. . u , . . myM, : Lt.- XI.' w. - Axxxoxiioxr;. , OyriBK WAIDIION'S BUILDIMCK TtminiiNOg Corner of Third and Washlugtuit Street,, . IIi. A. H.STEELiii'i . ACTINO ASSISTANT HUIIQKOS,- U. 8. A. , ' OFFtec AT . Sfje"inirmnrMsjqMrjQHtjrAirti.M"'V BsjpVj ttltirrmm