latin Bioiuttahucr. SlXDAY MOKXIXG, FED. 4, iSGC, San FmAncIscij lias eighty policeiuer., and )utj ilieni $12.1 apiece a monih. A Nfew daily radical remblinn pnpcr, With ?500 000 capital. U talked of In New York. "tut lA't Way of cheating th Government U by bogus Stamp on eiifnrs. Tllk ttitrfaon river briilg nt Albany wai to lie fiiiihed by New Year's Dajr. Troy has pent $250 O'lO in (iifhli f U Tiik In'e freeaini; weather lias afforded pood skating oo lite pnnih ill the Vicinity ol til is titnl'a. Tim strti;e itom Boise Oity are seven dnys ir) reaching Umatilla and Valla Walla. tun B'Hire property value of llm British Isle is computed at flfiy thousand millions of dollars, A I'oiiTltl of fie hreu'i-water at 0regon Oity Inn been carried iitvny by the recent rfse in tbe Willamette. Cikn, Duller, it is ta tl, proposes to Write tlia lile nl G'-n CI rant fiom the time he en lore. I West Point to t It u conclusion of bis tanipnigu in Virginia. tttK DUrlcteet Indium wish the whiles Uo have setili-d and intermarried among them to participate in I he linefit of the treaty made btr t heiu with the United Slates. NoUton the First. Empiror of the Uni'cd States, ar.d Protector (if Meiieo, has i-ited Mnxin ilian, the tis'liper, to iippear immedi ately I t-lnre his Imperial Court ut San Finn i lst-, t i answer t'ie churue nt oppression in hU tnantliiement of nfFaits in Mexico. A. Bpt-st minister, ot IVo ik'yn lately re 'used 10 ninny tl Itidv member of his church because her intended tiiiettmi-i was tint a pro. lessor1 of religion. A less scrupulous I'rcsby terinn divine was louu-1 who lied the knot with plem r EyroiiTS me lo Ik- made to recover for the Whiied S'lHi s a hrjre nitniber of horses froh bled up by Union officers, or purchased by rbem if ihn-e who had no rlifhl to sill them. A rewarl of $15 will be paid for every horse thus S cured, mid a linger reward fur blooded u:iitlial A t'txvri naitn d J.ilni M. Ineru-n, near Grif fin, .Ol. lately 'tnl tip a qu-ulrnon gir , and lelilieia'e'y tortured her by dropping burn ing pitch upon her naked body. She Was saved, but fcarcely alivo, and ho has been ar retted uiul ought to b" Inn g, Ir ig rslimiitetl ihnt 000,000 barrels of oil will he sfiipiisd from Oil City, Pa., this season. Filt OU hntidred two-horse teams are engaged in haulittx oil from Oil Creek in Oil City, ami the number ol men employed i.t teaming and homing f three 'thousand five hundred. Seven railroads will center at Oil City, one being now Cnisho l, four being rapidly constructed, nod the snrvrys are being made lor the other two. Thh OnvooN llKiiti. We have received at this nillee the prospectus of a new paper, o he published at Portland, with Die title of tbe Orrion UcrnhU . It will be iasti'd daily and weekly ; the da ly at STJ rents a week by the carrier, and by express or mall at $3 rnr three moinhs $0 for six mo.-.ths, and $10 for it year. The suhseriptloii to the weik'y edi tion will be $1 a quarter, $3 lor x months, nnd 3 a yesr. The Ihrald will advocate the principles of the Democratic party. The pro prietor ti re 11 II Abbott and N. B-itler. Too publication ot the paper v. ill commence about tbe first ol Warch. A klASOMO DkLMMUOIt THOH TIIK SoDTtl In the wo'k of teconcilia'ion the Odd Fellows uj Yttu Mkhiis are nhcad of the charcln-s, if nut of t'te puliticinui. A distiuguisheil iKlegation, rotnpiscd of Wiilinm Gilmoia 81ms, the novelij', and Robert Drown, has iiSon hostn by the lodges al Columbia, S 0 , to "S thtft northern lodges, nnd to iep i tic at to lliem the d is ires o J and prostrate condition of the lodge in South Carolina. 'wbic.h were om numerous and sctive. Tbo worklig implements of the order have nearly all been otjtr..yed by tl.o rmlilecj baud if war, rrtid t! o lodges caorklly are in a mast nufoTYutiave ccnii;tiou. SALVATION BY LEGISLATION. It is one of the anomalies of the times that there is still found in our country n consid erable number of persons who nim to make oifH better by dint of statutory ennctrdentsi 111 tilts (lal'tiellhir, they depait frntn one of th8 principles at the very base of nil true re ligion, nnd especially 'lint Which 'unde lies the bi st development-! of Christianity in these latter days : that is to snv.ihe perfectly unconst nin-d performance of teligiou-duties, which is u lone, iu any wise nccvptable to God. , . , , The nnpeittlnn nf lawn rpirn Int-nnr tlin nl "I i-efViince of Sit day is one hubby of t oso Who hope to amend the world's morals by statutes. In the pretty CXteutsivc -ending involved in prcpn ring a newspaper, we find this subject frequently discussed in one shape or imolhc , nnd in most cases it is o scrvahle that the press tukes high ground ngains saving men front perdition On the prohibitive plan, TheSpi inlicId Uipubikiw , a paper conducted In t c iulcrcsts of t e h ghes hu nuiiity, in spiiking of the causes vrhi h induce till- special kind uf legislation, remarks t Our temperance nnd religions lcgisl rion furnishes obvious c mum pics of a kind of In sincerity thai si-cms to hu he-Id venal by most politicians. Nobody doubts that nil pruh -liilory law an i Jewish S.ihbiilli cn -es, our special jury and const hie bill , uiul o her aim 1 11 r experiments, have been nilnpti! , not b en i c a majority of the Legislature t'C lieveil tlienf right iu p inc pie, or u e til, or e'v n practicable but because they were de manded y a .certain clas ol v tors whose ll'alty o t lie dominant party it was consid ered imporlntit to hold. And the only reason til 11 we do not have laws or the. p cvruuou tif iutenipe am-c t at are prac ica- le, nnd meant to be enloreed, is because our legisla tors do no legislate upon their own convie ii.nka i,..t n ,.,.,.,1 it, n ,. ....o., i ... ..r "Ulll", " w 111, I b II1V lllll l P13 11 i v ,iit..,. w.i. ii,;. r , i, ... al bough the la'' - Hi tl -i placed on the statute book tire een to bo tniliires, and ostlyones, Irntn the lieginniiig. bhall we ever outgrow tliis p rty li'ioliciiy the jo nt product of moral cowardi e and shnrt-sig led expedi ency? Tho terrible lessons o the last lour years ought to have cured us of t, nt least, iti our national politics, but we seem to hu going on alio ut .'S before, uttering f Isc and mocking words, and chcati e each other with empty pr Cessions mid mean quivocu inns. The peop e nre weary wiln nil this falsehood and li'iggcni.uggeiy , we verily believe, and ready to give u strong welcome and support ti the party which shall lirst dare to say what it means, a I it meat) , an i nulliuiir else, nnd si. all stand to tl. It sems tiom this thlf, nt the East, from whe io the plan of salvation by legi.-lition is largely derived, the people are tired of it: and in this Country it will be found that it has tteicr ir-Fpited a spark nf religious semi mi-iil in the mind, of one human being. N oi ls it pio'-nble thill it has induced iu any de gree ibnl temperance in the use ol in oxicut liquors, which it was thotivbl wouln result frum choking men off from their ratinis ot the ardent one day in cevr-n. Th prylillii ion nf the sale nt' liiii ir on S inlay involved the principle that il uits not right to sc. I it on any other day of the wiek ; and if il is wrong lo sell liqunr .it is wrong to diink it. The i:iej iitty of men do not mink that is wrniiir. becaii-e the Vast jnsjoii y of innnkind believe iu the tl'e of iti'oxicating liquors, as s evi denced by t'leir practices, Il is a fact be) ond question. that the Sunday Law of this Stale is loiced on lh pei'ple by a uilnoiiiy; that the lurger port on of uiem bers who voted lor i', did so .villi the intent tn .curry favor of the patetil gospel rcfoim element, (those who In-1 h v o in eternal re wards ob ained hy'meiiusof human con riv aiici 9, and who ilimk that when an adversary is silenced he isconvinced ;) in lllis they count ed on the tacit wii-o tul those w ho disnp prnred lh law, on the ground tbnltliey Would submit to il for ih sakatif the party, and. finally because . there Is . some, ind filiate, idi a in the toil ds if umn, that moials tuuy be improved by legislation.' ''. The rtsult. as far as party expediency Is is concerned, is that where the tni ort of one man is obtained by this law law, tbo suffrages of two are likeh to be ca-t against Ihnsn vhn are beld responsible lor its passage and continuance on the statute book. In the larger part of the State, the coarse-haired author of the Scale Cj1i is equally as pnpulai as the supporters of this O'moxiom law: and that eminent jurist and "scholailf" hiimbiig stands iibmil as much ch uce of hvi'ig elected to the United States Senate iiatesa either of t'm other does ol b:iiR , m i .i , , . c " dOirld bjr tUe KCOAtlss ol luu . en As the time is diAtving nigh fur holding i the Stale Contention, it won'd be Well for Union pany. de'cjntions fin in Hie faFt nf llip mnii n I ilia In rrn tiotntv ivitli flio cnttlml purpose -of having this blemish upon our State ) laws empliii'ically conHeniiie.1 -by. the action of that bodv. ' " Tn Co ao Aciinss mm Hittkii Riot Mouk tains All act of Congress, npinoved 'the 3d of M ireh, 1805, app npi iales $50 H00 for1 A road "from Viiginia City, in' Mon nfl i, npiiii le, most p nuticubltt route to. Lew irton, iu Iil.illll ' This ninllwv lias imi-vr inn. vi.f,i,.l ed, nnd is still in the United amies Tieastiry nt Ihe dlspn.-fllon t f the Secrelnry of the In 'leriO'-. l was at one tjine thought that the nioncj would hi- ex ended by Col. Win. II. Wallace, n the manager in butldii g the road, but be has not as yet even Visited the country in vhich i he entcrpi i.-e is lo he cairiei) out. ! Th" Lewieton pe. ple Were ui xious that Ihe j ron.f should over ihe Im Lo I". -i k i Trai'(BS liy 'but niMinsit would lie i xclusively ' for the lt-ii Hi nl lluil seciion of cmnilrv. As the c is no i nrticula route specified, Ih'e : iiioucy iiiuy be spent on re-opening i lie Middle Hoad, and this would do ii tlcs gervu the piihli interc t b tier ban the impi'ovetiient on the Lo Lo Foik Tta I, if it were even practicable to make n wngo -road on the latter route. If the iconic of the upper country, who ate specially in crested in hav ing the Mullan ttoad again lilted for travel, Would take the proper u ensures, it i proba ble that they .could have this money ex I ended for that pu pus . It would bu much Ihe e sie t way of solving the nnancial dilli-. cully cnnnecied with the infprovcim tit of the rout",. , . t-'in J nr l-'n nki.iii Alter Dr. Kine'sex lieilmoii t the A'ltie Ocenu i,i si-arcli nf Sir , r, , . ... J"11" riMtiKiin mm ins pany. n-.mii r cxplni- anon eomniauiled l-y Capi C II Hall, under l lie patr ii li' ni Heir y (ii inneil vTas utiiler lakiti lor Hu- same ntj el Tliis wa a yer a-r i A whaling teg ju-i anvdut Ne litindon liiings iti" Il linin Cap' Hall, fmu whtcll We learn t'lai hi- hits inquired liotn tlie liitue. entne valuahle iiiiwinitlinn about the l-h iioklin exp-dinoti and i s lenni in' O-i. M, Uliiiliell Ims ti nl leceived tie journal nl Capl. ''h 1 cnntitiiiii g t o eontlli n ii linn em-ins n n ' I iti-coti-riis nl his pnrly, may In- expected hv any i rnval Ir.iin Unit region. Tn- nai'y r on ihe Hirest.olil, to lis- 'he Capiiiiu's lai ituat'e. nl fhai pinion nf Hie lo'iti iy where so mil -Il of interest transpired connt-civd Wit' S rjohn Franklin's ixpenlHnn 1 hey will Sienn a part of Ihe pieseni wi tor. the whole nf next summer, nnd neai 'y all tin- winiei i f 1800-7- on Kiliir William's Land noil Iliiolhie I'l-uin.-cla, and ill the spr'n'nr nl 1807 n lain to lie) n'se Iliy. A fta'enieiii W"S made in. the pre-8, Inlelv lliat Capi; Hall's n iy had asrertnined from the natives iliat tun or three im-mners nl lile Franklin eXn dni.-n slill Pur nn d.. It' this s 1 1 il II prove ii ue. nnd ciiiiiiiiuiiicaiiun can he had tt nil the men, not only will the eit iliz-d woi Id I e deeplt unit ed ,v n the lads in r- lation to Sir John Frntikliii's rxpedilion, hal it wui lie iiKiueeil livreatier tn pi oseente sim ilar retc.nchcH while a ray nl hope exists. VV ii Ikiiii such a siarlling rescue, however, the din-in enc promised aie ol siillii ii-nt impor lance to elicit the dtei t-l interest and alien lion of the pub ic. Lady .Franklin' I C nlr i II.. lis in eiteiii the lileul her biishaiid and rescue him, i possible ! frntii lliat inhos pitntile it-uttin ol niglil n 1 ,ivi and si or in bate endeared li-r lo i-verv generoin leitj nun iiiiunii.n air John 1'ianMlll mav has lone since. p-rished, jel fie incidents of bis perilous wandi-i Iiil'S a-id the ea'ustrnphe winch u ml y nvei wl.elu.o I him. or the grea-esl m .in--. i to tier, will awaken the piolouudisi e) inp itliy ol all. Lx. Tk.n- thnus tiiil dollars of ihe $.10 080 needed have been raised to." ft monument lo Owen IjoV joy, ot !litin:g ' U'asoo Lodge, No. 15, F. A. all. A. M Ilo'ila Its stale I Coai'iiunlc ition- n the Firrt and Thin) Fat unlays nf eu-h i nuiitli. nt their hull. In Kullrariiv ltrelhrcu iu e" at4tilinu uie invited tn aliens). , ; (Sinn L. l'oi-e. Sec'.v Hv or.ior of the w, jj. Columbia I.udgr, Ko. 5, I. O. O. P.- Moms ivi-iy Frlilujr eveninj nt f. u'tlock. I.i Galea' nan. ciirin-r mi Ms-nun lail unurl Btreets. Urutlinra In Itouu aianiiiiiK are iiivncn lu atleiul. jir order. N. (. PiVM'S AUCTION ROOM! 0NE 1)3011 AllOVii TIIK POST-OFFICB.) Mil I STREliT, lAKL,I-S CITf 1 will attcu.t to tales of Rcnl Ealrtfe. .ciiernl Mcrchniidlae , E'lirnKnre, And Stockn. nKnObAlt SAI.B 1HT8. MONDAYS AND FltlDAYS. Stm k and Special S:ilea any d.iy, Snmlnya excepted. A 0. PAYS.); Auctioneer. Ii ivate ItcNldenco For . Sato. A ?I0B HBStPENCH. Incited In the UK r-rt of t" n. sr II be aulO rlti-np CAslf. - ,,t tbo Slorogr jJuXtttJ W)" MlON l.D COMMISSION IT o u s i: ! KO. 100 M Al STREET, DALLES. rgVtH BNDKItSIONT.D Til ANKFDI. 1011 1M5.T M KavorM. 'resperttlillv fhfntem tlie-citlr.ens of the Dalles, anil the ubliL genurnltY, that Lu cuitiiiiues i sull at. ' . . V PUBLIC xVUCTION fill VRIVATE SALK,' Rcl r.nfafe. . Gcnctal Merchandise, ' UtoreiioN, llllll1!! ' . rm H urc, , v Ho U, &C. &.C. RKOGLAIt SA.LE t)AV3, ? Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances ma-Io on Consignments,' Anil PltOM IT RI.TU 'N tn de'r sales. Hut ilnor anil Special Sale atlemled to in any part of the city. Tariff ,r Cliiirjfi's trtilU Furtlicr Xottce I For Sellliifi Vteri-lintiitise. (iroceries, Karailiire. rnkft ke Sen ; ft por oeu. For Rclling It, uses mnl lie il Estate II .. . llies. Slillt-s. ttnrk t'nitle. racti iJ .. 0 CIlAtttil-: Fillt PTOUAdE. ' JOIIIV AV'It.Ll ABIS, Auctioneer. J U K II .Mil In st.ry. On lie. VnOLWAI.r. AMtltKTAII DEALtn IN CIGARS.- TOBACCO, SKUFP PI,Pl.-i.,.&(!. iw tv in stnnr. tub bust MMXM or Clears. Tobacco, Mutclics; &c. II.AVIM1 CAI'.PS. IM1CKKT CUTI.BRV, POUT M S I KS. CllMIIS anil IMiUSIIKH. ii' all kinds, PKItFliMKItY. at eviirv ileacriitiun. CHINA OltNA.MKNTS . , TOYS. DiH.Lg. etc. j FISH IIOiKfanil FISHING TACK l.B, MUSICAL INSTItUMli.NTS. FANCY (KHIIlS. Ac. (i ' Alan Piiwiter.Slnlt. lamil. I'utt iler Flunk. I!nll of . nmnyctlier articleH tun iiuieeronn tn liienlinn..- . , . liiteriiirileaierh taipplieil villi Cl:iirs. T"lnero. ele. at laa than I'urlhoi.l pikes, with frcluht aitileil. oc-H K .Li I si I IN' Gr O 1 V .. A.T....CO T.. FOR THIRTY DAYS LONGER!! LAST Oil A TV C 12! Ml-.SSltS, fOHV ft WHIM tvtil,i luuebv : their en 'turners and Die public nl Invite that tliejr Hill Ciaililiw t" n-ll A l CilSl'. I. ,r Ihiltv ilavn liumi-r id nr-ler In ii vi- nne a i-dnere to intilie iit'ert-nt- fur th ( llnliil-iyn. V will m-ll tlio Lahiiice ut tiur l. el, co--sisni'i:"r 1(1 h r.lnclf Silks, Centt' Clmkn. ltleli I'nplllut, liuin r I'. alit, , , Clivks, . ,.j " Di e- t.'natii, ; T , ' Elinttia. riiliM. . Dr.v i;hWI. y.Milnii'derlest k-. llais A Cllim, lloi.ln i bllvcl, ic, c c , c., AT SAM ritlKflM O COST, Wlihniu Frnlpl l nml KKp-nn s. Thin will hu tho hut chance tn pc' brualni. iiIt tn eliwiiiK Die eonrerii.' - CUll s & liollit. N.I!. All till In mint b nnlil tiv tli Firm nt J-mnrt ' lWlfl. If not ellleil Within thut liuns. Mn nime uill La - ,l,.,-ll 111 l,..rnl l..l,, .1.. t.k J. W. GUR.LEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dnllesj, Oregon. UrOUI.I) 111 SFKtTFtlM.Y IMMHM Ilia eillzeii ut this nliire anil vi clnlty, that havunr retnrnrtl from n pru 'eaaiunal imir ilirtwifh the milieu he haa Atfllll, rwillllA l tlu .!)..- I,V 1'IU'V . . .w.. w i'i.,iii, i i-r,. t mi ii i . in urn runn ' turfaerlywu tipieil hy hlin. in the Imllilliar upw-il hy Voil A ISntler. I'll itanraph Aitiita. ami nuhihiiuic Wat. Ir.rtl 1IM llr.ia. ftl,.i. 1! ...I,.- .l.i I. i - imiiiiiili tii'iiuta. iur ir.o iiiierni p-nroleiue l.errtiiiure em- tciiiieU In linn, uiul aulicita a cuntinii.'tiict- if the aume. ,-. , I lr i k PalrKs , . Entire Denture nn 3nM Dine....: $iro toJ2iS - Upper Denture. Until l!ae...i...'.. HO ' l' l)-ntwre. Viilrnuiie llai-e ' 70" y . " t'vti'-t Ifninre. Vnlcsnite re :;3 ti tiuni riniimv in erieu Irani nfi an unr m u-nr.i CliililrnttM' Titk vtrjirffMl rr.,4. .-tti.r M R O W N B lt d". ; I . ... TMIOLaial Xt) RXTAIt rv.Ai.r.i;8 IS Ainu rsiIIjK DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, IPROVISiONS. &o. Mr. M. HltOWN. belnpa resident nl San FrnfirlafA, re eimlileil tn nfler crent liideeiiiciila tn piiiclutai ra. V eapeeimily Invite the public to eXRiiiiiienur atnrk hediij .iirrhHaiiiif elartt liere. lul6-tr afStuiiB Sloro. north side Main alroet. Dall ja. -S TVIW SALOON. KEW STONK STOItK. WAS1IINGT1N STItEKT. FWXHK UNDEttSIUNKD would rpwtlully ntin.m-i: Ihnt he IU nricn a flrat clnaa Sitliaia in Fleucb ft Oilman's New Siinio lluildhiK. I'll IS KVKNI.NU, and Is .v n.,. . H1IUVKI 1U IW I'Vtl Ol Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A TZ TX T3 E LUNCH Every day and Uvenlinj. "W"1- - ' JOHJt niXDLAPB.' KSTltAY KOTK E. rrM!?Ji,.UP.nY T,,K "XnmtSIQNI). Iirl,,s on EIl-M a. Mils Creek, ten mile. South o Dallea Cliy.OreAii. ou Oereniber lHib. 1806. ouo BAY IIOII8K, II l.Ddi liiKh, while salp on no e, .nme saddle unit ks. white Iiin4 feet. Mime blank above h lua.r, n t, w wldi. huin on luroliead, hniudrd Ihu-: 0 ,, tl . o(t .boulder, b. ut vn aeara old, and aniiraiscd at $10. " ' tt. F. CLASS.