Miiea iimi a ho-'' ihV nihility, I . II'-"4. I hero is Age ot t.iie Oil. Basin. How long tho cxiKienco of poiroU-um in north; Western Pennlvuniu lius been kuovvti H would bo difficult .o uVo't'miii. Since tho Roltlcment of tho crMntry by whiten, iln presence uinl value tiavo iilwuys been nckndwK'dged, though not until within t few yeitra wui it Hupposed to exist in quaiuiiim sulli. uiont to becomd tin uriiclo ol yetieial or ;roat co-ninclxirtl value. Wo havo no record wliother tho aborigine made uad of it exet'pt (or mcli' liinul nurnoscs. It 'vs by . th in gathered in Email quart lered to tho whiten remody for all i U . But. ul ono time in the irathernd in liii-jro qu i abiut'lanl evidence to bo fniind ali over tho iit country, and by tho samo rnco of people who have left throughout tho country, particularly in Ottio, Ken lucky and Indiana, mound! and ruins which indicate advanced civilization. Thcso people weroot prior dale to the ubnriinos, and t rj conceded by somo to have been ol tho rtztec tribes. That Uiev hnd ''oil on the brain" there i no doubl, hut 'ho fever could not have ppro-id and alVectcd ko luany hundreds of people as it hat dunosr tho present, time, nor is it at all likely that they cither obtained or had u market for so much oil as those of tho present day. The indications consist m-tiiilv of 'vat.s or tanks, con-it' u"0'l of loL's art ! sunk in tho sxround. somo f whh h were apparently of a eipac v of ono and two hundred harrels. IV13V GOODS! nuVl.VOJUST AIIU1VKD fUOM TIIK f AN Fit A X c'iseA .Market, we w.uid invllu II enlleiitiuli ul our .frippfl's r' tho community ul I irg, tu.ur woll-selecied "stock of ,' . .. Dry Goods, (.lolliiii?. ltouts & Shoes, &.C., r Wlilcli we are selling at tlic ni.mt reawnnuli rates. We eiiniiut sell imr goods AT I'O.-T, bill assure the immnr. Illty Hint It plumes IU to Bull glXKlsal 11 .11. 1, rnuriig, drill f. "YVvmsscli Jk. Co., WILL CI.OSK OUT TIIKIlt STOCK OF MBIIirilAN DISH, m their place ill business, lit tilt) Dalles, 111 orilcr tu gu the Mines. Their stuck embraces Dry UooiIh, Clothing, Hoots, Hats AM) (1 EX Ell A L MEliClAXJJISE, All which will be nulil at CIST, tor CASH uiily. J.!- All u-lm know themselves ilhli'blcd tu .Jill firm lit tile Dalles will please call a ul settle us soon us possible. Those alio have been aiToninonated we rust will lint dvhiy im unnecessarily. Hit be jiruiilpt In squ irlng up tu-. tuiints. Call iltlil sou lid, ull unil evorybisly I iiull-tr ' 1. Mt.Nbl.il cu. FURNITURE !ijftmNITURE DIKIILAM &4VKNTZ -HITU GI.OttK HOTEL liUII.DINO, iln I nllM- l!it ' hi,VH nil hnml A VMI'lelV Household Furniture, iiiitiniclliB Tutileii. Clinlrs. Iliirenin 'lleiUiunllle.liteiiilii.lleililii.K.Ciiriel . -ir..ll.,r which will be lil ill l-w rntwi. Fiirn.lii: i(einireil.nuil Uihiilterliii: ilmie tu nr.ler. aIm.iiii IiiiimI ,!iitin mwiiua t'iilowa. Siiriun llud nirnio luui Jer. uula 71. m. u belwcell WilMiillgton P It T ii A J 1 I O I! It D St V AXI) IVJCACIIIJNIi SHOP, FIIIST STIIKKT. between Ytinililll sml Morrison. iilniil r.uginna ol IVimii 4 to4-i Inline iiwer.t filler Corlulileur .titthiiiiii'y. Also. CiU. CI.'I.AII SAW MILL COWI.KTK. comliiiilly olihiiml. AUo. liny I'l'et leM Ml' llll iliffi: I'U'tinx Miu-liineH.t Wntiilwurth'ti i:lttern.) M rollilht mnl Cunt Irm work fur Ver ticil! Siiwiiinl U lint mllln: Itriuid mnl Iron CnsMiia WltOVGIlT IRO nCRCi of every description. I nm nlno prepnrcil to fiirniiili Quartz Mills complete, of tho Latest & most Improved Patterns. Tiiene Mills cnnlieforwitnlcil to nny purl of the mines tin the weiirlit of the entire llnicliiiiery will not exceed 3, UOU polllnlii. Horse Powors & Agriculturnl Implements iniiiniliictnieii toonlcrlil ilie very I. iWKSI' CASH CHICK . It. I'lirticnloriiitciitioii pniil to KKl'AlllS. fe'iu-tr i) ti.i.i:s ci rv cutru si out:. P. CEAIG, V WHOI.K.SAI.K AND KKCAH. DEALER IN DRUGS. JA'WCA'A'S, Perfumery. Fancy Snaps, I'A'I'KXT MKillOINKS, DAILY MOUNTAINEER 1-tf u.ii. nnows wakser OFFICK 74 SECOND tTRKkT, ami Court. Omcs llous-tol2 A..;2to4r ii.;nml 0 lolO. r M tottnd in miny laces eoniiguoua to Oil Creek, tree f a great ao grown np inside of ihem utid over them, liat there are no toN. no int i ipt'10118, no hicroglvphk, o indicate their aire or nationality, They ar enveloped in'gfim obsonrity, notwithstanding tho IL'ht which' they m ist likely iruve to n certain portion of tho world. Erie City (P.i ) Dispatch. . A Pkrskcutkd POktrss. ' Some weeks Bincr-' it wns announced, that the worki of a rebel poete had been seized in Virginia nnd theent're edition, of five hnn-tred copies, turqed by o-der of Gen. Terry. It turns out that the unfortunate lady who3 productions were thus summarily reduce! to nslies is Mrs. Corne ia Jordan, once'u r-ident of tlf Dales MANTUA MAKlilt. MM, MATTIK I10I.I1U00K would repectl'iilly in finill,o La.lie ol Ilie Ualle mnl vicinity. Uinl he niu opened a li.'l liicoiincc.iun witli Mi O lloiu Ue, where .he is ireiiiri il lo uj mi Kiinot w . iteMHiMl dispatch, llnvinii jil nriicil Iruiii Hie l-.il, .l,e houea to be able lu .le.i-e all iu to Form ami Fimliii " rhcy are tioaKS, coats and Dresses t ut to Order. TlltlKK IKKIItS Vet ul Ilie turner ul lllllin nim hlilHia AND I'ATKXT MEDIUMS!'. DHUdS A SI) PATENT MEOCX:SH DliUGS A SI) TAT EXT UEDICISES!! UNION Street. h. '21; in i Fvivs! Furs I TUB HiailEST MAIIKKT 1MUCB PAID IN' CASH foil ' Beaver, Otter Mil k and coon S-iins. liy lilL'UAlSUS- McCllAUKS. Portland Sept. 27. lhO'-.- oc4:Jin Itl.AlK 1.1 VI. J OHM It. WAIID. OF! It )S5 IIIM.I.UH. lias liintnj p.ii me Thice lliiniliol ami F.-rty-nie Uolliiri in UHKhMlAi Kti AV I'AH. lor a i.ebt due in Ui.l.l i oin. Deo DO, lbliii. iJlllli'J . ' v.,rri.. SlierHl'S Sale ol Blcul Kslalc. . V VI it'l'II K OK A KXlSUUlI'1.1 lsur.i in nit IB Ulerk ul tlie Circuit i'oii t . f Uiam Uouniy. tind lu me directed, in mvor uf Mary A Miu hili-. p!a I, ami J a. i..uIiwoim1. ilul'endaiit. lit the Hiini ot rev- eliiy-ulie Uoliais aim riuy lyeiim. v-ri , r. even dollars mi l (tight) ccn.s i tw,)i-iMiaiin,i m r nients, i liave levied U tuid will s.-ll at pnli.h: uieiiuii, . - . ' ,i ., ,-,ij , to the 11 1! lest b hldur lor caalt lit nana, on miuiiw i. Mrs. Jorlnn s certainly entitled to jAUAl?v 13lh) taou. between me li..nr or rimnll pity in having so many evidences of her gC' ntus destroyed, among which there mny have been sime ' immortal lay " that In the fu turo might have fire f tho Southern popiila tion to a bettor purpose than the eloquence of Yan'-ey or iho pr iclainations of Bennre' irard. which bv the way, are' said to hare been nil w inen by Gen. Tom Jo dun, Mm self ....'While it is pe haps beat that the r collections of the civil war should die out ns soon its possible, it seems like nn unwnr rantabje stretch of anfio: Ity for Gen. Terrv 'a-' destroy any printed 'matter, pnrticu arly u volume of poems by a lady .Tiik wottlher on, liniuo. )wyhee nnd Snake rivers .(nodoratod very inuoh : toward tho closo ol last month. Tho roals will bocomd almost impassnhlu by tho molting of tho snows, until the waters can drain off. , ' ' - ilHsolutloa IVollce. -iirtl.IAUTNItllSllIl'lieretul.iroesitliitliotw'ocn "'1 ilrf'l :t'K IiL'.lS imiD D HtNlND, in the ' iiitHJ Cl ip Itaiwjs this iliy ilUulveil by inntnal con--t, Pvi l liniln liiViajs il lo-lt Ills Interest tu Geo. IliUiu, 10 Is al mi autliJii.JJ tu tru ii.ut y . iu'm In Oto nil no uf a ti'l w so. , , U- l liallei J my. 12. I8J3. ., D. DJIIN ISO, Receiving. Storlni I'ur.varainjj Comlsiloi '. Merchant! " Advances mail8 on Consignmimis. " ItfVlN Sl'itiiKF. Oppwllo tlw Uniitlllii llou-ia. ' iuiaiMriar'iii: ; J.U..Uuai-H MARTIN c MURPHY, Atlorncy-at-Iatv 0?FIOSadilH. Ci ty, UuU. Cuonly, 1. 1j Cnby City WvllllA fT.l(..f . IT. " ' 1 ATroillNKY AT LAW tmnr MM. Tiiho Territory. , ' ertl.;lar attention paldio Collecting DV. i'lmk p.m. before Ilie Court lion e door in (.anyon Ciiy, the lellowinx described pr.iperiy, tu- it : llii 11. ,ti u ana l. tl.silliaien in mo m ah-...!, Suae oforriioii, Ujiiuty ol Urant, euniinoiiiy Known us the I.KKWuii.1 Sllluotl. M. r. usnni, ciieim. Ily W. W. mi'fts, uepttiy., Canyon City, Dec. Wilt, lti&. UeSMw d IT WIIOl.K.SAl.B AMU RETAIL I)RDG(;iST, Washington Street, between Main mid Second Streets i m.i.i.s. cki:go. tr I. KM N li aide to supply parties in want or ni nes, Piilent .Medlcltic Uieniinils. Acids. I'erl'illneiy, and every other urticle euiinieritteil Willi Ida WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates." Hi- I'livii-i. ins and Merchants tntrnimiir In pnrcliase fur the Mi!io.i, will do well to give liiin a call. TRUS3E3 & S 3 O ULDFiR BRACE 3 Iu i;roat variety. . . 8. l.KMOX, ap.3:tf. WiuhlnRtou St.. between Main mln Second. SELL ING 0 T F AT C 0 S TS Mj-ciitirt Htitck of v STOVES AM) TIUkWAUU, AI.80, TINMAN'S) TOOLS. rnVK WIIOI.K eniliracini: a fine stock, ever' article JB of-wliicli w-ill he sold tit UO.M. as I desire In chiSf out hiHine.-'s. Also, one OK AM) I'l A NO. in pnil order. Also, lor sale, the II 'USr. AND L"'i'. on .-econd M cut next to the corner of WiHliiirxton. The IIhihu is iwu stories, with a basement, and is well adapted to ilie hotel btliitiess. Also n lot of IlKIMll.NU. uolnpris tie iilaiut twenty-tive Ueds 'Ihe wnov will lie closed out rlieap for further ..arlictilurs uj'ply on the premises. iinUiam ' ALliKUl HEfVIXOEN. Slierifl'8 Sale Of Miitins . round. BY VlllTUB Of AN KXKCUl'ION Is-ned by the Cleik of the Circuit Court, and lo me directed, in Invor ul Charlos ensile nun v. raiionsiau, luiiiuui.-, ...i.. airilnst Michael Donahue, deleiidant, for the snai of.ty- . . ..V .1 .11.... ...1....I....I l ....1.1 l.lllll .,1' lt,H Unitoil States, ami eiglil ai-lUU ($i M) dollars, co-t and disliilismeiits, 1 have levied upon ttnd will sell at public. unction tu Ilie lustiest l Hilar Mr casn in uann, 01 biii coin uf Ilia United Slates, on WliU.NKSUAV, Ihe iiSlli day ur t'KllltU AIlY. luu, b.'tween nie n nirs ui 1- aim i o'clock, r a., before t e Court House door iu Caiiyoa City. drum dainty, the lollowiiiK described property, to wit: A ulie nail imeres in iuiiic ,ihiiij4 k.mm-. ... us tho Miller 'Jlaiuis, bounded tin Ilie North by McKciu Cu.'s Claims, and ruiiulnii up tiuiyou i;reea 10 uiu um lleiler e aims, it being 40U leel more ur less. " M. P. UKllllY, Slier IT. , By Wm. W. Willl'Pl.s, Depnty. Cunyon City, January 1H,H)60. . Jin20w5 . Siiiiion i v ririmn nl.dniirr. vs. Isaac Jennlnzs. defendant. r,i..'i.. rueover inonvv. In County Court uf tlio State ..r.w.. r.,i Ititli.n rt,iittv. f IO l.iAAu JnnKu9i uoieuii in. i in in. i' " Jl the Still Ul urogiM yua nm "iraieuj 'i '" and required tu npnear ami answer l'laliuilr cuaipliilut .u,..,. ii'. in thu lilark's ullljo In aal l Court, alter ser vice horoof noun yon by public-it Ion for sii weeks in Ilie ui-oii MnuNTiiN'SKK. as bv order nf said Omi t, or Jitdguieiit for want thereof will betaken nsmut yon. ami Ulllsss veil so appear aao aimwei ...n, vi.i.ii fluiiit IT will take jn lament njiiinst you for the sum .of sVlSH, toisotlier witli the costs an I disbursement j of this IICllOU. Ily Ui'UOr Ol V. I . ATJil'IT,! ll(Ul V.IUU.J H .I lr ... Unior. County. M. u.vutsii, Airy lor piaiuun. U. 8, Bur. Mtanip) , . ' . . WiSia oOeotils. J J s mirricK . . . '; ' 3 lIKItHUY 01YRM that Ilie d -partnerslilii hereto- 11 fore eiisliot iMtweun ri. C. UlllUK.U. I.. Uliuti hl.l. n d K. V. I'll Ii'jJ S, dohiKii inert. uililr busi ness in this tilaoe. tliiilor tliu'iitiiue of rl. C. Hardy A Co.. istliisdiy d ssolved by iiiiiluil ciosent. au-l hereaiter II,., I.usioeis ul' sai.l Aral will lwcon.liict.nl by ti. II. Usual v. Iio tiloni' is itutliorlzed tu collect and sett's the accounts uf tuid liriu. K. U. llAltl'V. C. I,. .illTCIIEI.L, Sitsa ivllle, arnnt Co., Orvg n, V. W. TilOMi'sWl.ii Nov. 13. ISlio tiJ:tin aViiniliiiiiCtou acon It it ll. TIIK U.L)r.llliJ.NKl) WOULD I KOIIM TUB I Tiaveliint I'lildic tliut the Washington W.viton lload hum lortland and Viunoiiver to the Upper Cascades is well b, lug kept iu goud traveling order lor wniams uu StiH'K. . r.. j. II II. ui, Dalles Jan. 11th 180S " jaiilltf Sole rropiurtoH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. . First Street, between Main ami B PALLES ......OREGON., JOB PRINTINCOF EVERY VARIETY Kxeculed with accjirury uml dispatch 11 8TYLK THAT Wll.l. COMl'AltB FAYOltAlll.Y with-ihe very licst. nnd AT BATES AS CHEAP A8 THE CHEAPEST TO OltDE: ' t . Cards .1 n l It 1 1 1-B3 f it (I s CHUCKS. DRAFTS, KKCKU'TS, OSTEUS AND PltOGKAMMES FOB . HEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS rc tc c , 1 . FHtaTtl IM THE M0B1 ATTIACTITII KUNbll. AUSO, WAV-UILLX. - ' i BILLS Or lAur.. hSTTKK. HEADS. - itEVMVBOOK. JIJLI.S LAD1KG. rriefs mid r.ni?hl'as, VISITIXG, WEVD1KG AMI "AT 1WN&" vakus l)ruciiiti LnbelH, tri short, ererytlilnn that can be di ne in a Hook anil Job Iiriiitinif filllre. frnui Die fninllest ami Ii obi ill liiair i aid nr Circular, tn the lariiest t nnd most ilnay l'( Biin Dill and which will be tin tied wui tn a nyie inai iana..i fail to insure entire satislai lion. OUR HACiUTtta roa th exttcuTtos ir JECOR ATI VE PRINTING In the most benutiliil Colors, Similes andliuts. Such as Taney Posting Bills! From n single Slieel lo the l.aigcst J.iiiiiiia lli, ' n r, j I,' 'I- A I HUtl 11' t' A It llS. - ' Aic uiiRurpiiKMetl by t.itiff ul uuj uiln-r t-htiil Ik-I.b vi.i hi Orenoii. WedovuU ihh iiti tiin nt; lo linn itmk ii wi ii m busmena. himi lire comiimiiiij uui-i: n- vut mt.ij itivu unil wiill iippointoJ ivsMUinieiil ol n.uUrii'l. . NEW TYPES, BJRDERS, ORKAWEIm. ifc. etc.. ' tf. .J f.T - Of the most modern and elaborate designs. nt stojft o. FANCY INKS, TINTS. 1C f Are ol the Itnest unality, and for richness of culor at.d durability, cannot be eiimlwl in Ihe Stale. The principle uponalllCII Olisimss nninvu n-r ii'i" w tablisliliiellt is, thai perm lis will coliMlIt their own illlei. esls, by awarding tlielr crMniii to that nil ce In hicli their money can be expimieil lo the Inst aiivainiiue. T this end we solicit all In want of gi ol Piintliii:, at very reasonable ctiarina, tu cull aim xamme si ecui.eus, ni.n judge fur yuursel res. . , ' i. 4rlci-M Irona tlie i por .cunir) Will hare our spec'wt care, nd friends Irotn the Inteilor mny rely uisju having their orders tilled promptly, as w HAVE IHE ONLY IMPROVED 1DRD0N POWER PRESS In tlie fctte ol Un?Bn MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ' ml8-tf . ,. , j . Dulles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! COUNBR COURT AND SKCONu M UEETb, KOTICE. : ' I UK1IE11Y AVA11N AIJ l-KISSON'S frnth contracting sirbuvliiir aiivtbiiiic wlnlever tro.n M KUMJ, whereby 1 will have been thought hv Ilie public lespuu sible. a-1 am lint, nor will I lend mya if responsible lor nny of said K. M. Kiinti s ac's. w. r. ilOr FAT rnsiiuviiio, urnui Co., inuv. si. innu. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Waaliluglou ami Front Street 1'Oltri.ANU, oitEao.v. mST-CI.SS IIOTKI,. LAItOKSr IN THE STATE F THE UNOKHSIONKn, HA VINO RRMOVED FUQM. l'UK.-UKIXA USION" CKLI.AK, l.N'l'O Iteg to Infurin the public Hint they are prepared to serva llwir customers wuu tue uesi Wines, Liquors and THE MAHKET AF.F0UD3. ALSO, A Free'I-sitkicli I Every day awl evening. Cigars, decMI .EB1IL BCIIVTZ, i i Proprietor. Sumisiuu). Henry Tor.er John Ililey, plantilTi. vs. Tsiuus Jen- nliigs. Aetlou t i recover money in ijoiiiiiy uoiiri 01 me Stat of Oregon, f Unlou County, rwy) ISAAC JENNINGS, DEFENDANT! In theiinnio ' ...i... ain of llreiroii. v.ai are hereby summoned and ronnlrod to appear an I answer tlie complaint of tin Plaintiffs, now oil Hie In tlieChvk'i olllce. In said Conrt, aflor service herohy ittion you by publication for sis weeks In the Wkekuv Houxtainkcr. ni by onler i f said Court, or Judgment for want thereof w.ll be taken against eon and unless yun so appoar and answer said coinplaint, tho Plaintiffs wllltako jiid:tnieiit ng'ilnst yon lor tlie a n of&l'iO. toirellior wuu lite costs auj uisiuinieiiieuis olthlsitlou- U. order of J. V. Argerslnger, Cuttnty Jiidg. of Uniuu County. - ..;.,... ; U. . Kev. otanip 1 1 " , ,W . : Pliarut'S Iteasnnablo. S OM.NlllUS will atleul all tlie floats and convey Passengers ami their haggiire to tho House Free ol Cliurgo, ur to any oilier House In tho'Clry fur 50 cun;s. . H. GJFFI.N, Proprietor. , P. 8 II T AND COI.D BATII8 in tho House. ' All tint dteaniors for-Ore.jon City. Vanu.iuvor, Moutl cellu and Astoria land at the Lincoln l'louso Wharf, sepl:3m r MRS. L. WHITE'S 1NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, WaslihiBtou Mrcct. HAVING NEWI.Y FITl'HD UP THE GAIXEHYover Degnar's Store, would rospecllullyanuoiiiicv to ull those wishing t Photographs,' Carts dc Vlsltc, Ac., ; that they will do well to give hor a call.' Particular "t tentloii paid to taking Lad es and Clii'dren's Pctures. . oc'Jlitt . . t . - - .-. Dissolution of Jo-lintaerslilp. rBlIEO)-PARTNEHSlIlP horotorore existing under JL the iiamo and style ol ItOltlllNS,' McfAKLAND & C.)., Is this day diss jlved .by nnlllial consent. All lia bilities uf said Hi ill to be paid by Itohbins Weaver, and nil debts due suid firm to. he paid to nnd collected by them. '" J. , K0UIIIN3, ... , . . .'I ... C.McKAltLAND. Sail' a, Jan. 5,'18M " T 3 ' 0W, WEAVER 4 , All peraoM ludebteil te in will pletisc call and-" l'un '" anil s:ivo coats. . julml, Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AKfi WAfiON MATER'AIS WE BBU TO CALL ATTENTION of Cnrrlnge Jlaii nfacturers and Dealers tu Ilie l.arue and Ctna plelo asioi'tluentorCAKIIlAUEaud WAUU.N 51ATK111 A 1.8 we are eoitstaiitly leceiviug from tlie Kind, aiicclnlly selected fur tlie California uuiikot; cuinpiislng, Oak, ; Hickurv. and Second llrowili Ali Planlt, Hickory Axles, MagouVoles, HnbsiKikes, Felloes, lllin,Sliii.ts,o.. which we oll'er ill the lowest, Cash Prices. a- orders addressed lo our house will receive protnp attention: N. W. BltAGhl CO., . loWSlui. 28 31 Battery street, nun rmncisco. ' " ' aud 11 4 10 Seventh Mreet Biicrnmenlo. C. Waterhoosc, 11. W. Ukaoo Co., J. W. Lkutkh . .' gan Vmiieiwo. . 8icriiiiioiilo. New York New heTb s : fiHK UNDEItSIQNKD 11KU8T0 INFOItM THE C1T JL i.ons of tlie Dalles imd vicinity that he has rocelvcii . a EW HEAHSE, and will ,. , ' Attend Ixxuerals , on short notice. This Is tho Br.t, aud at present, only Hears. In the city. ....... VKTAlCtf I tulles, May 10, 180o. , ., j ., ni)'!2U-tl. , O. IJ. IIMOOKH, M. D. Ollice-At lirs CMia'a JJrita r?.tre. H; PALI.K3, OUEGON. ' J.'.lii 4 i