The daily mountaineer. (Dalles, Or.) 1861-1866, February 03, 1866, Image 2

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    SBailu Moraitatitccr.
8ATIKI)AV.?I0US4X, MCB. 8, l8i!C.
Tiie best qmility'rfl mr brings 15
'OOpcr barrel in Now V-ii.'ljBitjv. 1 y
Tiiehk in n firl in Maine, 13 years
old, weighing 205 pounds.
Vnoi is'Torlli 810 a oortl at Virgi-'
iiia City, Montana 'IVrritory.
, ; , ,
Tiik population of J;.viulen by tlio
hist ccmikiih win 4.020,001: and of stock
liolm, 128, 5iG.
, j .' ' . j 1 . 1 ; ;
The Hk'M.' Alexander Cam'pbi'H, - tlio
' founder of Cumnbellilcs lately died in
: Jvn'.ucky! 4 v, t " !
AMEiUCA piodueeBjifty million pal
Jons of ardmit unnually, which
' is month' cortsnmod at. Imnio"
Tub fiiai vellous story nliotit. iliodis
eovcry of a iolil in Mimtana, is ho far
I'.ontrailictcd that it noy.iinply a very
rid; gold beat ins: qi w'z lode; that' all.
J. Ross Buownk him been appointed
.nptain in tlio Arizona Yoluntpcrs,
and ordered to report lor topographi
cal duty.
Tub Nyw YitriFlIerald designa'ten
t!:6"lmiliiaiy leader of li e lam rebel
' arinie as " Mr. Ijpo, now in charge of
, n little college in Virginia." '
party. f yonn meii somo timo
siirtio, whilo " dift;it! ' for mots a le w
milos r.'irth of Vine oiiiich. Ind j dis.
itovered an old luaiher s:ii-k containing
$7,000 in 'gold and SS.6'00 in '. Hilver.
Tin: farnieiM in Cnliliiriiia aro mak
'nn gof,d proijri'fj in p'owing and sow
inj;. The rains have been nhiitiilant
and lha WicitheV rnrld.- IVosonl 'nidi',
cation arc favori:bln to-a.good crop. :
Tim Legislature of the new I State of
Oolo'raJo fiaa chosen Gnvi rimif John
HvatiH undJ. ChatTee, SonaldrH.
Hon iG M. Chileott wan elected tctho
Uouso of li'presentatiyes at their late
In ., anticipation of a , vi-italion"of i
e.noleri the Secrelary.or War has or
ilorinl tlopii?pensinn Of'salo of all Gov
t. .... :!.:.! . iT.r.i .t i ' ( '
i ii in v ii no in mis, yuai, i,iiry in ay uo I n
readiness fop nsp should ihyro bo n ne
cessity for llieivu '.
'. O 1 i,.:-ii(W-ft i i- '), " ' I
..... A wliole (ipnlly o thii'veshflvo been
diseovcrecl'in Ilnllidayslnug, Pennsyl
vutiiu. Their num'o is IWklioldcr.nnii
i lie gang include all from rar.d fuilicr
: down rlonijifan.tila mcnhirf-, oighi. of
them, i ' i
' A"t'3tOVlii'iV Willaiuetio'paper coin'
nietieen ,;u-. poem , by, annonneiitjf that
; My,'hV4V:it' i3 ;JIi;av..i;" If her
title is' perfect ho dii-jht to titko pos
de($H i.niif61iiH'l)t!l it a ureal
deal better ihing'lhuri nho h liublu 10
etoi. hi -jifrtflif J jv Z
..Kii'iiB liialiufd)t iii'icr:iey aio nt last
' eYi'plured" by hia' CuV-'liMhip of liyois
. uiiYc. ' li. S . L mo of Lanesdale is sup
."pvioJ't'.oOilh'o real Ii vo ovemor ol
Idaho, tlip Tyt)ti(..of ,tho Dale being
kept lis a kind ot.z lologienl curionity,
to furnixli t(ii and Ktvln ro tlui noli.
tica ol thu ten i lory.
.Vi'om Bhmo of thoKtati.iiicsmado.up'
ai )ii Tar Department, of tho casual,
ilioa to our general offieerti during tho
war, it1 iTji5ar Hhatvwo-had eight
Major GJherals'and ioyniccn Brig,
adier Gor.'orala killed outright in baillel
while two'' Majlr -dnocii W fiiiio
JJrigttdicr GetioraU Jied rtf woA'iidi ro
icvivod fi' 'a'c.t'ion; and i-sefift) flRA li6i'
cruti of tho two ranks die J of disease.
L.nOK Dl-FALCATION TllO disputu
between tho Troasiiicr of Boise Cou rib
and tho Territorial Troasurcr baa at
longlj) Bottled itHelfin a manner somoi
what unexpected. Mr. Sloeutn, iho
County Treasurer, had declined to pay
nVeVtoM.)ivR Smith, tho Territorial
Treasurer, tho territorial funds due
from Boise, Count)-, on tho pretense
that S-irtiilr tnuf not a cafe perstmlo
4u trusted' with tho money, or that his
bunds .wero insnOicient. . Slocum fur
ther Haid lhat ho "never would pay
over" the money to Smith." ThU has
turned ' out ' to bo prophetic, for the
best reason in tho woild: Slocum,
himself, has appropriated all the lands
in tho county treasury, and Ihero is
4iot a quarter of a dollar' worth ol
Daturv, or real e.-taio lell in-
llhat reeep.acloof public moneys. The
ri n t f eft j . . . . ' .i i.t.i . x
auano oinieismaii oi inu toin oi
ary, containtt Hie billow. n particulars
Of the discovery ol the dedication and
Ihe arrest of Slocnni :
The cotnntuniiy was startled Tuesi
day evening, thu Kkli of January, on
thu ai'i j vul id t ho Ida In) Kiago, to learn
that All reef Sti.cuiii, Treasurer of Boise
Ciiliiiiy," vvds tiHiii'l. to bo defar.ltci ah
holuieiy (n ll.oreriiiorial lund to the
iiii)otiiit'ol nearly eiht thousand do
I;. I'm 'I'ho exact amount is said to be
5'73S 17. - Ben' Anderson, Sergcant
aiiAruisiif tlio Council, was sent by
joint resoltilioii (d both houses just be
lore the aiijoiirniiieirt, to briii) Hloi um
and the fiinOs down to tlio Ca iial.
Ati invi filiation into his ullaii'S di
eoere.d tlio fact Unit although two
.iHiel hills bad cut down lho .amount
necessary for liiui ,to raio by twenty
one lliousiiiiij dollars, lie was alill ilo
Hi (j'uetil the paltry balance. The
cause .assigned is iiiveslment in niin.
iiiir stocks, irinciiallv tlio lenge umj
mill known aa tlio ' Elkhorn," iibove
I'loneei'. What the ciitiro lU fieil will
prove lo.Lu is of course yet unknown
i lui -ntiovo ' tigurts iiuly kIkuv lho
ainoimi iin to t.l,u 'l'eriiiory alter de
SU-SOOon lho ,Cialclu;r re'
Tfi f fill, and WJoOon the Boise cottnty
nlie'l biifiioiihPr'uf wliich arc eHtirely
settled. Sliici'tin -was arrested last
Sunday l'yksjiee1a'l officer Anderso'ni to
wlhum . bo; discovered his. defalcation.
Tlio CotrfniisMoiiers of Boiso countv
held a special scs.Mon lust Mmidu' and
declared iho ofllcO of Treasurer vacant,
iilid called another meeting for the
Lkh of next, inotuh to lill tho vacancy.
'Slocum lias, wu iindersiand, made an
assign nieui ol his property to three of
Ins. . must, , pcsponsiblo sureties,' who
will.' in the coins-of u few days settle
up ins auairs. waa laKon liaclt to
inniM) vii- yesieruay uioruin; in
jelli.rgc i (if'Snciiff Uijijtc.hf r. : I j,
The -Tax on' Assaykd Cui.n n
'.iuj:iV Tho tfufjoltied id from"
flftihfiriWMlK6'5tJoSfeclr,-f Internal'
ilWoiiuii for M.ihrt Territory :
Ofhc.8 ov (joi.7.rCT()ii I.vtku.nai, Rkve.nur, Y
. : limn Vita. J num-v 11. lSliU.
- EMnr ' 'Miteaman 1.'kai( Si As
thero is a misiipprvheimiou of tho law
as tif'w.heUier bulliony when; ra nssay
ed. is suteet. to, lux under, lho Inti yi
mil Boveinio Law, for eucli re-assnj-N
t-w.isi to cad lho Httcntion of
"paVi iesf Interested. lo lho following prof
vision of jJirailr J.-.issuatl by lho
..... I..;!. ....... ..r n.,. '
under date of August 7, ISO I, and ap
proved by tho' S .erotary i.f tho Trea
sury. It reada as follows: "It any
bullion which ban been Riamped,
land on which lho duty has been paid
in accordance with these regulations, re-nssayed or further refined,
tho duty on tlio satno shall bo paid by
tho nssayor, and itwhall bo rcstamped
in tho saino,. manner as if no previous
assay had been made-."
' Tuo ico barrier at Hellgnto in tho
CoTuriibia has'becn .(iari'i.od ttway ; but
tbift''iVpi' ia ilwcd from tho jimmh of
;John Day River for thirly miles tp.
1'hkcaiuous Situation.. From a platc
mentiin our Ilelcna items, says tjio
iltintana Post of Iho SOth of IJeccni
ber, and. iiiformulion (fetivj'd- from
other sources, wo feel apprehensive of
the loss of men and slock belwe. n IJ.i -lena
and Pen d'Oreille Luke. It wins
rumored two weeks nyo that pack, th vicinity oJT.the Lake,
wero great numbers from
want of feed np eMrenie cold com
bined. Many trains lell Levviston Mid
W alia W alia' bel w cen six w ee k s a n d
two months ai;o loaded for . Blacklist
City and Helena, which have not yet
arrived at their destination. To be
out in Ihe iiiojiniiiins utishelteredwjili
tho ihernuijiiejer" vanning from Z'to
to thirty -degrees below, is certainly
to endure irreat suireris-g, if tiot'. to
tuko desperate chaiii-iH between I ilo
and dea h. In piiinliil susjicnse, we
aro prepared at any time to hear (
loss of I im lis, and pel hn ps lives, a in on i;
these bold a: d eliterprisinir freighters
No Lr.oisi.A-i uitii t'.iu Montana
Gov. 12 lerton and 'the list Lishi
turn of Montana having. failed to make
provision for lho re-election offini'in
bei'n i ( t;.c -two himses, ai d the lij'hl
to elect under tho o rga uiii tvcrl" bei ng
exhausted, Montana is lil';, without a
Legislature, Gen. Meagher, acting
Governor, thus states thu Case i 1 v. '
The Leiii;li ure coii vened 'by G'tV;
12 Igerton in conH'rniiiy tlie.pKo
visions of the oriranii: net, expired on
the 24th ol last. Ooiober. Tiie' appoiM
tioiiuieiit bill, providing fmja nev-.leg
i.-lat are, bavin;' . been veloeil bv Gov.
12 Igei ton, and the lej;isUlure having
lulled to' passu over his voTir.b' the
necessary iwoillilids vole,'H is (,-lenr'y
my conviction , that tho legislative
lunciions ol the 'i'ei i iii ry have lenis
ji'irarily lapsed. To revive these fiinc'
lions I am as cleinly of opinion thai
an eiiablitij; act ol Congress em power
ing . I he Governor to renlisnict the
Territory,., apportion the ivprcsciilaf
five's a d convene thini f' r business,
is. esseninilly required, and that,, no
oilier proceeding can legiti'inateiy Ve-f
floro Ihem, strange and emhiirrassing
as t,laooircumiai:ceaiiKo iii vLfcb their
usieiisio'ii places us. j,: C ' i -3 :
Vco IjOiI.-?';, No. 15, A- fc. A., SI..
)lo1d In sulci Ciihi'iiniiic:tli)ll' oil lliu Flirt mill 'fliiril
Eul in .1 iva nl uii-li in. null, nt tlii-lr li ill. In D.illm C'lly.
Ht"tfilrtjii In "giiiiil Htiiiutiiigilio in v, I it! tn lUloiid. -EhTii
. -Van:, See'.v.1 ' 'l!y iir.l'cr at lite hi.
Columbia Lodgr, Ko. (5, I. O. O.
Mccih iyir. Fri.jny i-vfniiiR nt ' uclutk. I.i UuWtf
Hull, ciii-iici- nf Sciniiul null Cniii t. Stn-etii. llrulln-n in
Kiwi Htmulinn iuc InviH.l o lUtunil. linnlrr. K.O. '
r . Of
.EL C'tti'iii'i- nt' llninii unit Kiini'ili SU'i'uti, tliu t-litil-o
UtiilHi-liolil t-iirniltir& i'ihihIhiIu iif
iAiotoit, i),UKn hoom i. pitches '
S ill! oa , ..
Sultuday, rt'I,,3a.-?u man. !
if V. A. O. PAV.VR, Anoliiirw,..'
OXl-jpOjJS.AIJOViJl'llKl'JS'OKl.'IOK.J r
. I ivlll iitlilul'to wilm of
Real Eslatc.
,-ctitral .tlcrcliajidlsc;
I'uriiitiit'e, ' V
And Stocks.
Htock mill t-'poi-Kil Siili-s auf il.iy. Fu'u'lujM hi&jiiit
fjliu 1 ' ' 1 K.-A O.VAYN ! Aucti moor.
Wa(th:t:.iker and -'.Icylcrj
rvV'"- IN PNK WATCH KS. KWKr.HV, joo
I CLOCKS. Onlil l'iMH.3ilvoriiii.l l'Uil Wr,.
C?-I'nrtlciiliir iiilunllon li ri'imli lnc lliit'J 'j3
Tntclio. Cluck. .lowulr.v, etc. All Wnt-liw l.u'iioil tijf
niB wnrmiiltil fur nvi-lvi) iiiiinllm. ' . - r 1
N. II. All oritur from tlio upper "huntry, t.y Kxprcm
or othvTwIrfa, riiiiutljr nkliiiiilinl to. ' . .
tiivatc Ucslrtonco .ror Sale
:. A MCK'.ltHSlIiENOl-:.. lncntfit In tin.. lot imrtuit
I 1lI'iwii. will he m LI rliiin 1-011 CA.-II. I-.itn. nt
thu S:'i- a Ui'lli'l COUX i
mm Wmmm
rr?M k v c x d km i n n i-: tt' i'i i xi Vv l Won vast Jivtirn. Tff t vt lill v (iitt'i ui! 1 1ii' rittxttiiJ "fl.
Jturlc-s, tiuJ thu jiiblii griiMlitlVf thiit Lit cojnimic t.
1 U 13 LI C A TJOT'ji OIS'
on Pill v ATI-: salh, .
Re:tl Kstalc.
: t;encial Itlf icEiaudlse, -
- - Cil (-l it'M.. v. . -v,
. iis, &C. &C.
- ;.;..: Ki:c-.An SAl.fe i)AY.V I-;
, , Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Caslijdvar.ccs' mailc on Consigiiinenl's,
Ami riiOMl'T I!i.VU-N m ilo t mint.
' IMtt ilucr mill Sjit'cLil Sulci nttt niUil to in nnjr pari i f
tlio til r. ' ' - '
Tariff of CLarjjrs Until Turllicr Xotlcc :
Fur KHIItijf .Mutvlirii'di.ti. (Jrncrr I'K, I til ttlltirr. .
. ,rock Ac. Ac ft por t'tii',
Fjr Si-llitu; H. iuc- iiikII r il K-tti('...., H
Ilnift'H. MnN-H. VrniK ( nitif. fitch "pi!
0 Cl!AU(iK Vnii PTOHATiK,
" JOIIK WILLI AM S, Auctioneer.
Jw .J U .K K II,
Main .Miec. 11 ;i lien.
. : .. i TiioLtji.i.i. ami rktaii . au:n IX .
a'rpKsi .&.
Jiars, . Tobacco, Matches',', &c.
b. cocki;t cuTi.Kiiyivi,' ' ' k" ,
ClIMHS mill IIIIUplIKS, n' nil lnAr,
; ri'Htt l'AHMH't ul vvt-ry duocl ipliulj, .
-U -CIILNA'll;.SAMKMS .. . , ' i- - '
ToVS.Uol.l.S.i.i:. " " ' ' "
!' 'MtJIfAr, tf IIKHtKMS, , ; j i.
I'At'VOOiJli.S. c.. . . .
I Alfut.iiwilitf-.liQt. Ci-iuu l'0.d"- riniiliii. Irti.ltctii.aii4
ninny ;ilier nrtitleii in iiiiiiiituui. to nii'litiunt
Cir- livii-ri'ii-iifiilrrn Hiippllril viih Ciynrn. Ti.trro.pti.
at Itwii'tliHli fiirllHiiil pi-'k-LH. Willi IreiLli.l mlrirfl. - oc-8
Wiii-L iTi'rv "''oii-'
i. A. T 3 'T, ,:'
. JL-AI?, , cii A TST CIS :
awi.SailS.. cpiiv A 1IOI1M' M.,iil,l lirri'ly"liirrtn
fa ll'i'ii-l.riifiiiiArll ntiil lli riiililioiit Inrui'. Ilmt tlicv
ile Ci m tli iit t.i mil AT Oiisr. fur tliii ly lunt Kuiiciir in
t:-iu-r in j-ivi. iii. n riiiuu-o til ttmi.o-iiiHH'niK tnriiiin
llnliil iy. i V will atll thu Liiliimu ui our, tou-
feiHlliii; nf ' '
ltl. ! lllri.-lf Rilla (!., 1
Ul'it-IWMjflHii,!. 70 tli'u llVltiT I'.oilis' (:; t
tiu-Kii, , ; - dii'mh ( imti,
blnovlit. -' I'linti.i.i I
111 y UkA. . i j ,i:nJiro:iler!pii," .
Hum k dii, -jt,lotl) j, sliocii,
.. '. t&A ', c,
Williuiit, riplKJ-t jinil Kxp-im..
Tliiii'will Initio Inut cliiiico to ce iMrenlnn. iirlur to
cliwiiig Ihiifdiici'i iu ii i.i ..; i. i , ,C0I1. & 1IOJIM,
N,H. ' All llttU lllilt be pnlit tiy th ' First nf .Innnnrf
lr.q. If not M-lili'il witliln Unit timr, Mii nunu uill It
jilmnil ill tiisitl Iruiili. ' ' " 1 -i drltC
W"gurTley, dentTst," "
' '.' 'if. Sf.DnlUg,r.gon., f. .,
WB7-ftVI,b lll'SI'EiiTf ul.I.Y INPnint -liJSjWSsj.
X tin cittern of fliin plni-n nml vl- fjl
t-ltiJIT.tliut Imvinj; iftui iuil I'niiu.u pii. CfiVTWift
'iimlifnul Hinr'tlirlniKh tlii' inliitit. Ite-linV ItlV
n-jjiln li-Ktliiiu l lliu iirnctirc of IHJNTIS I'll Y, In tlio fixmi
li.nm'.-Vy (ici-npkil tiy liiui. In thu. Iiiiiiilhij! iii-cnpli'il tiy
Uiiu.1 k nnili-r, I'll itonrupli AillntHi iirt.1 ii.IJ.HhIuiW1
dr., ii Hum.1 lril BlmC : He titke thin lui tliiiil u(iw
ti'inlinir tlmiihis lilvllirj lilmrul piirniinKi' ln'ii'laluu- yx
IttnilrltihluiiLtnuil.tiiilieliii n cnntiuuiiitci' of tlio vmuu.
'iMiVi,o(..--i l.-s
Hntiro Di.nlitrd on anlii UuHiVi.,.,.....,.. $l!n lo$Ji'
. ., I ppiT Dml im-, Oulil IIiihi. (10- I-J!
" l I'l'iilurii. Ynlrnulir. Hn-o ';.....;...I,i;v... -7ii M. V2b
" ' ITpin'f I't-ntiirr. Viili-miitr 'l!nv.n..... . & ', Hi
Oulil Filliu.'K III iMlril frniii nnoiKillnr liioi nr.k..' ,
Chll.lri'tiji1 Ti'lMh rxlmiiiril IVcb nf oIkO-rii. . iiI3-tf
t.l.l .l'.(MUUU AN! RKfAIL OKALKBff V!f . . . . '
j ;;p3, i7novi3iONS,.a:c.,((
Sir. M. IIHQU lN. .licrnWa ronlilrnt or SmiVriiiiftBrnTv
"" niiiMtil to irtlvr irrurt linlccini-nn to pin clmnern. V
mperlliilly lnvttr,lh pul'lic tu ox:iininuur atw-k lirfuif)
'.iiii'liiniiiiK ctNi-wliero. infi-tl
-- SIHn Clturi, n irll irt.lo lnlnitrt. IXirlvi,
' :'.new: sv loox;
rVirfR ONbSlimriXliO 'woitlil rtiipnetfnliy nnwntiie
U Ilmt ho will open a Hint cIiikh Snl. m i in Firucli 4
CtltliAiCit e( liJle-ltnlliliiK, TIIIS.KVKN1MI,mU ii
liri.piiivif to m'l Vo ltditoiiii!r ilh tho KraVvf A.
'WiiiJlIuuor.s anil Cigars.
E It 12 E '-, UNCI!
EthtjIiHJ ahilOlvoWniM I f . II : ( f It,,
"iTa':''' T'V"'; '''1fQU3f-jl1 N otv
Jl JOIcXiwk. leu mllci Smith o D illc Cliy,OrL-oii,
ii Heiiiiuli-lKil,.risiSm,.nAY jlOHsOl i.m.u,
hiKll, '4;ilu.ou io i, iiiiuio wiihlid limrkH, vliltn liiiut
r.wl: MlmV filAiS p.itef nli.ttv 'In. linni;ii li-w while I Mini
on lornl
1 Jn2.m
lornliMiii, .r!iiji'tflii: U oh tile left ilivnldor, U-ui
" .inu .ippniuvu at tu.
It. W. CLA K.