'lp I OKKGON, SA.TtIRO VY, rEIinUARY a, WOH ISO. i-tn. . (MtlfWAYa Xl I'TKD,) BY , 'v, E. Gi(.K i ! tLI.OfllA, Kill vut ..kl okTi. TmM.i Tttifiti ,. or week, piiyiittlit tiUlie carrier pur (mom ,i. il; three muiitlm. UoU; ix HMtutlir. . ; utuI.tr. $S. AUvflrlisouiuuin hiMrluJ nt low ruttitf. Job Printing. Kvtiry .ecrfition if plain and limey Job Printing exe tiiuil witU ueatiifM ill il tJartptictt, ami f.irwriitnl aa pur ouSi lutiiy part til Hie ctmufy. i'ayttutU for Job i'rint tny MtuM te tmnU oh UeUverg cy work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, ORECOi. - isa.vdi.hy itsiwonv rroji'ii Tina i rvi. in house, o mbaui locatbd, Near the Steamboat Landing & Bailroad Depot, II liueu recently enlarged and Improved, and will uuw t :m o Gr v e s i? s . St tt'Il.L IM CJNDUUTKD u lierotulura.JM a FIRST IIJ'JSK. mi l lliu patrolinge ul' the traveling public is rusperiluily sulicilu '. ' .l.i-wo tiikun Ulhe llous. fre..uf charge. Home iipomal! tiiIit. . U-ffi JFMc-PaiOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES , D.llf.')cl,4 tf. " J. - :;,,' EMPIRE HOTEL, ' A ; . MIX HT.ISST, HUH, OlltaoSf, " TII&.H.1S S tUl'JI. Proprietor. AFIESTiCLASS HOUSE. - .'. ' ix tub nixiBB or businkbs, . : Hear the Steamboat and Eailroad landing. . riii:iuri.ir Actf:u :mil itlons fur Families nud cull Ao ' souiiuudite One Hundred aud FlityUueaU. Ileal '.'y 60 cut. Lodging....- Wet. ii.a ll.....r gVr,. ftir ilixmHltiiitf valuables. ' etii. House opeu all uight. Buggagehkcn to the fluus, . r . a ! VI 'I tree 111 cnurgo. , mlie-tf . Proprietor. SPaiHS ANi) SUMMER GOODS! DiJu.i:itv- Ac imos., Unllert and Wiiit Wsillft, : ... OKAUWI W Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Mill C.I'M Outlstt), llools and Shoes, -- . Clothing, ' ' ' llala mid Caps, - :.-,! -.i- r ' u, ' '" Groceries, And i hill assortment in" General Merchandise. Iruyln' avrinivHiv in the San fc'mii'jtflcii niarkel. an maKliiK .ii lull eiwli ircluii, w are enliM to tr I Jw Dor coin, cirjauur iiiau any iiniur . . DUSKS IIKIIY IllWi.. m'l-tr - - . Ualliwaiid Walla Walla. ; HOW T S;Vli MOillliV ! r , ' , eALb At tut w . Family Grocery and Fruit Store, ' '" " Cornor of Vliingtii and Second StreeH. H.inul.3muon ivtairua T.I TVVillIU Tlltt JL unjpiu ul fie D.iIIim. nii'i me unuiio (joiioraiiy, uiui ko Iiiu a 1 irgo and well wlocled Rluck of Family giioceuies, .V;" ;;'.; caimb, -tuts,- e.,-- ' Which he will loll Wh 'ile iK' ami IteUlI at Rvtucvl f.-.rti fy CAXIlt Al. cuiKt mllv mi hand the UlwktMl ' Arklcle of K.IMII UUCCXIl aivl. Kil'ld. AU-, every rlnt nf KM11IITA nil I 1 r.it r. L All l.".iJ 111 "Oil od'.ouii I'omoih from up the c .uutry, Uhln uanlhie of Kietci.and rrn I, liy (en unit '""lr oniere, win ' the itrlcteit iliteiitloif. anil have them tilled at the UKf Market fiitxt. tJ-f - C.-L JKWKIX. C. W.'ARHJS. - AR.NfES & DALLAM, .. , . Im!urten and Jobbcn of. : HOOD AVU WILLOW WARE, i. . B.tUjli:H TWIXBl, 00ROAOK. o. , ' ' '. ' ' And Manufactarert of I' "California Palls, Tul) Brooms, &c. ilj SI9 SaeramoutoStroet, between Front and KavU, han.yrniicUcii.1- J ' ocHiSinilew. F'.TILLMAN, TILTON: & MpPARLAND'S I'ire A; KurglJir Proof Safes. " " ' &TEBL LINED VAULTS, ' r . 'y WITU , ' . Oojnbi nation, Loolc. iVCjiietantly'on haniTa full Mirtment of BAKKS. ' - . - . 318 BATTKtllf BTIIKKT. ivnjirt . - ' Han lfranclnen. . AUorncys & Counsellors at Law, ' DALLES; 0RE00Xv; M Von uoist: mikes uiuuct. THE:. Jig WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINt : ok - . CONCORD STGKS, 1 f OAitaviNU ThkF.'ll'. S. OVERLAND MAILS Welt , Fargo to. Ik now. iiiaklux IteKUlar Tripa from Walla Walla lu I'l coVvllle, (IKiiae Mines.) Through In Two and a Hulf Days Connecting with the tt'allulu Uue of ataurj, itmi tit limits uf the 0. 8. IS. Comp"iiv. V. THOMAS k CH., . ap'27-tf I'mpriutiir NOTICE. THE P10NEEU STAOE COMPANY Will curry FAST FBKIGHTS FltJ.U TJ IVI -A. TILL A. , AbTtSlfi'lIlS Htt.-i'Ol .MJTJHrill. AT T!IK FvlULJW l.U 11KUUCKI) UAI: To Rolse City i 15 Ceutitper pomul luauo iiiy mii Olv lie aO For lutii amounts llnm one hiniilri'tl imnnils tut addition 01 uive ueuu iicrioKua win 00 ctiurgeo. To Uoiiel lty, 3 IKi.vk. 'I'o lUano Jtty .....a I -J oays TO Owj itve, 4 liaj h. I.IOSEl'U 1'INKIIA.M11A ;'oclb:tl'. limatillm Oct. 1. 18G5. , .. ' 14 Maiiufactuiftl tit the ' f JS. OREGON IRON WORKS COUNiilt UF MultlUdJN mid 7TU strueia, A.. C. U1DUS CO., J ' Succeiisors to Portland, Doo. 8t!i 'BJ. doOtf K. L..lut A L'o. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND BILLTAHL) KOOM, F. M. 11 U IS T , Proprietor, COIIXKK OF , Iain (intl Coui't Stx'ectw, a41-tf . Dulles, Oregon. GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FBTJ1T ISTOIIE. Waitliinv'toii gtrocit, uppiHiite Krnoli A Ollimm'. Diltes, lltutun li:itil a l u ge ami wi'U-iuimrteu rttock or GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, .. Frcsli LSutlei At lrtJH, . Ilenelved dally.' A litre lot of CUICKKNd nlwuys on hand. HtUl M of nil kin Is. FlttMII VKOKTADLKS every morning. AU articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody I ljrtlCle low. . aul8:tf .. : t. LIEI1K, i5Htullilocl 1857 BALDWIN OR.O. DBALEUS IS , . GROCERIES ! CtlKNFJt OF - 1 JIalnahd Union Streets, Dalles. J.C. BALDWIN m'ljn-tf IF. W. BALDWlA. WM. MOAIIUS. '. : . 0. B. KqtdKb. t ' WMi MOABUS &CO., O I TY ' B AKERY, c .: . .' ah t ruorisioN store," Corner of First and B Streets. WHOI.KSAI.K AND RKTAII, DK.U.KIIS in BREAD, CltACKKIISand Family U IKK: Kit I K3. -OVOrders from a distance carefully Dlleil and promptly lispatoheil. '; t-tf ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, mam Mro.ei. corner ot Court. - OI.D MACK, TIIK PIONBKIt D)01t. would respect fully Inform the nubllo that lie has Attn! nt (lie above Chop Houso, anil Is propared to servo up lUKALB and I.UNCII in tho best stylo and nt tho shortest riollco. UAI.I.ShiiiI PAIlTIKi furnishe l w th suppers, iu the beat style and on the in ist reasonable ti-rnii. . OVdTKltS In every style. Private Kooms for I.ullos. HOUS: OIJlCN ALfj N I CHIT IIUU VSO Ac ODULL, ATTOnNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Il.t. PHADTICU IN TIIK SUl'ltKMK ANgCIlt cult Counts of Oregon, and the District Courts o Washington Territory. , ' - - Particular attention pain to tne collection or oisims. . l' K H ) U &i ii 1 h M A H , I !':. lUfOtlTCIU! AND WUOLUiALt Dealers m Wines, Liquors OltOOKltlKSs., 311iieri' olx. lloat Mores, &C, havc KtnuvtD to tttieia NtW STONE BUILDING, ; t . I COHNItKOr Second and WaHlrlugton Streets. DAL ES CITY. - ' . NOW IN ETOItK A LAItUK AND COMI'LKTB AS aurtiuciit ul tlie tery beat brands of , : , Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. Jftst'CuiMtimtly ruceiviiituur supplies iliruct from N Yuik aittl riiui l-'riutciHcu. we are ubio ami willing toned atavtiy rtinall mlvatico uu tinti Vranuiiico iiricee. They hope ty uilupmi); u Mtrictly oormct ami pniinpt iiiethil ul liimg biuiiiBsn, they will ruuoive the puinmnge el'thr put lie. , ,: r i icio-u "COLTJMBIA RIVEYlnNES." A - 1. BOO T il, l i.WIIITK UI.UFF8, W. T., ' FORWARDING AND CESSION MERCHANT, i , and oexenAi. dialuk m MKltClIAJNDISE. i AND .10 B ' K BIS' S D P I li Ufj S . PACK AD 8.V3DLS 3)J3E3 FOR 8A-E." J.lltmOllTS CJNSlll.VFD t. my ciro fur Culvllle 'It.1 Koiteiml. or Hie Upper Columbia Mints, will re ctive pn,niit attention. Wlniu U.ulla. Oct. 1st, 1S04.' ' " " oc 2tf ajur rati; it, guocuuy -' -j-'AND PROVISION STORE. ''UK UNDEIISIONKD INFOKM8 111 t'IUKND8 anl 1 tttc public Koueral.y, that he lias Junt establlsbed on .Main alreut, uext doo to J . Jukcr, fubaccuiiist, r A NEW STORE ! ; wlier. he keeps constantly on hand a larite assortment o pi'cld FKUIT., Also, iu stnre acuiiiplereritock olclioic. UHOVKKthX I'HOriXIOA'K VVVKTAULtUi, etc. All of which will bu sold, wholesale ami retail, at Hh DUCKD PH1CKS. t'ouioaiid see aud satisfy youiselr. sela-lf ' I - .JOUN SPOBllO. . W!Hdavy's specific CO M 1 O U ND , All Kxpeditious Cure fur all diseases of Hi. SUXUAL 0 ,11 G AN8. 'till! prompt and elHcatluus Heme ly for the cure I. ilhou'irruai, Uluet, 6irlctures,and Diseases of tho lii-iiiary rtgiuis-nmaes rt speeJy cure without Uio leat restriction to iliet,'exi.iaure or cbaiige In application biisiui'ss; it will radiciUty cur. any case which can b. proiluced. The iliiie'iau it roinoves us sieelliy as Iscoth sisiuut with the prudurtion ot u thorough and permanent cure, further, the disease cannot bu contracted if the 81'KCIFIC 0 iMIVUNI) Is taken when exposed, its Iiigrwnents are entirei v ve jeln'iie, antl no Kijuriuus ofloct. either cuustituiioiially or.utally, can be caused by Its u. . . " ' Prliie One D illar and Fifty cento per bottle. Bout by nspress cwiniiy pacaeu, 11 Jtjl'ra'l' .lt, SMITH A DKA-J. ARonts, . 4ol Hnd i'M Battery street, oor Clay, Jy22dm. , ,. . Ban Francisco. Umatilla, Boise, ANUIDAHO Express ami Tast Freight LI nr. VMIIS- LINK 13 NOvTlN COMI'LKTK IIUNNlNIi M. order lium Umatilla to Idaho City, via Bone Cltv. and prepared to carry Freight and Viilmible Packages between these aud all iuieuiieiliate potuu Willi certiuuiy Tne Line Is Stocked with the Best Teama . . lh couutry affctdi and entirely iiew Auorougu-orauo CONCOJEtD 'W-A.C.OJNS,. Uhich.ejisureo Speed niF Safety In th. tmnsniis!nn of Freight, never befasc. ollered to Idaho. W. ofl'er htipef rior iiiiliicemento furBhlfipiiiK Uoodsi-uni Ban Frauci.c and Piirlltind to Idaho, us our iirraugenieitta wltii. th Oceiiii Steamsltip CuinHiiiy and the Oregon Bleam Navi gation are such lhai all Uooda shipped by this J, hie wi.i uot be ul(Ject to tlie usual delays, but pass through us Ooods shipped from fan Francisco tu oi r cure nt Port land, Charges will bu paid uud Ooods shlpiied to destiun tioll. ...... OOOD8 SHOULD BR MA11KF.D: CAftK B. SI. D. Jr. CO.. F. LINK, anil Shipping Uecuipto sent to our Agents at Porllnhd and UiMiiulla., Advuncel'hargVB ror Transportation Palrt by the Line and t'ollucted ut Destination. Goods will bn forwarded with Dispatch to qwj hee nnU South Boise. FASSKNOKR8 CAItillED AT OltKATLV HEDUCK1' IIATKji. Fninlllea will be luriilslied with SiiH-rlur At oomintHlatious iu New and Easy UiiiiiiK Thorou.lt TniCH W iiaons on tne Most Llbei ul '1 el uis, o lay uvur eacli liiKhtull the llond ut Ouod ittitl -00111-01110111 btutions, si, that passengers will uot b. depriveif ol regular resu :agiNTHi . . 0 , KICIIAl'.DS k McCKAKKN.. ItlCIl II AlcCUAllK.N. JOskI'U l'KAL. POM . .1,1. 4 0 '... J. II. VUl.hl.MiON...,. B. M. Duitr.LLCO... II. M. bulll.1.1. A CO... MAJOIt el'r.r.ll DultELL it .HO0..K n24tf San Francisrt, M..'..jVurtlnu, , .j llnllri Uniatllh. , H...'..LeOrau 1 1 - Boise Cltr , Idaho Cltv Iiochy liar (South Doisr, , Iliioynud Bilvcr Cilii s HI. Dull ELL A. t'O,, Proprietors. II. II. HILL. A.J KANK. Li I L L & K-'A. N" E; WIIOIISALI AND RBTA1L DBALBB8 l Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquprs AGRICULTURAL "IMPLEMENTS. 8T0IIA0K AND FOHWAItDINU. . Ooodi coiisiiieil toots will'meiA with proper attontio. Ueferencoi , ' riBTtiRD. mam. - II. W. Corboti '. Bobbins A Co., Ilichardsjt McCmckeu, V. C. Moo.ly A C, ' II. Ijiw, ' " 0. Ilumiuon. Umatilla Landiiiit. Sept. Oth. ISiW. D. 1. M Jll'JICAX) WAS P.KMOVKD HIS OFFICK 0PPO site lllocli. Miller A Co, where be Is prepared to do all kinds ol - DENTAL WORK,' In a sfctltrnl and welrflmMuil nlTinnr. TKKTII inscrtef from one to no entiro set. on tliiM.or Itiiblair Plate. 1 Prlcos raii'-u for Itubhnr Plato, from tii to 146 : Vol Gold Pl.tto, from $7b to il'.'J. . . .' sT Persons li niiu w.irk din. by me not provlnn sat isfactory will not bo reiiuired to s0colvs or pay for tin same. aula ti BOOKS! books: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. :' OI.I1UU11 III1U1VS, BlATtll.1 Mtt, 3 Htanilaiilanit Miscullaneout WOUK3, Uto NOVKI. .MAO A .INKS. PAL'KUS. AcM Ac. by every Btoamerj Post-OIHc. Bookstore, Main street. Dalles'. n1a7.tr , ' ' II. J. W AI.DKON 01. rfllUR UN'PKRSiajfHD Wir.I, Pl'UCIIASK 8K"0ND hautl ruruitiire. Hols. HecMlnir. Carnets. Hivh. and llou'ehold Furniture of every uescrliitiou. Parties wishing to sell will do well lo call. 1 .' I. 1 A C!AKI I Oil THIi l. . Full & Winter Clothing Trade - - OF SA!V FUAXHSCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, nmm tid nuu av uniicry sircttf, C01. Mrchaut bn ftutuvlace. Importers. and Wholesale Dealers. ESTIBE NEWAND FRESH STOCK JaWT-B W0Uf.B fAlX ATTENTION of Country lor- w - ........o v ,i,,iiu iwin , uuuiS. UUI st.ick comprises (very urth le In 11 . Clothing ami Fur nishing Hue. Hi have cuiisMntly on lianl the largeee-' Rllll vn,ltlHt kwilil. i,r t !,...( ,i,..n u,.il V,b.l II. 'I'rt ... uuy hoiisa In Mm Fntncisuo, and our prl es for thoao (luodioio less Ihau 'trtiiso of any house, as w. rec.lvo thoiii direct from the innunlikuturL'r's consignment 'owe slock ol'ijnuiiUerniid Fall (loons Is Imrllcularlv attran- ivo. mm 1110 Krunt le.iiuio 10 tuo couutry luerciuuit Is thn uuusually low prices. , Less Than tho Cost of Importation! Wonlso keep the STAPLE AIIT1CLKS In ih. Dry UoouV line, which Ousls we bit,, purcluised In tltlsi market no- ' do.' the luinime,, 111. 1 ru uttering (bout at New Voik tost, and less. We publish till, rati In order that w. may make new . ncu-iliiiuni'e. aud I inluce those v, ho liav. jiot heretofoi-M pntchased of us, to call and exauiiou otir stock. Good Articles and LoW Prices! Are th. greatest Induconioiifs't all who purchase In sell again. Merchants M ho buy of us can make a goo l ' proUt, and sell to their customer, at a low ligure. V) e remain, runp.tlnlly, ' f. 1 ; , Your Obedient servants, BADUKIl 4 LINDKXBKROF.il, " ; ; . . WholcsnluClothiiigaud Hat WareluvM., . . Nos: 411. 41J uud 416 Battery street. Son Francisco, April 1,1806. . . . JettMhnw. ' 110 1 FOlTTTlBTuSiHWSK - ON TIIK . - .. i . - f .? at?. A TT A riCT MIIStDKL10IITFTJL aND CJvLKBIlATHO BU.MMKU M. . ilesurt, situuteil oh Clatsop Plains, a short disUuco from tli. Ocouu, 1. now ro-opeued aud rendy to rocelv guesls. " , ,. . 1 ., m i , ., This resort possesses attractions nnsnrpamed on tlm Pacl tic Coast, it has a splendid-beach for riiMnjv walk ing and bathing; beautiful Meuery and surrouudlngsj berries of all kinds abound) a beautiful trout stream and abundance of game. . . , THK TABLlE' .,v-..'i' . Is Mtnrt.nll. ai.ill...l will. ...I, -...I , 1. m ,vw ni,,. nnu imii water nsn clam, and crabs, elk, bear and feathered game, uud tho freshest of country produce. , Tho climate Is solubriuiis This HoVl tutors evory thuig that could be desired for tlie coaifort of guosth Tlie Pn.prietors reapoctrnily ask the llnulth and Picas, nr. Seeking Public for nurtnmiunt. ti.t ri.u ,7... enahlod to make the o Hiiiiii,i..p ll.,,ii t.! stitutlun of the country. ' LoWKLL 4 KIPPiSN . uay.iu, lo., , niyDti Ulfc. JJ. W. JRAXXv'UliiJL.Is. 'HirtrtttD W A T nnnW'C ittr irr, ' , - vrr awn iij,u.l V . J) U I U L,XVf , 1 , UmtDiCNCB C.irnor of ThirJinui WanlilnKton Btrvf-. DRs A.. II. ISTEELE, ,., . ACTINQ JL88I3TANT SUHGKON, U. 8. A. 1 . ,,;. 1.. 0IB WILLIAMS, , ae:2 - ' log Main Htut.Ullo. , 1 v. : -i i ' ' TVS 0. UUMASOIf, ' Dalles,0g-. 4. i.ODKL!. if i- 1'. .1