C20 fail) IJIoiuitatiucL FRIDAY MOHMXC. FEB. 2, lSOft. Pakxon BiioVvKlow compliiins' that lio U opposcd'by both the radicals and rebels. " A OocknkY who luitl been eggrd by it mob, freaking of tho missileH. de dared that " the beggars 'ove 'urn at my 'ead." IIenuV Waiid JiKKCiiKU id becoming popular with the Democratic members of Congrcm. Hid ''ltemarks on Ityll" also made him many ii iondd among wdrldlings. The New York A'ews uys that in. Janlcioo began and grew with Pun. taninm. It Buuh is tlio cane, I'lirilan-i-m is of much greater antiquity than is supposed. Sam B.iwi.es oays of u church in San-Francisco : " lho Congregational Society that bid so high for tho llev. A. L. Stone, of Boston, is still in tho market for a first-clans preacher." A 1. 1. v ding to tho fact '(lint lio has heen twice nominated for Attorney-(-tnncral, and for nothing els'", John Vun Burcn says "ho has been twenty years rustling in politics, and ut hi.-t il compelled to go in ut lho eamo hole be camo out of." A. politician iniido application to Pulmerslon tor ollice, :i the pleu that he had for twenty years done the dirty work of tho party in his neighbors hood. Pulmcrslon replied, that he would reward him with the Gist dirty oOIco that was vacant. l'$Kc'acs 0f (i,0 Jumiieia negro ineurrection are slated to have been tho refusal of the homo Government to remedy ceriuin grievances, the in Dux of a 'bad cl.iss of negroes from San Dmiuogo, and tho influenco O ' grows in tho United States. Tlij! Calaveras Ckroukle says that n jeullemun of French Gulch, Califor nia, has gathered lho present year, three hnndrcd ttnn filly pounds ot grapes from two vines growing in his vineyard; lho Tines are about eighty 3mrs old. A Til i bk ot ftiiglisli gypsies has np pcurcd iiearrffionlon, N. J., where tiicy support themselves in tho tradi tional fashion, by idling fortunes and robbing hcn-nwmi. Their 'nu ruber is so largo us to require 20 wagons for lho transportation of their women, chil dren and baggage. :' TliK conductor of an infamous paper . in San Fruncisco has been arrested lor oh Urging that C.rluin dancing schools in tho 'city wero dens of vice, lio was released on giving bonds, a,id tho promiso to prove his assertions, which ho still asseverated wero lho "frozen tru It " A Btr.ij hits been introduced intoj.lioj, Tonnessco . Legislature, nulhori: the Governor to sell and convey lho lleimittigo properly belonging to the Slato of Tennessee, except two acres inclosing the graro of Androw Jueki sod, pre vided that lho estalo shall bo divided into lots and sold ut nue.tion lo the liigheot bidder, and lho payment to ho mado in bondi of lho Stale, on payment of purchase money. Tho (fovcrnor isMiiilhoibied to giro lho jiurchnscr n good and suffimit deed io lho tamo oFlho SfutoW Tennessee. TUB LACK OP MAIL FACILITIES. Tho present arrangement of tho United Stntes mails in tho interior," and from the Lower Columbia to this point, certainly call for rectification, villi a View to conform them to lho growing necessities of tho country. It will bo observed that whenever the river is closed, thcro is a break in the communications between Southern Idaho and tho places below the Cas cades of lho Columbia. This break extends from Walla Walla to Van couver and Portland a distance of two hundred and seventy five miles by land. Sometimes it is only for a few days, but generally for at least two months in tho winter lho communica tion with lho interior is dillicult and uncertain, practically resulting in a total suspension of travel. ""This is so, not because it is absolutely necessary it should bo so, but beC-auso there is no provisinr tln transportation of mails and passengers by land during tho - suspension of navigation. To remedy this.defect, il is necessary that arrangements to carry lho United Stales mails from tho Lower Colum bia by land should bo mado. Tho sec lion between tin1 Dalles and Walla Wulla is easily operated, lho average of winters, nine days out of ten. llun ning through an open country, 'whero tlio Chinook wind sejdorn allows tho enow lo lie three eonaeeutivo days, the daily passago of sleighs or coaches would keep tho road open. .But no thing less than continuous travel will do this. The crust on snow is just us much a Uurrier to lho passage of of horses as if lho earlh were a m hen mass of volcanic matter. Few horses can li a v .mi miles in a hard crust with ll.. fnow eight inches deep. This iieccsHln!. a i lit dnir passago of sleighs and v. it'.oiM lo keep tho ciusl broker: Fi.ii. iho Dalles drw the Colum bia, a road must li nitrtructed, which will admit of , I ho Vapid movement oi vehicles, and this is indeed an expcit sivo underliikirg' 'CotiKideriiig tho sparscness of lho present interior pop illation, it does not promise very-largo dividends on its cost for eomo years to come ; but with the vast prospoc tivo increase of inhatitnnts and re sources tho necessity for this road continues to obtrude itself on the pop ular mind, until at last it will be built. The day of lho accomplishment of thi enterprise is not remote. If, in six years, tho interior has sprung from" a po, ulai'ion of five lo forty ihousai d, it is reasonable io stipposo that theBO figures will bo doubled in n liko period from tho present limo. As it in, half of tho men who have visited iho Co lumbia Basin aro immigration agents, whoso representation ...ro. doing as much, or more, for prosperiiy of tho country than t' ; combined exer tions of tho press. If our means of inter. communication cot) Id bo improved, a great additional inducement would bo offered for the permanent settlement of our interior. In fact, if this is not done, tho mining settlements of Southern Idaho will look towurda California for tho moans of winter-transit which aro . denied them hero. Tho roulos by Star City and Chicp fun through districts whero tho winter is less scvero than thoso by Wulla Walla and Xfinatitla. Tho ho. tility of tho Indians ih'ro'ug'h tho hoc tiuu traversed, , by theso Yontos, alone greater cxtpnt than ut present. If mother year should pass without tho means of economical and rapid winter travel being provided on the routo from hero to Uolso and; Owyhee, tho probabilities are fn favor of its Inking lho directions to which we liave r? . ,,rtl'" ferrcd. Unless tlio mails aro carried con tinuously, in winter and summer, over tho route wo have marked out up tho Colombia itivcr, the project will bn a failure. In order to justify lho ex pense of tl o construction of the road from tho Dalles lo some point below tho Cascades, it will require that it should bo con' inuijjly used ; that tho public mind should become accustomed to consider it as tho principal conned lion w'flh lho outside world, and, that Iry continual use. it should bo kept con' stantly in repair. Lxpcneno denr onstrales that a road which is kejjl onhr to bo used three months in lito year, is always out of order .when it is most neeocu. As to the relative spec! o't lho trans mission of mails by land mid water, il is demonstrable that tho land route has considerably the advantage, from the fact that the schedules can be so arranged ns to ndmil of night travel over lho greater part of any route in the interior, whilo the navigation of ho Colombia is so dillicult that it is safe lo count only on daylight as the time to be used by steamboats. Wo earnestly invito publ'c atten tion lo lho "nleas herein presented, wi:h the fu l lelief that upon tho adopt ion ot some such sell cine of com iminicntion depends our fin ore com merci.u connection with the richest portion of the mining interior. M'CTION llI) COMMON .HOUSE! So. 100 JAI STREET, DALLES. nrviK tr.tDKiisiovKii thank rnr. you Ji rt.-T . FHttiW, rWM'rM'iilIt liifiirni lilt, i-it ixi-ir- i.f tin ' Dnllfu, urwl Ifrar j.ftMlt grerll, IIhH Wr rmtiKiira tt PUBLIC AUCTlON- oii nm'ATii Itotlrnfalc. .ienci-sil Merchandise, ."' CiiiicerieN, :. 't ' IIOI-NCN, niuicN ' . I'ii i n It urc. Mocks &c. " 11 KG L LA tl S.U.K DAVS, Tuesday and Saturdays. Cash Advances TOaJc on CfrJisigDBicn'uS, Anil PtlOMI'TfcKTtr-'N tn ilv of Ktlm. , Out ilnor mrt Speohil S ulci atlrmU'il to in tiny fmf of tlm ciy. . . Tariff of Clinrjeren Fntll FurtUer Notice s Ytjr fr'vlllnji Mrri-li:triilt.c. OntT'on, Fnritiliii-n. ' dliickH Xc &c. A per wr FT Anlllug lluayemiml lli-il Kmirfti i 3 Jlurt.4'4. .Muli'H, Wink I'ultlv. filHl 2 ' NO ril.MtllK POIt FTOHAOK. JUIISI Wlbl.l AIMS, Auellrr. J . J U K 3C 11 , wiuiua.tu.tm irtrAtL t:.i.in is CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, I 1 1 11 8V &o.. ALWATS I.X STORE THE HEST I1HAX1H OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, t&c. tJl.AYINO CAKDS. I'OCKKT CU't'LKUT, I'OUT M lMKS. COMBS ii4 HKt'IIES. o' i.M khnfv emil liHtUV- .rv ihMctipiiuii, Clll.ilUJi.lltS'14 .. . IlYS. blLU. nr. ' VV-lt IIOilKSool FISIITXO 7ACM.K, MUSICAL 15STItJlK.NTII, VJNC.Y UUODil. t. hlam VMrr.Xmt. tk. PwiUt Pliuki, !lirti. nml IHr Interior ilrulur ii)iril wild Cifiim. Tnl.rcn. etr. at lHi thiin eurtlnuJ iirlcus. Willi fi-uii:lit Hillc4. oeK YVnsco bodge, No. 19, A. & A. iTuliid tn Mtiittnl Cuiiitmitiiuiitiim- on tlic Flrrt anil Tliinl Sntimlnyn ot eicli monlli, nt tlicir lvill. in Italic City. Urvtltrvti In giMiil Ktiunlingiirv hir;'- M ntt.ml. Sum I. rore, Sm'y. lly o..' .. of Tlic W. 51. Columbia I.oilgc, Ko. 3, I. l. O. F. Mueti i very Friiluy I'TviiIiik itt t u'cbict. i. Ontos' Unit, curnef nf Fmimt itnA Cwwrt tftreeti. Hrotbrre In ffowl atttnifing n i:i virel ltatrenil. IlyiinU-r. N.U. AUCTION SALE. - ' 1 will rll, nt Pnltlk Ancllon - 1 Till i !;iy (Friday.) at 10 a. m., illoc i" lio ' ' ' ' " V'"Miix Saloon," ; '.. , ;miliin!;f ' , .'" v v.i:tNlTUttR AND F1XTUHKS, iU: ".xW-.n. Pi.i.lth.g., ' Vtftlirt'il, lnikiiv UlilSdlrt. . WiuiM. IJiiwirii. nni Clpir. Ac, Ac. 4u'Sltin,-'MluioiitMl witkiiut ro iirvo. . , JOIl. WII.I.IAMJ, AaoOiHlrer.. AUCTION SALE. OF HOUSEHOLD llUMTlitE. Tg WILLSKIJ. ATTIIF.llF.SinF.NCK F Mil. KOWn, JL Oornvr ul IJnluii nwl Hmtnli Streets too tulirO uouMiitoiii riiriuiunt cuiihiih uti; 01 l'Altl.Otl, UI.MNO HOO.M, II K I) 1I0JM A K1TCIIKN FUlt.NllUllK. SuloOn !. . . '. it ... v b Saturday, S'eb. 3d. nt 10 a. in, F. A. O. PAY.NF.. Auellnoier. A NICK tfKSWKXCK, lornlut In lho lr mrt of 1 prevents Ihcm from being used to a i?s7Z.J'" , " "m fiYBIFS.lKTIO.il It 00 11! (ONE DJJIl AtlOVK TIIK PJST-OFFicri ) , MA IV STItKlr, lAI,Li:S CITY. . 1 will uttend u iflk'1 or Real Estate General .flcrcltnndisc, I'lll'lllltll'C, And Stocks. T.KOUI.AIt 8AI.K DAY3..M0XnAVS AND Fill DA 'S Ruck nml fwinl S;iln nny il ly, Fniulny uxoeiiteil. fyllo F. A O. t'AYN .i, Alletl .liter. W.alch'iiiakcr :iml .Icnclcr MAIN STREET, DALLES, DF.AI.KIl IN FINK WATOIIKS. JKtrKMIV, CLOCK. O0I1I I't'im. Silver nml flnieil Ware, upecinriun, i;uttory. an. . . . , ,. -'nrllciilnr nlleiillun imlil lurennlrlnu' fliieOio Vntolioi. Cluckn, Jewelry, etc. A II 1 ut -liea re.iiireil liy N. II. All Anler fmin tl, iiipt "ountr,, t.y L,iej or otlivrwiiii, ironiitty iittenileil to. ' Private ttcNtdcnco For ; Sale'. SELLING O K 1? AT 0T, FOB THIRTY AS L0KGEUII LAST CTIATSClI I.SSUS. COIIN & II0IIM wonlit lierrt.y Inform llieir i.iitiinrg .nni iho imliliciit lume, Hint titer will c,.,iitlotj to null AT ai'. lor lliirly iluy li,n;er fn or!r r tn give otic n cltntiett to nmktt jmenls f,,r tliw II,. Hptirnrof la h III.11 k Sillt - It It-ti t'tf4in, Clokn, blinmltt. Dry OonV.M. tLu A CiifM. Ac, At. AT SAiT FIIAIVt lSCU COST, VllltiHit Frt-ipH itnil En w.. -Thi will U- the Hint l.-kllie to set Iri!:tliu. urfr to cliwtng iliocoiicurii. COIlN A liOUM. , , N.I). All Hill Minut tie mill liv tl. ' First nf .Innmir ISiW. If not KUthit within Unit time, Mie eunie will l- iliteetl in lentil hnntl " . . dellf., ,Uy. V e will ,il tk InUuee ol our Ink, GrnU" Cl"lln. Itmirrl r.iirt. 1 . ' -; Di ei. rwM, " I'llBM, tlMlrt-nlfTerFe. Doom A MIuwk, AC , AC, J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST,' Alain St., Dalle, Oregon. v sBMiui.ii iir..-irtt in iriltM I tlie citixeitft of tnbi.iri mill t. riiilly, tlut luTin)r retnrnctl from n pro 'nwoniil luor Hir.iiiL'h tin. iiiIihm. he Una - ntnio riMlliliel Die riictlc of I1KNTIS I'll Y, in the rmtio lurutw ly oceiiiietl liv him. in the Imiiiliiii: omii.l l.y Wwwlk Duller. I'h itonri'iili Allien, met n.lj.iiHing n. . lrim llru. Driiir .Slm e. Ilv tuke lliia methoil of ex. ejnliiil tluinltii, for tltv likernl tviirowiKo lieretoiore ex-. louiieu 10 nun, nnuaiuiutia ncoutiuHiuii: o lite untur. " " UfT III flirtKj. ........ Katiru Ditiire on 3uld l)iie... fIRO loSsiii " UpiH-r Denture, l.iilli Himc IK)" 11 DeuliAve. Yiilriiiitte Itthe 10 " 141. " VfMT lleiktitre, Viileitiiitr IIim.. ....... S4 " tU Oolil r'illiii): in-erteil fii4 one i Jlw m.wimlu ChlMreiH' Teell. exInu-leU frelviif eh irite. , M. BROWN &"BX0;T . .. U0UK3Al.t AXD RETAIL DEALERS Uf , FANCY ANU DRYGOOD8! OnOCBRIES, PROVISIONS, &ov Mr. M. IIIIOWN. telne n reildenl of Sun Vrnnrlnco,' ' ire eiml.le ,1 to oiler itrenl linlreiiienu to uircliiineri. Wu r,ei'Hiilly iiMito the iublic to exnmiiieour tork liefmr imrehiiKiiiK elftewhere. mlMt riiitoiie Store, north till Miln utreet. Dullm. wn. will bo lol.l .elf-nii Foil CAfll. ' 1-n.nlre nt NEW SALOOX. NKW BtONF. 8T0IIB, Milll.NUfJN STIIKKT, rBAIlKONDKIISIflNKD w.mhl rwpiwt folly nmimine B. Hi it he will open n ftinl eluM tiiilmvi In Fiencli .ll (lilnmi' r f lniio linllilmj, THIS KVKNI.NO, nml U lMrinrwl to wrv cmlmtHira tilh llielet of Incs, Liquors ami Cigars. - ALSO, A En.T2E LU1V C II Evtry rtny uuit tvoiliig. ,. . . v '( . ' ocMtt,, . j!,IJLIl.I?PJ'ID' 1 i:STKAYiVOTIirE. T,A.!f:,l':Vr,l:1'.UV K VN'OKMSIIIND. living on KlnM Jl Slile Creek, ten mlleii Soiitli oi Dnlle Oily. Oreuoit on Deiemlier IKiU. lKCft. Olio 1M V IIOI'.gK,- 11 Wninji liiih. wliile mii on no e, Kiiiie Hii.lti) v innr. white lilml feet.-iinjiliulk p.il nlnire li' l,i,,il. n lew whilo hiilr. on lorelieml, hrnmleil 1l.it : 0 nu 1U- loll HliouMur, nbnut eeven neitrmil.l, jiii npjirril.-ej ut JIB. Ju2jl It. F. CLAIIK.