jjpailg IPonntahucr, SELLIXC. OFF co.vr ! Bauiks andtiib Daughters OF 1V rary. The London Punch any ihal h wimosscJ a ciu'ious bcdiio in u L don Cjurt. Tiicro woro tun irls, oach carrying a baby. Tim miked itgoa oi tho ten babies might liavo been nbout, fil'toon. And what might liavo boon tlio unitoil igo of iIioko currying thorn ? Certainly not moro lliun ioriy. fivo or fifty. 1" many poor fuinilioa it would sue in that n girl id no uooner lit to carry herself than she is sent out to carry Homo one younger than hIio is. In u household w hero the door can scarcely bo shut from tho number of children that mo inside, a girl is from tho ubovi' reason, much more ser vicoablo than a boj A hoy cannot jinrso his younger brothers and sisters, vh'sfeas a girl takes to it instinctively, und apparently lakes great pleasure in doing it. It is her plaything about tho only ono necessity allows nor. In this way tho girls of a court in St. Giles' have tho advantago over girls of tho court of St. James, irtas much us they play us mothers with real children. If we wished to be sen timental wo might say that babies aro tho dolU of the daughters of poverty. Mankind is the Tuiuteentii Ckn TUUY. Thoy neither loolcod ii'io heaven nor earth, neither into lit nor nor tho land, s has boon dono ninco. They had philosophy without hcalo or system ; astronomy without demonstration They made war with' nut powder, shot, cannons or mortars ; tiav. tho mob mad their bonfiios without eqnibs. or crackers. , They wont to sea without compass and sail d without the needlo. Thoy. viewed the stars without telescopes, and altitudes with- ut barometers. litrn ing had no printing press. Tho lover was force! to Bond hs mistress a deal hoard lor a love-letter, and a billet doux might bo tho sizo ol an ordinary trencher. . They carried on' trade without books and correspondence without mails) thoir merchants kept 110 accounts, thoir sho,. keepers no cash-book; they had surgory with out anatomy, and physicians without materia mcdiea; thoy gave emetics without ipecacuana, and cured aguo without bark; made pictures without cameras, aud sunt dispulches without electricity : thoir locomotives were horsoi. i As btD widoweu's Stratagem. A r!uh old widower in Canada is said to have practiced a very artful echemo ,to.gain the hand oithobelloot tho villego. Ho got an old gypsy to tell jtlio yourg lady'd forlo.no in the words that he dictatai, aj . follows : "My dear young lady, you star will soon , bo hid for a short limo by very dark cloud, but when it reappears it will, continue to shino.with .uninlcn rupted splendor untif tho end pf, your days. . llitlorp." ono ' weolc, tt(.yo,ulthy 'old wtdnjwer, wearing a suit of .ulucU and a finVeusior. hat, wOt pay you a visit and requt-sl your huud in mar . niugov You will accept his offer, be , come his wifo, and bp left a widow, in tho nossession of all hiu jiroperij-, boforo tho close of this year. Your next husband will bo a young man it whom yon think most at present." ,Ttir;eo days after tho old gentleman, dressed in tbo manner discribod by ". the.' gypsyi prosonlcd himself to tho young iaay,ina mo mnrnago iuuuu ' lM. "Wivnscll &c Co., WH.I. CL08K OUT THEIR STOCK OK MEROIIAN DISK, at their place of business, ut tliu Dullus, Itl order to iu I lie Mluoa. Their stuck embraces Dry Goods, Ciotlilngr, Hoots, Hats AND G EXE 11 A I. M Eli CUA XD ISE, All which will he sold at CJST. for CASH only. itgt- All who know themselves indebted touur linn nt the Dulles will ptcitrtu cttll ii ill setllo us soon ns p isslldo. Those who have been nwoinin.luled we mist will not delay iib unnecessarily. I ut lie prompt in squ iring up nc counU. Cull uuil see us, nil and everybody ! ' unll-tf M. W U.VSC1I A CO. 1VJSW CjJOOiSs ! Mil VINO JL'ST ARRIVED FROM TIIK FAX FRA.V cUco Mitikot, we w.u!d iuvllu tl uiitliiutioti ol' our ti rends nuil tliu commuiiiiy ut 1 ,rgo, to . ur wull-sclccicd stock of Wry Goods, Clothing. Hoots & Shoes, Which we nru selling nt tliu lumtt riiiimmhli rntop. V.'e ctinnot yll our jcooili AT C'Oyi'. hut lunsure the coiuiur. Hit V tluit it lilultaea us to soil goulrfilt MM A I.I, I'HOKITS. dVtltr. U. IILUMAN A CO. FURNITUEE ! FURNITURE eVj AN ITtfj OI.OIIH 1I0T1L KUII.DINO. VjJJJEJITOW Dalles City, have on Imn.l u vmiety ptfln Household Kumlture, uSfa",,u,,c'", TahlcH, Chain, Hureiini C1' wSCJiilJlo,lsaii(l llmlKtiMolK. Uechiinn.Carpeta c.. etc., nil of w hich win no aoiii in u,w raien. rummim ltinlircil.ill,d Upholatuliliviiumeto order. AIhu.om IiiiiiU i'.ntireaaeaiind 1'illuws. Spriutt lleda iiimle tuorder. uiil2 Will. nitOWM WAKIVCR BS. I 01F1CK 74 8KC0ND H'UKKT, helween Wiwlilngton and Cuiirt. Okiick Ilouns 9 lo!2 A.u.;2to4p H.;nnd8tol0, P. M MTiS. MATTIK I10I.11R00K would rospoctrully In form tho Uullca of the Dalle iiihI vicinity, that ho hun opoiiml n ln'P In connvMiou with .Mi O'ltourke, where alio is preparnl to d nil kimln of work with neat ness unci dispatch. Havili(t jnt arrived from tho Kast, she holies to bo able to plcue all ns to Form ami Kiuhiun Cloaks, Coats aud Dresses Cut to Order. TllltKK DOOIIS West ol tho Comer of 'I'll I III) and UNION Streets. . , . . . . ntiUxmi Furs! ltii'H ! TUB UIOIIKST MAIiKKT PItICK PAID IN CASH ". Beaver, Otter. Mink and Coon Skins. lly KICIIAKUS & McCKAKKN.' Portland Sept. 27, lHlif.. oc4:am Itl.AlK Livr. TOIINII.WAltD, OrRKt)S IIOM.OW, lias this day .il me Three llundrod and r'orty-olie Didlnrs in UltKKMIACKS AT PAll. for n debt due In Hold Coin. Deo. 30, laud. ljl:"lJ J. C. UIPFLK. Slierlfl''. Salo ol Ileal Estate. BY VtllTUKOr A' KXKCUT10N lfS'JED II V T1IR Clerk ol the Circuit (.'on t of Oinnt Coimly. and to uiu iliructed, in lavor of ,Mary A. hiuclair, plalutill, anil ai?iiusl J. A. Lovkwooil, defendniit. ( r the sum uf tfev-ciily-one Diillnisainl fifty Cents. (7l CO,) princlial.lid soven dollars ulvl eighty ceir.s nu.) costsiinil dmuurs nieiits, I liavo levied upon and will sell at public -niutiou, to tho hlKheat bidder lor tush in hand, on SATURDAY, JA.NUAKV lath, ISlltl. between the hours of ii nod '2 o'clock p. m, heforo the Court -ltoir-e door lu Canyon Cliy.'tlio rollouln described properly, to-wtt : One Hull eiuid liot, situated ill the town ofc'uan- l!lo. Statu uf Oreiton, County ot Oraut, coniuiouly known as tho Lockwooo: saloon. si. r. ubi(H, eiieriu. lly W. W. WnifPLS, Do)inty.; , I'uny.m City, Dec. Ulh, 1H05. le'-2-4w II Al. k de OlNsolutlon Notice. rimCO-PABT-NKUSlIlt'lieretoforo existing between f .UBOI10KM0I.KAN. DAVID D)KNINH. In the r Chop II i. U this d4y dltsolred by mutiinl con sent, David DornlnK liavln sold out his Interest to Uoo, Mcbea.ii. who Is lou ninoriJu mi s.'.. "w uess in the nomo of said houM. u. ".Ya Dalles, Jnn-y. 111. I8W. JB:0!1 IN - wrTTl3IClisL.OVV, ttecclvlnr. Storlnz , 1'ur lvttrdlng Commission " Merchant ! Advance made on consignments. MAIN BTHKKT. Opp-lt tlw Umatlli House. UiMtfiMi. J.JI.MURPH MARTIN Ac 3ITJr 1IY, Attorney n-at-Law.; OrnCBS Idaho City, Bol wouniy, i. t, voy yn HyUsCooiitv-Lt. , ovMf. manufacturer and Importer of C.4RRI.4UK, CO.t:OKD, IIUGG' STAGE H A11NKSS paddles, Bridles, Whips. A gonoral aasortmont of Sadillery, Hurdivare. Lcatlier, etc. y Orders Solicited. Kepairing done v.lih nentnesa ami dlspiui h. K. A, I1AKK. je:llif Main Street, frontiox Wushiiihtoii, Dailef. porkakd roii IV I) El V AND MACHINE SHOP, ; FTHST STItKHT. between Yaniblll and Morrison. Steam engine's . of from 4 to 4.1 horse- 4rj:3 a, . power.iither Portable or ski& "Pr Stationary. Also. CUt- ' SJKM) COMl'I.KTK, constantly fff.Jifcijgkm on hand. Also. Ilavl'iea- fl?ASGrSi3 i ses of all sizes; Plaiiinir SJf'j.' Machines,! Woodworth'a V"Fvfkt3i'J.H" pattern.) Wrought and .Wtl Cast lion work for Ver- $ttS&&!& tlial Sawancl Orlst mills: . i2ei?-f ' Urasa und Iron Castings and 1 . WUOIGIIT IRO UORK of every dcacf Iption;.. I am also premred to fnrnbth . - Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. TKese Mills can beforwarded to nuy part of the mines as tho weight of tho cutire machiuery will uot exceed 3, 000 pounds. ' Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements muHulucturcd tuorder at the very I.UWKST CASH i'liICK K. D. Pnrticuloratteutlou paid to llKI'AIUS. fel-tr DALLAS CITY DRUU STOKE. P. CRAIG, VHOI.KSALB AND ttHTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. 3IED1CIKES, J Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, I'ATKXT MKDICINKf. Ac. fl-tf DAILY MOUNTAINEER IJRUUS AND J'ATEXT UEDjVJXES!! DRUGS AXD PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUQS AXD J'A TEXT, MEDICINES !! Sheiifl'R Sale Of .11 lit in? Ground. BY VtllTUR OK AS KXKCUTIO.V Issued by tho Clork of tho Circuit Court, ami to uiu directed, in lavor j Charlos Castle anil I), caltoiistail, pbilutiffi-, and against Michael Douahiw. deteiidiuit, for the sum of sity- nvo oD-luo (Vb m) doiiurs, pi lucin u, in giid coin ol tho UniloJ Staleaiuid eight til lull (iX'M) dollurs. co-t and dislmismeilts, 1 liavu levied upnu and will sell 'at public auction to the hiitliest Irddoi for cash In hand, or gold coin f M United States, on WKp.N KSDAV, the 281 1 1 diiyul rnnituMti: ioo, U'tweurr nie uours ori'j una 2 o'clock, P. M., before t. e Court llouso door In Cnnyou City.Ornnt County thu fulluwiig.(liacriled proierty, to wit: A one twtn interest-ur some ininiug ground Known the Miller Claims, bounded on I ho North uy McKuati A Co.'s" Claims, ami rituniiig up Canyon Creek to the Old ellor cluiuis, It being 450 fcetmaie or less. ' M. P. UKItltY, 81ior;ff. , Ity Wjt. W. WlllPPtlt. Deputy. . j Canyon City ..January 18, Utlo. Jan20w6 VUOUESAU AKD tliTAII, DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets ' iii.i i:s. om:c.OiV. C " l.F.MON Unhle tosiHiply parties In want of Drugs, Patent Mcdiciuo. Cheuiicnls, Acids, Perfumery, aud every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At tho lowest market rates. 4iV Physicians and Merohntits Intending to purchase for the Minos, will do well to give him n call.. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In gruat variety ' ' ' ap.t:tf. Washington St. R. I.KMON. , between Mutn ala Bevoml. . SllUlItlOllM. J. F. Orlffln plaintiff, vs. Isaac Jennings, defendant. Action to recover ui.ii.ev. In County Court of the Statu of Oreg ui, for Union County. rliO lAAC jKinua, iiureii.iani : in tne name ni A the Statu of Oron you aro hereby summoned and reqtiiied to aptiear nun niiswrr liaiutlir coiuplaiiit now ou Jtle iiiUlie Clerk'a;oin :e in sal I Court, nllor ser vice hereof upon yon by puh'iuitlou for sit weeks In the WkeklT' Mount uxKKa,' as by order.of said Court, or Judgment fr want thereof will betaken against you, mid uiilsss ton so air.iear and answer said complaint, the 'Plalut ff will lako judgmeut against you for the sum of ?1!)0. togoiher with the eoats uu I disbursements of this action, lly older of J. P. Aigerslngor. County Judge of llnloi. County. ,M. UAKKIl, All y tor p'.amiin. U. 8. Her. Ktarupl - , oOceuls. J" ' Jnl-6v ullllTuois Ilenrv Toner John Haley, plaintiff, vs. Isate Jen niugs. Action to recover money. in Cjunty Conn of tlie Etaie of Urogon, fo. Union County. rwia ISAAC JKNNIXOa. DKKKNDANT: In the name I of the Slate of Oregon, you aro hereby summoned and required to appear and amwor the oompluiiit of the Plaintiffs, now ou nloln llioCle.-k's ofllce. in said (Viurt, after service horohy upon yon by publication for six weeks In the Wseilv Mocxr lima, as by order i f said Court, or Judgment for want thereof w II lie taken againel you : and nnless yun soapneirand answer mid complaint, Ilia Plaintiffs will take judgment against y.ai for the sum ofti'iO, together with the costs nnddlsbtirsenienls uf this action. II order of J. V. Argor.lnger, County Judge of Union County. - - V. Bl KeV. Stamp I Jl..u.r.i, aiij n.r fims. ' ., Mcente. ' J Jauo-Ow SELLING OFF, AT C0ST1 ' ' ' My entire stock of STOVES AID TlxAVAKE, ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS 'M, ; i t. 1HK WIIOI.K cmbrnclnff n flirt ntnek, enr- Article L of which will Ite Hold ut V0T. h.1 1 tleniro to rlost- out builitwH. Al. oiih Oil AM) PIANO, in uuU ordor. Mao. for Ml, tho ItJUHK AND M)T, on fccoiid tt ut noxt to 11m corntr uf- Watliin-ittm. Th lluui. fa two turle. mtb a ImmmiuuI. iximI Uwill KduhtM to the hotel biMhiuM. A Ipo r lot itt HhOVlu ctunprin'iin uinint twuiity-nto liuti. in who.9 win Da cuwi out chwijt, ror lurinor iatuculuh ninny on me premiM. . Atitfm . . , . , ALUKIt'X UKtTIXGKS BCGK&JOB FK.HTIKG OFFICE. First Streot, btlwoen Main and B DALLES OR EG OX. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Kxecnted wilh accuracy and dispatch A STYI.K THAT W1I.I. COMPAUK PAVOltAlft T with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST 10 order: - - V, a r tl s a 11 1 IS i I l CHECKS. DJiJFTS, KKCKD'TS. POSTEUS AKI) P 11 0 G It A 31 M H for THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS if. a.. . d-e .dc, PRI!tTKn ! THE U08T AlTEACTtVB HANHIvll. ALSO, WAY-U1L1.H. BILLS vr rAiir.. .. LKTiKli HEADS. KECJM'TBOOK.I. ' BILLS LAP1KV. I?ricfs and Bninphltls, riSlTWG, WEHDJXG AND " AT HONX" ,f.lH(1 lruicists' Labs-Is. In short, everything that 'canlir done In a flook and Jnk 1-inting Othce, from the fnmllest and ti:ost delicate Card or Circular, to the largest sice and most sliuwy I'oslins; Illll and which will he luineu out in a nyie that lanmi fail to insure entire satislaction. OCR rAciurisa ru yiix uicutiok o JECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades und Tints; Such as Fancy Posting Bills ! from a single Sheet to the Laigest Jliniuiolli, OKIfAMJiXTAL SHOW CAHUS. J-LJxt LllEKS' IJCFL.Ka, Ate unsurpassed by those ol any other entnldiaiinici t la Oregon. We devote spocial attention to this brunch at tl e business, and are continually adiiiug to our already extin-' slve and well appointed ushortiueul ol nuiUrial, . NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the most modem nnd elubornte designs. Our stock 01 FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C, Are of the nnest quality, and for richness of color at.d durability, cannut be equaled in the State. .... T. :. 1- . ' l.I .I. 1. t..m tl.U u. 1 lie priUCipi? lipU WHICH runmw m n.r.Tu in...r- talilishment Is, that pem us will commit their owu inlei ests, by awarding their custom tu that office in libit their money can be expinded to the best advantage. 1. this end we solicit ull in want of good Printing-, at v reasonable charts, tu call and examine specimsus, aud judge for yourselves. . Orders from Ihe I'ppcr t'ounlry Will have our special care, and friends from tlis Intern may rely im having their orders tilled promptly, ut HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED hORDON POWER PRESS In the Slstle of Oreeon J Address: . WIOUNTAINRO MCt nilSitf Dalles. Oregon. Cigars, NOTICE f S lIKRKflY OIVKS that the Cr-partnershlp hcroto- BA lore etiatnie u.itweon k. tl. lltltui.u. I,, much. Kl.l.ai.il t. W. TIlJMl'S IN, doing a mercintlle bitsi. ness In this place, undur the name of A. 0. Hardy A Co., b litis day uissolveil by mutu il consent, and herealter tliu businoss of sai'J llrm will bo coudiictiHl by K. C. ilardy. who alone is authorized to collect aud sctt'e the accounts of .aid lirui. . .. K. C. 11AKI1V, ' C. U Ml iVllK.IX, Snsanvlllo, Oraut Co., Oreg in, V. W. TilOXI VMS Nov. la, I Hoi . n7.'J:lin . IVaMliliifrton agou Itoitd. flMlK U.NDKUflONKl) WOULD I r'Oll.M THK J Traveling Public that the WashinztoH Wagon Unad from' Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades is well belns; kept In good traveling order lor vfugoiM and stock. K. C. IIAKOV, DalleaJan.lltli 18C5 jntilltf Hole Proprietor ' -:. NOTICE. ": I.IIKREBY WARN ALL PEII80N8 from contracting or buying anything whatever from V. M. KU.NTZ, whereby 1 will have been thought by the public respon sible, as I am not, nor will I hold niys- If rsonslble for any or said V. Id. Komi's ec-s. . W. t. AIOKFAT. . BusiUivUle,Unut Co, Nov, 'it, 1804, g ,(, JACKSON SALOON I COUNKR COURT AND SKCOND STREETS, UALLKS, OniiOON. TIIKUXDHnSHONKI), ilAVINO rtKMOVKD FKttM TliK VBKt.LA U.MON" CKLLAIl, INTO ; ,: . . Gates' New Uildlnj;,. , Heg to Inform the public that thoy are prepared tosri their cnstomera with mo uesi . ! -11' S unc 1 Smin.na . nnfl TliK JIA1IKKT AFFORDS. ALSO, A ,. Free Iixncli ! Every day nnd ovenlng. ; ; EM lb 8CIII'TZ, ; decMf. J jjr;. TIarci "Vrobcl I.iimliev. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATER'AIS WE BKO TO1 CALL ATTENTION or Carriage Vou nfactnrsrs and Dealers to the Large Hint Com plete iwsortiueutorCAltltlAOKand WAUON MATKIIl AI.S we are constantly receiving rrom the Kast. specially selected for the California miirkot, comprising, Oak, llickorv. and "econd tlrowtli Ash Plank. Hickory Axlea, agon Poles. Hubs. Hpokes. Felloes, lliiix, Slialts,tc. Ac. which we offer at tl.e lowest Cash Prices. sylrders addressed to our huuse will receive prontfi atteutl - N. W. U1IAOU A CO.. : lolo:3m. 20 A St Buttery Street, San Francisco, and 17 A ID Muvontu ptrect Sacrunienlo. . C. Wvrr.Rnovsic, . 11, W. Urauo A Co., . J.W.Lnnn Bau Francisco. Sacrnmunlo. New Vork. NEW HIE V Xt S-4 13 ! fipllK UNDKItSIOXKD BK03T0 INFORM THE CIT jL lions of the Dalles ami vicinity that lie luu reeclud NKW 1IKAKSH, and will AtteTid Funerals on short mil Ice. This is the tlr.t, aud at present, only Ueurselo the city. . - : j. Mi KVASS Ulles, May 18,1865. niy:a)-ir. "c. B. IUIOOKS, M. D. Office At Dr. frla' Drug f5t?re ... ,; DAUESOUEQOX.