I TlllIKSD.tT MOKXIXfl, FEB. 1, 1860. TiiB Oily Council of Kichroqnd Inn re pealed nll'tho old slave ordinances. Tiiriik Is nliro lalli of an opposition I'a ciiie Uailroad through Texas nnd Arizona to cllllicrn California. A. cosstpKiuni.K nrea of ground on 'the njrth sideuf Uib Columbia, opposilo this " l jco' is cloSr of show,' nnd stock is doing very noil.' ' 1 ; '- ' ' Tim Idiiho Legislature has appropriated fM,12tf for tlio relief of P.nise County, for ex I enscs Ineturcd in fffeping prisoners after i onviction. -. A uo'vkhknt has, been act on foot in Hart ford to raise bjr subsc iption a sum of money sxifTioicMit for, the 'erection of n luindsomo monument to the memory of Mrs. Lydin Huntley Sigourncy. . ' IIarnum has parcliuscd tlic poisoned pill Mrs. Wirz Attempted to puss from her ow n mod tli into her hatband's while kis-iug him, fur the purpose of taring him from the gul lu'.rs.' , Wiikn tho news of Cnptniii Cook's death, nt Owyhee, canio to England, iho poetasters . of course handled to imp1 ore the occn.-ion. One of tho rcsu Is of their enthusiasm was a 'monody beginning: " Minerva, in heaven, itiiconsulnto mourned the loss of hei Cook." An opening sufficient to tip3ct the gravity of tlio great mvignlor's dearest friends. m' A. Siionf Kii .MAii. Link to ..Montana. A Hjliemo is on foot to take the mails from the State to Montana from the main Overland Line at Fort Bridgcr, on near River, nnd '.Vitrty (hem direct to Virginia City. .Ti.is : would shorten tho time fr. m tho States to Montana nbont three days ; as the mails now go to .Sal,t Lake Cily, nnd arc then taken north by tllft routo running up the west side of the (ircat llcnd of Dear U'Ter, thus going noar thrpe hnndrod nii'c out of the way. Ti cn'ertrt nmcnt to be given for the pur pose of assisting in litiuidn ing tho debt of t'c Congregational Church, will come oft at (!hit pin Y Hall this evening. Arrangements hak'o been made to render this occasion one ttintj will. amply icpay Ihoso who may nt- tenJ for their expense and trouble. The twgnimibc'lY intctsperscd with a variety of easing 1feAtiue, oud takcu together .with the object -f the entertainment, should e'om .. man J Un nttendaur of a large audi ory. Tli stoamor n't is reported to bo Mu a precarious condition nt her be lb. at the 'fiiohb of Chcnowoih Creek! She was shift ed from her moorings by tbe ice crowding nnta.-'t her, nnd li n'J'.T fast aground nt her ' how nnd, stern, with deep water below ho midship section. Tlio wiver is rapidly fall ing, so that the dilhVult cs of her position ' (onllouo to Incrca. e . The ustnloe is also found it) (Jhenowiqtli.Crccki The stumers .: tfntoHld . nnd IJahp are considered 6cenrc " Against damage where they are now lying; tho Erst nt the incline on the rnilroad, nnd tbe other in the mouth of Mill Creek. TRKATV WITH THK til. ACK FF.KT THE SOHTIIEKN O VlfilU. A N D M A lb. The agents of tho United S atcs signed a treaty with the Ulackfeet nt Fort Benion, on the 10th of November last, which has an im portant beaming on the prospects of estab lishing Northern dvcrlnnd Mail. Of ihe Indians, there were present nt the signing of the treaty forty-three delegates nnd head men from" tho bands of l'irgans, Gros-Vcn-trcs, Bloods nnd Ulnckfect, all of which me commonly known ns the Blncltfoot nation of Iudnns. The Commissioner on tho part of tho United States was Major O. '. Upson, nssisftd by (Jen. T. V. Me-gher, Acting Sn perintendent of Inilinn Affairs for Montana, and L. E. -Mnnsou, legal adviser on the part of the (Jovcrnincnt. Of the trea y tho Mon tana t'omt remarks : ' ' The principal provision Is contained in Article 111, which p ovides for n cession of nil lands I eretofuro claimed by Uio Rliu-k-fcct, excui'ting tho e lying nortli of 18 north latitude the Teton, Marias nnd Mi-sou i rivers, as far ensi as Milk river the Indians agreeing that o her tribes niny be settled in this reservation. This Article is somewhat modified by tho next, which allows the Gov ernment to build roads and telegmplis es inblish military posts, agencies, mission schools, clc, in the reserved territory, and permits the wh-itos f ec privilege to travel across it ; but whiles are prohibited from making settlements or trading (utile s spe cially licensed) within tho limits of the re-, scrvation : and intoxicating liquors, nnd, a II persons dealing in them, are to be srutly debarred entrance tin renn. 'The Indians ac knowledge their dependence' on tho'Unitcd .States nnd their obligation to obey the laws thereof nnd they agree to excri themselves to the utmost of their ubilily for the purpose of enforcing them ; promising to deliver nil offenders to the proper nuthoi it es win never called, upon so to do. A n r compenso (fo'r the lands ceded, the Unit d Stans npree to expend lor the Blackfoot Nation, in addition to the goods distr buted nt tno time of sign ing tlio treaty, $50,001) annually, for fwenty ycais ; such portion of Ih s mo-toy no may be deemed proper by the President, to be used in promoting civilization among the Ulack-i'eet. In effect, this treaty means that hereafter tho iilackfect nro to confine themselves to n territory bounded west by the jRorky Mono lains ; cast by Milk Iliver ; south by the p.ir- nllel of 48 uorthj nnd nortli by the Interna tional Boundary Line ; except that they have territorial possessions exten iin "far into British America, so that .key are not so coo lined ns to hunting g ound- as would appear npori n cursory cSnminntion. Tlieir, hinds in the United States will extend nearly four hundred miles from east to west, and orie degree, north nnd south- The Ijne of 49 north iutcr.-ecii th Mi soiiri Hirer ft miles below I'o t B nton, and the term's, of t'.e treaty appear to conteuipl itelbftt a piece of land lying soi.lh of that lino nnd1 between the Missqu i and Marias rivers shall be re tained by the Indians. ' '' . The obvious intention of the treaty is to remove tlio Indians fron. the vicinity of the mines, nnd by i s terms the United States ac- rjnire tho title to near two bund red thous aud square miles of land. The re3crvnt'on of the righ s by the whites to build telegraphs jiijd roads acrojJ the lands to be hcrfeafto occupied by ho Indians, points gnificnnt'y to tho f ctibnt theautbO'i ics had in -uw tho opening of a new' mail line from tho i. ii r f:' 1.- ia','VVi"';.. 1 i Tub Honolulu Adierli-r says that lie Qncen'ii visit to Kugland. nnd ll'shop Staley's visit to America, are mainly to raise funds to build a splendid enthedra!. In doig so, both thc-e distinguishe I personages pay the highest possible compliment to the edit n tionnl svstcin established by the American missionaries. It is tjot raise funds for edu cational purposes that they ire now plead ing, but to build a grand en hedral among nn educated people. I'rob.i lily not a nation of Europe (certainly not Kiinlaiid) can boast of more reaile s in prop rtion to the wholo population, lhau arc to be found among the ILiwaiians. Gkn. T. Glover has been fined Si 00 for practising law in St. I.ouis without taking the oath required by tho new constitu ion. ' R.'llif Hose Company No. 1 ---Itcjgnliir llitvlins 'I Ilia (lliufjiliiy fcVUNIMl. "1 " n'cl.-ck. ... O. A.i.;tUK, fife. ETKRTA1.MI3T." A SKItl K? OH KNTKHTA I NINO r A'BI.KA VX, vnrlml JL l.y ublii MUSH.'AI. I'KliKOIIMAXCUS will lie mvmi t ( luipiii'a Hnll.Til-MCIl f.l.y Hie laities of the CutiKi r- irutieiiul J-nelely of litis pliice. 'Hie proeueil. l Uu il vi'leil to t fit: pnvment of ll'e rlelit t'f lllo Oi ut-cIi. ji.ioi'.h oh'i nt ix u cluCK. Loliitiiciii'iiiK pi'Dinil.r nr l.' Ailliiifhimi. St. Cliiltlren. r.O rai.td. 'li.-kotn can bo Imil at M'uMiv.H A Cn.'n llookittoi-e. Dir. Witllam llirnbftiim rrspectfnlt y In fiirin-t Inn pitt'on.. ntiil moro inrtirnlarly the Itiilicii ol tli Ih city 11,1 1 vlei.iiliy, lint lu will rti-ll at rivatf f, nt iiuutioa' prli-ei. ai lU nt'.iroir Main flrect,.tlie mil. atiee nt' Ills Kplcii'lM rttiick of WaleluM l)i:imim.!.4, Jew- elry and Kimey ll.md... As. this wilt be tie- W"t ep;. rl- n ly la purcli Ldt, ilt-j l:tili.-ii aiij t tie public uru invited lo cull. Wnsco I.ljitge, No. 15, F. A. Si, A. HI.- Ilnldii itii dialed Cuiuninnic 'tbai: on tlio pii-ft and 'l'fiiid Suliiulaya uf (Mcli n'onlb, nt tbeir lull. In Duties Cily. Rretlireii fu Rood standing mn inviteif ti wttentl. t . Ekth I. Voyx, Sefe'y; , ' lly ordor of 'tho 'A'. M. Columtillt liodgu,' No. 5, I- O. O. P. MeeiB ivery Frldny evening nt o'clock l.i (inteh' Hull, corner rif Seeend ami Cenrt Streets; 'Drotliem in irooil Htitndfns Jire Invited tniitleml. liynide'r. N.fl. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE! Xo. 100 STREET, DALLES. TTSM. lTX1KIt3!6NKl Til NTvHJIA tOIt PA5T M. ViiVoi t'itHiiH,trull.v liifiMinti tlm "Citlwn! jf tUt unJ Hvo ublit guiiuralljr, tint h qontinuM to PIJBLICAUCTION on WHVATB SAI.B,. ;..,..-. ... 1CCSII I.MIItC, i i ; Cci'ilil rlctchhiitllse, r . ;s.occi ICS, . ., ,. . j lXorc, : ' 1 r . t v mules ' ' . ' ' Fu rii It urc, ' StockM, &c. Stc 1 ItRGULAU SAI.K DAYSi TufesdaCys and Saturdays. Cask Advanced niaJcri CoiSignments, AuiUROMtTaiKTOIN m debf nlos. ' '' Out-door'aiiil Suertat Salei attemlcif 16 l nny pari ol' the city. Tariff cf Charges ITntn Farthbl-If otf e'e : FurSellini; lureliiihiHrie, Orvcurlui. Vvrnittrra-i Ii ft per row;. J . J TJ -K TC XI , 3Iain Street, ttnlltn. '.' WHOLESAI.r AMI Kl.TAM pr.VI.Ei: IX . CIGARS. TOBACCO, SKUFF, riPEs, , Ac ., . ALVATS IX 8T0HI TUX IIE8T S1IAXP8 Of .. Cigars, Tobacco, Slalches, &c. i)I.AT!XO CA'llDS. I'llCKHT rUTI.KKY, TOUT .HON IKS. CiMItS nn.l liHUSIIKS. ' nl! kinria, I'KIt KrM KKY. ol evury duacriiition, CHINA OI!NAIKNT8 TOYS. IIOI.I.S. etc. i KISII HOilKSniid I'TSIUNO TACKLE, MUfilCAl, INSTIHHIKMS,' : ; ' FANCY OOOliS. c. ' I Ainu I'owder.Sliot. Lend, Powder Fink". Hankera, and nmtiyeilier articles loo iiiiinurrrns tn mention. t-ir Interiordpiilers supplied with Clrn". Tobacco etc. M limn tlmn I'ortlniul pricei. with Ireiuht uda'ed. oc-S "AT V O S 'l rOK THIRTY DAIS LOGGER!! LAST OIIATVCIH! Ml.SPItS. Cf5 HOI1M wniiia hvrvb? hifovm Ihffr rtT'tomwmiii flic pnWiu at lri;o. Ihnl tlir w ill CDnliime t Kt-11 AT C.iHT. t'..r thirty day Innycr n tfftii'r to jiiru one it -ltAiro tit wrrie jyrwenls' for Hiw llnlitl iyn. V'c will fcll tho linlntae uf our flluek, vox- BHtt'K "f ' lii Ii 15ltuk SUkfs . UMtV Clonic... v JtirW Poj'.iiM, j - Brnvr Ttin'it, . . C'lO'-kH, . . " li y Coutrt, " Hhnkt. '''- - I'mitH, AC, ffCM c, t., AT SAW rASlIS: COST, Without Frerjel-t and Kxp-ns.. J nts win bv liio last elunce to pet bn-.-talns. print closing tWi-ntieeri! C0IIN .4- 111)11. M. N.ll. All Hills must lm pnld l.y rh ' First of J:n.rirv 1800, 'IT not srltkd witliiu Unit tinit. 'in-(Hltut w ill ). plnrod In legal biUHla. ., diltl, r. ! ,,J,.W. GURLEY, DENTIST, -' Mplti St., Dolles, Oregon. . , YV'OUVO ltKlKt''l'FUM,Y l.NVOI'.M 1b the eitf.ens of this i.bnai and vi cinity, thul liitviiiK 1-et.iiiucd from a pro- 'esslnnal tour tlirotiKli the inhies. be bis atriiin resuiHod the iii-iietlec of lil'iNTISlltY. in the rotoi. ft.rinerly occupied by him. in the buPdini; occupie.d h Wieiil Hotter. I'll .tfurrsiph Attlsts, and adjoining Wul drotl lllovl Ditiii glin'o.- lie liiwi tliis ui.'lmi d en tentliuc thairkr. for the -libenil prirumve he titfortt vn tended to him, mid aolicits h coiiiiiinatiue of tlio Btitne. i , T ; , ' 1 IKT UK 1'IUCEM. , Kntlre Tlenture on Gl'olrt Iluse tlSO to " tipper Ileni tire. Hold llnse..... 90" )'i') " Deiilui'H. Yuleimile lln'o 71) " Tr2 Upper lientitr. Ynlrnnite V.mc 55 .tSfc Ooid FilUnirsinerteu Itom ooedolliir apnard. M. BK0W-N & BB0., DRY G-OODS! GROCERIES, PROVISION.!, &c. Mr, M. IIIIOWN. boinirn rtsldi nt of Sun FruncjHco. v .Vftmiil.led to ofterttrisit iiidcefiicn-ts to pin-cli:iiHrp. t rspectfiilly fnvffe the pnbllo to cxamliiouur slock Heftiir, TuircoiiMini; eisevvnero. ; imiti-lt lllllttl. u tf- Stono Store, north stjo Muln strnet, T)a X Thk Fukhiikt rnosi tuk Noiitiikrx Si.opk ok tiik liLtit Moumtains. Tlie gujjen rlc ' tffaH hie Creek funning out of itio uoriLorn tflupo of tbe 111 no Moantnins was caused It IOjiinojjk .irinr), Vljidt swept tlio f now from :itht face of ilie inouutitir3 nnd tlio iilains .o.ifHnrliig'on tbcm;. ,' , ..... yj 'in, till: u.uuitiui inc rife ut wiuur nuai leijr Vrapid, ami proporliouublv ns great as on the ', ,1103 Cuiitf-i. A( pur la ost informntion from (here, tbe Sij bf January, it was feared that ,.t'io b IJgcs all alOiij tlio river would be car- - 'Ked nway,' ns the water was still rising." .' At Butter Creek tho rise of water was iti ' comparably greater than i vor before known. ''Wneea, baV stacks, and nil tho conYcniont'ca - ''hont noarly ert rr fnriii-bouse on tlio creek wtri JiijMr d." The witter came into several bnij&tfj Vo. thB-dcDth of three arwlour fe'f ! The same circunistanccs nttended the freshet ori'WIIoirr Creck1 The injiir) done ''ariibil'nts lit' 'ihe nRjreentd lo ' nvVoryia go . ulJin.I ITjifi roads-till Vii lit eu xi muwh" c'ui to itec-b)f the melting fcho'tva t!int',lr.vel Is ""is'oullrel imiiraellcab'lp. ironticrs or .minnoiotn, in rctainins; tiiese 1 ; privileges.' l!y brir.ving tha- Iilackfect to n condition of pence With 'lHo w-bitoSj nearly onc-bnlf of tho distance, from the tiocky Mbtintains to St. Paul is secured, from fur thcr danger from savage hostilities:'"'"' Tho negotiations nvHti tto r!ont Fort Sully, on tho isso.tfrtwiQinot productive of as inncli nlvntrngo to the government as those, nt Fort ltcuton ; but, in lime tb.esc In ilinn s must entirely abandon their hostile attitude to the whites ilnd 'tlibir' Interests, or submit to d lon deferred nnd r i c lily-bi c: i led thnstiscincnt. 1 Nothing bnt the paeificntioh of Ibis latter nation it ncacssnry to render (be imnied iito opening of the Northern Route ni 8iilo qncslioii.of . dollars, njid ccnU In thai ' particular, we need hot fear ,tha the' govorniilcnt will rcfuso to mako nn.ppproprU alion,' vrhoncver it can be nsoU to advantage. . " ' ' j "'' m jf 't', ' '' '"' Vir Stocks A-c. Ar.... snlliuit H 'llses end llril KsKte 3 llorres, Mutes, Wiitk Cnlllii. each NO GHAltCK FOR STOltAOK. :lv JOHN AVILLIAM5, Auctioneer. PiyjilS'S.iiTlflri RflflH! (OXK DOOIt ABOVltTlIK lMST-OmCK ) rtf.ii.v stiieet', oai.i ks citv. I w III ntlonj to sales of Real ENtaie. I ;cnciaO!lcjchaiidlseir if Fui -nitiirc. y it..- Ana Stocks: ItEOVLAn SALE DAYS. MONDAYS AND FK11AYS. Ptoi k and Special Hnles any itiy, Slindnys excupted. M'" ... T. ?, If, fi-'l-AY?) .:, AiicthneeK , NEW SALOON. - NEtY StONB STORK, AYASHINGTON ST11KKT. rillKUNDHBlc.XKD would respectfully nnnounr JL th:it lie will open a first class uhinti In Kreucti k Oilman' New Stono llulMiiik'. 'I'lllS KVKMNO, aud.i ireptircA tuMrvo rw'sluniei'A itb the beat of--n, w , Wines, Liquors 1 and Cigars. ALSO, A " ..,. EREK.LUNCH Kvcry i.y and Kvg. - i: r" 'ik U oc'JSlf. ..:.. JOHN RINDLA1D. ESTRAY WOTITE. , , Tik nsc,of,lbc letters "Oi IC. to' express the id on that eyertliing is tight, It U thonglit took its rlso fr.oui, ni) ignorant County Clark In Tennessee, who'bnbltnnlly w rote K.,"J or "O. U.," the latter tellers being inscribed pn doclu.rjji'nts'jV; indicate that they wero of dereJ recorded.'' -' , faiAKKX UP HY TIIK UNnKltSlOND. living on KlpM M. Mile Creek. tn miles Pnuth 01 Dulles Cily. Oreeon. on Dorember Illi. 1SCC una HAY IIOIIHK, 14 l.nmls hfi:li, vvliitn ship on no-e. dome saddle murks, white hind &ot, snino black spots above the lioof, n lew white luiirs on fovclieiid,, branded tliii-: 0 on the lei' shoulder, about seven near old, and appraised ut V). , jn29wl It. F. CLARK. 'A'iiL'&M. v a. '. i.'do'm.'''. '," ,' ' 'v. KbMrosiiuiirir.it. i '' i i i'. i 't '.,' ' Han FrancUc. ' T. GOETZ Sc. CO., ,', '" ; TOBACCOWJSTS, I ' i Hare reriionul to -il.:! c UtidiVs 'Nci w Stone' Building, ! Wnuliliist.ai, Blio'ul, ne. French Oilman jM'UJ Ihim opened a vell-ioisti:ted stuck of V jtAVANAiHiii iHrM?iir)siWAlt.'- .' riTti ',, ."A IIUIINIA and WKSTHlIN Ti)l)ACCJ, ' ' ' HIKNCII nnd SOOTOIt SXUKP. ' ' J ' ''r' MKKii.ciiAtnriiiitiiur rit'KS,-'-"' ' I'LAYINU CARDS., ,, -" "--- ! si'UR'i'tNiifriiS. ' ' -"1 : " -. . ; Indian ami kacyootos. Ac, e. '' ' The Hade sup.illed at LOWKS'i' il.VKKKT P.ICKS. - ' ' L I N C O L N H O U S'E Vu; 1 Corner AVaslilittou mitt 'Front Streets, " "v POUTL.V.VP, ORKOONi :. iTrr- IIRT-CLS3 IIOTKfc. ", LAIiaKST IN TltX Sl'ATH. ' - CtMrg; llcnsnltiibh ' AN OM. Mill's will ntteiW all tho Rosw'nn eelif y r;l-engers nnd their hne,piire to tlio lloiuo Free of uiurgc, or ro any other llunse m the t'lry for Ml cents. ' fftWH'IN, I'roprieluR i-V. 9--1I T AND COLD HATII8 In thtjlunse. .. , All the 8tertiur for Oreipin City.' Vnucoiivrr, Moiitl-rr-lluiimt Anturia land al tho .Llitcoln Ilouso hnrf, . epl:3.W .: , . t,... , J! nixsolutlon f Co-IaitHerlii7 rglllKOfAttTNEIISmP hretrni exfsttnlr nrr JL the liauie nnd style o( ItOIIIIINg. ItlcFAItf.ANh CO.. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All liu billtiei ofsulA 111 ur to he puid by Kobtiii ft W'ewer, unU nil debts dull mid linn to U6 paid lo knil eoll'tlted by them. " !-.,.t .1.11. llOliniNS. Dalh r, Jim. S. ittfit 1 " o. YV. T"KA VkK? All persons Indebtrtl to ns will please call and I'ua- pie" nun wive costs. JuTn.1 XV n 1 1- h 111 a k c r a d J c t c Ic r, ". MAIN STREET, DALLES, 1 DKALKRIN KIXK av A TCI IKS, JKIYKbltV. CLUCK (told I'onj, Silver aud 1'la'ad Ware, 3.ci.i ivn. i.uiicrr, fit;, 'nn.-l&l.' ncles. Cntlerv, Ac. SU A -Vi!Ti(!iiluriiitoiitloiivimld to retinlrtnr'rniu.fifi. w Tatches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. AH Watr.be re ili vd l y hie warranted liir twlvo.niiinMis.' ;: -is JJ N.ll. All ordern front, tlui upwi -enunt'rr , Ly lixpten or otherwise, promptly attended tu. HEW PHOTOGKAPII R00MS .'. '; WaNliI;t(oii street. . f H AVTXfl NKWI.V FrrTKDl't TIIR OAl.LKRYover il Deaimr'a Stole, wuiild rcBpecllullyilnhotiiice toall Ihovoshri,. i f :Jtt jVt ,.4lifttflgraphs,rt8 HM9$f Unit they will do.n ell. tp.trlve bee (i cull, l'nrllrul'.r at tentlott pnid til -nkift Lud i and (.'lii'tlteiVe I'cturee. wehlf. .