f i 1 n 7 irsn vo r... I) .TIL.KS, OUKGON, THURSDAY, KEUT? TJA.lt V I, I8(JO. NO. 143. VAf 11 Ml. H ' . .a . x .-a . - a u 7 m m ci eiBa 1 n 1 li r r i a Satin l&uiUahtccr, riBLISilEl) EVEttY MOOING, t (MONDAYS KXCKPTKD,) BY 12. 0. CO WW. & J. HiHOHW, KUITOKS AND iMlOIMUKTOk. Tkuk.1 9t9rm.!tfzJUv,ci'.itU per wuok. piiyaliln to thecurriur per ututli, by mail, $1; tln) niontli. $260; six 4ttMtkii, $j ; oho yiir, $8,. A4vertieuumtt inverted at low rutos. ' Job Printing. Kvrjr Ascription of plain iiud funey Job Printing xe tod wJtU iioiituoHfl nml iitwp.itch, wnl forwarded a per oKr to ttiiy part uf U19 country. JiymetUjorJoitiVint iny mwt he mue on dcliwry itf work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. IIANDLHY &Slff.OTT, ITop'rs. THIS .""FULAR HOUSE, C 'NTRALLT L00AKO, If ear the Steamboat landing & Railroad Depot, lln keen recently eulargej mi. I improved, aud will uuw accommodate " ()6 GUESTS. 5T WILL UK CONDUCTED a heretofore, aa a FIRST CI.ASd HOUSE, and the patronage of tlio trawling pnhllc la ratperl fully s licite t. -. llaggage taken to the House free of charge, llouio itpon all night. 1' 1 . LARGE FIRE -PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES nillea.0ut.4tf. . -. " " EMPIRE HOTEL, mis stkrbt, dauks, orhjuv, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. :.io ik tki Rixrasor BUaiNKSs, ,i . , pear the Steamboat and Railroad landings ' rluperior Accomuiod itlnns for Families and can Ac . fitiunitHlato Oho Hundred aud Filly Ouests. lual;............50 cat. , Lndgins.... .,..40cta. ' Flra Proof Safe for depositoof valuable. ... - , House open all ulght. Baggage taken to Hie llouaj freeuf charge. , v TIIOM AS SMITH, , g uih-M , " . . . ' . ,'1'iiiprlaiur. SPHING ' AHD , SUMMER. GOODS. v , ,- FIIKSH STO(JKIr ,' ' Dalles and Wvlln Wlln, v , , DKALtKS III ' , 1.1 :' . Staple and Fancy Dry Qoods k Miners' OutHts, ; ; . Hoots and Sliocs, . V. Clothing:, . I J ' . . Hats and Caps, , ? " '.' , '. ', '." Groceries, And full aaaortmmt of Oenerai Merchandise. Iliiyln nir Goods exclusively In the sun franciacn iimrM'i, ...k;n.r mm. lint mmli mirctiaaee. wo aru enahled to. se I .3) oer cent, chiaper than any otlier Hnnse at the Dallrsl ml-tf ' Dalleaaiid Walla Walla. roit uoi.se ai!KS imtixT. t n k UOW TO SAVE itlOXEY ! iCIU IT TUl SEW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, ,1 : 1 ti i Corner of ;Waalilngton mid 8ocoud Strtj. , fMIK UNDi4lt8mNBD WI8IIB9 TO INVOnM TIIR JL pituple of the Utiles, and the puultc generally, inai txt hiw alHrgeuudwell aelected atockof J - i- T.'J , ,-lTAMILY GROCEltllSS, Which lie' will null Wholesale and llotall at Reduced l'riai fur CASH. AIho. ffonstauliy nn liana me uiioicimi 'ArtlcW of KKKSII UUri'KK ud KOU- Ala ,' every -. nuil VIlUlTd an I VKUKTAIII.Ka.in their sennm " l'eranna from up the euimtry, wishing iunntliiei iif Kgaand emit, iy Meninit; in Hieir oruora, win tvi-hito . the atrlcteH iittoiitfen. nnd have them tilled at the (oaKit r rliViC. UvU-'f J ,:, , 0. L, JfcVVKI,!.. .DAIX.V. 0. W. ARXal. , , " 0- AlkJIED. , A KM E S r &. D A L L AM , ' Ill: i" ! "'Importer and Jobbers of ., WOOD AX WILLOW IV A If D, ' BUUdllB TWINES, C0HDAC1B. Ac. j; And Manufacturer! of . California PaUs,Tub?, Brooms, &c. . aiT A 219 SacrainentoStreet, betweea Vront and Davis, fc.n ynuioiaco. . - i ocU:8indaw. J?rT ILLM A: JST 8'jh ao!t ix CAiironsiA roa TILTON & MoPARLAND'S Tire A; II 11 la i Proof Safes. ' 8TEEL USED VA ULTS, ' "'"'."..;' rwttu- t ... ' Combination Lock. ! .. aja-CjDStantly ou hand a full aanirtinent of SAVK8. . . . ., BATTEKV 8TKKKT. . 'Jy5-0m ' ' -' ' " tjan Ifranclaco. WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OK CONCORD STAGIOS, CAIlllYl.Nll . THF. U. S. OVERLAND MAILS v and' . :j Weir, Fargo & Co.'s Bxpretis, In now making Modular Trips from Walla Walla to I'l corvine, (Home MinosJ . ,t Through in Two and a Half Days Cunncctiiiic with the Wallula Line of Ktages, aud Hi uouisui tne u. o. n. Uouipany. - . UKO. Y. THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf lrirletnr NOTICE. THE PIONEEll STAGE COMPANY ' ' ' Will carry FAST FREIGHTS K1WM UM AT I LLA, A FT Kll THE KIltST OF OCT IDKIt, AT TUB FOLLOW . . . 1NU Kl'llJUL'BU ItATKb:, . , . To nolac City IS Ccuti per pound " 1I1UIIO sjll.jr ill ,, " Oivyuee 0 '.' " " Fur leta amounts thau one hunilrod pounds an udditlon ot tire Ueiita ptT pimiid will be clmi'gud. . T1MK FJIOM UJlATlLLAi To HoIseH Ity ...3 Days. To Idaho City. 3 i-l Days. no owj iiee, 4 ua . , , ; JOsisi'U FlNRllAM, Acoiit. TJnialilla, Oct. I.'tS65. ' oclfttf. (iUARTX MILLS! , And ull Kinds ol .Machinery i. .- ..t , . Miiiiiifacturvd at (lie ' ' OREGON IRON WORKS ' CORN Bit OF MllKltHON and "THslreeta, ' , I0UTI.AO. - ' 'A- C. QUiUS A (X)., ; 'I Succosaora to Portland, Dcc.'6th'M.. deCtf K. L. Joiiia A Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON avn M. HUNT, Proprietor, .-:::';' CORN'Bll OF Jnln and Court StrcctM,' ap21-tf . ;, Dalles. Oregon.- F. K. U. OATU. GATES & II AFT, Attorneys t Counsellors at Itvr, : dalles, oreoox. GROCERY., ; p Royi S ION , TTItTJlT HTOltK, : W'mlilii'jtmi Street, opposite French A niliuiiii'a. Dalles, lint on hand a largo and Wull-aasnrted stuck of . GROCERIES & .PROVISIONS, ITicsli Uitttcr & HUggs, Rerelreil dally. A large lot qf CIIICKBSS nlwars on hand. HI I! I'M of nil kin.ll. KKKSII VKJETABLES every morning. All articles wurniuted. ' Oive Me a Call, '. Everybody ! A'JLfcHJJliS? LiliVV. J3 ALD V1 JSiuJ UQ. j ' ' "DEALERS "IS ' - , , .) til-!0(JRXJa."OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J. O. BALDWIN J . i. BiVJMf, .j F.W. BALDWIN. IT. HOAIIUS. B. KWSIIi. wm: moabIus &. co.f O I TV BAiCERY, I.;' 'rit o vsiox' SroB b, "... : Corner of Flret and R Ptreeta.' IIOT.KSAI.B AND KKTAIL DKALKItS In BREAD. CHACICUHSand Family GIlOCKIUKd. .0rders from a dlsUuce care fullr filled andoromntly llxpntched. " i-tf ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, corner of Court. OLD MACK, TUB PIONEER 000K. would respect, fully Inform the public that he has fitted no the almve Chop House, and la preoarod to eerve nn M B A L8 and LUNCH in the he.t stylo and at tlio shortest notice. BALLS aud PARTIES rurniliet w th enppers, la the beH style and on tho mMt reasonable terms. OxsTBlta In every et.vlo. Private Rooms for Ladles. HOJ!ocN all night IIU.HASO.li & OSIaCLM., ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN TUB 8UPRRME AND 01 It cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Coarta a Washington Territory. , , , Partlrular attention paid to the collection of claims. 0. UUMASON, , Dalits, Ogn. J. A.ODBU, I' It U i II 6c U I li n A , IHPOUTEUS A 7ID WH0LUALI . .' Dealers in Wines, Liquors GKOCKUIKS, .lllners' tioods, lloat Stores, &.C.. bavi aeuoviD to Tiiata NW STONE BUILDING, , C0RNKR OF , Second and Watlilu?ton Street, ' DAL' ES CITY. VTOW IN BTOIIK A LAHOB AND COMPLETE AS sortincnt of the very beat bnuide of VVI1NKS AND LIQTJOItS. At bo, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. Coi intently roceivinpour suipliemlrect fnn New York atiil iUn Fruuoisco, wo itro uole mni williiii, to toll atavry smtill mtvaiice on Bhii Fmncinco tirlct-i. Tliev hop by Hiloptinp a utrictly orrct ninl prompt metliod ot noiug uusiue(H,iuuy win rocoivc the patroungti cl tn' pm He. st'lO-tf COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A. . It . 15 O O T II , WHITE BLUFFS, W. T FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND OKNBRAL DIAUR lit . I ! I , M E It O II A N D I 8 E M 1 A' K 11 S ' S U V P L I E S . FACE AND SADOLB H)a3E3 FOB SALE. VTIIIEiailTH CJNfltlNFD t. lav oare for Colvllln av Koiitouai. or the Upper Culuuibia Hi una, will re cwitt pnimpc attention. . White Allufls, Oct. let, 1861. oc5tf S 15 W j. TH 7ff 7T 1 OC KR Y AND . ' PllOVIStOlV STORE. 'I'HB UXDEHSiaNFl) INFORMS HIS FRIKNDS and 1 the public generally, that ho baa Jut eatabliaked on JJaiu strwt, uexi door tp j, Jpker, Tubaccoulstr . : . . A NEW STORE I : , , where lie keeps constantly an luind a large assortment o 4clrcled FRUIT. Also, In store a complete stork ofchoho .jUUOCKUIUS. I'ROVJHIOXS, VHUKTAULUg, -All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RE! DIJCKD FIUCE6Y Come aud aee and satisfy yourself. ' . flU-tf , . JOHN BPOBITO.: DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC .'Co mpoun rV ; ' '' Aa KipcJItluus Cure fur all diseases of the '' S i: X UiA L dUG A IV f3. FH"IM8 prompt and rfflcallr.ua Kemedy for thft enre M. Olionorrosi, Qleot, Btricturos, anil Diseiura of the Urinary Cigitns. mnkoe a epeedy cure wlthont the Ira,! reatrlciUii tu diet, nimnreor change In application busiiivw; It will radically cure any case which u be produced." The disease It removosiM speedily aa is con sisiout with the production of a thorough and Hirnianeiit cure.' Further, tho disease cannot be contracted if the SPKCIF1C CJ.MPOUNU is taken when exposed, . , lis lugroilieiita are eutlrel t vogotit'ilu, and no injurious offuct. either coiisiitulloually or locally, etui be citujied by Us uo. ..... Price One D .liar and Fifty conts per bottle.' . Sent by. Express carefully packed. UJSTKTTiClt. SMITH A DEAN. Agents, 4J1 atid 401 Battery strrni.cnr Clay,' Jy22-6in. , 8an Francisco, ,. II. HILL, ii ...j-;. ,. i; . A. i OIL L & 'K A N E , 'I ' VHOLUAtl ASK IRAIL 11ALXM In Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors . , f,, -,l , T tnt)l. . . . . ... AORICULTTJRAL IMPLEMENTS. . STORAGE AND FORWARDINO. Goods ooiwlguad to us will meet with proper attention , . . Welerenooai i .. r.i... -' ORTLAI0. DALLES fj. W.Corbet.' )' ' .., Robblus A Co., 1 n Richards A MoCraokeo, .. W. C. Mooiiy A Co., 1 II. Law, . 0. Huniason. - Umatilla Landing, Sept. 0th. 18(13. , (Jtt. II. StiitIIIiSOi : 1 XEIVXIST, - HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE 0PP0 aite Rloch, Miller A CM . where1 he 1 is prepared ui uo an xiuas oi . , DENTAL. WORK, In a skillful and well flnldud manner. TEKTII Inserter from one to an entire set, on (lold or Rubber Plnte. ' Prices ranco for Rubber Plate, from tlh in si i v,n Gold Plate, from $75 to IM. anr Porsona having w.M-k done by me not proving aal lafactory will not berenulred lo receive or pay for tla same. tui3 i BOOIISI DOOKS! Wholesale and retail. suiiUOL. UUOKH.STATIONKRV, k5 Stantlaid and Miscellaneous WORKS, Late NOVELS. MAOAZINEM. PAI'KliH.s As., Ac. by every Steamer. PoaUOiHca l uooaatore.uain street, Dalles. , ""?" . II. J. WALDRON A 00. w.iirci. THE UNDER9I0NED WILL PURCHASE SR"0VD hand Furnllnre, Beds, Redding. Carpets, Stove and IIiHiehold Furniture of every description. Parties wishing to sell will dj well to call. 1 .' ,. soiu. iiiUAJIe, i dethSw Hog Malu i, Ul.es, ! U m a, t i 1 ,1 a, 33 o i s o5 AND IDAHO .1 - , Express and Fast Freight lint1. njMUS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNXINII JL ordur from Uuinilllo Idaho City, via Bohc City, and prewired to carry Fruljiht mid Yalllab e Purkagi betwi-eu tliene aud nil iuiei mediate polute wltlicerluiniy aud despatch. The Line is Stocked wit h the Best Team ... the country affords and entirely., ) , .,! New TaorougU-Brace, ., ,, ' Which unsures Speed i-nd Safety in the troiiMniedon. ,-f Freight, never buforo otieml to Idalu. We ulier ttu rior imiucemeiits for Shipping Uoutls from can Francis and Portland to Idaho, us our arrangements with fie Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon bteain Nmi gatluu me audi that all Good rhipiwd by this Line will not bo i-ulijcct tu tho itaual delays, but pan through ua ITust lrreljjht. Goofs shipped from tnu Francisco to our care at Pert, land, Charges will be paid and Ouods shipped lodeetiiw tlun. . , , ,, . . 0O0DS SHOULD RE MARKED: CARE It. M. D. A CO., F. LINK, ami Shipping Receipts aeut to our Agtrma nt Portland and Umatilla. , t!1. ., f: t . . Advance Charges for Transportation fa Id by the Line and Cullected at- Destination. Ooods will b forwarded witli Diapuu-b to o jlieeend South Boiau PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCMi HATEd. Families will be furnished with ruperlor'A,'. ctaiiiniHlatious in New mid Easy Riding Ihorou.h Draco Wagons ou the Moat Liberal 'forms, We Iny.uvor uuen night on tlie Koall nt Uood mid Conreiiient Stallone, mi that passenger will not be deprived ol cegtthur test, ( .., , , .' AGINTM v . lt: RICIIA1ID3A McOIIAKKN..., ......'...Ean Franclms, RICIIillDd A McCRAKKN.. ..... Portland JOSEPH i'BAL , IMIIee L'uuitilU ,,,,M,.f,,.f......M l.e Until i ., . llniae City 1 duho Clt v ...... Hooky liar (B,.uth IIoIm i i iiiioyanu eurcruttwe U. M. UiiUKLL M lOi,, :' i ' . , .; ., l'roI,rle)ori'. POWhl.l. ACE...... J. U. WILKINSON... II. M. DultKI.I. AGO. 11. M. DultKLI. A CO. MAJOR SPBBR UultEI.L A MOORB.. .... n2Ctf A CAIID roil THE 1 Fall & Winter Clothing; Trade J '-r' OP SAIV ntAMISCO. ''!' BADGER & LIN DENBERGER, C'or. Alertjliaut, ttau VrattscUcst. ' Importers and Wholesale Dealers. EXTIBE NEW AX DyfftJjSir , STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Ii. chants touurmsiMlly lansa stuck ufUooda liur ta'k conipriare every artlrle In u Clothing and Fur nishing Hue. We1 have donatAhtljr on hand the largret and groatvHt varioty of Oisaiinere and Wool II A id i t ' any iiuiim) in niii (fntncisco, nun our pri e iufjtlioiM Uoodi are less than those of any lioiiao, aa wa ranaUe thotn direct from the ifinuiifitcturer's eonalgntneDt' t)ur stack of fiimuier aini Fall Uoopa is particularly altrart- ive, nuu me greni teature 10 tue country merchaut Is Hie ' Unusually luw price. - .,., .. ;1 ; . Than tho Cost of ImportaUoo! Wealso keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the pry OwkI line, which Uoode we have purchased In this market wi der the hitiuinor, and are oflir ug tliem at New Iroik Coat and lea. . We puhliah this card In ordtr Hint we may rnake'tteir acfiialiiuuii ea, mid iiuluee those alio hare nut heretutoia purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low-Trie!! Are the greatest Inducements ti all who purrhal to sell again. Merchnuta who buy of w can make a good profit, mid tell to their cuatoiuemat a low figure;' M reuudii, resiiectlully, i j.Jl ," ),-t v& Your Obedient servants, ' BADUKIl MNDKNBKROER, WlmltwaleOloOiiiigaiid Hat Hareliuuie, - 1- Nufctll. 4IK and 416 Battery Mreet, Son Frnnelsco, April 1, 18Co. jcW-Smw. UoT F0BTUE SUMMEtt uoise" SEA BEAOFT. fSMIIS DKI.1U1ITFUL ANDOKLKHItATKD SUMHKIl lti.ii.... ii.i.iiwiei..,-iiui. - .11., . - ....... ,, -,. Hn.v v VI,D,,, , ,nl,i., .nwra uiauincr from tin. Oceau, I uow ro-upeued and ready to rece This resort nnM.jui.e .Itmllnn. Pacific Coast. It hue a splendid beach .for rldlnr. .walk. lug and bathing; Meantilnl aoei.ery and nrrouudliiar aiidu,bunducu ofgiune. ' . , ,. . I THBj TATIIVH " " . -,...... ,j ,.F,,VM nun M,i. nuu ircsn water nin clam, and crabs, elk, bear and feathered gamu, and, the froaliest of country produce. ' Tlla, ..Illn.lM 1. .Dlol.ri..,,- . aai.i. V,. -1 i. . - - , oner rTery. thing that eould l.o dealred fur the comfort of Kuusta. both well and sick. ... ,. , rni. i. .A.., . . . ... . . I - .no imPii.uin rrapeciiimy asg ine iieattli and I'lean ure Boeklug Puhlic fur panronnge, that Ihey may . enabled to make th. u ollln -ii, .-,, - 7... H-aiiinini ill stitutlon of the country. LOWELL A KIPl'KN. May uiu, leoo. . i invUtf ' 1 ' lilt. IS. W. AllXAJlllsJlJli OmcK WALDUON'S BUILDING". jhwys-Ciiniw of Tliird and Washington Strang IIt. -A.. II. STEELE auii.mi BiaiAr BUHUKON, U.' 8. A...-ornoiAt WLOR0H ' BROS, tRUa BTOfiB