CM 3 ailij lountanucrr Vh is Typical IuikbMan li'muttlbo iiiimiuod iliat lii'O typical Irishman is u I'i'otcns. Viow him in ono way, lio 11 tlto Meny Androw of Europe, u njJ, rogHi.-th lown who never opcim lii.s mouth but to utter either u j;tt or abttll. Viow him (roth unotlicr n.ius ho is tho Hulro'rinr victim ot tins merilod oppression, I he pntieni murtyr uf hisuncicnl tuilh, I lie Hcnsilivo, poelio Jolt, whose phruses uru rich with i:a:iory tin J pulhoH, and whose eonl iji'L'iilliea through nuch melodies ns the " Lust Joso ( f Summer" and "Su' vuuruah Doolish." Now ho is Iho lisy bully, lirandishing liin shillelagh in a faction filil arid trailing liis rug ged coat in tho mud to provoko hi equally pugnacious neigbor to trampio upon it. And now ho is tho silent secret plotting llibbonmun, nourishing his Vendetta for yearn, till ho can shoot his unarmed and helpless victim from behind a hedge' Nowho is tho most warm liearlod, fuiljiful ereii. dim in tho world, toiling' to 'reap English harvest and win broad for tho wilo and children lio tenderly Iovch. And ho is tho idlest, lasiostloon that ever lay smoking by the sido ol a ditch, while liis cabin lull to pieces for want of repair, nnd, his .ragged and half starvod children ran uneared for about the bogs. . The Irishman is religious, chaste, and charitable Ho is alt") idle, improvident and vindictive lie is tho bravest of soldiers, and tho most arrant, moral coward in tho world ; tho hero of Fontonoy and tho slave of every vulgar pri. st. Us is tho Mart y r ,0 b" "Ul lu vlw"! "" ,"l'"rm v,uM'" of Kurono-and the Buffoon.- tloaks' Coats to Order. tr's Magazine. sEM.i va oi r at Cost i . M. Sv'unsch Sc Co., Wl lil, CI.OSK OUT TIIKIII STOCK OK SIKIIOII AN UI8K, ut their phicoufbueinesii, at the Halloa, in order tu go (lie .Minna. Their stock embrace UryC'ootl. Clothing, Itooi,.gu . AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will bp noli at COST, Gar C AII only. - All who know themselves indebted to our Arm ut tho Dalle will pie ll .cl aettlo iu Sikiu lis poaail.le. Those win, huve been accouinitidiited wo n-uat will nut delay lit uuneceaMiily, I ut be riitit hi squ irlng lip ue- ti.uiiio. .m wim aro us, nil mm ever uiaiy l . aull-lf ,.' , i M. ttU.sSCH A CO. ' MIIVINOJIIST A Hit 1 V 1. 1 I IIOM TIIK SAN FH A -cico -Market, wi' wi.ulil invito tl enlleiitlou ol i ur friend uird thv iHiuimiinity nt I ,rge, to . or uoll-sclccled etock of "i 1 k 1 I Dry Goods, Clothing, .'. ; Hoofs & hoes, W'hlch we are selling nt the most rcn'ontihli rules. V. u roll mir good AT t'O.-T, lint limine, tin- coiuiiii: nity Hint it pleiieoe us to sell goudaut i.YIA,LL PltllFlTrJ. Wtt !I. lll'.KM AN A CO.. FURNITURE! FURNITURE DIKULAM & AVIOINX, -XjWNiTtla. Oi.OUK IIOTKL J Mil NO. rtyjP """" vmj,i.iww I tnuvij r&tf Houscnoia rurniuire, SL. etiiltniclni! TubloK. ClmirH.' Utircutifl llptlsiunl lleiUteHilH. HuiltlitiiE.Curtivlfi e p., etc., all of whlcli will lu mh tit Uw mtm. Furiiltuiu liepairetl.iirnJ Upholstering tloiiu to unicr, AUo,ou Iminl i'attri8BsniidPitlow8. SpiyiixlJeJijiiiatlt turtlT. iml2 rr.i DAILY MOUNTAINEER CARRIAGE, (LOJii ORI), iiVGd' S X AGE IIAKN 1C S S Saddles, KrldlN, t iilps ';' A gfiiernl nijortnii-ntof Saddry, Hardware, IcAlhcr, etc. ft Orilltfrf Soll.lf.ul lint...!-!..., .1..... ...l.l , i ' . jivrm.iH0 vuiiv nun III'IUIIVRI V I HAW it Main Stroot, froittinn AViwhinttou, Iulle ?i. n. HH. ItROWIV WAIIIVER BI. I. OFFIOK-74 SKCOND (TltKhT, Letwooii Wtmhlnglon mid Court. OFrim IIoure 0tol2 A.M.;2to4p h.:iiiiIO lolO, r.u MANTUA MAKUli. MKS. MATT IK I10I.I1U03K would roppcctriitly in form tho Ijudicu of the IMIli'. Hud vii:inity, tliu't Nho htta ntionod n uliop In cotinootiim with Mtm, O'Hoiirkp, whi-ro idic is iropiri'd tod.tiill kltiditof work with ite-it- nonH Hint difipittch. Uhvuik jt iiri-lvt'd mini tho hint, TIIIIKK l)i K) 113 Went ot tho Cut tier of Till H II mid UNION Stroota. nc21;ni3 Ciior-EttA Pkeventative. When ihp ( holera' was in Paris in 1812, somo wretches were discovered robb;ng tho dj ing and liastening their death to es1 capo detection." They were condemn ed to bo hung, but ttnally were re prioved upon giving tho secret by which they preserved themselves trom contagion. They mado a wash ol herbs mid vinegar in tho following manner: in eight pounds of vinegar put a hand ful of rue, peppermint lavender, ono juniper berry, wormwood and rose mary. Lot iv. simmer, in an earthen put eight days, upon blow firo or hot ashos, tho pot being made tight with dough, biraln it; squoesing tho herbs till dry. Molt In Iho liquor an ounco (f camphorjUnd koop tn sotjlo.d boHles. When aWi6n(j',cno1era pafiohts rub the templed with this vinegar, also tho nostrils, and rinse lit) mouth with it every . .day, and. keep a. sponge, moist ened to smell in caso of need. ' AaTlFicV.vt, "WoU.Y-llJth v On"'the conlinentandtn Englund,tho manufao luro of "arlifieial ivory", is cortductol on acalo ot omo magnitude. The process by which trio most nuccossful itniiatio'iifbrhaiural ivory id obtafrieU appears to cohs?s" Sn -dlss'bNi rubber brrta'.yerharih'chtoroforffj, passing chlorlrw tnrofign',t'tio' 8'o"iulion until it has acquired V Might" 'yefltrtv tint, noxt washing . well with . uL-oiiol, ihon adding,' in tino powdor, either sulphato oi Gary to, sulphate of lead, alumin in quantity proportioned to tho dosire'd density and lint, an J unfll . ly oubiectrtig to, heavy 'pretwur. A very tough product, capable of talcing' a vory hih . polish, is obtainable- hi thn way. ; ' U'u.rsl Furs ! TUB ItlGlIKST MAItliliT PRICK PAID IN CASH FOtt . Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, lly KIC1IAKDS & JlcCUAKKN. " Portland Sopt. 27, M'. , ik.-4:Uiii IlLAC'K L.IST. JOHN II. WAnD. OFritns HOI.hOW, 1ms this diiy pit mu Three llumlrud mid Koilv-oue Dolhirn in UIIKKMIACKS AT PAII. for a ilukl due in del, I Coin. Doc. 30, Wb. jtmlJ J. C. UIKt'l.U. SherllX'rt Sulo of Koal Estule. BY VIKTUK OV AN KXKCUTION ISSUKU BY TIIK Clrrk ot (h Ulrruit Cna I i f Omul Count, mid to mo iHrocted, In Invar of Mury Ar Vtin'hiir, )litintifT,iinil HK'tinnt J. A. lKkwooil, doltfiiUiini. tho mini of tfvr-fiity-onp Dolliiri immV tUt) ColiU. ($71 iO.) prhiclml.nd ovun ilollum nh I olirlriy ccrit (J7 SO.) uoxtniind diKbiini- meiiU. I Intte levlrri upon mid wHl'Aell nt nib'lr i6:tion, to Iho hlglmat btdiliir Ipr ruali In luiiul, on tATUUDAV, JANUAUK lailt. lHlie, hi'twpru the holiri uf fi uni t o'clock r. m , iH-foio tho Court llou.o door ill Chuvoii City, tho fcUoirliHC dowrikod pufrty.'.lo.wlt : C- J S on lion o mid isd. Kit ii it .l lu the town art!jiaii; 111'', BtntaofOrcKaii, Count)' ot Omul, 'commonly knbwn ni Ilia UWKWO.KI tfitloon. , Jl. I'. UKKKV. Sh.rin.f lly W. W .'W niriLtrI)ipntv. Cwiyon City, Ore. 1-Mi, lKoo. ' di-2-2-4w ' ulNnutiiflon IVotlc. rnitBCOP.vnTNKIl8HIPIu-rotoforoPXlatliigliotwpa D tIKOIMK McLKAN DtVlit I)HNIMO, III tho K :iliHiChot II rata. In llila d tr dlawlvod ur mutual con- M'tit,.D.ivld Uin-ninK htrinit noi l out hlf iutnnit to Uno. M .lrfK i. wha la alono a'ltliornou lo trtnaact anj uihi li". in tho nunra of mid hu .ao. O. MoLKAX. I.alloa, J.m'y. 11. IWM. ' . D. DUItMXO. ' wToTi id IS Li cvv. Receiving, Storlar t'orwardiiig C ammis3ioii Merchant ! Advances made on Consignments. ' IAIN STrtKKT. Opp.mlto tlw llnntllla JIoom. lliotirMAiTUsrA .r4ir,".o . ,. " flgir ' i : t t a "' -1 ' i MAltTIIH Ac 31 XJ It I II Yt ' ' Attorueyifat-Iaaw.' OFFIOEA Id.ho City, loVw County, I. T.) Cnliy City AND MACIIirsilO SHOP, KIltST STItKKT. between VumhUI ami Mrrimn. ' IT) ol from 4 tii4u Ihhko a ;1St Itiittl.l ..irlini- P-.i-tnLIn,.!- -2&?7?1 SMtlotmrr.. Also. CULAIl HAW MILM oiinuim. ai(o, tiny rros- Jpa rrn i llliniAm, llllllllllf Mttt)iiiios.(WiHlviirtir9 jiallorii.) W'rouulit mid Cunt Iron work for Ver tiailCMiwiiiuUlrlHt mil Ik Iirrt mid Iron Cus tings rf1"" UUll WIIOUGHT IRO WORK of oTery deacrlptlon. I am alao ircmrcd to furulali Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & moat Improved Patterns. . , TliMf Milta enn beforwardi-d to any part of tho niittea aa the woi)iht of the entire iiuichlnory will not exceed 3, UOupounda. Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements ' nuiiintiietureil toorilerilt the Tory l.(JV HH T (;A.SII PltlfiK N. 1). Piirticiilor intention jaiid to ItKI'AlllS. fe20-tf DALLES lTlf UKVli STOIt-K. "D ft) A Til ' k WHOLKSALk AND HSTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES,' Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, ,. I'ATKNT MKDICINK!). c. i fl-tf : DRUGS AND PATENT MEDltU.ESi, ,DIlUGS'ANb 'PA TEN T MED ICINES '( 1 DRUGS AND, PATENT, MEDICINES!! ..v-! f ',' .'IIOLKtlAUSAIIB(TAIL , ' 'jt3) Sherlfl'a Sale Of mining: Ground. rY VIKTUK Of AX KXKCUTION l.-ued hy the Clik WLM oi ino t.ircuu; vonri, uni of ,Clmrloa Citatlo nnd to mo directed, in 1ht D. faltonatall, idalntiffa, and sulnat Mlnhuet Donahue, OeteiHuwit, tir the aiini of ally. no ou-iw (V uni uoiiara, irincitml. In pild coin of the United States, and eight 31-luO (M Hi) (1,11 irH, co.t and dialiiluuionta, t lyi'v ftjvieA'yiuniid will tell ut public anutlon to the h'lcheat h ddor for raah In linuil, of Kohl colli of tho United 8tntea. on W'KUNKSUAV. Ilia iSlli d.iy of KKlIttU VllY, HB, , iMtween tl hVura n l'i mj '2 o'clork.'r.'M.. ttefore H e Court llouao door In Canyon City, Urant Comity, the following deaerihed proierty, to wit: a one nun inieroai in aotueiwiiuii gftjiind known aa (ho Miller 'Jliilmaf hounded on lie Nortliby MeKenn k Co. 'a Claiuia, ami rannhiir up Canyon Creek to the Old UrllvrcUima, it lieiiigomjet jnoreor h-Hib , . w . c ai .iv i . uHKHi, cacrin. By Wat. W. Wnirpu. Dapittv. Cunyon City, Jantiary 18, I860. J.in2(iw6 "4- i K J 'Suhaiii'ons. J. V. nriffln plaintiff, ra. laanV Jennlng-i. ilefendant. Action toreeorer uioi,iir. iu Cviwtv XvurAof the Htnto of Oregon, for Union flkmiltji. 8 v.' S ' J. rilOUAAC JKNVINU;, nurendimt: In the nnmool M. the State of Oroxoii you nrd herehr Hiiniinoimil mid required to aptiear mm anawer l UdniifT eoiiluhilh now on nie in me i;ierK a nut -a in il I Court, otter aer rice hereof nflmi you by potillc ith.n for al weeks In the Wkkklt Mouxmxata. aa hy onler of mild Court, or judgment fr tnitit thereof will be t iken agtinit yon, and uiimm ,ou a.i annear a nl nuHwur cooinlniiit. tl,.. Plaint (Twill take judgment asaJuat yon for the aiiio of S 150. together Willi the rnat.4 m dtdinraenienta of till a action, lly order ot J. r. Argeralnirer County Jn le of uiuoi. uHiniy. n. u.n.Kti, Atl yljr piniutiif. U. S. Kev. Stamp) ftOcaiitat -j"? fit u50w I - : i , '! ntoasn '" Henry Tnxcr A John II ilny, nlatntlffv ra. Jen niuga. Action to recoTer money In County Court uf the eiaie oiwrogon, io. union vouiiiyt- , , , i T)I8AAC JKXNIXtlS, DKKKXDAXT: In themnie of the Stnto of Oregon, you are hereby aiiiinii nied and required to appear and u'uwur tho c iiuphilut of tlw Plilntiffi, now ou Die In tlieOle.-k'a o.llce. In rnlil Court, after aervlce hereby upon yon by publication for alx week! In the Wi.r aa by onler of aald Conrt. or Judgment for want thereof will he taken nga!ut you : and unleea yoiraoappo u and anawer a:iid com plaint, tho Plaintiff will take ju.l 'tnont agiiuat ynn for the ram nf liM. together with the nMta and diaburaemeuta of tide action. II onler of J. P. Argerainger, County Judge of Union C.iuiityi ; U.S. Ktv.Kuinpl 5f. BiKKR. Attr for iilaliitllt.,, , MeeuU. i -'JailMw ' Waahington Street, between Stulnnd Becond Streeta I.I.HS. OK KG ON. 4 l.K.UON la able to aupply parllea In want nfDruga-, Patent Meiliciuea. t'lioniirnla. Aclda. I'erfuoiery. ii J every other article enumerated w(th the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the hiweat market ratea. - I'hyaiciana nu4 3lruluinta,ltitedliiR'(o'iiuiKliMte for tlieMlnea, will do well to' give tiimacali; TRUSSES & SdOOLDIlR BRACE 3 la great rletr,l () rv ' , SELLINQ, OJFT1 .'AT CdSTI My entire tork of STIP VKS A IM . I I 11 iVA EC lu, I ALSO, , T r Iv jf M'rr 616l s .' rjlUK WIIOliK embracing a fine atock. ever- article JL of vjhlcli.wHI beaold-nt COiT.'iiI.)laaire ioit,ie out lMruur "Xiao, oni'01tANI) PIANO, in good order. Ainu, for aale, the llOUSH-AND Hurt . on Second rt eet next to Iho comer of Wiuhin-iton.Tho llouao Jatwo atorlea.jaitli wlin-ul,.ntnl I- well utauptn.l t.fihe hotel'' hiKhfnaa. Also a hat of IIKODINO. cojnurla'ng nlmut twoiity-live lloda. 'J'e Khoiiwlll lovhiawl out chuuii. Kr furUier rtlculiira upply on the proniiaea, ' " ' " nii:3in , .. . ALllKliT IIKmNdKN. ' ' I'O-tVKB PIIESS .. BOOK k JGB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Haiti and B DALLES OHEGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY riASintcu nun iivv,iiuiv.j nifU UI.ia(CR tl i 8TYLK THAT WILL COlll'AliK xAVOBAIII.Y with the very heat, and AT. BATES AS' CHEAP AS THE C-EEArrST to oruek: C .t r il s a 11 1 It i I l-Bi e a ( m . CHECKS. DRAFTS, KKCEU'IS. POStEUS AND PKOGHAMMES THEATRES 'CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS fc. rfc rfc., FRISTtb l Tilt HOST ATTMACTlVt KANiUK. AUO, WM-illl.lS. . BILLS OF FAliK. ISTTKH IIKAD. : ' ' "'! RtOM'T BOOKS, hlLLSJ-ADIXOi ETricrs nml ranih!i;(K, nSlTlKG, WEVD1KQ AKD "AT JlOUk" CAUVS DrilRKiKtH LllllflH, In abort, everything that ran he dene In a Kouk anil h Pritiiitig Olllce, from the anmllcat and moat delicate ( ai 4 or Circulnr. to the largeat sir.e and moat rliowy pialhtg ' Hill and which will he turned oul in a ityle that tai.u t fail tu insure entire satisfaction. ' " oux r.tciUTtF roa mi uttri'TioK t v JECORAtlVE printing, : ' In the most beniitlful Colora, Shades and Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills ! From a alngle Sheet to the Lnigest Maniinoth, '' OHKAMtXTAL SHOW CAJIOS. - . '"i-VVMKKS' lAtr.I.fl.4i Aie nnaurpaaaed by thoreol any other eatnl.liahn.eM u ., Uregoo. W e deirote apeclul attention to thishninrli of tV busiueaa. and are continually adtlfng to our nlriady eiu-h-, Ive and well appointed assortment of uintoiul, '' NEW TYPES, BORDERS', ORNAMENTS. f.i., .... . . kC i tCt4 ' i ui" Of the moit modern and eluborftte tloslgni. Our atock tv. FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, ' Are of tlte flneat quality, aud for riehueaa of evrar '4 durability, cannot be equaled In the Stale. ' The principle npoq which buelntsu is asked i t tlilatiT tablialimeut is, that peraona will consult tnelr ewu iuter eats, .by awarding their ciiatcln tu that efliee (n Li, k their money can he cxptnded lo the Ik a! advantage. 1w thia end we solicit all ju want f glial rrintitiji, t tei j.i" reasonable charges, to call and eiainine apeciiueus, ui.d . judge for yimrBelses.v. J .'iiti:.'i , m i Order ri;fiii tb I'pper rpnnl.rr" Will have onrsnerlul care, and frlenda from the inlet 1 may rely upon having their order tilled pron vlj. aa v. HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED hOBQON POWER PREiS t Addrei SXtfPWfff.U-Ka ', MOUNTAINEER OFFICE , nillt-tf i Bailee. Ol ego. ' JApivSON SAi:0UN;; iuii.'ua uuutii nnu ottouiiuoutaMc), ffllfc UKljKnsioNKI), HAVINO TtEMOVKD VilO ' ,M. TUB -UKLLA UNION" CKLI.Alt, .NTO. , u.-i ;. ! iH-n iu luiwrm ihp (tuDiic tuai uiej arc propuroa ro wrv , their cmttMmfr Wflb the buC " - Wines, Liquors' and 1 Cigars; TIIB MAIIKKT AltFOItDSr ALSO, A ,, . FreeLunch! a.verv iloV and v.M.i' '' . . i l. i , : " t i : . ?-(f dec? . !,i':ieaii Bajna.-1'Zi 4 Proprietor. t rrn w jt NOTICK . . I( ITS IIKKKDY OIVKN that tho C mrtnerahln hereto. U. foreexiating botweeii K. U. 11 UtUY, C. I,. MI I'Oll- r.i.l. a u f. n. Til lurs i.n. uolllg i mercnillile bivd noaa ill tlila place, under Iho name of ri. 0. Ilurdy A Co., la thia day ilia-olrcl by mutu il oonaont, and hereatter thu bdainera of saiJ tlrm will be coiuluetiwt he K .it Ilanly, who alone la authorized to collect and ai-tt'e the accounts of auid Arm. . K. 0. II AIIUY, ' ' C. L. MITOHKI.' Siiaa-iTllle, Grant Co., Oreg ,n, . VV. TI10.M I'SU.V Nov. 13, lu6 , , , yJ:liai , VnNlilii?(on if agon Komi, '1'IIK U.NUKItIiJNKD WOULD I FOItM fllK I Traveling Public that the Wahliigton W.gon Koad from Portland aud Vancouver to the Upiier Caacadea ia well being kept In good traveling under lor wagona and stock. K. 0. IIAKUV, Indies Jan. 11th janlltf ' 8ole Proprietor . AI OTIC 13.' ' : T ' ;' IlimtEMY WARN ALL PGIIS0N3 from contracting or buying anything whatevor from F. M. KUNTZ, whereby I will have keen thought by thn public roapun. aible, aa I am not, nor will I hold mys If resiamaible for iiy of said F. M. Kunta'a acta. W, f, J10FFAT, oiisanrllle, Urant Co.. Nnvf yt, mm,m XARRJAGf ''AnV'AGON MATER'AIS , . , WK BHU TO CALL ATTENTION or Carriage )Ia 'ulactureTa aud Dtalere to the Large and Com plete aaaoitment of 0AU1I1 AOK and WAOON ilATKIU . AL8 tee are eonataatly iK-vlvltig from tho Kaat, feH3i-iatly ' aelectedi boa the California Market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and gecouil OrowtU Aah Plank, Hickory Axlca. Wagon Poles, llube, Ppokea, Felloes, Hlnia, ghaita, ic. Ac. whicUweoBerai the loweat Cash Pilees. aYtV t'rdere aahlreeeed to our houae will receive pruniM atteutloru . N. W. I1IIAUU U..'.' JoliJiu. 29 A lattery Street, ban Fmiiciaco. ' aai t 10 Seventh street Kacrtiaietito. '' C. WATr.tnom, 11. W. llama Co., . J..W. LtslsH ' 8an Franciavw. Sacramento. ' ' New Voi lc 1 NEW HE ARSE! 'MMIK UNDKI18IONKD BKU8T0 INFOIIM TIIK CITv Jl (aeiia of the Dalles awl vicinity that he bus received a NEW 1IKA118K, and will attend Funerals: , on short notice. This Is the Br t, aud at preavut', only llcarolntlioi.'it'. , i., ; ; ' I. M. KVAN8 tkllea, May 19, 1804. -, lny:'J0-tf. . ; C 11. IlliOOItS, ; r.' . Office-. At 13 r. Crule' Uruii Store. " DALLES, OUKC OX. . ' i