Slaiig lilouutatnccr. 'WKDNgsnvY mokmsc, st, .sue? PijitvlAis beon successfully; b9ud by Now York railroad company.' l ' Tho express inattu.rso Fong detained lit John Day IJiver w&s brocrgbt down by tbo mcscengur yesterday. Wells, Fargo & Co. 'a Express for Portland will louvo to-morrow mors inn p. . . . . Thk Columbia Kivor is rapidly full, inir. 'J'be risHJ in tho lust ten days has been about tvrctve feet. A Till The firs uoiiGii line to boisB. ! time than bv the ronnd. about route rst stop to bo taken in divort b Sacrarncnt0 nnj Tho JJmpo.ium. ing the trado and travel from the Tho routo should in faeijm let in one present difficult and circuitons routo j contra(.t t0 run from Bojrt0 city to from tho Columbia Eiver to the Boiso Vancouver or The Emporium, or to Mines, to the more convenient tftl blHh. ln orJcr t0 roake tl)0 r011te A calio of amalgamated gold is ex hibited in Melbourne, Australia, which worghs 1,812 ounces This would be considered a small matter in I Julio. - An Irishman who had witnessed the ffToet of whisky for many years, enid barret labeled whisky contained a thousand songs and fifty fights. A young lady amended " man pro poses, but God disposes," to"man pros poses but seldom, and God disposes at all times." It is generally believed that if Spain persists in her arrogant, conduct to wards Chile, tho United States will interveno for tho protection of our bister republic. The fnarlz mines in Australia are rapidly becoming a loading interest. Well developed lodes, averaging from two to five ohucor of gold, ol groat purity, to tho ton, aro very common. . At tho Odcon theatre, Paris, a now play is to be produced, entitled Lea J'ranc Masons, in which it is said both the history, tho principles nnd the sos crots of Free Masonry will, bo fully expose'd5. ' Thk funeral of Tom Sayers, the dtatingoiehe'ti ''bruiser -nst attended by a vast concours of professional awl Oinateur boxers, 'A free fllittook ptaco over the gravo a filling pcr formanco at the last sccno in tho his toy of Sayera. . . 'i ' ' "Represent mo in my portrait." f aid a. romantic lady to a painter, "with a book in my hand and rending aloud. Paint my servant, also, in n corner whero he cannot be seen, but in sncli A manner that ho may bear mo wbea 1 call him.? Nr.GBOis aro sometimes found dead at the South with a placard pinned to their cloth'os'io' tins effect': .'fn'is ls a warning to all d d niggers in this vicinity It is certainly a very prac ttcul bvt rather indefinite way of warn ing them. Sok of tho principal Now York hotels' talk of raising 'the price of beard to six dollars nor dur Thcro arc fain i I i ilit ar,tb6, riftbAvenuo who givo lire or six hundred dollars a week for their mere lodging and boarding privi lege, wbHo thoir 'extras", will roach three or four hundred more;" ' The Fuebhet on Ten AIila Chdek Tho sadden rise of water on Ton Milo Crcok has caused eerioudamugo. In ono insianco, ono hundred and twen ty dvoeheop which had boon housed in a barn, woro destroyed; in another the ereck swept through, a rajaublo orchard, brooking down tho trees and sweeping off the. fences. Tlio dustruo Itrfln f ' nrnnprf v hflfl himn run1 nftiiuiri emtio in the aggregate, nn hardly 4 faro, lias escaped damagO,. . ...rr. , , 1 ' . . - .- economical road by Canyon City is to procoie'an appropriation for tho es labli'jhmcnt of at least a tri'weckly mail from this place to somo conve nient point of intersection with tho Salt .Lake and Walla Walla route, bo yond Snake Jliver. At ono time we wero in hopes that tho pooplo of Ore" go.y west of tho Cascades, would be willing to forego tho doubtful advan tage of tho daily mail from Sacra' menlo to Portland, for tho purposo of founding a claim on tllo Department for a great Northern Overland Mail Lino. To carry uHl euch a design, it seemed best not to burden it with special outfido claims. on tbo attention of Congress and the Postmaster Gon- oral. But it seems now' that General Markland, of whom great things had been expected, has gone back to Cali fornia without giving tho slightest at' tenlion to tho urgent needs of the in terior in tho mutter of mails and mail routes. His second, Mr. Brooks, has L so fur given his entire attention to the route from Portland south, and wo aro persuaded that tho malign influences which havo. retarded the prosperity of our section of tho country aro still at work with those who aro charged with tho supervision of tho matter. ln tho sudden departure of Gen. Markland we see tho proof that ho is influenced by the representations of tho CaHI'ornians to examine tho Chieo and Star City routes, with a view to the establishment of mail lin -s from theso poinls to Boiso and Owyheo. Tho discontinuance of tho Portland nnd Sacramento daily mail will follow as a matter of course, if service is or dered on-either of the.fther lines, anoTwo shall thus bo left without even the miserable excuso of a mail on whichywT havo? mainly depended for bvo years past. Tho importance of a direct line from the North West to tide water on Ibis side, is not second in importance to any public enterprise of this section of country. Upon it, more than all elso, depends our futnro favorable con ncciion with tho Montana trado; for it is observablo that tho improvement of roads is greatly dependent on tho continuous operation of the mail lines, and tho competition from tho other side will compel the community on this side to continually increaso thei facilities of transportation in order to keep tho lead in trado. For tho lack of that co operation from Western Oregon, which the peo ple of the Columbia interior havo n right to expect, the will best servo their own interests by looking entirely to their own influence to procure an increaso of mail conveniences. Th propriety and plain necessity of a mail line from Boiso City to the Dalles aro so obvious that the subject will only, havo to bo intelligently reprcson ted to the Department to secure the ostablistfrocbt of tho lino. "For this purpose tho question should at onco be tViado tho subject, of a petition to the Postmaster General and tovOoni grcsf, and before tho summer ispnssod wo will havo thdUnflcd States mails. carried over the ronto. ' . ' . By this means wo shall receive our cabtorrt '' rriail matter in nine days less practically available, rt wagon road down tho Columbia from this placo will nocd to bo constructed." In Hum-, mcr time, tho mails can ho carried most expeditiously by t earner, but in winter wo must send ud receive them by land if they aro carried at all. In a book entitled From Matter 1o Spirit, tho scope of spiritual; inquiry is thus described: "That which is chemical affinity and' iittrut-tior, in spirit is love and sympathy and when men's minds ure in a condition to compare tho two, I believo it will bo found that every property of matter, ascertained in every direction of sci- ntifio enquiry, has its ''corresponding phenomenon in the inner world." Dir. William llirnliauirf reaped ill'.)' In- riiiH hiii p.ttiMiH, tml ni'.tro p-irtii'Mliirly llto ImliiM 01 lain city mi I vicinity, lli:it li'j will acll.nt pirlvufo natr, at iiuniiuii- price-., tir hU ntorjo on Mnln Htrin;t. tliu lul. ic t.r IUrslt'iiiil HtiicU nf WhIcImm Diiimoiulrt. .1uv ry antl KiMicy O-mhI. Ah thi wfll lo ti- lint t.pirrtli- tv tit li'.ircli.i-ib. tin liiili j mi 1 tlic nub.ic uru invited tn cull. . , Wasco l.ol,5-, Xo-. try, F. A. fc A. HI . oliJd ItA ritului Coiiiiiinuic-iliuii on tho Fiivt nnil Tliinl ;yl ii ilny of (rich month, lit their bull. In Ditllvo City. lirpthmi fn KoorF et-wuling utc fnTitiM' to nttentl. Estii I. 1'opb, Si'c'y. llyor.lei-or the W. M. , Columbia Lodge, No. r, I. O. O. Mueta iary Krhlny evening nl ty2 o'clock, hi Qntett' Unll, corner of fecund nnd Court StmU. Brottnrii In K"od rttnndfng nro invited to attend llynnlur.'; J . JTJKEE, Ialn Mrcct. UnllcN. VHOLKKU.C IKTIIl MUin IX CIGARS.'; TOBACCO, SNUFF. ' - " J I PES, &'; . ; AVffJIV IS STOKE THK OnT IHtAVn Bt Clears. Tobacco, Matches, &e. 'hjuitino cakds. JL 1WKKT CUTLISltY, I'OHT ! IN IKS. CUM IIS nnd IIKUSIIKS. ' nil ltlndl, FKKFlijrKKT. nl every dencriptioB, CHINA Oil N A M KN TS i i .' TOYS. HULLS, etc. FISH HOilKS nnil nsIUNO TACKI.B, ' SlVHWAt. lNSTItUJIKMS. FANCT GOODS. t. Aim I'oWiler.S'int. Lead. I'ow.lnr FlnnkH BsMdit ti, nn nianyctlier Hrticlea tow Niwmnfi f Hientien. t 1 Ctf InturinnieivNTH ffuiinlinl irtth Ctirnvn. Tnliaccn.etc. at less than I'ortlMK? ixicei. with Truiuhr mldrd. oc-fi sell iWcT o A T .:0 S T, t:- ' FOR THIRTY DAYS LONGER It MhSSllS. TOIIV linilM wonld herchy Inrnrnn their cnituniera antl the pnlillcnt Inro. that thev will continue to eell AT COST, t'ur tlilrty ilnyn loniter ti nritep Ih (ie one a to lniikn' nrenenti for tll' It.iHilii.t Wr ill sell tire hnlunce of n Muck, con iMtliiKof . . 1 J!f e ntHt-k Pillt - - Oent" Olnnknr Jlicli riipliii,k . ; lliuiver Conia, . ChrkK,' , , i . it ana f outa, 1 KliiulH. , I'nnlj, Dry tiofiai . jLHiliroldlirieH. ..' : Ihna &Cii', Moot i lhoea,' Ac, Ac, tr. , is., AT S t IV E"A.X11S 4 COST, Wilhont KndpH and Kxp "na.fc. 'J'lil.s will ho rfp-l.iwt cfcince to gv hribin. prinr r closing the concern. . . C0J1.N t ISOli.M. N.ll. All I'.IIU niilt To pniii th First of Jnnimr? isnn. IT not nettled within that time, '.he nunc will m pliiced in legul liiimU. deltl. I ITn n Ailiiinnvn t, I-IOTJSE! . Xo. 100 MAI STREET, DALLES. JL Kuvors, rPi)rtfnllv hiluruit) the cilisuu nt the l)iiltrt, utitf ffnr iinWit generally, tlmt li cuiitiiiii04 to Bill 111 PUBLICAUCTION me mtiviTi! Real Emtatc, s 1 v ' ' General Mercnamllse, liiocei lex, - .. , ' ) '.' ; llorHCM, . :' ' I . C Mill ON . . . j-. Furniture. . Mocks, &.c. iic, BKOVI.Vn 8.U.B DAVJ, . , Tuesdays and Saturdays , Cash Advances, made on Copignmcnts, hm ntOMP RE3V1N m de of nlk Ont doot anil Sate attenled to Ju nnjr part of Ilio cltjr. , .. ; . Tariff or Charges UntH Further Sotlce : For Sellini; Merchandise, Grocerlea, Furniture Htocka. Ac; Ac Afarce. For Felling ll.inwen and l!ei1 Ktnte 3 llornea, Jlnlea, Work Cnltle. each ii ROCIIAItOK FOU 8TOKAOK. JO IIS 1VILL.IASIS, Aotlnrer. &. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, IMnlu S., Ualltii, Oregon. 'ITST'OKMHirSl'Kl WUI.1.T INFO KM H the citly.enn of tliia phico and vh rinil.f, rhut liitvin retiirneif IVonl a pro. tesaiollltl ttilll llirnllifli the lliineH. tie liHH ni:iihi refinined the prnetlce ol HKNTIH I'ltY, In tliu roimr " hfincrly nccnpieil liy him. in the huililinft occupied b. Wood & llntier. Vh itoifraph Aitinta, niitl luijniiiiiii; Wnii dron.llriH.' Drn Ptorir. fie token thin method of ex- tendtiij; tliunkd, faith liliernl p'ltrnimiie heretolore ex- ' toiidvi to him, ttird tiolicftii ircontlnmrnev of tha amue. list iik rmcKa. Kntlre Tlentiirc on 'JiM Hiise. ,.... $180 to tlty " L'iper He ii tore. Oold Dane ,,. Bt I'M " Denture. Vuh iiiiite llne 71) " l'i.1 . " Upper Henture, Vulcimile llnne 15 14 0e Oold Kiilinitfi itferted from oneiluliHr tl wnrd. Cliildrcna' Teeth extracted freu nf charge. lieKWtf til. B R 0 B R 67, vmuMU a.i mvAii r.Akae in JrTAKC'y JVNI) STAPLE, DEJGOODSt, GROCERIES; PHOTISiONS, &c , Mr. M. H7C0rV. ielneih mitli-nt f ft Francisco. v ivo vnitlili'il to otter jrrent i mftniuiitii to purc)iaairfs m wiLn.innia, vtn. kiivi v. UlJUti s otonu Store, north side Mrfn itreet, Dallas;. It AUCTION SALE. I will tell, ..... 4 , Tills Iay (Tuesday.) at ko it. ni. nl the California Motel, an Main Btreat, a taiga lot of Pnln MnttreMea ami ' III. ma, . Straw MattruHea. Sheets, . ' Chair. Tiblea, UedHtaada, ; N Lihi Ini; Clliumea, lHirlor, llax and CookiiiK Stovaay I . . Carpet, Mattlnir llutewood Clnira, Tnhlea. am? PfiYii. JOHN Wll.l.IAMJ, Aoctloneev. KSTR4V uroTirn. v TAKKN VP BY TIIK UXDKItSlOND. living nn KieU Mite Creek, ten mile Sunth o Dullm City. Oreeon. on Doeemher lKllt. 1S05. one HAY IIOIISK. 14 UwN hieli, white nxlp on no-e. anine arnldlo hinrk, white hind loot, aomo black Knot above (he hour, n tew wlilto hairit on liirehead, branded tliu-: O on the left.ahonldor, wbuHt even nenra out, nnil appralaod at f KJ. jiikiwi" , ji. r, llaiik. REMOVAL. J. GOKTX. Inllc9. F. KOKXIflSIlKHflKR. , Hun FniuclKo. T. GOETZ &. CO., TOBACCONISTS, . Uwve aviuovwt to Rudio's New Stone .Building. Wiililnton Stroot, nonr French GiUuan'a, rnJ linv uuoiieu n weii-aaaorted alock or ,T t.t-' - '1 llAVAS'Aand IlilMKsTlrt KrTnts. VI HOI MA nd WKfTHUN TOUACUO, 7 V ) M ( FKKNOII inii SCOTCH SNUKF. ' , . J NKBItSCIIAUM and other PIl'KS, ' 1'liAVINO CAItDS, . .' ' ''' SI'OltTINd OiKlllS. " INUIAN and FA CY OOfinS. Ac.( :""' ' " ' JHf1"'?,"""1'1' '1 " nsf v ' " K "kttfs: NEW SALOON. NKW &mWK,.8TOKE, WASUINCT6N 8TIIKKT. rHIHK UNIrFJtSTOSKD wontfli rtectflly aniiounr M that h. -will (Mien a flrjaft elnwt Suloon in Vri.urli 1. Oilmnii'a New Stone Uiiildhiir. THIS K.VK.MNO, and i prepared to aerve euitoniera itli tli beat AYincs, Liquors ami ' Cigars.; t ALSO, A 1 II T'j 10 LUNCH Every day nnd Evening. t . , ivr ? ltf. JOHN RIXDLAtll. " . LINCOLN HOUSE, t. fvrner Wttuhlitglon mni Front Slrt, MWXL.Nl ORKOON. FlRStLASS llftTKU. LAIIOKST IS Til It STATS'. Cbnrgea lleaaoanbtav - A.x UM.MUU3 will attend nil tn Itonls and convev lnMiiKlK and their liairiniL'a to tha lliaa rn ,'.1 ' Charge, or to any other lloaae iu the Clry for 60 cent. Kurnn, Proprietor. r.8 IIT ANB COI.l BATHS In the Hown All the Stoamera for Oreiron Oitv. Vnneniivea.. M.miL , cello and Astoria land at la UacoU Ilvua Wharb - avpluliu . ' UIknoIuIIoii of Co-Part nerahl p. rfllKCJ-l'AKTNKItsmp h.rlofon exitlhK under the name and alvle ol ItOIIBINS. alcVAiii.avii. k H., it tUt day dlwolved by mutual couaent. All lia bilities of Mid 111 iu to be paid by Itohbins A W eaver, and an aeoia uue aaiu urm 10 vt Dalha. Jan. 8.18M . All tiaraona Indebtad to iu wi gl nun aavu eo.ta. paid tn and oilhrtrd br J. II. HOIIUdNS. v. McrAIII.ANIi. . 1 V.'O. Wi VTUAVRlt; ill please coll nnd " 1'nn-. ' ' JnTiul F1. X3JEIIM:, Waltiunnker nud Jeweler ." MAIN STREET. DALLES, DKAt.KR IN FIXK WATCHKS. JKWKI.liK, CLOCKS. floW lMia,SlkM nud l'lnted WaM, ( jnn.imiD vniivi. .Hi' ' , jrl'iirtlculur allenlion paid tnrenalrini aWet "Yatcha, Cluefca, J.welryt, otc. : All M atrhe. repaired by l. UB ...I HU1I (. .VI l.kll, IIIOIIlllll. ft- i N. 8. Alt oetfor from tWutipet nuntry,by Expresn or otherwise, promptly attanded to. Tmrs.l VHITE'S AWPHOTOGRAPH ROOMS; , 7Nlinst,aireet:'' HA VINft N8V lit fllTKD XV 1HK.G AIXKItY over X Deennr'a Stoi a, woaJd re&tweti'nlly aunounca to alt . Ihoaa wwliing ' . j rhotogfa'pLa Wrtrtio TIsito,4 c.; thai Hwf tH iwoll'rHsrVS Tier k call. - ,actilar'af pnld to 'nkinarLiid w and CliI'dreD'a I'eturca. ') ir,,.,.. .Him mi ii