i-; : i:.l-.n-...Ti -il ! 70 l VOL . I V T-LKS, OU KGON, WEDNKSD AY, .JANUARY 1, aS3. . NO, f-iSS. . , . .c, ; .t : - i I H H N 1 9 IB B MB f B H . a- iv. w . s ail n 0 uut at it e c i fUBLlSUELI EVKIiY 5I0UXING, t ' (MONDAY tXCKt'TCU,) BV . ' K. C CO WIVE & J. II lH.OUA, t . E0IT04UI AND I'KOPUIKTOU. ' : j , . 1'BnSis-fWMfy-flri! ccn&r fjr weak, payable to tlie carrier jier month,, by mail, el; thi-ee mouths. 160; .six Nrmitks, eaeyar,$S. Advertisementa Inserted t Iww raes. ..... , . , , ,, , Job Printing. . . Kvery desortetiosi of plalu and fancy Jab Printing exe nluJ with ttuiiwi and despatch, od forwarded us per on'er teaav art f the CuunCy. iiymattJrM I'rtnt UMATILLA HOUSE, dall.es, oreoon:;'.;' IIAKDLI2Y &SI..orT, I'rop'rs. THIS roPLUB IIOUSK, 0'NIIlAU.r LOCATID, Ilearlhe Steamboat landing & Sailroad Dopot, lliu been recently enlnrd tud iuiinored, lud will uuw :c niiiiiHlate 30 0 GUE H X S . , . ST WILL IIW CONDUCTED m iieretorure. m a FIRST (J I. ASS IIOUSK. mi. I tlie pittruuuge uf tbo trureling iulilic is respectfully mificitoi. H f llaKKRO taken t Ilia Huuse fie, of clmrgo. Uoujc open nil nii;lit. LA RGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES I) ille. Oct. 4-tf. ,, V EMPIRE HOTEL, MIX ITMSKT, DAUDI, OltliOOa, 1' - THOSI iS S.111T1I, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IX Till OXXTRK OF USIXE8, Ksar the Steamboat and Sailroad Landing Suporiur Accottiinuit itiiins for Families and ean Ac suuimnd.ito One Huudred and filly (J mute. ' UcalH.... ....-50 est, . LuJglng... ......60 eta. Fire I'rotif Safe for deposltouf vuluKblca. - ttlUUouiu a two all ulght. Jlaggnu t;iki!n ttkelIouM fr f tliarge. , TT TMOmAS 8U1TU, I uili-tf - ' " . I'roprleiuK SPRING AND SUMMER G30D3. 'r jfRlCStl HfOCl ' ( tiVSKSll IS B V IUS.,r iialles .and Wll Vallft. ;, ,. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods v Mlnern' Outlllv, '" llootit and $1106, . ' Ilats and CapM, . :' CSlOCCl lCS, And a full assortment of 'General Mercliandlse.' Juj ln nnr Uuods exclusively In the Ban Vrauciaco Hiarkel, an uiaKinR sjoa butcah puMliasoS, srsr ure eaaklad to se I 2M iwt ceat'.ak'Muer Uniu aliy other Ilotise at tlie VMrf- , ,DU8KNIIKIty IIIIOS., ul-tf , f : f Ualleaand'allnWaya. ' cau. at 'mi w Family , Grocery! and -Fruit St ire, Corner' of AVsslilngton auii Second Stre'i U. ' ' u ' fTUlK UNOKIISIUNKD WISHES TO INFORM Til It I people of. tlie Dalles, anil tlie. public generally, thai lie liiu a largo and well'selectcd stuck of FAMILY GUOCEHIES, ; ; A'UTS; te.,' Wlilnh lie ailll' tell Wb.ilea! awl I!aii:i at Jleducatf J Vices or CAMI. Also. eowttilttllJNin hand the Choice Article of FUKSU UUXriSil and fcOUS. Alss every variety of FltUITS au l VtiiiKTAIII.KS iu their season lVrituus from , up the country, wishing, quantities of )'.tgiaiid Vruil.by aeu liaa in Iboir order, will nceivt. tlie stricteat attentfou. und have theiu filled at tho toiffell M,rkai'rict ' U.-fJ i.L JtWKLU ''nil ' ' ' 0. V. ABM is. a, w. abvu. arMe8 St. d All am, , , 4uiporters ana Jobbers ol WOOD'AXO WaiOff ffARE, BlttiiUeH, TWlNIM, CJUDAOK, Ac And Uanitfacturen o( Callfornli Palls, TaH Brorjms, 4c. JIT t Jifl SacramoutoiJtreet, Ijgtwetn Front and Davis, Kin Francisco.'.', . -t-i. cU:milaw. WF. -TILLMAN, . -. ihls Aus.tr ia OALironsiA roa ' TILTbN : & McPARLAND'S Tire Sc Ilurglar I'roof 8afis. STJL LIXUD VAULTS, ' :'ta ; . U jfi J-CjnUiitly ou lianil a full asrtiuent of 8AFK8 31S UATTKHlf STItKKT. jyfrOm ';i I " -i ,i Franc Ucn. X. B.OATU. . l. ' B.a.UArt. . GATE te HAFT,;, ( Attoruey8&. Counsellors at Law, DALT.B3, OKR0OH, ' " '' von moiSaj ui.es ijlct. "gMMe . T 11 E fet WALLA WALLA. & BOISE LINE .,',' ' OF : . i, -.'.II CONCOUD STAGES,'; ' CAIlllVlNQ THE U. S: OVERLAND MAILS .. . AND " ' ' ' i;': Well', Fargo & Co.'s Express, Is now making Uognlar Trips fi'oai Walla Walla t.' cerville,,(lloise Klines.) ' . ' Through in Two and a Hair Days Connecting with ch Walluhi flyo of tft:ige( utiii Hi UouUuf tlie 0. ll, N. Cuuipiuiy. "J!-fi, Ft ?fli UWO. f. THOMAS k CO. -p27-tf ' I'roprietur no rr i ok. THE PiONEliU STAGE COMPANY ' ' 1 Will carry FAST FREIGHTS MOM XJ 3X A. r? I Hi LA , AITBltTIIK FIKSTOPOOTOnmt, AT TUB FOLLOW I .NO UKUUOKO KATKS: To Unlse City... 13 Cents per pound Iclauo C'lly. 80 ,, ... Owyhes , 0 ". , For les amounts thnu one huudi-eil poiiuils nu addition of Five Cent prr unuud will be charged. . , J j TIM Ifl FUM U1MA.XII-.LA1 To Holse C ity, 3 Utiyx. To Idaho City.. .. a l-i Days. TOOwyliee,- 4 Days. : ' UOSKPII 'flNKII'AH, Aecnt. Umatilla, Oct. 1. 18Ci. . . ocISitf. QUARTZ' -,MIIiLS! Ana nil kinds ?f HsicHluery 1 "t 1 fi Manufactured ut tlie' ' i (' ' ' OREGON IRON WORKS . OOKMSIl OF MultltlSO.N oud 7TU streets, """ POHTI,AD. ' "' ... ... A - C.0IUUS k CO., - , C ' 3 " . .- . tacaaaor. to Portland, Dec. Ctli'M. dtdtf E. L. Jo.vsa A Co. MOUNT HOOD SAUQON i . . AND .... BILLIAUD BOOM, F. M. llL'iNT, Proprietor, COIIN'KHOF Main and Court Strootw, apH-tf--A', J'- i'V. . Dalles, Oregon. , FRED LI 12 HIiI, GROCERY PROVISION, S'TTrtUlT STORE, . Washlnston Street, opposite French k rilltimn'a. Dilles. Iln. on hnuil a large and Wfll-as4nrtud stock of GRbCEJlIES & PROVISIONS, ' ITi'csli Uuttci- &. Ej-s. Kererreil dnfy. A InrRe lot of CHICKKXS nlwnya on hand. KKUM of all kin ls. FKKSII VKOTAJILKS every morn jig. Allartlcles warntutnl. ' ' Give Me a Call, Everybody! .nJPRlOlfis LOW". V i aul8:tf t. L1KI1K. rfSm t ttl 1 1 U ; 0 1 is ? J? , ' ' v. DKALKRB IX ' ' - ' oiioosxiixs'isi I CHRN'KIt OF - . .... i Main nnd Union Streets, Dalles. J. C. BALDWIN Dili2Mf . -.F W. BALDWIN. WM. MOAIItJS. 0. B. KtKUIIb. ': WM.MOABUS&CO dlTY ruorisioy stosb, ' Corner of First and B Streets. Wi IIOI.KHALK AND UKTAI I. DKAI.KKS In BIlEAD. CIIACKKIISand Family OltOCF.IIIKg. jn,0nlers from a distance carefully nlleil and promptly llsiiatched. . l-t? eclipse chop House, main street, corner ol court. OLD MACK, TIIM PtONKKK OJOK. wnuU respect fully inform tho tiublic Mint lie hv fitted no. the above Chop House, and is prepared to serve up UKALS and i.u.vu in tlie vest stylo ad nt tlie sliortist not Ire. BAI.L1li. l'AkTlliSt,.nHliel w tlt enpperl, In the Lett stvle and on the inut reiumnnble tiin.. OVSTKIli in every JMjie. Private Koonis for Ladles, iBi nso & odi;ll, Attorneys & counsellors at law WILL IMIACTICK IN TIIK SUFKKMK ANDCIU cuit Courts of Oregou, and the District Courts o Washington Territory. particular aiieaiiv paiu in me eoinction ot claims. v it a i c;ii a i mi a ny ixi'OHTna axd waoLUAVi Dealers in Wines,' Ltquorsi; . onooicitiiSH, : .llluers? aoods, float Stores, ttc HAVC RKHoVXO TO TIUIX NEW STO.NE BUILDINQ, conxinor ' " . Second nnd Waslilngton Streets, DALIES CITY. , , ui.i tJaJOW IN STOUK A LAIIOK AND C0MPLKTK AS Jkf ortiucut of thu Very beat bnluds of ' 1 ' ! ' ' WUXliS: AND L1QUOUS. ... , ALjo, a tall asanrtiaent of . ... . GROCERIES. &. STAPLE GOODS tfjrCotiRtnutly receiving our supplies dlrect'from New Turk and San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on Sun Francisco prices. They hope by adoptint: a strictly correct aijd iraiupt method ol uoiug uusinuMthuy win receive tlieputrimugecflhe pub lic. .. ..-.'..i n !:... i . : . tlWf COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. Tt. Ji O O T1I, WIIITK BIX'FFS, W. T., FORWARDING 'AND!: COMMISSION MERCHANT, '; .. , : . Alt D atXHAl dxalc I MEU C.IJ .AjJS X SE AilD ?a i n its' st ppij k's. PACK AND SADDU H3B3E3 FOB 8ALE. ' ftUKIUllTS CONSIOXFD t. my cure for Cutrllle T Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Minis, will ro ceive prompt uttentiun. -m,.t . . . White Illtiirs, Oct. 1st, 1804. oc2tf .muFiuTiiy l K t .,. : i ,-AXD- : ' ' PROVISION, STORE. 'IIK U.NDKItflQNFD INF0II.M8 HIS FIIIKNDS and 1 tho public generally, Unit he has Junt eatnblisbed on Main street, next doot to J, Juker, TutAoeouist, r. i i, v, . A NEW STOREI.ii., ; where lie keeps constantly ou hand a large assortment wlrrtrd FHUl'f. Also. In storeacoiupletestnek ofchuiie OUOVKH1K& I'HOVJMOXS, VHIiliTAULES, ice, All of which will ba sold, whotemle nnd rWail, at UK OUCKD I'lUCKS. Come au'd see and satisfy yonrseir, seia-tf. : ..., .-, i, '., ....) .JOHN tFOSITO. fr dr.: davy',s:spcifTc;j . V-' iva. jl jl ! ) Aa EJlwdiUoiwCurefoi alldiseiscsof the "' S E X;fj: A.t ORGANS. rjVUS prompt nnd vfllcnft .us lleniody for the cure .. JL Ohonorran, Olcot, Strictures, and Uiantues of the Ll inary Pigana. inaaes a speedy ciiro without the Iras! restriction til dint, exposure or change in application' biirtini'ss; it will radically cure auy casw which can be iiroductal. I ThedUe ise it remotes as speedily as is con. slslent w ith the production uf a ilioruugh aud neruianetU cure. Further, the .iltewo Caniint be contracted if the L! II Ll UIA r ...... ... V, I. 1 . ...I . crmic .1 ,i..urui..u a uiK.n Vilun VIJHMni, j ... .j, 1 ts Ingredients are entl rul v rogeta'ile, and no Injurlons enect, eiuicr ounsiliutlonaliy or tvcaii, can be causod by its oae; i ' ' ' Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per Vottb), tt.li; ajHrKl'rll. 8MT.ltA DKAN. Arenta, .( ;. " 4j1 anil Ma Battery street, cor Clay, Jy?2.in - I! VlU JjJ.iJ O &tBA'tlMKfsOOi.i h. ik iiui'i ' 'i-1' rib'y. ji kawb.' -.;.. wbuimai utf rah, mpt m 6 .( r l . Groceries, Dry Goodf, Liquors; -' agrictjltuhaldimpi,emtem4,b.! 8T0UA0K AND FOltWAltDLNO. floods eotislgned to ns trill meet with proper attention Re! eronoO l" !'( ' I roaruHD. BAiin. , , fl. WVOorbet, . ' ..'It ttobhlns A Oo.,-' I fllchards A MoCracken, W. C. Muwly k Co, U. Irfrw, nv:-' -0, llu'inaso. l- ' at Umatilla Uniting. Sept. Sth.lBtM. . D. D. STUIIIU;'SOft HAS RKM0VF.D HIS OFFICK OPI'O site Blorh, Miller k Co , where he Is prepared to do ail kinds of ... , , DENTAL WORK,. In a skillful ani well Anlsluil niaunor. TKKTII Inserter from oue. to an entire sot, nn O dd nr Kublier I'lnte'. ' Prices rnngo f,.r Itnbbir Plate, from tii loiS6; F01 Gold Plate, front tit to $I'J1. ,: i ... ! r I'orsous having work dono by me ant proving sal. Isftictory will not be required to rocelre or pay for lh. ' auiatl BOOfiS! 13 OO KS! ' WHOLESALE' AK'O RETAIL. OtHUUu U Wu.9, BTATIONKRY, 3 Bundardan l Miscellaneous WO'IKS, Lute NOVKW,. MAOAZINKS. PAPF.II8. i Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. . I'osUOIHie J uooasiore, uain street, Dalles. .. U. J, WALDhON k 00. IV A V l'l. r 'aiiuir, 1, rnr!'TJNDfcRSiaNF.r WILL PPHCIA8 SK"OND JI hand Furniture. Ilcds, BeildlnK. Carpota. Btuves, anil llou-ehohl Furniture of every uessriufleu. Parties wishing to sell will 6V well to calf.' -..'.... . Umatilln, Boise, .,AND IDAHO. Express und Fast Freight Line. rg-MUS MXK 13 NOW IN COXIPLETR IttNNlNr. JL order from Umaiilia to Idaho City, via UoWe lltv, and prepared . to carry Froiitlit end; Yaluab:e Piu'ktii.-a betwi-eu these and ull liileinii'diutepuiiits wilhcerlaitity and dt'Spatcli. . ,; i . ,; rn j.-ij- ' Ttio Line la Stocked wl:h the Best Teamti the country affcrda and entirely ri , : New Thorough-Braco i-.t't' CONCORD , , WAGONS, Which ensUres'Ppceii ind Safi'ty In the transmlslon uf Freight, nevef before ollerrd to ldulio. i We ofler ,FUi- rior Inducements for Shipping Quods Iroiu fan Franci.ro and Porlland'tp Idaho, na our Hrrnugeineiita with'tho' Ocean Btuaiushlp Conipauy inul the Oivgou tlteani Nnvi gatton nre such that a!l Oooda Hhipptl by this Line .will not be .ubject to tho u.aal delnys, but nuM through ns - Fast ir-olg:lite!: ' . Oootls shipped from fan Frnnclitcn rti our cure nt Put tf , land, Chargus will be mid uud Utoils shipped to destliia-' . Hon. ... , i ; ; i u GOODS SHOULD BK MAllKKDt CAKR JB. M. P. k CO, F. LINK, nnd shipping ltcmlpts sent to our Agi'lits at Portlnud and Cmutilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid ' by tho Line aud Collected at Destliiatlonii doods.wlll bo -lorwurdud with Diaputch to owyhcatid Bull lb Boise. -i.l ' 1. I " I . '1" PASSKNGF.1I8 CAItltlKD AT GIIEATLY BEDUCK1I ItA l'Ki. Families will be Ininished with I'v.periur A. coinmoihittoiiB In New nn4 Kay Itl.iliig lhon.u:h llrnre , Wiikoiis ou the Moat l.ibeiai Terms, Wo ley over vqt'it night on the llond at UihhI and Couvenleirt Station, to that paMcngers will not be deprived ol rvgiiutr rest. , . . ; AOKNTKi ' . , ItlOHAIIDS McCltAKKN .',.Ji....;.'..fnn Frnnclsco ItlUllUIUS A McUIUKKN Purtlmicl jocKi'ii iKAL..........,.. ; : ;...Daiu ' POWhLL A C 'K tniutllla , J. B. WILKINSON : ; .....l.cUriii. i ? B. M. DultKLL A CO ., Boise City II. M. Ul'UKLI, A CO i -..a.l. ...Idaho Oil V UAJolt l'KKII :. Bocky liar lAulh Bolwi DGltKLL 4 .VWOIIU Iluby and Silver ttl on . , ju.l.uuB,l.l.aiitu., ' Pro'iirlctors. . oMtf 1 .'''." '''a caud rOii, THE V'fklt' t:''iniMi' rintli.nnr frnl J . . 0 a , Of Is AX FRA.MIStJO. . r ,t MvVB i " J 1 1. I'Jdt.i SU!' ' BADGER & LINDENBERGER, o Sloe. 411, 41U and 413 Ualtery Street, ' I r, Tiicur. Mef-ehsiut, nu k'trsknclafia. . luiyyricr? uuu .uoicsuic .tcaien- eutibe ' lv if aIFd' fresh srocit'": i .r, ft.M fli ).;ia-w .( till Jil v. .11,11 WIS WOULD CALL ATTKXtlON nf Cooniry Mer chants to our usually large stuck ofUcoas! t(ii'' ' stock comprises every article In 11 a Clothing and. Fni nlsliing Uue..iW have cuastantlf on bawl 1 Uie hirkert aud greatest variety or t'assitnero and Wool HATiW any liisiw lm Fau Francisio4i..ioitiiisAas-norl4liisMt? 'tl.m.1. nr Ilb. limn II.,,.. ... I .. mm Ihoin direct roai the iiniiilaclnter's ojiylipaRwat X t ' stock of Sununur aud Fall Ooop's Is mrlliularjy attrac t Ivciimd tl, ureal foature to tbeouuutryihMcauHe.tlSs ' unusually low prices. f tcss Than tho Cost of lmportaftoVf 10 ' Wenlan keep the BTAFI.k AltTICI.KSUi the Dry Gwils'' line, which Ootali we have purchased In tWs market till ,d.- tin hammer, and are odering thesu'at KeW Ifolk " Cost, and less. ....... ... . We publish ibis card,, In order Ahat aesnay riaka nrfV ' ... ...i.nii.v mi.,, iiNiuro mope a no nave nu. iicri'iunii o J)Uichiid ofu,tocaJ,wf,xanilnorrfetK,, ,,; . .Good Articles and Loyr .I'rlces ; ,, 'Are1 tfle grilatVst Inducements to all who parrliase to r.v..., ...... .u ...v.. iwiuwn, .i a ,ow nsure. ho reutalu, respvotlnlly, (.,, c, jl ,,i,i'.t Tour Obedient serrnuts, ,,, u.v . BADUKU A LtNDRNDhltOKR,.! l:0i nholnwIeCluthiiigniid Hat Warehunse. Ko.4ll.4Uaud16BattrpMrw Ti' lot Francisco, April 1, 18b6. . JeM-aiua?. i no i FoCpSlilM , " .' . ON TIlH ' " ' ' ' 'rl-t i sea. ''BE'dte fIII8 DKI.IUIITFUII iiNB C'kVcHIIATF.D 8UJ(!Ulill ' M lf.. .1. M .m . an... . s .... I.W..A,. .ml inll ... .1.1. I. u .. . "uitvpiuwun w viaiusriwiu. itfioft aifaic a. frulll III OcetUi. it HO r.Oljt.iid un.l ' nutA ... f..U- PaUstsr PiaNHF. ! tiflsl A att. I.e.. 11.1 l.a. t.-. A.1I Ik Ingmirl Uthlrig; Lcnntiriil ctuvxy tnl snrroMndlng.; j T ; 1 - t. L Mcmin. f and abuudauce of game. . . THIC .TAHLE . I ., . i. .nn.u.ii. ....ii-i i.r Lrtrz.r? r. :. . I clam, and crnbe, elk, bear and feathered genus, ami tie I " freaheatofcunutry uroduca. - ' - The climate Is selnlM-lon Thle Ilo'el offers ery. tkinw that could 1 d.AMl r.. .t... .. - both well ami sick. ... ' The Pn.prietors respectfully ask the Itoaltli and Pcf. ' are Seeking Public lor partrowage, tliat iuy may ., .. enabled to n.aka ll.a Mm...... it..... it - ... .i. . . ..uum n .vri.iniejll 111 tftutlunor tlrer country, L-JWULI, k KIPpIn ... aiay in, isoa. tnydt, L1V Ji. V. MlTclii.ir.i: ' ' : Office WALDUOM'S' BUILD1XO. ' " ' , Baaretwat-Cirner 'of Th'iril and Waeliln'gtnej BlreTK' DR:"A7tt: STE1SLE, IMililA annw. ' . ' i AViinu vddiciaat BUKUJerOeX. U, B. A. 0. UU MASON, ' DnllfSj 0;h. J. A.0DK1.1 ,