C2- flailo Tonutatnccr. "TUESD.Vy MOKXIXC, J.VX. 30, lSOfl. With whisky al $18, a gallon, tho minor? of Montana ought to got very Some soldiers of the Sixth Infantry, nt San Francisco, havo bcon detected in selling forgod soldiors' discharges. Voltaire said tho eputalion of J) into will bo continually groater, bo-i-auso there is nobody now that rcuds him. Dubi.no tho visit of the cholera in 1819, tho common houso flies died, and none woro to bo seen after tho epide mic had prevuilod a short timo. The amount of national paper cur. rency authorized by law to bo circu latod is $1,083,452,283. Tho amount in actual use is estimated at 31GO,000,. 000. Cot,. O'Mahoney ought to warn tho Fenians, after tho fushion of magazine editors, that " no contributions will bo returned, unless accompanied by stamps to pay return-postage." Tl .. 1 1 i 1 .. . i x uiu now me uiumi pjhiuiii in JfewYork no bolls are rung, but each engino company is informed by telo graph, in its own house, of tho locality of tho nro. Tne Produce of the Wi llamltte Valley. It tho pcoplo of tho Willam ette Valley wish to sccuro a portion of the mining demand for thoir agri cultural staples, they will do well to look out some lens expensive way of getting their produce down the Wil lamotle Hiver ana op tne Columbia than ii at prosent in use. It will puz zlo even tho ingonuity of the most prejudiced adrocnto of tbo interests of Tho Emporium to explain the propri ety of eiopping tho flour and bacon at that groat entrepot, when it might be brought straight on to tho cascades, at a considerable saving of expense and timo. It should not only bo brought to tho Cuseades, but there should bo such a rod notion in charges on that description of freight us will cnablo it to compelo with tho pro ducts of farms nearer the mines. Un loss somolhing of this kind is done, tho fcicreused production of tho upper country will do away with uny do mand lor Willamette produee.and thus ono principul relianco of that section for a market will be lost- Tho attempt to open thorough fares from the Willamette Valley across the Cascade llango to the mi no 8 have, so fir, been unproductive of any born-fit to that section. Practically these We understand that tho ladies f the Congregational Church expect to givo an entertainment nt Moody's Hall, i-omo evening this week, for the benefit of the Church. There is a debt incurred in tho building of tneir houso of worship yet unpaid, and the expectation is to give some consid oration for the help which is asked of the pcoplo of the Dalles, a scries of tableaux, with vocal and instrumental music will doubtless rej ay thoco at tending.' The timo will to announced in tho is!uo of this paper on tho morn ing of the day fixed for tbo entcrliin mont. Grekn Smith, son of Gerrirt Smith, and lately an officer of tho Fourteenth Now York Heavy Art llery, sends to Secretary McCulloch a check for $409 14 money received by him ns pay for his services it being the dc sire of his father that hu should give his service' 'to the Government in its hour of need. Mr. William Ulmbsum respectfully In- form liis p:itrum. and more tKirtU-ularly the ladie.i o' this cltynni vicinity, lli:it hu will sell lit private wile, nt nucilun price, ui hi store on Main street, the Intl. nnco nf his splendid stuck nf Watches Dinuinnds, Jew elry nml raticy uimhIs. As mis will be tht- last opp.rtu n ty to purcli.we, the hull . mil the public are invited to cull. J . JUKEE, Main Street. Dalle. whoumlk a itaii. win n CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, , ALWAVS IS STOTtI TBI (BIT MASKS Vf Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1JLAYINO C A II IIS. IIH.'KKT i'UTLKKT, PORT MO.MK8. COM1W nml RIIUSIIES. ' ell kind., PKItr'UMKKY. ! every description, CHINA OKXAMKNTS. TOYS. IM)I.I3. etc. VIS1I IIOtlKSand PISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL IXSTI'.l'MKMS, FANCY 01K)1S. t. 1 ' Alto Pwrder.Shot. Leml. Powder Plnsks. Baskets, itud many oler articles too numerous to mention. - I uterior dealers supplred with Clears. Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight ndded. oc-Jt " AT COST, FOlt THIRTY DAYS LONGER ! ! LAST CHANCE! A BTEAM'-smp, tho first of several, is now building at Mew York, to be heroafteromploycd between San Frun Cisco and Portland, in opposition to those at presont in tho trado. A S lUTukiiN paper says that if hero nftor a negro Virgil ever should si-g of the goldon age of tho raco, ho will fix it during tho period in which they were enslaved at tho South. Sir Morton i'oto, one of tho English money-lords who lately visited tho Unitod Suites, is addressing tho Eng list) in enthusiast terms in relation to tho future prospects of this country Extensive discoveries of silver boar ing quartz havo bcon mudo in Jackson county in this Stale. Somo of them are in the neighborhood of the once famous gold quartz on Gold Hill. Fob tho privilege of selling books and nowspapors on tho Hudson lliver J.uilroad, no less than $5,000 a year is paid. For tho samo privilege on the Central llnilroad, tho tax iso5,500 per A remarkable instance of tho dura. tion of tfinapciul connections in ,tho city of London occurrod a few days ago, tho banking account of tho houso oi the Baring Brokers & Co., having li.-J'i.- ' iJail.t:'- ' ' j i - roarjueu iia nuiiureui year. Tub spirit 6f & dceonsod butchor ro cently manifested itself to ft circle of spiritualists,, and acknowledged that while in this life he sold tbo bocfof cattle infected with various ailments lie justified the practice " becauso everybody trios to cbeaclbe butcher." Tub Steamers. Tho ice closed in bo suddenly on tbo steamers lying at this place, that thero was no.limo for them to drop down to tho wiutcr-quar ters at tho mouth of Chono with Creek. 'The Idaho and Oneonta are both lying atiuostoamor berth, tightly pressed by the ice; but it is so ground up on it its ptissngo,down the river, that tuoro is no rear oi mo iiuiyors OI IliO boat botng ui ushod by it. .. ur.oT'j. ova' '::''.- Wmco Lodge, No. 13, F. A. efe A. HI. Iloldi Ite dtitleJ Cointiiiuitc'iliuti- on the Fin-t nnd Third Snlunliij s of oicli month, nt their hill. In Dnllea City. roads Will be uf l)Ut. little Use ; for the Brethren In irul ntnndiugnro Inrltod to nltend. ' I Skih L. I'opk, Si-c'y. Uy order of the W. M reason that tho climuto at tho avorao-e I - . .1 voiuinma l.ouge, no. a, i. t. t. elCVallOn OI tne mountains IS a OlirriOI Meets twrv Fii.lnv eeuli.ir nt W o'clock, lu Ontee' fm- nir mnnlKl in tin vnnr trliii-h nn Hull, comer of Second and Court Streets. Ilrothen in J I good stnudiiiK nre Invited to attend, lly order. N.O. human ingenuity cat. o.'orcomr. Upon the Bcoro of economy, it is doubtful if they can bo used at any season of the year to make n saving upon the charges by tbo Willamette anaColum bia rivers. At this timo there is a large dc. MKSSIIS. roiiv A BOIIM would hereby Inform their cntomert nnd the pnblicnt Inre. that tlo-y will continue to null AT COST, lor thirty do.ve l.micer U oriler to i;iTe ono n chiure to nmke preKentn for the Holiday. We will Kelt the bnlnnce of our stock, eoa eistiiiK of -111 h Blitrk Silke, Gents' Clonks. Klrh Pl-plitis, llmvi r Conle, Cloeks, lire's Coats, SIihwIs. Punts, Jjry tioMs. tml"o!derlf. Huts A Ch,, Boots A Shuot, sc., c, c, c, AT SAIW MtANClSCO COST, ithont Prficl't nml Kxi"im.h. This will tnt tlirlnst elm nee to Rtft brL'nlii9, i.rltr to clotting tlw concern. COI1N ft 1)011 M. N.B. All VtU mntt bo puM br tti ' l-'irst of Jnnwtrt 1$m. If not ffltle.l wltbtn thnt time, 'Ji ram will tw plttced in lenl li:md. At lit AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE! o. 100 MA1 STREET, DALLES. fWHIK UXDKUSldNED THANKFUL FOR PAST i Fiivnrn. ri'tiiiwtfiillv infunui the citfxens of lb ! fin Una mill tlit inililli. vitikitrikllv. tlitkt Iim iniitliiiitt i.v mana lor agricultural prouucis in tne wiut Boiso and Owyheo mines, at higher PUBLIC AUCTION prices than uro likely to rule for years to como. If tjio pcoplo of tho Willam ette had last fall started their leading staples forward to the mnrkels they would have been in u fair way by this time to rcalizo largo profits upon them. For tho lack of. such fore thought the upper country produce, by tho timo spring opens, will hive obtained the profits which might have accrued largely to tho Willamette Valley. An ingonious Scotchman has found out a mothod of utilizing tho hitherto wasted powers of a common house mous . has invented a, cotton spinning-machine, so constructed that d couple; (if mico, if tossed into the right placo, cannot help working it It is made on the tread mill pl tn. A halfpenny worth of oatmeal wil) keep oack mouse five weeks, and daring that timo it will do tho work, for which a woman is now paid ninepence. In other words it w(ll earn seven- shil lings and sixponco a yocrj which, after deducting sixponco for board and a shilling for wear and tear of machine. ry, leaves a nett profit of six shillings to.ioe employer. Gkn. Lewis Cass is yet in fino health, and promisos to last many years to como. ilo has filled a larger space in public affairs than any man who is now so little spoken about, bnt bis record is honorablo alixo to bis pa. triotism ana uis intelligence. OU PR1VATB SAtK, - Rent ENlate, General ftierchaualse, diocei leM, . llontex, ' ..... Mules. Furniture, Mocks, Vc. &c BKOUI.AU 8ALB DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT ItKTU'tN m de of Mies. Out door and Snecial Sitles attended to In smr rrt of mo citj. v Tariff of Charges Until Farther Notice : For Selling Merclmtidlse, Groceries, furniture. biock. sic. co 6 per cetr For Selling llonses end lletl Kslnle It , . ,j nor.es, Mines, n om cnllle, enchW KO ClIAItOK FOR 8TOIUOK. , JOIIN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Jllnln SI: Dulles, Orrgon WWTOULD ltK8lKCTFlll.LY 1NFOKM v the citlion uf tliU t'l.icn nnd vi iiltY, tlmt hfiTinir ret nr mil from a pn i esiuitrU tonr tbrunirh the mtiM'S. he Imt nnuin rwnutctl the ina-tkoof PtiNTlSTKY, in the room torinorly occupied by liiin. in tne imiimiiK orcnptMi dt WimhI k Butler, lkli ttttff nili Ai lints, nml mljoiHtng IVal dn.n linn.' Vrn Slore. He tiiket thi mcthoij of e temlinj: thnnks, for the liberal jvilnuuKe heretofot'ti o- tvuueU to In in, anu solicit h a Dniltminue of tli snnie. LIST lK PHICSd. Entire Dentnrc- on3Jd lhw $180 tu$ftt Upper Duntnru, (lulil i;i.te.... w t ' Denlnre.Vuli unite Itne 70 Itt 44 UpfM-r lenture, ilcniiito llnse 8ft 6J OoM fr'iilitr'fl iii!erled from o eltllnr niwiirtl. Chiltlren' Te'tli e.tnu.'teI free f churn.'. i!Mf M. BROWN & BRO., i. vuouutALi Ane setaii. dkaisks lit ' FANCY -AND STAPLE DEY.GrOODSI GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. Ac. Mr. M. UKOWX, being n real a cut of Sun Prttnclero, re cnnlileil to oftvr it rent fndceAieiit to imrchBeern. eflect fully Inritc the public to exntnlueour tock beftn iirclituiiiiK elsewhere. m)5-ti titone Store, north side M'in street. Dallviu AUCTION SALE. I ' : 5 -' I will toll,'' i : - This Day (Tuesday.) nt 10 a. m.. nt tlio California Hotel, nn Mniii Street. Urge lot of Pul Mittresw-s nnd - Mows, , J - Straw Mnttresses, Sheets, Chnirs. T.tlles, lledstoMls, ' . Loo In x ill usees, ; (..-i1. ' i Ik : .t- Parlor, llux and Cooking Stores, , Cnriwt. MHttinit - lloeewood Chairs, Tnblcs. nnd Sofa. . . - v JOIIN WH.UAMJ, Auctioneer. EST II A V NOTICE. TAKKN UP BY THE IINDKHSIUNI). living on Klght Mile Creek, ten miles South oi Dalles CI l jr. Oregon, on Ueconilier INth, 1865, one HAY IIOIISK, H linnds IiIl-Ii. white snip on no... some saddle marks, whito hind feet, some black spots above the hoof, a lew while linire on lorehend, branded thu-: O on the ielt shoulder, about soron nears mu, and appraised at w. . jnrjwi- k. r. tl.AliK. JlfiMOVAJb.1 if1 J. G0KTZ, llnlles. V. KOKNIOSnKKQKn. fan FrauciscD, J. GOETZ Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to Rudio's New Stone Building. Vaahlnirtoa Stroot. near French k Ullnian's. rmi liaee .'A TBi.EQRAM has been rccoived at w.vTt'v""?..... SoaUlo, announcing thai 'Mr. Morcor . wkstkuntoiucoo,- . " i- ! . Tr. ' ' . i "lE-vi "mi soutuii b.urr. . .t ... , nnd hissbipflcnd of fomalo irarnicrranlB jikkusciiauji and other pipus, . . , !( . s.iilotl Irom New York on tie 27lh of t spoiiTiNoaiKius, ' , . iCCCOlOOr. , : .the trade siiutdlMl at LOWKST AlAllKKT P'MfKS. TVliJW SALOON. NKVT 8TONK BTOllK. WASHINGTON STItEKT. flHK UNDERS1UNKD would reepoctrnllv anuonnro M. thut ho will open a first clans Saloon In French A, Oilman's New Stone Uoilditiic, '11118 KVKN1NU, aud.is prepared to serve cintoniere v. 1th the best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ,.-'.( . ALSO, A , EBEK LUNCH Every dnjf and Evening.- 1 - ' '' oc28tf. JOHN niNDLAVD. "LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Street.. POUTL.V.ND, OltROOX. ' IT1IRST-CLAS3 1IOTKL. I.A110K8T IN TI1K 8TATK. " Charges ICeasonalde - - r . . r AN OMNIBUS willatteml nil the Bonis nml convey ' PnKsengora and their Ixigicai:. to the Mouse Krae of Charge, or to any other House in the Clry for 60 ceaia. f. ouffjn. Proprietor. P. 8 II IT AND COI,r ItATIIS in Hi. House. All the 8te.rn.rs for Oreiton Citv. Vancouver. Hlonll. cello anrt Astoria laud at the Lincoln Rous. Wbart ' epimui ... i .... i i: J I DlHsoIallon of Co-Partnership. TWt CO-PAHTNKItSIIlV heretofore exlsllnn under the linnie and Hlyle nf ItOUIIINS, McFAKLANU k OO is this itny disa-dvol l.y inutnal consent. All lia bilities ot srtiw hnn t be pnal by Hobblu. A Weaver, and all dents due said ttrm to be juiid to nnd colb cted by them. " .. . - J. It. ItollBINB. ii - , . , C. McrAltl.AMI.. Ml- a, Jan. , 18W ' ' O. W. WKAVKIt. All persons Indebted to ns will pleas, call and " Pun gle" si il save costs. JnTml AVn tcli maker nul Jeweler. MAIN STREET. DALLES. DKALKlt IN KINK WATC1IK3. JKWKI.KY, . CLOCltS, Gold Pen,ailvr and Pla'ed War, ( specwicies, vnery, sc. J aYsTParticnlatvattentinn pnld In repalvlna flix-V Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches re.airrd by m. warranted for lw.lv. months. N. U. All orders from the upper ennntry, by Kxprea. . or otherwise, promptly attended to. "MRS. Iw WHITE'S.: iNEW PHOTO GEAPH K00MS, Washington Mrcet. HAVING NKWLY P1TTK1) CP TflK OAU.KIlYovnr Ptpnar's Store, would respectfully annouue. to all those wishing t j r ;,s i S - J ., rhptornph v Car(s do YlsJto, fcth ., : tint they will do well Initire her call.. lartlcnUr at. lentioii paid to 'liking (Mint and Chl'drcu's Pctures. ocilttt