A NOVEL tO D2 READ IX T.VO M NUTE8. Vol. I. 1 Moonlight ovcnlns Mhn-ly uruvo Two ytiim p-oplo much in btvo: lluruJno with k re.it uu.tltli fiid. weil, J lor lminl-oiiiv. poor and pru 1; 'J rutli fttMiml l.iai tB united Vow urcliungelHR p.'tsiou plighted; Kiffud, quince, ttilm, c.iholh, Maiden yield ono tt liur triMaei ulii;itfl(it to bo nurnittiiitttl; llappy h urn piisrifd by uncouutudt V's'y rival, tll ninl stales , Overhear tlui tender title. ; TOf II." Morning In tbo Hint looks in My; Scuiiw jou.UK bi'ly'n hither' rjtioly; ;. Hern, with bin lint In bund: Heroine, li'iiiiiiijf o'er a stand ; Angry parent Htorma, ahinc. And at once omrieiit relink; Maiden I'ainla bun eat It tbo blow: Mother intercedes no . Miriukd, liyHtc'iicd, pr jturttutiotm. Mixed wit Ji old nutii i) execration-; J xit lover inhUt tbo Uin -Ugly rival eutoia in. VOL. nr. Time n moonlight night once more; cnu otiiflMe the lady'a door; hover, with half Ln-k.n heart, huciii-H he'd rather die then pin t ; tianieii flower umbrauoon shade ; Manly iiccentM oereimile; ( Intuher window opens wide I'ebnt of expectant bride. Little dot: mint kindly mute; To int. Mpu-bidder, Might, puifiilt O .llftnt ntcod too late nilii' creu:i Triiunpli marriage licet na (1 recti: old mtui'H rage. iliaowiiH forever; Ugly rival, mmrlct tevor. YIi. IV. (Id man ntckly ; send (or cldl I ; ' All forever reconciled; Young nmn making moue fu-t; Old mail blende ; die at hint ; Youthful couple prove probate; (iet money, livoin state; Kiiiilly ni.inMoti, Jcwtl, platpj Mother's wlxlien crowned with J-iy lVwtorn, nurite't; little boy; 'j"hnu proceed-; heir tie eudeir Olive br.mche- year by year; lllHiiin on the good intend; iicucral gladden moral etui. Tub TELEfJiiAru Tho lato storms have grcully damaged tho telofsi )li , TIumv is no clcctriu I'on.municjiuoi. with Vuncouvcr or Oregon City lVom t h is placo. Tho cablo across tho river M tliia city !b IroktMi, and tho wiro that was eirotchod across the V ilium cllo four miles above here," has parted find fallen into tho stream. It cannot Imj repaired at that placo until tho pre sent high water shall havo partially subsided. The lino is intact from Orei on City as far south as Scott's timum tain, lictween Vancouver and Moni Yiccllo tho lino. .is understood to be Livken in man' places. Oregonian, PrEsiDENT Johnson, in his restora tion policy, not only uimfl to secure tho speedy establishment of peace, order and prosperity, in tho South, but to so brini them about that they .y ill prove permanent and tho most advantageous to tho two races and their varied interests.. Tug cnttle-plaguo has attacked tho animals in tho Zoological Gardons at London. Tbo disease i3 treated by wrapping tho infected animals jn wot blankets. The lions, and, tigers object cd to this kind of treatment, and many ' of them diod. t iri ii iiv - I . l ilf IVI. "YVunseh. -l$c Co., yXTH'l- CLOSK OUT THKTIt STOt'H OK 5IKKCIIAN- w dish, in inoir i:icuii l.tirinicw.i, nt tlio Uniu.g in ortiut' in j:ii. ttiv Jtiiiutt, liivir hivvH tnibriic(.tj Dry Uoodi), Clodiltig', E2oo(s, Hats GKXERAL MUIICIIA KDISE, AllViilcli will liKuhliit CIST, for 'fASironly.v' Lj? All win know tliutiiiu'lvfi iiiili'litcil lu uitr llrm nt lllC Dllllt'll Will llkMIUCItll W CtllO IU HUUII 118 piiHrijlill'. Tli-c why liiivo lit-oii ii'Ciitii tiioilitt Ll wu mint will nut tlvlay iih uiiuctciwiri!)', l-nt bi1 ruliit in H)ii:iring up w tuiiutA. Cull uuil Hue tin, all mid eii'i.vboilv I imll-tf . -M. U.SSCII & CO. flOOIJS! FJ I1V1MI Ml it AltlUVKD KIIOM THE FAX mAX 3 cieco Miukut. vv wi liM invito teiiltuiitiuii ul uitr ti iumU mill thu i-uiiiiuitiilty ut 1 lu t ur uijIi-tfultvtvU iui-k of , Vry Goods, tlotliln?, Hoots &, Shoes, he, &., &c, WlilJi we nre ii'lliiiK lit Hit' iiimbI rcnpiiiinlili nitcs. Wo (Mllllut Hull our izwmU AT ( 0?T, lint lUiHiuu tin1 rullinil: IlitV Unit It .li'll.-l' 118 III Hull guoilrtilt I-M AI.I, I'ltilFHS. Ui'Jtl. il. HKIi.M AN & (JO. NEW AUCTION HOUSE. T. M. WARD & CO., (SiicccMHir to W. 1'. Mlilcr,) UOTIOlSrEEIS. Court Street, bcloiv Slaisi. iJfJlU. BKl.h AT AUCTION AXD OX COMMISSION V V (Icnuml Mi'Mianiliiw. Mlnlnit ."torkn. licul K tnlu. Xi'W il'iil Si'Culid IIuihI Ftlrni urc, I'arui lYo-atcu, Iloit'8 Ac. Ar. IIKCKIVIXO niul FOIIWAIIDIXO O lOPS, nut iloor ninl Sjmiiul Sului i.i'uiiii'.lj ullLM.UJ ti. Kt'iilur Kiilu Duyii, TiiCNdnrs si ml Snturtf'.iys. Llbrrnl Advances made on Consignments MANTUA MAUISU. K8. MATT IE IlOMlllOOK wunlil rcfoitrnlly In I'uriii tlio Uilif8 ul' llu DuIIl-h uii! vii-hiirv. tliat hhu lias upi'iii'il n dluip in I'linmiuilnii with .Minn o'HulilIce, wlit-i'v nlie In irt'iitm-il ! all kiiiiln ut win k with neat lu's ami iliiiiiitcli. lluvinic JiiNt iin-ivfil IVom tlio Kitst. llc liopb.1 tu bu ablu to plua-e all a tu Form mul Ftlliiull Clonks, Coats and tresses Cut to Order. TIIIIEB lmollS Wet ot tlui Coiner of TlllHD mid UNION Siioi'ts. oiilima THE HiailKST MAllKKT 1MIICE I'AID IX CASH Mil Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, Ily UIL'HAKDS i McCKAKKX. Poltlanil tvft. 2T. 1SC6. of4:am , Hi l Alii. Livr. T0IIX H.WAHD. OF 0(084 II0U.0W, lias tl.U day pii me Tlii'K lliliiilli'il and Fm-tv-oliv Oollara iti UKKKMIACKS AT I'All. IV.l' a liubt due In l"M Coin. Duo oU, 1IS. JlnilfJ J.C. 1HFFI.E. Shcrin 's sole ot Itenl Uststie. BY VIKTUK OF AX KXKUUTIUN lSSliKI) I'.Y THK Cli-rk ol tliu Circuit Ciai t V.f Ciam ConiiTviInd to Inu illlutti'd, ill lavor of JInfv A. Hm-lair. lilnliilllT. ami tiiiinit J. A. LuckWDoil, ilffuilant. f.r tliu Hum uf tfvv. vtiiyiiiti nullum ami filtf Cimiii I u) iniiui(iiil.iiiid ru vn ilollaiK nli.l eighty iiui's. (.7 8U.) cnsl,n',iil ilisb'lli'8- humus, i aie icriwi upon mm whi ni ut niinic nictioii, to the hi)-hi'8t bhlilor lur cash III lianil, oil i-AXUKUA Y, JANUAIlY 13th, 18UI). Iwtweiii tliu li.am ul 12 uuil i o clock p.M, before the Court llou-o door in Canyon Cliy, the lullowili; ilencrlbeil iiroici ty, to-wil : una ii. e ami mi, illimunl in tne town ol tii'nir imo, Slate of Oregon, Count ut 0 rant, commonly known it8 the l.orkwuo.1 Saloon. M. 1'. UUUUV, Klieiiir. Ily W. W. iiirj-LK. Di'pulv. Canyon City, DifciJUiliiu5. " ilc22-lw nmniifacturer and Importer of V u CARRIAGE, CONVOKE, BtlGG' .ND . STAGE IIARNKSS Saddles. Hi ld!cs, Tt hips. A genornl assurtniciit of Snaaicry, Hurdwarc, Leutlicf, etc. Wf Oi-.Icm guliclted. Keimlrlug done with niatneM and ilisput.li. K. A. I1AKK, , Jc:llU Malu Struct, rrouting Waaliliiton, Liallo', P 0 11 T ij A K n V O II X D El Y AXD MACHIN13 SHOP, FIliST STItKKT. lictween Yamhill and MorrlBon. I 1 1 pn ,1, kfllrlilfia ol t'rniii 4 to 441 hursts- iiowcr.titlier l'oi-tnhlcor ' slfsjf Stationary. Also. CI II- rff ? "CgviK CL'hAK SAW MILM yv"SS"r3ft-' C(I1PI.I'.'P. cimliiMllv & it: twsivveii' i,i,,i ai hfm. ffitxS!v!'ifei'sSrlf- nri oi nil bi.ch, i iiiiiinir - tShyHf" J'-W iiattcru.) WroiiKht mul C'UHt Iron work for Ver tical Sawnml Hi lt iiiIIIk; lli-asa and Irou CiiBtiuija and WROUGHT IUOAI WORK. of every iIencriition. I iini nlnn prcpnrcil to fnrnih Quartz Mills complete, of tho Latest & most Improved Patterns. Thoe Mill can beforwanlci! fo nnv part of the mines ns the weight of the entire uiachiiiery wl!l not exceed 3, OOll puumlit. Jlorsa lowors & Acrricultnriil TmDlemnnt.a niauuliu'tuieil tu order al ihe lery I.HWKST CASIl'I'KICK ft. ll. rariiclilorilttelilloll paid to HKFAIliS. re)-tr DALIES til l DRUM STORE. P. CEAIG, WIIULESALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. .... MVDICJXES,' ' . J . Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES. Ac . ' fi-tr ; DRUGS AND VAnifiXT MZOJClAESU DRUGS AXD PATENT HEDIClXIiSH Dll UGf j A'D . VA Tby'f ilEDlQItSESH S.LEMOW, rURNITURE ! rURNITURE DIERLAM St, WENTZ, NjNlTOr oix)nK hotel i.uii.Dixa, ! J&TfQ&EFffRlSi Dallei City, have on haud u variety teaSSM Household Furniture.. ll...jf ly ll.i.l.llr.ir rn.tiut. no., etc., nil of which will bo uld atww rates, t urniiui o Ucpaii eil. und Upholilei Iiik done to order. ' Also, ou hajid Hi.llroneiiiiidl'illowi. Spring Uedaawde to order, aujll! . , , Dissolution Notice:? ; I TIIKCO-PAIlTNKKFIUI'lieretoforoexlKtlii(therw'n UKOROK Mll-KAN k DAVID DOUNIXO, In tlio r -lip-e Chop Hon.". U tliia day ill-c.lve.l by mutual cou H'lit. David UoruinK liaviiia- W ont lit Interest to Ueo. McLean, who. la aluo mitliorlzcd to tniufcact any busl . lunilu lheniiiueof mild liuuto. ,, s'l'';,": 1 nllen, Jou'y. 13. ISOi). , D. DOUKPj , . i - - 1 ..' " .' ' ' " -1 ' llENKI JlAHTIX. " -. ' ' '' V J.M. JIrtPIIV. "martin AMURPH', V , r- Attomcjk-at-Lnu;. : ! d OFVICE? idnhn City, Dulwi Cti'iu'il, St. X.fuhy City vl.ioConty,I.T.,- - ocltf. W Jf. IXROWW W.lR'EU.i Bl. - WMS-t SECOSI) 8T11ELT, Lctweui Wellington nhd CMirti V - :i . '. " ' "'OrnaUovi-0tol!.,A.i.i5tol? nnnletolO, p a 8tiliimui(S. JUSTICE COUIIT FOIl WEST DAI.I.KS PlIKCIXCT, Jacob t'oun r, John Conscr mid E. E. Darter, I'lulnlilK V. V A II II..I.K llul... ..I..... 1 10 F. A. 0. PAYNE, Defendant : In Ihe minio of the M. State of Oregon you nre hereby required to appear hefore the unilt.rniKneil.il Justice of the Pcuco of the nloi (Maid J.reillicl, on tlio lTth day of March. A. I. I6XU, at the hour of 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of aiiid day, at uio citico or the nforenaiii Junllce or Ihe Peace, In audi preclnat, toantw.r.lhe nbuva lujuied plaiullliH iu u civil uetioii. ' ' " The defendant will take notice that if he fail to appear mid answer the Ike plaint (Tn will take Judgment liKiuust hi in for Ihe iuiii of 81' 0 7100 with Intercut thereon at the rate ot one per cent, per mouth from the 6th day of February, l&bi. .. , - (Iiveii.ander my lianil thU XiiL ilnv of January, k. D. 1SC0. V. 8. HOLLAND, Ju2liw0 Justice ol the Peace. Slierlira Sale Of .Mining Ground. BT VIRTUE OK AN EXECUTIOX Iwued by the Clerk' of the Circuit Court, mul to inc directed, in favor of Chariot OJtetle Jin4 Di Knltonatiill, idaintiffK, mid against Michael Douahue.Hdefcniluut, for the iuiii of iity livc 5u-100(too 60) dollar, principal. In cold colli of tho Unllod State., and eixht 84-1IJU (S M) dollar', cot ami diHliuirnieiita, 1 have levied upon and will acll nt public miction tu tlia hhthent bUder fir cniili In hand, of Rold rnlllofthii Unltcil Stair, nn WEDNESDAY, tho 28th day uf FEItllUAKY. 1KQI, hMween the hours of 12 and '2 o'clock, r. M., before t o Court lioune door In Canyim CltjsOrantCoiiijty, the 'fnllnwIiiK dci-crihcd property, to $ie'rri;Si'l1''"f tnaoinrf" inliilttcWHind known i8 Ihe irtlfJr'i.Tirnioi, bounded on tlio "Koi'tli 1)y Mi Kcnu & Co.'. Cluimn, ami runnliiK up Canyon Creek to tho Old Ucllur clulnia, It bolui; 4iiO'fcei inoro or h. 'f.'.'" : Hi P. DEKltY, Eherlff. Ily Wm. W. Wiiirni!, Depute. Uilnyon'City, January In, lsCti. .,jan2uij 5U m menu. ' .'J.' F. ttrlflln plaintiff, ra. Inane .TrindrtiiiiilcaTlniit. Action to recover inoi.ey, In Comity Court of the etttto ofOretton. for Union CoiiiiIV.'1 r : r 0 IiA AC J KNM NU8, . nefeinliintt In Ihe n'mno of St. the Stnte of Oregon you aro hereby aniunioiu'd ami rlqulied tlrapimr mid miKWcr 1 InlliiilT complaint now oil Hie in the Clerk'a olUce lu aril l Court, allcr er vlce hereof upon you by publication ror l weeks in Hie WkCkly Miiusiaiskir, tin by unler of mid Court, or Judgment air want thereof' will betaken ngnuut yon. and iiiiI.pb 9h ao.nppcur.ntul antwer aaId'Coitiilikitit. Ihe Plaint If will take judirnient li;alnt you for the sum. uf &JoO. toptilirr'wllli the i ol ui ilwlairfoiik'lita of litis iieilou. Jly mderof J. P, Arerrtlnver. County .Tinlire of Unlot1. Ci.uuty. . . M. DAKKII, Ati'y for p'niiitim U.' 8, IU. rftanipl ' ,' ' , .i''iiwk: f . lnnMw ! . 9 , JanJ-Ow ' VnOLEBALE AND RETAIL ,. DUUGGISTi Wiuhiugton Street, between Main and Second Streeta DALLES, OREGON. S LEMON l utile to supply parties In want of Drugs, O Palent Medicine. Chemicals, Acids. Perfumery, and every other article enumerated wlih the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates;' ' . i!sr-Physicians mul .Merchants Intonillnir to purchase for tlieMiues, w ill do well to give I1I111 a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great -variety. 1 ' ' ' ' - ' 1 , . - P. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Malu adu Second. SELLING OFF AT COST! r My eutlrettockof . . STOVES AID T1XWARE, 1 'aiso, '.,"..'..! TINMAN'S TOOIiS. ttll & ClWir! mtiracIiiK a flue stock,.cr article JL or w hich will he sold at ClJ.-T. ns I ilcpiro to close nut hushiAs. ' AlsA, one OUAND PI AXO. lu gixal order. Ainu, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT. on Serond St eet. next tu the corner of YYiwdtlaytifni The llouxe la iwu sioriea, wiiiis uaseuieui.niui iMWi uaJiiptwl to Hie Hotel tiusitiess. mo a lot ol UKMIlIM). coniprlsinu iiIhio! twenty-llvo Deris. 'W10 wholo will bo-tckisailuul alioai. lor furthriarllcuhirs njiply ou the promises, nuUSiiii ALllEIlT IIEITINOEN. NOTICE .- :V KS UKREflY GIVEN that the 0e-iartrieis1ilp liereto- M. loreoxisiiin uetween is. u. IlillUY.C. I. MITCII KLLai.d V. W.friMMPSON. iloluira mercanlile busi ness In this place, iwidur Ihe name of K. 0. Hardy t Co., is this day dis.olved by mutual eonsunt, and hereafter the I'lisiuecs of suhl nrm .will be conducted! by E. C. Ilarilv. wliu alone is authorized to collect and sett'e the accounts of nld firm. '" C. HARDY, " ' - ' ' C. L. JIITCIIKLL, . gusativlllc, Grnnt CoOrcji ij Jf W. THOMI'SOJl 1 tVaNhlntoii Vtnpoii Road. : riMIB ; jUNDKUSlONKD .-WOUIJ) I JJOIlM rTHE J a'mTellnj.Pitldic Mmt the-Washington Wajton Hond from Portlnial and Vancouver tu the Uppor. Cascades Is well being kept in good traveling aider Tof rlinohlr and t.M-k. . J ' , ;. ( ;E.O. HAKDY, ! Dalles Jan. lllli 18611. Janlltf Hole Proprietor ; r-""",;' ':; KQTtfeV;1:"- ' ' IHEriEBY WAI1N ALL PEKSOXS from contmctliiff .buylii(( anythluK whatever from V. M. KUNTZ,' whereby 1 will have biK'n llioU(rhtbjf the, nubile resi slide, ns I sin not. nov will ) hold inrs If rcsivnlhh for nnv of sulii F. 11. Knntt't ac's, . W. V. JI0KATj :8usaiivnie,()niiitCo.INoT.'Sl,1860. V -J J DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWER , PUKSS ', , BOOK Si, JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Vlrst Btrcet, between Slain ami B DALLES ....... OREGON. ' JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. ' 11 A STYLE THAT WILL COMPAI'.E FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to 011 die: Cards nn il It i 1 1-E9 e ads. CUECAS. DRAFTS, jtECEll'TS. POSTERS AND PKOGKAMJIES . . Fon THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS cC'C, . at-c, ' uc PHIXTUn IS III! MOSt ATI BACTITI liANS4.il. ALSO, ' WAY-BILLS. . HILLS OF FA RE. . .. LKT'l'KU HKADS. RECEJJ-TltOOKS. BILLS LADlttO, Pricfs and rinihle, riSITJUO, WEVDIKG AKD "AT II0JU" CARPS Xrarall' Lnbels, In short, everything that can be done In a Poi-k and J.b Printing Olllce. from the smallest and' niost di-IUateCaril or Circular, to the Im'pfRt sir.e and most shi.wy I'esliuir Dill and which will be turned out In a ftyle Hull cannot full to insure entire satisfaction. our rAciMTira toktii EjECDtiostr DECORATIVE PRINTING In Die most benutilul Colors, Shades anil Tints, Such as Fancy Posting Bills ! From n fiiilo SKfi't tu tlio Liu gent Mitmmotk, OHKAUKXTAL SHOW VAitDS. i L li I Atl.lt A" J ItFLS. rfc Aie unfmrnnBsed by tliovt1 ot ituv vthvr vHtuMiHliiupiit in Oregon. We devote fio(-hiltittciitioii to tliitilrnncli at t). btiNineRfl. 111 id nre coiitinuiilly udditig to our ti)n ady txtt-u tfive nud MU apj oiutttd iisKortim-ut ot uuitiriiil. WEW TYPES, BIRDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the moat modern an J eUtborirr tlwdgits. . Our vtock o FANCY INKS, TINTSAC, ; Are of tin-ilneat qunlity, itnd foe. rtclmess of color and durability, cut mot be equaled iu tho State. The principle upnu iMiteli iiu8iiiftM is iTSKed ur thli en tniiliirlnneiit Is. tliut pciBjiir ciMiMilt tln-ir t wn inter est b. by 'JtirKrdinfr cutlim. to Unit o4lee iu whit U tlieir uioiioy can be upt-nded lo tlic btut Hiivantrigc. To this end wo solicit. alt iu want of g.od Piiiitlti. at Veiy roast mable clmrjrei, tu call oud examine i eciuicirs, aiJi fudKO foryoursolvMt'r ; Orders from Ike Upper Country Will have ouruppffal care, nnd frlemlo from Hie intvrior may rely upon Imvinn their urdera filled prtmvly. a wo HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED CORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon I Address: ' i ..' . ' . . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf. ,'V ; . JJiilles. Oreiion. JACKSON SALOON"! COUNER COURT, AND SECOND STREETS, UALLKa OBKGON,: , TIIE UXDEItMON'HI), 1IAVIS0 KKMOVED PlIOM THK "11KI.LA UNION" CKLI,Alt, INTO " Gaitow' Now Uuiiaing:; Dog to Inform the pnbllc (hat they are prepared to sev their customers with the host Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MAKKKT AFF0KD9. ALSO, A !,;.,. Every in and e;cnln j. ' ' aec?-'lf! IIaai;'d. 'VVqo, 1. limine p. CARRIAGE AND .mGON MATERIALS WI IlKtt TO CAhL ATTKKTION of CarriiifO Man iifacttirers and Dealers to the hariie iitnl Coin plete llssortnientorCAKItlAllKiilid YVAdON MA1K1.I At8 we aro constuutly .rweiviiig from the Kast, bfiecialty selected ror, tlio California uiarkct, coiiiuisiiig, Oau, Hickory, nnd jjecond (Irowth Ash Plunk, Hickory Axle, W iiffon Poles. Hubs, PHikes,' Felloes, l!lnH,Kliutts, Ac. iko. which we otter ut tho lowest Cash Prices.; ' "-, jOrdursiiddressed (y our house yvillrecoivo prouip attention. . , ' ' 'Vt. llHAUU I CO.," Jcl6:ani.V 20 k 31 Daltery Street, San Knuiclwo, , i j and 17 1U. Seventh Street Sacmiueulo. C. IVateiiiioubk, 11. W. lin iua & Co., . J. V. 1,iht 6iiu Francisco. , Sacraiieuto. rv York STkvv, i-riE j-xitsJ"! r J1IIK .0NDHIISI0NHD BK0B TO' INFORM Tim jSIT , JL l-ioiis or the UaUes and vkiujty that ho has received HEW llAllli,ahd w;lll '''t . !4; lAttend Funeral,,, On short notice This ls-the flrtt,-uud at prefciliny Uunrso fu tho clty , .... rna,'MaylMMt,rl" '; " 1 : iny:Wfll . c, tt. itu opics. 2i.'-tf j OiUce-rAt Ir. rw,i'i Urua Sippe, " V. -DALLES, OUEGON. i-u i , EM II. SCHl'TZ,1 1 Proiwletiar.