C3T aib- jton::tniucct. Money Market. Pun Frum-l-cn Leipil Tender rotes , New York Gold notations..'- H Epltomcof Telegraphic Kcws. (c-Miriutn mo tiis onraosiAX. 10. BATKS TO JAN VARY Chicago y Jan. 15.' A letter fom Governor Morton, ol Icirtiunu, giving nn account ol Ms iirrivnl in Kn;liuid, snys : I liuve eaten hut ttiiu mv.il since I went iibonrd tlio stean.cr, hhiI tliat whs nn tlitt evening Hint I le t. Mr limbs lire vory weak, inucli weaker than whe i I started. Ser 0113 iiirehcnsion are I'elt as to the effect of thin trip upon bis liBiillh. , A dispatch fron Hnnt-ville, Ala. to the -Tribune, says that in tli jt portion of North Alabama, cast of II .ntsvi le,. frrent' desM 11 U011 prevails, and that relief o I'oth whites mi I b I '31c j ' he S nte or Genefal Govern tnent is iiidispcn able. Around Tu.jcmn.bU fund Florence, everything seems to prosper, except that there are not enough laborers to work one-luil'' of the land The ircedincii re nil nt work nt good wages,. More are wanted. White larborcrs lire also fully cin ployed ,.". l!rij -General Senmmon has been elected President of the Ohio Military Academy nt Cincinnati. . , The steamer, Mai Queen, be'onginif nt this port, but laid up t Nlihvnukle, wit's titirne'l, on Saturday nij;ht U t ; lo s, $20,000 ; in sured fur $2 ',0 it). . ,. : - One-half of the business port'on of Dotnn.- "glue, ' Michigan, ivas destroyed by lire on Sunday last ; loss, '$7.o,00it to $80,000. Sev enteen stores were consumed. , , Speaker Colfax, in nn address nt P'tiglii Ttccp-'c, N. Y., on Sntttrln; night, suid that no rnpturo would tnA place between tlia Preside t nnd Co' gr-1 A'ew Orlrant, Jan. 13. Tho Mobile Rttjhler Bays the steamer Sal lie, captured by outlaws was rescued by a detachment of ihc 21st Missouri' After landing about 70 h 'lea of government cotton, the outlaws left. Th" officers of the boat, who were in durance vile during its poss ssion by the giierrillas, Bay : they expressed a 'determination to prevent any Government cotton coin'ng down tho Alabama, river. . A (ire occurred nt Talladega, Alabama, in- volvinn a loss of $7'i,0 )0. Kour ear loads of co ton were burned in Texas, on ihe Central ltailrond, cu routo for Houston. Loss ?3 '0, 000. The Third Michigan cavalry was disarmed nt San Antonio for mutiny. - ' A national bank has been organized nt i;iveslon. Waehinjton, Jan. 14. 3):Ticial intelligence from tho city of Chihuahua, Dec. 10th, has been ro eivcd. Juarez, instead of being nt San Antonio Texas, as reported, wng sojourning quietly nt CbiliuuhuA. Ho writes to a friend as Jo' lows : The commanding officers of 'the fron tier nnd the political leaden have nil ex .prcs-ed their approval of the extension of my term, and 1 have reason to believe thnt the same will happen in other States of the .. Uepuulic. . The French had sent Another exposition "to Chihuahua, nnd should this bo in great torce, the Mexicnn Oovornmcnt will ngam nbnn Ion thnt city for somo other convenient point In the Republic. . .1 A'eic York, Jan. U. The Timet Vfrul Ing toil correspondent gives an" order bf the Sec. ' rctary, of, War disbanding the "25 h' army -eo'ps organizinion, and n general order mus tering' out certain officers,' whieh -has pro- , rtuco I coiftcrnatlun among the decapitated " Generals. All ure iuriiiiscd. , $a one '.'in! eluded in, tho lint expected ho would be. thus k disposed of. Many whose names' flo'rtot np pear expected to see tliemselvee ,iu the list ,J)ehcaded.' 1 Another order of a like kind r could-, It is bel evcif, be Issue I without 'det rinicnt to tho interest of the country'. ii.T i The ifonVeniiQii .of follecinr" end treasury cents of the fron'ier. whicfi full been in ses sion in Washington in the ofiiee'o f'lhW Col- lector of Customs, has not concluded .its la. .bor. The result, of Its deliberation! will he laid 'fcf'fure Cortgress' in a 'dhy or two- in ihe ' form of. i memorial, nccompnnied by .bi,)l,or enact ment tn'o laws. It is intendeil lb efleVI uillr brereut smuggling on the Canadian frontier. . -. A'ew York, Jan. 15. A Washington special says thnt no reduction on revenue tax on to utccn, whisky, cotton or petroleum Is con Wmplated, but the tax i likely 1 1 be .increng d. , The, warehou'e of Antnnlo M;iren, at Mitanioras, wai bcroed. Fifty-eight' lives were I'iBt, and several pirsons were seriously ' :i lured. "'..',' , ''''''',' 1 . . 8. J.1 Kirkwnod and Jas. flarlnn .have been elected II. S. Soaator from Iowa, Kfllrwoqd for lhe long lerm. 1 Col.' Ackerainn and it ' "tirovislonal Governor Marvin'. 1 'have -been iloettyi U. S. Senators from Florid1 over I'wo ; rebel' generals. TTtey arrived nf Savanpa i- ort tbe 6'h, n rouie for Washington. ' " ,Sm Franeitco, Jan. 19. !t is currenlty r. ported, and in such a manner as to give plans. .ilUUtr tn tha stnrv: thnt rounor Mer. tba' da. faulting' mint clerk left hero bn the rrpabsitioo limer '.l')- 7'.iJor) on the lltth-ot Decern Wj, FRANKLIN MARKET.. COUXKll OFSKCOXD AXDWASlllXGTOS ETr.KKTS DALLES, OllKGOX, ! .IOIIXEIr,lNGKR Proprietor H linvlni; flllfil tho nl..ne Murkut in Die It K T 6TYl,B,ill kc eumluiit- ly uu IiiiihI till Mrts f Kresli nnd Cured Illonts, Or the bent qnulily rnriilfliril ait Hit' l'WKST ItATB Jly tt U t.i 'I't.KASK AM-" FtltTIKS H.tVINO fUl'KIIIOR ST'K'K KOIl 8ALK will ilu well to cull 11I thu KraiiMlu Miirlti-t. JOHN El'I'IMJEK. Pallen, Fctininr' 19tli, 18U5. A S IBB X U T 1 M 91 A IS Si IV iT coajts or COUltT AND8KCiNDSTItKKTS. DAU-Esj OltKOON JOHN MICHELBACH, Pioprletor. WILL KEEP nllur.l. nf : IT'llKSII & CUItEl) lSIIflA.a'rf. nuil iilnuya uf the b t qmilliy. - . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAM30ATS ' ! snjuillcd on rvaituimlile irrmn. . Tho uiidLTtiiunoii Ik niwiivn prcimrt'd to imv tlio It lull eHtcjtMh rv nr FAT CATT1.K. hirtUw linvinjt U-k in cuiiiiiitoti, tiro rcquwtetl to cull mi him whtv gttliiKt'Ucwi.frt-. JOHN MICUKMUCU. IMIIch, Mitiuli 31.Ht.180,'). mtiKltl' CITY MARKET. S. LACIIKJI & Co., i'i'onilctoi'3. , Will kni'i coiiit:intly mi lait ml (lie best MKA.TS OP A Mi lilil'US. A MIlKltAt. S1IAIIK OK PATUOVAdK Li 8'ilicilutl. h wu vxpect tn ke 11 nn ltimi.1 fiTCi uu iiHHurt tiii'lit uf .Mvutii unit of us Junius ij;iii1- ('iC-y tiy, lis me cmniiiy niiurua: nna ml Dolivor the same to Purchasers in tho City. rrtlw Imvluir Sni'iTlur Stuck faranle will ilu well tu glvu w u cull bol'iru dU'U8lug til it cl'owliere. c. I. A U It 1.11. A I'll., Suiitlicnit c rniT of WiilihiKt.ni uml Thlnl sin. l'ltiiuditu l..nttur'rf lMilcktimitli lml. , JSAAO F. ll?.oc. m ' Sun lriuicift. C. 9. Millkr, Dte.SvMAirii'kaiu. . Kitllra. BOOT AXD SllVia S'JL'OttU. SfAS ItKMOVKD 1118 HOOT AND FllOK HIE ST.iliK t.i ilio b'lll'lin.' mi M11I11 Htiwt. hourly umiiixlto M Iv' I lull, wliulv Ilu luu Jiiitt re'wiru'l. ilirect fruiu Sun l,rHii',iini. mi uu- uiiuully tluti mm well suluuteu ttock of UOOTS AND SHOES, of tlm'ver). licit qnullty mi'! bitoiit itylua EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, IncliulliiK tliv cvlnliriilwl KNOI.ISII HUNTING 8IMK uiiiiiiirai'(uril lijr Uuiiksrt. Almi, a lurco u.".rtiiu'nt uf Ladles' and Children' Gaiters, Oftlin liitest StVlcs.jii.it racclrcil from thu lurnt Phil. mleliiliiu iimkcra. Also, n vary large lusortiniMi. uf FINE DRESS BOOTS. J-0ntl.nii'ii wlin iirefur to have their II. .Ota or Slioia made tu order, ibu relj uHin nlitnltilng n iieut mul eu-y Ht. . f. W VCKMAN. JI11I11 Ktrei-t. .'iu-ti OjiiHMlto aluuuya Hull. BlocSi, Miller & Co., VHOLESALE ; ' GROCERS, AND DKALKHS IN . Wines & I-.iqvxors, And Importers and JuMiora of CLOTHING lioots A Shoes, Vatlcr Clothing, etc., etc., etc. ASSAYOFFIOE. ra.rB 'IVK AN AffAY OKKICK IN CONN Km ON wi ll mir liualui'iia. under tlio entire iiei vlslr:l "f Mr. Sillier. M o muke retiiniii in llnre 1n nix limira We iruuruutt'o nil nur Ahiivh mid tmy llie IIIOIIKS'I' CAPM l'KIC;". for iliir. We ulsu pay the Iligliom (Jusli rrice fur Uold Duit. III.OTIT, MII'I.KK 4 C)., niyOtf Cor. Miiln nnd Wiiiliiiit'ii sm-eit. tintle.. FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AND ' Provision Store, COltNKIt OK WASItlNllTO.V Jt SKC0ND STI!Kt.T3. NSTANTLY ON II WD tlio clmli'Mt nrllcleil ot t'HMIl It U XT Kit, Ktl'Jd.niiil every vnriely of FAMILY CiltOClItlKS, ; .A' UTS, C A A' DIRS, $c , Whulcinle mnl llutnll, nt ltuduce.l l'ricoi fOlt CASH. Alan, denier In uf nil kin-It, mnl will do n . General Commission Business. No ii trgd for Stor i'o m (l.toitH fkjM on Cunimit'ltii. nct!i'I.i of balcii rvmit u-1 r.mntl,v. Jtiiuir NOTICE TO FARMEFIS. ratiiK DAu.ua i.umhbu and M.tNUKAoruiuxa Jt. W.tll'..Y liiM recently itttnclied it . FLOUltING 3IILI, to tlielr Btenm Sualt nnd D ior K ictorv. In tlila Cllv. nnd lire now ireinreil to CHOi VrlKII. (lltlNI) WI1KAT and l.oil.x, mid wurmiit t i;ive the best sntisfuotiuiu Oil iianu eoiistnniiy ami fur mile - FXTitA KAMILY VI.0UH. SKCJNIW Olt Ml 1)1)1. INOS. ' - 1IKA.N AND SHOUT. CH IP FKKI), CU10KKN VKRD. AI'O. Suiwrlor article of f! )ttN Ml'lt. tr ,1111 Haw The liiu'liest nmrki't nrlce iiaM for WflKAT. COUN'a UAIII.KV. II. A. HlXlUK, Airunt. Mice, Nov. a, lsftj, ,, r . i,ntr. AUCTION AND CUJLUISSIDN. JOHN WILLIAMS, lATJOTI01SrETG"R,, No. 100, Mala Street, Dalles City VST-"'1' ATTKND TOTIIK 8KI.LINU AT AUCTION V nt tlenernl .Merclmndiai', Itenl Katiite, VroCT'ri a, IIoriKM,New nnd iwoiid IIuihI Kiimiture, .Stuclw.ric, Regular Sale 'Jaj Saturday Outdoor and ieciiU Sutea nttendod tojitiuvy nirt of Hilty. ... - ; . 1 Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nltMw.j , , JJll.t WIl.jflAMS. AHCtiioT. ,1 illt'OKTHll'-AND JOlJUKIl bjV.'.i'-i.i";;, i Wines ;:Sc Xiquors, .'.,:. :.:.; FRbHT stree r, "' ": . Portland, - : ; Oregou. rvrKits roil salb a vkiiy lauok assout JI incut nl Elrandles, , , , . ." Wine' 'My'. i-y,ti . i ,:-,;'!,, '.', I . ae 'Goods, ''Ac.,'--' fcci. - &c. -t S-Tho Trade Is pnrtlenlarly Invited, to exnmlne my rvi. uvioiu iiiii;iiiuiiik eilwwuere. all-4'll : JL her, under tUt namo of Jmes.Murr. I WICOUAVU XK'D . KIT.lIt, MULES W " cy & Staple Dry Goods, CL THING, BOOTS AND SHOES ' HATS AND VATS, AA'D CentlcmcirN rurulslilnrr Goods Vire-iiroof Bteno Htnroj comer of Mulll nnd Court eiroeis. , ;: -At-e.il:. ' .; '. . . .' :..'i. '. aotVtr WALDKOS IIROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, MiOn Street, Dalles, Oregon.: tlrKNow orninvfuit new two sronYr-iiii: II .m..r Stone liiiilillnx. oiTrfto lllnrlu Miller k Co.. uml "OVr to (lie inilille n full and mniplete stork uf )i iius. Meilicluea nnd Clu-uilmls. (imafittinK In inrt of KKIIOPKNK. , LAMP WICKS CHI.VNEYS Tfltl'KNTlNB, WV9. Al'l I'IKlli, Diti.n. Anns. sroNnRS. I.1N3KKD, LKKCIfB!, LAIiU. COIIKS. CA-TDlt AND INDfaO AND Nf.ATSfdOT Oil, I.ANl'III.ArK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. ' AM) PATICNT MKDICIVEA Our Mink of ITANCY (liK)DS I s of the finest nnd boat iiimlUy: new stvl.-H oiid lame nsaortiueuts. aiicii as - I.UIIIV (KuTUKKItY. IIAtlt. LI. Ml N 8 IVll I.KT DOAl , FI.KSIT. 1 U.ll A l)l!?, . eilAtlAU, C-'fJIKTlCC, HAT. 11 A I It Ot . CLOTIfS. COI.IKINU, TOOTH AND fANt'Y SOAP? AND NAM. HUUMlr'S T lOTII I'OHDKliS, ANICOMliS. PUHB VINE3 AND LIQUORS, the Stute, hihI we nlmll ut all times noli nt n iwiuU mi vim 0 frti ctMt. Utility fiilea uml Htimll prutitN. rinsiciAxs' ruEscnipnoxs Cnrtifiilly ciiniii)Hiitlfil tit nil lioura of tlio Uny mttl niirht. lmiit'i.w. pt.it. iw'ifi. - nt'iu-ii OiTgun Steam Navigation to. WINTER AKR AKCEWiENT. 1' lies mUAUM AND Dltl5SS-5lAKLa. I S O'llOI.'l! K K D KSI It KS TO I X KOIl M tlio I.:ulles uf Dulles nnd vicinity, tliut she has Just received 11 fresh supply of Vasliliiatlo O o o 1 , Tliolntest I'ni'ls. Now York nnd Ssii Kmnrisco stytot it II IN.M-.IS, II l Ill lill'I.NK, I, AUKS, FKA I II IVKS. FLOW I'.IIS. Ac. A full nud well-selected Hssortmeiit of Ladle' Iteal3'-.Mado GarmcntH. Also, a Fashioimlde nssortinent of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMIMNO for Kinl.roI.lerjr.iMl Hmhlfiiff. 1MNKINO iIdiihiU itlmrt tint Ice. ItONN KTS llteachuit tiu-J I'rewcd lu the In tost sty Its. A mrju tis!trti)iuiit of ClilhlrtMi's UcadyOIa'Io Clotlilii? Constantly m IhumI. HuvttiK HirurtMl the m'rvli'on of a . rim tin-' nri litkcr. I him pn-pttrt-il in-cut una Trt uml OIiEl.lrmrn DIEKH8KS himI CLOAKS. TimtL) bTllKKT, unu Sdiuro cixt of llio Cntlinlic Cliurcli. 4, ocJl:;tin. ON AND AH Kit MONDAY, N0VKMDEU 13tli untl Vj' further not lie, Xlie I'ttstsoiigrci Trnlu to connect wlili Btenmers FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Wili sturt from tlio It. It. DKI'OT DAI.I.KS flTY.on .tlnnilni g, Wediiceda l . anil Flldnvs. at 4i30 A. 01. TIJK BTEAMKIIS "ONTiONTA" or "IDAHO," CAl'T. J. McNUl.TY,... Commander. Will leave DAM.KS, DATI.Y. (Pnndnys eejitedl nl S o'clock. A. u..eiiiinvctiu by IheCASCADK HAILltOAD, with Ihe stunnier "NEW WORLD" er " CASCADES" CAIT. J. W0I.K Cmiiinniulor, f... Portion.:. , r. D. DltADFOHD. Dulles. Kuy 13 18) 8. nl Jtfj AKeiit O. g.N.Ct. 38, E fo V AL. FRENCH MILLINERY ST0HE, - AND Dress Slakln? EstabUslimcnt, Opposite CoUa sV II ohm's, ffVYOfll.D 0 ILL TUB TTBVTION nf the Ladles . M. the Ditllet to my Inr. e and Hue stock of FLOWERS, EM30IOERY, HI OX NETS, H ITS, rCiTHLRS, Dross Trimming. &o. Ilnvliiir mTuru.l tho Mrrlco nf JUtd. VKAItV. hi tlie Di-HttH nk mi ft nti tineut, vrtfwill oo hII woik In tlmt Hu uml truiirtititve ptrfcct itifitctiuii. i) I.Mt d H 10 In nil Ciln. (livu mo mi curly cull hii1 T will tVHletirnr to unit vverylMxty hi T V.STK n I nt HKAd JNAIII.K TiUCKd. Fiirtiuultir uttuiitiur i-iiatt ' 1 .- . ' - ' Embroidory aai Bratdluj Stamping, pntint MMIchif, t.xrna-ti, TriiiMtn. r.rncc, rnliitu, VitriilDl'di, ViU, TO TEA3ISTE11S AND DAIRYMEN! i" 'lift AXD'A'l'lvl it;ii ftx I OF ALL KINDS, FOUSAE HY ... -' '' ; Xt, fl-.l ' BlO:lf. LAW, - 2A Front Plrectl Dnrtlnud. 0iHslte p,.8..N..Wari.ioiMe. Coal Oil! Coal Oil! JV3T 11H0K1VKD AND FOR BALK BOOTII & NEVISQN, Forwarding and Commla.lon Merchants AND DKLKRS IN OKNKItAT MEltCltAXDISB, V ,Wllltp lililh'rd, , : AV.. ' T, ffTtHKHillT FOlt rOLVILI.K UI'PKIt OILUMRIA. E? KO ITKNAI nnd BLA0KF0OT MINKS .r,.niitly Murk Qoodi D. & N. Wl lto llluffa, XT, T, " " skT'skxcks': '' J'" "' " ronru!(D Itlclini'ils A McCrnken., Alie'v Lewis,' and DJI.r.B! Dlocli, Miller a Ca Franoh Oilman. ' JnT'f 1 Private llcMldeiico For Mite. A NICK RK9!IiKNCK. .cate.l In tLo beat jf.rt of XU.10W11. win uu mii'i rnup tiu ia i(, , iiujiuri- nt lue oioro 01 ijniuilj vllA lilljl. GATK9 & CIIAPIIV, WHOLKSALK Jt RETAIL DRUGGISTS, IIiiw llfiiitivt! to WASIIINOTON sthkkt, dallhs. WIIKI1K wo will cnntlnii. to sell article, uaiiully kent In a Kirt-CI'iss Di ni Store, ut '20 her cenr. LKOS Til AN ANY STOUF, IN Til B CITY. Our alotk consists in ..-irl nf i... ". ,,'.j , Tore AVIii. a and Itrnndy. Fnury A Coniuion Soul), . Unir llrushea . . Corks, Acids. " . Tis.th I'owiler, . Ale led, Hons. Dolienilnii Toilet Sots. rui. porters, Jte, PHIS1CMXS' I'RESCKIPTIOXS - Onrefully Conipoundcil. (live uaa cull and autisf'y y ar selves lier-ro piirchusiiig elsewhere. II. I.. I llAl'l.N, 111 lJl I J JUSTIN UATKS, VldltY I3IPOBTANT TO ''" Merchants, Families. Hotels nnd . HAII.ROOMS. ; t r . JULIUS KltAK.MF.lt HAVINII 11OU0HT THK KN tire 2tK'k of McrchntnliEe and Dook Aecounls of the . lute Hrm ol 4. teller Co.. in this cliv. to which he has nddeil ol his own luimrtutlon (while doing liualuesa lu I'oriiuniij an immense .mock ol lue best nmuuractured. . Croclicry, . 4 GlaNNivare, , rialcil lVarc, Lamps, Ciianilcller-i, Table Cullcrj ' Looliliig-Classcs itiitl' i";' ' 'All Kinds of Oils. - . i All nf which lie offers at reihiced nitoa. Peraons w l.i tun t Imy any of the iihuvo-ioeiitinneil articles, will do well to give lue a call lietore pflrehnsliip: elsvwtii-e, . uruers ir.iiii in iniorior pnimptiv attended to, nnd goods iKfc-ked xa (Tti Wcuro. Dont-tnll'to mir on me.-" r Jlivlluta Stitu-):uildiiits, iuhlnpt.m stroft. l.alU- - u- , :. ) ' juuia kTujijieS. mines, inrcn 17111. tst.l). nilil.tr illsHolirUoVrKcUce'. 1 1 i riHKCO-PAItTNKllPIIir'lierelefjreexlalinEl'etwetn 1 A. LAIIK.lt and K. 8CII l'T7 under the uaiiie .4 uiiier it ticimtr.. in tlie Juck'tiii Fiiloon. la llils dny 1 1 I ndvod lijr inn mil ronri'iil, Mr. Liner ImvliiK sold i.ut lias inu'res, 111 r.. Bi uuin won win continue thu linsLieM u Ills iiwn nec.miitr All dekis due tho Into II lu will k vnid to K. c'cliutt, who will nettle nil liuuiHtli. " . ' A. LA U Kit, Dulles, Dec. l:,Irjs. " K.RilLTZ. i hank tin for imst i-iilronn", tlie nnUersiuiiiHl w i n d rez-prattully lufoini his frletnls Unit he will ever ho fniitid at the old stum! rendy to diai euao hla choice llnnrlu them. ' ., .. K. K'llUT.. UInhoIuUuu Aotlce- . , rjIIB FIRM OF J. W. MIU.KU t CO. hayc this ituy M. illaiBiai'd of their ei tlrestiK'k. In thiselly tolli.r. Knimeli Miller, who will ouliiiu ihe I'lislneM at th snnie ftuitil. Mr. Thomas Miller la nuthorir.ed to a, ttav nil lliiliilitles mid colli it all rielts due, All penoua .knuwiiii; Iheiiiselvus Intituled will I'letiae .anil seine nun sure rn'rs y J, ; jlll.LKU I uuiies city. Roy. ism, isre. t Ay... TOYS 1 TOYS TOYS! TOYS! TOU TOIS AKD JFAKCY COOUS For Iha IIolllnrs,.we recoiiinieiiil nil deiileji' 111 llint Hue to the UASkT ANDTiiY KMItllllli.M of-' ')'"" . . TIIUMAUK it a y.niv.- - 820 and 022 Buttery Street, ,2S:0m buu Fraucuco. : .ti.t. K jj .,.