- 1 , 1 , -k:--. : L'J 'J. ' l ' 1 ' ' .--'- - . VOL.. V I VTJL.ES, OIIFGON, SUNDAY, JANUAKT ttSt 1NO. t iO ailg UJountitinccr, , riliLlSlIKD EVERY HORNING, (MlMftfAVd V.X0KPTKO,) ttV - E. G. tOAC &, J HtLl-OKAlV, I . . SMijfmfl AND PROWUKTOU. " T&uu Twnfy-firtocnt perwtek, piiyuhlti to the carrier ft- Dtfnri mail. $L; three montht. $2 60; six fmmtliit, oauyear, $3. Atlvwitiafliuoutfl liuMrted at fcffW VMei. , . .r . Job Printing. , tfVery tlccrlpUoii of pliiin and fancy Job Printing exe led with iifuttU'Hii Riid despatch, ami forwarded m per 0i'r to any part f the cuuucy. ityictUJwJiUVrint ivy musI Ot mmlc on delivery uj work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, ORECON. iiiVim:v JiSiwo i r, rrop'rs. tiiu p iptun Mouse, 0'NTRAU.Y iocatcd, Near the Steamboat Landing & Eailroad Depot, II is boon recently ealsrgitd aud luinroyed, and will uuw mXilUIUodlto .15 0 0 GUESTS. IT WIW, 11K CONDUCT KD fit heretofore. M a Kilt ST OliAdi KOUSi:. hii I the pi.truimge of the tnivuliujj I'Uhtic U ruuperl fully wilicile t. . iSif lUvo take a t-jlliu HU4ofroo uf charge. House open nil niht. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES D dies. Oct. 4 tf, - 'empire hotel, ' MAIX STIIBKT, OHBOOSt, ... . : ."'THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A TIRST-CLASS HOUSE. ix Tan okiju! or ucsixEds, " Kor the Steamkoat and Railroad Landing! Superior Acco'ilm-iditious for I'nuillios aud cuu Ac aouuuodite One Hundred and Fifty Uitcsts. Musis... 50 est.- Lodging. - 50 ctl. Fire Prouf Safe for dcposltcot variables, ft. Uouiu open all night. BaggsR t.ikon tothollonso fiW cimrge. ... TtnOUAS 3 Ml TIC,' I ' jMM - I'ropi'luiur SPH1HS AM3 SUMMER GOODS. ' ? wiKSSll '8TOCKI " " ' JJallea and "Wfilia Walla, . iui . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ?llnerit Outiits, . 1 . . Boots ami Sboes, . ' llaltj and Capi,' ' ' ' : ', ' Jroccrlcs, " 'And a full mwrtraeni of GctuI srerclintntliiel Biiyln. wir i4 t'Kslivelj ltliSii Kniudiwo nmrkft, an ' maaioK amlm but cm iiurchiuiea, aro arc onnblwl to I h fl . . . .1 H ,1. .'-nllnv ff.m.M M tllM 'fkklliI I nBictniiiiutwiim " J " " ' r lnl.tr i. r - Uallii auU WaUa alia., , 1 ' r. . , ' c.u ir tm xtw " i i Family Groterr tad Frnit Store, Cornot of'AVllngtn ami SecmiJ Street!., f -: THU UNDKItSIOXED VISIII5S TO INVOKM THK H!0leur tlie p:ilK, iilid llio mbllc generally (hat li ha a lar ana well tclectcj slock of f ( ' ' ITAMIIr GBOCEHIES, :' ;'V ' .V": CAXDIES, "ATCTSr ii'.',' I'it'u' ! riilch ha will fell Vkulf.ii.ilc nn l Rotuil nt Rerfaetd " ' ' i'ct'ccji lir'?i Sit. Who. cumtautly mi hand Hie Cholctwt A-rtlclB f KUKSU BUTTKIl and KO8. Alas awry ' -Viivloty of KSITd anl VKUKTARLKS Iu their aeawH l'oikim front up tna 'cunutrjr, wUhlnK ittaiitltie of K'iciand Kra i, Uyi.Mr'llinHfi-liclr -nr.lum. yrill recelfe b ttrlcteat atCeutfoii.wid havo them nIMnt theXotosi ? HirUtt I'rlau- TIJvll-tf J C. U JEWBLL 0. W AffS- o, w. AaMisv U.DAU.AX. ARMES & DALLAM) ' Importers and Jobbers o "' ' f ! wood AsbiriL to W'- tf are, - ' ;. . '., MilDiSllKJ, TlVl.N'Bi, CaUDA'E. 'to.'J, ; j And MttimfuctiiroM of t- CalifornlaTiilLvTuJ) Brooms, &k. 3 Hi It ill! 'SacraiuoutvSlrect, Uetwaeu Front and Davla, b:m fiaiiolnco.,,. .. ).- i . ')c11:0iihUw. . t oil UOISE jMIALS Dl.tUC'i , THK WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE '. ' OF. . CONCORD STAGIiS, THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS '' !..-.: . . AND . . .. ' ' ' -j Well-', Fargo & CJo.'s Express, In now niaklun ItogulnrTrlpdfroui Walla Walla tol'l Cerville, (lloixo Milieii.) Throaglj in Two and a Half Days Connectlait with tlio Wullula Line of Stub's, aud III Uustnul Urn O. S. N. Cuiiiniv. UliO. . T1I0M.4S CO., ap-tf fnn.irijtur NO T.I C 1 . THE 1I0NEE ST(iE COMPANY FAST FREIGHTS I FIWM xj ?sr t i l j , AFTBItTlIJi l'Itl.T OVijOTOIIKIt, AT TUB FOLLgW l.NU HKbUOKU llATlib:. i To Dolac City ...15 CeiUa per pouud " Id alio Civy it . . ".Owyuee AO Fur lew amouuts than one hundred (luundfi aa mUlitlon of Five Ceiitu kt p'taiid will bu cliure.l. t TIM tC FUOM UMATILLAi To Itoise 4 lty,:......u...3 IJitys. To IdaLo Ciy 3 l-i oajs. TO OivjUe, -1 ways. i" . ' JOSEI'II M.VKIIAU. A, nut. . . Uniatllln, Oct. 1. 1805. L-lS:tf. aiJAUTZ MILLS! : And all kinds or. Uacninery t ,i Mauuficttiiwl nt the OREGON IEON VORKS COiLSKll OF MUHKISON and 7TII Bliocts, . sins-. - ; A.. C- oiiiiis t co., Portlnnd.tDacvlli.'M, ; iluOU., K. L. Joxju A Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON ; AND, I1IL1L.XA.1J1 BOOM, F. M. UINT, Proprietor, : COUXEROF . , Main and Court Stroot, "aii21-tf Dalloe, OroKon. , n . F . T I IjTjM A. 1ST L j ' TILTON & McFARLAND'Sj . I-'ire 'jic'ftiirelar I'rooi Sal'cB. . Cpmbiiatipii, Locli:. i jt"6jntaiUly ou UiMid a fiill aiwirtniont of 8AFKB . ' . ., .,. V ..31?.lJAXri?llk- STIIBKT, ; .' Jy6-0m ... ' gau FraiiHucat X. H. OATU. X. E. It irt, GATES , & itAllX, Attorney & Uounsellors at Law, n- i -;.- - D.VT.LS3.' OREGON, i ., j FRED. TIOli:, t GROCERY, PROVISION, FRUIT .STORE. 'alilii;t.Hi Street, oKWite French A (llliiinii'ii, Dulles. ' - Jiuaa imni a lare and well'iuiAirU'd stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Unj.MrA.1 il..tlw A l..t.u I.., ..rrumvvva . band. KIIU1T.A of all kind. Fltlttll VBUliTAULBa every morning. All article w lrrauuu. , .. .-, Give Me a Call, ' Everybody I ' ' X'RlOlCai LOW. ;aul8:tf ,, . ,. F. tlKBK. ; BALD W 1 IV- 13 Xt O., DKALUK8 j i ... (iwCOItXWl OF ... , Slain and Union Streets, Dalles.' J. 0. BALDWIN mhai-tf F. W. BALDWIN.' Wit. K01HO1. WM. MOABUS &, CO, 0. B.' KdtUCL. r if ru 0 VISION 8T0RBX ' 6rnor of First nniVB'Ptroe'tsV ' ' WIIOLKRAI.K AND ItKTAIf.DKAI.KItS In BKKAD, CRACK Kits and Family OilOCKIIIKS. -ff0rder, fraiu a disUnca carrfuli filieil and Dromntl iWfmtcli4l. .... i.t'i ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Slain Street, corner oroourt, OLD MACK, TUB 1'IONKKIl CWIC, wmihl respect fully Inform (ho "mihlic that b.lm. titled mi Hie aborerCiKni HiittMt.'nnil I iirei4ird tf rerva up MBALS and I.UNOil bi Iba limt stylo ami at the shortest nolica. v BALLSliid, 1'AkriMS f.nUlie,! w.lh u'iur,iu the be.t style sail on tlie imst rensoniihle terms. ' Uiblr llJin every stylo. I'rivala Hoom for Ludied attorneys & Counsellors at iav1 WILL rilACtlCB 1ST TUB SUPUBMR AND CI It cult Cmirts of Oregon, aud the District Courts n WasliiiiKlnti Territory. . i Particular atteutlou nnld to tlie collcctlon frf cliilmsj .' 0. llUilAeo.N, ". '".llaUosOSu. ' '41'AJODltLI. ft'' It ili i J 1 ii I li H A X, Dealers in Wines, Liquors GROCERIES,. Millers' Goods, Uoat Stores, &c, HAVI RK.M0VED TO THUS 1 .' NEW STONE BUILDING, , . coitNEtior . Second and Washington Streets. dal es City. HCAV IN STOItB A I. A 11(1 K AND COMl'LBTK AS surtmciit of the very best brands of WIIVES AND LIQUORS. Also, n lull assortment of GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. ( tf-dunt;iiLtly recolvhin our mipptiea direct from New Vork itinl Sun Kruiiciaco. we lire it hie nml willing to sell it a very small itilvaiico on San Francisco prices. They luye by adopt lnr ti strictly urruct iiimI prompt met hod ol doing busiueststhtiy will i-ucoivuthoitttrouiigecUhe puU COLUMBIA RIVER MIKES. . l. Tt. 15 O OTlI,; ' . WIIITK BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT," AND OEHLIUt. HEALER IS! ME11CHANUI9E MINERS' SUPPLIES. i PACK AHD 8.V03LE H)aSE3 FOE SALE. WVl'lt Kia UTS CJN.S1UNFD t. my ore for Col villa li.' K.H.ton ii, or the Uiwr Columbia MiuuS) will lo ceir (uoiuit attention. ' v ' ' White Ulutt's, Oct. 1st, 1804. oc2tf AND l PROVISION STORE.! 'I'lIB 0Xl)BHI0XkD IXFoiiMS HIS FIlfKNDS aud A the public generally, that ho lias Jnt entiibtisl'ed on .Maiu street, next door to J. Jukur, Toluocouiiit, A' NEW STORE! where he keeps coiistiintly on liitnd a lartte assortment o selfi ti d FIIU1T. Also, In store a complete stork otclioUtt UUOCigJKS. I'KOVISIOSH, VmETAIiLES, . All of which will ill) sold, wholosnlo uml retail, at UK! DUUBD l'ltlCBS. CoiuaudseoaudHiitiry youriadf. ' ,scia-tf . . . , , JOIIN 81'OSl'fO. : ORsDAVY.'S SPECIFIC ; O O IVIJPO UNI)',., . . All Expeditious Curtj fur all ttisuiises ofllie SEXUAL' ORGANS. f BIIIS prompt and efDcntlous Homely for the cure JL Uhonorrie i, 0 loot, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Planus, makes a speedy euro without thalras! ri'strictlon to diet, exposure or change In application . business; It will radically cara any cnwwhlch am be lu'odace.1, Tlie dis.isa It reuiovoH us sneedllv as Is eon siriteut with the prodarttitu uf a thorough anil lairmaueut cure. Further, the disease eiiuuot bo caitractcd if the 1'KCIFIO C'lMIVUNK is taken when cxiiosed. ' ' Its lugredieiits are eittlrel f vegotablu, and no Injurious oiiuct, eitncr cuiistitniioiiuiiy or locally, cau be caused ly its nso. . . . . l'rico One Doi'lnr rend Fifty cents fccf liuttle,' ' Bent by II JSTKTTKII. SMITH 4 DEAN. Agctits, ' ,'i . and U3 Battery street. w Clay. J JySJ-Oin. ' . Sail Fraachaas, h. if. nit ti. A. J KAWjl.; ' Hl ljjL c& K A lST E, WH0LC8ALI A.VD BETAII. DCALCItl IX Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors ( ," ; HD , AGRICULTURAI. IMPLEWtENtS. - -' TonAU14 AND FOItWAHDI.NO. J Goods consigned to as will meet with projier attention lltiterehcos i ' ).!.,. ( MHum. . : -. ,muum. . .1 It. W. Corbet. Rolililns k Co., '. Ittchards It JlcCrackon, - W. 0. Jliskly A Cail II. Uw, ... O. lluumsou. , , t!nillll,. r.noJIi.. ftsnt. nthlUlU. ' ' "'.) 11 I I I I J i. d. TaiPimi-!!jOi A3 P.RM0VRD rtls'OFFTCif 0PIHV Itu Bloclli Millar A Ci . tvliwr. ha' Is urepart'd to do kll kinds of i DENTAL WORK. In a skillful and well AiiNlud nruincr. TBF.Tff Inserter from one roan entire set, on Hold i-HuWkt Pl.ite. , l'ricos raiiite fa- Unubar I'lato, froia toiW: Pot CkiM Plat; frnta tu4l2$. ,.'" ; . ; ' Am I'eSitins lulvlaiF wnrk.ilmia tiv m n..t i.i..ln .. IsOictory Will uof bu ronaired to receive or pay fur tin wime. '- - Biiiati - o po its ! IJO O IS i aCIIOOI. BOOKS, STATION Kit V, Jvsl-iL Staadaidand'MlsCallaniiniia wouka. FlifMIrS IltAi ' N 1 1 V K la. Itf Afl A 7A Y V.'l UIUL) c, Ac. by every' Steamar. t-Oillce UaEfibdr Bookstura, Main atreet, Dalltn. ; !'::i ""-" , U. J. WALuRON 4.0J. WAS I'ESK i:!-i i ITVJIH UNDKRVINKD WILL "Pl'ltOltASK gKfOND hiLinf Vtthtirtnrst 11..,!- 1l.ul.li. n....'' u . nml Honli(HO;KnPlttirit cf orory vicrirlp. ."Viirtios ".oiiiuii.iv cu win u j kuii iu can. ; JOtlN WltUlAMg, I : ID" JJaln . Ittt J, Bajle.: Umatilla Boise, . . AND1DAUO r Express and Fast' Freight Line. ripilIS LINK 13 NOvTlN COMI'LETB HUNNlNtl JL oixler from I'maiilla to Idaho City, via Boi.o lity, autl prepared to carry Freliilit and Vsluable Packai:vs ltwee.n these uud all itilei mediate puiuts wlthceiiuinly and drspiilcit.' Tho Line la Stocked with the Best Team the country affords and entirely i ' , New Thorough-Brace . CONCORD mm. WAGONS, Which ensures Spieil rnd Esfety In tho transruts-lnti of FreiKlit, never before otlvri'd to Idiiho. We uner iupe rhir indiicemiMits for Shipping Uiaids Irom Fun Franci.co nml Portland (o Iilabis us tatr ni-rnliiieliienta Willi tla. 0rian Steamship Comistny and the Oregon Metim NnvL Kiitinn are snrh lliat all Ootids tdiippcd by this Linu will uut be eubjeot to the usual iluluys, but puss through as FtiBt ITi'oifrlit. . Goods shipped from San Fniucisco to'our aire nt Port, hind, Charges will be paid and Uoods shipped to destliia' tiou. . . GOODS SHOULD BR MAIIKKDiJ-CARR II. M. D. k C0 V. LIN' and Sldppliig Knelj ts sent tu ottr Aguii nt Poithind and L'tHiitilla. . v . , Advance Charges for Transportntlon raid by the Linn aud Colloeteil at Destiuatiuii. Oowls will be forwarded with Dispnti-h to owyliee and Soiiili Boiso. PASSENCKH8 CAllltlKD AT oitEATLY KKDUCED HA'CB.-1. Famiiicis will be furiilnlied with uia'rior 'Ac commodations tu New end Busy hiding I'liurou .li t rare Wngoiis uu the Miatt Liberal Tel m,. We lay over eaclt ullit on tlie Huad at Oood and Couveuleiit stations, so that pnsseugers will not lai deprives! of regular lest. IllCIIAIiDS A 3Ic0ltAki:N'.....................Fan Franc!sco mill. Hua sicviiAivri.M... roriuiuu JOKI'll 1'KAL ll..llw POWKI.I. 0-'K. .L'nmlilla J. II. U1I.K1NS0N Li-U rain II. M. Dulllil.L Si CO ....llolne ( ity U. M. DuUKI.I. t CO Idaho Lily MAJOlt Bl'KBil ,M.vllutliy lllir (S..UIII lloii-e) UcltELL A M0011B UuLy and iilvcr Cities U. M. UnUKLb 4. CO , n26tf 1'roprietora. ' " A CAK i'OU TIllT" Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FECANIISCO. . BADGER &LINDENBERGER, Aos. 411,413 anil 4 IS Itattery Street, f Cor. Merchant , Sfn Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. , EST f BE A'EW ASD FRfiSll STOCK WK W0CLD CALL ATTEXTION of Cowntry Mc cliauts tooiii usually lurjro stuck ofUuoils. Our sak comprises every artic le In ti o. Clothing and Fur- -msliing line. We have cuiistautly ou hand the largest . aud 'uioaU-st vndety of Cassiinere and Wool 11 ATS of any lionse in Sau Francisco, au-1 our prt es for these Goodiuro less than those of any liuitse, as.w.e receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment our stock of Sumnii'1-HMil Fall Uoups Js particularly ultracl Ivo, and the great leuture to tho country merchant Is the uuiisnnlly low prices. , .. . , less Thau llic Cost of Importation! We also keep Ok- STAPLE ARTICLES li the Dry (lornta line, which Uuals ae have purchased in this uiarket iiih der tho Iwniiavr, aiid aro ufteruig them at New Vui k Cost, aud less. ..... M " ' We publish Hits card In order fhat we may llinke new Aciiuiiiniancos, and Induce those who hare not lieretufoao purchased of us, to call and ckamlna our stock. Good, Articles and Low I'rlcettt Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase t6 sell again. .Merchants who buy uf ut can make a (loud profit, and sell to tlielr i-nstoiuers at a low figure. feiuain, resK-cthilly;i - 4. '.; i. . ..... Your Obedient servants, , .i"V !.. DADJBIl A LIXDENKKlloklt. , , , Wholesale Clothinic and Hat Warehoiiso. I t. - No. 411. 41S aud 416 Battery street, .jSon Pi-anclscoApril 1, 18S. - - JeW-Suiw. ' ;iuoivoii .TU'OuiiSiEii uorstT - . 0.V TUB . sea: "BEl&cft. fMH8 DKLIUIITPUI'. aND CKLEURATED SUMMER Js,, llesurt, siiiiiited ok Clatsop Plaius, a short distance frbm I lit Ocean, is uovr rooiieued und reildr tu receive guests. ( , . , . . Tills rosrtVf 'jiossess'ea nttraiitlons unsdrpasaml' on tho Pacillo&Mst. It lias a splendid be.icli for riding, walk lug and biitlilng; beautiful sci-nery and siirrouudlugs; berries of all kinds abound; a beautiful trout i'ea:ii audabuudauce ofgniiie. 1 . u 'I'HIC T4TIT.K! Is constantly siinnllaii wllh suit ami Iresh watsr fl.K clam, and crabs, elk, bear aud feathered gniuo, mid tue iiAiinen, oi eunuiiy irooiire. . 1-1. u nll,ii. I. .uil..l..j - im.i rr .i..i ..ir , -.."v ,m n.iu. luriri unwis every thing that could bo desired for tho comfort of auesm. Mil well ali Sick..:.; I . ,, : ...... iiio t'mpi ietors respoomitly ask the Iloulth and Ple.ic. Are Seekluz 1'abllD for tmrtruuam!. thai Hi-.v mi onabledto makotlio "Sumiiier llouso" a perinnient In, stitiitieirul tho country.' LJWKLL A KU'fEM . way eni, inoo. . , niyut. IIl. li. V. MIXOUKU.. - l' :"t. I'. Ji:,!-' ' -ii.'.hi..-i i, . . iiiu.ii.ur-ornor oi Tinrit ami w asiiiiigton streets. Xii. . ii. stjejlu:. AVAl.AU ASDlOAVliST SUUUEU, U, 8, 4. 'I'.fi r.- linu- -.toftimvi :it,'f;jfl' '