In Jountainccr mi a I.v Montreal, S. S. liitrtlutt und his wifo wero lately indicted (or Ht iiLliing each other. They were a bud Uariletl jair. ' '. '' "" . .',' ' The lower branch of the Mirtsipsippl Leginlaturo has by n deci.led volo res jfctcd liio prooobiiion lo udmil negro eutl'l'dgo.' A I.ady complains in on custom paper tliatuhe encounters in noddy nono tint spoiled b ysnud prema.urely old men. , ' ' ' It is tail lliul there m moro Indian corn grown in Los' Angeles and Sun liernardino counties than in all the rest of California. , A model miniature locomotive made of gold and silver, with a ruby for a head. light, and costing 4,000, is on 'exhibition at Taunton. Muss. THE people of Aiutin, Nevada, want tlio Branch Mint for their State to. be located in their town instead of at Carson, tho capi'al. A nloiio in Cincinnati adopted tt FUinmaty mode of disposing of a rival in the ulfeclions of a colored woman in that city. Ho chopped his head off with a hale lie t while hoimpt. A funny follow Bajs a fifty cent (hinplasler looks so much liko a quack medicino label that he invohmiarily turns it over lo tee if it cures coriit, Lunious and whooping coi'.gh. Boston has purchusod tin J is going to place in Faneuil Hull, tho picturo of Mr Lincoln, painted by JcrVpli Arncs, and pronounced by Sumner, Wilson and others tho best portrait extant. , , . . The gold exports of Victoria for "18C5, shipped through Wells, Fargo "& Co.'s Express, und Banks of 'North America and British Columbia, amount to S2,GG7.0G1 00; being less by 8717, 105 11 than that of last year. : A contributou to an igricultural pnper oays be has enlarged his estab lishment, and now ho keeps a head of oxen, a hcud ol hen, and several beads of eabbnge, while he is alo trying to Ttccp c-hend of iho times. At Marseilles,' Franco,, ii einguhir incident bas uccompnnicd tho devel.. opment of choleia. The ratM-atehers, m bo hitherto earned a fair livelihood by a per ccntugoon tho tails of-fsuoh us" they could exhibit to the police, lind tbeir occupation gono with the .ruts, which Iiayo ult gelhcr disup. pcarcd from tho shores. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ,lblEllt.A.M c WENTZ, y) vN ITU.. OI.Oll H 1IOTKI, liUII.DINO, lMMfak5 DhIIm CAI v. l.itceiiit hand it vnriutv Household Furniture, cuihrnciiiK Tnblon, Olmlri, Itti rimie 'lied nnd lIcdnteade.UodillMX.Citrpcti etc., etc.. all of wlilrh will bo told tit low rate. Furuittiie lli paired, ntid, loonier. AUn.oii ilium k'MltriBnva utiU I'llluws. Spring llediiinado to order, nulz ,:: ,.. pfHsoiiitioii Koiicc. TniIBCOlAltTNKI!!'HH'liprPtof'ir(.'Nliitli.jlM)lwi'rn ' I: UKOIIUK.McI.KAN DAVID IH)I(MNI, in tlio fcollie Chop llonee. I IliU day ilia ! red by mntiral cun- M-nl, I)vid Doming having wild mil III fiitr-t tu Oco. )lcl.cnii. who to lcn autliorhteil to tntiAncI nnr buil , iiree in tho mime of Kid Uouae. t, ,. U. .Mel.HAj . ' .. alien, Jiiu'y.liMoW, ; , D.llOllM.NO. i ' '!... I ! w oif at cost: IM. Vixnscli & Co., li.l, CLOSKOCTTIfUIlt STOCK OF 5IKIIOIIAX- DISK, tit thoir placei buninc. nt tllo Dulle. ill order to jilt the .Mince. Their elock embrace Dry ;ooils, C'loilil ng, UooIm, lints AND a EN Ell A L M Eli CD A ND is i:, All which will be s,.l, I ut C ISI'. for CASH only. .&, All wlu knuw llieiiii.elvcn indebted to our tirni nt till Dalle Will lu.Ut'llll 11 .il e-Cttlt IIM MKIII 118 l'iHbil't Tli.iMi hIiii have bfeii iiceoiiimtidatcil wo irunt will tint delay iih utini'cert.-iirily. I nt lie iirunipt In Mpi.iriiig up itt ci'lnilA. Cull tlliil aeu ilti, all ilud evt'ryliuily I iinll-tf .M. U U.8( II & CO. IVliW GOODS! MIIV1N11 .HIST AHRIVIil) I'HO.M Till! f AN IIIAN ciftHi Mtirkct. ivo wi.ulil iniitu I! ealltitltiirtl nl i lir IneiiiU jin.i tl.u coliiliilliiity til 1 .1'L.e, lo ur wtill-ueU-cU'd Muck id' v Oiy Goods, ClOttliEl?, Hoots & Iioes, . &?., &., WWi.cli VP tiro i-ulling nt tlio mnpt iritPonuMi rntrii. Vc ciliiiot urn' Kuuii AT CO.vT, but neurit, tin roimitt. nit v tlml it 1'k'iu.L'c in tu tell giiilsul SMAI.I. I'UOflt S. tli'Jir.- , , IK IIKll.MAN .4 00. 1 . - . H JS. 1i2 NEW AUCTION HOUSE. T. M. WARD & CO:, (Fui-vwr tu W. I. Mlili r,) AUCTIONEERS. Cocirt .Slrcct, below 32al:i. HTSTH.r.SKI.Ii AT AUPTION AND ON COMMISSION' V? OiiiKTMl MfivlinndlH, Miuinx St... k, livnl Kn tuli!. Nt'w ti'nl Seoiiitd lliitnl l-'uriil lire, Ftirin l'ru. uco, lloivpii Ac. Ar. III.CHIVINO nnd K HI W A II 1)1 SO O'lOnS. nut nml .Speeial S lies jji ..nijil ly ulUuded to. Ui'illur f ulo Ui), - TiiPNtliirs nml Satiirtluys. Llfioral Advances made on CoiiHignmonts T.H. M ATT I B IlOI.illlOflK wiilild ro9Hirtriilly In tin-in tlio l.nilii'M nl lite Dnlli'i nn I virinitv. Ilmt ffliu bait iiiiueil n ftliiip in ciiinuM'iuti witli MiH:i O'llutlrke, wlli-rn idle is pi-fliiU'ed ti d i all kiiulrf of wurk with liutt lii'M nml iliti'ileli. Haviitir arrived IVuiu liio Hunt, i.Iie ItopeH to bo abto lo dua-e nil it to Fnrm utlil Jtaaliii 11 Cloaks, Coats nnd Dresses Cut to Order. TllliUH IHIUItS AVe.t ol tliu Coiner urTllll'.t) nnd UNION Streutii. iK-i:ni3 loin's ! luii'H ! TIIK 1110IIK8T MAHKKT 1'lllOK PAID IN CASH Boavor, Otter Mink and Coon skins. Ily KlCUAUDSJt MtCUAKKN. Pnt-tlund Sept. 27. Isor.. nel:3ni I' .. . . . . ' I i ii r ' " ' i ,0riCKS-JdUo City, BoI,ComiiI, .T.j Cul.y Gltj ', i e y i. 'i tit.s . t r . . ,'' ,i!f- BROtTfll ..ff AltXEIUM. P, j MVtun-fi BKCOR0 MUKfcT( Utww Wlohlnglo. udOMllf. ...I .'....) U . I , iiicxilotni-t-toll i.B.jiltolr uwlttoJr.M til. Alii 1,1 VI. TJ-OIIN II. WAltn. OKntus; IIOI.I.OW. hm tldaday ) pti mo Three litiudre-l and Korl voin Onllnri in lli;KKM'..M KS AT i'.MI. for a !cbt duu in linld ruin. I)oo ill), ltiliS. i jlinlJ J. 0. MKt'l.K. SIk'i ( jl 'N Stxlv ot llnsil INSatc nV VIltTUKOV AN HXKOUIMN ISSUKO IIV TIIK Jli Oik iii the Circuit Coii 1 1 f tliaiit County, nud tu litu ilireitnl. In tavnr of Murjr A. Slm lnlr. pjaiulill, nud ni;itiiiHt J. A. l.uekwiHiil, defiuiilaut. fir tiio mini ol' Pev. elitjMinc Diillamaml Kitty .'emu. (?7I 60.) priueipal. nud nevi'ii diillnn and einlity cenm (7 61),) rittind unburn inei.ts. i Imvo levied upon and will tii ll nl pub ie inetinti, to llto lilghent bidder lor ciudl III li-luil, uli f ATUIlUAY. JANUAUY ldlh. lKinl. liotweeli tlic li..lin of Ii nnd i neloik p. , beliuo Urn Court lion o door in Canyon City, tie fellow in j described property, (o-wlt : Oua 11. -u unud I, it. Hlimted in tho town nfiKaii' lile, Slnto id OrrKou, County ol Umnt, cnmtiioiilv known an tlio I yaloMi. ' M. 1'. UEItllV, Slid iff. ily W. V. Vnirn.s, Dcpntv. i ' . i Luttyoii City, Dec. Ulli, 1HU5. dc22-tiy SunimunN. jrBTirr. court rou wkstdai.i.ks tniEci-NCT. Jin: Ii CotiM-r. Jolin Comer nnd K. K. Uurter, I'lniiitilT', VN. V. A.O. I'ltvne. DR.ciidimt. raw V. A. O. l'AVNK, Dofen.laut: In tlmnnmeof tlid M. State uf Or'KMl Ml nro liereby miutru.i to Hppear bi -fnni Iho iimli ruiKtitd: n Junllen of tlio I'eaee id tho nrmomld i.reiind, on tlio 17th day of .Mareli, A. n. 180H, at tbn liour of 10 n'rluck In tliu roioiioon of mild tiny, nt thu i IHeu of Ihu nfureMlid .limlice of the I'euco, in naid piiK-iuct, to ninwcr tlio nbovo nuined jil.iutillj in n civil lll'lioll. I. ; . 1 ' . i ' ' Tlio defendant will take notice tlint'lf lio full to nppcnr mid iinawer thn tho nhihit Oh n il take Judgment npinit lillll for Iho mini of SI B '7 I-TOO "Willi hitnlll thereon nt the rato ol ouiT per c.ont. por month from the 6th day of February. 1KC;5. . il. veil underbuy tiatid tlibi iOd dn uf .Innnary, a. . 18MI. . x .4. - M i.If.A lliU.AM, Jn20n 0 J lint leu id Iho I'caeo. Sherin'fi Hsile Ol .lliittn Ground H" Y VIIITUR OF AX EXF.CUTION Imnrd bv the Clink mM of tho Clrruit Court, nnd to mo directed, in tnvur ol Cliarloft C.iKtle. nml J). rnUnuHtnll, idnilitilfii, nnd nK'ti'tHi .uteuaei iiiiuaiiut; qeienuaiitr lor mo aiitn or ;ty. lire 50-11)0 ($ufi QO) dollnm, principal. In K colli of the Uullod Maten, nnd eight 31-lUll (K :4) dollar', co-t nnd diahitmiioutu, I Itnvo levied upon mid will nell nt public auction to the hichcht b ddor for raidi in Itnntl, of ttnld coin of- thu ' 1! nihil Slate"., on WKDNKSDAY, the 28th day uf- l'i:!t: II A I. Y, Isuy, b.-lween the limira of 12 und 2 o'clock, r. j)n liuforu i Court door in Canyon City. Oiniit Citnty. the foil. .wins drncribed ropri ty. tu w-lt : A tine lyi'tli lutereHt in nomo niitiinit Kt'iimiti known n'vb4 Mllli -.;liilm, liuiurled i.tntln.Noitli h )lcKcin k C.i.'ii t.'l iiinK, nnd riiiinlitir up Cnuyou Creek to Ihe Old Ueilur cluinii, it heinji 4A0 lout moro or Ii mh. , M. V, UKllUY, clierilf. , )ly VisUVf: 1Vini-Kfc.-(epnty. j i i ; . i Cnnyon City, Jiimmry 18, HM. jnu20n j :( . . SmnmonH. ,:-., J. V. OilHin plnlntin, v. Iiui JetinlncB. defendant. Aation to wcoer iiir ey, in County Cirart of the State orOreiion. fur I'nlon Conutv. rCIOT.'AACIKNMNUS, Defendiirlt I In llio iinint of M. the State of Oroknu yon are licroby nunininned mid reqijird to nprenr nun nnwer 1 IniniilT coHipltiint now on li In the Clerk- offlce In nald Court, alter ner vier hereof upon yon by pulilicMlii.n for nit week In Hie IVikxlv Mov.vT.uxKKn, M by order nf mid Court, or Jndginritt for want IherW will betoken nirannt yon, nud uitlMe vou . appear 'id ninnrer enld complaint, the 1'lHitit.ff will take ju.litnxMit KualiMt yon Sir ttieanlii nf iObO. tifclhor with Ihe raetii and dlnliunementa uf Ihif aUva. Ilrvwdcr ol J..riAlTeriniirr OuuiitJ 'Itdiie of Uuloi. County, . . ..M.UAKKIL All y lor pUilntUr. m:in!iratturcr nnl Tmpnrtpr of CARRI AGE, 0 OSU, III' CO AND STAG K II A II N10SS ' Saddles. Hi Idles, Ulilps. . A Ki'tieriil nssortin"nl of Siuldlery, Ilanlivarc. Leather,: etc. ev Holicilcd. r.iimiring done with ucntiifaB nml dipateli. F. A. IIAKK. jillllf Jl .in Street, froiilin Wahiiifc,t'iii. Dailor. vou YiViilx ii v iiiTxmiY AND MACIIIISIO SHOP, FIlIrT PTIIKKT, lielwoen Vninlilll nud Morriaon. kjttnm p.n.lnee fCl .flriuiM toohol'M). - 'VyV power.iiioer I'.irianieor r'tittiouarv. Ainu. AUK- saw mi i.i4 yxf-mwm SAW MI 1.1,4 CO.Mri.KTK. coumn ouliand. AIkii. Hay i1 peHol' all Atzcit; i'liinln .Machiuen.f Wood wort It's pattern.) Wroujtlit tlllil C'afst Iron work Tor Vcr ticalSawandllliiit luillA: Drioiiiiind Iron Cufttiime ""''waorciiiT mow work of every description. I am almi prepared In furnbdi . Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. Thexo Millaran before, aided tn nny part of the mines nR tho U'uicht of tlio entire macliiiiorv nl!l hot uxeued il, 000 pound. Horse Fowors ft ericultnral TmBlr.mnntn liiaiilllactlireil to order at llie very 1,'iWKST CA.SII I'lUCK KU. l'aiilctlloratteiilloit paid to IlKI'AIKS. fe'iu-tf a. . P. CRAIG, WIIULKDALK AND RRTAlb DEALER IN DRUGS. HEDICIXES, ' Perfumtry, Fancy Soaps, I'ATKXT J1KDIC1NF.?. ic J)HU1S AND I'ATKXT .1 El) IVJ .V ES.'.' nilUdS AND PATENT MEDICINES! DUUQS AND PATENT SIED1C1NESH S. SiEMOiW H IIOLiSAl.t AXD RKTA1L DKUGGIST, , AViuhluglon Street, between Main nnd Second 8trecta ' i4i.M:s. ohi:go. I.F.MON la nldo to supply purl lea In want ofDmn, I'alent Meiticilitf-4. t'helllienlil, Acid, relltimery, and every otliur ui-ticlo euiiiuerated with tlio WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market mice. Ot" Chysicinns anil JleiclmuK Intending to pnrcliaae for t lie MinoA, will do well to give him a call. , TRUSSES & SHOULDER IJJtACB V to Krirnl va,i'uty.. ' ' ; ! ' ' 8. IiKMOX, op.3:tf. . .'Washington 8t.. between Midn adn tiecand: selTin go r ;FatcM'! My entire ttk of 'r STO V ES A li:D Tl W W A R K. TINMAN' S TOO T. S . TDK WIIQI.K onibrnclnn a due ntjick. ever- article of vtttcli will ho (old nt C(T. an I diulre to n.Me nut huslneiM. Also, one I) II AM) PI ANO, hi kooiI order. AIkii. for rne, the IIOUKF, AND LOT. nn recolid M oet next to lie corner of WnidilrtYton. The II. also Kuwu florin, Willi n htiaeiueiit. and in well ndnptcd loihe Hotel biHiuoen. A I no a, lo of WKDU1M1. ooinpririia almitt twenty. five lied. 1116 Wholel will bo cloned out cjuiap. For fdrtlior nrllculara apply on flie pren.iHeii: '- ' nnOiaui. '. I V,i. ( .' AMiKHT IIKI'TINDKN. N OTIC I? .'Hi -.r;. IS IIKRK1IY OIVEN Hint Iho Cr.nartnomhlp hereto fore exiilliur b.t ween K. CVltMlDYiC. I,. .MITCH. r.L.i. ami r. n. in nii jij.x ooiiif n innrcuiilile biini ncM in thin iiliu e,'nudr Ilia name of Ji. 0. Ilnnlv Co., i Olio day. dlKolred by niutn il eminent, and liiirenlleV Hm l.iuiueca of aaid Ami will bo conducted by K. llunlyv vrlio alone in nutliiirttod to collect niid'nett'o tho ucconntauf mid firm, n , , . ,K. C. HAltDY, - , , ' C. I.. MITCIIKI jji Suaanvllle. Ornnt Co., Oreg in, F. V. TIIO.MI'WIN r i -Noy. J;ll8tid . . - u . n , - , .s . ,i2w:lm HaNliliigton HagonTitoad. ! rpllB IINDKIISIUNKD WOULD I FOKM TTIK I 'fravoliiiR I'nldlc that Ike Wanhington V".i)o)'f oml from Port land and Vancouver to the Upuer"Cucaden U well boinkept In good traveiluj ordrr fir. wtifana iuid t'ick. K.C.IMKDY, DnllenJaii.lllli 186t ' Jniilltf Pole1'nirietor '..'- r;ti'.v.-NOTICE-'''?f.-t-i ; IIlRtlKliT ysXKH XlX I'KItSOKS rrom cohtrac'tlng la-biiylne: anytldiiic whatever front . M. KUNT7,, Whereby 1 Will have linen lli.imrlit hv Ihe nnlill.. r.M.iM.. Ilde. a 1 am vol,' ahiw4ll I-lioid vnj'lf rpniilbIo for any oi naiu r. MSKna;ta'aMa. , , , . r. M0H" AT. I -MfaiJle,qutifo,Noi,S?,18. ij ft, j DAILY MOUNTAINEER BCOK& JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Fimt iJtrcot, between Main and II ' DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINCCF EVERY VARIETY Kxecuted with necurncy and d!patch n A STY1.K THAT VI 1.1. COM PA it K FAVORABLY with Ihe very bent, nnd AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAIEST to : ' tartls n ml II i I t-EJ c ;i l v . , CIMCK8. DRAFTS. h'KCKll'TS. POSTERS AND PUCG1U5IMES ' F011 THEATRES CONCERTS tXWBITIONS tt-c.. d-c. d-c, FMHTKn IX l MOST AnBAlfITt KANSttll. AltO, WA V-JIILLS. DILLS OF FA UK. LK'l TKH 11KATIH. A KCKJI 'TTtOOKX DIl.LN LAD1XO, VrivVn a ltd I'.iiii ,hl'l, VISITJXG, WKDV1KG AND "AT HOME" ' CAD D.I 1 irufitt'ilii LiiIh'Ih, .' 1 . In nliort, everything tiiat can be dime in a Hook nnd J.H Printing lllltce. from the rinallent mid n-ot delimit Card or Circular, to tl.e lnrcent sisce and iiiot ilu.v. y I'tnih-ji Hill and which will be turned out in il ftyle that mono! lail to ilnnire entire nntinfuctioll. ortt rAcii-iTii'i) roH tub ii tcutiox i r : ' JECOaATIVE PRINTING ' In the n u fct liimutitul Colors, BIuuIgh tuitt Tiiits. Such as Taney Posting Bills! From a ulnyle Slieet t the I.hiobI IMaiiniioih, 1 I iih I MlltS tA)J lF. Je Aic uiiMifpiiKHeil by thoev nl any vlhvr otnl-liHl n.tni in WuiloVdlu n;ocittl utii iiliDii lu IIiip I ritix Ii ul m itiMiiiu.-ii. nin I uru ciiiitinuiilty oduiup ti. our ulnftily txitn ivo uinl well api oiiilmi imf orlnim ol iiihIi ritil, . NEW TYPES, BIRDERS, ORNAMENTS. cfC rfc, rfi'.. Of tlio most modern mid c hi bo rato ilunif;na. Our dtuck o FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Areof the finest quality, nnd for rlclniem of color aiid durability, be equaled ill Ihe State. The pmiciph upnn which biiHini'nn is atked fi r thht tnbliKlimeiit la, Hint perw nn will connill their wn iutti enln, by awaidinit t) fir ci nti lu to that nli io in whi.k their money can be expi tided lo the last auvmittiur. '14 title end we aolicit hII in wm.t'of giod rrintiuii. at verv reanimiihle cliariten, lu call aud exnii.iuc srecinieue, nii judge for yourneivea.. - . . ' ; ei-deiH from the Upper Country Will have ournperinl care, and friends from the interior mny rolynpou l.uvini; their ordert filled i.reii:ptly. n w. HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED liOROON POWER PRESS In llie Hlnle oi Orecon I , Addrese: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf . ..; Dallen. Olegcn, SAEOON ! JACKSON CUUXKll ;C0rnT. AND SKC0.NI .STREETS, , , lALlvKS.' ortlliOON,, i; TiiR'rjNnKitsiorKD, iiaviso urmovkd fiiom TIIK-UKI.LA UNION" 0K1.I.A1I. INTO ! Tinte 'New " 15 oil dingy, neVtii liifi.rrn the public that they ate prepared' to aer'va tliidr-cimtoiiH-ra with the bimt . i . i. ,t Wines,' Liquors and Cigaiv THE JIAIIKKT AFFOHDS.:. . ' ALSO, A ., ' Free Lunch ! Everjr dny nnd evening. ''-"' '"'- i: . ' ' '' ' EM IL 8CIIVTJ!,' doc?.f .ii 1,1. . i! ... . . il, I'rliiirletoik, Ila rl Wo "oitl I.niiibeX CARRIAGE AND .WAGON' MATER'AIS WH TO CAI,1, ATTENTION of m'rrlaice Man 'tirartnreni nnd Denlera to the l.nre and Colo )duto a'H.nlnleiltof OAKllI AOK mill M'AIIU.N XIATKIil AI.H yu arc Qi imlantly receiving Inifi tho Kiut. upecinlly Htdccted fur tlie Caliloriiin niaiket, compilning, ' Oua, IlirKory. nnd gec'ond ilrowth Aali I'lniik, Hickory Aklra, VI agon I'olea. lluljii,Fpkeiij Fellote. KIuh, Blunta, Ac. e, wiiiclt we the loweat Coeti I'licei. . Jf&-1 inlcre addreaeed tu our hoiic will receive proma ntteiitirin. ."' N.'W.'UIIAUO A CO., 1 . JeldSJnl.itii. 129141 Bntlery Btrett, eun I ranclnco, .j, i . and II A 1 fujveuth t?tret pnerumeuto. C. W iTr.auoust, 11. H . Ilii ou A Co., d. w. I.iim Bun Frnnciaco.; gncratiionto. New) York ' r1IK TJNDKIlSiaXKP IIK08 T0 1NVOIIM TIIK CIF M- izona pf the Ditllea nnd vicinity that he baa received" aNKW 1IKAII8K, and will ' ; ' . n aliart, notice. Tkliln. thoflr-t, and at preent, Ofllt llooro iu the city. " , ,. . j. - ' 'i ' " ii,' v V ' 1 t, 'ji; KvitVs O lice At Dri "rviiaVXftJr; 8ri ..'i'.!iiiiiT!.ty DALLES, ftSO'o,