y ... ... jilaito Pouutaitutr. H A T l li D A Y 3IOJ S I X G, JAN. 21, lS6. LliTTEIl KR2,1'ju"jf u!,VDt',fi ,?nK Si:sAsvu.L,GrBlCo., O'g'ti.Jan. 0, 18GG. liOITOll MOUNTAINEER It (ll)l'B llOt roccBBniily follow ll.at, because yi u l.sivo no corrcFpomJcnt nt lliis yitacc, thero is no such town in tlio J5lno (now while) Mountains of Oregon. J)ut, us most of your readers are ro cuined not to lo as familiar with its l.tcuiion, iiutortttiBP, reaottrcep, us tlio wiiter, 1 vcnturo to note a few heim, connected with its history, Jiusl, resent and ftjtnro. lt futuro history, if of any importance, of courso de ,ends upon what is beneath tlio fui lace of tho ground, and as that is cov. trod with about threo fo.et of snow, j.erhnp it, will bo as well to attend to huch speculations in a Intitro letter. It Uion with 'us past and present that ' ivo have to do. IMANV1U.B AND PUmtOUNDINOS THK MIS ICS, AND VttOl'KOr.i'. Tho town is located on lilt Creek, at- its junction with the Middle Fork John Day llivor, and contains about roniyfU'O hou-os all occupioJ, and out an equal number in tlio vicinity, i E.U Creek, up a.id down, the river, Ll on D.-en Cicck. Thero are some (elvo or fifteen families here, in all Somo little prospecting was done n Klk Crock, and gold discovered in ho fall of 18G4. bat too late in the fcasou t ) work the placors thon loun 1, jr to know much in royird to their '.icliness or extent: and ll was not Intil Juno last that prospects were truck in tho river. These prospects iovcvcr, were so flattering, as to pro uco quito an excitement, which cx Dnded as far as liuiso Bat in, and many om that remote field fluked hither try. their luck in these new mines, i extent, theso placers have not met 0 expectations of tho public, though lubiloBS, other discovorios will 'bo ido as rich as thoso already mide. lo great depth to the bed-rock in all creeks, gulches and ravines hero ders pro peeling tedious and labor si ko much so that one Reason will A IIKAI.TUY STATE OF StClETV CHUlfT- MAS FK8TIV1ES , As innoh can be said for the society hero perhaps, as lor thai of any min ing town of its size and no. A& in all now mining camps the male popu lation largely jiri'dominatc h, (in- this Day Canyon, In one cave they loin d a white hunter who had just killed a deer, nnd (hrrc Indians came, upon liim, when ho immediately fled. The parages took ono half of the animal and left the other. At. nnother timo thoy drovo off four head of heef-'-at tlo, place, perhaps, fifteen (o ono,) but it t but, in general, they appear to be ; suffice to determine whether there ,j gold in ayitig quantities, in all the places whore fa vorablo indications are nuot with, or not; in fact, claims lo :alod over ft year ago, could not be put in a condition to work until the water from tho melting snow lust B.n ing had dried up. The great de- idcraium, water,, will: .hereafter be Kunnliud by the Pioneer Ditch, which vas cotnpleted lalo tho last autumn too late to bo ot mucu .service ueiore winter set in. , ',' Tho Pioneer Mining Company.com- posed of about u Joel-ii men, ana uuiu ittr -a' largo, area or ground in.E k t'reek, finding bo largo a company to ho inefficient in prnctical working, ?is rolvcd ihfcir br2anialion. and divided ' iheir ground lalo in tho fall. Large ' returns ore looked for tho ' coining Venson from this ground, as itis known ho rich. The tunnel . of Ilusbanti, j.ico & Co; which penetrated a flat ...r slido a), tho jnqutlyif I&k Creek, is HrtW VIM Idin'ur rerv rich ouurtz. - This comoanv can got out dirt all winter, ' Gold. in paying quunlitu's. wuu hot tiscovcred in Doep Creek until near I he middle of Aogust,18C5f and,' water l.eing then. &o ficaree, bat lttio worn wan done bolbi o the close of Ihb season: non.,h. however to know, that there "a i-ifrh Vround there, ns well as in Elk OreeW, ono nugget of ur gftld toing v'16'und weighing a little'- over tti'ro) ,i,6urfdaICC6ilr8e1 gold jsonoJoft th5 ' haraclerislic' of. this camp.. Hani ;, .jcccJittv,e. bech jroitn wighipg from is lis orderly a community as 1 havo over seen, where such disparity in tho sexes was found to exist. Considering tlio depth of the snov, quite a hiiceei-rifiil t (fort was made for the first lime, to gel tho gay element of society together oh tho evening of Christmas. I ho upper stoi-y ot iir. Dli Hardy's larire building was filled up for a bull and a supper, given by Mr. Thomas Jlardy- J liose who pun icipated at the ball and the banquet, 'Xpr-cased themselves highly iileased with the evenina's cnlertninment. A CHRISTMAS I'll E8K N'T. A lady in our town celebrated Christmas by presenting-her husband ilh it lino healthy boy on that Uay. THK QL'aR'IZ lNTlllESTS; Should 1 venture lo write another letter, I will mvo -Fonio atUntion to what I regard as ultimately to become the leading interest of this section of country I rcfi-r lo quarlz mining Enough is already known to place it beyond a doubt that rich quartz ledges aio in these inounthins. 1ml 1 have not room for more upon that subject til this timo. not' a ti winter mnT8 Ever restless humanly must eithor have employment or amusement, and as no woik (an be done, except to! procure a supply of firewood, amuse ments must bo resorted to. in the absence of theatres, circuses, minstrels or melodeons, certain j edestrian feats may bo witnessed at, almost any hour of th day, on tho tides of these lofty hills. Men can be seen wending their way by a circuitous route up the side of a mountain, carrying a pair of snow shoes from ten to twelve feel, long. If there is no beaten trail to walk' in, tho shoes nro used to aid locomotion in going up; this, however, is not much sport, that commencing when the descent begins,- and an exper ienced snow-sliou traveler will descend a mountain as fast as a locomotivo can rnn, anu ii matters not mucii now steep tho hill may bo. When theso feats are undertaken 'y a novice, ol course, some grand and lofty tumbling akes place, to the great amusement of the spectators. Hermit. , News r uoM John Day Minks By tho arrival of .the express, we havo in. formation from Canyon City' to; the 20th Inst.' .-. , ,r . . a terrible snow slido occurred about ich days since on Canyon Creek, one nnd a half miles nbovo. Canyon City ' Two men woro on the enow at the timo it commenced moving. Ono ol them, named Hook well, was precipi tated against a tree with stitch violence that his neck, has . broken ; and the other, whosq nnmp was yallace, buc. oooded In catching in tho lop of a tree some sixty feet from the grQund. The avalanche out all tho limbs off of this tree to within a few feet of where Wallace had effected a lodgement ; and alter its forco was spent, the vi braMon of lha. Wee. W-0 fiucb (hut tt is wonderful ,'that ; hd Was not thrown from it Aif.4''ki1!ed.V''i08cndf;AK9 eOjVallaiq pro'ciiedod o town atlu pro,cufcd nsststarico' to biirig .n; th body of Ins loss, fortanato comrado. Some small bands of Snakes hnvo ieomb. OMt oi''' tho mountains on jlhb Soutfe KorkioI.Jolin 't)ay',ni aro now over in 'tho ilirc'clion of lie main John nnxion to nvo'd observation. At. Camp Watson, Lieut. Hand is drilling the Oregon Cavalry, stationed :H that post, on snow-fdioes. lie is meeting with gront" success in this kind ol instruction, lis the men take to the exercise with great gusto. This is particularly tho case whore the orders nro to charge down hill on an Indian camp, supposed, for tho sake of example, lo bo at tho foot of the desoetit.' Thero is no pnow on tho roid from beyond n point fivo miles the other sido of the Des Chutes, nntil Timber Mountain is' reached ; nnd from a few miles beyond CnmpWatson the ground is bare nearly to Canyon City. An earl resumption of milling op orations is hoped for in tho spring, nnd unusually bright anticipations arc indulged in by miners, hot h at Canyon City and on the Middle Fork. From the Cascades. The steamer from Portland succeeded in reaching the Cascades day heloro yesterday evening, alter a two days' trip. Slio will remain at that point until some lime to day, for the purpose flaking such passengers as may go below on tho steamer from this place. Tho sno'v is .lying very deep in places on iho railroad, and it will bo several days before the track is cleared for use. The repairs on tho railroad bridge across Five Mile Creek will require but a daj- or two after the water has subsided. Dir. William Itlrnbauin rtuprellnl'j- In rrm his MtriifiH. am) imiro ,tirtii'uliu-ly tlio lnvticH ol tlilscttyii.il vicinity, Unit he will iuU nt privHto Bitle, tit unction price, nt liU iitorc-oii Miiln Alrut't, thu rn1. nco tif hU U'iiiliil !tock (if Watclii'6 IHnniomld, Jew elry nnil Fnnry OtMrl. As this will he Hit but cppnitn. u ty to pitrch:uter thv ludi.'S iuij thu public nru iovltt-d tocnll. j . . , - .-. ; , Wmco Lodge, No. 13, F. A. 4t A, M.--. IloMa Its ntntcil Ci)iuniuiilcitiim- on the Firrt iiml Tlilnl Entnrihiyii or etch month, nt Ihi'ir linll. In Da II en City, liri'thrim In pood Hlnmlingnre InriU-d to ntteml. . Eeth I..'1'oe, Sec'y.: 'fly'or.lcr of the v 31. Colnmbla l.oHgef Via. SS, 1. O. O. F Meets trery Friday eveninjr nt I'JjJ o'clock. I.i Ontor llnll. corner of Pecond nnd Cum t Stinetn. ItrotTierH In good Ktniidin; nre Inriteil toiitlend. Jly order. N.U. J . J U K TC H , 3Ialn Street. I)aIU CIGARS. TOBACCO. SKUFr, ' PI PES , Jt ti . AMP ATS IX 8TOBK TJIX IWT WA"P OF ' I'ifTJirs, Tobacco, Matclics, &c. 8) LATINO CAI'.VS. rocs i:t ccti.kky, POUT M IN IKS. - ClIXUS d BltCSHKS. ' nit Xlnds, I'KI! FC.M KUV. ol pYfry description, CHINA OIINAMKN'IS - " " TOYS. 11111.18. etr. rtSlllIOliKSmidFlSlIIN0TACKT.lt. MUSICAL .NSTI:t'JI:MS, FANCY OOOllS. Ac. Alo Ptiwiter.Shot. Lmil. Powder Flnpkf. I'lokitMilfi mnny(kiher nrlirlPK too nninerniiH to ntentii,Ti. KjF IntHriiiriipjiliTf Mi. plied w ith Ciirni'. Ti-l'nrrn etr. nt letiri thnn Pnrtlnnd prices, with trriuht nddfd. oe8 ' FOR THIRTY KAYS I.CXCERII LAST OriVTVCTl I iilil ItcieTiy inform iir t-nolonuTH ninl fV.t i ililirt litrirtt. ihnt tl will cmliinic t" full AT rWT. fur tliitty tiiivi l oriltr t ivif uric ti ihaiie In ninl.n jnei-tnts fur tlw IlnlitliiM. Vtj iv HI fill the Lnluiit f otir ctt ek, civ irttilC of ill h Blnrk ?ilV, CcntV rtnkn. Jlifli Pnfiliii. , JUavi r 'tii tit. C't' ki, . i)tMi (YtU, fclmulfl. 1'iintfs Jity tiirf.s. J uitim'ili'ti'i'ft IIiltH it Cttf, Huuti A fcllf,, iiV , t., Ac , ic, AT SAW l'UAt ISVO iOSTi V it limit Prfipl-t nnrt V.xt"h - ;, '1'liU w ill Ik t lie hut rhimt to get Inrjininfv yirlon W clt wing thu miiri.ru, t"t)H. A liOHAl. N'.I!. Ail l!i!U iim-t pnM hy l ivnt of J:uitmr.i 1-sr.O. If not Hrtllnl withlu that linm, '.!. run.fuih tm pliucil ll) lt'glll li:ilrl0. ill lit J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, fllnlu St., Ufillev. Orgou mrOUM 111 yi'Kl TFtll.LY INFiHIM w tlin riiiiivhs of Li .Uvv ivutl vl ciiiii.Y, tit ut lniviti); iPttiriKti fit ) u it priH Hiniiiil tmir iliri'tmh the iiiinf . Uv hit a Hit in resumed the pcitiitc ol lKNTiM II. Y. hi thu loom lorinerly tci-uimil lv liini; hi Die .lhi iliti irrupM t t Vooil & Hulli r. I'll itomili AtUtn. nmt ndjoinii! Will On hi lie ' Imtfi iSloiv. lit ttiktu thid niftlioil of tt'iitlluK lluitikH. for tlit Htifint pitiniuij;' l.vri'tutun1 v.v truiiu l lo liiin, and Holfcili n criitiuiuuiiv of li t miiutl t 1ST i.K PuhB.S. Kutlrc Pi'ntwip on 3oM lktni lo " Vwr L'fciiint'. i.t.ld 1 tutc... iH) lvnttuStAiilraiihi' I.i.u 7U " Vik " Uifr 1 ( Jpc. Viikatiitc 1'ane !.S V OuU (Milium ilTtittil fnim o utlollur uj ttfliil. t'liiMreiM' Xet-tli fxtrltclvil frt uf tlinrre nvlS-tf M. BEOWN &"BE0 VI H0LK8Al.lt AKD llKTAIl MIAI.WS IS DEY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. Ac. Mr. M. Hit OWN. telnc rmiilcnt ol Run Kmnrimo. jr fiiitoUtl to tiftt-r frent iiM)t-invittit to jitiicliust-rf. JM rcei(Mtfnlly hirt tli (iuLHc to cxamiiitoiir Iih k ltfvii' Miri'lmrthiK ulicre. . , ntl5n Htt)iio Storo. m-rtli ii'la Muln stroot. 'Dnl Wi. AUCTIO N''S'AL'. S WII.LSKLI. AT At'CTION AT MY STOltK. No. 100 MAIN 8TilK.KT.lvn,l nt tho Oullfollliil lintel (odjulli mil ine iiu'ivc nnnuier;. on NEW SAI -O'O IV . NEW STONK STOltK, WASlllXfcTlN STIIKKT. TIIF. U.SDi:ilSIONr;D would repoctlully iiiiiioiiim' Unit he Kill ,'i'ii h Drat clnmi c.thioii lu Fitueh h Uilninn's New iitout HiiildiiiK, 'litis KVKXIMI, nuto prepared to strvv rstlvMit oilh tho I. est uf Wines, Liquors ami Cigars ALSO, A 12 Tt 13 E LUNCH Every dn ruul Evvulug. . tc'JKtf. v ; aOUX niKDLAVD. DEIIM, aturtJay, Jan. aYlliat Oa.(m., n fiirt-o iwJnriinent of lluunho A nnil Hotel I'urultlire, cuiisiBlini; in nrt of I'ltlu .Mu'treiwH nnd 'filows, ftniw Muilrewen, Sheets, i Olmir. Tihlrs, ItodtniliU. ; C ; -X . Iki itiit (H.isseR. ln rt'T Htove , Cuokh'ir Stoves nnd I'ookiii); I'tensll., j FtrhK Mnttros p. Feiitlieillttds, . Doi'k. Mp. I.nntis. . Ciirii'ts. Mntiinir. blnnketn. Cnickery. (!ltiiiiwiiie. Cnttrry, . , ' ItoewtKid Tiirlor Set, , r . A large lot nt Book, l'' -1 . 1 ' ( AuaG.llOCKl'rS, consisting of frofl Snwn.' Fyrnp. SiiKxr. , ' Slionlde s. Hums, 1 ' - '. Ai,le nnd "enehes, drivil, C'n trnlt, Tohnreo, .. ,,, ., "l'eiis llttons nnil . . - i i . i . bull tinliuon mid llerrinir. ' ' ' ' JOHN W1U.1AMJ, Auctioneer. At i. F.kOKSllJSBKhoKH. :i : .Mat Vrnncisca. i 2 g Lft e' p3?A:jL.-oi? .00T,' !' ,i ! Dulles. , .,. .i ' J. GOETZ &, CO., TbBAccoraisTs, ill t- l v,: Ilnve n-niuvctl t . -V,'( Rudio's New Stcmo Buildini?.! Wiwlitorf' gtreeA, neur Frane! & Qllmi't,uU huvl oiene n'woll iMsofted st'oclt of a ) s J I A T 4 mill l t.-U K ST II) S KU A K .-, J Q fl T T ' " A 1IIQIN1 Ant.d-WKKTKItN TOUAOOO, , J 1 j rur.,Mjii unci Houiuit d.mjfk. t ?i I itti bp -;. HKKIlbCIIAUMnndulhor I'll'KS,.' ,-i IXAVINQ CARIM, ., ; ,n.T,i-o.!,ii,uli PUHTINUliHM&' -I '.',.1 ;.il.lo' ;Wi;virk- j'Kll'NDlAN nnd I A '.OV GOODS. c.t An. - t.U in ,j Tha trade suiiUel ut LOWEST Jl AltKET II!ICE3. alchmnker ;iii! .leutltr, MAIN STRfcET, DALLES,. DKAI.KK IN UN K VVATCIIKR. JKWKI.k), jn CUlChS. Gold l'i.,s.Hilr iuid 1-Ii.ik.I tt.r.. tdk 8ieclicls, Cnllery, "rr ' ' ' ' - J - riicnwr nlleiiUou pw lu riinlrinK flniin;' Tniein-. vioens, jeweiry, eie. All n al' lier rrl Hired r me WHrrnnlod hir tel moiiths. -i N. II. All orders from the uppei "luntry, l,y llxjitim or otherwise, iroiuitlynttedid to.' -n MRS. L. WHITE'S 1 liEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, URNlElsigtoii Mreel. HAV1N0 NKW I.Y fl'I'TKl) VV TM2 OAJ..KllVovr Deciur'. Slo.e. would. eesnecilJUirniinuumu. t,,.B those wishing , ,. , i . .. , 1'hotograpLs, Carts dc Vlsitc, Acw.( tint they will do wll In Kive her ornll. 1'wllenlnr tentlnn mld lo Inking Lndies nnd Clil'dreu's 1'tturw. '21:tf. It LINCOLN TrousE7r Curuer AVnililnglon Bud Front Street, rOUTLANl), OUKGON. . ' ' Sauto-cLARs iioTRii iHioxn In svt tatk. Chitrges Heuonnhlr., - i -AN OMMlllia will attend nil (he Konts, and eouvi-y rii-seiirers i,l their l.iiiiirMirc 4o thu lhimi.llr ,,t tkargo, or to any other Wouilii thr Oiir for 60 ceni n B IT ill nr r r v. ,. . . , . . ' r.vi nv LUI.I; UAIII9 m Ilia Uollse. All the Bldnmors Tor Orojion City. Vnneouver, Motl cello and Astoria hind M tlio Lincoln lluus M luuL MlttKolutlon of Co-lVutiieiMhli,. rfUR.C(PAi;T,NEI(8rtl1iorctororo'e.xlliiiK't,id Jt . Ilia, nnmo and style 'of KOHIUNS, MeKAKI.AND k LO.. U this dny dir.Ued hy. mutual eonsent. All lin. billtlm orald flrm to he pnid hy ItohMus A er, nnd all ilcbji duo jaid rm U Ujul J und eolh cteil ly All u,i.n:li.:-i.irt t u. it .... .. J gle" uutl CtMtjLj . : ; . . . t s, ;. JuTul