ttiiV.r-. ' ; f ' W Vou jnlnd 'flie'mornltnj! niottfor Vh n stood, sad-i- 'T'tjeliod bride, ' ' -.1 s:0 To whlpoi-that drerid " I Will," Wiloh to keep Tie sorely " Wert. ' '" Yon wild ' be brave mid winsome," bat another weary aJtfyf. I.-1'"- . ) :;;"!:' My bWt began to toll me, till my rosy cboek grew pale, l'alo ns' the cloude of snow-drift which across the valleys sweep; ' ' "' :I r'"' -Pale with the dread ol breaking what I knew I couldn't . keep,;- ' ',; !"' "Il '' .'' ': You led th, vloilm.'niother, to Hie nlter'a home unmoved, A lieart to vow affection for a heart it never, loved. ., You mind my young days, mother, ero ambition's ley sea 'gwept, nvalanchS-IIko, o'er the llfo llt 5b9d so gay and free, ... Froe as the mountain hill top, till a, pall-like cloud drop ' ped down -I ' i . '.'"l' And hid my height of happiness- with an unsought-for crown ' -' ' .Jho orown.0 wear wife-hood t nh 1 ' lis towelled for. the v . few ; -iiv t . - With gems of happy cbildbood, and with love's bright ' - - diamond too. For mo no proud-possession suille, no loving leading ' hind, ' " ' A stranger, bogging love crumbs in a new and scarce-trod , loud.,' ' ' Mother I you schemod to place me here. You balled mo nilHtrossI queen I - Of territory never won of heritage so loan, Bo bare of all the tender thoughte which heurts to loving move. Where wealth's fnt klne had long ate up the poor lean kineoflove. Mother! "yon tore me from no bourt," you say, "to glvo me thus," You plunged me In this Tartarus from no sunny heights of bliss. "I had no first lovo 1" Mean you thus to glolo the sale you iiiado 7 No oai'lier bid your conscionco warned from this unhal ' - lowed trade 1 Young Stuenle Miles looked love at me i and, though be spoko not, how 1 fuel I could havo loved bliu ayo, and I could lovo him no.v. Oh 1 gloom of doadly future, --where you lover of living - groat : . v. . lias branded pleasant paths with sin, and duty dowered witii hate. Oh I heaven that lit up all my past merged In a future 1k.II I 1 Mother, who gav'st me life 1 Thou I th'onl hast given me death as well. " ;-'. ; " Ta'sj ' Itees Bivr ' ReofU't Vcails fok tbe founds' ion of a-vjnbinet of ihiheral, geolbgi cal and' "o'tV-ar- curiosities 'fc:The State. A Hoard of.SupefMilcudenta is now forming in Storey county who will connect' n' fei'ibing library with the scbemo", itnd Hftf whole will be known as tbo Nevada Museum.. Tui. word grocer ;wj -originally stsed, ns the term implies, to designate; .a wholesale dealer ; the word ttalioner Was employed to distinguish a resident shopkeeper from an itinerant 'radcr r iana 'the word milliner was at first written Milaner, becauau the articles she dertll in then mostly unme from Milan. IX-.A. 1 IE SELLING. . I'l? AT liUOST ! X. , AViinwcli St Co., W1M, CLOSIS OUT TIIKIR STOCK OF MERCHAN DISE, at their place ol busitioss,' at the Dalles, in order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Hats AND ' ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE, , All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only." AjS All who know themselves iitdebtod to our firm at the Dalles will please call and sottle ns soon aB nuHsibU. Thosowho have been accommodated wo trust will not dolny us unnecessarily, but bo prompt in squaring up ac counts. Call and seo us, all and everybody I nnll-tf M. VYU.SSCII It CO. IVJEW GOODS! nHVINO JDST ARRIVED FUOM THK ?A.V KUAN Cisco .Market, we would invite tLe attention of our friends and the community at 1 tree, to lur well-selected stock of Dry Goods, .. . 1. . . Cloth In?, Hoots & Shoes, &c, " &., . &c, Which we aro selling at the most reasonable rates. ITe cannot sell our goods AT COT, but assure the commu nity thatit pleates us to. sell goods at H.MALu OWtl. : , - - PKOFITS. 1IKRMAN 4 CO. NewppaT?er Hows. A diepatcb from San Francisco bl "Jnnuarj' 9lIi, Bays : 1 D. 0. MoCurtby and S. P. McCar thy, proprietors of ;tho American Flag , nowepapor, havo .oommencod suit to recover 20,000 damages for broach of contract from O. M. Clayes, proprio. ' tor of the Stockton Independent. Plain tiffs -allege that they h:ui succcoded in breaking up tbo monopoly of ovorland telegraph newf,. enjoyed by tbo Bui ' letin, Alta and Union, and that their own circulation and advertising paU rooago was greatly increase thi-eby j that defendant bargained to purchase thejryintcrest jn 4tho Flag 9r,$28,800, which bargain ho aflorwurdu fulfill.-: .Plain tiffa, further allego - that as soon, as it bocame known to tbo publio tlta't they wer(?abfTut to disposo 'of ; th crl r in teres t 'i n': lh 'Flag t fii r ci r1-CUlatioh-Uhd adTertisitig patronage de oreBBofl raoidlV;' dhd thCV: 'claim -80. 2009 damages from dofendant for losses suatauicd and for breach of eonWot. (. &. O. DoYoung, publishers pftho 2fdity Dramatic Chronicle, commenced nroiroiaalj prosocution for Jibel, to duy agarnst shoridiin Oorbynthe theatri. .PidaJ'-iiuiogeR, fopUbliHhinfr an al kvod libollongoard-ittlhalJUjrH)ifl Call, in t w'hi'ho ohttraCter'iBod' theG'i)k(5nttf9raS " n btabWIrna'il,' cjubtlc advertising, aiheol. . llr i? sivid,!, civil suit ,ftr, damngB will Boon be epmrnencod'ngainst the jlorn ih'g Calt' for publishing tbo card in ' question,, ;),,,, ' : '" Wmti.-is SAHnATua 7 Wood is T)ttrnt to Hsbissi'Bnd llitlvuted, ley' is the reiuty TLey . ' i .evaporuted .by boiling,, black salts is tbe ' residuum. The salt 'tindern-ocs nitrification ! 'Vf ftfe1, and tlio'pptisjrbt coromorcij isb. gained. "By another process, wo chnngo pot- iwn into ncariasn. inow put ttteso in Sat-kj '. ."tH pl.see .Ihem. over a .IstlU'ery". wasi-t,iib, . .where the fermentation evolves, carbonio jtci.d gasi, and the poarlash absorbs it and, is rondersd solid, i the, product being heavier, . WRitornhd'drfor, than tbe -penrlftiTf: It Is now sttleahis.'"Hovrlmileli- ia'ta nf lpr ntiH TlSrtronbp a't'ldcas K human stomach ciiti tar ;4ndr'feittAia,lhealthy U",jjqq$ o salo finite Tjaior. ouint peopia sny laieratus Will ' , .nui onrm inv siomncn. 11 is fl lev, . 1 1 iiij rjn i.,". 'I.; i . . . ,"ii i Vi .M.;!i'wi'(ldgr once wrote (0 .AbTEl-Kauer, ing to come atrd share i his lot. The heroiq I'AVT Vesponded tUa :henVr,u.tfl a'piillit.her'dp. nnV'i ich.ft-4hinc':''Bnd"acC0rfinanicd this lettM.HD valuable prejont, at-the samo tim begging Iter td'" forget' 'hfnj'Xridbe f, NEW AUCTION HOUSE. T. M. WARD & CO., (Successor to W. P. Miller,) AUCTIONEERS. Court Street, lyelow Main, v WILL SRT.L A AUCTION A XI) OX COMMISSION Genornl MLTchnudieo, Mining i-tnckri, Kffil Kh tiite, New Sucuut. Im);Ftirniiitret Farm rroduco, Upreeii fir... Ac. HKCK1V1NO ivnil F0UWAUDINO Q00DS, tmt-dnor nnd Spocial Salo3 promptly attended to. Hegulut finlo Days, i '", .; J -1 i ; .- . TctCKays and Saturdays. Liberal Advances made on Consignments 1:11.1 : nfnettrror nnisTmportor of ,'" CARRIAGE, CO. ORU, BUCGI " ""' ' axd ; STAGE, HA RNESS 1 Saddles, llrldles, Vliiits. . v' ,'t '- ' A gencrnl assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. &r Orders Solicited, ltepalrlng done with neatness and dispatch. V. A. HAKIi, Jetlltf , Slain Streot, fronting TVashington, Dalles. ' PORTLAND FOirlIK Y AXD Machine siioi?, FIItST STKKET, hctwoen Yamhill and Morrison. 4team Engine - . oltroin 4to) norse- power.tither Portable or Stationary. Also, CI1U ly?5 CUI.AR SAW MILLS 7: S & r()MIr.KTK. B- .S IfSSt on hand . A loo, Huy Proa- &fiWSffiti& Mnraltnlxe.: Plantar Alaclilnes,( oodworttrs ftJrwsauSPSatS pattern,) Wrought and fCSJ,- WmSSSl Cast Iroh work for Ver- (Si'-W.J-) tlcalSawandUrist mills; . ltrass aud Iron Castings -at nd -t ' - ' ' ' nnoi'GisT mos work' of every description. .1 am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can any part of the mines as the woight of the entire niachinevy will, notjexceed 3, 000 pounds. K Horso Powers & Affrioultural Implements ; nmnuiiiciuruu loonier ai ine very uu K I AJAMll I'HiUiS K. 11. l'urtioilw attention paid to KEPAlltS. fo20-tfe MANTUA MAKER. MRS. MATT1K U0I.BH00K would rqsnectfully in 'form the dailies of the Dalles atrfl Vicinity, that Bhe lias opened a shop, in connect ion' with MisBOMlimi'lte, where she is prepared to do n kinds of work with nout vess tuid dispatch. Havingjiujt arrived from tbo ast, she hopes to be able to pleane all as toVorm and Fashion Cloaks, Goats' and Dresses' Cut to Order. TIIItE Droits West ot Uio' Corner of THlilD and UNION Streets.1 ' oc21:iii8 TUB HIGHEST SUUJtET f.lfiCE PAID IN CASH, roa i Mink and Coon Skins. IlyIticiIAltpS ft McfcffAKEN. I Portland Sept. 2T. IStir.,! . !t.; ; acMm I Beaver, Otter -3 .' II L, At: 14. LIST OUN It. W AUD, OF OUOSft IlftJ.t.OWTiWthrl day. l9 pal me Three Hundred and Forty-one Dollars, in Deo. 30, 18C5. UKRKNDAOKS AT PAH. for a debt due lo Gold Coin. J.O. IllFFLB.i ljl.ul Shci liT's Sule of tieal Kiitato. i BTY VIHTUROF AN BXECUTfON 1S8UKD BY THE JL Clwk of the Circuit Caw t f 'Ornnt County, and to ineuirecieu, in iiivor or Mary a. 'Blnclntri'plulntin, and airainst J. A. Lockwood. dofenditnt. .fitr'tho sum of Sev enty-one Dollars and Fifty Cents, i(7 1 60,) princlial. end seven uonars anil etgttty cepts, (7 WA ooats ami utsliurs mcnts, I have levied unonaiKl will sell at nubile auction. to the highest bidder lor cash In hand, on SATURDAY, jANUAHV.l3tli,lM, between the hours pf.12.anda o'clock f.'M', before the Court lloilxe door In Canyon .i.a r..n...inn. n-ii.n., -.. ...t. . - -r' 7 t vnji ii.i.uu.iiiKiu.uiiiii:i.iJniii tu-.n. .. i One Him e and Lot, situated in the town of Siisanvte. State of Oregon, County ot Grnnt, commonly the Ixickwoml Saloon. M. P. IlEIUtV, Sheriff. By W. W. W turns. Poputy., Canyon City Dec: llthJJSotf. .. i'li ) Jdo22-4w l .T j. X .T siiiiinurbnsr Henry Tfrcr ,7.ihn Hiilov-lintlfI(i, vs. ylsoac Jon lUugi. Unction to recoxeruoitiy iu-Couuty Cuurt of tlie jiiaFe oiuccgofu mil y mon ypuilLy . r . . . tVVS ISAAC JKNNIXaX DEFENDANT: In the name i JL 'of tbe StatoUif Oregon, you are hereby siinttooned and required itb appear and answor the ooniplamtjif tho l'lalnUir., nov su.nluln tlwCle.-k's olllcs. la said Court, after aeryice Jioroby. tMipn. jon by publication for six Weeks In the WIsklt Moistaiheur, as by ordor tf said Court. s)r Jndgouint. for. wantthereof will bo taken against you : and unless you so appear and answer said ootnplaiirt, the Plaintiffs dll take Judgraont agflost you for tu sum o$Jl, lorfi.Uier'lTfthltlie cost And dlsbirrsemeiits' of this action. II order M l. P. Argersiuger, County juage oi union uoanty U. S. ltev. I M. fiAKWtt, Att for plaintiffs. .60 cents.' .-ri if I Tk- 'iiJ,i8-6w- i... I.; tn rv good vortWnd take dar tllerir. I .l(.,.,iSTRNg:Usea to,,sa-y KUh moat Mcm, .r, ..... i , i ...--i ... it,-. . i., ' if , Lii.',! " r ww, kuamsr will) ine cosis anil (llsuurseineaEB M lifts "aiid theu.brajf ot their, 'ac4ja,Inti'n,;f!r J . T. Orlfftn plaintiff, vs. Isnao Jennings, defendant 'Aotlort'tb recbvt;Wii.y, i' Ooimty Qoiirt of HirfStaW nfOf-nirftn for Union ftniiuru: .'!.'. . . .1;. '-Tiri ' r ti t .. ' f BIO'lS A AO J N INUSt' T)dfndi(irt i Oto 'the hami of .K vn Btnv oi'uragwi'yoa' are 'nereoy -suirmionen nd Vernlli,! toliptteiirMina aniwrr'PlalTiilff 'Xoiiipialut1 our on 'HI in Ui'tt Orerk's offica In said Court, altar ipr. vie hereof Upon you Ry)AiblMirhni Wli-we'ks Inithi Wmulv MouKTMSsm, as' 'by ' nrdernf' said CiliutJ or jarftmeni; lur want wirreul"U'U . wiiKen"Sgainrt yon, and you so appear and answer sold eomiiatnt.,the Plaint If will fake judgment against you for the quia of woo, loeinerwitn the costs ami disbursements or tilt Wwnts. JanS-frwi. t.,iii j DALLES CITY URItt STORE. P. CRAIG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, : . MEDICINES, ... '.. . u Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, cv 1-tf DRUQS AND-PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS A ND ' PA TEN T MEDICINES !! DRUGS' AND PATENT MEDICINES!! .. . I t -." : : WU0LE3ALE AND IlETAH' '' T XI XJ.Gr Gr-I S TT, WashingtorJ srl?, Cjiwcen Ualn-auilSooond streets I ALLIES, OIIEGON. g 'LEMONhrablq tosupply parties In want of Drugs, Patent Modlcfiids. ' Chemicals,- Acids; Perfuniary, and every other article enumerated with tliem-..:-.' WHOLESALE DRUiGISJN.ESS. At the lowest marked rates; ' . ,. t . 1 7 4S Physicians and Meridian! Intendlnnr ta.nurchase for tho Mines, wiU do:well:toigivo.hlmH eHll;i:i I'. TRUSSES 8c SHO0Ll?riH BaACE3 In great variety.; .oii'iot) ."I-ah I,..' iiri . vi :"! T i. .!! V. I'-r. ... ..... ....g. LEMON, ' op.3:tf. Washington St., between Maiu adn Second. COST! rr i it STOVES Ailrjfi? WAKE, t I prMAs; ;r;;.X5 . rT?rVJWS SPTfraelngflWkievr- article of which will be sold at COS1T, as I desire to close out liuilncui.vSAhi). imw'CBllliD m'msiA. ucoUlirder: Also, for sale, tlie-IIpUSB A!4U JAf.pp t'tciuid lit. eet. next to tile oofnoVof Washington. "The "llbnse is iwo stories, Wltn a tsuenieni, and l well od.uHeil luihe hotel business, r Also a lot of IIKDUINui comprising. about twerity-fivo Ueds. The whole will bo-, closed out dies bui tunnel im uvuiaib VJpi J Ull tun rrwniHRS,i fi auQm.; .-, ; fi, ALuKHT BKl'TINGEN, T8..HBEHY GIVEN, that thP MnrinrthlO!horetci JL ftireeiistliig hetweon E. U. llAKDV. C. h. MITQIL. JiLUawl. l(.t W. TUOMCaON,' doig. mescantilotiiisf- .BaeaAii'iniS'piACeruncler tue nameolai.uiaruy k Co., J".;,''!, day; Jissol.ved by mutual eojisent, and hfirearter .ine loueiiujBi osMaia.-nriniwiM ate conducltil 'La R, O. DAILYfTOUNTAINEEA " i J t J i 1 'i U V .. -. i in x:i ss Tfi llardy, who alone Is autuorlsed to colleatraud sett'e ilia accbhhts of said flrm.'-l - WiV: riARtiy,-. i ' 1 ' '. J"" ft-v: c wiTCiiKf.L; I'OWKK PRESS , . BOCK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, botween Main and B DALLES i....4.:...'.:.:..J OREGON.. j6B PRINTINC OF EVERY VAHIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. . It A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and , AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to ordeb: C a l d s ' a n l IS i 1 l-II e a ri s . C11ECK& DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, ; ' POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES THEATRES ' CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS . ; tfc, ' ' rfc., dtc., .1 " ,; FRIttTEn Itl THI B0BI S.TTKACT1VE KAJiMCS. ALSO, WAV-BILLS. ' BILLS OF FARE, , : , LETTEll HE A VS. ' BEVBJ1'TBOOK3. :i ,i .U.v .... -, - BILLS LADWO, , BIricfs aiul Pamirhlcls, ; N VISITING ,WEpBIfirCf AND, " AT 1OJfE' CARDS XJriifrKists' Labeln, In short, 'everything that "cah be dime In a Jlook and Job Printing Ofilce. from the smallest and niost delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting Bill and which WW' Do turned out In a style tuat cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. , OUR FAC1UTIB8 T0K HI XXSCtTTIOtf 09 l-' ' fJ DECORATIVE PRINTING '' In the most benutKul Colors, Shadoa anU Tints, Such as Fancy Posting J Bills ! ' From a single Slioet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CAKD8, rUltFUMEXS' LjJSElZ rfc Ate unnnrpiuiHed by thoRe ot uny other eatnblishiiient in, Orepon. We devote fljtecial attention to thin brr.itch of t)i bnHii.aHBnt.(l are continually adding to our already ' ex ten siro and well ujipointed ivu-ortnient of niutf riul. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Cc, rfc, -rft., v-r. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Onr stock a FANCY INKS, TINTS, Ad9 Are of tho finest quality, nod for rilinoeg, oC ovloc and durability, cunnot be equaled in the State. 0 Tbe principle- uHm which business is ashed fer this es tablishment la,Jhat ueifins will; commit tliir own inter ests, by AM-nrdtiig nhelr cu's'toiit to that office irf -nhUh their nioneyitftBiljexiH-nded to the best AdYanagf 'io this end we solicit all ju want of good Printing, at Tery reftSonUble oliavpe,'4o call and eiAiulne apectoivosy and judge for yourselTea.. , , ,(t , . , : , . . Order fvooi tine iippcr Country Will have onr special care. And friends from 'the Interior may rely upon having tliolr orders filled promptly,- wV HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS Ia-thri State of Oregon! . ' Wi O iTrat A INEER OFFICE iim08-if;,.':t' . an'' ' " Hallp reggn . JABON'0' -SALOON ! COUNttR C0flt'AND SECOND fiTREETS, THE TJNTJBltSIONKD, HAVINo" REMOVED ROM THE "lifcl.IiA'UNION" CELI.An, lMO.U-Wi Beg to Inform the public that they are projiarod toserv Uielr customers with .tle best u" ' " '1nc&,;tiqnor fc.jpndv;(;fjgit1,s, THE MAKKETj ApKOjlfla. ;.,T4CAJ)80,iA l ., ,i.' , . , '"(lec-lf- -'ml'- ot .. .,, L-j proprietor. CARWAGE ANtt 'v W! nKO.JO.SI.', ATT&M'ION, of Carriage Mn lltacturers and Dealers tii thb llnrge ami Com ptetn.masortiaeutoiilAiaUAajSandi WAUIiU alATJCIU . AI.S we are constantly receiving from tho Kast. specially sol ected for1 "the jalf lornla.' market? onipriei ng, jOji U, Ilickorv, and Seound Growth Ash I'lank, Illckory Axles, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Pl,es; t'ellorr, Rlm,tiattsVV6 c. :which vueiffcrnMnilowe.Casht'tlces,,,. JUT Orders addressed to our hou'so will receive proDip attention, n . ' . . -mli, N. W. U11AOU CO.;. in' TH& .,AlNBKIl81UNKIl, ,W6UI,DV. IWOWlj. filB Tnncliim PuWtoitUut.the Washinitton UVu, Ufrom Portland null, .Yancouvei) to.tliel UDBer.t)iojsiloi tsr well being kept in good traveling order lor wagons and jrtoek.I' .T. i .vn.C.nBV i 'r' Dalles Jan. 11th 186. lanlltf Hnl. ir,mri.,.. U't! IIEftlfiHArAlll. wlili vlnir anvtlilnir hit.K;m 'Whereby I will have boon thought byfhw phblto rea-joni, 1" iuv oi finsi sible, as.I am not," nor will J hoTdjnyst Jf responsible Ibr MiMohtn'i anttw l).M r. miivvit .. Insanvllla. lrru,i rv. u di.iui ' ji"w.vwiwtiipm M i T n Jel6;3m, ,.,,,.,,29 M Bntterv Street. San Franclw-o, V---- ana Beventutreex tsaurHtueuto. tlrWWh t..iV-llnfao4,pp. . J,w.lnnr, ' 8an Franelsoo. 1 Sacramonto. 1 ' ' Hbw'Vork ' (ipHB UNIlKltSIQNEl) itK09 TO'lNFOKfl'TIii'CIT - Js. 'itens of (lie Dalles and vlalaltv, that he baa received a'T.i.lleif, M l;l88ni'iiJji i Miy'SMS, O.JBJMIQOH8, M'.'"l. . . ' .' .oil is , '(I V.i '! id 9 !.!. n)ott: 1 ,1