The daily mountaineer. (Dalles, Or.) 1861-1866, January 26, 1866, Image 2

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    FRIDAY M0KXIN6, .IX. M, 180ft.
B.tus of base me-tial hav bees sold to un
til peeling persons in the eastern cities, upon
the represnntntion that ibcy were- gold and
silrei. SvenJ cases of, tbe kind have oc
enrred ta Hew Jmej. - -
Tubus are so muiiy and so good counter
frits of the notional currency of all drnomi-
maliodi,. that Gen Spinier, United States
Treasurer, advocates placing tbe inscription
of tU Buak of England notes oa our green-
' backs.- "To counterfeit Is death."-
Tin Stage (Void Wuila Walla, no long over
due, Is uskiusly looked for. Nearly two
weeks bare elapsed stnee any news baa been
received front tbe interior, and for ten days
we bave no news from below. These circum
stances, with the wintry aspect of the sur
roundings of tbe town, hare rendered our iso
lation as wearisome as can well be imagined.
Om of tbe voyagers, down tbe Missouri in
the Mackinaw fleet wnltes back to. fxienda,
after pronouncing bis trip, as having been, on
the whole, successful, aa follows ; " In com
iug bouM from tie moirntitina. agiin I would
pay i ne $30 or $10 passage mppey. Build
your own boats; run when you, please; bunt
when you please; do as you glens; be your
Qwn. boss."
' JuotTT tuo middle of October, Gov- Miller,
of Minnesota, made application for tbe im
mediate survey nod sale of the public lands
in Lake nod St Lunis counties. The Surwy-or-Ueneral
thereupon immediately reported
to tbe General Land Offico that tbe lauds re
ferred to abound iu great mineral wealth, in
cluding, gold-bearing quarta. It is tb-ought
these lands will soon be put in market.
a dit of telling poilosopby occurs in a late
address by the eccentric George . Francis
Trawi) whore be toys "England comes here,
takes our cotton.,. etwries it from our seaboard
oa Haggish ship across tho oceao,.orer an
Knglisb railway thirty miles to Manchester,
manufactures it by Euglisb capital, and brings
it back on an English railway anil an English
Cunard steamer, to oar skame, be it said, to
clothe the Fenian Brotherhood, of America I"
Tui Den.wr Mr ncsrs IW admission of
CoUcadio, Into tbe Uuioa. by. ttie presnt Con
gress, upon the argument that she needs re
w?saniatirei tn tbe National. Legislature to
influence tbe abrogation of existing Indian
- UeaiieSk awl Mm adoption of others giviog
. ; greater Mauaity J amd also, to change the pro
' nosed course of the Central Pacific Railroad,
it will pa8S.thowgutlus buaiossi centers of
. Colorado, instead, of diverging tberefpenu. '
A womas tiamod Hogan, wife of a comfort'
bftr Ssimcr living: at Kilmastulla, Iieland,
died recently from ofecslty. Mrs. Hogan, In
her youth,' showod symptoe f attaining
i biOjM than ordinary proportions, anx! she
' ' contioJ to Increaso in size, until, at the
wtime of b,M death, she hud reached the er
' ' traordiaary wijtit of six hundred and sev
caty-tw;Q, pounds. Sbq 'was, for tho last few
years of her life, scarcely nbjto, walk
, At, &r in Calais, Maine, lately, a youp'g
''ndb6nnifitl lndy, while her father's barn
into tbtfouTqiof cMtrfiKug, nuloosea
j htr,.andj led uiwcuit through ihe-flames,
'aJroW'tbe yardvand'through the- kjtohen.of
... cue uoiuo kx pue or soietr. xue Aotse
"'' wai'siomewha'brntdjJ"bnfr: he-would cer
"'' Miniy baTe" lost his life if it had not bea
i. for tJiis-mfiRctful aet of bis heroic' mistress.,
: i I ! It ..Uu: II i. . i ii, . ' .. -
luar TO TJi Kits Mili iCbhsk Bbidoi.
w ttt HmtX'Jmbtt'W! tke-'Dalles nni CeKU
tt.iHroad; aUrtW' orosslug o -Fire Mile Creek
was so sprung by the action! of the water as
" to render It ttnfil fo,l passage of the carl.
Two locomotives, out of t-He tfhree in use on
"the road, were at Celilo at lbs time the itijir
loceurrsd to the trackand they have Iten
compellad to remain there until the present
writing, Viti probability tliat aeriral days
will elapse neiore iua ri
-"llo4 for use.' ;Tb unlbil
place at timti 'wSeq ihe navigation of the
. ::;tier appear bottto be opened for the sea
son, and I a serious detriment to the bust
pass of the entire iaU tior.
Mr. Fessend(!n's report, as Sccrotary of
tbe Treasury, in 1804, contains" hints which
niy be taken as indications of the prevail
ing sentiment at the East in relation to the
disposal of the gold and silver mining Innds
of the United State's. Tho Secretary says
' That they. should y'cld a revenue to the
cwnor, (the tufted States,) inftepende-nt of
Ibe collateral advantages derived from indi
vidual enterprise m extracting the preufons
metals, would seem to admit of do- dispute.'
On the one band it may be said tbnt to sell
them absolutely Is to part with an uueq nailed
and inexhaustible source of -wealth and
power, the' control of which should always
reiicniiB iu tUe bwairs of tht government r ct
the c-tber, that all attempt!, hitherto, to se
alizo any considerable amount of revenuo
from any systom of rents have proved unsuc
cessful." ' The Secretnry then refers Congress to a
paper upon the subject, which be has caused
to be prepared by James AV. Taylor, formerly
on ngunt of the United Stntes for tho collec
tion of rents from the lead tnineis of HUnoN,
Wisconsin and Iowa. This gentleman fur
nishes a statement of the operation of tho
laws- for the collection of mining rents which
'm poegnnnt with interest to tke government
and the peop'e-. IIo shows that these laws
were totally inoperative, ami that when it
became plain that no revenue was derivable
by leasing the lands, the United States de
termined to sell them.
Col. Bcuton was the author of the scheme
for the sale of these lands. Every person
conversant with the history of tbe Nor h
Wcst will remember the outcry which was
raised w.h.c klue. measure-was introduced in
Congress.. The. Miners, particularly, as
sorted that it would prove the destruction
of the miuing interests ; but with that bull
dog pertinacity, which was bis distinguishing
trait, Col. Benton forced the bill through,
and the sale of the lands went on -h the min
imum price being fixed at $2 50 an acre.
Tbe gist of Benton's arguments on this
question wcro derived fiom the mining ex
periences of the British. IIo (leraoostrated
that the real development of tb.o mines nf
E'ng'and only commoncetl after they were
vested in private hands. Tbe reasons may
be briefly stated, thus : The lease-hold sys
tem discouraged miners in following, metals
to any considerable depth ; it giev.aat.ed as
sociation for tho purpose of working, mines,
which, conld not be te-nidirrcd ptrotfnctive
without joint effort ; it acMod tbe uncertainty
of tenure, to the pursuit of an uncertain
usiness, and collected a rent from the
earnings of the unsuccessful miner as well
as the more fortunate ; it prevented the
erection of valuable improvements and. th
(-ail ta tionoC tb soil, c'xeep asajmake-shift,
and ruined. Us productiveness, by tbo lack.
of Inducements to increase Its. fertility. Col.
Benton tot forth that tbe great tia mines of
Cornwall were leased for one hund.'ed monks
a year ; and the salt mine: of Chelsea, al
though near the surface of the ground, was
uot deemed worthy of being worked until it
became the property of private; individuals.
While it is- not probable Uukt any. itemed!
ate steps taken for the salt-.eet the
mineral lands, the government doubtless bas
In tloV.Wroiect &i'lp9&prm-
neikt aifppuiou litl;HioeU;t many years.
In Mr. Tayh)f,i' p.ile has- very ably
shown the-.injustice of taiip.tftrrf' pnc
cceds of Jh. mines, 'finfrbWe'fjiWite op-
plication of "the laws for '(tie collection of
inconte-tar, and tuo proper ty-tax .to mining
incomes aAoYminipg property.
Mr. Taylor also.'lacludes In bus essay a
new project to. saiiuae- economy. la aaaajring
and minting the gold and silvti e& miners
We appoud' tiis-estimhte 'of 'the aggregate
annual pta&uctldn.of. gold nnitilYorNwit
tue nunme-r-oi assay outces no proposes to
establish, ko.t .,
$p-9'. Threo assay1 offices in, California';'
. 8 0. Two in Arizona f one at the Colora
do gold-field, and one at tbe Gila silver re
gion ; treasure, $'20r0(U 000.
10 11. Two tnr Colorado ; estimated treas
ure product, $?6, 00, 000. - V ." I ,
12. One near Fort Benton, in. Montana
Territory ; treasure, $10,000, 00.. f
Showing a total estimated prorToctfon, of
$120,000,000 for 18C5. In the fame paper,
the production for 18CG is estimated at $200,
000,000. There- fs nothing which can show
the ideas of tho eastern people' in regard
to the gold and silver mines better than
than these figures. It Is hardly worth while
to show that Arizona does not produce two
millions ft year r tliat Nevada only produces
thirteen millious ; that California only pro
duces twenty fivcmill'ons ; that the estimate
for Colorado is twice the nmonnt of the real
production, and o the other hand, that Or
egon, Idaho Tcrrile-iry and Washington Ter
ritory produce, some millions more annually
than they are credited with f while Montana
produces at least fifty per cent more than is
allowed for 180G.
As to public assay offices the whole
sc-heme is a bawbng. Miners eun now have
their gold assayed by reliable parties. What
they need, is not assays to determine the
value of their, gold ttnd. silver bullion, but
mints to make it n-eful, and to save the ccet
of carrying it thousands of miles, before it
is fitted for circulation.
Isaac F. Block,
Ban Jrranctsco.
C. 8. MlLLEB.
Bie. ScuAK,
Bloc!, Miller &Co,,
& O O E XL S ,
Mr, Will in in Blrnbaum respectfully In
forms his patrons, will inure pitrticnlnrl; tha Indies ol
this city au4 vicinity, 11 nil be will ifcll at privnta sole,
at nuetlon prices, at his. ntom oth Main Rtroet, the hnl
anco ol iittt ppi?inii(i' stucK ot WiUnfty, lMunymds, Jew
elry nml b'aiwy (JuutU. An thU will be the tout oip(rt:ii
uitf to jmrchase, tb ludles und the public ere iuvlUd
to cH. .
VVnsco Ijodgc, No. 15, F. A fc A JI.
llulds IlAstntod Coinmuulcition- on the First nnd Third
Bnturdnys of eich month, nt their hall, In Dalles City.
Brethren in good landing are invited to Attend.
Beta L. Vopjt, Sec'y. Vy order ol th W; M.
Columbia Loctg, No. 5, I. Ck O. F.
Moots every Friday evoning at 6 'cWt In Otvtvs'
Hall, corner of Second and Court BtraeAH. Bcotherii In
good standing, nxo incited to attend Kyorder. N.Gi
Wines & Lianoi-sii
And Importers and Jobbers of
Boots & Shoes,
; Under Clothing-,
lOiiiTtii! ?f.J Blankefr
etc., ... ..... etc., . . etc.
wtihonr iHutlnws, nnner . Dm entire BimerviHliin
of Mo. Miller. Ye Make retnriwin llnre in. i lunr
We (ranrnntee Kit nnr Askave nim the IIIUII.KST
CASQ l'UKIli d.r llnni. We also pa; the llignuel
Ciwfk 1'iice fur OoM JOtut.
DijiStf Cor. Main nod Wsliinctnn etreels. Dulli.
Oregon Stcaia Kanijration Co,
ff AND AFlicn WWi5r NOVEMBER 10th Mill
forther uatiae, '
rX'lio PaBHcncr Train
to connect with stenmcrn
Wili. Blurt from Die It. It. DEl'OT BAI.I.ES CITY, on
MoeiliT), Vdntiloii. and Frldkva. at
4l30 A. IU.
"0H E0NT A" or "IDAHO"
CAFT. J. McNrTLTr. ......,.,.,CommemIir,
Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Siimlnvn n-cepteil) nt i
o'clock. A. M.. cuniieclhi, by tlie CASCADE KA1LHOAIV,
with tho etenmer
CA1T. 3. ATOiy, . . Cooimnniler,
t Portland. ' W.. B. nitASROHD,.
Diillon, Nov. 13, 1864. uKtf Ageut O. .H..Go.
JS. MAIN 8TI1KKT, nnd nt the CuliC.rula llotol (adjoin
ing the above number), on .
Saturday. Jan. 3i7tli, at 10 a. m.,
K hirpe Assortment of Household and Hotel Furniture,
consisting in pnri 01
1'ulu Mnttrcsses and I'illowa,
Straw Mttttressos, Sheets,
Clinirs, Tables, Bedsteads, -
Loofni; OJanses, Parlor Stored
ConkiuK Stoves and Cookv&gl'Misll, i.
. Spring Muttres-es, Veather Beds,
Clocks Maps, Lamps,
Carpets, Matting, blankets, ;
Crockery, Cliiuawaie, Cutlery,
ltonewotHl Parlor Set,
. A largo lot ot Books,
And QROCKKIKS, consisting o ' ,
' '.. (Coflee, Sago,' . .'?;...
Syrnt). 8ngii.
ttliuuldeis, lUms,
Aliples and Reaches, drfeu).
Ban Fruit, Tobacco,
Baa, lleaas and
, Suit SaUioB, and llerrhii. .
'.. i .JOHN WU.UAM3, Auctioneer.
one UU tho mint at San Frnncisao l one at
Murjsyillyuni'one ,at . , .'n (be south
era 'rdlne's.jjrjpiKsaoljii fho annual collec
tion and isy iitnsur at 530,000,900.
4.- One fof ilie SiaiiVJ 5rcgon iif Terrl-
torjr .of VPaaliiogton, Nrltli.'tlie brancli ruint
at Dftllei City ; annual collection-of tretvetire
$10,0?0,00l?.,, V,,.,. ,.,v: .
' , 5. - One central to Idulio say at tue.(Buist
mlries ; treasure $10,t000,().00
v ;4rJt.Tr A11. Nevada; ono at Tirgtei
City, and anothc? near tho eastern boundary
of the State ; treasure, 520,000,000
i AND ' ;
Provision1 Store, '
afPtONSTANTLY ON HAND tint choicest articles of
FUE311 UUTTEU, KUUS.and mytsiMji oi
Wholesale and Eotall, at UoducaJ Price FOU CAS.1;
Also, acaier in .!
i GRAIN, t r.Ol ft A3tli ei31
of, all kluils, and will AHP.I0O - ' I
GenetSt tWiffnTlftriBiislilc
No charges for Storage 6o uoods Hd otr Cdhimimlli.
Proceeds of Sales remit od promptly. . , . . ' Jyett .
JL uKoitOK Mclean a david dohmmu. ia the
clipse Chop House, is this day dissolved riy mutual coll.
eut, David Doming having sold out- liiv.interest to Geo.
atcuenii, who is alone uumorlxea to irniisact any uusl
House. U. UCLKAK. ;
buss iu the mime of said hot.
1 alios, JAU.'y. Vi, 18Uo.
. . iii
I'l vviiifa
! L'AI .
mom -nil tj'- T u, 1 til
H,JjAW,) 1
tS Front Street, Portland,
Opposite a B. N. Warehouse,
MKSSRS. COIIN 1101IM wonld hereby Inform
their customers and the public at large, that they
will coutinue to sell AT COST, for thirty days longer in
order to give ono n chance to make presents fur tlto
Holidays; We will tell the balance of our. atocK, con
sisting of
Kl Ii UlacK Bilks, Wenta' ClniMM,
Kich Poplins, Beaver Coatis,
. lof ks, . Dress Conts,. ;
Shawls,' v pants,
Dry Goods, . lfnibroidcrlcv.
Hats k Caps, . Booto1 Hhnf,
' Ac, c, Ac , Ai,
UWHtsat Frelgl-t and F.xp-ns.s.
nils win oe tne lost cuiiDce to got bargains, prior tu
cloning the concern. COU.N k 1IOI1M
N.M.- All mils must be raid by Is ' First as Janunro
lSBO.lf not lllfd within that time, Mm fame will rat.
placed!, legal hamU. , do lit
XTJoL uunes vi uaiies anil vicinity, that aha
has just received a fresh supply of
TTasliloiiulUle Goods,
The latest Paris. New Ynrll and San Iranclacn
FLOWEKS, Me. A full and well-selected assortment of
Ladles' Beadx-Made Carmenlft..
k ii? J AAVaesnuttablaaaeortiMentor ,
D R t s; T R J,M M (N 3 s r
hWtyWjrVrhrolderynnd Brald'rng. P1NKINO
Oolte al. sTiarl nntU's. HON N KTH nia..l..l
tit th, (atest'siyle. jjl large assortment of
fjhlMpenrs. Keadv-Matln rilottilnir-
Constaitljf on iliarida. Having secured the services of Sr
iractiisw.nK)Bs JSr, I am nrejuired to cut and fit.
tajlit';an Children's MtF'SSKS and CLOAKS. 1 '
- TIlIHOi 8TBCET. on sonata rnrmf ofliu.- fStW.,11.
.Vm:h .,, r . : tH8ta.
For lbs Holidays, w recommend !ail doalers In thai
line to tBe BJrBstliT AND TOW KMl'OIUUM of
' ' ftJlii-M k 7.UIN,
l , r'. ... ,m aASmtatterv 8troP.
lJMs)flj,4,., San Francisco.
UlNNoliillon of Co-rartner8hlr
rfEgO-PAtlTBliSlllF-heretflforb existing under'
R le'liiputt' Sttd stylo1 of ROHBfNS, "McFAKLANU.
A 1,1 la Hit 4frfr 1 - I . . I , . . . , . . ,. ..
. unn, i.j rnnniai wiisoni. All liar.
t FiP WW"" o ld bf llobhiua Weaver, and
aJT dilTtj. daijsoia Iran "to b paid to and eollvetrd b
r rshVAifTm
I)alVWrV3aVt 1 V v.'O.' W, WKAVKIt!
- All' person Indebted to ns will please cull and Pun
s:le" and aava casta. iT...ia
I !i r ; .1. "D taii. sum ik
FiTtncy & Staple Dry , Gaqds.
Cen(lekuen FumrNliIno; Good.
Fire-proof Eton Stess, toroalr ( Main and Court