- ilft If 'i l.C - , .1 ;.!' In 1 S 1-llJi 1IH ll m r. IT. P w M ITfiM U 'J' " 'e w .j Aitr .!:.7 up f; ' 1:1 1. : .- - : !:' ' " . . - . VOL; O. " - ! I ' pnritoeer, PUBLISIIEb EVERY MORNING, .Mi ' : (0NDY8 EXOKPTBKjJ flV', .13. G. COWRIE? & J. II4IAORAK, " BDlTdHS AND PROPRIETORS. ' w ' ' 'J.'.'! . r ii-t-t y ' Tsrhs Tmtnt it-Ant etntt per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mail,'il; three months, (2 60; six months, $6 ; one year, $8. Advertisements inserted at kw rates. , 1 Job Printing! " ' RveTy description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe eted with neatness and despatch, aid forwarded na per aelw to any part of the country. I'd y matt Jor Job Print iug lit made on delivery (; work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE ,& SISXOTT, ITop'rs. THIS POPULAR BOUSE, OCPTRALLY LOCATED, 1 Rear the Steamboat Landing St Railroad Depot, !(i!i beeh recently enlarged and improved, and will now accommodate 30 O O-UEST S, EM ST WILL BK CONDUCTED m lierotofore. u ft FIRST CLASS IIOU.K, and tins iit.trou.tge of tUo traveling lwfelfc U rflr,BP,Il'y soliclto.i. ... Jt'g- Hanjrase tnkai to the House free of charge. House open all night. ., i LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFESTO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dilles, Oct.-tf. ' " - ' " "' P I RE "HOTEL, ., ... ,, , BA1X STREET, DALLES, OnBOOIf, "TIJOSIAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IS THE OSNTRB Of BUSIXKIS, Koar tbe Steamboat and Railroad Landing Sapertor Aecommn-itiohs for Faml.lios a.ad can AO eoinniod;ito Oiie, linn lrod and Kilty Uuvsta. iicali.......-i0 est: Ij(iglng..........60 cts. ' ' '' Kire ProofSafofor dopositpof yntuatles. t 1L House open all ulght. OaggiiKe tnken to the IIoul fre of charge THOMAS SMITH, ! , mliB-tf- ; . .: !' V .t-,Vropeetur. ' : SPR1H2 AND SUMMER GOODS. .11. PUKSH HTOCKI ' . ' btlSEIVBEKY. .& I8BtOS., DUe and WftllaWallai , , ,. , DEALERS 1M ' Staple, and Fancy Dry Goods v v llllCrH' OUtUtS, . . ;:1 Boots and;'SIioc, .'1 Mi : tlotltn A ; ( ' lints and Cans! ii:u:i . ..i .. .;, Groceries, " ' Anfl afnll assortriienl of flenerat Merctiandls. Unylnt ur floods exclusively in- ttio Ban :Franoisco. Slurket, ' sjn') mak1K Bone but cash purchasua, we are enabled to se I - ttJ Dor cent, cioauor than any other House at the Dalles! , ..... .DUHKNUKllY nn0S., .v'iititf ,L-f'M: Hi Dalles aud.yalla:.Wlla " "cat at m'ttf i si i I . Family Grocery aud, fruH; Store,' ' ' Corner of Wssiilngton and 8econd StreeHiT I TUB USBHilSiaSBD- WI8UB9 TA. ISFOJlA THB iuiunle.of Ahe Dallas, and.the uuiilic (renotally, that II. UM m iniKB . I : i " ' . ' 1 i ; , , t-t tVhlcU.be will lied' Wlioiose'WJ'TOuV fy"Tr4l 33 "'1101 ' aesh'l lv Lj. i .,. ,i ,i ' I'r cu for.CASH.. Also. lMW tWeWf V V tEAXETtS lit' "' " '' ' j .y ilsty'of fUUl'M and V4WBTvniHII rr Mlsir rersous iroin.up me country, u uik ; " KiKsWud rruYit by sen.Hnu in their bnk,- will I lie strlUest attoatfou. and haTis'tbeWfllletfat the . ticket, I'riea. ' "; fjrll-tfj-"., ti.'t JKWSt I resolve ie 11. elf VStl. ' ) .,i p. DALLAM. 0. W. ASHES. -r tARMESt'&.vDiA . s . fofafejjlM Jobbers of4 ,.," :i hi...BM.UiUSS.,j;-I.NBJ, COKDAOBf , iolf.li:. . Arid Manufacturers of i ,i.ni s..H " California Palls, Tab 3, Brooms, &c. .' . 2li k'iW Sacramento Street, between Irottfand Da Vis, "V tfj'VW'cof f -1 . t ti 't ! tu fij-Vr"".! ?' ' ..HiU ....,,.. : W 4r"ti si .i.-.i sVilT i IJuirglar Proof Sl . ";i.v.M7 BTSSL LUTED' YA.UJrSml m;"l n ii.i. . ."'hi lllw '..'iw' lhl n"iiiii 'IK i.iiTMi. "-,T" .t.o -ive.1 Tj) . ombiiation -lljoclcs ' v JTonstanHylilwid i'rilf alsarmniria4f XfkB. -: ' ' twww" tJy8Jm . , . g yranclscp. ,.a3CiHfeiALrri2i jajtolV ' Attorney & lCoUiij4Iltota at IsOTC, -.sWr: rtt.lUfcii3QsS9W'.1i-j I sVAm WP.ISK .1I.ES llKt'T. T II lU WALLA WALLA &. BOISE L4N E- ...... !: or CONCORD STAGES,; ,T .; CARIiyiNO . THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS ANO ' ' " 1 Well, Fargo & o.'s Express, .. ' Is now nuikiuK ltoK'ular Trips from Walla Walla to i'l oorvilie, (Uolae Mines.) , . i .. Tliroush In Two and a Half Days OonncctliiK with the Wallula Line of Stages, auii tb boats of the O. 8. N. Company. OHO. F. THOMAS & CO.,. ap27-tf , Proprietor ' NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY 1 ' . .Will carry :' : . ' -- ' PAST FREIGHTS FROM UMA rV IL.LA, AKl'iSHTUKFIItST OF OCtTO 11 Kl'l, AT TUB FOLL.0W INO llKDUCUD UATHS: : To Boise City... 19 Cent per pound Idaho City Sit) " Usvyhee '40 . ' . For leia amounta than one hundred ponnda an addition of Five Ceuta per pound will be charged. 'TIMlfl XJAIA.'riLIjA.t To IloisoCity, -...SWays." To Idaho I lly ...3 l- Days. TO Uwyliee,.... 4 Daytt.. . ' 'JOSEPU I'INKUAM; Accnt. ' Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1865. ' 'oclfttf. Aul all kliHls of Ilaclilucry . . ' " Manuriicturud at the OBEGON IRON WORKS CORKH- OF,MOKItiaON and 7T1I streets, rOIlTI.AM. A.. 0. GIBBS t COi, " '. ." i .r'l"r ,r Successors to 1 Portland, Deo. CtU'M. doOtf ' E. L. Jones A Co, MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND - ., .', .-. niLWAUD ROOM, ; F . M ' IJN T , Proprietor; CORNER OF Alain and Court Streets.' '!. ..I.., ; ., ,, r., aP21-tf Dalles, Oregon. ' GROCERY, PROVISION, 'anp . ' ' FBUlT.HTdltE. Washington Street, opposite French k Gllmnn'B, Dalles. Una on hand a large and vrell-aisorted stock of - GROCERIES &' PROVISIONS, Recelyed dallj. A 'r(re 1' of ClflCKE always on Hlki. fltUITSKf ell Ka).OFKIISirf.TA4L,ES esery morning. All artiolos warranted. h GiyqW a Call, .yerybody ! anl8:lr flV. :- - CORRBRlOF I'ua , t r it l l ittuitn ..l.m ftf W n nurru wW: MOAB08. '" I'"1 o. Bi KtXOak' . JsVMJMOABUS cVCO., :. '., .AWD. ,, " ' . . , ; j," - jril OTISfO-lt v.8 T OR B," 1 ; -'. . ; ', . bomirof ltvl arid B Streets. "' WH0I,E8AI,K AND ftETAIi.KA LKIIS In BBBAD, CKACKEI18 and Family QKOCKRIES. " ' WPECHQPfHpUSE, Main Street, corkier of Court, , OLD MAffTlIB FIONERR COOK, would respect-' fully inform the Yub1l-that-he has fitted np the above Cliop Houss, and Is prepared lo serve np M HA 1,8 and I.USCIIJil the best style and at the shortest notloe. BAIJJMJkI i JllfttSsj-uilaJe. jlw-.ts .uppers, In the best stylo and on file niost'Tetuionable tiVms. , OYSTERS in every style. Private Rooms for Ladles. HOTJtj PPKIAL NIGHT IUJ!IASO, & ODCfiL, ATTORNEY COJJNSLIORS ATLAW WILL PnACTlCif'IjrTHBSUPltKMK AND GUI twit Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o Wssbington Territory. Ti, , Particular attention paid to the coJlctl6h'oT claims. CVlBlf ABiN, 1 1 .J CWos, Ogo. . f. A.0DBL1. '..HK''lJ, '!,& (jitli 'Jl A'.li'V . -' I i! . .J; IMPORTERS AHSWHOLSaAU , '' Dealers in' Wines, Liquor p ' Miners' Cioods, lloat Stores, &c. HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR ' 1 .' j NtW STONE, BUILD.INQ,, ; . , CORNER Of i Second and Washington Streets. DALLES CITT. NOW IN STOItR A LAKOK AND COMPLETE AS sort mew t of Lira very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. ' Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. AaT Constantly receiving our suppllos direct from New lork end San Francisco, we are able and willlug to sell at a very small advance on Sen Francisco prices. Thoy hope by adopting a strictly sorrect and prompt method 01 doing business, tbey will rucelvetht) patronage cf the pub i'e., .., .. t , :, , srlO-tf COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. V. 1 . BOOTH, . WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' . , AND GENERAL DEALER III " MERCHANDISE AND , . SCP.PLIKS. ACK AWD SADDLE H0E3E3 FOS SALE. PREIOHTS CO.NSIONFD to my care Tor Colvllle Koolonal, or IIm Upper Columbia Minus, will ro coive prompt atteutlon. , White UluKs, Oct. 1st, 1801. oc 2tf T wis y rit i;i r, u ko cjis i y : . -and- 1 -C, PROVISION), STORE. rplIH UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FIHKNDS and X. the public generally, that lie has Just estuhlisbed on Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE J where he keens oonstantlv on hand alurire asaflflment n .ai'lected KIHI1T. .Also, in store a complete stock ol'choke QU0VEU1ES. PHOVrnlOMS. VEOETArLKS. Jm. " All or which will be sohl, wholesale and retail.ntiHE! DUCKD PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself. I "U in-'a, till np. o'd'S-'O,-' i'"'?ni AkblttA!tKJi'"'! 7. . Exprc Aha FiiXMine. rHUI8 l.INF.MSvJJOW IX COMPLETE RIUJNINd Jt- order froiii'UmilllHH ti.'ldioi,'via 'Boie City, smti proparwl to' carry Freight; aiifl . Vji'.vablsi Packa'S bctwt'en these aud all iuteimediale poluts with Certainly and desnasch; 1 . . 1 --mm, -.i..i rt-.v." The IilQe Is Stocked Willi the Best Team , . the country affords and entirely - New Thorough-Brace ' 11 CONCORD WAG ON S, J Which ensures Speed end Safety In Hie transmlsiion i4 Freight, never beltH-e offered to Idaho. Wre oiler Supev rior inilucements for Shipping Unods from Pan 'Franclsoa and Portland tq Idaho, as our arrangements with tlie Ocean Bteamship Company anil the Olt'gon Steam Navr gutltin are such Unit all Uouds shipped by this Line wilt not be subject to the usual delays, bvt purs tiiruugli ss . V'i . East Erol&iit.,,,', Poods sliippcd from San Francisco to our care at : land, Charges will be paid and Uoods shipped iolles selo-tf JOHN SPOSlTOi ; D R pAVY 'S SPECIFIC' ;.0 QI1 O U1XI V, i ' An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the s'iti x,iT,A'rj'"0 R'ira-A'iVs.J rjnlS prompt find eHlcntions lleitledy for the e'ere! . yRLr Uaouiriuq., ,0loet, Stllctare, und Diseases, ol (he urinary rrgans. inaaos a speedy euro without the I past restriction Tft-'dle'i, exnomii'e dr chanKe In annllcatian .business; it will radically cure any case which can be 'produced. B'ho disease It reriiovoS as spooifhy'as hVclin,. , latent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, tile disease cannot be contracted' if tlin Sl'KCIKIOCil.MPOL'NU Is taken when exposed, ' ni J . its ingreuieuts are eutirei y vqgeyioietud no injnrleus eflect, either constltsilionally or locally, can bo caused by fnce Eapci 6ne Dollar and TlffyyenU'lperoufe'Bentlijt iseareWlly packed. I ivvf IW.wrnciII IT' , .AlUfil'KlTKK, ItHiTII UKAN. Agents, I , r.;, l-il . 1 1. m ni Baft,y streetJcof CM; 111 iyrff(in',. 1i,'m-.hTi I'll v' - i fljn.F.rauccd.aiii ". BH.B.vv....-l lo jil)..-., ! jJ kahs, . ...;. ' WBOLSSALS AND RETSIL DSALIR8 1! l j 1 stOuaob and F0RwAiid1n(). - I ' (loads cohStguAfeJo Jwlll asset' wltk (proper attenliM Uu vnv J.tiil IlejBUr!riiteslj.T :iU TnnTI.AND. . ." DALIES. ! 9 irWMrlAlaul 10 woi ll1tMllnA)Oe.;(l,:! i tl . VV"1''M..apTTny,iyeptTytnJAg.ii., V. am . ut. ( . 1). 1. TGI'UEIVStOIV "-'.I ci if n ! 'hi '.', i.T HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE QPPO. 'site UfochV Miller A Co., where be biyreparod todosll kinds of ': ., , , , ,Vr, JO. EjNTAL w,q rk, In a skillful and wnll finish, d nwinor. TRET II Inaeltsc from one to an kntln eet; orf UOWiii1 Rubber Plafe. 1 "Prices rnnsd for Rubber. Plate,, tram, tia to tbil FeP Cold Plate, from 75 to $126. , , , , sT Persons having work done by Hie nol proving ,a'( . isfactorjf will not be required tp r,9C0lr or.pay for 1h(( auio-,i o qoks : 13 odiis f ,'( ' yirtioLESALE IkA'Zf ' RETAIL. J ma7-tf Btaiiilantand Mlacellaneoua WOltKi Ute N0VEI.8, MAOAZINES. PAPKKB. Ac, Ac. by every BloaiWeri' 'PostOffloe Bookstore, Alain atreet.Dalles.r, ' i . II. 3. : WALDRO 1 " "'U.' 'wmbp." nnnB hndersionkd will purchase second l-'iJI. 'bso Feniitare, bedsj Beddinc Carnets Stoves. I'arucs r. , Mm I CO. i I ! Tort- Uestina- iioq. c , . ; r- - . . t- .v., i.n GOODS SHOULD BE SIARKED 'CARE D. M. t. A CO., F. LINE, and Shipping Receipts sent tocAAr Ag.ots at Portland and Umatilla. '.r.-'x! t, Vi Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Lirje and Coltecfnl at Djistliiation. Guodi will be forwarded with Dispatch to owybee aud Souih Boisvi, PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED 11A1KS. Fauillies will be rnrnlshed with Superior Ac commodations in New and Easy Riding Ihormuh llrnce Waggons on the Most Liberal Terms, ' We Iny over earn night on the Road at Good and Conreiiiont Stations, m that fiasscngcrs w ill not be deprived of rc-jfuKur rest. .,';, ,, AGlCJNXSi' v I' RICHARDS 4 McCllARUN........,w.'.'...r.Ean Francisco H1C11 A KDS A McCltAKKN.'..i..;...i:j.....o..'.Ui..VPortlsn(l JOSEPH TEAL Dallek POW hLL A 0"K.... ........i..i....,. Umatilla J. B, WILKINSON l.eUlK.ia 11. M'. DullKLL A CO ...Jlnlse City U. M. llultKI.l. A CO. IdahoCity MAJOR SPKEIt .....liocliy liar (Sontfl llolut, DullELL A MtlOllE.. Uul.y aniJjllver Cities v . II. SI. pullELL A t'Oj n26tf "J ' ' '. lVoprretors. A CAIIU FOIl TIli5''";l.: FaU.&;iXiit(?rnoT B At) GER &11NDENBERGER, i,,os4ll, 413 iU 414 Matters Strwet, , t Cor. Merchant, San Francisco.' . Initoortcrs iliid Wholesale' DdWlers. EXTIB& ifEWJANa FRESlta&TQCK '4 1 :.i-!it:n I" nt.irr''(i irlf rinsnd'.,. If OULD CALL ATTENTION ot Coijnlry IfeN w-T ' cnaiits to ottr naimiiy large stoen osiwsos. (lor stock, oun)iriss, every article, in.tl..CIothii)K and Fur nishing line.' We have 'constantly on lniTiot lift Wve.t woo; Mj;iuj.nTariiHTj Ul aasiinem ansii: PJi.nMeAS Ol nntf Iimi. In Hnn ivn..i.l.. .n.l nnp rl 'GeoeT'areiess tliali -tlnwe jif'sny houmi, iakAt' reroive tuointtixect tntni tue manuatctvrers cousiunmont , our stock of Summer aud Fall Hoops Is partteuWrly Ullracs Ive, and the great feature to the country merchant is the uau4uarlyiKnVprlte..oli bt'.tiii.i zntutt J.,t . "iJASss Than thfl Ecslr.of Jniportnkhml - Weiflrlkofi the STAPLE ARTICLEB,ln tlts,nrv Qoode .nn. whtyh Uoods we hare purchased in this einVkct publhih tiils'csrHI In'orUer khKt wW siiy njak nse iiuvi wnrpn UO.K1. w. nave purconseu- in tnis ninrxct u a' -tWe he rrrtnet, ' and are oVerinui tbekit.KeJjroik hilt Mnil In... " il) eeljialoiaticoa, and iuduoe.Uvose, aliohase not h.oretvfore purchased ot us, to call and examine our ltdCK. . K ' GrJoW "AmiM atnd to W Prices ! Ar!j 'Wis'gT'earst' Inducements, to 1 r who ponsse t sell, again. .Merchants who buy of nl can make a gno.1 p'rotlt, and sell to tliolr customer at Allow' flguHt. We nwasi rssnociiiiiie,' .v Your Obedient servants, mil lo itiiOT, a n-t f , AIIUK(l A. LtMUKMUKKUKR. wnoiesMnriathingahd llat'Wisrehsnse, 'ii ' ! i , ,Nus4U. 413 aud 416 BaUnnv street. Son Frsaclsco, April 1, 1804:". ' "' lew gmw. ,ttlj OJn: ravius dki.igiitfjjl and cIkleiiiiated .summer M. ' Resort, ilttratedloa C(atsi Pl.m.,.WwJt distance jmtJJ'..Oos.n (ajnaWiojaDpjjea, ,undvroftdv,t9liicei .1 This resort poAsesaetlktMtlaaat nKtrsjawM,pB the 1'aclnc Coast. It has aspleudld beach for ridimr. walk. IngaiH bathing;-WiltrfolUci!heiH"srttnlillngs berries or all kinds abound: beautiful trout stream and KbuoAatKa Wf tniefe. aviH eut ot vituiaj , ra 'imftifidwKh ' -He cltmkM la elatirions irTblt;aseliMTeni every iiinir rnu riniin l .sa nniiHn r.i riin nuiniirr . "both 'well and alek. l XII Prvurletors teaoootfojlv e Seeking" Puhlie for 'partrohi Kueats. jtiiM'i t-a a, . thojlealth and Pleae it, fHat they 'mby . lent 1B- EN, ttj nre eambled to nuiketho ttuwusirllvesejWinrnen stitntlqn or tho country.,. ., LOWELL A KI1PE rR. ii. .1U e..I . nii JtESinSNCECpl WJ 'MITCllBIsL, a Corner of Third and WesMiSgton-Stroatei' i.uri ..i, nun j'i.sikT-i Tin; and Houwhold Furniture of every description. -......g wmKumni uo wen tvCHHi'0' f:f-.v . . JOHN .WILLIAMS. -' W JIalrf ituit.Ilallas, U .AWfNajAflSJSTATUROEOrJ, y4 WAXbittOlT'' B'R09.""DRTJCIi STORB i.Ilr.,. ?:lwti lui a ,-li!' I -iuc bdj h;tniv.il,