CMV (f yS.:-.-,, aito AtTountanucr. ' A'PiiKCiousbcAMP. ThoDownievillo 'Messenger of December 2d relates the "following cool transaction .... It. S. Pitt, a man well known in tbe neighborhood of ilowland Flat, and who has for soveral years been em. .ployed in a meat market, at Totosi, closed out his business there about four monlliB ago and left for the East oru States in September. lie kindly consented to take under his protecting care the wife nnd child oi'un intimalo friond, in whoso house he had ever rocoived a brother's hearty welcome, as well us a brother's confidence. The lady had loft her father's home in Michigan threo years ago, a blooming bride of ninoteen, nnd she was anxi ous to visit again the scenes of her girlhood, and exhibit to the grand parents lier beautiful babe. And eo, with many affecting tokens of truo love, she bade the father of her babe good-by and roluolantly placed hor solf under the unsolfish euro of her husband's friend. Timo flies, and lust wcok tho Eastern mail brought tho fond husband and fathor a letter from a Broadway hotel, New York city. iitt writes : "Friend F r: I concluded I could lovo M bolter then you do, and she thinks so, too, and we there' fore concluded wo would got married, which wo did." And tho pretty young wifo writes: ''Dear F : I hope you won't fuel bad, but we thought it would bo just as well for you,- and hotter for us to got married." And a Now York daily of October 18,1805, .contains the aunouncom&nt of the mar riage, by Itev. D. D. Porter, of It S Pitt- to Mrs. M M , nil of J California. ''" ' ... 1 .,. . , j Mortality aMono the negroes. In answer to the charge that the large mortality.amojig the negro population South Is caused, by brutal treatmont, the Louisville Journal, says : That there baa been frightful mortality .1. j : , among; mo pugroes oouiu wo Know. Every man acquainted with the South Ttrtows it. It is greater among them than it was before they wore set free, and we have not a doubt that it will cnVinu to be, greater, for a while at least. The utmost exoriions of the freedman's bureau- and all tmb philan-,-thfopy of the coantryJwill nbt ve able to provent it. This increased mortali ity, is incident to the change thftthns r taken place in tbo negro status. Those who did not anticipate this only betray their ignorance of the nature of the r negro. Ho cannot bear up under dif ficulties and changes like the white maal'TWhen' at homo, .witlr. regular employment, food and hours, be mo v. ' ed along ,and kopt well; but all this , .has bon changed, and the irregularis m tios io which ho has been subjectod cause, him. to sicken and djq. This .change is how fixed and unalterable. We must acoept it and do the boat we can For awhile it will be. worse for tho negro. TnrJ 1 Southern pqople . cannot if they would, help this.;' It is - inevitable. : It is useless to abuso the inhabitants of tho South in oonso quence of it, and it, ,1s base and villain ous -to misrepresent them." i .. -' ' ' Marriok nr Pa6xy. Marrige by proxy is said to bo quite a. common occurence in Mexico, but wo beliove ll oas not ooen praousouio any oxiont in California; but we being a progros . eive poople ever ready' to seize .upon and adopt as our own everthing of worth, we may soon be induced to . . I ec - - -t - amendment to ours. At any rate, an . . a : .i . i- ' attempt oas recently oeen mauo in this city to BOt the ball in motion. A gontleman engaged, in businoss nore was en faced to be married to a rouner O C7 , .r . a ' lady, but bolore tho xloy fixed upon bad arrived be wa compelled to make - . ... ir ii n j i I i a trip io .ju.azttuan..,..uiu(jing nis in .tended to be of good cheer, and prom ising to be baok by the day appointed .. foe the wedding, he , took passage for Mexico. Man proposoi, ;but. C?Q(l dia posos, and in this caso, although the gontleman used utu.ost endeavors, be could not so nrrungo nis uuatrs as to return by the nine agroeu upon, but ho could not bear to linvti 1iis in tended disappointed, and in order to remedy tho matter he sent a power k . . . i i - r l. : - : . i. : ot attorney to a menu vi uin, wjm m structions to" ''marry' the girl'lor him and in his name. The friend, desirous of accommodating tho abnent one, yep. tordiy applied to tho County Clerk for u liuenno. Tho matter is in abey ance, wo boliove. S. F. Call. SVAA.IM OVV AT 4JOST! M. "VVvin sell fc Co., WILL CI.OSK OUT THEIR STOCK OF MEP.CIIAN DISH, at their place nl business, at the Dalles, iu order to gu the Minus. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, Hats GENERAL MERCIIA NDISE, All which will bo sold nt COST, for CASH only. ' Atf All who know themselves indebted tu our firm nt tho Dulles will ploasecall anil settle lis soon as-p.sslhK Those who have been accommodated wo trust will not delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt in squaring up ar counts. Cull and see us, all and ovorybody I anll-tt ... M. WUN8CH A CO. NEW GOODS! MIITINO JUST ARRIVED FHOM THE f AN FRAN cicco Market, we would invite tbonttention ot our friends and the coinmuulty ut 1 irge, to cur well-selected stuck of Ury Goods, Clothing, Hoots fit Shoes, &c," '' . . . &c, Which we are selling at the most ronnnnlilc rates. Ve cannot sell our goqile .AT COM', but assure the commu nity that it pleases us to sell goods at SM A 1.1, l'l(U im aevtl. r - it. liu.iw.UAn NEW AUCTION HOUSE. T. M. WARD &, CO., ' (Successor to W. P. Miller,) AUCTIONEERS. Court Street, below Slain. WILT8KIX AT AUCTION AND ON COMMISSION General Merchandise, Mining storks, Keal Ks lata, rew.and Second, Hnmb Fttrnlturo, Farm l'roduce, Horses Ac., Ac. RKOK1VINO and FOUWAItBINO OOODS, ont-door and Special Sales promptly attended to. Regular Sale Days, : ' Tuesdays and Saturdays. . liberal Advances made on Consignments MANTUA MAKEli. MRS, M ATTIK HOLI1IIOOK would reppoctfully In form tho Ladles'of the Dalles niid- vicinity, that she has opened a shop in connection with MissO'Kourke, where she ii prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch.' Having Jiist arrived from the Bast, bhe hopes to be able to please alias to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THUF.a 1)00118 West of the Corner of THIRD and ONION Street!. - oc2Um3 Furs! Furs 'I ' i ..-:. i , TUB UI0UE8T MARKET flllCB PAID IN CASH Beavei1, Otter ' Mink and Coon skins. By ttlCIIARDS A McCRARRN. Portland Sept. 07, 186a. i . oc4:3m ilLACK i,ir. TOUN H. WARD. Of CROSJ IlOf.tOW, W this day pal me Three lhmdrod and Forty-one Dollars in OKKKNIIACK8 AT PAR, for debt due in Oold Coin. Dec. 80, 1806. Jml ' J. 0; B1FFLB. Sheriffs Sle ol Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OF AN KXKCUTION I8SUKD UY TUB Clerk of the Circuit Cou.t of Giant County, and to me directed, in favor of Mary A. Sinclair, plaintiff, and against J. A. f,ockwood, defundiMit. for the sum of Seventy-one Dollars and Flrty Cents. ($71 60.) principal, and seven dollars and eighty cents; ($7 80,) costs nnd dishura menta, I have levied upon and will sell at public inctlun, to the highest bidder for cash In hand, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1808, between the hours of 12 and '2 o'clock r. , before tit Court Home door la Canyon City, the fellowing described property, to-wlt: One Hon e and Lot, situated in the town of Susan- llle, State of Oregon, County ol Orant, commonly known as the Lockwood Saloon. M. P. BERRY, Sheriff. By W. W. Wutrfts, Doputv. Canyon City, Pec, l'jth, 8e8j . ;" de22-4w .. e j , jSuninjonS. - . ., TTenry Totor A John Haley, jilsmtlffs, vs. Isaac Jen. niugs. A.tlon to reeorer nidnet. in Ouunty Court of the Stute of Oregon for Union Counfy. TO ISAAC JBNltlKOS, DKFBNDANTi In the name of the 8late of Oregon, yon are hereby summoned ml required to appear anil siuwor the complaint of the Plaintiff', now ou aie In theCle.-k'i office. In said Court, alter service hereby upon you by publication for six weeks In tlie,Wutii.r iUiuvAiKtta. as by order, of said Court, or Judgment for want thereof will be taken against you : and unless you sosppenr and answor said complaint, tho Plaintiffs will take judgment against you fir the sum of ti"iQ, together .with, the coat and disbursements of this actluii. Hi order of J. P. Argerslnger. County Judge of Union County. ' "' U. 8. Rev. Stamp 1 M. BAKF.R, Att'y for plaintiffs. WoepnJrJ . j I ' JnuS-Bw " I . .r, . 'aj,,,,,!,,,,,, .. J. F. Griffin plalntil, tK. Isaac Jennings, defendant Action to recover uonoy, In County Court of the Stats of Oregon, for Union County.. f0 ISAAC JKNMNU3, Defendant:' In the namfrof M. the State of 0r6gon you are hereby summoned and required to appear ann answer Plaintiff1 complaint now on Hie in the Clerk's office In said Court, after ser vice hereof upon you by publication for sis weeks In the Umilt Mouktaixur, as by order of said Court, or judgment for want thereof will be taken against you, nd unless you so appear and answer laid complaint, the Plaint ff will take Judgment anslnst you for the sum of 160, together with the costs and disbursements of this action. By order of J. P. Argerslnger, County Judge of .Unl OoatJi. ftBAKKlltAU'tfot plaintiff. U. 8. Rev. Stamp , "-MrH, ' 7'--trfH " at4f ; ; ' ' .; 1 . . II V: I ID ufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CO.. Oni), BITGG AND STAGE 1 1 A U N S 8 ' . Saddles, Bridies, M hips. A genornl assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. JB& Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness anil dispatch. F. A. HAKti, jo:lltf Main Stroot, fronting Washington, Dalles. E'OEITI, A7V 1 IOIiI)lll AND " MACHINE SHOP,. FIRST STHKET, between Yamhill and Morrison. . Jtenm Knjctnea . oitrom4to4U hnrse- power.tither Portnble or Stationary. Also. Clll- il.AR SAW .Mll.I.j yj'OSstMi Ml'I.ETK, constantly -gMtlMyW hand. Also, Hay Pres- f&Sp!i: COM acsof all attest Planing r !i; Wjw M ach I nes, ( Wood worth's .feifra -j pattern,) Wrought and Cast Iron work fur Ver- - tlciilSawiindOrlst mills; rSTZS Brass and Iron Castings ' und . WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can heforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire mnchinory will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. ' Horse rowera Agricultural Implements manufactured to order nt llievery LOWEST CASH PRICE N. B. Purticnlor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf DALLES CITY ORUG STORE. P. CRAIG, f WHOLISAL AND RITAIt.). DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES,,.. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. ri-tr DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! . DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S.X.EMON, i If - WBOLSSALS AND BITAIL Washlngtoq Street, be.tws3 Main and Sccood Streets iiai.i.i;s,"Ii'h1'UUii g l.KMON is able to supply parties la want of Drags, Patent Medicines. Oetemlcals;-' Afelils, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the . WHOLESALE C?RUa BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates, t &j 'W i n s)w Physicians and (Uerdkants fntendlng to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give nisi a call, i . TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 . In great variety. ., .. ; .. . ' '. . . ' 8. LEMON, ap.8:tf. Washington 8t between Main odn Second. SELLING OFF AT COST! j?. Jly sbUm stoosi'ofii ' : STO VES , AJ'D .X"1II WARE, ' - ALSO, ' . ' T I NM A. N S TOOLS, nnllK WHOLE embracing a flue stock, ever- article JL of which will lie sold at COST, as I desire to close out buslneee. - Also, one OHAND P1AK0, in good order. Also, fur sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Pecondgt oet, vest to the corner of Wsahitlytoh. The House Is two stories, with a basement, aha lewell adapted to the hotel busiuess. Also a lot of UKDDINO, comprising nliout twenty-five Beds. The whole will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on Uie premises. au9:am . , ALftEIlT IIEITIN'OBN. notice: IS nKRRBY GIVEN that the Co-partnership hereto fore existing between B. C. HARDY, C. L. MITCII KLL and V. W. THOMPSON, doing a mercantile bnsi pess In this place, under the name of E. C. Hnrdy A Co., Is this day dissolved by mutual consont, and hereafter the business of said firm will be conducted by K. 0. Hnrdy, who alone is authorised to collect and eett's the accounts of said ttrm. ... E-.O. HARDY, 0. L. MITCHELL, SusanTllle, Orant Co., Oregon, F. W. THOMPSON .''. No.I3,l86 i n20:lm 7:A CSS) Wasliington Wagon Road. Tn ' UNDERSIGNED WOULD I FORM THE Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades Is well being kept la good traveling order for wogone and stock. K.O.IMRDV, Dalles Jan. 11th 1806. Janlltf Bole Proprietor. " ' NOTICE.'- ;' - : I II Ell Eft Y WARN ALL PERSONS from contracting or buying anything, whatever from K. M. KUNTZ, whereby I will have been thought by the public respon sible, as I am not, nor will I hold mys If responsible for any or said jr. H. Ksnts's fcstsi WJT. MOFFAT. BiisanTUIs,arjWtOoJiqi..,.lo., , . . , , ;. ; a ; Hi! . '' '!': . ' .' . ' i DAILY, JilOXTNTAINEES POWER PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES...... ....... OREGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. ' -Ih A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT SATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST .... . . .. . 10 obdcr: ... i . , Cards, and 15 i I I-IIendt?. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR - ' ; ' THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS PSlilTEti IH TDK MOST ATTRACTIV1 It ANNU1. ALSO, WAY-BILLS, x -. r h ILLS OF FARK, ;,: , LETTKR ITEADS, XECEJJ'T HOOKS, . . . BILLBLADIJCV, Btricfs nnd Pninplilcfs, rjSITlNO, WEDD1NO AND " AT HOME" CARDS ' Xrtit5Kits' Labfla, ' In short, everything that can be done In a Rook and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and niost delicate Card or Circular, to -ths largest size and most showy Posting Rill and which will he turned out in a style that cannot fail to Insure outlre satisfaction. OCR rAClLITJIB roH tilt IXEC0T10N 01 DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, ' Such as Fancy Posting Bills! v- From a nfngle Sheet to the Largest Mammoth. r 1 ORNAMENTAL SHOW VAKD8, ; . ! t ' riHFUMERS' lAEElStifie Ai unanrpasfted by, those of any otliur estiitilfBhrnent In Oregon. .We4evote upccial attfntion to this brunch or tlie bnsinerifl, and are continually adding to oar already exten sive and well appointed tutor tin But or nuteriitl. . . NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the most ihodern and elaborate designs. Our stock d4 , FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, ; Are of the finest quality, nnd for richness of color and dnrability,:eannot bcequated in the Stute. ' The principle upon which business is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons will commit their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to lliut office in which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all'luiwaiit of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to Call and caamine specimens, and fudgs for yourselves. . ' Orders from (be. Upper Country Will hve our special care, and friends from the Interior may reiy upon iiarltig their orders filled promptly, as w. HAVtTHE .ONLY IMPROVER P0R00N POWER PRESS In the Sttite of Oregon I . Address: ' 'u', -i MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mlo-t IMlles, OresoB. JACKSON SALOON ! l!UKB,K tAIURT'AND SECOND STREETS, TrtR rjNTlKRSlOVRD, HAVING KEMOTED PBOM TUB "BULLA UNION" CELLAR. INTO 2niess l 'NeW ' Building, Beg to info'tm ths public that thoy are prepared to str their customers with ths beat Wines,; Liquors and Cigars, TUX MARKET AFF0KD3. ALSO, A " I; ti'eo Lunch Z Every day sod eveolnf. I ;.r; .-,, .. decg-lf Proprietor. II axl 'Wr ootl Lumb e r . CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATER'ALS W nE0 O CALL ATTENTION of Carrlnee Stan WW I llfllfltllMH Bn.l 1 ..r. . I. - I . ' 1 plote nssortiiient of CaIIKIAUE and WAUON MATKItl ALU we are constantly resolving from the KssLspwInlly selected for'thCalifbria market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Fpokes, Felloes, llinn, Shalts, to. Ac. wbicli;we.offfii at. the lowest Cush Prices. ,. , MTSh Orders aililrniuiHfl tn mi. 1 . .m ... win aUontlon;,,,.:'! . N. W. HltAOU A CO.. Jelodui. - 20 t SI Battery 8treot, San Francisco, ' y ntt 17 '? "'""Ih 'fot Bacrnmento. 0. WiTiKHOuss, II. W. IlRAua A Co., J. W.Lcersm Ban Fralioua.0. . gacramonto. Now Yotk rsnuB TJNDKI1BIONED BEOS TO INFORM THE CIT, Nww'ii,i?Iu!fii'''? ".1? Tlcl,,Ujr tbM h bu rc'Tv4 mjsvv iiJSAnbH, and will . ., -A.ttend ITunerals on short notice. ThUls theflr.t, anil at present, only ' Uearsslo thoolty... I,aHss,M.yll,18(16. msS-tf?.'" O. Ii. UROOICS, M. I., Ofll-A.t ,Ir. rpitt's X)i-raC SUp, " ' " "toAlles, (iiiEaoji. " ,.l I ni'i '1 I .V.