'onntatttccr. 1 - Another Warnino.-T ho lute henvy full of enow is a timely warning to Htock'raisora lo mtiko preparations ngaiiiHt a rccurrenco of tho liko.nm other year. Allowing thut two feet of snow is something uncommon, it is Mill a proof that, without a reasonablo provision of stock'fecd, tho increase of yours may bo lost in two weeks. Tho climate in the Columbia Basin is certainly favorublo to tho economical production of livestock, but it cannot bo fluid that tho business is safe wiih out duo preparation fur the contingent 'y of a bud winter. Two or inoro of theso ufifuvorublo seasons aro likely to come in succession, and then tho difficulties of providing for slock will io considerably increased. In tho highly favored localities to tho north of us there is a great area of gra68i Winds, whero hay may be secured in any desirable quantity, and, by tho uso of tlio machine-mowers, the cost will be but trifling. It is a liberal calcula' lion that 1ml f a ton of hay to each head of horses or noni-stocK will, upt or. an average, secure them from any possibility of starvation, and this nro portion should annually bo cut and cured. . . ,. -.; The IIecent IIise in. tue DeS Chutes. Last week tho Des Chutes Ilivor rose four or six foot in a few hours, while tho ground was covered with about two foot of snow, on an average, and the air was frosty and piercing.- This circumstanco has set tho more scientific and inquiring pon tioii of tho population to theorizing upon tho causo of this, beforo, unheard of phenomenon. Ono theory was that there had been a heavy fall of rain on the head of tho river; but this was discarded upon tho ground that when it is froczing in tho valleys it cannot bo reasonably expected to rain on the mountains. The most original and ptartling idea is that Mount Hood has finally poured streams of lava down its sides 'into tho Dos ' Chutes', thus melting the snow in quantities suflli ciont to' raise the river as aforesaid. This theory is rather too original to bo correct. ' 1 ' - i SAf. ; Bowles, of thR.SpHnfffiold 'Jievublican.: cxnrflssfia lri fans, that . i j- . . w .. . .iiuy Oregon will go Democratln next elec - ew... vaa MtvVVUIJU VI LUU I II 11 II X III T I f 4 IU Jo from tho Copperhead 'sections of. in west. In that case, our surmiso .that. Oregon miht yet become tho .Missouri of tho Tacifio will bo fulfilled. After tho Colfax party." got back to California, tho tone of tho loiters of sorno members of it to the eastern press, changed very materially. iMr. Bowles particularly expressed -very "unfavorable nnininnn In mnarA in ii.' - ' fc w tuu mines in Idaho, which ho had never visited, and consequently know noth ing about. The great American branches of labor, aro as follows :, Blaoksmiths, 112.857: carnen tors. 252.0R8 nlnrka 184,475 j farmers, 2,423,895 ; farm fc 2- " WO" f n ' II. ' 'A ma nniiuB, oj,iHtf; laoorera, yoy,sui; miners, liljy) ; shoomakore, 174,680 ; sorvanls, 559,908: tailors, 101,703 ' toashers, 110,400. ".'J- ": " . r, ,1 1 1 Petitions uro being circulated bv ladies, In Virginia, for the reloaso of Jon. Davis, v ' " , Vkumont expondod 59,323,408 'dur the war. " ' ' - WALDRON I1KOS., , ' Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalle, Oregon. TK NOW OCCUPY OUR NKW TWO 8T0RV FIRK wW proof Stone Lull. Unit. ,ipo,l(l liloch. Millor A O.... nn, I offer to the nubile ,l full ,,, cmpK-ta stock of KKHOgKMM . - in pun ,,r TUIIPKXTINK, ALCOHOL,. ACI l.. LIXSKKD, ii WICK3 A CHIMNEYS BMIK. SI'OXOKS, J. K KOI IKS, Kill) lJ LA HI). CA.-TOIt AND 1L)I 10 AI HKAWVUOT OK. I.AXIMU1AOK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATENT MKIMCINKS. .?.?ri,"Ck of r,NCV,00 ""' "fHiodnost and best VrK11lKv;Y.,',rt'rt,,',Jn," hc" - OSMETICS, 1it ' HAlll 011.3. CLOTH 'S. COI.IXISK, TOOTH AND r.fOIll PJUDKUS, . AND C0.U1M. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purpose. i.0u,f".''imie? fur y;,ns "('" n" "0I""1 1" ' In tho Stitte. mill M-n aim I t ..tl at . .. 'V Tame fro,,, cost. Re.ly sal JanVl Z I r, n,.""M rill'SICIlXS' HlKSflitiPTiiiva ' . seiu-ti Tt 11 IVX O V j. L . GATES Ac CflAPlN, M'U0LE3ALE ft ltKTAIL DRU a GISTS. Have Removed to RVDIO'S STONI2 Ht'ILDIJVG, WASIIINOTOS STltKKT it4t.r.Ka .. fr7-IIEKR w will continue to loll nrtlclo. mnitlly coii$isl iii i irt of Patent SteilicliiM, Pure W'ln'iaii.l nrandr. a,, . Fancy Ownmun Suup, lr"M. Draco C,.rk, Add. - , T.lh Powder, yariil.c, Ale. Iiol, ' llnin, ' Bohemian Tollot gets. . 8u,inrten, c, PlIYSiriAN'S' PRR!iiiPTiftvo Cnrefiilly Coinpo,ind.l. Give in, a call and ati.r,- y iur- II. L. OIIAII V r.m.ri ' ... L.i.Piij . . iiuailM UATJ53. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. . B00TH...V. .: , BARnT MEVISOX. IIOOTH & NKvrsmv Forwarding and CommU.lou Meroliauta IK UKNE11AT MKItCIIAN UISK FS'ii'lCpi-DMniA, iuTwarded. ' " ' JSa KTV'lf Mark qoodiB. ft N., Wl ite Bluffy W. T, 1 air mxou : PORTUXD-RlcUanl. MeCrnken, Allea A Lewi., and llode ft Cttk-C. , PAttM-Bloeh, Miller ft Ca., Freucu' ft Oilman'. J7 J.O0ET7'J ; Vallee. , - F. KOKtflOSBKROKR, . ,i Pun rranciaco. J. GrOBXiC 18c CO.J TOBAOCONISTSi . Uftavrriaoved to' ; -? Rudio's Ney $tbno Buildine Waalilngtoa Street, near trench A Oilman'., rnd ha've opened a well.awortd etock of . , , llAVANAatid DOMBsTfc SKOAHS. ' v i ..1? WB8T18RN TOBACCO, ' FKKNCIIaml90OTC NUKK ' .uT ., MKBKSCHAON and otlwr P1PB8, PI.AYINOCAHDS,:inI.-K , . , BroitTINOO.JODS, ' : " ' ' INDIAN and t'ACY GOODS, c., 4e. r Tlie trade eupplM at UOWKSr MAKKKT PBICKR. MS. LEES r, . FRENCH MILLINERY SToilJ, t .. ... AU Dress aiakliiv KstabilVhment, Oppoaita Cobn tfc Dohm'a. TWOOtl) CALL TIISVTTKNTIOX 6t the tndlee a A ... ...j v nll, I0 nIHK 0f FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY .. IlO WinS, II iTS, FK ITIICRS, Dross TrJininlnrrii. .t- Having aecured the service, of MIt3, KRAHY. In the Dre., Halclng apartmeut, wc will do all work in that line and guarantee perfect antliractlou. . DYINO done iu all c.lore. ' ' ' .vSrlLTJ'iiri0"". J" "leivor tb .nit Particular attontioi paid to . Bmbroldary and Braiding Stamping, FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE IIEIt,rJA.M fc WENTZ, !Tyta. OI.OIIK IIOTKI. BUir.DINO, ffv? '. .J?! Da"" City, have on hand a Tiiriety ..JV-.'. ii "Household Furnlturn. J&Sw!y'pL'"!'Wlng Tables, Chair, llnroam) ZTZl. n?JW!T,?ll,",?l.,d 0''teada, Doddii.g.&irpeta ii-V. L. , liiii "n' toeruer. Also. on hand Mattrew.. and Pillow.. Spring ll.l made to order, quia HiwrMAntii.. .J.t,;., J.M.Muarnx, MARTIiyAfMUilipHY, , AUorneTs-at.ijiiv. , . .. w?ife.If1.noTj,,?hJ 0Ur' B"" to'.- T-5 Cnhy City ' ' " ociir. Mi :oal Ollt Coal OUT- - i fn8T RltCKITED AVDTOn f AT.U" ''--' !-' . fJnlOtt 0 VTE3 CII API.. J. JUKE R, . .Main street. Dalles. VBOLISAUt A.fD KCTAIL BBAIEII IS CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &o. AlWATS IN STORE TIKIOT BRANDS Of ' lisars. Tobacco, Matches, Ac. tI.AYIN0 CAIIDS. WlCKKT CUTMtKY, .,. , POUT MOM KS. COMI13 and IIUUSIIKS. o' all klnda, PKKKUMKKY. t cvry dewriuIionV -; CHINA OHN AMKNT3 . TOYS. 1)1)1,1,8. etc. " " HSU HOOKS and FISHINO TACKLB. MUH1CAI, IN8TKUMKNTS, V","s FANCY GOODS, ftc. Aim. I'owiler.Shot. Load. Powder Plak. Bniketi,and ninny oilier articles too nuinoroun to moutlon. Interior ileulera fupplipd with Ci)oir. Tobacco.etc. at lean than Portland prices, with freiitht added, oc-8 viiitY i mpo ixi 7j. is x TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and UAII.ROOMH. JUI.1U3 Kit A KM Kit HAVINfl 110UOIIT THR KN ' tire Stock or Merchandise and Hook Account of the lute I rin ol M . Seller A Co.. In tlii city, to which he Inn B.l.ledoi hin own Importation (while doing buslneH lu Torilaiid) nn iiiinienae etock ol the beat niiuitilHctured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, ' CliandclicrN, Table Cutlery L,ooliiiig-GlaisNcs and . All Kinds or Oils, 1 All of which he offer at reduced ratoa. Peraona wish lug to hny any of the nbore-inentlnned artlelen, will do well to give me a call behire purchasing elsewhere. Order from the interior promptly attended to, and goo.U packed lo go aeenro. Don't Inil to call on mo. HuJIo'a Stone Building, Wiuliingtnn atreet, Dallea. Dallea. March 17th, 1805. nihntf ... IIOO'F AID SHOI3 STOIliE ' IT. ' ' WYCK5IAIN . ' HAS RKMOVHD 1118 BOOT AND PIIOK ST.JIIK to the building nn Main atrert. nearly npponlto Uuialy'e Hull, where he has Just re ielvo-l, direct from Snn r'ranciro. anun- uBuiiiij uuu nnu well aelected ,tuck of HOOTS AND SHOES, of tho.rerybeat quality and latest alylea EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET Inrlnillng the eelebmled KXOI.18I1 IIONTINO BIIOK lunnufKctiired by IlenUert. Alo,a!nrgeaortiii.ntor , -aoies' and Children's Gaiters Of II,. l,.lA.t Oll. I.... .... 1 , .. . . ' , , Jun .w-uirrit iron, ine-Deic I'lill adelnhia makero. Alauya rory large oaaortuieu. of FINE DRESS BOOTS. Anr,f li. ,....., 1... . .-, ., . V. ' -.7, . ",. .m ui nan meir ur.ori or Biioe, nia.le to order, ran rely npoo ohtnlning a neat and .wv nt. If lL 'ilirtt . .r ' cl-tf w AvnjiA,,, Jinin Kiroel, y 1 ' .; Oppesil.Hdoily'alIall. IMPOltTEIl AXD JOBBKR Ofr " "Wines & Liqubrs, m ; FRONT STREET, : v Portland, ..... 6riri.: OKFKII8 FOU SALE A YEKT LAUOsV ASSOUT ment ot llraiKllet;. .. .. Wines, - - : : JLIquors, ; . . . , , Case , Goods, VCM &c., &c. Mi The Trait la Mp4tM..,n.l. t u.j . , -i. i , " J iii.i.bu to c i mi no my nek before HrcMk,iug elaewhere. aaU-tf NOTICE TO FARMERS. 'IMfiM'lS8. LUUBB" AND MANUFACTUUINO JL COMPANY law recently attached a . j ., FLOURING MILL to their Steam Sa-h and Door Factory, in tnl, Cltv. and are now lirniuiriMl l.i ftum. UVUn in,ru,, .....T. .-U . COKN. and warrant Ji giro the beet ulUhctiou. On .. FXTltA family rtourt, '.' ' . ' 8KC0NU8 Ott MIDDLIMOS, ' . . ' .,. . . . ilRAN AND 8IIOKT3. , ' ' CHOP fKKD, CHICKEN FKKD. - Corn 8tt,"lio, fllcle' of COHN alKAL, from new t. VlZ t'S,nt mrlw Pfi" PIJ for WirUAT, COItN a ?i, iV ;. ' ,.,. ' A. IIOOUK, Agent. Dallea, Nor. S; 186a.' . ; i- 7,3tf AUCTION AND COMMISSION. J O II PC - WILL I A M ,S , Atjotionetsr- No. 100, Main Street, Dalles C'lly. WJI.L ATTKND 'TO TIIK 8KLL1NO AT AUCTION ol General Merchandise, Ileal Kstato, Orucerl-s Horses, New and ffecond lluud Furniture, Slocks, Ac,, Ac, Regular Sales Uav..salnrdv. ' Out-door oud Special Sole, attended to In any part of Llbernl Advances made on Consignments nl9:3m. ' JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctloneor. LINCOLN HOUSE; ..: Curlier Waalilngtou and Kront Streets, . , . . POIITLAXD, OKKUON. ,. . ., , , IjemSTTiASS HOTEL. LAIUIKST I.N THE STATU. ? Charges Heaaonnble. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats anil rionwv ramengors and their baggage to the llouie Free of et v. . nu j viu uuuhih ineciry or flu cents. iP.S-inT AND COLD BAThtn'h? nSS. All the atoainors for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria land at the Unculn House WlntrC spl:3m ' r:-,,, M,,..-.. . .r, WM. RROlTH WlRirn 'm .; rd'ow" BKCOND STRKKT, totweesVjyasl.lngton Ornci Ilotms-o u,ttt lt and 0 to 10, t. M. FRANKLIN MARKET. C0BNKU OF 8KCOND AXJD WASIIIN0T0.V VT1IEET9 DALLES, 0REGOK, JOHNKPP1NGER Proprietor MIK UNDEHSIONKD-' harlng (llld up the alnire Mnrkrl In the ItU T TYLX,will keepevastaat- ly ou hand all sorts of Tresh and Cured Meat's, Or the beat qnality furnished at the LOWKST RATE My motto I. to "I'LKASK ALI-." PARTIKS HAYING SUPKIIIOU STOt'K FOR SALS will dowell to call at the Franklin Market. Dalles, Febntary 19th, 1806. U ASH IA(,TO IflAItKKT CORMRor COURT AXD SECOND STRKKTS, DA1.I.KS, ORKOOJf "van iiaitjttjtJi.BACH, Proprietor., wiliU KKEP cnmttantlv mi lini,H all !. ' -...v. 11 jiuhiu aflord. of IjlXbtle. that til. Ill,'lf n.n ILI EKKSH & CUIIED MEATS,' una always ol tne b et quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. The auderalgneq Is always prepared to pay the Llgh. est cash price lor FAT CATTI.K. Parties Lying ,t " 111 ITOOtl IMimlmitn Bl-tt v,.n....ul..l ... 11 . . B. - , , , .vwo.wii ,u no on nini oerora going elsewhere j0UN MICUKLHACH. uniios, siarcli 31st,180S. nihSltf CITY MARKPr. S. LAUDER & to., ' Proprietors, ' " in Keep constantly on hand Hie best MEATS OF ALL lilnRRAL SHARK OF PATI1ONA0K f , .... .- m mv u um KOQ.I I an iisfuirtrneiit of hi oh in itn.i ..e nu .... I Ity, ui tlie country Afforiia : nml will a iieiiver the lame to Purohaaeri in the City. give US a call before dl.,,oslug ol it c!.ehore. Bouthcast corner of Washington and Third Sis. ' . ..um. naiifr , uiucKsniith gimp: M. JBR0WN & BB0., "uvMoaia Ailll nfiTAili DCALEIlS lif j i PANCYiAND STAPLE DRY; Gh G OX) S ! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ac, sir. M. lllinwv ,.-i j.. ' i .' iro e nn i; to ? '""", W atone 8tore. north side Main street, Dallas. - NEW STONK STORK, WASHINGTON STRKKT;'' V1 L!!1 s-1 'Er Oihna,.'. N. aV.." ..7,. ." ,?" V?".'".r'''' prepared toai1"' wiues. Liquors ; and Cigars. . ' ' " ' ALSO, A Every day and Erenlng. , ' ! "cmt-' ' JOHir nisiDrj ai'b. IP T. I'TtT TXT Walt h maker and Jtwcler. . an a . isimn o KcET, DALLES. ' 1 , n aSfJIIf IMPJ. "!, "UT, . w-rariicuiar attention paid to renalrln. e,..d ni. w:r,'7 -fl PTy N.B. All orders from the upp'er nountry,'by sisnseM or otherwise, promptly attended to. . P. MRS. L.". WHITE'S ; 1MEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Waalilngton cvfrect. JWAV1XO JtBWLT FITTKD DP THE GALLEIIVot,, ti.atroto.r?pl,sf c"ts tfe Vlsite, tc;, that thoy wllloowolf togiwhoramll, I'arthTular at. DlNsolullon Notice. rflirRCO-PAltTNKRSIIIPheretoforeexUling between .JL 5-2 rtalles, Dec. 1st.; 1864. ' " ""' .' ' -B- Jt U, .,d ;,;d Veaoy'dlV hroc7,ors : ei. EvlibTZ. - v J. W. QURLEy, dentists: -Ilu St., Dalle., Oregon. . r OULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM ,,. clidty, that haeing retnmed from a pro, lTfcLs fcss onal tour through the mines, b Mns OTTTYT tendlmr thank.. ?. .1.1 u,"l . 1,to "Ual of ex. .ended.ohiar.aiTc,,;.c,:;?rann7 or mom. j otir VeatHre cnQold Base " u , ypp.r Denture, oriTaser::.::::::"-1, - !! " J ""-" Valcaulte Da... " S IS ' .1 iViffr "f". vulcanic r r: Si c2 hlr.M? ,??"t?, from " "" upward? i, fiaihlreW Teeth aatraotwl fr,. tf clmrg., ..ltf dissolution a ot ice. J 11 all llabUitios and adlick .11 "'orited to sttl He City, KT. 3d, I.W. :J;"Cj.