ailg l0iuttatiucr, rilCRSDAT MOUSISC, JAJf. 25, 18l$. A kEcknt tornado in Italy blew a 1 min of cars into tho Adriatic Sen, and drowned n number of passengers. TirenB aro a mile and a half of iron rinds now laid up in tho Delaware !l liver, at Lcngno Island. The widow of Col. Koitt is reduced to poverty. Her plantation is in tho Lands of her former slaves. Neoiioes aro emigrating from yir-. pinia to Maine, to be employed as wood-choppers ntvd lumbermen. ' . The French garrison at llomeywbich lias been there since 1848, is now be ing gradually withdrawn from Italy. Butman's picture of Mount Hood 13 eaid to bo equal to Biorstadl'sj neither, bowover, can possibly givo an ftdequuto idea of the original. The Emperor Napoleon has ordered trials to bo mado with a new square inoaluor gun, which bas been invent ed by an officer of tho French navy. Some of iho Southern journals ob ject to tho immigration of northern men to tho South. This rs certainly n very hoi sighted view of things. Tub State Journal opposes tho divis' ion of Oregon on tho ground that there tiro not now onough pooplo in tho filate to properly support tho burden, of a Stato government. The Fbehuet on the Deb Chutes. At a l.ito hour last night, wo learned that Graham's and JNix's bridges across tho Doa Chutos have been swept away by tho freshet. Steam engines to tho value of 990, CT1 were exported from Great Britain daring tho first six months of thi period of last year. Tub Now York Tribune, on tho 1st tilt., divided among its stockholders, lisnuss Tho oaliro original stock cf tho institution was only 8100,000, President Johnson told a gentle man who callod on him, that he was clearly of the opinion that negroes Iiavo now tho logal right to bring " baits, and testify in any United States , court. A patch in Southern California pro poses to have- tho vagabond Indians of tho Slate- apprenticed, in order to force them to corn their own subsist vnce, and thereby pot an end to their incndicancy and depredations " 1 Recently, a woman, named "Ison 1 holla OulJ, shot and badly wounded a man in Iliohmond, becauso ho rofusod to marry her when Bhe asked him. Delia asked and reeoived his forgive. rcss. Wi S. Mo'JoMrcK, tho iuvonlor of the famous roaping machine now gon rally used in tho Western prairies, nnd. by which ho made an immense ..: lortune, died lately in tho Illinois Btato Lunntio Asylu-n. Gen". Pope thinks that tho true pol icy to bo adop'.ed in dealing with Ion fliaos. la to kep rascally while men : "frorn gotting in lUoir way, Jt la etco more ' important' ' that operations iigainst thorn Bliould bontrQIted' to uompstcnt military men. Tart? Nici&Kames. It is a littlo singular that men should bo so resent ful at tho application of j nrlinim nick, natnofl. Some twenty-five j-enrs ago, tho Whig?, with the intention of be ing very severo nnd provocative, cuff ed the Bemoeirats "Locosfocos." By wny of retort, the unterrified called tne Whigs ttoe "Silk-stocking and Kid glove Party." In t'nna they had tho Republicans to contend! with, nnd theeo they nick.numed "Black llepnb licans " nnd "Nigger-worshipers." When an advocnto of tho largest free dom had the misfortuiio to bo novorei ly beaten by a gentleman of high toned1 chivalry proclivities, ho was condoltid with by a facetious IXimo craive journal as "our Black nnd Bluo Republican friend." It gcoms to bo something liko poetical justico that tho Black and Bluo Republicans final ly had a chanco to "como buck" at their persecutors with the samo stylo of arguraont, ns that beneath which they had so often cowered. Thoro is something moro than rotribution something more than poetic justice in contemplating the- immeasurable full of tho onco mighty Democratic party. It is a solemn reflection that this party, instituted by the best men of tho revolution, and confirmed by Jackson, Bonton and Silas Wright, should Iiavo lost its hold on public sympathy. Its fall is a warning to those who drift from tho rock of prin ciple ob to tl'O quick-sands of expodi oncy; it leaches that thccxistctico of nn underlying moral principle in matters of state, must over be recognized by party leaders-; that justico must bo d' no to all, and that no country is safe with a population disaffected by oppression or discouraged by neglect. Tho particular application ot tho prin ciple to our country is, that tho buy ing and eellin-g of men as caltlo; the denial of tho family rotation to tho black man; the suppression of tho free dom of discussion, with its concomi tants, tho caning and shooting of Yankees in general and abolitionists in particnlar, hat-, liko the fabled drag on's teeth, brought tho legitimato re sults of such procedures. The gon crul tenor of all history teaches simi lar lessons : pride goes beforo a (all; the oppressor shall bo brought low; with what measure you mote unto i The Steamboats and the Rail road?. Tho Idaho will ho sent below this morning to lest tho practicability of resuming connection with the boats below tho Cascades, Judging from tho condition tho river in fij-ht of town thero shoirM bo no impediment to reaching the Cascades-, but at that point it is probable tho-t the railroad will lo found snowed under, unless the operation of tho elements I here hits been moro favorable thirn in this vi cinity. The road bora hero to Celilo is partially open, nnd a of tho lust two days of rainy weather will tako tho snow off in another day. The fco in tho river appears lo have left in a very mysterious manner ra it was still solid over pretty much the entire surfuco of tho water day before yesterday Evening, but yesterday mor ning it wus gono. Tho larger part of it probably dropped to the bottom, near whero it was formed, and a poi- tion went dowft with Iho curront. Tho river is rapidly risia-g, and rt the snow continues to go off wii.h rain, appres hetibions aro felt of extremely high water. . ... Maximilian has icsueU u decree, in viting immigration into Mexico, giv ing settlers I roe lands, ownership in fee simple, free from till taxes and all duties, for a year, effects not liable lo custom dues, und exemption from mil itary Bcrvieo for fivo years. They must, however, be enrolled as miiitiu. The S. F. Flag says that tho Union party was intended " mainly for war purposes, and tho war having stopped tho mtiin elements ot the war party revert to tho Republican organisation as it was before tho war." This is on tho piinciplo of "Good enough, Mor gan, as long as it writs. " Mr. WUllam Blrnbtnm respectfully In form li is patron, mv) itruro iiurticiilarly the ladies of thin ell' nu t vicinity, that lis will sell at private sals, At am-llnn prices, nt Uis sturo on Male, street, the tal- ancu otitis splendid stovlLof Watches, Diamueds, Jew elry nnd Fancy UoonV. Aft tltU will be the but opportu nity to pnrcluwe, the ladsse mid the pubtso an iKitrd iu Ctllt. Isaac r. ItLorn, Sab Prnncisco. C. S. Miu.rt. Bio. h-tii.D.rir.. Inillee. Bloch, Miller. & Co., WHOLESALE 3r TL O C E JR, & - ' ' " AND DEALERS IX And ImporliTB and Jouherfl of OXOTHIN.G Ioot Ac Shoes Under Clothing, JBlaukcfs, etc., cfc, etc. A.SSA.Y OFFICJi:. WK HtVE A ASSAY OFFICE IX CONNECT: wi'h our lm.-dnia, Mitdor the onlirp fmperviainn f .Mr. Miller. We- make rrtumein l!nrn In lx horn--Wf Ktinriiuteo nil our Atnv unit pay tli HIilllKr CAHII 1KICK for ll.ira. t'e nlo pny the IligTirrt Ciuh I'l lco for Gold Dubt. BLOCII, M11.1.E1! 4 CJ.. niyOtf Cor. lUalav wd WiMMniiton atrretii. ll;iilv. Oregon SI e;un Navigation to. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. fasssr; aitATTfasa srssda ON AND MONDAY, NOVEJ1DEK 13lh uuti further notice, 'Tlio PasBcnger Trniit to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Wlli atart from tlio K. It. DKt'OT DAI.I.BS CUT. on Mondays, VVednesdnye, and Fridays, at 4i3B A. M. . T1IK STKAJIl.Tta " 0 K E 0 N T A " or "IDAHO," CATT. J. McNUI.TY, Coummmter, Will leasee DALLES, DAILY. (Snmlayn e; rented) at b o'clock. M. n.eonoiKlin. by tlul CASCA.DF. UAlUtOAI, witn me Hieitmer "NEW WORLD" or " CASCADES," CAl'T. J. WOLF, Commander, fo I'ortliwiJ. W. B. liltADFOUbi' Duties, Not. K; T8C3.. nlilfl . Agent 0. 8. N. Co. SELLING O IP JP AT COST, ' FOR T1TIRTY DAYS LONGER 1! others, by the samo shall it bo meted unto you, and tho Bf me indignities once , heaped rpon abolitionists, aro repaid in kind. . Thoro appears to bo a Provrdcnliul provision in such mat' tors, and tho results aro worked out by tho principles and propensities in herent in tho nature ol man. Th Dayton Tribune bas seen a beautiful specimvn of pure plumbago, taken from a well-dcCncd ledgo four feet thick, and encased in tho hardest granite, twelve miles bolow Dayton, e Carson River, Nevada. ' The epoo fcrren ruts and writes equal to tnat in fabor's best, and was taken out at threo loot from tho surfaco. Wbsco Lodge, No. IB,. K. A. . A. M.. Holds Its stated Communication, on the Flret and Third Saturdays of ecli laouth, at their hall, In Dalles City. lireliiren in itomi sianouigure uiviteil toalteml. kiu L. Vun, See'y. Uj enter of Ike W. M. , Colnmbln Lodge, Ko. O, I. O. Ca- Meets erery Friday erening at 6J o'clock, In Sates' Hull, comer of Second anA Court Streets. 'Brothers In good staiMlinfr are Invited lo attend. Ilyorder. K.O. -J. "'ATFdBBES FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT -j.- ! : AND r , , j-rii.; : ' Provision, Store, COIlNHJt OF WASUIXOTOX 8KCOND STKKKTS. CONSTANTt.T ON II AND the chofcost articles of FltKSIt UUTTKIt, KOOS.and erery rariety of : FAMILY 01tOCiaitIC, 1 XUTS, CANDiES, ff, $e.;- x ' Wholemle and Retail, at Uodtteed Prices FOIt CASH. lo, dealer In . - GIIAIX, FMHTR ASD FEED, ot all kinds, nod will do a '' '.. , General Commission Business. Xo tlrirgofl ftir 8torij;a on GikxU mIJ on Cunimtolon. I'rwBcJii of B:tie remit o l promptly. ' JiilOl r llNolutioit Alollce. fHIl KCO-PA KTN KH8HI Plieretofore pxitttnabet wcoo JL GKOKOK Mi'liKAN ft DAVID UOKMMi, In tit Kclhine Chop lUtiN(, l this day dinflulveu by lnuttml turn- wnt, VivtUl UutiiltiR Imrinit soM out hli Inturent la Geo. Sriclst'itu, wiio Is KHine niitliorixeu Iu trnntinct ntiy buii rfc'M iii tbe inline of suiil hot. ho. O. MLK AN. 1 nllett, Jan'y. 12. 18IMJ. 1). DONMNQ. LAST CHANCE! MKSSRS. CQHN nOHM wonld hereby Inform ttietr customers nnd the public nt lar)ce, that tlicr will continue to sell AT COST, for .thirty days burner in order to give ono a rhnnro to nmkft irc8enta for ttie Holidays. V'o will sell the balauce i our stock, cou sistinex4 Kirn BlnrK Sllkiy Oonts' Clnak. -Itirh lNvptiaft. Denvt-r Conte, Clc-lo-V , Dress Coats,. ShaeTa. ( - jants, Dry floods, - IiuibreidMriesv. lints t Caos, Boots Shoeav ic, 4cM te-, o., AT SA1V FKAKC1SCO COST, WitlionFrelgl-t and Exp-na.s. This will be tlie last cuiince to get bargains, prior to nosing iu concoro. (JUIl.N uutl.M. N.B-- AH Hills maetbe paid by U ' first of Jiwimrr 1S6D. If not srttlediwlthiu that time, 'lie same will be-' placed In legal haeeet. ..... ileltf. Ftffjhlowabter Goods, MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. mlS O'nOURKBDKSlHESTOlNfOnM the J.VJL Indies or Dalle and riclufty, that ho has jest received a freak supply of tit The latest feete. Mew York said 9an VraiieWm arvtee of DONNKTS, HATS, rfBilOSS, LACKS, FKATHKKtS riAin ehb, c. a iuii ana wen-selected asaaetneut or Ladies' Beady-Made Garments. . i t Also, a Fasldouabh) assortment of , DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMP! NO (or Embroidery nlxTBraMfrtr. I'IMCINO done at aliort uotlce. UONNKIS Wenched and I'moed In the latest style. A Inrge assortment of Children's Kendy-Made Clothing Cnnstnntly on lutwL. llaviug secured the services of a rtm ciaxs urees Matter. 1 am prepaeea to cat aud nt uiiiias' ami ninireirs uuiissica ami cr.OARS. T1I1KD STltKKT. one simiire east of the Church. ., .. . oc21:3iu. ( 1 , Tub Boston Transcript Bays that ttiO Boston Monduv morning pnpers wero not allowed to publish reports of Sfandsy erening moelings, the Stato ConstaOlo having just , decided lhat tholr'nreriftralion and printing mo not works of neoosBtty,iriorcy or charily, l. . V N vy-: YoftK, paper; locates ,'tbo groat nalttral curicmlty of the Sunken Lake, whieh in Jackson County, Oregon, near Jackaonvillo, Illinois. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN ! mZJZTH FEED ! ! V. AKU ' ' " . ' : '. -v. ', '.' ' ". ' 'J Of AIA KlXbi 0B MtBf . , '.-,' j SS front Street, Portland, !0:tr. Opposite O. B. N. Wacenoose. TOYS ! TOYS IT0YS! TOYS ! FOI TOYS A!VO FANCY GOODS For lha TTolidays, we recommend all dealers In that lino to tlio BASKET AND TOY KMPOItlUM of TUUM ADKIt k II IN. n28:3m 320 and 323 Battery Street-, ' San r-i-niK-leco. OInnoIiiHau of Co-Paitiici-Nlilp. TIIBCO-l'AltTNBltSfllP fierntoDtre extntlng under the iininv and style of HOBKIIfS, McKAItl.AM c CO., Is this dnyrinwnlved by mnronl consont. All lia. bllltles of mild Arm twbe paid by KoldMus Wearer, and .-til debts due until firm to be paid to and t-nlh-rted by - - J. H. BOBBINS. " C. McVAKI.ANir, Pnlb S, Jan. S, 1800 ' O. W. WKAVKIt.. All pel-sons Inilebfed to ns will pleaso call and 1'nn- gle" and save costs. jii'iul JOSEPH ELPELT, VntrresAU as iitah sum is Fancy & Staple Dry Gootjs, CLOTH IMQ. BOOTS AND SHOES. itf.i U.IAT8 AtrOCAPlS, ANA;:.. Gentlemen's Fnrnlsftlng Good. Vlre-pruof Stone Store, corner of Main and Court " . oct-tf