cm aili) IHountatnetr; EMIOltATlON TO TflNNESSEE. -A Nttshvillo letter saj-s: "Tliere is a con-side-ratio tido of emigration alrihtiy sotting into this, Suto. ,'So. far, H is principally composod of business -and jirofessional men, who are locatingln Iho towns and cities -of Alio .Siuto'. Emigration ' to Nashville has- pretty woll re:ruhod its limit,' until 'our ac commodations in the way of houses are, increased. Hundreds of appli cunts during tho last month havo been obtain any sort ol sheltqjy nri'd' Consequently havo been "compelled to 6eoic .a lucution eisewhoro. Incon sequence of tho great demand . for houses in tho city, rents havo reached h fabulous figure, and eonlir-uo lo ads viiuoo. Wo gladly receive any addi. lion' to. our population, by thoso who will bpcomo worthy members of, the comiriunit-,' whatever their buiucss or profession, but what we most need is aii influx of agriculturists and me chanics who will go into the ccuntry and country towns and develop the immenso resources of tho country. For'such men tho inducements which aro now offered in many portions of tho Stato are seldom surpassed. The labor and economy which would sim ply enable an Ohio farmer to live com fortably, would, in. many portions of Ten n ess co, owing to our genial climate and gonorous soil) enable him in a short time to become independent. There arc but few portions of tho Stale at this limo where emigrants would havo any causo for serious ap. prehension on account of tho disturb ances of tho country. We would like to 50,000 sturJy Gorman farmers daring the ensuing oar. -u 3 - A Chinese Stouy. There were two eUort-sightnd men who were always quarreling as to which of them could bee best; and as they heard there was to be a tablet erected at the gate of a neighboring temple, they determined ihey would visit it together on a given day and put the visual powers of each to tho test, But each desiring to take advantage of; the oiuer, Chng. went immediately to tho temple, and, look' ing quite, closo to tho tablet, saw an inscription with tho words, "To the great men ot tbo past and future Ol ' AT COST! -Mi "Wuinbcliik Co.. Wi,I:f'i,SL0S .UT ,niKIK "TOO OK NKl'tCIIAN WSB, at their place of buslnoss, at the Dulles. In order to go the Minus. Their stock embraces Di y Goxwls, Cfothlngr, Boots, Ha.s GENERAL MEli CllANDISE, All which wjll he solilM COST, for CASH onlv. ttir- All who know thenidulvt-ri Indebted to our flrm nt me unties nni pioiisucuu anil settle as soon ns p.-sslfdo. THuse whu h.-tve hcutl nceornmodnted we trust ' will not delny in unnecessarily, 1-tit be prompt In squaring up ac counts. Cull unil nee us, all and everybody In uuU-tf M.- M U.NSC1I CO. JV13W GOODS! MIIVINC1 JUST AltHIVHD FltOM -THE JAN FltAN chca Market, we would Invite tLonttcutloti of our friend mid thu community ut .1 true, to t-ur woll-sclected stock of - lry Goods, : ' ::'", ;'. I'lotl.lnjr,' .' Roots & Shoes, ':" ' ' &.C., &.c, Which we aro rcllinfrat tho most reasonable rates. We Ciinuot seU our Roods AT COST, hut assure. the comnii:. nity that ItpleiOies us ty cell goudn at SMALL l'lUIKlTS. di-Utf. J. ' HERMAN 4 CO. thang woni prying yetcloser,.aua in addition to 'the inscription, "To the i:i9iiu.-iuuir uriiiD uuoii nuu iiiqiuuic. NEW AUCTION HOUSE. T. M. WARD & CO., 'J ' (Successor to W. P. Miller,) .TJCTIONEEIIS. Court Street, below main. WILL SELL AT AUCTION AND ON COMMISSION Ucncral Merchandise, Mining r-tiM-l-j, Ileal Kg tate. New a'ld Sccoud Hand Furliliuro, Farm l'roilueo, llon-e Ac, Ac. ltl'.CHIVIXll and FOUWAltDIXO O lODS, out door nnd Special Saluj prolnplly attended to. Kegular Sulc Days, Tuesdays asitl Saturdays. Llbrral Advances made oii Consignments HAKE m) w.. ofacturor and Importer of CARRIAGE, ( O.Vf OBI), BIGC ' 1 ASD ' STAGE IX A li, IV 13 S S Saddles, ItrldleH, U'hlps. A general assortment of . - , - . Saddlery, Ilnrdwarc, Lcallief,.ctc. Onlort Solicited. llttli-t,rr .i,.i, ..-Li. ........... and dispatch. - ' y. A. IIAKK. je:iiir Main Street, fronting Waahingtou, Dullof. MANTUA aiAiciiiii. MPS. MATT1K HOLIHtOOK would respectrully In form the L:uli ol the Dilhui and vlclully, that lie has opened a shop in connection with Mint O'Kom'ke, wlo re fhe is pretian d to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. HiiYing Just arrived from the Kiiflt, fche hopes to be able to please all as to Form and Fashion floats, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TltltEK IXKDas.Wwit ol the Corner or TIIllll) and TJMON Streets. ' ncl;iu3 ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Alain Street, corner of Court. OLD MACK. Tim PIOXEF.R COOK, would respect .fully iulonu the joiblic that he has fitted up the above Chop House, and is prepared to serve up MKALS and LUNCH in the best st.vlo und at the shortest notice. IIAIXSaud PAJ;TJ Ei lrni-Lcd w tk suppers, iu the best stvle and on the ni ivt reasiuHihle tiYiiis. Ol'iTtltS In ettry u;le. private lluooit for Ladies. HOUSK OPEN A LL NIGHT 11 1, At K LIV1-. JOHN II. W AIta "OI CR0S3 HOLLOW, has this day pii me Three Hundred nd Forty-vue Dollars iu UUKkMiAl Ki AT I'AK. for a dekt due in Gold Coin. V O RT li A JYI F O UN DIt Y AND MACHINE SHOP, FIliST STltKKT. bcti'oen Yamhill and Morrison. 4,2 team Knirtnea ICJ of from 4 to 40 liorss- AjiLS1 I.HM, till..,,. n i.i..n --yfvrfro si&?ru Stiitioimry. Also, Clll- CULAIl SAW MILLS COM on liar ses of Machi pntte Cast Iron work for V ticnl Sawnnd Grist mills; llrass and Iron Castings anu WROUGHT IUOX WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the "Latest & most Improved Patterns. , These Mills can bofonvarded to any part of the mines as tho weinht of the entire machinery will not exceed i, 000 pounds. . .. , . . . . Horse Foworg tc Agricultrtral Implements manutacturod tuordor at the very I.UWHSTOASIl I'ltlOR II. l'articillor attention paid to 11KPA1118. felio-tf BLOT- 0S! . LKTB, constantly fBj.?'3:f5.a JMJt .d. Also, liny Pros- ?Jt&gfffiZ all; lMauhur SiW ncs.(Voodworth's rn.) Wroueht and 9-xrJ&- mMl&j&. bee. SO, lHOo. J. C. 1I1FFLK. read frora AftiaUor feBirtlo'ttrt; rTni8 tablofc twj ruisod by tho family of Ling in honor of the great 'man'; On the day appointed, standing1 at a . dis tance from, whioh neither could readj Chinj cxtilalmod, .", Tio inscription is, ' To tho groat man of the pusUand tho future.?' t ' rrhe.V-huid ChVne, " buyott haveileft oub'lpari of thd inscriptioqi whicli, 1 can faaa but you cannot, and which is written in small, characters : ' Eronted by tho lamily of Jjing ipt hpn.qr ot the) great mari.'i i Tli am ii'.nn snnh . lriRfirintioh."" Silltl Ching. - " There Is," s'atd Chang. ' So tacy waxod. wroth, and ;ftfterkb8ing no anpthof ngre'od.,(p.j;eM)r tllO,raattery to thaiKiglTprioa , lr,7T--r4urf''''F 1 -rf "I " Gontlomenv. thero .' is, Ji'o. tahlct. M read ;' it vva : taken irtta thc- it) terlor Cfthe tcfrpjplq yesterday "i. SberlflT'K Sn,le ol Real Estate. BY VIltTL'E OF AN EXJiCUTION ISSUED RTTIIS Clerk ol Die Circuit Coui t of (li ant riimlv. mill tn ins iliretted, In favor of Wary A. Sinclair, plaintllT, ouilM nKKinsi . a. aickwimsi, oeienuuui. lor llio sum ot ev. enty-nno Dollais and Fitly Cent,($7 1 M,) principal and' suvAi dollars and eighty cents. ($7 80,) costs and libiirs Clients, I havo levied Uhiu and will sell at' public 'motion, i me iiiKiiiist uiouur lor easu nana, on BA tUHUAi, JA.N U All V lillli, I860, Iietween the hours of 12 and 1 neiocK r.n, uator J he tourt House door In Canyon City, the fellowinx described property, to-wit: ., uue ii. .u o aim ijt.situ.uod in the town orgnahnle, Stato yfOreKon, Comitjfol Omnt, commonly known as the Wickwood Saloon. ,, .. Jl. p. BBllllV, Bhorlff. Hy W. w. w iiii'PLit, Doputy. Canyimtylvc, llih, lwa. citv) , Slierin '8 8 i-i. " ii i ii.'jn.-i ... vi ,,1-i-l t .1 ' " . i '""l A' Overland Cumol' (Qpfiripany has boon organized in New York with the objecttt jrtriportinpf' Fol ltiieJcooWlry and usinguptTri' tho xfqpltcrn''j)K,ip8, next fcammcr. a lar?6 camber ol cam- cla.hyijnrra3l9 ar9 !,to',bp.,ihiporUicl from. Algeria. -w T. fc JL"jufi(tM(('- oonventioriy'to'Wnsidor tlie 'mtbiri trieosta bi'.i California la 0 bo held shortly. of Ileal I'ropci ty,' BY VIRTUR OF AS EXHCfcTKiN ISSUED BY TUB Clerk of the Circuit Cant. if (IrSnl fmintr. mil In aie.directcd. In favor of F. W. Hall, plaiiilin, and aRiilnst A. V. Murchand, diifoudnnt, foi thu sum o. Seven linn !red and Sevi-ntrelitlit ilollsrs.and twontv-alul.t (T77S ,28,1 principal, und illty-une dollars und foor Ofnts. (M 0.) costs and dl.hiulnenls, I havs lovled upon and Kill sell at pnhlic auctMi. to the hisjiest bidder uir cusb In hand, on 8ATUKDAY. JANUAItY 3llu 1H0II. hatween tin hours of 12 and i o'clock, p, m.,Aeforo the Court Houso door in Cauyon City, Iho Allowing deacrlbod prop, erty, to-wtt: Ontt llonso and.Uit sliuatod iidob Mulu streot, Canyon Clsjr, State of Oronon, County of Grant, and cotuinnlilv known a. IIaII u..l..n. ByWuiW. WittrrLM, Sepnty. 1. Canyon City, Deo. 12th, 1806. - 4o24-l '' "" DRUGS AND 1'A TENT, MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! a , w - - i- u i . , DRUGG 1ST, ... Washington street, betwessr-Mara and Smonv Stneta, CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties' In want of Drags,. I ratcnt medtciucs. Cheiuh-uls, Acids, Perftuuyry auu vmjijt uiirar ariiuia enuineraiou who tliv WHOLESALE bttUG'BUSINESS. At tho lowest market rates. ' i i i f ... - 4sT" l'hyslciaus and Werchants Intending to purche for the Miues, will do well to give him a call.- ,'; TRUSSES & SHOULDER PRACB3 I n great variety. .'..! ii-.i.t.i'- . , . ,-;t-.-vr.. .-g. tBMoW,1-' ap.8:lf. . WaslilnEtbD'St'., Iietween Main adn Second. ' i,l HentiTeMr AVJohn IIa1ev pii(tO,, viT v,,; Jtnt iilnua.Aiftlon tot-cpovrf Money. In County Court of the NDATfT : In tho name State of OrjOfvut, for I J Ion I: rf to isa a jickNiftcR, m: it JL uf4ho4SliU,f.Ort)ton.-. and reqnireu to appear and answer the coniplnint of the. L'lalntllls, aoc ou (Uola theClerkt otllon, ilr raid CiAiri after service hereby Upon yiss by publication' 'tat, si? weexs to ine wjcsklv novNVAimiK. as uy order or said I answer said complaint, Coart, or Judyntont for,j:.aptthorto(; w JVbsntnrmralnst you ; anu.univss yon so npponr anu answer said complaint, tll Plniotimt will. take, ludirment. acalnst von f ,r llin fnip of $2'i6, together with the costs and disbursements V. 8. ltev.Dtssupi . M. DAKEIt, Att'y for plaintiffs' f ov vciim. j jaiio-ow S I i ' . - m aTk af t J K slMll s . f. anflln vs. Iiomo JunnlnarA. riofnttdant Action to recorvr munoV.'ln Cyiintjr Cuurt of the HtHte 1'rivato Residence Fo.r' ;:; Sale. A KtCB IIKSIDBXCK, located In tin !.. prt a.Uwn.,wlll be sold cliean .yu ;ami. -snqmra the StoVaof ' rjulOtl . CUUNAUOIIM. amfniitmsi yo so apptulr aji . j i, r j'imltl will take juilirten ru Joslr, CUUmtM p'f WMI Hr'U 'imt si of Oreiron. for Union County.. ffJ-O ISAAO'JKNNlrias.DefendAnl JL In the name the State of Orcein, vou are . hereby summonod required to apnVnV.ano answer I'lulntifT coioploiiit on me in ine uierK s .Qtlict and now on tile in tile Clerk's' .ofllco In said Court, niter,, ser vice hereof npon yna by publication fur sis woeks in the MOUKTtXMK, S bj( M WucsLr ojlsr ol . saiu Court, or HI ov.taKen will take judgment aiinlust you for the sum of jtidcinent fof want thereof will be taken against vou. Sli.l unvsss yoa so apptutr and aiiswer said complaint, the DALLES CITY Bltl'G STORE. P. CRAIG, VHOLISALt AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES,'.!. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, rATKM MEDICINES, ic. ... jn.fl-tr DAILY MOUNTAINEER 1? IN S , ,-T. Q p.. L 9 . milk WII0I.R mbractns: a flno stdc!'orer aftirla JL of which will ka-aahL-ai COST, as tl lluiUalolcliuu. mi business'. Atso; dhti OH AND I'l ANO, in sood order. Also, bis intfec tint llfUTW. AND U)l.snn rW-iuoT St tV nor to the corner of Washlnitton, Xlio llouso is tvod stories, .wltb bKMnuUitund Hi Veil adaptod toTneliotel I Husines.s. aiso a ioi oi nr.uiisu,.coiprHlii aliout twenty.flve.Bi'd". Th whole will be closed out vlleup-. vw iww lariiuuiais ujiny OII tile promisee, :l . ' mittJin . ALllKhl IINt'TINOKN. Ml T . r'iCuWOTic'k IB nEtlBDY GIVEN that the ;CrnartnersliIriie'retoi' ' fore .existing between K. (0. H HDV, 4VI IUITCII KU. ai d F. W. 'I'lIilMrSON, doing a mercantile hnsl. ness In this nlace. undacilie iui.Af it. lir.iu a Is tlila,' djiysylved by siuiUiiil ceiisaninWd-lmrtfte'r-l ine uuBiueMi ui BHiii iirill will uo comjuctuil,. by, Sj, c iiNruy, wunpuvi. is siusuoriaou iu collect -arm sert'e the acctxunts of said firm. K. C. II ARDK. : li ,, l.t.l! u, .i.ut.ii .. ' 0. L, MlTtnikl.C is - t'O-WKIt PRESS : BCOX & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. J.' First Street, betweon Main and B DALIES OREGON: ' JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Kxocnted with accuracy and dispatch. Jr A STVLE I'll AT MILL COMfAtK FAVORABLY ' .' with the very best, and " - ' i AT EAT?S AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST , ' to OEnr.a: Cards a n l K i 1 1-15 e a cl CHECKS, DRAFTS, HXCEU'TS; : P0STEUS AND PKOGKAMMES FOR ,- THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS tc fe, o?c., rmitTRn tv rni most attbactivi kannlx. auo. . WAY-UILLH. ' HILLS OF FARE, LETTKR HF.ADS. RECEIPT ROOKS. , JU1L.S LADIXV, - fTricfs and r.tHipliIcIs, riSITlXa, WEDDING AND AT JIOME" CARDS 1 . . DrnstxifstV Labels, ' In short, everything that can be done in a llonfc and Job 1'rititiiifr Ofllce, fl'om the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest site and most showy I'ostinit Hill nnd which will be turned out in a style that cauuos ' full to insure entire satisfaction. , , .,, ; .-, , ova rAciuTiEs roa mi iiecutios or DECORATIVE PRINTING" In the moat beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. J 1 ' ' Such as Fancy Posting Bills!' From a single Sheet to tho Largest Mammoth. ' ORNAMENTAL SIIOW CARDS. l URHUERS' LABELS, I Alt unsurpassed by those ol any other establishment In Oregon. . We devote special attention to this brunch olll.a ' business, and are coutiuuully adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material, ' , . I Oh NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. ; dJc., . fvn ; . Of the most modern nbd elaborate designs.' Our stock o. ' FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C.,; An of the finest aunlltv. and fur richness of color atul' durability, cannot boequaled in (he State. I ' I"1J ine principle upon which business is asked Tor this fr- tablishmuirt Hk that p'erwinS wiH consult thrit-uwn inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office in whhh their maiiny can bejtpended''to-th liest ailvlintage.'',V this end we solicit all in want of good Muting, at very; i reasoiHibto charges, .t' call add examine speciiueusr uiM ' udgo for yourselves. , n i O rdeVs from the ' itTpper Coun jl r j Will have oor ipeciaf car, and rrlends from thej'ntcrk r ' may rely opon luiyjng their orders, filled promptlyv saw t I HAVE. THE. QNL.yjjyiPROVED GORDON POPH PpES,'; "In tli e ' Htate of Oregon I .... MOUN1 mip-n T;'. tip SER OFFICE JACKSON - SALOON ! CORNER' COURT' AND SECOND STREETS, ' ; ' ' DALtM, OBKG6N.' . . TUB UNDRH810SK.D, JIA VINO RHMOVBD F&OH. TUB "BKI.LA UNION" CELLAR, INTO SELLING 10 BF A 1MJ OS T! Grtttfc'"iS'isw: lisilldlnar'T'-" ftog to inform the'tiiiWlc Hurt titey are prepared tole',,,J their customers with tho beet ,., ijiij Vrtrw'tUqr u wihidicr y. r ' nyil oi' ti it?; ; i -tut t. ' TKMti. str-in-T-r Ilard Wottd litiiaitief1 CARAiAGE'p vdiyfAf eatS K TIKO-rb CALL' ATTKNl'IOM of Carriage Mifn' SusanvlUe.Q rant Co., Oregon, ' T. W: 'UOMI'SON . jNov,,;?,,;; .nljn-J rjHIK , U H LIKIIS1U NED iWOULD I V' FORM "llM" "1 I I'raroltus; Public that the Washington Wagon' Road froai.Portland and Vancouver 0 tlie Upir Oisoades'ls well belu kept In good traveling ordor Ihr wagnnt ami toe " B.C.IIAUOY th lW. Janlltf Bole Proprtetor'- " '.H OTTICE. 1 T HJ TjllRRRBY WARN. AIJU rttSONS from Mntractlng j- uujtoK nii.iiing wuaiever irom. .r, ts anu aisuurseineiits or this . 7 , . .,2, r w"vr -wiii nnve uoon inougiii uy ine.puuuo respon- aAKKR, Att'v for ulalntilj . lalble, as I am not, nor will 1 hold mysi-lf ripdnsiWo fir ,r..4 . Jant-flw,,. ..,:l , ensauvllle, QraaVfio', StrrT-itS 18oi,T' 'W. ' . tr nfacturors and1 liealen. ta.tkn.lh:e nud Com plcte assartlliehC of OARItlAUK and V'AUON MATKitI A 1.8 we arcoostsiit iciihg(iin,li')Kat-t. ipeolslty,)') ' selected for the California market, coinprising, Oak, Illokqr-. noil fcosonlJrowtJi Aaliil'lank, Hickory Ailustui Wagon Polei., Illibs.Spukea. Felloes, Itlms, Shalts, tc. if. which wnoHi,tei thvlowuit CatK Pficea.ii'U:!.(ufi--i Jr. . ' M I lnl.r. In ...... ,.,a- u.ll VA.AV. n,.n, attsiitlorw)i (Oij IV''. ut '-' N. W. I1HA0U CtV.i' "'Hi Jul:3mi- --T-.'! I- laud 11 10 Soveuth t trout SacramentdV 6 1' J a XI ....n.i... 1) r. . f . . ' . hi ... San FrojicUca' n uliBactwneuto. ' New ork'-'i! -rtllB nNDKH8IQNBP JMSGS TO INFORM niBCIIv iir JL liens of fhe JJiillee' and vicinity that be has received ., a NF.WJIKi.HSbl audJUU . liil'ij J,.iU , ..J-lU, S aliett Jintlce; 'DhJsK.fli Brst, ithd at 'nreseni,' ontjr' '7'i A."f.v'an9'j"' trrTTT'T,r"n7tyfw .ivs-tim.-.- Ki.Uee,aivyl(i'lteB..! .till f- '-,-U wiTM-tti .!-:.'' '"i.ns. ! . :t ! -)' . I 'i:tT;i'i:' ' i ' ,!ioiJ:L'lxu tilj ititiuv k.8i .aisys.l ; .. . .. I' i a A i . 'iiufui'. vd '