fails' -3 omitaiitccr! 4 T 1 . Ai "" ..' .'".., JV. JJIliKIIAI. iniNT"hA Knt 'lnrt Grove, of Mariposa and Yosemite Vttllev haro hnnn irmntnrl In f.iKfV.-- nia by tho Unhetf States, sohject to certain conditions, j The Stnto of Or: Cinn' ought to put In! a claim for the' cession of the mountain-peaks of the Cascades Range particularly Mourn llood. The State should' guarantee the preservation of these remarkable iuonaments of nature against the Von d'aliiam of person who might 6o cfis. posed to attompt their dostruction. Some measures might also, bo taken to prevont tlvc mmveprcsontation of me noignin or Mount nooa by lite rury. tourists tend porogrioating Con. grossraen. A1F ar.fsts- who pawit our mountain sconery should' not be al Towed to include tho great peaks with out paying for the privilege. 'A good thmg, in ihe financial way, would be the collection of a tax on till persons coming up the Columbia Eiver. for a Bight at Mount Hood children, A-fri ennnd Uliinumen, half price ladies, free. This tax should in no case be remitted on tho plea that tho traveler " did not see it." In ordor to make the most of such a. grant, it ought to bo Htadlo actionable for any person to epoak disrespectfully of Mount Hood, or to institute comparisons between that ioak and. Shasta BuitOj-havrng the-Durnoso to exult the lhtter.: Hut. fl'i-st, we should procure the foeisimple to theso mountains. ' To that ond we uak, in fact demand, that our Senators and Congressman do at once proceed to proeure from our revered Undo Sana the title to Mounts Hood, Jeffer son,, the Three Sisters, and all other peafts over 8,000 feet in . height!) in tiie Cascades itango. Wo certainly Have aa good a right to theso moun. fatiris as California, has to Tosemite Valley; and if that Stated boasts the ownership of tbo diepeat:rAlIey on the Papifto .CpaBt,. we cwtaioljr ought to own the highest mountain. 7,',Ye haye no'.objecTioVto: a. stipulation, that if Oregon should' ever- cwt loose from IsW-Uftioty ehi Is ' to; leavi' ; Mount IDood and tbVoihqra)teD',i her. Suite ought to give such guarantees aswill. be satis, lactory. The pride of .ownership and DOSSOSsion Will hORufftniant. tn'.nrAtiAn,. tho State from allowing the crests of uuiw iuuunpnin mo iTunqaierj purine purpose of jf rooting. dcinkih'g;h98e8I jr.i?PnE .W .B.kiiiMp.grpiipdrt above the clouds. ' ' . ..i.. -m .m ,.-..., ExPEDITOW.-rA'tP; sUifitihKii880. American telugraph Vxpemfonbve . WALDROS ItROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, iTA-uiu 9ircit isauea ureiron .Tii it l-M rt f- bciunmDnyofl.tho' IL S.'.Bevenao VFUENITXTEE ! FTjRNjrjCE Service, and. by especial authority of ':TVwr.wj -"i ' jLl-- ie Secretary. of, the Treasury, is per- ,,yiT " i , iTim 't't U3ia to, bear the rovenuo flag while fPcitfMtmiuji Cu.. and oflur to tli public a lull anl cniunlnta itotkior. .lira MjmHiitla .l.n...t .l .1..!.. i. wvHuuB. uu vhuiuiciiii, uuilNI0Mllg III )niT Ol Dl K.KIK1PKVR TUItl'BNTINB, LINSKKD, LAMP WICKS CUIM-NKYSi SAUK. ;. aroxans. LKKCHKS, VOKKS. ' INDrOD'AN'D LAiNPlll.AUK. ' ' . MKAUtroOV OK. TRUSSES, SHOlADtir BHACES..'-. SUPPORTERS. - " .". AND PATKNT MttUIOITES. Our idic! oPPANOY O01i)3,.of tlio flnejt and beat LUlllN'SPKIIKUKKIIV, llAIH,, LUBiN'sToiLExaeAip: iLKsir, 0M.A1MM SIIAVlNO: 0O8MKTIC8, . . ,. 1HT, : UAiitou-Sj. : y; obOV"Si COUMlNri, . . - TOOl'II ANB " IfANOV SOAl'3 AND . KAIMIUUSHKS . . . I'joia ldvDKU3, AND COMUS. FTTRB WINES AND LIQUORS,. For 3lctlic!na1 puruaaaa.. : : ' ' ' u Our IHi illlib Ibr buying goods are second to nono In Ihe btute, aud we snail at nil times sell ut a siui.ll uU vame from oust . Heady sales and snuill profits. 1'MSICIANS' PKKSCUHTIONS Carefully all liouiaof Mi day and nlBlit! Kllo,Sept.D 18l5i ...... . . selu-tf , XL E ai o y A L . GATES &, CU.VPIIV, i WUOLKSALK ItETAII. DRUGGISTS. Ilnva-Ramoreil to EMIIMO?S.10ISK IIUII.DI.XG, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLKS. WIIKKB wa will continue to soil articles usually kept In a Klrt-CbHs Drug; Store, at 20 per cent. LK4IS TIIAN AN V BTOHB IN TUB CITY. Our stock consists ill part of Iiateiit Medicines, Puts W'ln-s and Drandy, . Jixtniots, ' fancy A Common Soup, Sponges, Uoir Uruslies . ,, Trusses, Braces, . Corks, Acids, ' : ,. ' Paints ..t , Tootli Ponder, ' s, ' Alcohol, , Oils, ... i Hup,, , Bohemian Toilet Bets, ii Supporters, Ac, PHISICLiyS' PBKSCRIPIIOXS . ' Carefully Compounded.. Give .is It call and satisfy y nr solves beloro purclun(ug elsewhere.. ' ' . H. h. 01IAP1N, mtf . JUSTIN GATES. COLUMBIA RIVER. MINES 1 Al. BOOTH ..... J. H ..1..BABIII SITOKW. Vi BOOTH Sc. JXEVjsoIS-, " PorivardlnrandCammliilon Mereliantl ; ANDDKLKtt8lNO8NKHATMJ5H0ilANIl8;' FREIOIIT FOIt.COLVIM.N,' UPPER COLOMBIA. IorwaKJ'JiNAI aud BLAt;KOpT,JIINES pntljF ' Hwk Goods B.4H.4 Wl.ltie Bluffs, W. T, i xf iao5 ,i " . ti, , fOHiUJiB-Riehnrd McCraken, Altos Lols, and i; 1 i."" '' V . '. lludg4 Calet 'H.K . . pAUia Bloch, allr A Ca., French A Qllman. . juTtl IPTV . . V " irflOBTZ Dalles. If. KOKNiasitKitnn'BL pan Francisco. ' . ' J ', T,"r ;.' .- J. GOETZ &c CO.. TOBA.CCONiS.TS. Y I V ii'i JlayerenJOTeol to ' ' Rudio's New Stone BniMino.'. f Washington reeVBaar.reiici., Oilman's, ud hura' oivtnedjl weil.assoirted sCock of ' - J -mvWANAandDOMKiTIC8KaAR8, ' ' iV t '. KKNC1I anil.aOOTCII 8.NU Vt,-,. - - , ; MKEliaCHAUM audoHu.r.WfS8. . -r,- ; SPOUTING GOODS, ' ,r ' INUUN and J sCY OOOU8, Ac, c. The trde imiBlledttyBBit .MAttKJ PIWCKH. " FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, press MiiUlkKr teblhiment " UB.rnus or the L BTWOT)int . ' ...u.iiiVl u, ,in Ill UiUles to injr Iuilo and Bne stockoor.l-T; i (i Ill: i Ladles rI hA Bnnmai f3 - TTT-..,Ij 1 tt..i T , 1 rrT ..ttt.. i . - .'.I..' 1 , ni. "i m .-iTi-iirT.r"." . The Golden a istb la-sliip of,the (lira mn n mut ull V ia ' . - - embody ,5 TrsTiTEAW , ..rrytvr-. -'!V"V!!' "!(; : -hi ' r i;i v i.v;;:iu I! Bmbrold?ry an'i Bl:aldlnS flf amplnft-;; ' llousehnlil Fnrnlt.. ' njwaMif61ei,r,,"'1 c .tc . .ii of i.c,-...7r: 7:77"' ""'""rs-rp"? i.p.ira,d;upi.u.i.7..do7."t: Hattrcaieaaad Billows, goring Uode'inade U order. Mij th mltjaaa to, bear the ceveDuo flair ongngdd in tl'is servioo J ITho ijxned 1 K&ft? rr..r plisbAil alt that could, tavo beta de sired in. iiirtlvorJic. thA inusane. r, rrf .--'-fj -.-w MatV IWWUt J ' a... P".i V,R'Ci..WJ.engaM! greatf W7"Wvii.! ,.ioV vrrH -i j.u.mobvot enefepMs W displayed, much bro-MABTIN tM17RPlIY formation bAcVJvitlini. oji4Wp portanoo to iiMmoicpjM. Col. J--' 'OOArtfiy,, Caat!ttf:,.r;,. onier of the exnad tion. Xbstukckivbo andfohsalb i , : UW"1 GATES emm u)kley is. the i ohier of the expedition .MltfO.v , . . w.. ....., vKuni. iiiHiiii, imiimH, nun , ; l ,, 1 T"i' niany oilier articles too numerous tonraution. '' ' i '. conaro ,' Sl'uiMiT' :VW"K0 AKD-StCSOND STRKETS, BAI.lES, 0RE001 Also I'owder.Bliot, Lead, Powderr Vlaaks, Baskets, and Tn.trlMi.,l.nlUH ... at less than Portland prices, with freiuitt added 1 - .. . TO-- ' , Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAIl-nOOMH. !, J OTTOS IMtA'KMMK HeWINO BOUGHT TUB EN. tire Stock or Merchandise and Hook Acconnts of the lute Arm ot M. Seller A Co., in this city, to which he has added of his own importation' (while dolnir business iu Portland) an Immense stock of the best manufacture Crockery, Cilassuare, Vlel War, lamps, C'baudcllern, Table Cullcrj Eookln?Grasc and All Hinds of Oils, All of which he offors nt rednced rntes. Torsons wish ing to buy any. of. Uie above-mentioned articles, will do well to give mo a cull before purcliOHiiiir elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to so secure. Don't mil to call on me. UuUlo's Btoiiu Building, Washington street. Dalles. , , JULIUS- Kit A KM KK. Dalles. Mi.roh lTth, I860 mhlTM) BOOT AII SHOD STOBtD. IP. WYCKMAIN. WAS REMOVED' III8 BOOT AND 8II0B. dluiiei .o ii e otiuu nir on alum iOh. . .... ........ i plum n 1 1 vr , near v oniKisitR MoimU-'m linn .. just reoeiwl, direct from San tfranclreo. auun- usuuny nna aud well selected stock of VOOTS nh shoes, ' of the rery host quality and ntoet stjios ' EVER BROUGHT TO THIS. MARKET, Including the celehmfod ENGLISH' HUNTING SHOE manufactured by Uenkert. Also, a large assortment of Ladles and Children's G'allcrs, 6f the latest Styles, Just received from the bosk Phil adelphia makers. Also, a Tory large assortment of ' FINE. DRESS BOOTS, GanUemeaiiwho prefer to have their Boots or Shoes made to order, can rely apon tibtaining a heat aud easy ,..' " i t , VOKMAtf, Main street, - ' . ' . Opjwelte Moody's Uall. . A. G. BRADFORD, : ' IMPOUT1SII AND JODUlsil Of ,. ' Sc Liquor ' ''"-"FRONT 8THEIf,' ' '?-'-'' O mwtV0-11 SAL'8 ' A .MHf i aBsob't jj . . m- Mr. ' -.:t'' ; ' f .i"'n ti . . i. i-i'i Itmn aft atk ... ' ... . ... (Case -CJood8, -?"1T!" l PHlmlarly lBlted M ekanilne my at ck before purchasing elsewhere. ' auil-t( 'it-.if-.i: .. Ml I NOT1 OE TO F A RMERS. TTT.aTT'a-T-ii-i' tO thfllr fitMm Raal. t "I. . ... A . L. ' u,. mcHii7, .n tnis uitr. and. tniHVIMIinM, hvlllink U ,, .. .. ......... . .. . COItNv aml warrant ta k... ...i.i...Jil.: H hand constantly aad V a i tXIHA PAMtCV r.nrnJ " '"'I ' BKCONDSORMlDDUNOa U1': ;1" '"" .wvl BHAN AND 816ll'W -' :t ""'.:' "' i '.' "" " ' . ohop Mttfe'cuifeKieVvHiin ' V tffiAf&W' fron. new' tiiirlrW Mr!Wle PU for vHIEAT, CORN JA AUCTI0ONIX.CI1MMISSI0N. Ta: sTkaTak mvaa. n .... tiT.; T "?" sierciiaiimse, Itsal Kuie,lr,Krl.s, noraenffew and depond Ud f urnltOrs, Stocks, lCi, tc. t V aj raq rdar J OefMouf awj Special Saiws Attended to In any part of MMh.. ..,..,, u )!. VI) Mil VMli-iJ Alt.!.. Eitterar Advance hmdi on Cbnstgruraentsl ii.nlMny;,,), ;,, OUN'WJLUAMS. p6nesr.i . I W 'irivi. ivwA..Kw.5i:SP..". Propriw. 1 .... . """ .V" 'i esnn in tne ilousa. ..... I 'n Biemmere ror oreian atr. Van!uv. s. i ceuo and Astoria laud at the Uncol i,.... i r - -m. "wh.; ' "( W .ft 1, T sepliwnv rsT,4."J., tnu. i , "-'..- : l" ii. v.i -i tj it. 0nc llovas- tol A. j 2toi M loJOl , 'iliANkLIN M ARKET. cbllSER Or S1S00D AND WASIIINOTOJf 8TKKETS fiAXLES,. OREGON, Main Street, Dalles,' ,7 0 II WUULU)AI4A5D8AIL DKAUB IN ". I ' I W 'MC ypJOTccTCG?! OTARS. TOBACCO, SNUrFi Lton wjWoick Co.. and oner to the public a full and noinnii.t I i. ' ' ' ; ; " ilWATS tt STOItl inSBESTIBSUmll or ', Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, l ie, iJLA.VEfff CARBft !' : POCIIKT CUTkBBT, . .; . . POUT MIW1K3. c 1 1 1 1- COM 118 and BRUSHES, o' all kinds,. PKHVU.M KRY. ot every description ' " . CHINA OltNAMKNXtV ' " ' .' TOYS. DOLLS, ew.-i : I 1 V". '' i ti It TJ, WH' II0DK8 an FTSIIIWe TACKLEl- ; Biuniiinii ..ornUiJIJimiik ', liftvtniv -Atta.1 nn ll.a alHIVM llikulin. ill .Iim UM. V STYLK.will kuepoonstrat- ly on hand all sorts of ,0fthe ksti(iallty furnished at the I.OWE8X BATJfc ' I.,,,: '.,i Wyfnojto ito,PLEAsi,AH.f j ( . ,, vr- PARTIKS UAVINO SLpKltlon STOCK fcOR SALS' will do well to oaiflnt the Pranklln Market. UeseUruary,.,,!' 8TV1 FresU and Cured lIea8,' J CTECrr MICHELB ACH, Proprietor.1 ' 1 , Wljib KKEP , .urn . constantly ondtand all the vnrle- 2 f . .tlee-lllHt thn niBrlrul ....lkl.. viL . ' ... .... - rr-v ( i 1 1 , nJ alwiiyw of tho but onalltr. ' j ' : FAMltipS, HOUEL, ND UEAMOTST?. : . i supplied ou reiuonabie terms. The uiidcrelgneq is alvniys prepared to pay the liters ' est cash price fo FAT.' Parties Wing: sUalK r In good condition, aw raiiuested to call on him before. going elsewhere. JOHN MICHULBACIli ' Dalles, March 81st, 1868. niliSltf PITY MARppT. S. LAtBER & C., Pjpopi letoriu. Will keep constantly on hand the best MEATS OP ALL KINDS- M 1.HIU.HAI.. SH..YHK UK I'ATIKJWAHB ie X Boiiatw, nsw expect' to Ke it ns goo.Ii ( inn Bsortiuent or Meats nnd ol nil goodas uuU' ity. as tho country affords: and will, a Deliver the same to Purohaserg in the City. Parties having Eaperlor Stock for sale will do well t give w s call tolbre dlsjioslug ol it elsewhero. ' ' 8. LAU1IKR.AC0., SaulheaJt corner of Washington nnd Tlilnl Sts. I'lUioBue rioster s uiacssmtui simp M. BROWN & BRO. WUOXIHaUt AKUIAiI.OULIMlH ' '" ' ' FANCY .A NUT (M3?AILE -: dhy a'o:ois:t;, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. , Mr. M. nifOwy, belnit a residont of Sn'ri Francisco, are enabled to ofler great IndcementS'to purchasers.. ef respectfully Invito the publlo to examineour.stoabyAiiri liurcliiuiiiK elsewhere.! J t.jt. . s .;.t Mtstt ". ' arr Stone 8tore.nrth-sldk Mala' street-, Dalles. .-Or . .. NEW SALQOTVa ' KBW 8T0.VK STORK, WASniNGTON 8TRKEK, '.K rUMiK UNDKItSIOSBD would respectfujlp oimounf : J JL. that he will open a flrat class Saloon fn Ki.uch : Oilman s Mew Stone Ilnlldiog, THIS KVK.NlKo. and Is . prepared to serve cu.tomors mltlr tbe best of '-T. C J Wines, Liquors and Cigars ivening. -." ' ' iTl' t ' f-; ; E It Every day and OciStf.'- '; 7) ''.J ii'J'K WA5lMTkr a lid i Je welt , : tyiA'N.S.TRf BTDAtJLES-i'l 'Sk-:. -v Mis a.. t . . ' I rvRAI.klt IS VINK WATCIIKS. JVWKhu.v: IJ CLOCIJ, Oold Pene, Silver aud Plated Ware! Spectacles, Cattery, Ac : i n '.tlj .10 w -icooir attention paid tb rerytlrlnaHiuWd Hcf! ; J me WHsranled teiaH montlii. .,:! " .. uu.. 1 1 .", 7; Hi ": Atlforddts rroni th upper oountnr, bjr ixnieiav", or otherwise, promptly attended to r otherwise, promptly attended to I ii'ktnk' ..'.! ) J... . iU'T Jt ..IVlKSi. Li .WH TCW. 4EW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, I.-, r iTasjiinstoii titreeii.' 'li; - H0 fKDUfiTirte oXllrrtov,, KiiraTOM'rw fin ,iat . they, will do tneU p irive lier' a mil .0 JfarMciarj.tJ - tentlon paid to taking w. ..7i r-kp i VTLt'",h. "' I 5Jlli'3.iloi'A,..eSit;U; sat;ii.': '."-!,' J ii'iMiiui. levaivcx . .. - .i r: . uue tne ate Him.' ,r"W r lirlO will settle aJl llabHiMeaD T illes, Dee. 1st., 1804. MII1K1I1I IIIF Ml pecttully.jfiitin tne old st orb 'Da II. Tl thenar rf .!! .'"."---I v. - , K. N!ll in".. " liHlklMl.1 for Mit ulu.. a . . ... j : 1. u . oniiimf,'. k.j . ' ' l.lW.vGUALV ncwTicr IV k .-1.1. ."Jr' i.MHJiwi' HTW Ji' rf'".01, KNTI8TRT,:n. -t&kofii 1 Wo Butfei : Ph i. "' ' '.ul'd naufeaded by,- v.'i A.i ; -LINCOI M unncc , 1 i,. .0 ...1 T. '" T',r-T"'..i ..,..):.. .. n. ... ..Ild iSTTT-Li VP I r'ronagflrieretpror.x.- (, miRSMLASS HOTufmnWiv Wa?.LKi- "-."l '''n.c. of Ik. fltajff " ' i?"-"",J.w,,."n .. Bel. and COnveT ,. H BMni..ayV!r," a,W. ii J;' v' fmtnre.'aoia Iujm.. . flnM Vlll ,' OhlMeein' 1 . ' t v i ..rnisn l I future, ulurnjte Base.,,,...-,.,7a . Sl Wlllnirelneeriod from one dollar nlarir ?" tcta free tf. torgT Aa-jf,' A aTtk a a. . .' ' ' ' Tnmiu-w 1. tfit,feBTfr.'T'.?Mal. Shnas;lller U anthoriaedto a,t . ,1a COMect " ets due. All Mrso,a Wkl , Kot. IBd, IMS. ",KB iilf